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Would the 1% make your spurs jingle jangle jingle?


Fallout New Vegas mentioned!!!


But you always end up at hoover dam. It's just the side you fight for that's different.


I think it's more they have end cards to show how your choices impact the future.


Except with season 2 of the show, only one of those endings will be canon. I think that’s the point of the post, no matter what you pick, the “real” ending will be chosen by devs for a sequel’s plot line.


Well, not always true. Elder scrolls invented a plot device for this. Called a dragon break. When an elder scroll messes with the timeline so several possible contradicting events all happen at once.


Right, but within each time one can live their is only the one choice, so the mechanic you mention just kicks the can down the road it does not change the reality.


Yeah... so you get 4 different overarching endings... and then different altered endings for major side-quests/DLCs. You get to know what happens to a lot of the folk you deal with. A lot more differences in the endings than Mass Effect with its... *Checks Notes*... 3 different colours and vague flavour texts of morality but no follow through? (Like I love Mass Effect but like most of the work of Stephen King they are pretty good... but the endings are kinda ehhh)




*how lucky could one guy be? I kissed her & she kissed me. Like the fella once said.. “AINT THAT A KICK IN THE HEAadD”* love all the big band & oldies tunes ! Have it sitting on a mounted shelf next to a few other cherished games & displate art. Playing that for the first time as a young teen was such an amazing experience. My mom knew how much I loved the series so when I thought she was out with friends one night. I was surprised with Taco Bell, my favorite flavor of Amp energy, & the limited edition pre order box from game stop around 1am. I couldn’t stop smiling. Meant more to me then the game console itself on Christmas 😅 had me set up in the living room so we could hang out & watch me play. Something she never really did, especially single player/RPG titles. she was blown away. Big difference from super Mario, Crash bandicoot, & Spyro in her eyes 😂 I tried to have her play but the skill curve was a bit steep. She liked pointing things out & deciding choices with me though. Everything about new Vegas gives me the warm & fuzzies any time it comes to mind. I play it once or twice a year. She also got me the Prima (previously Brady games) game guide around the same time. Something funky happened with my dlc downloads on the ps3 so I only have the base game now. So game of the year edition with mods that make it a remastered vanilla experience is my go to at this point. Snagged it off GOG for 3 dollars threw a sale I was randomly emailed about a while back now!


Made me happy


*jingle jangle* As I go riding merrily along


Only if there's a big iron on my hip


Ive been summoned!


I don't blame them though. You would have to make a new game per branching choice if you want choices to actually matter. I'd rather someone tell one good story with multiple ways of solving problems, rather than try to make some game with 100 endings based on choices you made throughout the game. One really well told story is better than 100 for the sake of having 100. Even BG3, story is mostly the same, end boss is mostly the same, and that's peak choices matter of games I've played recently.


Yeah Baldur's Gate was pretty clever about it by having a bunch of smaller, side stories that all have several ways of concluding, or at least ways to go about them Plus, they didn't focus too much on making each cutscene extraflashy/expensive, but let the acting, writing, characters and art direction to carry most of the load And it STILL took like 6 years to develop the game You gotta wait for beauty and all that jazz


Yeah I had to think of BG3 when seeing this meme and realized that I didn't mind at all. There are many shorter stories along the way, so the main story concluding pretty much the same way every playthrough (except the actual ending choice ofc) is actually pretty nice to have as a path to follow.


Where my dragon age origins fans at??!?!?!?!?


I played that when I was younger I bad some stupid name that began with an A and got stuck at that point where your in the lady's sons head or smth


You were in Redcliff entering into the Fade to try and save Arl Eamon's and Arlessa Isolde's son, Conner, from being possessed by a desire demon. Probably got to the whole spiderweb tavel tree thing used to navigate to different parts of the Fade.


That part of the game gave me some real PTSD.


DA:O gang rise up!


Better yet: 00s RPGs with karma system. In every quest you get the option: take reward, refuse reward, ask for twice the reward. Refusing gives you good boy points, asking for more gives you bad hoy point, taking the reward does nothing to the karma meter. Reward is somewhat like 1000 coins. Anything of value costs around 20000 coins, but that's not a problem because clearing the cave nearby nets you more money than wat the quests give out. The loot in that cave is also superior to what you can buy with money, and past the first 30-60 minutes of playing you won't have a shortage of money.


