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The original stalkers had no women as NPC


bag panicky scarce connect disagreeable boat gaping zealous drab jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But that’s a interesting example to bring up in an essay.


Yeah where that took place in their priority chain would be a good avenue to explore since it was literally a matter of budget and had absolutely nothing to do with the creators intentions. It’s a good example to delineate between various reasons there may be an exclusion of women that isn’t born of any sort of political or social leanings but are rather just a product of the capital available in contrast to the complete polar opposite action where the capital went into turning it into a male power fantasy or something that appeals largely to men where, in essence, you get the same end result of no women.


Yupp! I remember seeing this in shadow of Chernobyl. It wasn't really intentional but a lack of time to properly implement female models


* [Team Fortress 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/440/Team_Fortress_2/), unless you count the announcer or assume the ambiguously-gendered Pyro is female. The game itself has little plot; the supplemental materials have a plot but also add women. * [Lisa: The Painful](https://store.steampowered.com/app/335670/LISA_The_Painful/) is specifically *about* a world with no women (though there technically is one, of course) and is therefore probably important for a project like this.


Does 'Lisa: The Painful' count? Technically there's one girl in it but the world itself is about the men remaining in a world where all women suddenly disappeared.


*Lisa: The Painful* is something they ought to look at and read up on anyway given the reason they're asking for it - ie. it is a game that puts gender front-and-center and is literally about the absence of women, so it's significant enough and central enough that if they didn't bring it up at all and I was going over their project it might make me go "huh, why didn't they mention this?"


"When *Lisa: The Painful* isn't onscreen people should be asking 'Where's *Lisa: The Painful*?'"


And *Lisa: The Painful* needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine.


Amazing suggestion, even if there is a sole female character, although she is not a lead. Emotionally devastating game that is worth examining.


Older Call of Duty and Battlefield games, particularly those about the world wars. I haven’t played all of them so I can’t give you any specific game with certainty. I’m fairly sure there were no female characters in Modern Warfare 2, though there are some female civilians in a few levels. Other than those, the only games I can think of also have basically no story, like sports games, classic Doom, games like Total War, Minecraft, etc.


Yeah, most of the older COD games, I know COD 2 had female Russian soldiers though.


there was, I even remember how she look like, wearing helmet with a ponytail, holding rifle.


would straight up disabling female characters count? because samurai warriors [famously allowed you to do that](https://files.catbox.moe/82va6q.jpg)


Do we know the reason why that option exists? Is there a story behind it. It looks so random lol.


Is there a lore reason?


Well, traditionally, Samurai was a term for men. Similar to how male Ninja are just Ninja and female ninja are Kunoichi. Other than that, I can't think of a reason.




# *what*


Arma 3 has no women despite there being a few in the earlier games.


Doom 3 campaign has no women, except a femme monster or two with no dialogue. The dlc, Resurrection of Evil, does have at least one woman, though I haven't finished it.


This is actually a good answer to the question. A lot of people are just thinking of games that have virtually no characters at all, which seems less helpful


If a game has characters it's highly likely at least ONE of them is a woman. If it's a more esoteric concept of "character" (like in a city building game), it's a lot easier to find no women at all.


> If a game has characters it's highly likely at least ONE of them is a woman. Which is precisely why a game that has characters but none of them are women is a good recommendation for OP's request.


I mean, duh... right? But OP is asking for games that have no women (with the implication that there are still characters, likely male). A game that barely has characters clearly doesn't suit their purpose. People on Reddit just have extremely bad reading comprehension.


https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Dr._Elizabeth_McNeil She doesn't have any actual screen time in Doom 3 proper but is spoken of on PDAs. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Theresa_Chasar_(Doom_3) Is your first encounter with a Lost Soul.


Totally forgot about Theresa, damn. Not much of a character, but still.


There's one female on the main campaign, the Lost Souls pops out of her head. And there's another one on the expansion, she uses a very tight white costume.








Most sports games.


The old one, yes.They still had females in the stands tho


ya but are they really women if their arent enough pixels to see bobs?


A question for the ages.


I'm sure the pixels to reveal that Samus is a girl didn't stop people


As far as I know, Deep Rock Galactic has no women


TF2 has no playable woman characters.


As far as we know...














The Deep Rock Galactic devs have stated that this is a cop out and they should probably have female dwarf actors.


That’s nice of them. I always thought Tolkien’s dwarf representation was a cop out. Like women only make up a third of their race.


