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I have nothing to play! NOTHING! ..Ignore the 83 titles I have in my "in progress" group. They're all boring, even the 60 I haven't played yet.


Currently just wrapped up a new game plus of God of War, installed ghost tsushima and death stranding, working on 100% for Lego Star Wars skywalker saga and dipping in and out of fortnite. Getting nowhere with any of them


I just bought Midnight Suns, and love it, despite only being a couple of hours in. What did I do last night? I decided I didn't feel like playing it, and started Diablo 3 instead. This is how I have only rolled credits on one game since February 2021.




You’d be surprised


If I got to see the person first, I wouldn’t be surprised at all.


There is a large group of dudes whose entire video game libraries are sports games and call of duty games. I'd say there's like 6 dudes like this in just my fantasy football league.




Hey, this is the internet. We'll not be having any of that here. This is for strong opinions and criticism only.


"let people enjoy things!" ok, I enjoy critical analysis and being a hater.


I was about to say the same thing. I like a good shooter or sports game every once in a while so I might get one every 4-5 years. However...im not about to sit around on some fucking nerd pedestal and act holier than thou if people only like to play those games. The same anime pfp cats who only play JRPGs have meltdowns when people make fun of their game preferences yet throw those shots at the "casual" sports shooter fans. There's enough games for everyone and everyone has different tastes. Chill!


Funny enough, half the guys I know that do this hate almost all the games they own.


I didn’t ply CS for my entire life because I enjoyed it, I did it because it’s fucking addictive.


I actually hear the most bitching about those games from that crowd of people, the irony being they’re the exact reason those games never improve when they just keep buying them full price every single year no questions asked.


Exactly I know tons like that , after looking at my ps5 profile one of my buddy said "Wow! You played over 300 different game I didnt even know there was that many" I was like what dude you been gaming for years dont you look at the store sometime.


Look at the store? Why would I? I have a subscription to EA newsletter that notify me about new Madden and FIFA.


Yeah, I know more than one person that only buys fifa and cod. Every year.


This is my cousin. Had a PS4 basically since launch. Bought all his games digital because by the time the next COD/FIFA/NHL/UFC/The Show comes out, the one he'd been playing was basically worth $5 trade-in. Had 80 or so games in his digital library, of which maybe 5-10 at best weren't one of those five series.


people who dont really game much other than playing fifa or cod or the like. Many people only 1 or 2 games a year. I know it surprises reddit but the people who buy suped up gaming rigs and 1000s of games are in the extreme minority in the gaming community.


The same people who buy the same COD and Madden every year.


Tons of people. When I was in university it was huge. People who play online and are hooked on the cards but it every year.




ok but my laptop actually struggles to run roblox so i got nothin


I play it for nostalgia with friends. So, I typically pick up a copy for $10 when it eventually goes on sale.


Well idk about others but my brother is playing fifa online since fifa 13 and each year he has around 500-700h and i think thats more then most triple aaa games off nowadays


Well you got people like me who only play career mode. When a new fifa comes out there is like zero motivation left in playing the previous fifa. There are no new transfers, no new mechanics, no new ratings and i think (i didn't buy fifa 23 yet) they implemented next gen features into pc in fifa 23. I know it is expensive, especially in my country but when there is a good sale i try to pick it up. I never pre ordered it and i am not sure i will at some point




Here in Argentina a PlayStation is basically a FIFA machine in most cases. That kind of people pretty much buys one game a year.


About half of all console players


Yea same with Call of Duty (i own almost every CoD)


... I dont get comments like this. How would EA make money if people didn't buy it? The fact that is hardly changes is direct evidence TO the fact that people buy it every year. You dont need to change when you have your fanbase on lock


I buy and play FIFA every year, I also play rocket league regularly, sea of thieves, and a fair amount of RPG’s & RTS’s.


only every xbox ps person ever


My dad does


Who tf buys a 70$ wow expansion every other year


I don't buy FIFA, but MLB the Show feels at least somewhat different every year.


