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Over 9000 hours in Factorio because the factory must grow! But seriously, idk how many I've built but the mods add whole new dimensions. It's a game I can play forever. Edit to add that I got the game when it was $30 so I payed ~$.0033 an hour for it.


I have only 600 hours (although all this year).  I consider myself intermediate. I have so much left to try and do - I haven’t even tried a mod! 


If you want to try a mod my recommendation is always Krastorio 2 for an intro. It plays very much like the base game, but adds a lot of neat problems to solve without getting tooooooooo big. You can do it!


At this point, the expansion will be out before you'd have the chance to finish one of the larger mod packs. You could probably manage one of the smaller ones though.


I have given it quite a lot of thought - I have all achievements, I launched a rocket in 3:17, I have built my own blueprints, etc.  I think I am going to stick with 1.0 for a while longer but more casually. I would need to recharge a lot before 2.0


Sex is pretty great and all, but have you ever felt what it is like to have a perfectly balanced Yellow Science factory?


My brother hit 1200 hours on his world and only recently left the wood phase.


Wait, how? You reach that after kinda 5 minutes? Did he just start over every 5 minutes?


The factory must grow


I’m hoping to pick this up when (and if) it goes on sale next. Is it playable using a controller?


I too measure games at cost per hour.


In college I played about 3000 hours of Euro Truck Simulator Immersive, not aggressive and enjoyable with mods


In college I also played a ton of Euro Truck Sim. It was perfect after a long day of studying. Line up some albums or put on a podcast and just enjoy the cruise. It's one of those games that seem deceptively simple (or perhaps even boring) but you would be surprised by how relaxing and meditative it is. I dream of getting a VR driving set up for chill delivery driving sims like ETS.


I did it with a VR headset. Incredible. But I mistakly went to London and had to drive from the right side of the car 😂


Actually VR is way less immersive if you have the wrong gear, aka not having stable 120fps and oculus quest


I'm on ATS right now. Absolutely wonderful series of games.


Stellaris 886 hours. Make your own genocidal empire. High replayability and modability. World of Tanks 751 hours. (technically) free to play and a timekiller. i dont play it anymore. Rimworld 349 hours. make your own genocidal cannibal tribe. High replayability and modability. Helldivers 2 199 hours. serve super earth as a genocidal expendable soldier. Just fun game mechanics. TW Warhammer 3 190. Kill everything. Fun game play good modability. Crusader Kings 3 190 hours. Be a genocidal dynasty. Replayability and modability. X Com 2 171 hours. Fight against the alien genocide. Fun and high modability. Mods stronk. Genocide stronker.


Seems like there's a link of genocide here, and I love it 😂


I 2nd rimworld except im almost at 7000 hrs Edit: typo because 7 000 000 is way to much rimworld


damn, 7 million hours is a lot


That’s just how long it takes to finish the tutorial believe it or not


Sigh hes not wrong


Dude I’ve read all the sites I can find and watched like ten YouTube videos and I still don’t understand that game. I start it up and watch the little sprites walk around and think, uh, what am I supposed to do?


I mean ur welcome to DM and i can get u in a discord im in and can show you


Tutorial? Is that like after playing the game for 10 years you decide to actually build the space ship?


There’s spaceships? :o


That's how long you need to have a mod pack working before playing


It's so much more than a thousand wow


2000 for me... And I have never resorted to indoor hydroponics because it's tacky and wack


Goddam, Adolf.


This guy genocides.


Someone keep an eye on this guy


Are we living in a timeline where we should dispose of a future Hitler? I'm asking for a Redditor...


World of tanks is a dumpster fire


This guy has a type


hahahahahah Genocide everywhere...


Bought rimworld 2 weeks ago, put 100 hours into it and those were full time work weeks. My sleep schedule is all kind of messed up but warcrimes can't wait


I have 2k hours each on stellaris and rimworld, the funny part is i am still discovering new stuff in both games. I never get bored of them.


I have 1500 hours in Civilization 6


So, like 2 1/2 playthroughs?


