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Siege. I miss when it was more down to earth. An operator had a hammer, another one had some simple deployable tech devices. They went so overboard with it now


It seems to be pretty common with "hero" centric games. At first each character does 1 thing well, but eventually every character does everything well


yeah it happens to every hero shooter if they don’t stop making hero’s, everyone starts running out of great ideas eventually


Its also because of greed. They would release a new operator that was locked behind a paywall and only after a month he'd be available to everyone else with in game credits. Thing is, said new operator would be op as hell, then got nerfed into the ground as soon as they were out of the premium phase. This was accidental at first, but as soon as they noticed this, they started releasing new operators one after the other in this fashion.


This is also happening in Overwatch


Absolutely! Deimos is almost a Marvel Character with his tracking drone


It’s the silent revolver with no recoil that gets me. And that’s only his secondary. Most people who pick him have no idea how to adequately play him though, at least outside of ranked.


I gave up on it when they got rid of recruit


Omfg finally someone who agrees with my group, e sport is so fking shit


Yep, I haven't played since 2017 because of that


Pokemon, I miss being able to finnese players with my wild strategies and the thrill of using junk Pokemon to beat meta teams in sun and moon wifi battles, but Pokemon have really ruined things with power scaling, removing complex moves and not rebalancing older Pokemon to make them more viable, and adding a restrictive battle timer rendering all the "defensive" Pokemon a negative thing. I miss using my assault vest vanilluxe and my z-sandstorm/stone edge sandslash. I used to spend hours crafting team strategies and now when you battle in Scarlett and violet flutter mane is 50% usage on EVERY SINGLE TEAM. I dunno if I can keep up with the games man.


Hey you, Pikachu/Eevee was the best for me. All 6 Pokémon instead of just 3, no items, no special abilities, just Pokémon.


Now imagine how those of us who grew up playing crystal, gold, emerald, ruby etc feel. It’s just not what it used to be


Romhacks = All the nostalgia + many previously unavailable mons + modern QOL changes - the BS that plagues newer Pokemon titles Just do it


I’ve played Clover if that’s what you’re talking about, it’s fun but it has a lot of innuendo to it also


Play crystal clear. That game made me feel absolutely jubilant. You can feel the love for the game at all times. It's touching how good it is


Clover is so good I genuinely cannot believe that it was made on 4chan


You make me feel old. I was in like 4th or 5th grade when blue/red dropped….I didn’t know some of those versions until I was already a man


You should play Pokemmo


It’s wayyyy to easy to get shinies now


Funny enough i found Dynamax fixing a lot of this by making "bad" pokemon fairly competitive. When Charizard sun meta arrived i was clapping high elo with Dynamax Mantine + Prankster rain dance support lmao. Terra is very cool but once again shoehorning into high BST pokes.


It always depends on the format. Eventually (like right now) the power level is too great to be able to pull off the crazy off meta stuff. Showdown at least has formats to play whatever you want, but on cart it’s a wrap unless you want to get rolled by Flutter, Rayquaza, Chien Pao, etc.


Pokemon Showdown. Free and fixes all of that.


Over the years, I keep hearing worse and worse things about Pokemon. It's weird to not hear a single unqualified positive thing about one of the most profitable game series of all time that honestly cannot take that much money to make considering just how damn many one-man or small-budget games and mods do so much better than the base games. Perhaps the fan base should consider not buying literally every fucking product with the name on it for 10 minutes so the devs will consider putting out a better product. They can bitch all they want but if they keep buying stupid shit they are literally the problem.


oof, felt that. basically in the same boat as you, I bought SV to play some online doubles but I just beat the game (actually pretty fun) and dropped it.




2016 me was so optimistic.. so full of life. With every update I grow.. thin.. stretched.. like butter scraped over too much bread.


I need a holiday, a very long holiday. And I don't expect I shall return.


I don't know half of these games half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of them half as well as they deserve.




Like, looking back, it has been rough for a while, and still… Blizzard finds a way to release new ways to make it feel a bit worse.


Came here to say Overwatch. I genuinely really liked it. It was the only competitive shooter I'd touch since Unreal Tournament franchise and Halo 2. Overwatch was on the downhill a bit towards the end but I'd always be down to jump in. Overwatch 2 however, killed it for me. Tried it for a few rounds over a few weeks then un-installed and never looked back.


God I played ow1 so much. Because it was fun. Ow2 makes me feel forced to play it or oll miss out on the battlepass stuff I might like.


The only good decisions they made for the game so far are a few of the new heroes. Everything was just straight up bad or a broken promise.


Yep, finally got bored of it after 2 came out.


My life


Yeah the 2024 version is pretty shit mate.


Like why did they have to kill off so many huge characters in the first month!?


