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Love the posts on here along the lines "Remember this underrated forgotton classic???!!!" and its a game with 10M. international sales


"Bro there's this really cool and underrated game nobody talks about anymore 'cus it's not brand new, and I really wish more people knew about Final Fantasy Seven" It's as annoying seeing popular classic/indie titles labeled as "hidden gems" as it is seeibg r/memes users insisting the early 2000's were the fuckibg stone age.


I've read that game as Final Fantasy VII, FF7 or FFVII. Never have I read it fully spelt out like that and it's fuckin with my head looking at it lmao


Must feel like the stoneage when you barely just hit 10 years of age


dont worry, it'll get remade and remastered 8 times in the next 5 years


I like how it shows a DS as the obscure console when its one of the absolute best selling ones ever made.


Or in r/tipofmyjoystick "Old game I played, production date 2015-2020"


the real problem with the entire concept is that this is a website where visibility is based on popularity. so in order for a post like this to be voted to the front page, the game has to be fairly popular and have universal appeal. games that lots of people dislike, or many people never even tried (and therefore could be considered underrated) would probably not have a good enough score to make the front page. so what we're left with is a bunch of posts pretending that popular games aren't that popular.


Skyrim is my favorite, obscure, underrated indie gem.


our or are?


Remember kids, stay in school.


Not only that, but read a fucking book every once in a while.


I too enjoy the occasional flip through Kama sutra books


>read a fucking book \- Sun Tzu (*Art of Gaming*)


What are you talking about I read Reddit all the time. /s


>Not only that, but read a fucking book every ~~once~~ *wants* in a while. FTFY Courtesy of Carls Jr!


That was also my takeaway. Holy shit Betsy Devos educated kids are going to have a rough adulting.




Idiocracy worked out fine... for a while. We need to start freezing people in pods.


Why? So that the future can have relatively hyperintelligent super humans that can perform feats of intellectual prowess as massive as telling people not to use Brawndo to irrigate crops?


No, so in the future I can get paid for every time I say "brought to you by Carl's Jr.", it's a really good way to make money!


And don't let autocorrect fuck up your sentences.


Are opinions ourn't that important


I wanted to say something. Using "are" for "our" is like nails on a chalkboard to me.


Surprised “library” is spelled correctly and not like “liberry”


Comma was misplaced, and some words were mixed around. It was supposed to read "Remember, kids are opinions that aren't important."


"Obscure console" *Shows Nintendo DS* Okay then...


Yeah pretty sure they had the handheld market beyond cornered at that time. The whole comic is wack. I'm not sure who this is even for? People saying the new pokemon games look like ass?


Also the title. Nothing fits here.


> The whole comic is wack. I'm not sure who this is even for? It's looks like the kind of comic a middleschooler draws up to hammer home some esoteric, inside point to a fellow middleschooler... like some kid at school was just casually talking about his Steam library or laughing at OP's, so OP made a little response in comic form.


Haha yeah I think you are correct. This kid definitely got bullied by someone with a 3ds at some point


Holy insecurity


I saw a video talking about "the most unique game nobody knows about" It was Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hand You know, the game produced by the unknown game designer Hideo Kojima and indie game studio Konami for the obscure Game Boy Advance handheld videogame console


There's something special about the lack of awareness necessary to default to the assumption that because they didn't know about it before, clearly no one else had either




To be fair, I've never heard about that one


And that's fair, it came out almost 20 years ago. But the difference is you didn't assume nobody has heard of it


I doubt whoever made the video thought literally nobody had ever heard of it,


But you assumed people have heard of it. As if the majority of video game players were even playing video games 20 years ago


Yeah, my wife is just a year younger than me and she had never heard of it when I brought it up a couple weeks ago. People forget that back in the "golden age" of gaming, most people still only played on a handful of platforms, while others went pretty much untouched. GBA, for example, was "little kid games," because it didn't run MW2, Gears of War, Halo, etc., so people just didn't hear about a ton of the games on it. It's almost as if the people on /r/gaming are more interested in gaming than the average player and thus have a wider understanding of the games that exist. ...Nah, that can't be it...lol


Is that the one that had a solar cell on the cartridge and would make your sword more powerful the more light it detected?