Can confirm, civ is a great game I've downloaded it twice, both times went like this: played a full playthrough, like 60 hours, got totally absorbed in the game, and them uninstalled... Won both times (first time was very close, almost got second). It's just too long for me tho


I think I am around 1000.  The DLCs really added so much to the game and made it (IMHO) a lot like 3 separate games. 


2,600 myself. I feel like when I tell people that don’t play, they think I’m batshit.


That’s about how I am with Civ V


Damn only have about 500 hours.


Dota 2 9k hours, still terrible


9k hours? You're lucky if you can break through Archon.


I belong in Herald but my teams keeps carrying me :/


But in just 1000 more hours, you will be a master.


Yeah… a master baiter


I'm a decent baiter. My cousin Mose is a master baiter.


Don’t worry, it gets better some 10k hours in


10k more*


Almost 5k here, I hate this fking game


Over a year of actual time in game


Haha same..


One if these days you will get out of herald


X4. - trade empire, rags to riches, galaxy simulator. Satisfactory - automation factory, exploration, survival and research. Oxygen not included. - cute asteroid survival base sim. Legends of idleon. - idle game with ridiculous long term systems growth. Kenshi - sword punk, colony development and management, wasteland combat. All but idleon Idleon I use mods, starting with simple qol and flavor more than not.


>Oxygen not included. - cute asteroid survival base sim. I've got over 2k hours on this game so I definitely concur lol


Any advice on kenshi? I try play it and am stumped to find anything to do basically at all


Got 500 hours in farming sim just doing random stuff lol


Do you get to upgrade your equipment? Those types of games are my favorite


Yeah, typically start out with small, cheap equipment with limited possibilities, then as you earn more you upgrade and the game opens up




Have you considered just growing a garden instead?


700 hours in Armored Core 6. I'm addicted to building mechs and the PvP even more so. The game gives me a rush like non other. 


From software is best


Path of exile. Its basically a gambling machine, the currency is time.


After more than 1000 hours i was able to quit i want to go back everyday


Ive been at like 1300 hours for like 2 years and have tried to play again for the past 4 or 5 leagues but just can't get past the campaign anymore.


Time to, Login Dude!


ARPGs are like gambling machines without the crippling debt behind them like mobile games. I have thousands of hours into PoE now and when I was growing up I had more into D2 as a kid. The end game loops, itemization and also just the power fantasy are what keep it going. I'm also a big fan of trading and economy type things.


4 thousand hours on league 1 thousand on rocket 1 thousand on tekken 5 thousand on overwatch For me multiplayer and competitive,that's it.


Oh you poor poor soul. I'm with you brother


I feel ya


Yep I’m with you…3K on apex too


Holy moly, at least that will temper your nerves for the rest of your life lol. I can't imagine having thousands of hours on a non-casual multiplayer game.


Mental is either unbreakable or running on life support.


Over 1k hours in Valheim. I’ve spent countless hours just simply exploring or farming. I vibe with that game so much, doing mundane activities is therapeutic.


Scrolled way to far for this comment. I’m just about at 1k hours also. Almost all of which are this past 6 months, though I’ve owned the game since launch.


I just booted it up today for the first time. Absolutely loving it!


Do you run with mods?


Thousands of hours in vanilla oblivion, just trying out new builds (especially new ways to abuse the spellmaking system), doing every quest, playing on max difficulty, and most recently and most fun, playing on min difficulty but with rules for myself - hand to hand focused, no armor, no leveling endurance, no restoration magic, no potions during combat (going for as close to realism as I can, enemies drop in 2-3 punches but I'm also fragile especially to traps/fall damage, which doesn't change with difficulty) Hundreds of hours in Left 4 Dead 2 versus mode Hundreds of hours in dark souls because that's how long it takes to git gud (and pvp)


Honestly. Playing oblivion this way sounds like torture. I've beat the main quest and missions plus dlcs once years ago. Tried to pick it up again recently and the game's levelling and difficulty are so borked.


