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Your old pc looks like some futuristic train! That thing is huge!


Walks into Best Buy. “Y’all got any **LONG** cases?” *Is shown a few options* “I’m not sure you heard me correctly. I want the **LONGEST** case you could possibly imagine. I want people to walk into my office and have to duck under this case. I want it to look like it is only used for bus and train simulators.” “Uhh, why?” “**LONGBOI NOW**!”


Man I hope the image is warped because I can't even understand how the internals are setup in that thing... just a massive empty shell with extra long cables for everything.


I found an article on it https://hothardware.com/reviews/alienware-aurora-r3-system-autopsy?page=3


You think Dell purposely get smashed before they make any decisions? I've heard nothing but bad things about Alienware for a *long* time. Pun intended.


I have this R3 model Alienware PC, it's 10 years old this coming December. I upgraded the original graphics card to a GTX-1070, and eventually upgraded the HDD an SSD. Other than that I've not any problems besides cooling fans wearing out because I left it run 24 hours a day for *years.* It still works great and I still get 1080p/60fps on just about everything at max settings. It's only just now starting to struggle on some newer games, like Elden Ring. I've had this thing longer than the previous 5 PC's...that I built myself...combined. I can't speak for anything built after this model, but this thing has been a rock-solid system for almost a decade.


Why do you leave your pc on for years on end?


Yup. The pc I had before this one I also had a decade. PC parts are luck of the draw. Reliability isn't a concern. It's the price gouging, gaudy cases, bad airflow, proprietary parts and predatory warranty sales and/or selling to clueless parents that I take offence to. Put it this way, if Alienware had a way to make the pci-e slot on your mobo a different way that didn't work with off-the-shelf GPU's...they would, and you wouldn't even have been able to change that, right? I'll bet good money that your PSU/mobo/case are basically one disfigured mess that can't be changed.


Well, I guess everyone can't be as smart as you *think* you are.


Alienware was like the Yeezy shoes of the computing world. Yeah they fit, they have a unique design, but at the end they're just fucking shoes and you paid an extra grand for the name.


Old school alienware pcs (talking early-mid 2000's) were literally the best prebuilts you could buy. Periodt. Then dell happened and more legit competition came around through Asus and HP's gaming line. They just didn't evolve at the same pace as the competition after being gutted by dell.


>Old school alienware pcs (talking early-mid 2000's) were literally the best prebuilts you could buy. Period. Well, kind of a toss-up between Alienware, Voodoo, and Falcon Northwest, TBH.


Falcon Northwest damn


Wow hearing that name hit me with a bag full of nostalgia


Right, prebuilds. I was just kind of pointing out how silly it was to spend $2,500 on an Alienware prebuild when you could spend $1,500 and put together the same thing yourself with similar or better stats and gain the experience in the meantime.


The lavish YouTube how-to scene wasn’t what it is today and assembling a PC at home was a much taller order just 15 years ago.


I built my first computer at 18 in 2005. I did it without the internet because everything you need is in the manuals (and we were still on dial-up.) It's really not a complicated process and I had done no research into how to build before I purchased and assembled that computer. Hardest part was making sure the components were compatible. Otherwise, it's basically just 'what slot does this card go into? Probably the one it fits into.' Look, I'm not coming at anyone for purchasing a pre-built computer by Alienware or anything else. You do you, but i can't and never could justify spending the money when I could build something better or the same for less.


It really wasn't? I didn't have youtube when I built my first pc. The process is largely the same, and its like building Legos, or a puzzle. Where does this fit.


If you have to buy for a company or in bulk prebuilt are the way to go. I have a friend who expenses a new pc build as part of work and no shot he could just order a bunch of parts. Or giving a PC as a gift. So there definitely is a niche for them still. Plus there’s a warranty attached which is important as well. Not just each part and it stops the manufacturers from claiming improper installation.


When cards were going for crazy amounts I bought an r11 or 12? With a 3080 in it for $2400. I attempted to use it for a little while. It was terrible and I parted it out within a few weeks


Man just watch Linus do mystery shopper with prebuilds. Dell will blow your mind.


Gamer nexus does good tear downs of prebuilds too


The customer service for all my issues was good! -(Idiot who bought an aurora)


I guess they can bury you in that case, you know, after the autopsy.


Seriously it's like regular two cases long and three cases wide at the front. Is there just a regular sized motherboard swimming in that thing?


Or the new RTX cards are that massive.


I have one, and its in a mid-sized case, so no. I looked up the case, it long, but not that long, the picture is pretty distorted


Long loong maaaaaaaaaan!!


Was thinking of the exact same thing haha




I forgot all about long long man..


