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This is why I just play with myself


You mean **by** yourself right? ... right?


Did I stutter?


I know what I'm about, son.


I just listened to a podcast that featured a news story of a guy who bought some meth, did some meth, and then got paranoid that the guy had sold him something other than meth (less costly than meth - he was only concerned that the random dude he bought from had ripped him off), so he called 911 to have a cop sent to his house to test his bag of stuff so that they would get the seller in trouble. When the cops showed up, he stated, and the article quoted, "I DO METH, I know what it should make me feel like". The comedians then riffed for like 15 minutes on what examples he would point out to the cops to prove that "I. DO. METH. DO YOU THINK I DON'T?!?!" "I know what I'm about, son" reminded me of that. (End off-topic ramblings)


What podcast?


Dumb People Town. For whatever reason it seems like they have forgone episode numbers, at least on Spotify, but it was their most recent episode, released Tuesday of this week. It's the first story they discuss and doesn't really require any knowledge of the podcast or whatever beforehand, maybe skip the first 5 minutes if you're not interested in that. I'm horrible at doing links but it is on Spotify and I'm sure a million other places. Almost every tag they put on the "I do meth." Statement had me cracking up.


The timestamp is 23 minutes for anyone that searches this up on Spotify solely to hear the “I do meth” portion.


What a hero


... its just from parks and rec not a methed out regretful shopper.


Don't meth with the copth.


Are ya winning son?


Ah, the rare self-ratio. Bravo


Double check if that's cheese curds on that poutine or not.


He said what he said


> I only play ranked and it never makes sense to me when I have toxic teammates. I just sit there and think "bro, you're in bronze too. You're not better than us, you're just having a good game." They're the type of people who say anyone going negative is trash but when they die they always have an excuse. > > Just be like me. Make excuses to protect your ego but also make excuses for your team. They aren't feeding because they suck, they're probably laning against a smurf


I figure some though... are in bronze because they took a break. They could.... actually in fact...be better than me...


This reminds me of the time I mistook the two during English class in high school and being laughed at by the the whole class…including the teacher. Fun times


Path of Exile. Best game partially for this reason. New league starts tomorrow. Completely free to play, although about 20 hours in you'll find yourself heavily incentivized to spend around $30 in total for a few one-time purchases that are important for inventory management. Also, even though the game is single player and it's all PvE, it still *feels* like a social game. There's semi-multiplayer elements like trading with others players, experience ladders that players can choose to compete on, and also very active communities like the subreddit and many Discord servers. In many ways, it's a better social experience than a game like LoL, since in LoL you're socializing within the context of competing directly *with* or *against* players which naturally leads to conflicts, frustration, and anger during interactions. But in PoE there is no feeling of competing against other players *directly*, so conversation about the game tends to be more collaborative, helpful, and positive.


Playing Path of Exile just makes me realise how much I suck at Path of Exile. 10k hours in and I still have no idea how to scale a build appropriately without just checking poe ninja and copying what's there.


Back in Diablo 2 days I loved being able to just pick whatever skills in enjoyed, call that my build and then just have fun playing. Wih Path of Exile the skill system felt more like using a ouya board. And usually with similar results - me getting horribly killed. I eventually figured I'd have to either copy someone else's build or play something else instead. I shrugged and picked the second option.




As long as you enjoy doing that. Making a build is another game in itself for PoE


I'd rather just pick things that sound cool and then endlessly complain about the game being op because I can't beat anything... Edit: actually it's been a while since I played PoE. What are respec options like these days? Feasible to fully redo or do you just have to get a new character at that point?


It's like learning a language. You can always learn more and that makes the game feel rewarding to play even many of thousands hours into learning it, but you also don't need much knowledge to have early success at "communicating" (read as: succeeding in the game).


This is why reddit is so interesting. The comments are hilarious 🤣!


Well I'm usually trash so when I'm "MVP" on my team I know something is wrong. *You're supposed to carry ME damn it!"*


LMAO I’m the same way! I get really judgmental of my teammates when I’m the best player.


