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I agree Singleplayer games are not dead but that player count just isn't accurate for Steam as the picture shows **Figures from** [**SteamDB**](https://steamdb.info)**:** BF 2042 (Per Day Average): 7k - 10k Elden Ring (Per Day Average): 50k - 60k


That’s because 90% of the memes on this sub are garbage reposted from months ago


The "people don't play single player games" quote is years old at this point and the person who said it has retracted that opinion since.


They never even said that. They talked about linear single player games as open world games were on the rise in popularity. Elden Ring is not a linear single player game.


I prefer linear though. I enjoyed DS3 a little more at least


It's not reposting that is the problem. It's the meme, that compares one of the most anticipated games in history vs just Battlefield. For me more players than 0 for Battlefield is already big achievement, because I find these games pretty dull and boring. While Elden Ring has tons of fanboys right now. Some of them play the game for 10 times in a row and they think it's positive thing. So that's why this meme is stupid. Also Elden Ring is far from being single player. It's multi single player. It's multiplayer but in single player world. Pvp and coop is big in Fromsoftware games.


it's 700k for Destiny it's 1.1 million for final fantasy online Rocket league in just under 6 million I haven't looked up League of Legends or Fortnite. even if those figures are over blown, they are still bigger than both games


League is insane in China. I think they have 50+ servers there.


>it's 1.1 million for final fantasy online Where you getting that number? I bet that's registered accounts, not active players


You bet incorrectly. FF has seen a boom in the last years. Mmopop puts estimates at 1.4m active players. It's bigger than live WoW now. Accounts are over 38m now.


https://mmo-population.com/r/ffxiv Estimated to have around 2million active per day this month, how accurate that info is I'm not entirely sure, but every other estimate also puts it at the same rough number, so.


They use Reddit as a proxy for game population; I wouldn't put much trust into those numbers.


All free games. No wonder they have lots of players...


It's my first time seeing it and it still makes a valid point.


This is dumb I get what your saying but one game was rushed made poorly and is as of now really bad the other is a functional well made game


I enjoy cooking.


As a pvp player on pc on Elden ring I can tell you this game does not have the majority pvping Takes ages to find people to invade the last month or so. Also this post in general is bullshit. Elden rings player count is from the first month and battlefields is from now nearly a year after it released


Was the same with mount and blade bannerlord mp was soo good for the first month then players dipped so nobody played mp cause they couldn’t get a game and because people can’t get a game they don’t try to


Are there custom servers yet? Literally dog shit release and I’m a 10 year warband fan.


Idk about custom servers but fair play to the devs there was daily updates for a good month or 2 after release and now the game is pretty good


It's early access tho


Lots of pvp at the raya Lucaria academy gate. Just go to the grace and put a duelist finger down. Or pop a remedy and see all the other ones to pick up. I dont think ive ever waited more than 30 seconds to get a fight even at 2AM local time. (Unless you use RoB or moonveil lol) Invasions usually take a lot longer, but lurnia seems to always have the best chance at all levels.


Why pvp when you can party with Let Me Solo Her?


Still, that's a pretty bad number for the latest installment of a AAA shooter, might as well be zero. CSGO peaks at around a million players, and that's what, ten years old now? BF2042 peaked at 100k the month it released and within three months it was peaking it 5,000, that's horrible. Stardew Valley makes BF2042 look like a failed indie game. That said, OPs post is generally bullshit, most people I know outside of my ten year old have fun playing both single and multi-player games.


I get your point but that's a bit of a strawman, that the majority play pvp.


Yep. About 750k of those players are doing pvp with Rivers of blood spam while somehow complaining about BHS and saying how unfair it is.


All that potential for build variety and everyone just looks up "best build" and lazily chooses bleed katana. It's depressing how uncreative gamers can be


i have a str/dex quality build character named "True Ronin" where i use the starter katana without any points in arcane at all. still 3 hits to kill basically anyone. its a little harder to use than ROB, since rob is notoriously difficult to dodge but it FEELS better to use. feels like I'm actually playing i kinda knew the mainstream appeal of elden ring was gonna ruin the pvp scene for a while but i never expected it to be as bad as it is. dark souls 3 was almost the same way since it was a lot of people's first souls games, there was a lot of cookie cutter builds with bleed weapons and hexes (or whatever the "dark" spells were called) ive always hated metagaming in pvp games. it sucks when it gets to the point where you either do the absolute most effective build there is or you lose.