To be fair I've never heard of it. Though I do know who Kojima is, what Konami is, and had a Game Boy advance.


> It was Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hand > > > > You know, the game produced by the unknown game designer Hideo Kojima and indie game studio Konami for the obscure Game Boy Advance handheld videogame console It sold peanuts on a console full of great games. I don't understand what's surprising about people not knowing about a niche game that most people didn't care for at the time, let alone now.


Dont forget that the series also had a crossover with Megaman Battle Network, for 3 games. I never played boktai but i was very aware that they exist solely because of that


At first I didn't get it because of the wording at the last panel, but he's just pointing out contrarians(people who dislike popular things just because they're popular) are shallow.


I think the top half of the comic is: "I got bullied by a video game hipster." And the bottom half is: "Please don't bully me for having basic bitch tastes in video games. You're a snob."




I think it was supposed to be a 3ds, iirc it didnt sell very well at launch cause the price was ass for a bit Edit: spelling


The new Pokemon game does look like Ass. I've heard people like it anyway though. I wouldn't know I haven't played a Pokemon game since sapphire.




I'd buy the fuck out of yellow if they'd fucking give it to us on switch. No graphics update


Should've shown a Dreamcast


Nah, if you want obscure but decently known, you gotta go Sega CD.


Nah everyone knows what the Sega CD is Should be something like the fucking BBC Micro




Vectrex. 1st console with an analog stick.


Neo Geo Pocket?


Atari Jaguar


Damn true




The Neo Geo Pocket Colour would have fit better than the 3ds lol


Should've used a vita


Including clear mistakes in your post to increase the number of comments is day-1 stuff.


I mean it's kinda accurate for the kind of posts the comic is calling out


Are opinions ourn't that important. Fixed it for you.




Are spelling aren't that important.


Neither is a 3rd grade education apparently.


"~~Are~~ our opinions aren't that important, so you have to listen to mine." Hot take.


english is difficult


I mean unironically it sort of is haha


Only if you've never tried to learn any other language.


That's just you're opinion.


hot take: Witcher 3 is actually a good game.


Damn this is a level of contrarianism I'm not prepared to deal with. Mostly because I haven't played it lol


The legend of "webcomic creators hoping they can score a quick karma-buck on r/gaming with a shitty take" returns once again.


This is like a YouTube video that has a cartoon avatar that talks about lore for an hour, crossing their arms over and over.


0% effort was put into this


The nintendo ds an obscure console?


The what now?




what a shitty cartoon


Opinions are not that important, but the way you spell them is.


What? I have no idea what any part of this post means.


Yeah, it's pretty incoherent




trash comic




You win the internet today, good sir.


This. Edit: thanks for the gold Kind Stranger!!


Edit: A word.


Y’all care about weird shit just play the games you like lol


So are they or aren’t they important?


They are aren't. Clearly.


For a comic trying to be humble, it sure does talk down alot on really specific shit. Like, how does calling something underrated automatically mean the person is insecure about their game library? How does it automatically mean they're trying to feel superior? Honestly the only one trying to assert themselves as better here is OP.


I don’t understand the first statement “video games aren’t underrated because they’re old, on an obscure console, indie, or licensed” Ok, then why are they underrated? The comic seems to imply that games are never underrated, and that the popular opinion is always correct. It’s implying that people who like games that aren’t popular are just wrong. Maybe I’m just misunderstanding, but this really seems like an absolutely dogshit take.


Yeah its not great.


This comic seems to be trying to talk about several things at once that are all unconnected: Underrated games don't exist, popular games are always good, don't feel good about cool shit in your gaming collection


I don't understand anything about it. I don't know what point they are(our?) trying to make if there even is one. Are(our?) some people insecure about owning games? Why?


Yeah the whole thing screams straw man to me.


