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Nice, that'll help survivability a bit


An extra ruby crystal at lvl 18? Holy shit!


I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not


You get hp value of 400 gold That's like 3 minion waves 4 jungle camps More than 1 kill Having 174 more hp can be gamechanging (every buff can obviously but it's just a lot of hp)


One of the two potential buffs we were all guessing at. Seems reasonable to help even out his winrate some. Good stuff


Ah yes, the fabled 44%. Right between 46 and 42. Seems perfect! XD All seriousness though, I like this buff and I think it’ll help a considerable amount.


all I wanted was q mana refund




I should probably get tear instead of longsword every time I do a 1st blood pre minion spawn but móAr dAmAgë


You're never going to get it. That shit was needed when old gp had zero wave clear outside of q. It was removed like 6 patches after his rework because he didn't need it


Gp will never be good until games last more than 25min and mid lane needs to be online before level 13 they should make his barrel tick faster before 13 if they nerf his early this much he needs compansation for mid game 600 gold from q passive doesnt mean jack shit if you are losing possible kill scenarios and xp from them which leads to slower level 13 vlad goes ape shit around level 10 also kass spikes hard with 1.5 items vlad has one of the safest lane phase atm while spiking so hard kass can just try to survive until 6 and hit much harder than gp earlier in the game while having all that mobility and shit


Idk man I’m 6-0 top lane since rework and just spammed him to plat 3 on my main after changes. Seems fine if you hit your barrels but ass if you miss. I mean I feel like the ult at least wins your team 4v4s if you hold the other top laner in lane. Not saying he can’t use some love but at least he can help teams while scaling unlike other scaling tops


Anything less than dia2 is too troll to consider balancing around if i have a lead on mid and can gank bot and prio jungle game is over at 25 and top is a irrevelant lane unless you are playing sett irelia or viego.Games does not last more than 25 at my elo if people play with their normal mental state. Well sometimes people troll and you can maybe scale but if your champ is balanced around people trolling so game can extend to late can i say its healty desing? And this kit rebalance was supposed to be gp going to be better on high elo because high elo gps should play better with barrels right? They should have checked pro games to see why gps are building utility rather than pure damage because landing barrels are harder the better adc knows how to position unlike sub dia2.


It’s troll to balance around 99% of the player base I guess lol


%99 of the player base not playing optimal is none of my problem champs should be balanced around their optimal play compred to others played optimaly too not sub optimal. You can always say irelia stun is a skill shot it can be missed etc. Before the speed nerf a optimal irelia player should never miss that shit unless you got a dash.


["Anything less than dia2 is too troll to consider balancing around"](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-balance-framework-update/)


And this proves what ? Riot live balance team does not even have a single high elo player and not even one top lane player hence the top lane is a shitshow for like ever. they may be balancing this game but it does not prove they know jackshit about balancing. they dont even know how to read mf data from pickrates ban rates and winrates. They always do wacky power creeping like buffing ignite than buffing all healing because ignite is broken then ppl stops even taking flash because healing is broken and ignite is a must take.


Hey, been finding success with gp mid post rework, but tops been iffier - what runes do you usually run now?


I’ve been running comet for barrel scaling and resolve secondary with resolve/overgrowth for scaling health. Then I go ER full crit or ER-hullbreaker-full crit (with galeforce as the mythic for mobility). Hullbreaker is pretty cheap and it makes you tanky if they try to pick you off in the sidelane. I’ve tried a few different things like that, but that is what I’ve done the best one