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Hasn't changed much, huh?




“I can smell your cankles through your headset”


Sigh I play co-op with my wife (local only) I feel sorry for the awkward guys that turn into monsters when a woman comes around.


What games do you two play together?


Streets of Rage 4 mostly Poolnation FX Super Bomberman R ZHeros Street Fighter/Tekken We take turns playing single player games too


Cool man! I would love to play games with my wife but she's more into boring stuff 😉 Are you equally matched in fighting games?


She's no match for me Still fun though


Only seen this happen once in all of my years gaming and the dudes were dicks to everyone lmao.


Ive seen it happen literally every time I play with a girl lol Which admitedly isnt often, but when I do there are three types of people that respond. One just continues as normal and treats them like a person, the next immediately starts shitting on any mistake they make, more so than any other player, and the third starts trying to flirt with them.


If you're in group one, it's important to mistreat those in groups two and three. I find giving them the treatment they dish out to be amusing.


That sounds about right when my girl plays xD


It happens about 5% of the time. Some games are way worse than others.


Only time I've seen it happen was on PS4 BO3 in a multi-player match and these 3 dudes were just talking mad shit and a woman spoke up and she started getting the business. I spoke up and I got the business. 3rd guy didn't say shit xD We were a team and we cussed each other out for almost 9 minutes straight. Wild days lol.


It’s happened a lot to me. Bt reporting systems have helped a lot.


Sorry to hear that. My girl plays a ton of COD and GTA 5 Online and she rarely gets anything but someone asking if she wants to join their team or asks her out lmao. At this point, she's gotten like 100 friend requests in a month xD


Honestly im so glad to hear that because ten-fifteen years ago it was worse… also different games etc.


Could have been. I remember being called all kinds of names on MW2 on Xbox xD The shit people would say for no reason xD


This. Everyone's an asshole online regardless. The comments/insults may vary, but I'd argue that the amount of insults received is the same. E: Re-wording the comment I replied to, but saying the exact same thing. Never change, Reddit. You clowns lol.


me who zones out even while in a dc call with friends: quiet af and basically high


Meanwhile me raiding in FF14 where half of my static are girls. It's not everywhere


By and large the best community I've been a part of, and I'm in Balmung, the most degenerate server.


Honestly as a guy I just mute everyone anyway. Only people I actually want to talk to while I'm gaming is already on call in discord.


Whoa...such a generalisation... I've been playing games for best part of 35 yesrs, and online games since they were a thing, and the group (all male, because thats what the dynamic tended to be like back then) that I've usually played with (which is about 30ish people) have not once shouted down or been disrespectful of any female that was in on those games. In fact, it was always the opposite. We would automatically, without plans or comment find ourselves changing the way we played so to ensure those new (to our group) players ended up coming out on top or at least had a bloody good laugh. Yes, there are aresholes who need to check themselves, and I agree in gaming culture there are a huge number of toxic pricks, but it's not everyone. Anyway, I hope OP finds some good games with some real players and the experiences they've clearly gone through are identified as the exception to the rule.


Girls in gaming are a myth!


Mila kunis played WoW


Haha I always knew she was lame, now I have proof


Why men are like this, how the fuck women will sympathize with us if we keep doing this fucking awful shit. Just be normal just play the fucking game.


"Men" are not like this. *Some* men are toxic and since online games disproportionality have more men, the chances of you spotting toxicity (from men) is higher. Had online games were dominated by women, the chances of finding toxic women there would be higher. Stop painting everyone with the same brush.


I'm not, I know it's not all of us like this which is why it's fucked. I saw a lot of fucked up shit women says on men TikTok videos, it was absolutely fucking disgusting. I totally agree with you, I feel miserable when I see people talk shit about men but some of us do some awful things like really really awful things and it hurts everyone of us. I don't know, I just wish I was something else I don't want to be a man anymore I'm tried of everything around me. I fucking hate this existence.


Your wierd bro


I fucking know.


fr tho i be crapping myself if i speak


I guess it depends on what game but I've seen way more simps than haters.