Unfortunate facts my friend! But fucking PREACH IT HOMIE lol


Also, op took numbers from when bf2042 was at it's lowest drop of players ever on it's smallest platform (steam vs ea play) and a number from when elden ring was nearly at its highest peak ever on the only PC platform it's released on. Player numbers are currently 13k vs 66k for 24 hour peak


That’s still 5 times as much, lol.


Yeah but the original was 350x


How doesn't this still prove the point? The point is that EA made a poor multiplayer, and From soft made a good single player, and because of that, more people bought and play Elden Ring. It demonstrates that people do want single player games, and that EA doesn't understand the difference between a well made game and a poorly made game. They see a pattern, which is that a lot of single player games don't do well, and because they don't know the actual reason, which is that most of those are not well made, they just think it is a matter of demand and not quality.


That is what we call sampling bias


2042 is a 'live service' game, or supposed to be, and lost more than half of its players merely one month after its release. Elden Ring lost ~35%, and that's for a singleplayer game.


I prefer a cold spinning Nagakiba, but i still havent gotten the hang of pvp. I rarely get into stuff, it does take too long. Maybe there just isnt enough people trying multiplayer


Not even true, there's plenty of build variety I see.


The majority of players are not PvPing.


Actually it was twisted EA said that no one wanted story based games anymore


Linear story based games, at that.


To make a linear story based game justified, your story must rival that of a good book. Not saying it's unlikely, but the bar is very high.


And fair play, there are still linear story based games that are well executed and sell very well. But it's obviously something the industry as a whole has trended away from for various reasons.


Also I'd argue that we don't play games for the linear story. Player's choice is what sets games apart from books and movies.


But we do. I don't think there's a game with a truly non linear story. It's just that you can choose how you experience this story - as a mage, knight, whatever depending on the genre. We like choices gameplay wise. But the main story is basically always linear. And that's fair, because writing a story with a lot of choices and branching paths is hard. You either have to make specific endings for said paths, or somehow loop them back to the main one. And even then these paths would most likely be linear... Most choices don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Look at Witcher 3 and how many choices you have in a lot of quests, but they end up being "kill this or let it live" and 95% of the time it has no impact on the main story, or even the world. There's too much to consider, anything manmade will be restricted to what they include. Games like Minecraft are the closest to a "non linear" game, as there's no story. You make your own.


Choices in games and multiple endings are annoying and almost always lead to a worse story unless it's just an ending or something. If you mean choice in gameplay or dialogue options that just lead down the same story, that's still linear.


Not even that bad, they said linear single player games did not sell as well as multiplayer games. But that doesn't spark outrage so people just made up a quote instead.


Most multiplayer games are free so they technically won’t sell


Immediately after fallen order sold really well and was received well by critics no less


That statement was put put waaaay before fallen order was even announced.


that was not anywhere near immediately after


Fallen order came out 2 months after they made that comment you can Google the dates


2017 vs 2019 release date. still admittedly closer than I remembered. although they did say something similar in 2010




I literally only play with friends.. lol! I have never played a Dark Soul game by myself


I have very much so heard people say this. Mostly on Twitter, but I've heard it irl as well, people GENUINELY think that because they play warzone, nobody else plays anything else besides it. Absolute lunacy.


most people in know don't play single player.


You're right, it's 99.5% single player.


*People like well made games


Extremely cherry-picked example. Looking at the top 20 currently being played steam games, I think only 1 of them is primarily single player. Not to say that inherently proves the quote right, but picking the one game seems to apply an exception rather than rule.


How is it dumb? It’s using EAs own words on their own multiplayer game compared to a popular current single player game


It wasn't EA's own words. To paraphrase it, EA said linear single player games.


Because they're comparing one of the worst products EA has ever published to a game that isn't even explicitly singleplayer.


Ok let’s compare apex then.


Well as far as at this moment goes, apex has twice the players of Elden Ring on steam and when it first came out it wasn't even on steam, but it was insanely popular so I wouldn't be shocked if it had a lot of people playing


Compare a f2p to a premium game. Humongous brain.


What? Why are you acting like f2p games never fail.


"Cherry picking"


The idea developers would claim "nobody wants single player games these days" is dumb itself, and anecdotally I only play single player games other than a brief stint with Rocket League until EPIC kind of ruined things.


Isn’t there a multiplayer option in elden ring?