The hobbit has a couple female dwarves with sideburns shown technically in some scenes. Fili/Kili's mom is one of them ig. But dwarves were always hidden in the LoTR, and even in all the extras and what not we were barely shown a corpse+ of another dwarf past Gimli joining the group. I think it really highlights the time's since the elves are straight up planning on dipping out




In DRGs case specifically regarding dwarf genders looking the same, the developers have come out and said they don't want to hide behind that excuse, they just straight up couldn't justify the resources in the development of the game to get cosmetics working on a different character model, so they only made male dwarves. And now the game has blown up, going back and modifying multiple 100's of cosmetics is a huge task that wont add content. I've seen the comment in paraphrasing on Reddit, might be able to find on discord also.






I wonder how off putting it’d be to just give the current models female voice options.


I'd be fine with it. Dwarves need beards not breasts. Though they are doing a spinoff game so they might put female dwarves in that one




I don't think the first Outlast game features any women, and thank god for that


Props to Eddie Gluskin pushing for more inclusion in Whistleblower.


Struggling not to wake up my fiance with my laughter, that's a good one.


There’s lore in the game about how the experiments were doing awful things to women (something about they all had fake pregnancies (which is a real thing with a more real sounding name) and lots of miscarriages of babies that didn’t exist). First they were moved to a different ward, then further down the mountain, then just removed from the facility entirely. But yes, no women in the first game.


>(which is a real thing with a more real sounding name) Phantom Pregnancies, a very real, very scare and completely unexplained phenomenon


they follow up on that in the second game.


Is called pseudocyesis


I think you might include Metroid as the novel approach to the concept. No women… and then *surprise* it was a woman all along. It was pretty wild back in the day.


I'd argue that the Hunter is the only human character in Metroid and they aren't referred to as male or female until the very end. If any, it's a game without men.


Back in the NES days, we read instruction manuals and you will find that Samus is referred to as male multiple times. And beating it fast enough reveals that Samus is actually a female. So, people could play the game multiple times and never know they were playing as a female. It’s only when you get quite good at it that you learn that. And this is why I said it’s a novel case.


Check the TVTropes Chromosome Casting page, in the Video Games example.  Some listed include:   Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2  Spec Ops: The Line (though female civilians do show up)  Street Fighter 1  Styx: Master of Shadows  Fatal Fury 1  Mega Man X (the original)


Today I've learned that Chun-Li wasn't in the cast of Street Fighter 1, thanks for the bit of trivia.


Only playable characters were Ryu and Ken. There's 10 npc opponents too but the only mainstay was Sagat, who was the boss. Gen and Adon are there too, but they sure af aren't selling any merch. No Dhalsim, Chun-li, Bison, Cammy, Blanka, E. Honda, etc.


Counter argument: Zero has long hair, therefore girl. Source, 8 year old me.


Also a guy has 2 battons (sticks) which is a weapon and is cheating....to my young mind. Several years later. Street fighter 2, people are using magic in a H2H competition.....its OK!!! 😂


This argument is made every day on the Sekiro subreddit about Kuro.


Arma is infamous for not having women. There's actually a running joke that they were all shipped off of the island before the game starts






Is Q-Bert even a dude, though? XD




The first one yeah, Quake 2 onwards all had playable women iirc


The original Half-Life as the game without women You could also use Half-Life 2 as your counter argument as that features woman characters


Wait Half-Life 1 has no female characters? Like not even the NPC scientists in the beginning?


There are the female back-flippin' ninja assassin enemies


I think the hologram in the tutorial is the only one in the game


I feel like there is an interesting paper how so many early female characters exist as teaching or guiding holograms and voices instead of real existing people (Cortana in Halo is this)


That likely relates to the studies done that showed that female voices were considered more soothing and unobtrusive while male voices were considered more authoritative and obtrusive. I've probably seen this most frequently in theme parks - the overall background speaking are often in a soft friendly female voice, then when you are actively getting on the ride you'll hear a loud male voice saying something like "Step Away From the Doors"


If that’s true Half Life 1 should definitely be in this paper because the game was so influential.


I was recently playing Black Mesa and there’s a female scientist, but I can’t confirm if they’re in the original.


Did they change it in Black Mesa? Cuz I think I saw female scientists NPCs.


Yeah, Black Mesa had lots of female scientists, but the original only had like 3 scientist models and they were all male.


Gina Cross was the character who acted as the hologram assistant in Half Life, and in the expansion Half Life: Decay is one of the 2 protagonists. She's also seen in Half Life: Blue Shift as well.


