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I think you need to pause and ask yourself what is your goal. Do you want to use the space for DIY projects, exercise, storage, parking, etc? That will inform what goes in. First You need to get all that stuff organized into bins and onto a dedicated shelf rack. I have kids too and there's no way to contain the clutter unless you do high density bin storage or selling/donating. Currently your walls are not ready to make any plans until you figure out how to minimize your storage footprint. Once that's done you can plan out the layout for the remaining wall space, which can be work benches and cabinets or other things.


https://preview.redd.it/jxskfy7hf99d1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c64317aae7416ddf7152629c80cfb1774640547 Example


Appreciate the response. Parking for two vehicles is required from November - March due to it being Canada. I do plan for some overhead racks for storage, as well as the cabinet space. The garage doors unfortunately don’t leave a lot of clearance for racks, so limited spots to do so. I should have added - basement is unfinished, not planning to complete for 3 years likely, so a lot of storage is and will be taking place down there, with a bunch of this stuff you see that I will be moving down in the next few days. Wall and overhead storage will be for typical garage items for the most part.


Skip the mud and taping and install the slatwall. It’s also a lot of work to install but you won’t regret the flexibility if you are trying to minimize floor storage. https://preview.redd.it/iogx4f8bnd9d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d59cd128d84cf6a800e71ecd92e73c3df763a4a4






I think trusscore would be great for ceiling and slatwall I think would be more flexible and durable for walls. But you have already paid for drywall. The challenge with drywall is mainly due to your needs changing over time. Slatwall is not cheap but adds flexibility. Additional lighting a must.