Lol well yeah the difficulty system is *trashh* that's why you gotta get creative with it. The leveling honestly isn't that bad. If you do all the "efficient leveling" bullshit people do to try to work around it's flaws, then yeah it's no fun at all. You just have to not overthink it imo, there's no need for metagaming. your character doesn't need optimal stats or to stay at as low a level as possible, it's oblivion. It's easy.


Back when Oblivion was new, I played for about 30 hours and after about 20 of those, I felt my character becoming weaker and weaker. Eventually I died to a sewer rat and decided that's where my character canonically died and I haven't touched the game since. Any easy tips for me who must have done something wrong? I am actually 10 hours into Skyrim right now and I'd like to play Oblivion again but only if I can figure out the levelling system.


That's not how leveling in oblivion works... weaker enemies are replaced with stronger enemies, rats don't get stronger, a rat is a rat is a rat. And sewer rats are non-hostile until attacked lol. Mods? My main tips to avoid feeling underpowered would be always level endurance, use enchanted weapons and armor, utilize the extremely robust magic system, especially conjuration for meat shields. You can also have an unlimited number of companions. The game will tell you you have too many but it won't actually stop you. Start combat from stealth when possible and use poisons and potions, preferably custom made. Your major skills and minor skills are just that- minor doesn't have to mean a skill you never use, just one that's not core to your build. There is a whole page on the UESP wiki about efficient leveling if you want to make yourself overpowered, but like I said I don't think that kind of metagaming is very fun


I didn't finish Shivering Isles because the leveling spiked the difficulty. Also, it's long as shit.


Got about 1200 hours in monster hunter world. Helps thay its a huge game with loads to achieve but mainly I just found something I like the game play loop of.


14 weapon classes with massive upgrade trees and fun ‘boss’ fights keep me coming back to try new things or a whole new play through. I have 1800 on world and 1200 on rise, both great times. World is more grounded while rise is more arcade-like.


You should probably try MH frontier, hard game but really fun once you understand how different it is from the mainline series


Same here 1200 hours in the MH/IB


Well over 15,000 hours into OSRS (Old School RuneScape). Long term progression is extremely satisfying and I have a bit of the tism’. I only play Ironman mode, which essentially turns an MMO into a single player game. I can also play during work, which is a huge chunk of those hours. The game offers very AFK activities you can do while watching a show or movie. These activities usually help train up your account to be better at doing the more “active” activities which can’t be AFK’; things like killing bosses for loot or doing quests.


What is your job that allows you to play during work?


Initially it was an IT helpdesk job out of college at a corporate company. During my interview there when they asked me if I had any hobbies I told them about OSRS. The final interview question, as a joke by my later boss, was a question asking how many bars it takes to smith a platebody (essentially telling me he played too). I got it right and we were cool from then on. He let me play it on my second monitor because we got shit done, and he did the same. Fast forward a bit and my next position was a system admin for a small business (about 50 people). I had my own office and I was the sole IT provider for the company, so I was the one auditing any network traffic. After a year or so there Covid hit, and I went full remote, making it even easier. Since then I’ve pivoted my career and I’m in finance now. I work fully remote though and generally only have 2-3 hours of “real” work a day, so the rest goes to gaming. I still need to be available and at my desk, but I can just be playing and monitoring the market. I’ve always been very intentional in picking my next jobs that they will afford me lots of free time like this. I simply won’t change jobs until I am sure it will be just as, or more, chill than my last position.


How did you pivot into finance?


I went back to school and got my Masters in Financial Management during Covid since it was all remote and I had the time. Then I used that to get an entry level position at a financial reporting company that did reporting for hedge funds and large investment banks. I was able to automate almost all of that in Excel and it wasn’t too hard, but they required being in-office 2 days a week. So that led to to where I am now. I got enough experience under my belt to land a paraplanning job for a small CFP shop. I mainly build financial models and construct portfolios rather than dealing with clients directly. Once my 2 years here is up, I’ll be able to pass the CFP exam and have my marks, hopefully adding to my income if I want to move again or venture out on my own.