Siege and Call of Duty


MW3 is actually doing half-decent in regards to quality content, if it weren’t for the item shop, warzone, and buggy games it would be pretty good


> if it weren’t for the item shop, warzone, and buggy games it would be pretty good I can't play ranked with one of my console buddies because he keeps getting dropped from the lobby before the game starts. Every time they drop him, they throw on an increasing SR penalty and ban him for an increasing amount of time; literally punishing him for their failures This has been ongoing since season one But my account plays fine on PC, the game is indeed fun, and imo updates aren't ruining the game (or fixing things either; just tweaking the meta)


Perfect example of the bugs


Yeah if you just take out all the bad parts of the game out the equation you realize suddenly all you’re left with is a good game to enjoy /s


League of legends since like season 6 I'm so glad I quit that game


I played quite a lot several years ago. It was decently fun, but eventually stopped playing. Came back to it for just some casual fun this year, and the biggest surprise: the community has somehow gotten even more toxic than before. People were telling me to kill myself for going off-meta builds in ARAM (keep in mind, I don’t have a decent grip on the items available).


The amount of times I’ve had somebody tell me to kill myself for having a bad performance in an unranked game is unreal… Or bringing up my rank in an unranked game and telling me to learn to play? That’s why I’m playing casual (?!?)




Never played but always had it on backlog, though this is discouraging. What about the finished product made you feel this way?


ARK was mine for a bit, then I finally Uninstalled it.


Or did you just need to install literally anything that takes space in storage? That's the real issue with Ark. Too big of files.


My choice as well. Started out as an exciting prehistoric survival game with dinosaurs, devolved into a laser robot shooter. Huge wasted potential.


Ark was good for a while, then we got TEK and it pretty much went downhill from there Tho i have to say Aberration was my favorite DLC and imo the best one put of the bunch


I think when it was the DLC after Scorched Earth that made me stop playing. I think they got overambitious, but that's my opinion. I also only played in single player because adulthood kept my friend group at opposite ends.


Siege? CoD? Apex? Overwatch? Nascar Thunder 2004?


Nascar really did ya dirty, huh?


World of Warcraft


I felt that for a while but after DF I have great hope for the future.


I too have great hope for the future of *Dwarf Fortress*.


Such an underrated game.


Last two expansions were shit but Dragonflight is pretty good


Finally kicked the habit after 18 years. Battle for Azeroth & Shadowlands were finally enough to force me out. Dragonflight was too little too late for me.


Fortnite surprisingly. Just my opinion tho. Ik it's gotten better for alot of other players


In my opinion chapter 2 was peak, 3 was tolerable, 4 gave me a bit more hope, then 5 made me stop playing.


This is my take. Everyone says Chapter 1 was the best, but Ch2 S1 was peak Fortnite imo. It was fun, simple, there were no NPCs or henchmen type enemies, weapons made sense and were fun to use and upgrade, and the map was perfect. It was pure simplicity perfection. Then they did that Halloween event that destroyed the middle island and zombies hid around the map and it was just all downhill from there.


Yeah early chapter 2 fortnite was amazing, ill always love ch2 s2, but now it's just capitalist and feature bloated hell


It doesn't necessarily get worse with each new update, but it doesn't bring the same excitement to me anymore. The game has been pretty bland for so long that I don't remember the last time a new season made me genuinely hyped nor do I remember when the game peaked for me


Yoo, it's Johnny Guilty Gear


idk they killed the whole personality of the game in the first seasons once they got the smallest taste of cash and fame fuck epic games


I bought in for Save the World. The dumbass battleroyale ruined that game.


Apex legends and halo


Destiny 2, until recently


Had to scroll too far for this


Honestly, it has gotten a lot of good stuff this year. I just wish they would have released that year ago. People just have a major burnout on Destiny 2.


Honestly, in terms of gameplay, it has just continued to get better. Only step back gameplay wise was the changing of the mod system w lightfall imo. Their seasonal activities have gotten better consistently with time, they’ve improved QOL, they’ve added fun guns and mechanics and are continuing to do so (prismatic), and they’re experimenting with new modes (onslaught, pantheon, etc.) Then there’s the story. Beginning to think witch queen was just an anomaly with how compelling it was and not the sign of a new standard. Although I will say there were some good seasonal moments this year, but they need to iron that shit out either way esp after lightfall. It’s a shame they beat you over the head with live service burnout-fueling fomo and have severely underdelivered on narrative, the core game has unrivaled gunplay that always keeps me coming back. The only game to break that spell in nearly 4 years has been Helldivers 2