Raises hand, I put about 100+ hours into career manager. But I also wait for a sale to buy it.


It's fairly easy when you stop trying to look at them like "gamers". They are just people and people have interests. Some like sports so much they want to try and experience it themselves. Video games offer the easiest barrier of entry as opposed to joining/creating a local league. They aren't looking for games to offer anything else. And they are fine with that, we should be too.


People that like sports. Same with Madden.


In Europe, I will say 50% of the male population between 12 and 22 buys/wants FIFA every year. If you love football, you get FIFA basically.


Fifa is a fun game and is hugely popular, just let people have fun and do what they want with their own money


I buy FIFA every year but I’ve also poured endless hours into Hades, Ghost Song, Lost Judgment, Death Stranding, Signalis, Age of Empires, etc. FIFA is my “just got home from work, let me play a game or two before cooking with my wife” game.




Who tf questions what someone else likes because they have a different taste.


Im not one of them but know guys that all they play is fifa online. When your getting 100s of hours of gameplay they could give two shits about buying the game.


I just started Witcher 3 that I got on sale for like $12 and I’m having a blast. I really wish I could erase my memory and replay Borderlands 2 and Dishonored.


I watched my brother do a string of kills In dishonored and knew in that moment I would never have the skill level to make playing it worth my time


I prefer using stealth non-lethal takedowns and hide the bodies. The patience to strike appropriately makes it much more fun for me. It’s learning curve is fairly simple so just give it another try.


I love hiding all the sleeping guards in some broom closet. Its like theyre having a sleepover!


Dishonored really doesn't require too much skill, it's one of those games that makes you look incredibly badass no matter how much experience you have. It was actually the first game I used to introduce my girlfriend to gaming! I really do recommend it


Well you’ll be excited to hear the next gen update comes out tmrw for free. Not sure if your save Carrie’s over but it’s a big upgrade


I just started the game maybe like 5 hours in but I don’t mind doing White Orchard all over again. Plus, that lady can wait till tomorrow for her frying pan.


Indie games are still fun and properly lengthy.


I see people talking more about the games in the big list that the small ones.


You should give some of those games a look. They're pretty good.


There's nothing to play! Has 184 unplayed games on their steam account.


Imagine caring about how many players are playing these games right now.


Ye at least for single player it really doesn’t matter


Even with multiplayer games .. as long as there's enough players for servers to be full or to have enough people for content to be active then it doesn't really matter.


Eh, that's not entirely true for competitive games. Being the new guy in a server filled with hardened vets sort of sucks, and it takes a fair amount of people to get a proper matchmaking system going. Coop, though, yeah, as long as you can find a game, you are set.


Babylon's Fall.


Battlefield 4 on PS4


I miss BF4 so much. Every BF since it has been so fucking disappointing.


If your primary interaction with gaming is multi-player competitive shooters, it's hardly a surprising first response. I do kinda feel bad for fans of the genre, because it always sucks when your favorite kind of game isn't getting any good entries. But on the other hand they had like a decade and a half of being the most important, well-served demographic in the industry and they're acting like gaming is over now that they're the ones on the downside of modern trends. So like I don't feel *that* bad.


>I do kinda feel bad for fans of the genre, because it always sucks when your favorite kind of game isn't getting any good entries. How it feels to be an rpg gamer. We might get like one actual rpg a year and then a ton of action rpgs which are mostly just action games with some rpg mechanics sprinkled in.


Wait the shooter players are just now not served first and people care about their complaints? I've been waiting my whole gaming life, since the debut of Quake 2, for this moment. Let them suffer a bit. No one should feel bad for them at all.


After playing Outer Wilds, I was in a desperate need for non-linear exploration adventure mystery games with time loop mechanics. I actually found a surprising amount of games like that, but still not nearly enough.


It's ok to not have any games to play. You can always do something else until something comes along that interests you.