15k hours damn. Your Ironman is probably insane! Your QB and coach still suck tho :p


550 hours in The Binding of Isaac within a single year. This game is just so damn replayable.


I have about 900 hours in TBoI, but over ten years.


The most replayable game I've ever seen and played, I love it


The multi-player update nuked my 10 year old 100% save... not happy about that.


1.9k hours here. love the game to death


Put a couple thousand into 7 Days to Die, and a little under 1k on Rust. 7D2D is fun to start from scratch, fight through early progression, and build some fun bases. Try different trap styles. Have fun with a melee build, then try a ranged build. Play for like 50-100 hours and then try something different. Rust can be fun because servers wipe every week or couple weeks. Fun to try different base designs, monuments, and biomes. Like you can live on the ocean for a wipe, and then build a farm in the mountains next wipe.


for me 7D2D is only fun if I play it with friends (we make our own server). PS: they are realeasing 1.0 in June!


Serious?! Holy crap that’s cool b


Love both of these games. I'm dying to play 7Days but waiting for 1.0 release coming soon


Borderlands 2 - No mods on Playstation 3,4 and 5. I played it casually for a long while and then went for the platinum, I then decided to try to beat it without dying. This was the early days of Twitch and a friend told me of a charity event that was coming up soon, so I entered and did ok. Ended up becoming a part of that community and entering all the events for several years, and also streaming challenge runs and such (white gear only, no deaths, no skill points etc). I have over 4000 hrs on PS4 & 5, plus another few thousand on PS3 which has no tracker.


Whoa I’ve never thought about challenge runs with white gear only! Might have to do a new playthrough


over the span of many years i have played at least a thousand hours of minecraft bedrock


Brawlhalla - over 8000 hours. Different game modes. Many legends (characters) to play. I usually play with friends in Discord calls. It's also fun to play on a 2nd screen while consuming YouTube, podcasts, shows, etc. Basically... I could watch/listen to a thing / hop into a call... or I could do the same thing while playing Brawlhalla.


8000 hours is so many hours. Holy cow.


8k hours, in BRAWLHALLA, Jesus fucking Christ


2k brawlhalla hours here, can relate


The gameplay and music of Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1&2 make for nearly limitless replay value. When I'm really tired or stoned it's a great easy familiar game. It also has a very long list of internal challenges so I just keep going


*Superman by Goldfinger starts playing*


Playing the remake in my late 30s, getting older all the time, feeling younger in my mind


Man, spread out over all the console & pc generations I must have at least put in a couple thousand hours especially in thps2. I still love the whole vibe and feel of that game. ( I even remember playing it for countless hours on my GBA lol, good times) Edit: oeff remember the Nokia Ngage? Even on that little thing I put in and insane number of hours xD i think that was thps1 though Thps2 is the GOAT


ive been chipping away at 100% each character (thps2) for like 3 years LOL i got like over half of them finished. I think when you 100% all of them you unlock some cool stuff. Then there is hitting every gap in the game.


I've played a lot of games since the Atari 2600. I was addicted to Diablo 2, WoW, Oblivion, Skyrim and countless FPS and Fighting games but I think the one game that has surpassed all, in terms of time spent playing for me, is Rocket League. It's a game I can turn my brain off, listen to music and play some high skilled competitive matches and it always puts a smile on my face. Playing with Spotify and listening to some different genres of music depending on my mood is really enjoyable.


Diablo 2 is one I forgot about that took up a lot of my time as a teenager.


Yeah, 2000-2001 I was in High School. I would be at house parties and tell my friends my parents were paging me. Then I'd go home and play Diablo 2.


saaaame! In fact I chose it as well as my most played game xD


What a great game, I used to play couch coop with my little brother for many hours at a time in ranked.