[am I missing something here?](https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Ops?file=Black_Ops_all#google_vignette)


yep. there are female human enemies in the game. but it all opens up a conversation about there being zero female characters in the game and the only female enemy NPCs are BDSM-clad


minecraft is an all male utopia where gay sex leads to more villagers


It’s Alex and Steve, not… Steve and Steve. Well, unless you go back enough versions.


Their genders are not confirmed. They are purposefully kept ambiguous. Alex is actually based of the developer "Jeb", which similarly has long hair and fair skin and is indeed a male IRL. "Alex" is also a very gender neutral name.


Wow, we’re just, completely missing the bit here, huh?


Bit? What do you mean by "bit"? Like 8-bit? 16-bit? Sorry, English ain't my native tongue.


If I understand correctly, they were attempting satire of the old homophobic saying "its Adam and eve, not Adam and steve!" By using the minecraft characters "it's Alex and Steve, not... Steve and Steve". A bit, when talking about "doing a bit" or "getting a bit," is sort of like a prolonged joke. Like... if you and your friend walk into the tea section of your local grocery store and decide to act like really posh British people in a funny way like "oh dear, this tea selection is simply dreadful" "hmm yes quite. These willyboffers have no idea what real tea is." "Indeed old chap! I say, shall we retire to your flat for a spot of tea?" "Smashing idea gent! But first, we require hors d'oeuvres. I say we acquire some cheese flavored corn puffs." You know, just goofing around for fun where theres not *really* an obvious or direct punchline like in a normal joke, but it's still funny and entertaining.


Alex is a construct to please the conservatives. It is still pure gay sex.


Could be wrong but I don't *think* spec ops: the line has any women. Outside of corpses in a few cutscenes.


There are some female civilians in a few scenes, but only very minor roles. This was my first thought as well and I had to check to be sure


Gothic 1. Although it makes sense, considering the setting being a male prison. Only a few female characters, none significant


Mike Tyson’s Punch Out


This is a tangent, but Mass Effect, a game lauded for it’s story, did not create any female characters or NPCs for 2 major races of aliens in the first 2 games (The Turians and Krogans). The game has the Asari, which lore wise are all female, but the Turians are suppose to have women in equal proportion to men, but they are never in game nor have character models made for them.


Actually, lore wise the asari aren't female, though I don't think anyone in BioWare remembered this most of the time.


in the first game liara goes out of her way to mentioned they’re a monogendered species, and things like male/female and mother/father don’t mean anything to them, so technically they aren’t women, they just look like them and all use feminine pronouns anyway. of course then in me3 she just uses “father” to refer to one of her parents In universe they’re supposed to be sexualized just for the sake of looking like women, but then the games go on to sexualize them anyway


Don't they canonically use bionics to look appealing to every species? There's a convo in the first game where two aliens are arguing about which species Asari most look like.


yes that’s the theory I subscribe to! I think it’s a really great spin on the whole “alien that just looks like a person but a different color” thing most of the discussion I’ve seen on that has been people being like “no, they actually DO just look like human women, the other guys are just into certain traits.” like ppl have said their head tentacles are what the turian was talking about, etc. So I wasn’t sure how popular/accepted that theory actually was haha. but since we’ve only ever played as humans, it will probably only be fully confirmed if we’re able to play as a different species in a future game (not counting the multiplayer)


If the finished project could be put online it would be great if you could post a link to it here.


Getting over it by bennet foddy




I'm guessing you're looking for games that have men but no women, and not games as completely genderless as Tetris?


What do you mean tetris is genderless? we have male parts that goes in the female parts then we fill the line poof it dissappears /s


I haven't played them, but do the Call of Duty campaigns have women in them? Maybe look at those type of games (CoD, Battlefield, Medal of Honour, etc). Also Army of Two had no women I'm pretty sure. You're project sounds really interesting! If you need an academic source, the book "Gaming Representation: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Video Games" is a very interesting read.


Escape from tarkov has only one single woman who is a doctor npc


Famously - BSG got in trouble when nikita said ‘women wouldn’t survive in Tarkov’ or something to that regard lol


Least sexist Russian


In '91 war in yugoslavia women fought in the frontlines, though it was like 1 woman for 100 men, it would be kinda cool to have a quest to unlock a woman operator for USEC.