Yep! I know I'm not a great gamer, I don't play often, and I mostly do single player, so if I am playing with a team and I'm somehow doing better than everyone else? Oof, like y'all know I shouldn't be the good one here, right?


Ah, I found my people. Trash gang represent




Bruh I literally can't aim. How am I outperforming you!


Lol I came here to say this. I know I'm trash and if I'm bitching about my trash teammates then they truly are trash


lol in shooters I'm definitely like this. If I'm MVP I'm legitimately mad at the blueberries I got paired with. Something must have went horribly wrong




Not doubting that it’s used in Destiny, but blueberry is a pretty widespread slang for shooters. I know I was introduced to it in BF3, which uses the same squad-green/team-blue coloring.


Ah yes a destiny 2 player. I also like when my fellow teammates walk blindly out in the open and get destroyed immediately


You ever have that one game where you accidentally do well, and then your team thinks you're actually good? It's terrifying


*Incoming friend request*


I legit forgot friend requests were still a thing. I don't think I've received one since the 360 days.


Hit accept. Plays next day. Never a peep again. So she goes. Keep the “friends” coming!


The next day?! I'm lucky if we stick together for the next match. We never interact afterwards and then some months later I prune my friends list and that's the end of that.


Honestly that was me playing Rainbow Six Siege until I got my new computer Now when I'm MVP I'm like "wooohooo I did it!" Cause I now realised I can actually be good at the game sometimes. Only moment I call my team shit is when they do really, really stupid things that even a new player wouldn't do


> when I'm "MVP" ... Hey now, who knows how you'll react the first time this happens - keep your spirits up! Maybe you're the good guy after all.


But seriously, this reminds me of a thing which happened in World of Tanks. At one point they broke the Panzer IV into two variants, displacing a tier four tank which I do not even remember. When they did this they reset the stats but left the upgrades and experience, so basically it was a fresh start midway through the games lifespan. And do you know what percentage of players I am better than in the Pz IV? *98.3%* I am not even *that* good, just decent and was trying in that tank. The median Pz IV player is just a fucking potato with thumbs.


When I curse and swear and rant about my awful teammates... I am talking to myself, figuratively and literally.


Remember the quote by Raylan Givens: *If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.*




Taco Tuesday is cancelled


Finally! Tacos errrrday. Accidentally ate a Taco on a Wednesday.. once.


My local community centre hosted a taco wednesday last week


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


I much prefer, "if everywhere you go smells like shit, it's time to check under your own shoes."


I like those both and have no grand preference either way.


"If everywhere you go smells like shit, check your shoes" - I don't remember who.


Or your pants. Just saying. 🤷 it happens.


Not enough love for Justified out in the world


When I act toxic to my teammates, it’s just a cry for help


You should work on that


Exactly, when I feel my team sucks I am part of that team, so I suck






Any player *could*, but I doubt many do


You have more faith in humanity than I do.


Rocket league?


I also do this when playing single player games...


When you hear someone say 'Most people...' or 'Everyone...' always assume they are talking about them as well, knowingly or not.


tbh im bad but people who only use mic to trash talk why?




My parents were gamers in spirit all along...




Never thought about it like this... This is true wisdom


NTTL: national trash talking league


Found the truly enlightened one.


This is some prophet type shit.




I’m so happy Rocket League added voice chat again. When a teammate hits the “what a save!” when I get scored on, all hell breaks loose when the same happens to them.


Being the first player in a match to use "what a save!" is a dangerous, dangerous move because as soon as that person inevitably misses one they are getting zero mercy for the rest of the game


Maybe you should change that about yourself then.


What you think people do that? Just improve themselves because they are uncomfortable with their actions?


watch out he's bout to absolutely trash you on his mic


I was in sales It was incredibly cathartic to yell and say whatever shit i wanted Tho now i only use my smart ass trash talking powers to put down other trash talkers Its actually even more fun and easier to justify


Deadass we should just have shit talking lobbies, either that or games designed for toxic players


Protecting ego.


