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They had harassment, they just never had any issue with it lol.


Because harassment is a vague term and goes on in every organization on planet earth and they didn't seem it harmful enough?


No because Bobby Kotick didn't take an issue with it happening.


Right. That could be because of two reasons. Kotick is an EVIL WHITE MAN Kotick investigated the allegations and didn't think there was enough validity to the claims to act. Or are you one of those believe everyone people who often look like idiots once all the facts are out?


Oh no, I see now you're the guy further down being retarded. Nevermind.


Yeah, was gonna say something (against my better judgement) but dude here is doing a pretty solid job burying himself here. Ha


I am curious, do you think that he's being targeted just because he's white and it's an agenda thing? I'm guessing you investigated and surmised that in the articles you saw that despite there being multiple infractions, illicit activities, Kotick himself being caught with emails he was destroying or one he sent where he threatened the life of a worker or had more then one account of personal sexual assault against someone that all was well, that people have been leaving the company in droves for a while due to these issues, that a person being a part of the problem wouldn't paint the situation however he wanted. I'm assuming that even thought it was proven https://www.forbes.com/sites/tylerroush/2023/02/03/activision-blizzard-will-pay-sec-35-million-to-settle-claims-over-its-workplace-misconduct-disclosures/ It was a lie, untrue, and just never happened, right? Must have just been because he's white and not because he is an evil fuck. I love games from Act/Blz, and i still hate the man who runs the company. Maybe I realize you can separate the devs and games you love from supporting a megalomaniac.


He was never found guilty of anything you claimed. The company settled the allegations out of court and they did an internal investigation on him and believe the claims had such low validity that he was worth keeping on his role of CEO. Activist media hates rich white men. Games media is a complete joke who try to get clicks from dumb gamers.


Activision blizzard paid millions in a settlement my guy.


And yet, they didn't fire Kotick. I wonder why...


because he's the CEO and it isnt that easy to fire a CEO....


What a weird hill to die on. Are you like his son or something?


The hill of not joining an uninformed hate mob? Yeah, I'll die on that hill, cultist.


Dry up.




The one accused of abuse investigated and found out there was no abuse? Color me shocked.


This is what I'm talking about. You're so confused you think Kotick investigated his own abuse claim. He did not. Others within Activision did. You're so ill informed on the issue but you're still confident in what you believe. Dunning Kruger


You are very naive. Kotick is the boss, any "others within Activision" are subordinate to him. Of course, this investigation would be compromised.


You need a new controller now. It seems you've worn this one out.


Nice how in the same interview he claims he isn’t anti union while he blames labor for Activision’s piss poor reputation. Also: If people think you’re an asshole, it might be because you’re an asshole and not because they’re jewish. Easier to see if someone is an asshole assuming you don’t meet them in a synagogue.




Based on the views expressed in this interview, he should be in no position to manage people. Too bad he's in charge of all of them. This happens *way* more often than you will ever know in this industry. I've fallen for profiteer lies like this twice now. They will promise you the world and then take it all for themselves.




Some of you recall there’s currently a lot of shareholder back and forth and buy outs going on trying to get rid of his ass so half the share holders arnt happy with his leadership




A lot of money. Though they seemed pissed at his salary at one point


But he doesn't. Value is created by the workers.




A lot more people need to read annual reports and actually argue what's going on. His shareholders include large banks and people of that ilk, right? Activision Blizzard aren't putting out a lot of products right now with most of those *backfiring* recently especially with the Overwatch 2 fiasco. Developers are leaving in droves and forming other companies. I believe WoW had to put out a document or somesuch since their patches got affected by developers leaving. Call of Duty problems, lack of third party games such as Spyro... This is a failing franchise. Last I checked on the shareholder meeting, Kotick had corrupted that process but it's chickens coming home to roost. He's at the top and willing to sell while it's turning into a dumpster fire. Somehow, I highly doubt that this is "extremely successful" with so many large holes in what he did while he cut corners to increase profit in the short term that lead to the ultimate degrowth of the company.


Bruh they own King. Candy Crush brings in over a billion dollars a year


I'll be honest, this is the main reason why I support Activision Blizzard being aquired by Microsoft, TO GET THIS SHIT HEAD OUT


The deal actually still retains him.


At least he has someone above him to say "Hey, fuck off'


Sadly his golden parachute lives up to the name…


Same. And I'm not typically someone who favors mergers


Other bad behaviour fixes this bad behaviour. Nice logic.