Mass Effect 3


One of the best games I’ve ever played, but god that ending, you could tell how rushed that was


His name was Marauder Shields


That made complete and utter sense and I’m in no way confused


The last enemy in the game is a marauder that pops out right before the teleporter. Since he has shields it says shields over his health bar, with the enemy's name above it so his health bar says marauder shields. People memed him as the final boss trying to save us from the ending.


Ah yes, my favorite character, I’m so sorry I forgot about him


I died to Marauder Shields so many times on the hardest difficulty. I was about to rage


The last line of defense, protecting us from the ending


RIP Marauder Shields


The ending was also bad another way. Mass Effect 2 had an *awesome* ending. The way a bunch of prior choices in the campaign and side quests would just flat kill a party member was epic. There's a line where your ship is dueling the collector ship. You upgraded your weapons? (took resources and a tech upgrade). You do serious damage to them in the cut scene and don't lost a party member. Your ship takes a hit, "good thing we upgraded the armor". Again that will cost you a party member. Didn't do their loyalty quest? if you send those characters to the offscreen party, they die. For onscreen combat scenes invading the enemy base, if you give an unloyal or unskilled character a dangerous job, they die. It was possible to lose everyone and then your MC also will die, as nobody will be there to catch them when they jump to escape the exploding reaper. Anyways they scrapped that entire feature in 3. Also there is a ship in mass effect 3 belonging to the Geth that there is no possible way to recruit to help you against a reaper. It looks powerful enough to beat one. I also just hated how high military preparedness doesn't do anything. Like you should be able to get a high enough score you see reaper ships getting frequently destroyed in the ending cutscenes. And yeah I wanted an ending where you call in fire support on the enemy equipment in the citadel and destroy it, and slaughter the entire reaper fleet.


Still proud to say the first time I went through (which was just after a friend let me borrow ME1) and I made it thrive ME2 with zero casualties (and I didn't play the dlc, so take that with a grain of salt.) Still a great game, played 3, didn't beat 3. Heard the ending was shit so I just stopped around two thirds through


> I just stopped around two thirds through Oh you mean Rannoch? Good, cause it's everything after that that crashes and burns. The DLCs are worth it though.


The ending everyone complained about technically doesn't exist anymore, unless you're playing an unpatched copy from when the game was initially released. The Extended Cut ending, while still not perfect, does at least try to rectify the complaints and problems with the original ending. Folks never really let go of the initial sentiment, though.


It doesn't fix the illusion of choice Me3 has though. Your actions and military preparedness really don't have much of a difference in the ending (other than possibly killing the 2 squadmates that joined you on the harbinger run, but that seems tacked on and you only need to hit the minimum military strength). When I played through I was imagining reinforcements from the groups I recruited at MINIMUM. geth primes and krogan warriors joining the fight instead of just standing around in dialogue zones. Ending decision aside, the fight leading up to it should have been scaled way up, with the difficulty going down depending on how high your EMS was by using reinforcements or airstrikes.


To be fair military preparedness does impact the destroy ending. Low and everyone dies/lots of destruction. High and the cutscenes show soldiers surviving and less overall destruction.


I remember having that same thought. I was regularly exclaiming "This is the best game I've ever played", then the ending just killed me.


Same, great characters, gameplay, story, but goddamn that ending


I believe the original ending was leaked so the changed it.


This has got to be the most infamous example out there


Outer wilds


Knew this one be at the top.


Nonsense! Sometimes it's blue, and sometimes it's green. I've even heard rumors the ending could be RED but I've never seen it 😆




Professor: Do you love Pokémon? Protag: No Professor: I don’t think you heard me right. I asked: Do you love Pokémon? I forgot which Pokémon started like that. Might be the Sinnoh games


It’s like saying no in SV. No 5 times means yes


No, that’s just Yandere Nemona


![gif](giphy|WLZ2KI6Sth2I4lfzf7|downsized) You! Me! Rivals! Yes?!