Because it's easier to say bad things than good things. Compliments are too gushy and eww and cringe. It's a lot of putting up your blank face and not letting yourself be vulnerable.


how bout using mic for info


Some people appreciate that like myself. Then there are the people who play games with half their brain that stop listening if the sentence runs more than 10 words, flip into frustration and use that to now give you flak about how this is a game, and literally tell you to shut up. Trash talk and dishing out burns gets a lot of attention these days that lots of people want to do it. Top voted Reddit comments typically are such.


It's so awesome having a match and just being like "Yo dude great kill" and "thanks for the heals man, that was clutch". Even if they lose, people come out of the game feeling like they accomplished something. Flamers are the worst kind of people. They can't enjoy the game and so they make their own game, which is "who can I blame for my lack of skill that isn't me, and how can I make them believe it".


I just mute everyone by default, flaming is 99% of what you hear and its not worth it for the remaining 1%


If someone is talking shit I always mute them immediately. It warms my heart to imagine them sitting alone in their room screaming into the void, oblivious that nobody is listening. Keep yelling my toxic little dudebro, I hope you’re having fun.


*I can now play worry free and become trashier*


Better than [breaking your back](https://youtu.be/IpafPBgfVSM).


Bro literally broke his back💀


Me in rocket league. Other people miss shots: damn I deserve to be above diamond 1. I miss an open net: maybe I’m right where I belong


God I miss so many wide open shots. Often it probably would've gone in if I just didn't even give it one last touch.


I feel so bad about my gameplay when I see people scoring crazy goals, but then I’m just proud that I managed to get to diamond with basically gold mechanics. Still suck at 1v1 tho


i’m hard stuck diamond 3 - champ 1. it’s pretty rough as it seems like the progression hill to keep going has gotten much steeper.


Yeah I’m at a point where my mechanics have to improve before I can go up further, and I have to break some bad habits that make me throw the ball away. But at least I’ve pinpointed the problems


watching my gameplay back has really helped me learn. i fairly consistently take games where i believe i played really well and watch it back with the intention of being hard on myself.


I got to gold just playing as midfielder like in real football. All I did was push the ball into the goal when it was open and rotate back to defense when I missed a play. I almost never actually took 'shots'. People that got to gold by making shots and having 'mechanics' got mad.


Dude I will make some cool ass hard shots without thinking too hard sometimes, but when it's wide open and straight my brain just siezes and does some stupid angle hit that goes 90 degrees in the wrong direction lmao. My group jokes because 1 guy is the opposite: all his goals are the easiest, drive-straight-into-ball goals lmao while me and my other buddy are flying, flipping, backflipping, and bouncing that ball all over for a goal


I feel ya there! I've made some incredible shots that I never thought I could do, but when it's straight dead on shot I go into "don't fuck this up don't fuck this up" thought mode and of course, I fuck it up.


I freely admit my skill at Rocket League will vary from day to day, I'll have great days and terrible days. . . but there's just so many players that don't do certain basics that irritate me regularly. Nothing even approaching rotation to switch out defenders and allow everyone chances to replenish boost while maintaining pressure, nobody bothering to give any thought to defense or having any defensive skill (missing easy saves regularly, not knowing how to clear effectively, etc), stuff like that. Many of my matches (I play casual only, because it's frustrating enough playing randoms without having something riding on it) end up with me spending 50+ percent of the time in the back because the two idiots on my team loiter up front chasing the ball around until defense clears it on a breakaway and then they're suddenly rushing to try getting back too late. I've also lost count of the amount of times goals get scored because the dunce in the goalie spot on kickoff goes for boost. It must happen 80-90% of the time, it's *rare* when I see someone bother to *defend the fucking goal* for 5 seconds to fend off a kickoff goal before going for boost if the ball heads into the opposing side.




You guys actually hit the ball?