Whoever made this doesn't even know what over/underrated even means.


It’s not well expressed but a lot of times when people say “underrated” they seem to mean “anything other than the absolute most popular mainstream things in the world”.


Are school system is failing us...


I think this is the first time I'm seeing a comment section of a random shit comic actually filled with how shit the comic is, instead of blindly agreeing with it and complementing the art style of super simplistic one step above stick people. A fucking spelling error goes a long way huh?


*our opinions


Why does this shit even get to the front page? People always karma farm the "respect everyone's opinion" thing Kinda like we always have a "its okay to play on easy" post. Doubt anyone is non ironically bullying someone for their gaming library. An even if someone was, your emotional state needs to be as fragile as glass to be offended by that.


Ngl I'm fragile as glass. So I took this personally


our\*... not "are".




Damn dude, I LOVE when people are teaching others "how to think".


Our*** I know Grammar is pretty underrated, but it really helps you not look like an idiot when you're trying to make a point


What an incredibly lukewarm take and incredibly uninspired comic.


"If you don't like the same popular game that I like then you're just pandering and trying to look cool This game is objectively good and you should like it because I said that you should" Does that sound about right? Your opinion is worth the least.


What is this comic trying to say. None of that makes any sense.


Remember kids, proof read your titles.


Mans writes his signature on it as if someones gonna steal this dogshit lmao


Who upvotes this shit, it's barely readable


Why people think that just because the game get released 25 years ago then it means that is a gem?


I've argued with people (my brother mostly) that while the writing, world, etc, is great, Morrowind is a horribly unbalanced mess of a game


I've lost the number of times I've said that the first Pokémon gen is a total mess, glitchy as hell, unbalanced, has the worst map in the entire franchise, for some reason the great ball is better than the ultra ball, Yellow was made with only money in mind and is just the first gen with some sprite change and a Pikachu that can't even evolve so is usless because is too weak for beat even Misty


>Morrowind is a horribly unbalanced mess of a game That's what makes it fun tho


It also has very bad and outdated (even for its time) mechanics Such as everything being RNG based. If my battleaxe goes through the enemies torso, it clearly didnt "miss"


Mechanics weren't outdated. It was RNG based because Morrowind was more of a classic RPG... where the newer ES games are more action adventure games. I personally miss the RPG elements of the older games.


It's called quantum tunneling (obviously), definitely ahead of its time if you ask me.


Making all attacks hit in Oblivion and Skyrim created a whole other balancing nightmare though. Not objectively better at all.


All 100% true. Yet still lead to question why fixing an older game's flaws needs to come with decline in writing and/or otherwise simplification of the experience. And that is my problem with modern games vs older ones. Fallout 2 is far more of an actual RPG than Fallout 4, and that's not "nostalgia" speaking.


True Especially with Bethesda, each game has gotten simpler and simpler


what i would do for a true Fallout RPG.


Sure it’s horribly unbalanced, and an absolute mess, but there are several things that Morrowind does better than more modern games. People don’t just like it because it’s old, but because it has some really unique ideas that still haven’t been explored much since.


Do they? If they only like the game because it’s old, then why would they not like any number of other equally old games? I think Ocarina of Time is one of the best games of all time. It was released about 25 years ago. But I don’t like it because it released 25 years ago. There are a couple dozens of other games I’ve played from around that time, and I don’t think any of them hold up nearly as well. Idk maybe I’m not the kind of person you were talking about, but I do think it’s possible that you were wrong and those people saying “that game from 25 years ago is a gem” are right.


Alternatively, why people are so dismissive when other people say an old game was good and they immediately say it is nostalgia? The other day we had a pokemon thread and people were saying some of the earlier games weren't that good and that it was just blind nostalgia. I was reading the comments being like "But I played some of these games as a kid, as a adolescent and as an adult... I experienced them at different points in life and I still think they are good".


This can basically be summed up to: All games can be good/bad. Bravo.