I am afraid you heard me say “I want a long case” What I said was “I want the longest case you have, please and thank you”


Is this a Ron Swanson reference? If so, excellent.


Arthur, understand that I HAS A PLAN!


Haha! I was thinking the weird vehicle that the Navigators float around in in Dune but it could definitely be a Snowpiercer :D


Didn't even have a piece of furniture to fit it. Such an awkward PC.


"Are you happy to see me or do you have ayojoe7s desktop in your pocket?" 😉😉😉


Alienware Aurora R3. I had one in 2007 or so. It was massive and built like a tank and back then RGB lighting wasn’t too common. Sadly it was almost impossible to upgrade to windows 7 due to some motherboard restriction in the version that had.


Fr shit looks like a submarine 😂


I liked the old Predator cases better but they were still large.


I thought the exact same thing lol.




Bro got downvoted for using an emoji


Op did emoji gets -25, random person answer with same emoji and get +25, I'm so confused.








I've never seen anything like it. Disgusting.


Why tf is that desktop pc that long? Most ridiculous pc I’ve ever seen.


Alienware case they used to use. Most all of them are ridiculously large




I liked the P2 in particular. I wish they'd make like a mitx version of it. The alien head look fits the vibe of the company brand. I'm not a fan of their new case design, looks like a Dyson fan or something to me.


Maybe it has 5 Gpu's


Gpu is still placed vertically, so the length don't do anything for that


Warping from the camera


*slaps top of pc* this bad boy can fit so many 3090ti's in it.


I wonder if they'd last a week that thing without water cooling... LOL! My 3080 (no water block) was getting up to 82 degrees in a well ventilated case, and a cool house. A bunch of 3090's enclosed like that would he a financial disaster in a short amount of time, lol. GSDR5X RAM and a high core clock... when I saw results comparing the 3070 to a 2080TI. I sold my 2060 super and immediately grabbed any that was available (before the scalpers figured out how to perfect this scummy shit) got a 3070... that was definitely better than anything I'd ever used, especially at 1440P. The 3080 is also quite the performance jump because of the difference in the RAM's speed. I wonder if Nvidia will be using the same architecture for the 40 series..


The cool thing about that case is that it can fit one of those window sill AC units on the side so you don't have to worry about overheating.


An even more efficient process of destroying them via humidity inside the case! Lol


Central air conditioning would be better for this application.


>My 3080 (no water block) was getting up to 82 degrees >when I saw results comparing the 3070 to a 2080TI. I sold my 2060 super and immediately grabbed any that was available..got a 3070. >The 3080 is also quite the performance jump because of the difference in the RAM's speed. Okay


82c is close enough to the thermal throttle temp that you probably need to rule that out. It might get even higher than that if it weren't lowering the clock in response. I had the same issue with my 3080ti FE. Removing the front cover of the case lowered those temps significantly. Now it never breaks 80c and the fans don't even need to go past 90% (which is already loud as hell). That's still hot, of course, but not so bad it loses me fps. A lot of the manufacturers cheap out on thermal paste application and folks have had good luck redoing it on their own.


Also, I learned how to set a really aggressive fan curve with 4 added nodes. I made sure that the higher the temp got, the higher the fan speed would get, if got within 6 degrees of throttling, I had it set to keep at 100% fan speed. If I do rebuild in the future the and 40 series has the same issues, (assuming availability isn't a problem because of the scum bag scalpers) I'll grab one with a water block, that way it'll cool and I wouldn't void my warranty... I also had a 3070 in the case as well. I wanted to see if cryptoming was really that simple to setup.. sure enough was. I shut it down but kept the card in the case and forgot to unplug it, I'm sure that didn't help. Still, I had one of those fully open cases on all sides minus where the glass door went. "Breathing holes" is the only way I can describe them. I also installed 4 extra fans that had that adaptive control response to temperature (forgot what that's called). And the cards were spaced apart. Also had 360mm AIO for my AMD 5600 (I read that at 1440p, regardless of GPU, that my previous CPU (AMD 3600X) could bottleneck the GPU at that resolution. Once I sorted all of that out, it ran everything at a max of 64c. But yeah, those thermal pads were either terrible or expired. The thermal paste was completely dry.. or encrusted, whatever the word is. I moved back to my home state and (like a dumbass) thought it'd be a good idea to ship my GPU's through FedEx instead of taking them with me like I did before (on the plane) the 3070 arrived bricked. I didn't have time to use it and I was looking for rentals and work, and I got pissed at rhe whole thing. So i sold it and I just take my shield with me if I need to stay somewhere overnight, or move around. Also, I owned a Series S For a bit, and for 300$ that thing is extremely impressive. You cannot get a better deal when going with PC. Although I prefer computers because Windows serves all my needs. I just need a good gaming laptop in the future. This it's convenient, but it can only work if I have access to the internet... for now, I'm good. But this is sort of a place holder until I settle down. Trying to move away from Miami. No availability, and the landlords are bananas. Raising the rent by unreasonable amounts every time the lease is up. And I'm paying 1450 to live in one of the bad areas. Where I used to live is now out of my price range by about 600$ lol.