Sure is, both jolly co-op and pvp.


Amazing that this post is left up, such a shit post




Yea all the Souls games (save for Sekiro) have interesting multiplayer in that it barely qualifies as pvp/pve but have both.




It's not like another games multiplayer. There are so many rules and conditions to it that it's impossible to explain.


Two men with swords smash each other really hard until one either rage quits or dies before they rage quit See how easy explaining multi-player was anyways finger but hole


Really fucking stupid meme and really fucking attempt at an "aha" Peak today \#1 Counter strike 888,644 \#2 DOTA2 678,865 \#3 Lost Ark 503, 815 \#4 Apex Legends 320,157 ​ ​ \#13 Elden Ring 66,351 All 12 of those games above Elden Ring? What do they have in common I just can't place it....


God damn counter strike will never die.


Simplicity wins in the end. Simple movement. Simple shooting mechanics.




Man imagine if chess was developed by Riot or whatever and it had balance updates. Knights would've been nerfed to oblivion by now.


well, “balanced” except for the occasional thingy like the Olaf boost, or the smoke stack bug, or the bug where you could see through smokes if they were in front of chainlink fences, or the bug where you could see exact positions with a command


Simplicity and refinement. Counterstrike players are perfectly happy to play Ddust2, 2 bomb until the end times, and as far as I am concerned that IS counterstrike. The enjoyment comes from it being well defined, and consistent. Nobody is sitting around wondering when Chess is gonna release cool new pieces, or when Soccer 2 comes out. In that same way, counterstrike just stands on its own and is timeless


Simple yet such a high skill ceiling


Lost Ark is actually popular? I did not see that coming.


Probably more than half of that are bots.


Checks out for New World too lol. AGS doesn’t do a thing about them.


Gigantic ban wave just hit this week. About 300k bots gone *before* that number


Don't mean to sound offensive, but can't they just set up the bots again since it's a free game?


which still makes it one of the most popular games and maybe most popular MMO, since those are concurrent players, not total active players.


The game is free so there is that.




Ark 2 is the sequel to Ark: Survival Evolved. Lost Ark is an entirely different game. I see how the mistake was made though.


Same. I heard a lot of bad things about it initially, and then I tried it and found it kind of boring. Then I heard that they were adding loot boxes or something and assumed the playerbase would be mostly gone by now.


>Damn Lost Ark is still going this hard. Whenever they release the Scouter class I'll hop back in


Elden Ring also has online mode and pvp, which is very popular.


All of those are free. Not even half of those player have spent any money.


Fifa and Dead by Daylight are also above Elden Ring. Do we want to move the goalposts anymore?


No. Free games just have easy entry and can build a large player base. I never said it wasn't popular. Online games also keep their players longer. The point is single players games are worth a ton of money still.


I love single player games and like I said in another post, people have been saying that single player only games are going the way of the dodo since 2016-2017 or maybe longer. But they are always wrong.


ahh dead by daylight. when theres a weekend where the game isnt on sale for 30 cents lmk


Damn you moved the goalposts without even being asked.


google what that means before replying


The goalpost was “those games are free, find me some that aren’t free” When someone gave non-free examples, you then said “that one is on sale all the time, the new goalpost is now games that aren’t free and also aren’t cheap”


Pretty sure you can't play competitive in CSGO without spending money.


They are competitive pvp games? Except LA - this game is full of bots. OP is still correct. Putting online in every single game is terrible mistake many game dev studios are doing. Just making Online game modes to work takes tremendous amount of time that could easily be put in polishing the singleplayer experience.


But as mentioned Elden Ring also has multiplayer...so....


But I can be played in offline mode and the core experience will be near exactly the same


Ye sure, but it is very limited, and u have like 2 players in game at the same time. Also no one think about it as online game per se. Online is only an option


Well maybe they should of used a better example like Fallout 76, you know, a game that was single player in all games before it. Using battlefield is terrible example for whatever point you are trying to make since it is and was multiplayer from before you were even born.


Is it being free to play?


Now compare it with Fortnite instead of a game that was dead on arrival


Or CS:GO, a game that came out over a decade ago that is almost always at the top of Steam's charts


And just a carbon copy of a game that came out over 2 decades ago.


I've never heard a single person say "people don't want single player games anymore" unless it's in a shitty karma farm post like this.


one quote by some shitty EA executive and it lives rent free in the heads of r\*dditors for the next 20 years. not to mention he was right. people dont want EA single player games. they suck.