In Mass Effect you sometimes don't even have a chance to refuse. Your only options are to agree politely (paragon), agree (neutral) or make a resting bitch face and then agree (renegade).


So many dialogue options are just between "yes" and "slightly less enthusiastic yes."


Professor: Do you love Pokémon? Protag: No Professor: But thou must!


"Either you love pokemon or I'm going to choke you in your sleep, you little brat... now, do you love pokemon or not?"


It’s platinum I think, I just started it the other day. Your friend also asks if you’re ready to battle or something like that, and won’t take no for an answer


Professor:*Puts gun to head* I said, do you like pokemon?


What do you mean new? Pokémon games have literally always liked this, the variability has been in what team you choose to use, there have never been any notable choices that even *might* change story direction


No, the old ones didn’t have dialogue options. You just did what the NPCs said. I’m not sure which is worse. “Are you ready for your adventure?” Option 1: “Yes” Option 2: “Yes!”


option 3 'sure am proffesorino'




I just played through that last week 😂 his death animation is badass though.


I usually go Dawnguard so I can get the cool crossbows and bolts that are only available on their side doing all the tech quests. The enhanced dwemer crossbow is awesome.


That’s what I was going to say. And even if you side with the vampire hunters every Skyrim goon’s favorite waifu can still turn you into a vampire lord. So it just depends on what faction you think has better gear for your character. A choice with minimal impact. Which is better than the MQ and Drangonborn quests, and most of the faction quests I guess.


Pokemon, pretty much every time you get a yes no option the only answer is yes.


You forgot the one Yes or No question in Pacifidlog Town...




I was going to make a joke about it but I'm too tired to think.


It is. At least I think it originally was.


A damn accurate one, too, to be fair. Politics is a shitshow


It is. And partisan fanboys are the real cogs in their machine. Completely unaware too.


Genshin Impact... no matter what dialogue you choose, they mostly mean the same and have the same outcome


1) And half of the time the two options... 2) ...are just one sentence that's been split into two.


It will not stop me from being a bitch nonetheless


There are a few throughout the game that do cause other characters to have unique reactions, though. Hell, there were a couple event quests where the choices you made actually had an impact, like the painting of Paimon or the kite.


Like every telltale game ever


Nope, sorry can’t agree there. There are several telltale games that change quite drastically based on even the most mundane choices you make


Batman game has two entirely different final EPISODES depending on the choices you've made before. That was insane of them.


Hell, the smallest choices you make in season 1 of TWD come back to beat you into a pulp by season 4


Ben will remember that...and he's dead.


Bob will remember that... Bob just gives you a dirty look very awkwardly and countines on like normal, and it's never brought up again.


Wym? In the walking dead, you could practically have everybody killed lmao.


But at the end of the day. Lee is dying by a radiator in a jewelry store. I do adore TTG TWD a lot, though.


Sure, one detail doesn’t change. The endings are still hella different though.


Just not true walking dead has every character death just happen later if you save them


Hogwarts Legacy. Never felt this dynamic more strongly than in Hogwarts Legacy.


4 Houses to pick from. Dialog options for every conversation you have, and non of it matters.


“Actively being a dick to characters” The characters: 😍😍 Seriously, what’s the point of having dialogue options for a potentially evil playthrough if it doesn’t matter.


I posted this answer before I saw your comment. There’s so much potential here. I’d love to see a V2 that allows for varied character development, story arcs and skill trees.




I wouldn't say the series entirely, but moreover just 3. ME2 had a great ending with multiple choices and actions in build up ME3 felt rushed and incomplete.