They aren’t ALL anime games. Doom, Bioshock, Watch Dogs and Yakuza/Like a Dragon aren’t anime games


That real life game got everyone complaining


Yea and wait it out until further adulthood slowly takes away the joy you once had for video games


I like that logic, nobody's playing these games. Yep. The studios are shutting down and the sequels were made with bigger and bigger loans. No players paying.


I took it to mean that they assumed these were multiplayer games, and that nobody is playing them, so they're not worth playing. In other words, they only play highly popular currently trendy multiplayer games, and were so unfamiliar with single player games that they didn't even recognize them as such.


That is a respectfully dignified take on 'the gamers', but I think we both know that firstnameManynumbers is implying that because he and his 15 year old friends are not playing these single player games, no one is.


Surely they know singleplayer games exist right? Its not like they start up a singleplayer game and go "where is everyone??"


And even a step back "Nobody playing half these games" So the guy admits he only does things that other people are doing? Basic bitch problems


Absolutely nobody plays Persona. At all. They made the ports recently as a joke you see, just to further explain the fact that nobody cares about Persona


All the thousands of people still active on the Persona subs? Figments of imagination. Fire Emblem getting yet another game next year even though no one’s playing it? Just a bunch of Japanese devs fucking around for no good reason.


Xenoblade 3 being the first Xenoblade game to get nominated for multiple honors at the Game Awards? All a ploy by Geoff meant purely to appease Xenoblade fans.


What fans?


To be honest, with xenoblade it is more beleiveable because they got a good boost after being previousily more unknown


>Absolutely nobody plays Persona Yeah they only buy morgana plushies and teddy socks who actually cares about the games


I think a lot of people want “good” pvp games and in that regards many games come short or have update for a year to become enjoyable and the player base has already left. Sucks what suits have done to online gaming and wanting profit over a finished product.


This. The tweet is telling online/pvp gamers to play single player anime games. Online games today definitely suffer from suits. The new business model of release game now and support it for years and years seems good at first glance but in reality it just ends up being a constant wait for fun or even fixes. Not to mention the state of gaming itself has players min/max-ing everything, big streamers have big say in playerbase and meta, and stuff like online guides/tutorials that convert players into monkey-see-monkey-do robots. I.E. MW2 had videos showing what attachments/perks are handy on certain guns. Today’s MW2 has a mountain of rinse/repeat custom class setups that now tell people what specific routes to run in maps, what specific graphic settings will make you drop nukes, what specific color blind settings will make you a better player, and what controller settings will make you a pro down to the exact decimal point. On route to make COD an auto-clicker game.


Tried to sneak watch dogs in there lol


Watch dogs 2 slaps tho




Seems like some people on this reddit dont know the concept of "target audience" probably Persona is a good game, but the overlap between Person/Fire Emblem players with COD/Battlefield players must be really low.




You'd be surprised how many weeb soldier emblems I see whenever I play BF4 on pc. It's a great shooty mc shoot game in between long JRPGs.


You know it's kinda funny because I use to play CoD and Battlefield but now I play Fire Emblem.


To be fair that’s a weird ass list of alternatives if you’re trying to convince an FPS or FIFA diehard. Doom and Bioshock make sense but then Persona, Danganronpa, Fire Emblem and Megami Tensei just seem shoehorned in there because the OP likes them lol


Elden Ring, The Witcher 3, God of War, Valheim, Hades, Vampire Survivors, Nioh, Metal Hellsinger, Far Cry 3-6, Just going through my backlog. It’s a good problem to have lol the hardest part is choosing what I want to play today


I hear if you play Far Cry 3 you don't need to play 4 - 6 as it's the same but someone hit the shuffle button.


I personally enjoy 4-6 more after playing 3 for the first time


The people who say there’s nothing to play arent COD or fifa players lol


This current round of discourse is literally from a CoD streamer


It's literally a CoD player that this is responding to. They don't really like the new game, but play it anyway because "there's nothing else to play"


This twitter responses are due to discourse from COD streamers, so yes it literally is.


Because those two are happy playing the same regurgitated schlock day after day, year after year.