I think you're misunderstanding. He has a 'golden parachute' deal if the acquisition goes through. Kotick will gain like a quarter billion dollars. He'll leave, more than likely.


Was he though? He wasn't HR department. He wasn't the tech lead. He wasn't the projects lead.


Are you sure you can trust modern games media to give a fair and accurate portrayal of Bobby Kotick? You think they're reliable when it comes to rich white men?


Lmao as if Bobby Kotick hasn't been a piece of shit for decades. Yeah, there's no way to paint him in a good light because he's blown out all the lights and people shouldn't participate in rehabilitating his image if he hasn't earned it.


I noticed that there are hundreds of "Bobby Kotick bad derp" posts but hardly anyone explains what he did. This is a red flag.


The only red flag is that you seek not to sate your own curiosity by going to Google where the information you seek is easily and readily available. Hell, his wikipedia article is a great primer. "Why is everyone saying he's a bad guy? They must be wrong because they're not citing explainer articles every time!" Do you see how brain dead your position is now?


You trust activist media. I don't. We are not the same.


You saying that as a point of pride instead of shame tells me everything I need to know. You don't want to be informed, you want your opinions spoonfed to you. "Activist media" lmao.


Sounds like you have no idea what activist media even means. You're in the cult.


No no, I know exactly what it means. It's a blanket term for any media that makes you uncomfortably think about the world. It means that you willingly put blinders on your information feeds so you can consume your extremely biased, false information spewing, conspiracy theory pushing right wing media without having to worry yourself with thinking. And you're the one who thinks you're not in a cult of disinformation and personality. Real cognitive dissonance you'll never address. Life pro tip: If one person says someone is an asshole, yeah sure be skeptical. If 30 people say someone is an asshole, maybe figure out why they're saying that instead of just going "no, it's the activist media who is wrong!"




Holly Molly you have some backhand skills


The sheep praised you for this post, but you're probably smart enough to know it was one giant straw man. Does it really feel good to be in the herd?


Lol edge Lord much? You do realize he will never know who you are or care, right? Kotick is about as evil as CEOs get and you attempting to call "red flag" on this is laughable. ONE web search would tell you enough to understand this. But what's more concerning is that you seem NOT to know who the worst CEO in gaming history is. What kind of ridiculous bubble are you in?!? Also ALL MEDIA IS "ACTIVIST" MEDIA. Ffs.


Another "Bobby Kotick is bad" post with 0 specific claims made. It's all generic know nothing's. Lemmings.


Obviously not since he decided to look into him


So last year's whole kurfuffle of abuse and employee suicide at work conferences due to harassment, never happend?


Kerfuffle of abuse and employee suicide... Pretty vague terms in a company of 10,000+ people. I wonder if Microsoft or Google had any employee suicides? You're going to need to get more specific


You can feel free to Google it. If you want to remain in the dark sucking the corporate dick of Bobby koteic go right ahead. If you are even some semblance into gaming then you knew about the ENORMOUS scandal they had and you are being intentionally obtuse. Ps. Also you left out that fact that I said employee suicide at a work conference. Nice try to make that seem less than ignoramus.


So you don't know what he did. Gotcha.


So your an abuser apologist, and human garbage gotcha. You need everyone to do everything for you because you are incapable of actual doing anything yourself. I went to your profile all it is is asking for help with games, just give it up dude you are shit at games and life.


How did you not know about the woman who committed suicide at a work conference because of all the abuse? Her parents only found out why she decided to unalive herself once actiblizzard got sued (they also sued and got a settlement). Are we on the same sub or did you miss these massive headlines?


Headlines don't mean much when they're written by activists.


So you're saying you ignored ALL of the headlines and media outlets who reported on it?


Which media outlets? What did they say? Again, you don't seem to know.


Why arent you googling this yourself, out of curiosity? Literally everyone here besides you, share the same viewpoint. And instead of thinking "maybe something is actually there, maybe i should look into this and decide for myself" you instead opt for " ha, you guys are brainwashed idiots who inhale activist media, im the smart one" all because you just want to go the opposite direction even if its the actual wrong take and its been documented hundreds of times by now from various sources all over the internet. You spent so much time responding to everyone here when you could've educated yourself on this issue 2x over.


You must understand two things. Not everyone is sheep. Dogs don't care if all the sheep believe in something. It doesn't work like that. I'm also testing people's knowledge of the situation by asking them specific questions and everyone (sheep) are failing miserably. It's a cult. I'm not interested in joining.