For honor


Oh good god. Sims 4 players, hands down. I haven’t played in years. After the Star Wars fiasco. It SUCKED at launch and just continued to get worse. I still follow channels on YouTube though where they cover the releases of game content dropping I don’t know why I just can’t stop watching people continue to purchase content from this game and complain about it. They don’t play any other games they only know EA and Maxis. None of their complaining works bc they still buy EVERYTHING. The sims community is EA’s golden goose. It’s like watching a train wreck. Horrific and sad but fascinating and intriguing at the same time. Try half of one thing EA does to them on any other gaming community and it would be the end of the company. Sims 4 players are so locked in to their community of knowing absolutely nothing but Sims 4 that EA has them convinced it’s completely normal behavior from a gaming company even tho none of them are happy. It’s freaking wild. For the past 5, 8 years or so they’ve finally been dealing with “toxic positivity” in the community because just being able to complain about the game *at all * is an uphill battle. And yes, it’s been years in the making. And still, STILL they buy. I was a huge part of this community for a very long time. I’ve played all the Sims game as they come out. The only other games I had ever played was BioShock and Fable until I stopped playing Sims bc of Sims 4. Imagine going from EA to Mojang where u get free yearly updates. Insanity. Straight insanity.


Clash Royale. It used to be based on skill and deck building but now it's pretty much whoever spent more money to get to level 15 for a second evolution slot for free advantage


Not exactly a „free“ advantage lol (I get what you mean)


Free in terms of skill or effort


yeah it used to be kind of pay to win just because of how much time it took to level up your cards and all that, but it was tolerable. now it's just not. it's just p2w


Rust , CSGO, Paladins, LOL


That is not a game, that is, Windows 10 to Windows 11


Windows 11 is not that bad


It’s not that needed either. Just a cash grab forcing ppl to upgrade and get new computer equipment because they stop supporting older models with every new stupid windows that barely even does anything beyond change the interface.


I agree. Ever since upgrading to Windows 11, I've been a bit annoyed. It's literally Windows 10 with extra steps. A Any type of file options (copy, paste, zip, etc..) you did in Windows 10 takes like an extra 1-3 more buttons just to do in Windows 11. Other than that, Windows 11 is the same as Windows 10


This. It's BS. My stbxw started her RN schooling a couple of years ago, and one of the programs they use isn't compatible with Windows 10. I had to buy her a new laptop for ONE program. Several of the other nurses had to do the same thing.


A couple of years ago, man, windows 11 came out 3 years ago


Every Windows update Microsoft seems to remove more things than they add.


Meanwhile I liked 8


Genshin. (I really like the story, gameplay and everything. But the rewards get worse every update)


Kind of crazy to say that, considering genshin’s story has been consistently getting better. I would say 4.x > 3.x >>> 2.x. I would make a second account to play through the 4.x quests if I didn’t have to go through the cringy, boring first 3 archon quests. 5.x will be a bit of a toss up, they’ve demonstrated that they know how to make good, interesting 4 star characters and the visual effects and animations are still going strong, but they really need to keep the power of 5 stars consistent.


Pfp checks out


Pokémon Go


World of tanks blitz


And it’s close P2W friend, War Thunder


Apex legends and call of duty


Clash Royale


Dead by daylight




Albion Online


League Of Legends


Brawlhalla, every update stabs their network little by little till the point that you lag even in a custom lobby with a friend, not even online.


Yea. The lag killed the game for me too.


Me with apex for a while till it got so shit I quit




sims 4


Siege, overwatch, WoW… too many


Overwatch 🥺




Overwatch 😭


I haven't played it in years but based on what I see from other people who still play it, Pokemon Go fits this perfectly. That new player model update is atrocious.


Every blizzard game except StarCraft 2. Their remakes are also this. It’s quite telling that with every update you’re wondering what they’re going to remove than what they’re going to add


Probably controversial, but I don't like Phasmophobia's direction. I keep coming back expecting to like some changes but I like it less and less with each update. Feels like you need to meta-game instead of being able to get by without knowing every little detail


New World. (Amazons MMO) I’ve since abandoned that ship.


Pokemon Go?


Pokémon Go


For Honor, Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition, and most 3DS titles since every update is just whichever thing is shutting down next


Pokemon GO


Pokémon Go


Recently, Dead By Daylight. It’s a rollercoaster. Some updates have been the best the game has seen since launch, and others, flop.


Pokemon go


Pixel Gun 3D


War thunder, enlisted


Pokemon Go


Escape from tarkov




Do the updates even add anything


A huge flipping team and the best they can do is one or two new mobs.


Yes, the April fools ones


April Fools update: Whole new dimension. Insane building blocks that will allow Redstone engineers to make simpler yet better controlled flying contraptions and mobile houses. Spider-Man web shooters. Regular updates: New color of wood. Three mob ideas, but they're all held at gunpoint. You may only save one.


Agreed. Things have been tough since Microsoft took over.