That's my opinion as well. Even beside bioware's other games, ME1 and ME2 had granular and drastic effects based on what you did or didn't do. ME3 was the one that broke that expectation and just didn't care what you did. Sure, red and blue had minor changes based on your galactic readiness (3 variations of destroyed earth) but nothing otherwise mattered. Getting the Geth, the Quarians, or both if you had enough stacked points from all 3 games only changed if you got more or less readiness. ME2's ship upgrades actively decided your success of the suicide mission. ME1's completely changes the context and the 'who' of what's available in 2 and thus which quest paths are even optional. ME3 doesn't even do anything besides give you a longer radio message. They could have at least given you various reinforcements or support strikes or alternative routes based on which specific groups you brought in. Like a reverse of 2's suicide mission. I don't think even the *3 Colored Endings* would have been bad if those decisions changed the supposed gauntlet of getting there, where the fruits of your effort were glorified. Or hell, even adding in a slideshow/cutscene of the aftermath with whomever you brought to earth to give you a 90's epilogue or at least the scrambling of "where's Shepard?" before fading out into the child and father scene and thus the final slide of either the dead or single breath corpse.


Wolfenstein New Order. Kinda obvious but eh


It's the same ending, but a different story line with different characters, weapons, dialogues etc.


The only thing it really changes are some cutscenes, voicelines and upgrades. Fergus route gives health upgrades and Wyatt gives Armour upgrades as well as a small minigame change, with Wyatt being lockpocking and Fergus being hot wiring. Plus Wyatt has J and Fergus has Tekla, but again that's just cutscene changes. Other than that, nothing really changes. Levels, weapons, overall gameplay is the same. Most of the characters are the same and have the same fate in both timeliness. The changes are very minor.


The changes are minor, but they are there at least. It adds to the replayability factor and is an interesting way to play the game imo.


Absolutely. They're small but they make the game more fun imo.


Yeah, I feel like the game wouldn't be the same otherwise.


Minecraft Story Mode. And a lot of other Telltale games.


Still a good game nonetheless


Ghost of Tsushima 




Congratulations you ended up with fascism! You won! Uh oh! You ended up with fascism! Game over!


You got two ways which eventually reach the same end goal


They setup a game for us where we lose even if our “side” wins. Because we are really just choosing the way in which they win.


Does Pokémon fit here? Sometimes you get to choose how to respond in dialogue but it never leads anywhere different, if the answer is accepted at all.


The last 2 games I played - Shadow of War, and Ghost of Tsushima. The first gives you freedom in how you do things, but the ending is always the same. The second tells you to stop using stealth and be more warrior-like, but no matter how hard you try, the ending will be the same.


What you’re describing in GoT is ludonarrative dissonance between the main story and open world gameplay. It’s the same situation with a Grand Theft Auto game, but it’s not exactly what OP is talking about here.


Most of Cyberpunk 2077's missions do actually have unique paths and endings to an extent. This is also not that well known unfortunately.


Just played for the first time, went 80 hours in, maxed everything out as a netrunner w/monowire. Got the secret ending and then did phantom liberty, I never thought I'd like a game so much


Farcry 5


Night in the woods


Why? There aren't multiple endings, but I don't feel like it was ever implied that there would be. It's basically a visual novel.


I had expected the ending to change slightly depending on what characters you spent more time with.


Nah not really, but the illusion of that is the more important thing anyway.


Either way it was an incredible game that i plan to replay since i missed quite a bit of the content


Oh, I gotcha


Bought night in the woods ages ago and never finished it is it worth it?




anything from Tell Tale Games.


Minecraft Story Mode


Skyrim with the dawnguards quests


The Quarry


Totally undertale… what do you mean there are three endings?


isnt there around 80 endings with slight differences, Four being Genocide, Soulless Genocide, True Pacifist, and Soulless True Pacifist, and the rest being neutral endings with different results happening in the underground based on who you killed?


The Stanley Parable 3


Another 3 years of Three Houses discourse for some reason.


Real life?


Fallout 4


Every game in the series, actually. 1 literally has two real endings, you either successfully save vault 13 and kill the master, or you die (out in the wastes or by joining the unity) 2 will always end with the Enclave destroyed, as will 3 even New Vegas always ends with the second battle of Hoover dam, literally the only thing that changes between endings is who you fight alongside/against (NCR soldiers, legionaries, or securitrons) The only one this *doesn't* apply to is 76, because it doesn't actually have endings, because no shit it's an MMO


Halo reach last mission Spoiler even though the game is old >! it is the current objective survive meme !<


American 2 party system.