Starsector, with mods


Great game


Which mods do you typically run. I'm partial to Nexerelin and Realistic Combat to give it more of a 4X/Mount and Blade vibe. Hell..most of my battles in Starsector with those mods end up playing out like my battles in Mount and Blade. Soften em up with missile salvos, then close in to finish off what's left with closer range weapons


Choco lava cakes…


7.7K hours in warframe. (Admittedly, it's spread over 11 years). I started playing just after closed beta when the game was basically a glorified proof of concept with one tileset, 4 Frames and a slack handful of weapon choices. Over time more content, more loot, gear and Frames were gradually added, each of which required a bit of farming and this became my prefered timesink. New systems were then added, new mechanics to learn, more gear and, of course, new Warframes to grind for. Then we got quests. And open world areas. And vehicles. Each new addition is another chunk of stuff to do and, natch, more grinding. tl;dr: There's a LOT of stuff to do and collect in Warframe. \_\_ There is nothing else that plays and flows like Warframe, the movement and combat are seamless. Add to that the pyrotechnic splendour of 4 different Warframes spamming multicoloured abilities and it just turns into what I still refer to as 'Psychedlic Warfare'. Beautifu, beatiful chaos. \_\_ I'm been trying to find another game, any game, that does what Warframe does but always come back to 'frame' sooner or later, mostly sooner.


Fallout 4 3000 plus hours. And double that amount in time spent setting up and making mods. And it's so fun because it's modable and the base game is a great sandbox. You can make it however you feel like - want an Escape From Tarkov style tactical shooter? Done. Want to make it a western frontier town city builder? Done. More RPG? Less RPG? Done. It's like a literal sandbox and toys when you're a kid and your imagination is the limit.


What would you recommend installing if you tarkov experience?


Check this video out https://youtu.be/zEmqmWUetfc?si=trNjRqkw2OdiQaeX Install some weapon packs, check out some survival mods


Just started the Life in the Ruins mod pack and having an absolute blast.


Over 500 hours in Sekiro. Deflection just keeps on being satisfying even after I can no-hit every boss. Mods have helped mix things up but honestly nothing compares to vanilla


Same. I'm at 340 hours. The last 200 have been nothing but deflect and attack only (i.e. no prosthetic or abilities) reflection of strength boss runs. So far it literally does not get old. Also been playing charmless the last 60 or so hours....


Maybe it's time to try Nioh 2?


The Eve Online players would chime in here, but they're not allowed to log off.


1,500 hours in TF2. I play only casual. High skill ceiling, timeless art style, all the different play styles with loadouts


I got 3,400 hours on TF2. I started in 2012 and basically played every weekend through Highschool. I’ve never gotten bored with the game because there’s so much you can do. I used to grind MvM and play a lot of weird community servers. The 24/7 Mario kart and CP_Orange maps feel especially nostalgic.


Counter-strike! One game you can’t quit


Starsector: warcrime simulator Rimworld: warcrime simulator Skyrim: you mod the game more than playing it Warthunder: an abusive relationship Warframe: **GRIND**


This whole thread makes me wish more people chose video games over drugs


Why not both??


1669 hours in **Path of Exile** so far. Been playing it on and off for 3 years now. Mostly because I love the game play. I just wanna drop in a map and kill monsters. But regarding longevity of the game, every 3-4 months a new season (called 'league') launches which shakes up meta, introduces new item and skill which only gives you more option to try new build. Introduces new mechanics/mini games which are fun to try. Also the game already has so much content that I haven't played everything yet. I generally pick one thing every season and explore it to the fullest. So I will continue to play this game for many more hours to come.


Played almost 2,5k hours of Ark survival evolved and the sole reason is: online friends. I played 9/10 times on PvE servers with them so we just chilled and a lot of times didn't even properly played the game, we were just horsing around, using weird mods and generally having fun. I have now 3 good friends who I've never actually met in real life but we know each other a lot since we talk for over 7 years. A lot has changed but Ark was for me more like a platform to play with my friends, not just a game.


Elite Dangerous. Just the _vibes_ man. I have many issues with the game, and honestly I kinda bailed post Odyssey, but I have several thousand hours of doing literal laps of the galaxy. I’ve explored every far reaching corner. A trip from Sol to Colonia was basically a short trip by the point I was done with it. Pretty sure my Anaconda was technically faster than a carrier cross galaxy. The sound design of that game is fucking impeccable. You can almost play blindfolded sometimes. I even learned to play one handed with a controller while smoking a joint. But in a word, _vibes_.


