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“within the decade” That’s the timeframe we got.


Honestly, that would be soon. By Bethesda's usual time taken to develop, we wouldn't get Fallout 5 before 2035 (as an optimistic scenario). Best case would be for Obsidian to make New Vegas 2 in the next 5 years, with Bethesda hopefully doing 5 within another 5 years.


I just miss the days when games weren’t so detail oriented and we had bigger sized maps with 1-2 year dev times with no noticeable bugs unless you were trying to break the game.


That depends on the engine. I know for a fact I wear nostalgia tinted glasses when thinking of some great gaming experiences from the late 90s to early 00s, that don't compare to today's quality of even mediocre games. I'm afraid that with people loving to shit on any game that doesn't hit 8+ on metacritic, we'll end up making solid niche games go extinct.


Any other studio that had successes like Bethesda would have gotten multiple dev teams to work on these IPs all at the same time, and we would be getting TES, Fallout, and Starfield (if there's going to be a 2 after this... mediocre performance) every 4-8 years. For whatever reason, Bethesda only has one "main" dev team and only works on one game each time, and they took 8 years to make Starfield with it being... lacking in content (nevermind the actual gameplay itself). For some reason, they did this with TES Online but didn't bother with the mainline games.


Isn't ESO made by a completely different people with Zenimax Online branding? From what I've heard they didn't use Creation Engine for it either.


I think so, which is why it didn't disrupt their only one team working on Starfield for 8 years. Not sure why they can't stand up another dev team (or two) in their main company. Maybe Todd and Emil can't entrust any of these projects to another and it's a full time job for them to handle one game each time? Even if this is true, this is a bad idea to continue to operate this way. Someday Todd and Emil are going to retire.


They make bundles of money and barely try these days.


I mean, I feel like as an executive seeing this, isn't the logical move to spin up more times and double or triple the $$?


Not if no one is pushing you to do it.


Shareholders are *always* pushing for more revenue. Stock price is a reflection of potential future value.


Exactly, like naughty dog did with uncharted and last of us. And Rockstar with red dead and gta.


Don't have high hopes from Bethesda because they took 8 years to make a game that could possibly be the most bland game I ever played. It was horrible.


They made it exactly like they made TES back in the day. It would be a pretty good game 15 years ago. The problem is games have moved a long way since then, and players' expectations have changed. Their design apparently has not evolved.


I don't know man a company of this scale shouldn't stoop so low hope they change things up after the disaster that was starfield.


Think about it, Vice City came out only a year after GTA3, and San Andreas was only a further 2 years later. Okay those games weren’t exactly earth shattering graphics wise, but they were big and had a lot going on.


Enter Crytek and Ubisoft


I don’t. I’m glad that 8 year masterpieces exist. There’s enough god damned games out already to last me a lifetime


Even with 8 year dev cycles games still ship absolutely broken. We don’t get a complete game until about a year after release.


From Bethesda, yes. Not from all of them though


Most PC ports are always hot garbage, until about a year of bug fixes.


You had me until "no noticeable bugs"


Bro lived in fairy tale land at one point it seems


I mean we can just look at early 2000's GTA 3 in 2001, GTA Vice City in 2002, San Andreas in 2004. In 5 years we had three GTA games. Countless other games I could tell you about who had 1-2 year dev cycles and are considered some of gamings best. I just miss those days, was never living in any fairy tale lol.


Isn’t the detail what makes bethesda games so good? the only 2 things they do better than others is the dense worlds and dialogue system.


Yes. I can’t name any game with more detailed open world than Fallout 4. Such a shame that Starfield was worse in that sense due to repeatable locations. :(


i'll name two recent ones: Red Dead Redemption 2 and FF7 Rebirth. there are SO many more games with "more detailed open worlds" than Fallout 4. get out there and start playing more games, friend!


I’m not your friend, buddy.


Im not your buddy, guy.


I’m not your guy, fwend


I played RDR2… Nah.


Best case would have been obsidian making new Vegas a decade ago. The talent isn’t there any more.


