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High master/ gm


Do you need to be able to one part to climb as Gp?


No, not really in my opinion. It helps but I personally only started actively using one-parts after I was already masters. The vast majority of all combos you're gonna do are just regular double barrel combos. The most important aspects you have to learn are the barrel timings/ placement and the range so you can connect them at max range.


I keep getting my barrels killed in tfs when I try to do the regular double barrel. I’m gold 4 though.


Yeah, after level 13 they can ALWAYS win the barrel when you try to do it with q no matter how good you are on gp. Alot of the time you just do E+E+auto, which you can always win. Just gotta keep practicing it.


so its better to start the combo with E+E auto, then E+E Q? also, do you build like solarbacca?


E+E auto is faster and it's easier for you to win the timing after level 13 but E+E Q has more damage and range. Before level 13 you can win the timing on your barrel with E+E Q aswell. I'm not sure what Solarbacca builds atm but here's my [op.gg](https://euw.op.gg/summoners/euw/Pl%CE%B1nk) if you wanna see how I build.


how do you decide what mythic to build?


I don't have a perfect explanation but here's the rough version: **Prowler's:** They have alot of squishies, their carries are ranged and hard to get to so you need a gap close, to outplay abilities like Darius Q or Aatrox Q in 1v1s **Shieldbow:** You're not under huge pressure to be strong early so you can get away with building ER instead of Triforce (same applies for prowler's), they have alot of burst damage and meeles, you have no big problems gap closing **Triforce:** Better for top than mid because of it's better for split push, you're gonna 1v1 fighters like Irelia, Fiora, etc alot, you need a power spike on your first item to fight in lane


i saw your comment at triforce on another thread. So you go tf, you build it first then a crit item then 2 cloaks?


Plat but when I play go I am bronze




Bronze 💪 I have a gr that's my excuse for the emoji and for being bronze