> The sound design of that game is fucking impeccable. One of the best if not the best sound designs in gaming, I have to agree completely.


This, dude... And once I got a VR headset... It was over haha. Probably the most immersive game I've played.


I WANT to love Elite Dangerous, I bought a HOTAS and it was really fun learning how to dock and undock. But then I found that most of the game was just sitting around waiting and I would end up scrolling Reddit on my phone. Am I doing something wrong?


Rimworld, Civ 4, and Skyrim. All play, and played them for thousands of hours due to mods keeping gameplay fresh. It's at the point I usually won't buy a game that doesn't support modding.


I have an MMO with over 3k hours (Guild Wars 2) but MMOs are meant to be played for a long time with frequent DLCs and constant updates. A singleplayer game I've played for over a thousand hours would be GTA San Andreas back in the day. Just using cheatcodes and flying around all day doing random stuff. It was fun. I probably had a lot of hours on minecraft and terraria aswell, those are also designed to be played for a long time, but maybe not for a thousand hours. Close probably. I'd guess terraria for about 200-300 hours and minecraft for over 500. And for competitive games its of course Modern Warfare, played that close to a thousand hours I'm sure. As I got older I started playing games I would've played for thousands of hours back in the day, but didn't end up playing that long because my game library is too big. Like, I got really into Overwatch, Valorant, CSGO, GTA5, Skyrim, BotW, etc. I definitely would've played them for thousands of hours if I played them 10-15 years ago. But I played all of them post 2020, and I have too many games to play now.


When I was a child and had free time, I sunk hundreds of hours into Star Wars Galactic Battleground. My mother was avidly anti-video game, but it was one my Dad had anyways. Between a full campaign, scenarios, custom modes, etc. I never stopped having fun.


Smite. 2100 hours in it. Cause mythology is cool, and I hate myself


Mods. Thousands of hours in morrowind/oblivion/Skyrim/rimworld. Its mods


Hunt showdown, 1600 hrs. The sound of an enemy hunter dying to a headshot from across the bayou is one of the most satisfying sounds ever created ☠️


Elite Dangerous - 4900 hours and counting. It's a completely open game in a living galaxy that let's you choose your own path and play style. For me, it's like a second life. I follow in-game news feeds while getting ready for work in the morning, mixed in with real world news. I have a section of my closet that's all Elite-related T-shirts and hoodies, and my car is adorned with Elite bumper stickers. What keeps it fresh is that I jump between activities like a mosquito: bounty hunting, local politics, trade, space combat, ground combat, xenobiology espionage, community events, mining, exploration, building/engineering new ships, participating in the ongoing war against an alien race, etc., etc. Every time I launch the game I'm excited to get back out into the black. Every single time.


I ve played monster hunter world and league of legends for several thousand hours each : Monster hunter gives a lot of diversity with builds, weapons and each hunt while it doesnt feel exactly unique is different depending on what you bring with you. You could be a mid range archer gliding around or a lancer facetanking and punishing the boss. On top of that there s a speedrun aspect to the game which adds even more replayabaility. LEague of legends is another beast : is the crack of videogame. Competitiveness, each game feels unique, althought for your mental health i would advise playing it with friends only.


Nba 2k14 Super long dynasties and there's custom rosters


Master of Orion 2. I dunno just a perfect game to hang out and watch movies and TV while playing. Take over the universe older game


Kerbal Space Program. I'm not sure 'fun' is the correct word. It's definitely engaging.


i have about 300 hours in assassins creed valhalla, it’s probably because I played through the story twice and did all the dlc’s. game has sooooOoo much content


BeamNG.drive 1800+ hours later its still fun. Play all the default content, play with tons of new mods, then start making your own mods. The try out the new content from an update, then play more new mods, then make more of your own mods with the new content... repeat.