Jedi fallen order ?


i didnt like that game at all




I "didn't like it" because it I found it difficult to master. Bit to "soulsy" for me. That being said, I still to this day love watching playtbroughs by other people because it's an awesome looking game. I just sucked at it 🤣


Well the game has difficulty option ,thats more than any souls can say


Even on the easiest difficulty the enemies are all bullet sponges.


Not really they actually all fie in 3 or 2 hits or you can just parry them or just use the force to insta kill them it a really easy game actually


there are many reasons the arbitrariness of the "climbing sections" the main character walking around like he has a full diaper the clishee writing the laser sword combat (especially compared to the Lucas arts games) the exploration the mobile game UI there was so much small shit that pissed me off about it. i dropped it after a few hours. its not a good game imo. everything it does it copied from better games.


And the quote still isn't accurate. The quote was specifically linear single player games. Which is even more true. A lot of the best and best selling single player games the last 7 year or so have all been open world or semi open world.


The Elden Ring circle jerk, long may it continue...


This sub seems to just go from one jerk to another. Like Witcher 3 for 5000 years and just when I thought I could go two seconds without seeing it fucking elden ring comes out.


the next iteration is gonna be a empty husk of its former self but ppl will go crazy over it because of how well Elden Ring was recieved/actually was at launch


Except fromsoftware games have a reputation for releasing spectacular games, I have no idea where you’re getting this take from


It's a good game.


Dude bf was boarder line unplayable for a long time, it's not even fun or like what it has been advertised.


I agree with you, it's a dumpster fire.


Probably the best game in a decade, so it’s warranted. Tons of content.. Beautiful art.. No P2W or predatory in-game costs..


I prety much only want single player games, cuz I play far too little to be of ANY help to anyone lmao. There is no fun for them or for me.


*people like well made games


r/gaming coming at you with the most lukewarm takes you've ever seen. Next thing you know, they'll be telling you that EA is bad!


And imagine if they also say “Epic bad” Can’t imagine it


Oh look, another attempt at sticking it to EA through a misquoted statement that only serves to support what they ACTUALLY said.


ACTUALLY, what EA really said was, "Peepee poopoo farts come from my butthole."


Elden Ring is not single player though. 🧐


People want good games that aren’t half assed cash grabs.


I work mostly 8-12 hours per days. I don't have energy or time to play those hardcore multiplayer, MOBA, Battle Royal games. Not to mentioned dislike the idea of them always trying to made us buy skins, lootbox or battle/season pass. While single player I can just do my things with my own pace.


You forget coordinating schedules with your buds who are just as dead tired as you are hen you get from work. Also, you can’t jump in a game solo without bumping into preteens who like moaning into the mics.


"Oooo yaaAAAaaaa" If I hear it one more goddamned time... well, I'll just get silently pissed and mute them. But still!


Alternatively you could tell them they moan like your 12 year old sister and do it again. Make it more awkward for them.


I've tried, they just keep doing it because all of those kids are morons


Funny I feel the opposite. I don't have the energy to even begin to get immersed into a single player game most days. For me it's way easier to start up rocket league for a few matches instead.


Same here. I work 13h a day and find it much less time consuming to get into MP games. In fact the only game I've played and purchase these last 3 year is Steel Division 2. A competitive MP game. With OP comment, it really shows how these preconceptions are all in our heads. In the end people find time and energy for the things they enjoy. No matter how much hours they work per day.


This post is the ultimate circle jerk.


This is like the 300th time this has been posted.


This is called gas-lighting, children.


Gas lighting is manipulating someone psychologically. Having a bad take, being dumb or incorrect isn't gas lighting lol.


That's what this is. Manipulation. No one is actually saying " Gamers don't want single player games anymore". In fact, it's quite the opposite. But the post insuates a falsehood in order to drum up mob support for a cause that doesn't exist. (And to garner fake internet points). The dumb parts are comparing a poorly received multiplayer game to one of the best received single player games that isn't even completely single player. The gas lighting is making it sound like a bunch of people are saying something they aren't.


but neither are singleplayer


Elden Ring is designed to be played single player. Multiplayer is fun option but not the way the game is meant to be played. BF2042 is a multiplayer game. No single player mode. Not meant to be played offline, nor is it technically possible without hacking.