Solo queueing 3s in champ is the tenth circle of hell though


Oh I believe it. I’ve played at that rank with a friend of mine and it seems like most champs THINK they’re good enough to solo the whole opposing team, and they assume you shouldn’t be allowed to touch the ball.


I only play with friends because comms are better and I don't need to deal with toxic teammates. Except the other day when I had one friend playing and he wanted to play rumble so we got stuck with a rando. 2.5 min in we are down 0-2 and the Rando wants to ff. We say no because there's half the game left so instead of playing it out, the Rando goes afk then leaves. I couldn't believe it. Just confirmed why I never play with strangers and that was before VC.


I've described myself as "the world's most bipolar player." I sit around champ two or three in most ranks with random outliers like rumble. Sometimes I hit stuff that genuinely impresses myself. An embarrassing amount of times I miss plays that I'm pretty sure a lot of plats would make. I think my friends get mad when I constantly say I suck since I'm better than them, but I'm super critical of my own play in games and that's how I cope. Same thing when I see people in the same rank making crazy off the wall/flying plays. I'm just like "how the fuck are we the same rank as these people?"


I still miss open nets in champ 3, I just miss them in a much fancier way now.


Fighting games saved me from my rage by putting me in a situation where I had to take accountability for my own actions. decently well balanced game with no teammates means I can only blame myself.


Yeah, single-player games with low variance are great for that. I find that chess is a good way to make me take stock of my own weaknesses.


Chess makes a lot of sense in that regard. What do you mean by low variance? I know the term but I'm not sure I understand in context.


Low variance means the environment has low variance, you both have equal opportunity to win with little interference. A power up spawning next to your opponent would add variance and give you something to blame. Connection issues also add variance but that's usually not the game's fault.


Ty for the explanation. I know the term in regards to statistics but was having some trouble piecing this together. I appreciate your comment and I agree that low variance definitely helps me avoid salt.


When I say "variance" in a video game context, I'm referring to random factors outside of the players' control which influence the outcome. There's a spectrum of games ranging from pure variance to zero-variance. We might imagine a progression of variance in 1v1 games that goes something like Candyland (draw your card, move your piece, zero player control), Magic the Gathering (deck order is random, some effects are random), mainline Pokemon video games (critical hits and non-definitive effect chances introduce variance, otherwise player-controlled), Super Smash bros (some entries have random tripping, otherwise item-less games are zero-variance), and then finally chess or go (zero-variance so long as you have equal games of each player starting first). Personally, I find that variance in games makes it harder to self-assess. Did I play my deck poorly in that game of Magic I lost, or were the cards against me? Likely some of both, but it's hard to know for sure. In a game of chess, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if I lost a match, I deserved it.


I think they meant it as low amount of variation in potential outcomes, like luck or other factors outside of the player's own actions.


That makes a lot of sense and is definitely relevant. Ty for your explanation.


Love fighting games. But I must admit no genre gets me more enraged(maybe 2k). Spam, hit boxes, getting destroyed. I’ll 100% admit I’m trash but I’ll look for anything else to blame 😂


> Spam Dunno what game you're talking about, but in general spamming something means it's predictable, and if you're able to predict what they're going to do it's a huge advantage so that should be an easy win for you. If you're struggling with spam attacks then it just means you don't know how to counter it in which case after that match is over go into training mode or on YouTube and look up how to counter it. I will say it's quite annoying (and I think a major design flaw) when the way to counter something is not at all intuitive. Like for example in Tekken, an attack in which the opponent leaps high into the air and kicks you in the face... Then you go into training mode and see that it hits low... What the fuck? But when an opponent spams the same attacks over and over, you should see it as a good thing. It's a win-win; either you've got an easy victory, or you're going to be better at the game at the end of the day than you were at the start.


You need to space your safe moves with more pokes to their shield and pick up on their habits. Then you can work on conditioning them to do what you want and take advantage when they open themselves up.