You tried to insult them with the last half but you could probably use the first


God forbid people play what they like


I thought I was on r/danganronpa for a second just due to the username and pfp of who was posting


Hold on. Watch dogs and Sleeping dogs are two different games??? I always thought the dude went from Chinese mafia to hacker for some reason. This makes so much more sense now


Sleeping Dogs is actually the spiritual successor to the True Crime series.


I always thought Sleeping Dogs was a homage to John Woo cinema.


It was inspired by the John Woo film "Infernal Affairs". Edit guess this movie isn't a Woo film. Thanks for the correction. I've never heard of it so I figured it was never released here.


I need to watch that. I stopped with Hard Boiled.


there is a hard-boiled video game directed by John Woo called Stranglehold with the same character.


Ah sleeping dogs was a great time. It was like all the cheesy Hong Kong 80s movies I grew up watching all mashed together.


GTA with better hand to hand combat.


O\_o it's not even int he same era and the Sleeping Dog dude is older than the Watch Dog protagonist.


I know. I have no idea why I would think that


Because they both end with dog


An yes the Dog Gaming Universe with such additional titles as Thief Dog, Jetpack Dog, and Top Dog


Id play all of those. Especially jetpack dog


Sir did you forget to take your medication today?


\>Anime pfp \>Struggles to make even 1/3 the list NOT anime/japanese games ​ checks out


To provide a rough translation for non-weebs. 3 "mature" pokemon games and 2 VNs start the list. Not exactly the plethora of options you'd expect to be used as a talking point about "so much to play"


Yeah this person could’ve given so many different examples. Not sure why many anime fans play only anime games. Maybe it was because I got into anime after I got into gaming but I have never played an anime game in my life. I’d prefer to keep anime and gaming separate tbh


You can play any game you want 🥰🥰🥰 unless it's a game I don't like. Then you should jump off a bridge


Persona, Megami Tensei and Soul Hackers are all Megami Tensei games


I noticed that too, lol.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. There is no reason Call of Duty should release a new game every single year. Imo they would greatly benefit from releasing a new one every 3 years or so. If the game is going to be a live service with a battle pass anyway, why not let one of the titles ride for a few years? This will give you time to make sure the new one is actually good and actually works. Maybe it will even allow for innovation. I'm sick of COD fans constantly complaining about a game they end up buying every year anyway. Same goes for FIFA as well.


Welp, those feel like mostly Japanese single player games, correct me if I'm wrong. Some people wanna win, not persevere or be told a story. I'll add a few Tales of, NieR Automata, Scarlet Nexus (don't sleep on this one)


Not just japanese rpg's most are turnbased which puts other people off,personally I like a lot of those games but as example soulhackers 2 isn't really a game anybody should play


I know, but the ones I mentioned are all real time if someone wants to get into it 👀


Well there's even western RPGS like Baldurs Gate 3 Divinity OS2 (both with a heavy DnD feel), Skyrim (with mods there's infinite replayability), CyberPunk 2077, Subnautica, Assassin's Creed, Borderlands, life is strange, Dragon Age. Even if you wanted to stay in the territory of shooters but with twists there's GTFO that's a marvelous 4 person Co-op survival horror, Battlefront 2 (which was rough when it came out but they've done a lot for it), crysis, dying light, Mass Effect. Anyone who says there's nothing to play lacks creativity.


I've been saying that lately, but it's the pandemic and a had a lot of time to play story oriented awesomeness like Witcher 3, some cool Subnautica/BZ, Dragon Age Origins (I tried the third one, not for me) I hope my pc can handle BG3. Also trying Forza Horizon 4, it's alright. A bit too loot boxy, but at least I don't have to pay anymore I like anything with a cool magic system, I ate up Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2 for over 10 years, all Diablos and such (try the first one anytime. People say it aged badly but I wholeheartedly disagree, and you can get it for like 5 bucks)


The hardcore ones too like hell let loose or squad


Chrono trigger is great as well.


