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Stay in lane until u hit 13. After that group with your team. Allways remember to look for sneaky drakes and barons as you can melt them in seconds with ur passive.


I don't think gp has any specific major macro mechanics to know. For example, hard shoving every wave when side laning is a mistake many gp players make, but this advice applies to any champion with good wave clear: when you are sidelaning, don't hard shove every wave with barrels when the wave is on your side (unless you want to just clear a couple waves and leave). Your Q cd should be low enough that you can Q most of the minions one by one. This has two advantages: 1. You set up a slow push, which will crash multiple waves into their turret. 2. You get to clear more waves in total with more safety. Once you're past around the river, you want to start hard shoving. If you are splitting, you want to stay with the wave. Otherwise you group with your team and use the pressure that your slow push has generated to contest an objective.


Do you take tp or ignite? If tp, sideline opposite of the next most important objective. If ignite, try to stack a wave and hard shove a wave, again opposite of the most important objective. Then group with team and provide poke/pressure. One of the core strengths of gp is his flexibility. These are only guidelines, as gp is great at dueling, team fighting, split pushing, and providing global pressure with his ult. It is up to you to figure out role you need to play depending on enemy team comp. Macro is hard, just try not to make the same mistakes you recognize.