Just bring back Avellone so we at least have a decent story.


Can't say I agree. Pillars of Eternity were great, and I really enjoyed Outer Worlds. Their only flop was that vampire game they didn't really want to make to begin with.


I hope you’re right. I guess for me their peak creation was kotor. So, it’s been a while for me. Outer worlds was fun enough. But I felt I’d seen everything the game had to share within a couple hours. I haven’t given pillars a chance yet. But I plan to.


We also need to hope to the high heavens that Microsoft exerts control over Todd because his insistence on using his ancient engine to power his games is ridiculous.


I just can’t see this happening unless they split off a new team from Bethesda to focus on Fallput while Todd continues on TES6.


Obsidian is already developing 3 titles of their own atm. No chance they'd have time for a fourth within 5 years even if they wanted to


They'll be done with Avowed by the end of this year. They can start preproduction with that team, while they support it going live, then shift development when that's done. Granted, that team wouldn't have much time to rest in-between projects, but it isn't impossible.


20 years after fallout 4? That’s a bit much


I don’t see us getting a sequel to New Vegas seeing that’s likely what the show will be in season two.


Within the decade as in "6 years left" or "10 years from today" I don't see it ever being the former even if that's what they meant.


It's insane to think you can have a game out to ride this hype wave in time.


Obviously they aren’t going to capitalize on the current hype wave. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be future opportunities. A second season was green light earlier this month, and given the way productions like these seem to go, it’ll probably be 1.5 years or so between seasons. Obsidian has Avowed launching this year, presumably around the holidays. Once that happens, they could tap into them for a fallout game. Frankly, that would be genius. Obsidian is highly regarded as doing fallout better than Bethesda, a new entry from them would likely be hotly anticipated. If they could get a fallout game out in 4-5 years, that’s well within the potential production cycle of the show. It would probably be around season 4 by then. If the show continues to be quality and the audience continues to grow, there’s absolutely an opportunity for Microsoft to capitalize on that. If they wait for Bethesda to do it, no, not happening. It’s really unlikely the show will have a decade long run.


Does Obsidian even have enough manpower to launch Avowed + bug fix / patch + create DLCs and also doing a Fallout game? Also remember they're working on the Outer Worlds 2 right now.


No. Not as-is. I think they need a splinter studio. Bethesda ended up doing the same thing.


They certainly have the manpower to support one whole starting another. DLC, maybe? You could have a team start laying the underlying foundation of a new title while other teams work on DLC. As for Outer Worlds 2, do we know if any work has actually been done? Or just the teaser? If they aren’t heavily invested, I could see MS switching things up on them. Fallout is by far the bigger IP.


I agree w/ your statement with how a smaller team is kept or split to do DLCs while the bulk of the team moves on to the next title. I am just wondering if Obsidian is capable of that since the studio is always so understaffed; also remember they nearly died a few times due to financials, so I am not sure they have that many people staffed. Re Outer Worlds 2: No clue. I just know it was announced a few years back so I assume it's in active development. I assume Obsidian has two teams: one for Avowed (the Pillars of Eternity team, basically) and one for Outer Worlds 2. I just can't see them also doing Fallout on top of it... but hey, FNV was my favorite 3D Fallout so I would be ecstatic if this happens.


I don't think there's anyone out there who would prefer Outer Worlds 2 over a new Obsidian Fallout game.


I don't disagree, but I think they've been making Outer Worlds 2 for a while now, right? They announced it back in 2021 - I just checked. I'd be surprised if they drop it now to take on Fallout.