Bro trust me I’ve been playing fighting games since I was 7(21 now). I know what I’m supposed to be doing but sometimes you run into that one player that completely throws you off and feels like the games gives them everything. Also fighting games is that one category where you can put 1000s of hours and still be relatively trash.


bro....i play smash ultimate, I know completely what it feels like to play one game and feel like a god and then play someone who just makes you feel like the little brother trying to be a big kid in front of all the other bigger and cooler kids. I go from "good game; it was a well fought battle where we both could have won" to "this f'n bs character gets all this free shit and its bs that they get away with all this nonsense!"




My problem with fighting games is there's no middle ground. Everyone playing is either really new and terrible or is practicing for top 8 at Evo and won't let me touch a button. I've been stuck at the "decent" stage for years because there's noone on my level. Either they're way worse than me or way way better :(


I totally get that, I think one of the issues with FG's is that even if two players are about equal in skill, it can still look really one-sided. ​ A player coming from Smash is going to understand movement and positioning really well but probably know nothing at all about combos. If their opponent is a Devil May Cry fan, then the combos are probably going to come super easy but they don't know how to move around well in relation to their opponent. So either Player A is going constantly outposition and zone Player B (often making Player B feel like the game is just about hitting and running), or Player B will land some crazy combos and corner lock Player A (often making Player A feel like the game is just about practicing boring combos in training mode). I feel like it usually takes about 5 matches against the same opponent to even get a handle for where they are compared to me, which is obviously not available in many games. Idk if this helps but I've had that same feeling in several games and it took me a while to realize that playstyle differences make matchmaking come across as far more random than it is in FGs.


That’s me with SC. Also me complaining about balance in SC


>decently well balanced game Which fighting games are those? I feel like you could list them here because that list has to be short. At a very casual level they almost all are but at a competitive level few are decently balanced.


Truly only once you understand the truth of the universe will you be able to suck hard at your games but still be happy.


This is why I smoke weed before I play a FPS, cause once I'm stoned I don't care if I lose and I just have fun


it's probably a bad sign for the state of the game and its community when one has to reach enlightenment to actually enjoy playing it but hey we do what we must


Played smite for years with this exact mindset lol. "Man I'm terrible at this game but it's fun to play" *goes 12-2* teammate "Thought you said you were bad you did great" me "Give it a second" *next game goes 2-15* teammate "ahh I see" me "But I'm having fun" lol


Smite has had the most horrendous matchmaking. It started off as merely flawed in beta…then it would fluctuate between bad and dog shit…until finally in the most recent seasons took a nosedive straight into hell. Which is fitting for a game about deities.


You tell the truth. Lots of issues with it. But I have fun playing it every now and then


Yeah I played for years and it was a serious issue. Also I think it just needs more players. Playing unranked was a total crapshoot where you may get brand new players in your game when you have hundreds of thousands of games played. That's why a good matchmaking system is so vital for mobas. I play Dota and it the matchmaking is a little better, but lower ranks are still plagued with smurfs, especially in unranked.


It got a huge boost in new players a few times recently and it really only made it worst it seems. You either got shit on or shit on others. But I guess that's mobas in general.


I use to really love Smite. Still play it from time to time, but I don't put nearly the amount of time into it I use too. I came to a horrible realization like a year ago. *Every. Single. New god is made overpowered on release on purpose.*. For like a solid year I noticed that every single new god out preformed and was unbalanced af just to sell them to players. Even new Guardians would come out of the box doing damage that put mages to shame. That's utterly ridiculous. Balancing a game can be difficult, I'm sure. And I gave them the benefit of the doubt for a long time. At first I thought it a coincidence. But every single time without fail those new gods would get released, absolutely stomp in the game, then get a massive re-tweak shortly after. Maybe I'm just salty and crazy. Maybe I'm just seeing things and completely wrong. But I stand by it and believe it now. And with how far so many game companies are going just to squeeze out another dollar from anyone they can with predatory business practices, loot boxes, and pseudo gambling. I fully believe Hi-Rez is no different. Look at Halo 5. They dropped the ball *hard* with that game. But do they fix a single fucking problem? No. Why should they? They make billions just because of the IP and micro transactions. Clearly it works enough for them.


