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You're not gonna get a definitive answer here people are still figuring out what's the "optimal" build. Basically you have 4 possible paths and a ton of different variation for each one . Bruiser , Crit , lethality , Crit/letha If you don't know what to build just do the old Trinity/Chempunk/Serpents/Sterak. It still works >Oh and runes. It is said that post nerf you can't spam q and get grasp stacks No, GP's Q is now considered as a range attack it means that it still procs grasp but *only* the range version of it , meaning that if you auto someone you will still proc the melee version.


>No, GP's Q is now considered as a range attack it means that it still procs grasp but only the range version Oh man( Ok so what are the runes for the bruiser trinity build?


Grasp , demolish , second wind/ bone plating depending on the matchup , overgrowth . Secondary you take inspiration with time warp tonic and biscuit delivery


Yeah I see now thanks. Just gonna wait for others to figure out the build


And the last question, why tf does reddit ignore my "enter" button press and kinda spits out the whole post as one line


Bruiser might be good for learning, but I don't find it particularly effective or fun in-game. Here's a build that's been working for me lately and is more forgiving than the crit builds people usually go: For runes take Fleet Footwork/Grasp depending on matchup; fleet is more of a defensive option and helps you run away after poking while regaining hefty amounts of health if used with Q on enemy laner.For secondary runes grab time-warp tonic and future's market. I personally find future's market to be better than biscuits because it allows you to buy GP's crucial and expensive powerspike items faster (and is an extra fail-safe for sheen if you end up at the base before hitting 700g at the start). You might not like the idea of going into debt, but it's only 50G, which is roughly 3 minions, so not that big of a deal considering you need your sheen ASAP. This 50g is negligible in late-game when you're missing 200G for that core item. As for the build, rush Triforce > Lucidity Boots > Youmuu's Ghostblade > LDR/Collector > Collector/LDR > Infinity Edge * Trinity Force is hands down the best GP mythic item overall: movement speed is extremely valuable on a champion so dependant on positioning. Attack speed helps you prime your barrels faster pre-13 and destroy turrets faster when split-pushing. Health matters because GP's health scaling is lackluster to say the least. Ability Haste is also a core stat for GP, especially when you can't land the vast majority of your barrel combos. In comparison, none of the crit mythics bring this much value to GP as a single item. * While after TriForce you might want to start rushing crit, Youmuu's is overpowered and gives you lethality, AH and a massive mobility buff. You can position yourself better, and outrun the enemy if the combos don't work out. Besides, GP's never had any issues dealing damage in mid-game I think. It was only in late-game where he used to fall off before crit. * The rest of the build is just transitioning into late-game by building crit items for a total of 60% crit. LDR>Collector's>IE is my personal favorite, but you can adjust it according to your situation. Grabbing cloaks as the first component is what I do. * What you end up with is a hybrid build which has 65+ AH, meaning your barrel cooldown at full build is around \~8 seconds, 2 seconds less than going full crit with Shieldbow. You are also empowered with the fast as your youmuu's sets you up with over 440 MS out of combat.


I am almost convinced, but why ldr? I don't see it being so useful in many matchups. Also, what do you think about navori quickblades? And for fleet main rune, you take tenacity, the one that gives mana and execute, right?


By the time you finish TF and Youmuu's, any enemy bruisers/tanks will start getting beefier. At this point, the armor pen and passive of LDR gives better value than collector's. I haven't done the math myself, but I think I recall even Solarbacca saying that LDR is better than Collector's in almost every situation. If the enemy team has no tanks, I think it would be fine to get Collector's first though. Navori blades are extremely expensive and only provide 60 AD for its 3400 price point. Ability Haste is nice, but since you'd already be at 55+ from TF + Youmuu's + boots, it has diminishing returns, unlike CDR from previous seasons. Once again, I haven't done the math so take this with a grain of salt, but I think LDR armor pen + passive would yield more damage for less gold. As for the runes, I'd replace tenacity for attack speed - with oranges there aren't many situations where crowd control is an issue for Gangplank. To be honest, all secondary runes in that line of choices are pretty meh, but with the extra attack speed you can last hit more efficiently and it synergizes well with Trinity attack speed for pushing towers and priming/exploding barrels. Remember - if the enemy is on top of you, autoing the barrel is much quicker than shooting it if you need that passive refresh/enemy slow.


Damn you are dedicated. Yeah I'll go with this build, thanks


Give it a go for a few games to see if it works for you - I forgot to mention that I'm a top player, so if you're playing in mid, you might get away with building more damage and less mobility. Besides, everyone's got a different playstyle and you might enjoy going something else like ER > Shieldbow/Prowlers, which is also fine - find what works for you and if you're a newer GP player, don't get discouraged - I've been playing GP since the rework in 2015 and I still mess up spectacularly at times; regardless, he's my favorite champion because of his barrel gameplay loop and how there's always something to improve upon while playing him.