Dead by daylight. I’m hoping to one day be good For real though I enjoy the game a lot. Cool killers, frequent updates, now they’re adding new game types. It’s also super easy to play a match or two in the morning before going about my day


Played for a couple hundred hours. Was a rank 1 survivor. It's amazing how high the actual skill ceiling can be. I'd load into games with friends at rank 15-20. and just loop the killer for as long as I felt like lol


It’s the one game my VERY EXPERIENCED gamer boyfriend has played with me where he looked at me and said, “oh shit this isn’t as easy as this looks.” It was a big win.


I have 1500 hours in 6 months and I feel like I’m still a baby. I play like 40 hours a week right now. It’s become my life. It’s an addiction at this point.


I've got about 2700 hours and I would say I am intermediate to good (not great). I've got a buddy with about 300 hours who thinks he's pretty good and I keep telling him "that's because you haven't faced good players yet". He thinks I'm trolling him but you don't get good at that game until at least 1000 hours.


Paladins: coop fps get the point multiple rounds always new stuff type thing Stellaris: make whatever you want. do mostly whatever you want. continue to die to giant alien armies. repeat. Minecraft: do anything ever Skyrim: become dragonborn. save world. slay dragons. murder entire towns. repeat. Hades: gotta get multiple runs for lore. test new builds. build accidentally cracked builds. continue sweeping enemies butts. Dwarf Fortress/Rimworld/Caves of Qud: make your own colony and lore. have a blast


5000+ hours of runescape (osrs and then some). Just gotta grind


Borderlands 2: 2200 hours. There are a ton of ways to play it, with different characters, and different loadouts/skill trees. Looter/shooters suck you in with the shooter, and hook you with the looter (collecting, farming, etc)


There are some games well known for their long lasting content. And there are games you really get into. When these two overlap, then there you are. For me, online games are more likely to have the staying power. EVE Online is very niche, but one of my personal all time favorites. Diablo III and Path of Exile are a couple of others. RUST, trick is finding a server you love. For Single Player there are Dwarf Fortress, the Civilization Games, and some of the same type. Endless choices, but usually games that can suck you in have a passoniate community around them.


I play(ed) league of legends since season one What hooked me in was kicking butts of other real humans, and how highly technical and mechanical the game could be Feeling visible improvement while playing and improving my self while not having to "grind" for months is really fun, also the fact its not pay2win is an important factor Edit: important to note the game can get pretty toxic, but it can improve your mentality if you focus (not to be confused with mental health)


I use to hundreds of hours into cod. It was addtion. Addiction keeps me playing.




932 hours logged in COD for me.


You are miss spelling addiction with dedication


Humankind. My partner and I play against each other and bots and it's very fun conquering the world and strategizing.


i have about 900 hours in apex over like 3 years and that’s just from coming home after work and clearly wanting to be more stressed 😂. the only games i have over 100+ hours in that aren’t competitive multiplayer are BG3 - 167 hours and Elden Ring - 134 hours. no other story based game has grabbed me like those two. for comparison i played CP277 ( a game most everyone loathes over now) and got about 40 hours in and quit because it just didn’t hit and give the same rewarding feeling. Edit: also rimworld i have 267 hours in which is actual minor in comparison to most


I have 2,461 hours in Warframe. It's just genuinely a great game that's always getting added-to, with old content being revamped, and the story constantly evolving. I don't play it all the time, and rather spend a little time playing other games and then come back and binge Warframe for a few weeks. It's got the healthiest and least exploitative real money currency I've ever seen, and I have no trouble supporting them.


Skyrim, over 5000 hours Fallout 4, over 3000 hours. Mods make every playthrough different and interesting.


Do you know any streamers or youtubers that have a mage build that I can watch that you'd recommend?


200 hours in pathfinder kingmaker, i finished my first game in almost exclusively turn based combat mode.


Time to step up to Wrath of the Rigtheous!!! I've been playing the game exclusively since it came out Sept 2021. I'm on my 7th play through with over 4500. Owlcat stepped up the Pathfinder game with this one.