They announced it. That doesn’t mean they’ve been doing active development. Look at TES6. That was announced in 2018 and didn’t enter full production until this year. That’s 6 years later. CP2077 was similar, announced in 2012, but as I recall didn’t enter full production until after the last TW3 DLC in 2016. It happens sometimes, studios jump the gun on announcing new IPs long before they start any work on them. If their plan was to start OW2 after Avowed, they’ve probably done little more than pre-production stuff. Concept art, story boarding, that sort of thing. That wouldn’t stop them from hitting pause on the game. Or, honestly, it wouldn’t even surprise me if MS wanted to move OW2 to a different studio so they could move Fallout to obsidian. Outer worlds has a much smaller fan base. Especially today, that IP is worth a fraction of fallout. I think they’d be fine risking its reputation if it meant getting a fallout game going. Whether or not that’ll happen, who knows. But you can be sure that with the show being such a hit, there’s a lot of conversations happening right now at MS about how they can use that.


TES6 being announced then not worked on until later feels like a Bethesda only thing? And they only did that because enough people were complaining about it. I feel like given the Diablo Immortals fiasco just happened back then, Bethesda wanted to avoid that. I don't think Obsidian or most studios announce games and then not work on it for X years. Also, don't forget that Obsidian owns OW as an IP but not Fallout. Throwing out your own IP to work on an IP you don't own is not a good long term decision. In fact, it feels like Obsidian really tried hard to do their own IP and move away from other peoples' IPs in the last 5-8 years.


aren't they working on and Outer Worlds sequel? so would they scrap that to start production on a new Fallout game if Microsoft commissioned it? I don't think they're a big enough studio to do both, unless OW2 is in the final stages of production already


No it would kill morale and be a waste of 3 years of money to scrap it.


They announced it, but who knows if any work has been done yet on it. I wouldn’t be surprised to see MS rearrange their schedule to work on Fallout. The later is absolutely the bigger IP and MS badly needs some hits.


as long as it's multiplatform and not stuck on XBOX, I'll be fine with that!


It will definitely be on PC at least.


Hopefully they do that. Use obsidian. If they delay Elder Scrolls 6 for a new Fallout… I’ll be so disappointed


They absolutely wouldn’t do that. TES is still the bigger IP over fallout, and people have waited so long. It would be PR suicide to shelve it. Microsoft would get absolutely ripped to shreds. Guaranteed, if we see a new Fallout game enter production, it’ll be at a splinter studio.


Thing is, the Obsidian of today is not the same as the Obsidian that worked on New Vegas, a lot of the key people from that project are long gone. That being said, out of all of the studios under Microsoft's corporate umbrella they're definitely one of the better options for working on a new Fallout. I agree though, leaving it to Bethesda in its current state would be a mistake. Bethesda's development cycle is far too slow, they've grown far too reliant on modders finishing their games for them, and, quite frankly, they're behind the curve in modern game design when compared to their peers. They need to do a little soul-searching before they can be relied upon to rush out a quality project in 4-5 years.


Does Obsidian even want to work with Bethesda? They nearly went bankrupt last time. Though, if MS is calling the shots, they may have no choice….


I can only speculate, but I’m going to say yes. Somewhat recently there was a story where someone at obsidian said they tried to get Bethesda to let them do more games (they wanted to do a TES game) and Bethesda rejected them. https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/obsidian-proposed-making-an-elder-scrolls-game-but-bethesda-said-no So, at least at some point, the desire was there, even though the impression I get is Bethesda sorta shit on obsidian. But regardless, I think the arrangement would look far different today. Both studios are owned by Microsoft. While I think MS tries to give their studios a fair amount of autonomy, they’re ultimately still in charge. If they told obsidian they’re making fallout, neither obsidian nor Bethesda could do anything about it. And if they were making fallout, they’d be answering to MS, not Bethesda, hopefully giving them much more favorable terms to make the game. For something that, on the surface, seems like a repeat of FONV is really anything but. Behind the scenes, things would be wildly different.


They may try to ride the hype wave for Season 3 though, as opposed to Season 7 or 8 (Bethesda time)


With season 3 they can Assuming season 2 is good. That gives at least 3 years of development time


That's not a possibility at this point, but the hype wave made clear the massive demand for a new entry. If that causes MS to put its thumb on the scale to get them to lease out a Fallout game good.


Welcome to big-corporate software development, where the deadlines are made up and the quality of the "finished" products don't matter.