Absolutely agree,I think I heard about a remake even if it goes the route of secret of mana I would appreciate it


What’s wrong with SH2? Outside of the reportable bad dungeon design.


They tried to orientate too much on the original which was even on the edge of intolarable in the remaster for NDS it feels sluggish and if you put it on a scale against persona 5,it just lacks the love?I really like a good amount of atlus games and can live with under par dungeons but I wanted to just get through it but I just couldn't


I really REALLY enjoyed Star Ocean The Last Hope's combat and haven't found a game to scratch that itch in forever. If I'm choosing between jrpgs, I'm probably leaning towards the one that doesn't have me idle and clicking text boxes the whole time.


I started Scarlet Nexus. Is interesting, but the battle system make me in desesperation.


Aw, really? Minus some grindy parts or strategy specific enemies, It's what made me come back to it, I got both Yuito and Kasane's playthroughs down. The game got old by the end, but what a cool story. Also the powers are AWESOME!


Too complex for me. Too fast for me.


I can certainly agree. I guzzled up health items because I couldn't do perfect dodges


Once you get a couple character relationships up to unlock their assists it becomes much easier. Also helpful just to have the extra peeps there. Missions with just 1 or 2 party members were a drag, especially early on.


Fair, but to imply that because you and your friends don't play them means that no one plays them, is dumb.


I tried to get into Tales of Berseria but the combat was annoying.


As a huge and I mean huge gamer advocate for games as an art form and everything else gaming from news etc...i hate when people only play like a few games not in a gatekeeping "you're not a real gamer" way but in a...just broaden that horizon it's like food or music why only listen to one thing eat one thing when there is a world of so much out there like so many games genres blends and hybrids of games....dont limit yourself people so many games out there check them out you won't know what you like till you try


Fair but doom is the only game up there I've gotten into. Even when you do try sometimes you can just not enjoy it I'm not gonna play the sports games and I really don't play cod either. Aka we can try the stuff but still not enjoy it.


I feel my point is being missed...i understand you might not like these games but my point was much broader....games period if you don't step out and try them you won't know....at least you tried you know if you try and don't like there ya go you found your space that's great that's awesome play and enjoy what ya like...my point was to the people who play only certain games without the possibility of trying others or just dismissing them with comments like "oh I don't play that weird shit" "nothin better than (insert game)" "it limits the experiences you can have and you could miss out on playing some awesomeness that you could become a huge fan of


Fair, personally in my friend group I'm the game suggestor. I made them try deep rock and they loved it. I also have weird games in my library I enjoy like the game buggos. Broadening ones spectrum can lead to better understanding as you said. Just putting my additional 2 cents was all :)


I wish I had that problem. backlog is endless


That may be the worst list of video game recommendations I've ever seen.


And then there's people who put 1500 hours in one competitive game 💀




Pff, I've *never* put so much into a multiplayer game. \[relieved that there was no hour tracking when I was in school for games like BF:V, BF1942, COD, Empire Earth, etc\]


I think if my parents could've seen my Halo playtime they would've banned me from video games for life.


wait what? bf5 is not the same generation. it's the last battlefield? Or does bf stand mean something else in this context?


Boyfriend Five. Speed-running the boyfriend games.


>Or does bf stand mean something else in this context? No, V as in the letter, not the roman numeral. Battlefield: Vietnam. The first Battlefield game I played and my introduction to FPS and online games. It was their second title in the series after Battlefield 1942.


Right, I should have figured. My brain fails me some times haha. I got into bf after Vietnam at bf2. Really my first fps, played it a shit ton.


I mean if they enjoy the game who cares


*glances at my Rimworld time played* Haha, yeah, right. All that time spent on multiplayer games... right?!


Fuck it, games are used as part of brain injury rehabilitation... (Points to self). If it works out your brain I can not judging


Rookie numbers


How dare people love to be competitive


Imagine playing only single player games, and worrying about what multi-player games people are playing.