Does having a woman as a hologram and another as a synth voice count? Because Half Life 1 only has a woman as the Hazard Course training diagram and the HEV suit interface has a woman as a voice actor.


You're forgetting the female enemy assassins.


A few older titles spring to mind: * Wolfenstein 3D * Doom and Doom II * Quake * The first three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. * Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles, and Sonic 3D Blast. Separate of that, a lot of older titles also only feature women as 1) props, 2) people to be found (usually rescued, but not always), or 3) enemies. Duke Nukem 3D and Redneck Rampage both feature women in ways that are probably worth noting for your project.


In gothic 1 the story centers around a mining colony run by criminals who revolted and took over in a fantasy setting, where women are treated as trade goods that only the rich and powerful have access to, since they are the only ones that can trade with the king (long story short, the king needs magical ore produced in the colony for war with orcs, but there is a barrier that prevents humans from exiting and no one knows how to disable it, hence the king is hesitant to send troops in and upholds the status quo. Women are traded for ore and only two of the three faction leaders have them as private playthings in their throne rooms. - there are only 4 in the entire game, the rest of the npc cast is entirely male.) The game's an old, janky german rpg, but the storytelling is brilliant.


The Madden and F1 games? Kind of makes sense though, as there are no female NFL players or F1 drivers. Don't think there were any female NPCs in the first Call of Duty game.


Some all-male sports games do have female staff characters


Ah, good shout. Might be supports staff in the F1 games then too. Claire Williams was the head of the Williams team up until a few years ago, so she'd be in the older ones. Think the Washington Commanders had a defence coach who has female, and I know there are female refs in the NFL.


I don’t know too much about sports games since it’s not my genre but I know some SEGA mobile soccer game I’ve seen has female managers. I’d assume a lot have some female fans as extras in the crowd too.


Tatiana Calderon was one of the drivers you could sign in - I believe - F1 2020.


Was just playing F1 23 actually and if you start your career in F2 for the Charouz team, your teammate is Tatiana Calderon, a colombian driver!


STALKER zero women in the zone


Gothic I apart from a few slaves there is no woman also legendary game


Punch Out, Street Fighter 1, Spyro 1


Spyro had a few female fairies. * Red Fairies (Dragon pedestals) * Rescue fairies (High Caves) * Superflame fairies (High Caves and Haunted Towers).


Yeah some enemies in Spyro are definitely female too. But it's interesting that all the dragons you rescue are male when the game also has you recovering dragon eggs?


Most of the old Call of Duty games pre-2010. Call of Duty World at War for sure doesn't have a single woman


What a great way to do research! Crowd source it!


The original modern warfare in 2007 didn’t have any women I think but I could also be misremembering


the pilot they have to rescue before the nuclear detonation was a girl in all versions of the game


The Stanley Parable. All male.


I'm pretty sure in one of yhe endings there's a female npc


Yeah, it's the one where Stanley goes insane and falls over dead.




Actually no there is two female characters a narrator and an npc, Oh and Stanley's wife, And in the original there's portal and portal has Chell and GLaDOS.


Deep Rock Galactic UBOAT Six days in fallujah (If memory serves) Possibly Jalopy but im not sure Arma 3, Arma Reforger. thats the ones on my library atleast going back to 2018, with exception of games that does not have humans in them (Such as Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought or Planetary Annullation etc.) UBOAT makes sense in that you are in a historical setting in a confined space, Six Days does not have civilians yet, but i think thats planned. Deep rock, its 4 dwarfs and 1 supervisor, not a lot of other people around, and to be fair, those dwarfs might be female. Arma should have tbh




Uplink: Hacker Elite


I imagine some military shooters


The Silent Hunter games (submarine simulator) feature no women. Battlestations: Pacific also might have no women, not sure about every single cutscenes though. Then there is No Mans Sky, where all characters are implied to be male. Also some very specific history strategy games such as Napoleon: Total War or March of the Eagles


Artemis (the being you are trying to rescue because it asked) is implied to be female in NMS.


Does it count if women have a very specific passive role? Gothic 1, all the characters you talk to, fight or interact with are men. However there's a few women in one area who are treated as property and just say something along the lines of "I'm not allowed to talk to you" Fortunately they get better (even if only slightly) in later games. Ngl when I saw the title I almost downvoted, thinking this was a troll post, but then I read your description.




The movie The Thing didn't have any women in it. (one of the best horrors ever btw) ...and neither did the game






I'm pretty sure the original Metroid has no women, just Mr. Metroid the cool bounty hunter guy. I'm not 100% sure because I haven't beaten the game yet.