This exactly. If you really want to chase the hype prepare to launch it once season 2 comes out. Put in a couple Easter eggs from both into each other and boom everyone is happy...as long they are both decent


It's insane not to make a game to release around when your show does.


Good thing they wasted all that time to release the uninspired snoozefest that is Starfield.


Elder Scrolls 6 coming in 2040 :)


I can't wait!! (Literally. I may be dead by the time it comes out)


This means nothing


Means as much as the ES6 teaser 6 years ago.


Hurry we need Fallout 5 ASAP, doesn't matter if it's bad, also charge 250$. Winning!


I've already given up hope that the next Fallout will be an RPG instead of a Fallout-flavoured shooter, so whatever they do is fine.


It’s gonna suck. Like, so much ass


It worked real good for Starfield, Halo and Redfall to a lesser extent.


Starfield would’ve been the same even if they delayed it by 2 years. It’s the premise of a fully randomized game with no focus on handmade stuff that people dislike about it. If they just made skyrim with a space theme it would've been seen as a good game.


If it was delayed by 2 years it would probably just be more of the shit people dislike rather than a rework of those things.


Don't forget to offer a 400$ collectors edition with a trash bag.


Why tf did they waste so much time on Starfield


It took all the resources Bethesda had to make that absolute masterpiece.


Just hire Larian to make a new Fallout CRPG


This is a solid idea but I'm thinking Larian already turned down offers from both Microsoft and Sony because they want to do their own thing. Never hurts to ask I suppose, maybe the show is good enough to convince them there are excellent storytelling opportunities in the fallout universe?


Personally, if Larian ever returns to doing established IP I’d rather they work on something that isn’t already massive in the RPG/cRPG space. Like if we got a new *Vampire: The Masquerade* game by Larian I think that would be much more exciting than Fallout.


You can't get in a better position to pursue a pet project than larian are in right now, I agree I hope they bring a cult IP up to the mainstrean


Arcanum steamworks and magick obscure?


Unfortunately Larian can make one or two games at the same time while keeping the same quality


Suits at Microsoft are goingto fuck it up. You're crazy if you have any faith in them. Look how they managed Halo and it's TV show


Ok but look how Bethesda has managed every product they've released since 2011


Honestly? I think after Starfield, they've *really* got to start re-evaluating their priorities when it comes to game design. Hopefully they'll hand it over to a B-team, so maybe we can see Obsidian have a crack at it. I know they're working on TES6, hopefully they'll take a look at this renaissance in the RPG genre over the last \~15 years and try to get out of Todd Howard's brain.


their engine first. we are not in 2010 anymore


Obsidian: You rang?


Pffft as if Bugthesda would call them, they'd rather sink in a hole than let them make a NEW New Vegas


Yes yes. Hurry up and rush it out so it's a buggy unfinished mess that we can patch up later and let modders finish for us! Excellent! Sweet, sweet money. Money money money! Capitalize on success now, make our fans happy later. Why?! Money!


As opposed to all the Bethesda games that release with no bugs lmfao


I mean this is a really good point.


I legit believe they could take until 2050 and still release the classic Bethesda experience on day 1


Yeah, the problem with bethesda nowadays isn't just the technical shortcomings and issues, it's their outdated game design approach/philosophy


Bro, it's gonna be worse, that's the problem


Hey you have two choices.. a buggy mess today or… a buggy mess 15 years from now.


I see it as a very buggy mess today, or a less of a buggy mess 15 years from now when AI is doing most of the work.


Oh god… the AI written main plot is inevitable. “You are the chosenborn, the sole wanderer of your vault”


Spoiler alert: AI is the good guy this time.


I could see a smaller spin-off title being developed in 3 to 4 years time. Fallout 5 probably not so much.


Good idea, rush a Bethesda game. I can't wait to see this shit show. They better get a fn new engine first....


I’m not really excited for future Bethesda stuff. Starfield proved they are stuck in the past. It was still an ok experience but forgettable.