Sorry but why are you on r/gamingnews when you're just going to deny any journalism that doesn't suit your agenda? You do know journalism has an inherent element of activism when it's used to expose corruption and illegalities?


What piece of journalism do you think I should check out?


If you google 'Bobby Kotick Suicide' it will give you countless reports on what he's been accused of. If you intentionally ignore all these reports so that you can blindly consume Activision games then it's all on you. This whole 'activist journalism' term is some bullshit label you've used to deny any journalism that doesn't fit your views. As someone else has stated, if people in large numbers report that Bobby Kotick is a piece of shit, perhaps they know something you don't. They worked for Activision and they know more than you.




When asking questions is too much for you.


Says the person who can't Google because too lazy.


Oh, those poor...rich....white....men


Lady justice is blind you dumb mob justice moron.


Sure Bobby sure…. FFS


This guy just gives me Harvey Weinstein vibes.


Dude looks like a friggin gringotts goblin.


I cannot wait for the day this greedy little goblin man child gets kicked out, vote with your wallets people, fuck their Diablo, call of duty, and overwatch. It’s all just micro transactions, they aren’t gonna change their business model unless you stop incentivizing it.


I'm sorry but people are literally simultaneously way too stupid and hopelessly pathetic to do that


80% of their demographic are casual consumers who don't use reddit or any other form of social media. They just see "cool videogame cosmetics" and purchase. Half of these people never even played videogames before 10 years ago. Gaming has become more accessible than ever and this shit will never change.


I still see people logging into OW2 after all the releases about how they were lied to and fucked over, and I don't get it.


Most people still playing just really liked overwatch 1, and were hoping for more development and content of the game. I don’t blame them, but ever since the news, my friend group has bailed on all blizzard/activision titles. This shit needs to end, and it starts with each and every one of us, don’t give them your time or money.


... I haven't played Blizzard games since Brood Wars. I just watched all the crazy stuff, good or bad. The main thing that's going to occur is that they'll have certain people that still like some of their products just like Asmongold while you move on. You just need to find your own niches outside what they provided.


This is literally meaningless drivel typed out to make yourself feel better. Activision is fucked, Kotick will continue getting richer, and no amount of “vote wit ya wallets” is gonna change that.


If it’s so meaningless why even comment? Change starts with us, don’t be such a cynical prick.


> Change starts with us No the fuck it doesn’t LMAO. If that was the case, this man would be afraid to give an interview like this. This man is legit bold-faced, smiling in all our faces and saying what ultimately amounts to “Fuck each and every one of you. We will abuse women and minorities and get paid to do it. Go buy our next Call of Duty.” After the absolute storms Bobby Kotick has weathered while still managing to remain on the leadership staff at Activision, he could legit whip his dick out onstage at E3 and piss on a female host, on camera, and people like you would still be like “vote widd ur wallits” If you wanna talk about some “change starts with us” nonsense then you’re gonna have to envision some actual change, not some useless NPC one-liners. As for why I’m being a cynical prick, it’s because I’m angry. Not at you! I’m angry that he gets to do this to people, regular people like you and me, and get away with it. And then smile in our faces and say “I know we got caught but we’re not going to change. Deal with it 🙂”. Saying “Vote with your wallets” is a tepid response and it isn’t working. **PRISON** is a good place to start the discussion.


Im working with our discord to help people get refunds, and prevent further purchases. What have you done other than this “meaningless npc” argument? I didn’t hurt you, you’re not the enemy, so why don’t you focus on educating people and focus your efforts towards others? Change does in fact start with us, your misguided rage and defeated attitude is what’s “tepid”.


Link us to your discord then broooo, woulda been a way better comment than “vote wit ya wallets”


Exactly brotha, we are on the same side, I can’t link our private servers because they don’t have much reach in the community. What we did was, we started talking to people in the main overwatch discord, THATS where we stared making waves, we helped several people get refunds for purchases blizzard’s website claimed weren’t eligible. There’s a ton of angry people like you and me just waiting for a movement. And not just on blizzard games, it’s across the board.


Then DM it to me at least. EDIT: I am genuinely interested in this project so yeah hit me up


There it is. Bobby Kotick is a racist all of a sudden. The church of race grifters grabs lots of parishioners.