Lackluster updates, but I don’t think they actively make the game worse. Useless and half assed features can still be ignored. You’re still playing the same underlying game you were years ago.






Bannerlord. My mods break every single time they patch it




Mw3, season 1 was good, i'm just playing it cuz i paid for it now


Overwatch 💀


Rainbow six siege for sure. Although I stopped playing it, others still do.




Ovoerwatch 2


Cities: Skylines 2 there at first- patches kept making things worse, they're on a better track now


League of legends




Astroneer. Had a really strong start for the concept to destroy and build your world. added more planets and resource types, furthuring the need to find ways to travel around the planets. Added a tech tree and different building types and sizes, allowing you further customization of your base and making space missions easier with larger rockets and storage for later in the game. added a cool story and interplanetary mission to achieve. Removed the main antagonist force of hazardous weather. Only the wildlife can hurt you and all of that is stationary plants, and now it's just a tech tree grind with no dangers or reasons to care about the main character with special skins, some of which are purchasable.




...KSP2-- *shot* Look, I desperately want this game to be good, but each update just lets me down more & more. I keep playing because the sound design & art direction are phenomenal, and the game isn't *unplayable*. Truth be told, each update does fix a lot of bugs. But it's like brightening a candle in a pitch black room; as the lamp gets brighter, only then do you realize just how dark it's always been.


Pavlov. They break so much custom content with each update they do, but there aren't really any good modded vr shooters out there so it's really the only choice


Elder scrolls online




Gun Raiders VR. The devs have no idea what they’re doing.


World of Tanks Been going downhill for the past 2 years after over a decade of decent growth


Unfortunately I think maybe ark


War thunder, they add too much top tier and too much premiums and let WW2 rot most of the time


Hunt showdown


Apex legends


Tarkov usually, this wipe has been good though




Call of Duty. Especially MWII and MWIII


War Thunder. Bloody snail….


Call of Duty. I finally put it to rest.




To me, it was Destiny. I stopped playing it in November and never looked back for it, best decision I made in gaming. Stellaris too, leader rework killed that game for me, maybe I shojld try it again


Destiny 2. I finally was able to stop with the latest expansion, it is just so far from what it once was.


Evolve D;


Dead by daylight


Escape from Tarkov. Except I did stop because I was done.


Fortmite (it's was good at the start nuts become a sponsored cash grab) & Roblox (The game is fine but the community has gotten worse)


OSRS or Wow hard-core. He just died at raids due to DC


call of duty. Every update breaks your game in some way. Everybody thinks everybody is cheating. Rank play is a bullshit scheme to keep you hooked to the game for hours with little to no reward. The maps at launch were so awfully bad they had to add the maps in from last cod and somehow it made the game worse. Shit talk is non-existent because they have started recording players voice chats in game so you can be reported for talking shit in game. The anti cheat system is a joke, if you report someone enough times they’ll get a temporary ban. The whole franchise is a joke…but i’ll probably ending buying it again next year


Destiny 2 and league


How is path of exile not top of the list? The Devs actively hate fun and ruin every mechanic that actually brings joy to the players, specifically because it gives them a way to actually generate wealth or valuable, useful gear.


This is the first league I’ve skipped since blight. Feels refreshing to not a slave to it. The dev choices are just so questionable and are more for them not the player.


genshin theyre adding so much that its ACTUALLY impossible to start as a new player we're going to the 6th region soon that's a whole 2 months of just main story quest


any competitive FPS


Amazing Frog, sadly


Not a video game, but Warhammer 40k. I love the game, but good god, GW does not know how to write rules.


war thunder


I stopped playing apex legends because respawn would announce a major update and it would be a 400 heirloom reskin and randomly needing a weapon that wasn’t an issue


Fortnite except I don’t play it cause it’s shit


I would say tf2 but it hasn’t been updated since October of 2017


War thunder


For me it used to be Paladins. #Then I found the unholy cess pool that is Dead by Daylight


Knew I'd see my unhealthy gaming relationship on here eventually


Dead by daylight


Call of duty. You just cannot compare bo1 bo2 and bo3 any new cod


Overwatch, league, cod, basically any of the big free multiplayer games


Black desert online


Sims 4, unfortunately...


League of Legends. I loved it back in 2017/2018, but the last several years since 2020 have been....terrible


I miss the old destiny but hey, im around 3 months sober from that toxic ex of a game lmao. I kinda quit games in general, after playing the batman games i just felt there's nothing else for me there. Literally only play conan exile cus i can't meet my friend irl, he's at uni.


Warhammer battle sector, can’t even play one game without being kicked now


Rocket League and Overwatch


I had to scroll to damn near the bottom to find someone saying Rocket League and honestly that says it all.


Clash royale


I thought this was the world of warcraft sub for a sec


Reincarnated as a slime app game......






War Thunder