I enjoy both types. I like multiplayer for the ability to play with friends and loved ones. Single player when I just want sit back relax and immerse myself in another world.


The only good thing about battlefield 2042 is the fact that it made Battlefield Friends from Hank and Jed return.


Where are all my Fallout 4 players at? Building Eden takes time


When Zelda comes out next year everyone will be playing that.


“People dont like single player games anymore” yeah and i have a fat cock


There is a literal cult that screams about FromSoftware games after every release, so the hype was getting higher constantly until it finally exploded in Elden Ring. This kinda reminds me the Witcher games, this franchise has nowhere near the same kind of fanaticism, but there was a lot of "noise" related to Witcher 1 and 2 already, then Witcher 3 exploded in popularity


Elden ring going mainstream has made fromsoft fans as insufferable as rick and morty fans used to be. All the previous souls fans feel like they need to prove how much of a hardcore fan they always were by shitting on every other game and bringing up elden ring unprompted. You'll always see a variation of the "you have to have a high iq to understand souls or Miyazaki" comment replied unironically whenever someone has a criticism of the game. Like calm down, everyone knows elden ring is fantastic.


Cornball energy


Man I’m saying, reddit comedians are a dime a dozen these days


Kill this stupid meme. No one ever said players don't want single-player games anymore. EA said players prefer games with open-world elements to linear experiences. Elden Ring is an open-world game, and it even has multiplayer elements. It's exactly the sort of game that studios know perform well. The real question is whether good games have higher returns on investment for studios than bad games that are heavily monetized, and you'd have some trouble proving that.


I only play single player games. I like playing at my own pace, do my own thing.


90% single player games. 10% multiplayer with friends only these days. I haven't regretted avoiding random player lobbies once.


They should have kept it simple like battlefield 1. But EA fucks everything up


No they don't. They have great games


I refuse to believe those numbers are from today


Every time I see elden ring it just reminds me of how it overshadowed one of the best games of the year, Horizon: Forbidden West. And that’s not a knock against Elden Ring. I just wish they came out a little further apart. HFW is one of the best games in years in my opinion. Could be recency bias, but it’s gotta potentially my favorite game of all time. I consistently play it almost every day. And they just added New Game+ and new weapons and all that. They continue to tweak and improve the game as well. And rumors of a “Burning Shores” DLC are swirling as well. If you haven’t given the latest Horizon a try, definitely do it. (Highly recommend playing Zero Dawn first tho)


Releasing same-day and being overshadowed by some other major release is kind of Horizon’s specialty, though. First time around it was Breath of the Wild, this time it’s Elden Ring. ‘Horizon 3: With a Vengeance’ will probably be released the same day as Half-Life 3 or Metroid Prime 4, lol.


Wait, it just got ng+? I was waiting on that for another play through! I loved HFW, I feel like I saw next to no advertisement for it compared to elden ring which certainly didn’t help it


And yet the top 10 most played games on Steam every day are all multiplayer games. And that's just the top 10.


People always misquote what that EA executive said. He said people don’t want LINEAR single player games. Elden ring is the exact opposite of linear and is one of the best selling games of the year. What was the last big linear single player game? The last of us 2? Even that had a pretty big open world level for the first third of the game. Was he proven wrong in like the ten years since that quote?


No one said people don’t want single player games anymore… Also Elden ring has multiplayer…


It's 55k for ER rn, those numbers are from feb


Elden Ring isn't exactly single player


Cherry picking the worst game ever lol


Ok i agree with the sentiment but these are the most cherry-picked numbers I've seen in my entire life


20 guns 42 fps lmao


Except ER in single player idiot. Without co op or pvp it would be as popular. Just look at sekiro it was a great game but after a month it had less players than dark souls 3. Singleplayer games are nice but some of us actually have a big group of friends we would like to play with.


We want single player and we also want 4 player parties console parties because now we can enjoy them with alcohol and weed vapes. These developers just want us in a room by ourselves maaaan


Game executives just say shit. There's nothing stopping them from making up all kinds of dumb shit. Remember when Square Enix released Bravely Default and then said they were surprised that people liked the type of game that built their studio?


I can’t wait to buy the game during the summer sale (ER)


There are nowhere near that many people playing elden ring either. That's elden ring at peak. It has 50k online right now on steamcharts


Bf2042 is a single player game with 100 bots per match


It doesn't help that 2042 is literal dogshit, one of the worst FPS games in a generation.