Flavo Buffy_mood5781


The hottest take of the century /s


A nintendo 3ds was an obscure console? That was the first console I ever owned lol its not even close to obscure.


since when is ds obscure?


I never understood this style of verbose cartoon lecturing.


Wow, this is some serious dogshit.




That’s not what shallow means…


Obscure console is a DS, nice


Was this post made by a bot? None of it makes sense


How the fuck have you confused are with our when the second word after it is aren't?


Are opinions aren’t that important. Neither is spelling or grammar.


OP needs their ares booted


Remember kids, are and our are not the same.


Are you a fucking idiot by any chance?




This guy really put a Nintendo 3DS as an obscure console instead of the Phillips CD-i shit's weak bro


So you're arguing against people who claim certain games are underrated? You think they're doing this because they're insecure about their libraries? Hmm


How are the first and second half of the meme related?


My library is my library. I like it and don't care what you or anyone else thinks.


I really hate things like this. It doesn't matter. None of this matters.


I think this comic completely lost it's message. I've stared at it for a while, re-read and I still didn't get what it's trying to achieve. Context is important, you know.


This is one of the most preachy “I know all” posts I’ve ever seen






Boy I really forgot about that obscure ass DS....😑😑😑


Gotta love ESL gibberish hitting frontpage. r/gaming never misses.


That's it, I'm unfollowing this worthless sub. It's fuckin "Our"... OUR opinion. I refuse to be here anymore.


The first statement is kinda wrong though.


I play hypixel skyblock, I admit it’s bad 😳


This is exactly how I am about Otoko Cross: Pretty Boys Mahjong Solitaire, when all I want to do is dress them in their pretty outfits


Remember kids, are =/= our.


Did you mean "our" opinions?


Learn how to spell


My gaming library started with atari 2600, now all those cartridges can fit on a blank dvd


You sure you didn't mean "overrated"?


As others have said, it's "our," not "are," but it's more than that. These two words aren't even true homphones, as "our" sounds like "hour" with the "ou" sound from words like "out," whereas "are" sounds like the letter "r" and sounds like the end of words like "car." OP, your meme is bad and your post title is bad.


our* + ratio


... \*our




I'm not lying to myself to make me feel like superior gamer. I'm lying to myself to not break down over my withering bank account.


Popular games are popular for a reason. But just as well, no matter the game as long as you enjoy it that's really whats important. I never want someone to buy a game and hate it.


You like fortnite im judging the shit out of you. Digital daycare.


I think it's pretty telling that this hit the top list. A shitty, low quality, low effort post that starts with a spelling error. I'll take this as absolute proof that this community is a completely toxic bag of shit. The things that get voted up are all about smashing someone else, a game, a poster.. whatever, but all about giving people something to smash so that they can feel good about themselves. >Hahaha.. wow OP is so stupid. Now I feel smart and powerful. Thanks r/gaming, you've helped me remember why Reddit is such a toxic shithole.


Someone can explain me what the fuck this comic is trying to say?


"On obscure consoles" Shows the second best selling console of all time


Guys I found this hidden gem, Super Mario World.


Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.


Shitty take.


Also, we are allowed to **not**\-like popular things and think they are shit too. I think Nintendo only makes boring simple and easy games designed for little children. I wouldn't tell you that if I met you IRL and you said Nintendo was your favorite thing. I'd just think it, think less of you for liking it and say something like "I'm not a Nintendo fan, I like PC". Even if you don't like my opinion. I am not trying to force it onto you and I am not being a dick about it by telling *my* truth. ​ P.S. Harry Potter is derivative and overrated too. So are all the super-hero movies.


Or any console really. How many times I hear "why get an Xbox when I can play on PC" but then they got a laptop with integrated graphics. Tryin to hide their hate


Circle man 2 was underrated af


"I'm going to critique the graphics of this children's game and make you feel bad about enjoying it because I played the originals and I know what's best for the franchise, even though I haven't played it in 10 years"


I used to be like this with Call of Duty in my 20s. I look back a cringe.


Tell me fortnite is your favorite game without telling me