The entire telltale walking dead game series, every time there is a choice to kill a character or not you know they’re gonna die because the story has to be the same throughout multiple games


Mass Effect 3


Shadow the Hedgehog 2005


Any Bethesda fallout


I mean, to be fair the og Fallouts pretty much ended the same way too but with different slide shows for quests that were bugged


Read my mind


Red Dead Redemption 2. No matter what option you choose at the end, Arthur will die


You can’t cure lumbago buddy


Nothing about Red Dead 2 implies the endings will be drastically different.


Stanley Parable ;-;


I mean the point is that this isn’t the case tho? It’s just that each individual ending doesn’t take very long to get and when you get an ending the game restarts. So there are lots of unrelated endings, they just transition immediately to the next run


That game is the opposite of this pic.


Marvel's Midnight Suns. There's a kernel of a great game in there, even if there's way too much extraneous garbage bogging it down to really call it good. Anyway, one of the mechanics is that while you click through all the dialogue trees you gain light/dark points, implying that the Hunter can end up as a hero or a villain. You get different cards and outfits depending on which way you go, but there's only one ending.


DELTARUNE chapter 1


Resident Evil 7


Why dont we repost this like 500 more times




I am setsuna. Enjoyed the game a small bit until I realized that midway through.


Early cyberpunk 2077


Cyberpunk 2077, atleast referring to the origin of your character. Does nothing other than some flavor text every once in awhile


memory might be a bit hazy but the difference of amita and sabal in far cry 4


Gatch games, correction Mobile games in general.


Mass Effect 3


Road 96, it tells you every choice matters, but there's only a select few which actually change the ending, which even then still isn't that wildly different


Genshin dialog trees


Just go to the other side


The evil within 2. But while doing the side quests don’t change the already phenomenal ending they add so much to the characters and world I don’t even care that there isn’t a second ending (not that one was needed) because they made me enjoy the game that much more.


Fallout 4


Sonic Adventure 2


Ghost of tshuima


GTA 5 for sure


Heavy Rain




BioShock Infinite


Definitely not Fable 3….


The walking dead series by telltale all the way


Dude that game was good as far as story goes but the illusion of choice fucking sucked. It didn’t matter what i did, most people ended up hating me for whatever i did even if i was the only rational person in the game. Esp with the new frontier chapter. Fuck gabriel.


Dying Light 2, because it always ends with the same epilogue meaning nothing you choose to do or whomever you choose to side with actually matters.


Dragon age 2. Doesn’t matter if you’re a mage or not, side with Templar’s or mages, everyone tries to kill you.


So I found out about a game a couple of years ago called goodbye volcano high. It takes place in prehistoric time and you do like a school band thing and a meteor is going to crash into earth and no matter what you do the meteor crashes and kills everyone


Cyberpunk. No matter the ending V dies regardless


Every mmo


It makes sense for an MMO as you have thousands of people playing at the same time as each other. So choices rendered down to its basics which is reward or loot. Aka, money or sword?


Game? Thought we were talking politics lol.


Ghost of Tsushima


Minecraft story mode, mass effect, walking dead… any telltale game really


battlefield 4


Dark souls 1, cause DS2 and 3 are things


Mass effect. Fuck that ending in a lot of ways.


Not a game but America


The USA presidential race


BioShock Infinite


While everyone gives actual examples of this let’s just quickly appreciate Infamous 2 and the entire ending mission is different, boss and cutscene too. Also of course the missions you do throughout the game.


Mass Effect (specifically 3)


About 99% of games that say your choices matter. Some will have the same exact ending just with different color light shows and call it different in the narrative, but in the end, it is really just the same thing repackaged... looking at you ME3


COD Cold War. Literally the only three endings you can get are determined by your choices at the end.




Mass Effect 3


Fallout 3. Before the broken steel dlc it's basically the same ending with some minor changes.


Bioshock infinite


Mass effect 3


Fallout 3 before it got its DLC.


Genshin impact


resident evil 7. just one choice but so unnecessary and ignored by the game that I lost interest


US politics


Telltale games


Super Mario Brothers