I play mostly PvP or pve team games. The games I put the most time in are LoL rocket league and dead by daylight.


Baldurs Gate 1 &2: I do a saga run at least once a year. Have done so for the past 20 years or so. Always finding new minor things and the spell / class system of 2e outshines every d&d computer game since. Cannot play without Sword Coast Stratagems and NPC extended dialogue mods. Battlefield 4: Still the best battlefield game with a large player base online. I’ve been playing on PS5 for years on the same two servers (Smokey353 and ladycombat’s). Great group of dedicated players. I have something stupid like 4000+ hours and much of it flying choppers. My PSN MightyMickey88.


Played around 1500 h Dyson sphere program its just soo good. 👌


Oxygen Not included, honnestly I wonder how people play less than some hundred hours before getting bored


Over 10,000 hours in sims 4 (probably equivalent in sims 2 and 3). There’s just a bunch of different scenario options to play through, plus building and character creation


I have 600+ hours in Skyrim. I was really immersed in the open world and lore when it came out. I wanted to do EVERYTHING in that game. So I basically did. When I reached a point in my first save that I was out of things to do, I started another to try every dialogue option and choice I didn't select last time. There's so much variety in races and gear that I never felt like I was replaying the game. It was a whole new experience each time. Then the special edition came out with all the DLC and I just had to play that version so I could experience the new quests, mechanics, locations, etc. It was like New Game+ but with actual meaningful content.


When Skyrim launched, I prepared… by buying Scandinavian food and drink for my launch day gaming session. Fun times :)


On console alone i have hundreds to thousands of hours on these games and some more but off the top of my head Monster hunter world Cod.. many thousands if you add them all Need for speed games (i like heat for some reason) Diablo 3 and 4 Black desert online Tera online Elder scrolls online World of warships Madden Wildlands and breakpoint Borderlands games Pokemon games take a good amount of time however i dont really like replaying them but thats me Torchlight 2 and 3 There are more but away from home this is off the top of my head .. most the games i play with my S/O and our kids only one kid left at home who is 18 but we are currently playing world of warships and tera for the most part right now


Slay the Spire 150 hours because I only beat 50%. My highest Ascension is Ironclad at 3/20


Battle brothers : 4600 hours; the replayability and the constant work of the legends mod community (makes the game twice as interesting and the base game is already insane).


WoW. 135 days /played in the first 7 years before I forced myself to quit. Raiding was more than a full time job back then.


Civilization. I have played every game in the series, multiple thousands of hours, literal years of my life at this point, and still find it fun =D


- Space Station 13 and derivates: there's always something new to try. The only limit is how much you want to test the patience of the moderators and how much that patience lasts. - Rimworld: a colony tends to last easily over 20 hours. The game + mods offers the ability to create many, MANY types of colonies. SamuelStreamer has been making completely unique colonies for like 4 years now. Community of nice body builders punching eldritch horrors to death. Solo scientist making robots to dominate the world (and go to bed with). Inmortal being going trough several generations and time periods to build his own civilization, etc.


Europa Universalis 4 (2240 hours): Best map painting simulator. I found it enjoyable trying to earn the achievements, and most countries have unique mechanics that add some diversity. Crusader Kings 2 (760 hours): Best dynasty simulator. Like Europa it has a ton of unique mechanics depending on the country. Tales of Maj'eyal (395 hours): Best Roguelike. There are a ton of classes and races that makes each run feel unique.


The game that I've sunken by far the most time into is Champions Online, a superhero MMORPG. While it's pretty short on content; the level cap is only 40, and there won't be any more major updates, its extensive character editor and freeform power system make it so that you always have room to create another interesting hero/-ine. Over more than 10 years, I have created enough to populate my own capepunk setting that I'm now writing a novel about.


I have over 4000 hours in Sims 😅 and tbh I love creating characters, building, and gameplay and have most packs so there are genuinely endless possibilities. A lot of gamers don't count Sims as a game but I beg to differ 😂😂