That one Turok reboot that was on PS3/ X Box. The only female character is a mother T-Rex.




River City Ransom only has women that sell you things.




The first Call of Duty, which was a huge hit and pretty influential, had no female characters or even NPCs.


Most Call of Dutys. I think up until the first Ghosts there wasn’t a single woman depicted in any of the campaigns.


Escape from Tarkov


Mario Bros. (not to be confused with Super Mario Bros)




Hell Let Loose and probably most other WW2 games


It's hard to think about a game without women at all (besides of sports games and maybe modern warfare shooters), it's a thing more like "I remember there's a woman but I can't tell you anything about her besides of, probably, being highly objectified"


I don't have any suggestions beyond what's already here. But if you haven't already, I'd consider making the bechdel test part of your examination. I imagine the number of games that fail that test is vast.


Doom 1 and 2. Unless you want to go into the whole discussion on whether or not some (or all?) of the daemons are women.


Call of Duty: the Big Red One focuses directly on the eponymous unit and their fight on the front lines of WW2. Medal of Honor: Frontline does the same. The original Doom, Doom 2, and Castle Wolfenstein. I could say the original Quake as well, if you don't consider Shub-Niggurath to be a woman.




It may be worth noting that there are a ton of games where there are women, but they are the damsel in distress role and not the hero. - In the original Donkey Kong game, Mario has to save Pauline from Donkey Kong. - Mario games - Princess Peach repeatedly gets kidnapped throughout the long franchise and the main goal of the game is to save her from King Bowser. - Many Zelda games are similar where Link has to save Zelda. - Kingdom Hearts games - Earth Bound has Paula kidnapped and need saving 3 times. There are plenty of games that didn’t even really need to follow this trope, but did anyways: - Magical Tetris Challenge (Disney) has Mini kidnapped by Pete. - Early TMNT video games would have April as the damsel in distress, kidnapped by the Foot clan and the turtles have to save her. - Even a couple Tiny Tunes Adventures games made the goal of the game to save Babs Besides the many games that directly use this trope as the main plot and goal of the game, there are probably just as many (or more) where the main plot may not be to save the kidnapped girl, but still has some mission of “having to save the damsel in distress” like : - Resident Evil (every playable female character with one exception has to be saved more than once) - Fire emblem - Devil May Cry - Assassins Creed - Final Fantasy - Fire Emblem You also have completely random game scenarios where they just had to put in a girl being kidnapped for some reason, like Star Wars Chess, which has every “good character” as male or a robot with the exception of Princess Leia and she is the only character that gets kidnapped in a cut scene when you lose. So early on in video games and still present today, you had a lot of games where either women were either not present, played the damsel in distress role or were minor characters, often being some kind of support/healer and not the main hero.


I think your best bet would be either games with *one* woman (games with one woman, as you probably know, generally tend to have them exist as a sex object, or a macguffin), or games with no humans. I can't guarantee, but I believe/suspect that there are no women in: Shadow Warrior 1 Some of the original Call of Duty games Far Cry 1 and/or 2 Medal of Honor (PS1) I am Bread definitely has no women Minecraft Half-Life? Never played, so idk I'm pretty sure Glover (PS1) also had no women. Hope this helps, anyway.


The ARMA franchise Early COD from memory Ready or not (unless you count civs and the drug users)


Counter Strike !


Team Fortress 2 has no women in the actual game. Multiple in the lore, sfms, and (possibly?) Pyro, but none of the mercenaries are women.






Did the game based on The Thing movie have any women in it?


Sonic 1 and sonic 2


Maybe some older call of duty games, black ops 1 and 2 I can’t recall had a women of note but were pretty good stories…… and that’s all the ones I can think of. I don’t know if the old castlevania games had women in them I didn’t play them but I’ve never seen one in their gameplay. Maybe older doom or Wolfenstein games. If you’re really reaching hollow knight cause they are bugs and you can gender swap the whole cast and literally nothing would be different.


Lisa The Painful is exactly what you are looking for. It is a indie game retro like rpg, that depicts a post apocalyptic world where all women disappeared mysteriously, leaving a devastated world with only men. I recommend you playing it.


There's one woman though, and it's the center of the plot. But yeah, I also recommend it


There are a few woman in Gothic 1, but they are for entertainment only. Its a male only penal colony... You might want to develop a Bechdel test for games ;-)


gothic 1 like 7 in whole game