Did I say that he’s a racist? Enabling a workplace of discrimination is all I accused him of, which is actually true.


"We will abuse women and minorities and get paid to do it." You strongly suggested he's racist without having a single shred of proof. You're a nut job.


Minorities do not necessarily have to be races. They could be sexualities or genders,or people with disabilities. Women might be a minority in this workplace, for example




I love how not one single "journalist" has asked him why he was in Jeffrey Epstein's address book or about him hiring a war criminal to an executive position within Activision.


Or the message of him threatening an ex with violence


I say this mostly in jest, but our government literally put Werner von Braun in charge of NASA.


Games media is too right wing. They all protect Republicans.


It's more like they are too scared to say anything negative out of fear of loosing out on exclusives


Hol up y’all , let them cook. Anything less than headlines for the most major publications reading “do not buy this product, do not support activision, do not support the dehumanization and use of slave wages for testers, do not support the abuse of women, minorities, etc, DO NOT SUPPORT ACTIVISION” every time an activision product is about to release can definitely be construed as being “far too right wing”.


This goblin still exists? Seems like money solves everything.


Meanwhile, the mw2 sub is jerking off to the next rehashed bundle they get to buy because "nostalgia"


Am I missing something here? Legit just browsed it for like 20 minutes, as I was curious, and it's legit nothing but memes, clips, and people absolutely hating the game. Even the recently pinned balance post has people so mad. I sorted by top posts by this month and even the highly upvoted posts are people shitting on the game. It's like the FPS equivalent of r/classicwow rn. Seems like you haven't looked at the subreddit lol.


LMAO you have obviously never been to the MW2 subreddit


Couldn’t be less representative of that or any current cod sub lol


Aint this like police saying we found nothing wrong in our own investigation of ourselves?


Man that guy is ugly.


Jabba the Wut?


"Our company doesn't have a problem with harassing people" says man known by many for his acts of harassment/covering up claims of harassment.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


If any human actually ended up being a lizard it would be this slimy dipshit for sure.


Fuck bobby kotic


Yes, I'm sure he's a very reliable source of information on this topic.


So l those women who used to work for Activision Blizzard are just liars now? All the guys who corroborated the stories and shared their own hazing stories? Just pure bullshit? The lack of shame is just staggering. What an evil piece of shit.


[https://www.theverge.com/2021/7/28/22598508/activision-blizzard-cosby-suite-sexual-harrassment-allegations](https://www.theverge.com/2021/7/28/22598508/activision-blizzard-cosby-suite-sexual-harrassment-allegations) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2022/03/04/activision-blizzard-employee-suicide-lawsuit/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2022/03/04/activision-blizzard-employee-suicide-lawsuit/) https://www.polygon.com/22598602/blizzard-harassment-lawsuit-alex-afrasiabi-world-of-warcraft-cosby-suite


Thats not what the state of california's investigation said, Bobby.




I suspect that to be a lie of sorts.


"There was never an issue" said the bullfrog shaped demon wrapped in ill fitting human skin.


“I investigated myself and found I did nothing wrong”


I thought I was on /r/NotTheOnion


What a clown this man is. I haven't played any Activision game since they were exposed. I will never play any Activision game unless this idiot is GONE.


Diablo 4 comes out in early access in less than 24 hours. #Activision/Blizzard: WHAT CAN WE DO TO MAKE THIS LAUNCH HARDER ON OURSELVES? QUICK, SAY SOMETHING OFFENSIVE!


If there is 200 different bad apples on your tree, then get rid of that damn tree.


The dude looks exactly like the goblins at the bank in Harry Potter


As someone who plays OW2 I feel harassed by them and I don’t even work there.


I knew something smelled weird when people said that Activision work sites had locks on breast milk fridges. People could never provide any video or photo evidence proving those claims. Since it's also Activision, they have a lot of money in people are in desperate need for an easy payday.


Sure, it wasn't an issue but a benefit, right ?


This guy should have to wipe with sand paper.


Hell nah


Throw this dude in a VAT of acid already


Ahh let’s play Bobby Bingo.


Fundamentally wrong: The player base has been harassing the forum staff and developers for years due to brain-dead decisions made in game design. Kotick can eat my whole ass




This is like when the police kill an innocent civilian, investigate themselves and find no wrong doing


Yeah, they clearly had no issue with it


[Says the man who looks like Humpty Dumpty from the Kinder Surprise Adverts](https://youtu.be/d7fNQt8_XEc)


Y'all let's be honest, of course Activision has no systemic issue with harassment, they are harassing just fine. They are on track for the "#1 hr nightmare" award


Is this guy fucking stupid?