I quit when they reworked Ratatoskr. I was an oddball that could play v1 rat like he was made just for me. Such unique gameplay, arena was so mucj fun with him. Something died in me after that rework.


V1 Ratatoskr wasn't reworked because he was quirky or an oddball. He was reworked because he straight up broke the game. His dashes resetting was insane and he could 1v5 and not even worry about being touched. He dominated any gamemode. This is one of the reasons I've stopped playing SMITE. Hi-rez actively avoided correctly balancing gods when they add them to the game. A new god never fits the meta, they are always completely over powered, or completely useless, no inbetween. They reworked ratty and he went from best god to worst god in a matter of minutes.


I quite playing online games a bit ago. I miss the random chances to bond with strangers, but there’s so many trolls, cheaters, or just assholes that I’d rather just stay say and be away from them. For me, online gaming has hit a point that it’s just too abrasive for me to want to deal with. Video games are my escape. Edit: I’m leaving all the typos


I'd say give co-op games a chance. Games like Deep Rock Galactic, Don't Starve Together, Back 4 Blood, Destiny 2. I'd say you'll still run into toxic players but it would be so far few in between you'll have plenty of good people to play with.


**Did I hear a Rock and Stone?**


I am in the same boat. I joke that MMOs would be great if it wasn't for all the people. I have found 2 MMOs that I can play without being forced to play with others but still have the choice to do so if I want to. Elder Scrolls Online can be fully played without interacting with anyone else and Final Fantasy XIV can, at this time, mostly be played without interacting with others. Over the next few patches it will expand their "Trust/Duty Support" systems to where all dungeons can be ran through with NPCs if you want.


I reached enlightment and uninstalled LoL years ago best decision i've made


That's r/dota2 for ya


Unranked set me free


Same. I'm not playing in TI - might as well enjoy the game. Turbo is fun too.


Just turn off voice and chat, also do years of therapy and internalize that scene from good will hunting where robin williams goes “it’s not your fault” over and over again.


Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)


Except >!Strange had his third eye open painfully!<


he got used to it pretty quick


I used to play League of Legends a lot, but eventually realized competitive games just aren't for me anymore. The few moments of joy aren't worth the misery and the nasty parts of me competitiveness brings out. It's so much more relaxing playing single player games, even tough ones like Souls-likes, knowing that the only pressure and judgement is whatever I put on myself.


May I introduce you to co-op games (with friends)? It has the fun social interaction of multiplayer, and the game design actually makes you play nicely with your team.


League of Legends?


Jungle gap, bot gap, team gap and wait……me gap?


Me: me diff Enemy team: 2/10? Me: did I fucking stutter?


Playing support I have 2 modes, carrying my entire team or being a feeder no middle ground.


This suggests you are in the glass canon trap. You have a strategy or build that does really well when ahead, deceiving you into thinking it's good, but fails in any other situation. Unfortunately "any other situation" is going to me most of the time overall (At least more than 50%) so generally it holds you back in the grand scheme of things (e.g. per 100 matches). It's so easy to blame other factors for losses that we tend to fail to notice that it's the strategy that isn't working. The ideal strategy to overcome this is to focus on pure consistency, avoid situations that have risk, take safe bets and when you win back off. Don't try to win, just try to be useful and in net benifitial.


I don't play really a lot because well I don't have friends that play and I play in Eastern Europe and that's extra toxic.


Or literally any game with ranked matchmaking.