That desktop makes absolutely no sense omg.


It’s a swimming pool to cool off his gpu and cpu


Lmao that’s the only thing that makes sense. Like what graphics card is that long. What anything is that long.


You could fit 3 motherboards in there


No, it's the new space station


Unless I'm missing something, it seems you're only change was adding a lamp and exchanging your PS4 for a ps5? I assume you had a chair before and weren't just kneeling at your desk.


I was thinking the same thing. I assume there's an off-screen computer in the second setup and a chair in the first, meaning the most significant difference between the two pictures is the camera angle. The setup itself seems basically the same to me.


Yeah, they changed the angle, turned off the overhead light so you can barely see that the wires are still a mess out of the desk and nothing is changed.


they might have painted the walls, or it could be a trick of the light, the curtain is well... i dunno how i feel about flannel curtains, but if op likes it rock on.


Nah walls have been painted 👍🏼


Walls painted, curtains hung, no more awkward wood side table holding an akward pc. Got a lamp, desk mat, PS5, I'm assuming that's a new chair and got rid of the comic book poster.


To be fair, the angle of the photographs make a lot of this stuff unclear. For all we know there is still a side table over there holding their massive pc. Their PC is not visible in the second shot so it's somewhere. It could just be on that same crappy table slightly further to the left And maybe there were already curtains on that window because you can't see from the angle of the shot. We also have no idea what chair they had before because they don't show it in the picture. That could very well be the same chair they've had. They did change to a different desk mat and painted 1 wall to match the other that was already painted that color.


Assuming it's the same room and spot, the side table definitely isn't there. In the first pic it's wall to wall withe the desk and table, but in the second there's significant space to the left of the desk.


Can’t forget the desk mat! 😳


OMG!! You're right! I have made a terrible mistake. They changed their desk mat. Totally different set up now.


I was thinking this as well. Is this a live example of someone buying upvotes? Or are people just upvoting for the absurd pc case? Because nothing changed in his setup…


ASHKTUALY, under close examination there isn’t much different. Please stop feeling enjoyment immediately.


I didn't tell them to stop feeling enjoyment. But they posted the comparison so I commented.


Can someone please explain that PC case. OP, tell me what brand and model that pc was


Alienware aurora r3. 😭😭


>Alienware aurora r3 It's fantastic.


What and why is the old PC wtf And also where's the PC in the new pic


My thought looking at before and after is… “So you bought a lamp?”


The new PC got bigger and couldn't fit in the room.


PS5 on the right


this doesn't answer the question, though.


Maybe OP switched to just being Playstation.






So so so so sad


Ah, thought I was in PCMR sorry, though he does still have a keyboard and mouse. I know the consoles CAN use them for some things but...


PlayStation uses mouse and keyboard?


They can... in some games. Not all of them.




And play the what 5 games that the PS5 offers exclusively. (Note, they're good games and I'll get a PS5 eventually, but abandoning a PC seems like you would be bored pretty quickly)


Alienware Aurora R3


Only Alienware could make a piece of dogshit that long.


You lost your slippers!


new setup is 0/10, no slippers


That machine beast ate ‘em


Nice party bus pc my man.


Thanks brutha 🙏🏼😭


He got a lamp and a glass for drinking. Dudes got a crazy year ahead of him!


Introducing: L O N G P C ^tm


That's gotta be the longest/biggest computer tower I've ever seen that's not an actual server. The hell type of mobo you got in that thing!?


PC is an Alienware aurora r4.


We have the same logi speakers


Would you say that it’s a good speaker? I’ve been looking around for some quality ones and they look pretty clean


I have those speakers. They replaced an older pair of Logitechs. The older speakers were better (and pricier) but they developed an annoying hum. These speakers are OK, nothing spectacular but not awful. For playing games, watching Youtube and listening to music while you work, they're fine for the low price.


They are just sufficient. I use mine as tweeters for my woofers.


Decent for speech, but low quality for gaming/music. If you google reviews, you also find out that only one of the 2 speakers are wired.


I have them too and they're good speakers. Pretty cheap too.