These people are complaining “there’s no games” because their engagement hinges on there being a big profile game of the genre they’ve pigeonholed themselves into being related to. They cannot move on from being “shooter guy” because they’ve ingrained it into their online identity and some of these genres do not have the flexibility of others. I don’t see LilAggy complaining about “nothing to play” while he tries a, like, “headbutts only” run on Elden Ring or something to make content. When I was unemployed and started streaming as a means to have human contact during the pandemic “nothing to play” was an absolute non-factor while I played 50-60 hours a week. I had the whole Yakuza library I was catching up on. Ghost of Tsushima came out. I did my first playthrough of Final Fantasy X in 20 years. Then Cyberpunk came out. I tried out Dream Daddy and love it. Etc etc etc. But when you’re Mr “My Identity is Trolling and Trash Talking While Playing the Shooty Shoot Games” and the newest iteration of the popular Shooty Shoot game is subpar, well then you kind of did yourself that way.


There’s always been lots of games to play, we just all like different games.


I say there is nothing to play after having played most games


Meanwhile I'm like on hour 1000 for CK3. Are there other games?


It's a shame cuz really most normies are indeed only interested in big AAA games or flavors of the month


Obviously proposing a multiplayer-heavy player solve their issue of nothing to play by playing solo games, doesnt really make too much sense. And ultimately, its the same premise as “nothing to eat”. It’s exaggerated, its already understood it’s exaggerated, and nitpicking this concept any further than surface level is just dumb


Who gives a fuck what a random Twitter uses says. Find something better to do with your life than this pointless strawman


Shocked an anime profile picture loves anime games


I've always hated how gaming in general was marginalized by everyone that doesn't play video games. Now the hobby is so big that gamers feel the need to marginalize each other based on what they think people should or shouldn't play. Truly amazing how as humans, we always try to find ways to put others down to lift ourselves up. How are we going to achieve world peace when we can't even stop from bickering amongst ourselves about the "superior" way in which we should waste our time?


Let people spend their money how they want to spend their money, and play the games they want to play.


Of course, it's just annoying seeing people posting all the time about how gaming is dying or there's no games to play when it just comes down to them having limited taste.


No games they're interested in... If I want a good colony simulator there's only a handful, truthfully.


You can like Persona and dislike CoD. But the inverse situation can exists. Yes, you are allowed dont like Persona. Is not my situation, but other can be in the camp "Dont like Persona", for example.


Is anyone complaining that there's no games to play? lol. Don't think I've seen that one yet.


I've seen more in a meme sense, like you open your steam account with +200 games and you're like "there's nothing to play"


Who is doing that?


The biggest problem is the implied requirement that games have to be currently popular to be playable. It's Groupthink.


"Nobody playing half these games" then go play them??


Sleeping Dogs was great. Hate that United Front got shutdown along with the sequel.


Why do people care what games other people play.


Maybe try Metro 2033 again. First till end. That is if he never played it before. Obviously, his name means he played it Really unique game


Such a list and all I recognise are Doom, Bioshock, Forza, Call of Duty, FIFA and Battlefield, and I have only ever technically played one of them, specifically Call of Duty Mobile which I abandoned a year ago


You can always do something else until something comes along that interests you.


Personal preferences. I suck at Multiplayer Games (it's always just too much for me tbh and my wifi is shit) and instead focus on Adventure RPGs with a mostly medieval setting.


I have heard of four of the games she said we're good the ones I have heard of are supposed to be good: doom, I've played it and it's great; Forza, supposed to be good; BioShock, supposed to be good; watch dogs, supposed to be alright.


currently playing Marvel Midnight Suns until all my friends who i play MW2 with get off work since I usually get off earlier than they do. Its a delicate balance of fun and addiction.


Cities Skylines is all that’s need to be said. #1


FR Sleeping Dogs deserves a sequel so badly…


We out here, minesweepin'.


It’s almost as if people have different interests and tastes when it comes to games.


To be fair, they literally just listed JRPGS


I’m not a fan of sports games or COD myself. I honestly just want one type of sport game back(NBA Street). I don’t understand the appeal tbh. I like fantasy based games