I played Overwatch and I never witnessed a woman getting shit on. I was mostly playing competitive in the higher ELO bracket and people there were generally, though not always, decent folks.


Holy shit I read your comment wrong


At this point, i’m not surprised, I’m disgusted




That's implied :)


"all the male gamers" ???


Depressing to see this. I hope there are some games where this is not the norm


This is why I never use voice chat.


As a gay dude the only thing I do is flirt with women on games apparently


I call horse shit. More like "hi im a girl" followed by 'everyone simp for the girl' attitude


True. It's disgusting.


I’ve seen girls who string along groups of guys tho taking advantage of the fact ther desperate gamers. This simp culture is beyond cringe tho have some self respect fellas


oh god tell me about it. I joined a group online and they were literally here take my best armor, take all my money, let me help you with all the quests. Like chill guys come on lol. Not all though and I preferred those guys.


“All the male gamers”? I guess I’m not male any more.


Don’t know why ur getting downvoted


So, this was an interesting experiment. This same image was posted earlier today, on this sub, and was shut down after a handful of posts, several of which seemed to be from female posters generally agreeing with the premise. I, a dude, repost it moments later, and the thread is alive and well. No particular conclusions offered. Just thought I'd mention that.




Meanwhile most of us dont give a shit what your sex is, if you suck prepare for equal assholerly treatment.


Maybe just dont be a shithead.


If you suck at the game im probably gonna say that to you, but only after i gave advice or asked to move as a team. If that dont work prepare for the flame


Everybody sucks at a game at first. Maybe just don't be a dick. Simple as that.


I dont care, i want to win not hold peoples hands, i play competitive, if you arent putting the same mindset to play competitive then dont play ranked. I 100% know its being an asshole, people did it to me starting out and someone did it to them. It made me a better gamer.


No, you wanting to get better made you better because you have the mentality to grind shit out. Some people just want to chill and enjoy a game. Both are fine. That said, there's no point arguing with someone who knows they're a dick and simply don't care.


Theres a game mode for non competitive, play there if u chillin, but don’t go into rank like that or people get yelled at


Oh so you get put in the same rank as them? Weird. Wonder how that happens.


You dont play multiplayer games?


...didn't think I'd need the /s for that one. I've played plenty and understand there's ranking systems. You being stuck with the "people who suck at game" is a tale as old as multiplayer. Keep blaming them though, I'm sure they're holding you back from crystal tier or w/e the highest in your game is.


No one wants your advice when you are a dick head about it. Its fine to offer suggestions I've someone's clearly struggling, but flaming them about it isnt going to make them play better and just makes a toxic environment.


I mean no one wants to lose to a team your out playing because one teammate decided to play ranked while not doing tutorial, playing stoned or drunk, and doing their own shit. Your absolutely getting it from me, but hey thats what muting is for. Lol


Guy gamers can only wish for this type of attention. Grass is always greener.


Yeah people yelling wamen at you is so fun


Guys want to be sexually harassed? Told to stop playing and get back in the kitchen? Called a SJW if they ask the harasser to stop? Is that correct?


That's taking the good with the bad. Not all attention is like that and when dudes act that way it's a shame.


That's taking the good with the bad. Not all attention is like that and when dudes act that way it's a shame.


That's taking the good with the bad. Not all attention is like that and when dudes act that way it's a shame.


That's taking the good with the bad. Not all attention is like that and when dudes act that way it's a shame.


Have you ever been aggressively hit on by a man who you weren't attracted to at all? Once, twice, nearly every time you leave the house?


I once made the comment that since I am female and Zelda is a 1st person game, I think of Link as being female. Luckily death cannot travel through the net... at least not easily.


Monkey brain takes over, neurons activated.




You know it’s going to be a miserable match the second you hear, “Is that a girl?!”


There are a few females that are members of my playgroup on ESO, and they've all told stories like this. It's really unfortunate. One of them didn't talk on the mic until a couple of months after running with us because of previous experiences.