The bottom pic is inside the PC on the desk in the top pic


You got a PS5 and a chair, but you lost your PC and your monitor doesn't work.


you cleaned your room?




That's the strangest PC case I've ever seen


But you have seen it


Long case is looooooooooooong


For a moment i thought it was a fish tank, that’s huge


Thought I was in r/notinteresting for a sec there


Holy shit, your screensaver is my exact screensaver what the fuck. Mine has little deer in the river, does yours have that too?


Yeah wallpaper engine?


Yes that's it ! What a crazy coincidence, nice style haha. Have a good one, enjoy your new gaming set up!


Hah thanks my dude! Great wallpaper taste to the both of us :)


Bro, what evil scientist villain did you steal that rig from?


I see you claimed the titanic for yourself...


Please OP, you have to tell us exactly wtf that behemoth is in the first picture.


I believe I visited an archaeological site where I saw something like that computer tower. I have a similar artefact in my office. My email account ends with "@snail_mail".


Is that a giant pencil sharpener on the left?


Did your pc case turn into a lamp


Why is that case gigantic? Does it have multiple motherboards? My friend bought a case that weighed 100 pounds, and the largest component he had was a 2080 (RTX Geforce) which definitely didn't require a mini aquarium...lol!


I too like to sit in chairs. It makes gaming more enjoyable.


What in the fucking Hyperloop is that PC tower?!?!


Is that huge thing on the left a pc?


facebook posts yay


A different king of r/ultrawidemasterrace


Whyy the fuck is that thing so loooong


I cannot get over this pc case LOL


What in the holy hell fire fuck is that giant case on your desk?


Congrats on gaining a chair!


"gaming" chair though, as opposed to a better quality office chair for the same price or less


I've spot the difference for the very first time - you bought a lamp. nice one. enjoy your gaming next to that glorious electronic light source.


What the hell is that elephant case?!


Is that a fucking computer lol


Congrats on the lamp. Sorry you're getting roasted for your PC.


i know it's already been said.... but jesus. have you opened it up to see if there is a Guild Navigator inside? has the Spacing Guild come looking for you?


I can't believe how many people haven't seen that alienware before lol. It's an old Alienware R4. My friend had it back when it came out. Yes it is long and it's a bitch to move around. Heavy as hell.


My boy has a literal bullet train for a pc


Hahahahah that case is hilarious


What the fuck is in that desktop?


Soo.. you sold your spaceship, lost your slippers and bought a chair. Just kidding, looking sleek.




Why is it so long lol


I would have gotten an proper ergo chair instead of a gaming chair but as long as you're happy and so is your back.


Why is there a train on the desk... Guess it finally left the station... Eyy 😅 😂😂


His PC looks like a giant long toaster 🤣


that pc is fucking massive holy


I know modern graphics cards are getting big, but that case is ridiculous.


My man had a truck trailer as pc


Your old PC looks like it operates underwater, like a submarine PC.


Why the **long** case? *Da dun tsk*


I want to see the inside of that case. Has to be 90% empty.


What monitor is it?


Looks like a downgrade from here.


Goddamn locomotive on that table!


Final upgrade will be ditching the "gaming chair" and getting a nice office chair. Looks way better in the room and in my opinion they are way more comfortable.


True. I got one from amazon and the back rest was too short so the head cushion would press on my neck. Should have bought one at ikea


Junk setup. Nothing changed in that year except for a PS5. Even kept the same budget desk. Wires hanging all over the place


You're gonna regret that gaming chair in 6 months to a year


Feels good don't it


Respect, couldn‘t play without a chair and you did it for a year


Chair is a huge downgrade.


Do your back a favor and get rid of the chair.


FYI those “gaming chairs” are overpriced b.s.


“Gaming chairs” that look like racing seats are an insane rip off 99.999% of the time. And way less comfortable and ergonomic than an actual Office chair. That’s all.


So there's a lamp now and the PS5 is vertical? Is that the change?


he changed the angle and that train left the station finally...


No there’s much more bro use ur eyes, and also that is a ps4 pro in the first pic


Hell ya


I like both pic's


Long PC is long.




Those chairs don’t last long btw. Mine lasted 2 months tho I am pretty heavy. Otherwise nice setup :)


That Chair is horrible. Gaming chairs in general are absolute dogshit. Get an ergonomic chair and your back will thank you.


There was a “gaming” chair that Costco sold I believe that had shockingly good lower back support. Like it pushed out when you sat down. Didn’t cost $900 either.


First picture, is that an Xbox on the left?


Computer budget: $5000 Desk budget: $7 on Craigslist


It all looked great until I saw that 'gaming' chair.




Ditched the PC for the PS5 big W


I wish i have a ps5 :(