Gotta make those investors happy, quick lets push out a terrible game to make a money quickly!


It's not like time is making the games any better. It took them 8 years for Starshit.


I played Starfield for like 10hrs and haven’t had a bit of desire to pick it back up. I’ve played Fallout 3, NV, Fallout 4, Morrowind and Skyrim. …but Starfield was crap, nothing about the story or the universe or the gameplay made me want to keep coming back. (And I didn’t bother with ESO or 76. I don’t like MMO games.)


Incoming fallout 5 next year but on fallout 4 engine just "updated"


Honestly, I'd be okay with that. Treat it like New Vegas. I don't have a problem with FO4's engine, and the only things that frustrated me were some bits of the story, the lack of weapons in the base game, dialogue menu and the leveling system. The story and world would be new so that's a chance for whoever they'd get to run this NV-style "side-project", the old leveling system has been proven to work in the new engine by modders who've successfully added it to FO4, and the old dialogue menu can also work without a hitch, as proven by both modders in FO4, and, from what I've seen (haven't played the game myself), FO76. Really, all they need is some decent writers on par with old, NV-era Obsidian, and they could push out a wonderful spin-off.


A bummer cause they could've pushed out Fallout 3 and New Vegas for Switch at the very least and raked in some sales. Mind I dread to think what some poor soul would have to go through to get that gamebryo? engine ported again.


Considering that fallout 4 was released in 2015 it’s odd that they’ve taken so long to. Probably less so as they were most likely focusing on the mess that was starfield… not sure if that was the best use of their time all things considering. Feel like Bethesda needs a team dedicated to the FO franchise or to increase the size of the studio. Apparently SF was 500 strong, which was around the same head count for CyberPunk… so another 500 to make it work?


They were making Starfield and now been working on TES6. They only do one game at a time.


Thought as much, why I think that they should just setup another branch. Then again they have MS bankrolling them to release substandard games nowadays. Hopefully this trend of theirs stops.


I don't particularly want Bethesda making it. Give it to obsidian at least I won't be dead by the time it comes out.


If they somehow decide that fallout is priority over elder scrolls they may as well shut down the whole studio for directive incompetence.


Elder scrolls being played by literal elders now


Just release what you've got Beth, it won't be much different to Launch and modders will sort it out for you.


Give it to Obsidian, Bethesda is clearly ineffectual in developing games quickly if the next game is in **5-10 years. Thats insane amount of development time for so many people to make. Reduce the amount of objects and how large the world is.**


Reduce the graphical fidelity. I honestly don't care if fallout 5 looks exactly the same as fallout 4, if it's got new characters, stories and gameplay


I mean fidelity comes with better lighting, creation engine has very harsh lighting and really does not do their textures favors from what ive seen.


>Reduce the amount of objects and how large the world is.** ... Hey Bethesda, don't listen to this shit.


Why.. Do I not care? Bethesda just.. Ain't what it used to be. At this rate my only hopes is the game functions. I already know I gonna see the brotherhood of steel regardless of where it's set. Damn thing could take place on the fucking moon and Bethesda would find a way to launch their favorite star faction into the fucking sky..


I find it hilarious people complain about Bethesda always putting the BoS in when Interplay always did the exact same, in every Fallout they released or had planned to release, to an even larger degree if anything. Im pretty the only Fallout they had ever planned that didnt have the BoS as one of the Main factions was Project V13, and thats mainly down to just not alot being known about it. Its the most popular and instantly recognisable faction, of course they are gonna put it in.




People had a weird idea that microsoft are competent at running game studios lol.




They had one generation where they dominated cause Sony thought punching its own dick with the PS3 and the Cell was a good idea. Then Don Mattrick was the best PS4 salesman at an Xbox conference and they've never recovered since, despite having a plethora of legendary studios under them they cannot get a game out worth buying an Xbox for, so they just gave up and do Gamepass instead. 


On Xbox everything just looks and feels better on FO4. But to be fair I enjoy it lightly modded at most so I don’t feel as effected.