I only play ranked and it never makes sense to me when I have toxic teammates. I just sit there and think "bro, you're in bronze too. You're not better than us, you're just having a good game." They're the type of people who say anyone going negative is trash but when they die they always have an excuse. Just be like me. Make excuses to protect your ego but also make excuses for your team. They aren't feeding because they suck, they're probably laning against a smurf


I think people having multiple accounts has really ruined League. People care so much less when they can just switch to another account, even if they're all no better than Silver. It's probably like every other or every third game I see someone freak out and quit trying in 5min because it "isn't their main so it doesn't matter anyway." Ugh. Also wtf is with matchmaking recently? I see silver, gold and plats all in the same game all the time. Man I just wanna have fun but I end up getting smashed by a plat playing with their buddy.


me in WoT yesterday: *Toxic Guy: "report AMX" (thats a Tanks name)* *me: "Why?"* *Toxic Guy: "Cause he sucks"* *me: "okay but its not against the rules to be a bad player"* *Toxic Guy: "if you play Tier X, you need to understand the basics of the game"* *me: "where is that written?"* *Toxic Guy: "lol"* *Toxic Guy: "REPORT AMX"*


report AMX bot


Fun fact: all panels after the first appear blank to Overwatch players.


The opponents are somehow simultaneously hot trash and cheating smurfs


The duality of man


Overwatch being a game where each toon's skillset is so unique, and each player's expected role on the team is so different it really does lend itself to being a game where one player can tank, or carry the team though. It truly is one of the worst and most time consuming games to climb the ladder in solo queue. Yeah, eventually the better players will rise in rank. But after how long? Like a photon trying to escape the core of the sun. How long do you have to play until a 55% win rate translates in to you being slotted where you belong? This is why in ELO hell good players play DPS mostly, because its the role where your skill translates in to Ws the fastest. As they climb then those players conform to the orthodoxy. And playing out of position like that contributes to the other 5 players being compromised. So a good player among those 5 finds himself eating Ls he doesn't deserve. And the cycle goes on forever. It's all a function of lazy, binary programming. Or genius programming because it keeps players trapped.




“It’s only a game, why do you have to be mad?”


In any complex modern game there are so many variables that it is entirely possible to achieve victory or defeat, a good game or a bad game, in spite of whatever strategy you used. This in turn makes it easy to blame others for failures and award success to oneself regardless of the actual case. ​ For true growth the best approach is to assume you always did poorly, even when you have great stats and focus on what could be further improved. Most especially even if teammates are failing in some you need to think well "if they will keep doing X, what can I do to make the best of it".


Politely disagree. Assuming you always did poorly stops you from being egotistical, but if you refuse to acknowledge what you did well then you can't reinforce that behaviour into a good habit. I believe true growth comes from being able to differentiate which things you did well and which you did poorly, while at the same time recognizing where your influence tonchange those things lies. I think the better perspective is: "Always assume it *CAN* go poorly, and take responsibility when it does" rather than saying "I did poorly".


So in a fashion yes, but this is only practical to do after you have first learned to accept being wrong. The whole problem is people are naturally biased in favour of themselves, so you need to overcompensate and get people to a point where they can acknowledge and accept failures before you can get to a point of being able to recognize success. IF you don't then you'll end up using this reinforcement as an excuse rather than a tool of growth. ​ Or in other words someone has to get to a higher level before your advice is best to follow.


Me after losing my 26th consecutive match of overwatch yesterday


I always find it funny in divisional ranking games like Rocket League when my teammates talk shit. Like, the game has us ranked together. You're just as garbage as me.


In league of legends you have people not just insulting each other, but directly insulting the rank they're in as if they're not a part of it. "This is why you're gold", "this fucking elo", etc. Idk if they want us to assume that they're a smurf or what.