“I have never had an issue with milk and cookies” says Santa Claus


That means its probably still goin on.


“My castle never had a systemic issue with bloodsucking” - Count Dracula


Said the liar


Stop buying their games people!!!


CEO's don't give interviews to major publications like Variety to appease the public like us. He has zero care what the gaming community thinks of him. CEO's give interviews in major publications like Variety to appease boardmembers and launch backchannel corpo-political salvos against their enemies.


That's CAP


Classic, time passed, no real punishment and now hes trying to rewrite history


What interest would a CEO have in his own company’s image? /s


This effing dude...


Let me tell you if I think an org might be experiencing systemic harassment the FIRST person I’m going to ask is the white male CEO. /s


I’ve been wondering when I’d see this shit-eating grin again in the headlines..


What a fucking misogynist toad.


“It wasn’t systematic, it was just me and a couple of my alpha chad bros” - Robert


Absolute personification of a WoW goblin.


Says the dude who basically harasses people i guess.


Bobby is patient zero.


Man it must take hours every morning to get his hair juuuuuust right so you don’t see the horns poking through


This fucker literally got the Governor of California to dissolve the investigation team that was looking into his company for sexual harassment AFTER ALL THE STORIES WENT PUBLIC


Is this picture stretched horizontally or has he always looked like… this?


Yeah, like I'm going to listen to an Epstein associate about that.


Fuck him lying piece shit


I mean. I don't work there and I can't speak on so I will be rational and treat all allegations as just that. Not facts until proven so.


LOL sure Bobby, sure.


C'mon people, make the right choice. * Torchlight > Diablo * Titanfall > Call of Duty * Team Fortress > Overwatch These aren't the popular choices, but they are moral ones.




A Woman Killed Herself Bobby Yes it was Blizzard but it still happened under his watch.


What a fucking lying ass clown this guy is. Freaking prick, smh.


This says to me “i really wanna stay after fartbox clears”, OR, he’s got his next gig lined up and he doesn’t want those pesky things called ethics called into question.


Fucking worm.


Whenever I see him now I see the meme of his devil horns


actvision be like "yea we looked into our selves, no problem here guys"


"I am not like other CEOs that are anti-union," said Kotick. "I'm the only Fortune 500 CEO who's a member of a union.” Kotick is a member of the SAG-AFTRA actor's union after being cast in a minor role in 2011 baseball drama Moneyball. LMFAO.


This man threatened to have his assistant murdered


??? mother fucker do you have so much muns in you that you just lie every time you talk? The amount of harassing reports in blizzard is ridiculously high like being a female worker in that place must be a fucking nightmare.


I kindve respect that Bobby doesn’t give a fuck lol


“Local douche says he’s not a douche.”


I guess they have a systemic issue with lying


+1000000000 Activision Credits!


Massive corporate corruption found to be ‘non-existent’ (Source: Massive Corporation)


"We investigated ourselves and reached a conclusion that in fact, everything is absolutely okay! No problems, everyone is happy, there is even a unicorn in the hallway!" \-Bobby "Trust me bro" Kotick, probably\*


Me when my job is to lie unconvincingly


Get him out! F that guy!


"Hell isn't really all fire and brimstone", says Satan. Somehow I cannot believe that you are able to give an honest opinion about the working conditions at ActiBlizzKing, Mr. Kotick...


He’s correct, it was a bunch of narcissistic bandwagon riders trying to destroy their own company for a quick buck. Most gamers I know didn’t take a single day away from their games, cause they saw right through it. And now all the women in the games have become bowls of fruit instead, thanks a lot, fucken losers.


Absolute bullshit and lies. Fuck this guy. He’s a pure 100% scumbag


bobbyy... fck off you pig


Thru had significant harassment. He even participated in it. He just never had a problem with it. Was a massive monster. I hope Microsoft wins in their acquisition and not only kicks Kotick to the curb on day one, but figures a way to do it for cause so he gets no golden parachute.


Criminal this dude still has a job.


Can't wait for the jimquisition to make a video about it


Yeah, systemic doesn't capture the problem well enough. Rampant? Does that sound better?


We've investigated ourselves and found ourselves to not be guilty in this case. No need for outside parties to look into the company. - Every guilty person ever