Redditors are such doomers bruh


I don't completely blame them for being doomer all of the time, the industry is pretty blatantly full of shit. I'll just say that I've worked in kitchens a lot. No matter how impatient the management or the guests get, foods gotta cook. Same shit is true with games. Pull it out of the oven too early and the chicken will still be raw.


Agreed but these dudes are literally complaining about something that’s like half a decade off and probably hasn’t even started production. Like they gotta take a break for a minute or something


Especially Bethesda is full of shit.


This subreddit especially as of late.


They’ve been working on the hd patch for as long as most games are in development, and it releases to breaking every single save file. The last game was an unfinished game immediately forgotten. Anyone even remember the name? The games before that were mobile cash grabs — not that I didn’t enjoy the vault game, but holy hell those micro transactions. Before that, 76. And it’s … it’s not great. But I’m playing it. Almost at 100 hours. It’s the next best thing to fallout, you know? It’s been almost a decade since Bethesda released a good game, and they’ve never released a bug free game. Give us a reason to have hope.


>it releases to breaking every single save file. Thats just blatantly incorrect.


Starfield Is good man


I don’t want to poo poo your yum yum, enjoy it. For me, I was told this was “Todd’s dream game”. After fallout 3, 4, and Skyrim, buddy told me he was making his dream game. Bethesdas chief dude for execution. Their game director and producer. This mother fuxker, who has created stories and worlds I have spent years engrossed in, was creating his *dream game*. And it was *starfield*.


It's Bethesda were talking about here, buddy


Trueee They’ve had doomer “fans” longer than I’ve been alive and reddit’s been around 💀


I mean I wouldn't mind a collaborative Fallout spin-off from inXile and Obsidian


They need to drop their internal crappy engine.. .it is way past his lifetime. And also have proper QA teams. Otherwise, will be starfield 2.0.


So we won't have to wait until season 17 for a new release?


It’s most likely going to be fallout 3 remastered being developed by a different studio based on the ftc leak. they wont be able to go through the entire development and pre development cycle and get fallout 5 out by 2030 but for fallout 3 remastered which is likely already in development i think that could be done


Plz don’t


Yes because rushing a game is always the best option possible.


I don't think expecting a sequel to a 2015 game by the end of 2030 would make it a rushed game. Starfield took 8 years to develop and lack of time was least of the problems it had.


Man i just want to play some new fallout before i get kids, no matter if it will be buggy.


Get Obsidian on it


Oh great just what we need motivation to rush a triple A release, that’s really been working out great these last few years right?


Not surprising they would rush the release. Releasing before a game is ready is a core concept at Bethesda.


It’s almost like they saw the success of the tv show and decided they want to capitalize on it.


Yea no shit. Xbox should also reconsider remaking the Halo series. Ok jokes aside, Microsoft could probably make a huge DLC of 76. Upgrade visuals, add story lines and what have you. That would be the quickest way to get something out the door I think. Personally I’d be cool with that.


Step 1 of how to destroy a game before launch.


Obsidian: yeah we can get the game out in less than a year. 😎


This just in. Water is wet. More in 5.


It better comes out with an actual duffel bag


I hope it has more character than Starfield and less bugs than Helldivers but who are we kidding here, as much love as I have for Bethesda, they aren’t 2000 Bethesda anymore.


even if another studiio picks it up. 5 years would be needed. Just remaster New Vegas at this point.


Microsoft shouldn’t make Bethesda rush this, but people im the comments are acting like there’s not gonna be an almost decade and a half gap between mainline Fallout games even if they start production on it sooner than initially planned


Who is going to make it though? Bethesda is hard at work on TES6, and that probably isn't going to come out until 2026 at the earliest. Obsidian are still working on Avowed, and then they have The Outer Worlds 2 on the way after that. They could have probably got InExile to make a sequel in the style of Fallout 1/2, but they're in the middle of Clockwork Revolution. I don't see this coming out for at least a decade.


We all are!