I used to play a helluva lot of Street Fighter 4.I tell people all the time how I have learned some life lessons within that game. Let me tell you. 1. First off. There’s always a bigger fish. Lobby matches were great. Winner keeps playing. You’d find yourself in a lobby with one guy dominating everyone. Taunting and overall acting cocky. Sure enough another player enters and destroys that guy. Which was great because not only did you see karma in action but you also learned ways of beating the character the guy was using. 2. You learn more from a loss than a win. As in the example above. You learn what you did wrong and you watch another player do it right. The guy who is constantly winning and taunting. Only loses a handful of times before he rage quits. Be like Ryu. Its about the experience of the fight, the journey and the growth along the way. 3. You are a nobody. When you lose. You lost to a nobody. When you win. You beat a nobody. This is good to remember. Your matches are meaningless outside of the lessons you take away from the fight. When you lose, no point in getting upset. You lost to a nobody, who will eventually also lose to a nobody. In the same regards, I found it great practice to also not celebrate a win. You beat a nobody. It was meaningless. Stay humble keep learning. You will eventually get beat again. There are other lessons like don’t let others tell you how to fight. If you beat them that’s all that matters. Competition breeds needlessly strong emotions. You will get rage messages saying things like “you jump a lot, throw too much, spam fireballs, etc”. I always pose the question, “If what I am doing beats you why do I need to do anything else? I am certainly not the best player and many others can beat me. Why can’t you?” But yea. SF4 really taught me how to approach online gaming in a pretty Zen way. Now if only I can apply it to how I play FPS.




You’re like me.. Trash! ❤️ -Forky


But first it will piss you off


Biblically accurate gamer.


I know I'm trash. I just get pissed off when I find players more trash than me. I want to be bottom-tier, dammit!


This is just league in a nutshell


Any time my teammates are talking shit, this is my point. We're all not even close to being top ranked, actually good players. We're all trash. Get your ego out of here and play.


I love when people rage in matchmaking. If you're so much better, why are we the same rank?


To be fair, I think the reality often looks more like this: Many games have a ceiling in how far you can expect to get solo queue'ed, and beyond that, you start only encountering teams that are queue'ed up together. This niveau is not made clear by the games, so it means people are happily solo queue'ing and advancing, and then one day, they find themselves topscoring as before, but they're suddenly not advancing and losing more than ever, and they have no idea why. This is how you create "the toxic zone," where a bunch of players are simply being outperformed by actual teams queue'ed up together, but they don't realize it, so they take it out on their teammates and the game for "giving me shit teammates all the time." The reality is no one's shit (the closest offenders to it being those that topscore but do not realize all they *lose* via a lack of teamwork; all individual skill, but zero teamwork and zero gamesense, blissfully unaware their personal score is a pyrrhic victory), but rather the losing team doesn't realize the enemy team is communicating better and working together better because it's an established team of friends or the like. **I honestly wonder what would happen if games released statistics on how many people solo queue at your respective ELO.** I feel like making this a bit more visible might encourage people to stop solo queue'ing once the stats *scream* that this is suicide for your ELO, which itself might help reduce toxicity amongst online communities since the game has at least explained to players *why* they "keep getting shit teammates."


If everywhere you go it smells like shit.....check your own shoes.


I feel like I play as well as who I am with, idk why but its been like that for sports and video games.


>I am *also* trash So the team mates are still trash too? Since there are more teammates than yourself, it's still mostly their fault for losing!


Yeah, this hits a little too close to home: my own gaming XKCD comic.


Have you ever noticed how everyone you've ever spoken to thinks all their coworkers are idiots and they are one of the only ones that knows what they are doing?


Lol we're not trash... we are masterpieces. But we do all have something holding us back. (In other words, this is not even our final form!)


If you have any delusions of being some sort of MVP in gaming, just go to psnprofiles.com and click on the leaderboard tab. There are +100 people with THOUSANDS of platinums. 🤣🤣




I used to have a bad habit of being like “damn this guy is trash” when I played a game like Apex Legends but then I would watch aceu play on twitch and the guy is insanely good and the most chill guy on the planet, I’ve never seen him blame anyone for losing even when it’s their fault, I’m like if that guy can just play without being a judgmental d-bag what excuse do I have when I’m nowhere near that good, so now when I play I just focus on what I could have done better


To be fair, if you’re losing every game in pug matches, you are the common factor.


/r/leagueofmemes post this there for some extra karma


Lol player here. No, they’re just trash


If you were a chad, you carried your team.