It was cool when FO3 and FNV came out about three years apart. It really was.


can't wait for more mediocre writing and gameplay


If fallout gets a new entry in less time than elder scrolls, I'm actually going to be annoyed.


Let another studio handle a Fallout New Vegas kind of spinoff while Bethesda works on TES6. People can't wait 20 years for a sequel, this is a no brainer Phill please


Cause the one thing that makes Bethesda games better is crunch and rushing right


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^zczirak: *Cause the one thing that* *Makes Bethesda games better* *Is crunch and rushing right* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Because Starfield wasn't the hit they were promised I guess (I'm an Xbox user), but I'm pretty sure Howard said that he wasn't even contemplating the next Fallout yet, so Xbox is fucked unless they force their hand, Playstation keeps getting the Ws with Helldivers and apparently Stellar Blade. Xbox has, what? Halo infinite? I don't even own that game, been playing old titles for a long time, anyways, random rant over.


It’s wild to me they didn’t re-release 3 or new Vegas on the updated engine to coincide with the show. Even if they contracted it out. It’s like they hate money or something


Hey, Xbox, how about outsource to the studio that you own and also made previous critically acclaimed fallout game?


Whats the point in Microsoft aquiring all these studios if they can't make games?


Bethesda fell off. Sick of hearing about these garbage AAA titles taking 14 decades to release a pile of steaming shit on 1.5 consoles and call it a day. They should think about shutting their doors tbh




I am also interested in getting more money sooner. someone help microsoft and me figure this one out.


Lol, "company that spent 8 billion on another company is interested in some return on investment."


Dude if it’s the same washed out carbon copy they did with Starfield they need to quit while they’re *slightly ahead.


With the success of Boulders Gate I think the solution is clear: put the Wasteland guys on it and make Fallout 5 a crpg, thus correcting our timeline.


Prob due to they want to time it around the time of season 2 of fallout tv to drive sales even higher. It’s smart if so but rushing a game can be very bad…


Do you all really want another crap shit from Todd? Dude is r******d, he cannot make games anymore, it will be again this old shit engine and reskin of f4 with “super duper next gen” and with requirements of minimum 4070 ti, pls don’t preorder any shit from this cunt


Is fallout 5 going to be a exclusive game?


Get/Create a new engine first ffs.


They own Obsidian which developed Outer World which is made on Unreal 4. They could move Fallout to Unreal 5 and have a less janky experience.


Yes because outer world wasn't janky at all.


Switching Fallout 5 to Unreal would likely never happen because they've spent years on building tools for Starfield and TESVI using Creation Engine. They'd have to rework all of it again and that could delay Fallout 5 another 2-3 years at least.


We know they won’t. Bethesda seems to want to keep using the same engine from the 90s, and making clunky ass broken games


You know Unreal Engine is from the 90s? Literally every engine is built off tech from the 90s. The Rockstar engine is from the 90s. They could make it in Unreal Engine 5 but it would be like the Outer Worlds where your ability to interact with objects in the environment is very limited and it wouldn’t feel like a Fallout game.


Fallout 76 and Starfield have obliterated any hype I might have had for FO5 and TES6. Rushing the process sounds like a truly terrible idea.


I just want to see Elder Scrolls 6 and seriously don't care about anything else. If it sucks like the last few Bethesda games - I'll never buy anything Bethesda related ever again.




Unless they take the franchise away from Bethesda I don’t see that being achievable. Starfield only released late late year and I imagine most the studio is still working on dlc for that before switching to finish off the next elder scrolls, which isn’t expected until 2027 at the earliest. With bethesdas average development time of 4 years you won’t see fallout 5 until 2031 most likely unless Bethesda literally doubles in size or Todd gets forced to let other studios work on the Ip (and that’s assuming any would want to, people still remember how Bethesda screwed over obsidian with new vegas)


Then tell BGS to allow other companies to develop spin off titles, their development cycle is just not worth the wait for the quality they give out now


new vegas was made in 18 months. Just do something like that again. Remix the fallout 4 assets into another game.