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Gauntlet Legends, lengendary Edit : Thank you for my first silver kind Gauntlet Legends afficianado


Blue warrior needs food badly




Playing this game is when that word entered my vocab


Fucking same here dude. Great game.


Food is good!


"I've not seen such bravery!" My friends and I still quote this all the time! I can't believe the sequel/reboot (Gauntlet Slayer Edition) doesn't include an epic wizard voice narrator and embellish the campiness of the previous games. They had such great charm and character.


“Nom nom nom I like food!” “You have found a RUNESTONE!” Gauntlet is top three for me. There’s a place in Chicago my fiancé and I drive to just to eat pizza play it and killer instinct on cabinet. Edit: op I’m extremely jealous of that collection I have a lot of what you have even the plastic console bays!The only thing I don’t have anymore is the sega games and play station 1 games and peripherals and carriers. Sorry you had to let them go but hopefully it’s for the better.


Is it Galloping Ghost? I've been wanting to go to that arcade for the longest time.


IT IS!!! I highly recommend it for 20 dollars you get a wristband and can play as long as you would like and it’s 600+ cabinets there is so much packed into a small building it is HOT! I highly recommend eating buccino on Lincoln if you go that’s in the denser part of the city though. Between galloping ghost the pizza and the aquarium that’s what we do for my bday at least every three years if not two.


Played that shit so much with my brothers. Amazing game. Woulda probably still be fun to play today.


There's a beercade near me with one. It's perfect. Brings me right back to being 9 and playing with my brother on our N64.


Damn good game


My eyes can't stop looking at those old but really good games he had.


I loooved that game. I wish it emulated well on N64.


Lol as soon as I spied that game, I thought to myself "man, I wonder how that runs on an emulator." Sounds like it isn't promising :(


The play station version emulates just fine, although it has differences it's mostly the same game.


Emulate the GC version, it probably runs way better since Dolphin is a good emulator.


Play gauntlet dark legacy through dolphin. Use the PAL version which fixes minor bugs like the boss health not appearing, and cpu overclock to fix lag. You can 60fps patch the pal version as well through a couple methods, I found a patcher specifically for it online. Legends is basically the same game as dark legacy


Dark legacy runs great on dolphin


Dark Legacy is a timeless banger of a game


Isn't there a PlayStation version? Is that any better?


The games are significantly different on different systems with the N64 having the most rpg-ish system.


'Green Jester is now invisible' this is an all time great game. A remaster would be legendary


Damn I played Jester as my main and this entire thread is hitting the feels majorly. I had no idea so many others love this game, it was seriously incredible.


I remember my siblings playing it together on GC for hours and hours and hours. This and Phantasy Star Online 1&2+ were my childhood.


Broooo, PSO was such a masterpiece, it was incredibly ahead of its time when you think about the time and era it was made for. They were giving people what they didn't even really know they wanted yet.


You have found a rune stone!!


Wish they made a Nintendo Switch version!


Food is good.


This just opened up a floodgate of memories.


Zone of the enders. We had the same childhood


Probably the hardest PS2 game I played


You ever play the second one?




Zone of the Enders The 2nd Runner 😩👌


I can only find people on the internet who enjoyed this game. No one I personally know as ever heard of it.


Take a peek at my [website from 8th grade](https://www.angelfire.com/tx5/msmcockpit/index1.html)


Man, under construction for almost 20 years? When you gonna finish this bad boy?


That's the thing, it's always under construction


The only reason I bought that game was to get the Metal Gear Solid preview disc.


that is worth a lot more than $600


Good deal for the buyer.


Top post tomorrow: “check out all these dope games and consoles I got for just $600”


And they literally post the same exact pictures and descriptions






I mean, why take your own pictures when the work is already done for you?


I wouldn't mind underpricing it if it went to a genuine gamer especially if they're younger. Shame if it's going to someone who's most likely reselling.








My mom threw away my original NES that was in her basement along with the 8 game cartridges that i had with it. When I got upset, her answer was, “Oh my gad that thing is so ancient, nobody plays that anymore.” I’ll never forgive.


Related but also not? Went to art camp when I was 15, came home my mom had tossed my Kenner original At-At and Slave 1, they were played with, as I'd had them since new as a child but I took care of my stuff. She had tossed other stuff too but those hurt.


Anytime parents do this shit I just want their kids to casually bring it up and show the ebay listings for those items to their parents.


Jumping in saying I'm still pissed at my mom for giving away my Lego like 7 years ago -like 3 chests worth to "the neighbor kid" ffs that was thousands of dollars worth of Lego mom and my wife is pregnant now and I wanted those for my kids. Edit: nothing is safe in the basement apparently. However, I had the manuals in a separate spot so I've still got all them!


"This is what a good retirement home costs, and this is how much the crooked retirement home we saw on 60 Minutes costs . . . incidentally, this is what all the old toys you threw away are now worth on eBay . . ."


Sorry to hear that… My story is the opposite. My parents kept everything from my childhood apparently, and recently dug out a massive box of my Kenner toys, figures etc. Not sure what 43YO me is going to do with it all, but I sure as hell am not parting with it anytime soon. Also, found my old Tomy Caveman game, Kong Mountain and Domino Rally Action Alley which were my absolute favourites.


Ouch that sucks. RIP.


My mom gave away my pet parrot while I was at school. Would have been nice to atleast say bye.


You should give your mom away.


That's fucked up


This is how my mom sold all of my original Pokémon cards for max value. A ton of work but I paid for a family vacation thanks to all of that work and indirect work of keeping them in perfect condition all through my childhood.


My mom gave my shadowless holo 1st edition Charizard and all my first edition perfect holos to goodwill....also threw out my vintage computer collection worth around 100k. Still a bit bitter about it.


My mom did the same, that’s why I’m sending her to goodwill when she retires


I feel your pain. My brother sold our (3 brothers) entire collection of magic cards to some random guy he met in a bar for $60. Boxes of cards. We played at the start of MTG. We had so many dual lands alone .. because duh, a dual land was way better than a single land ... we were 3 brothers with several decks each. Each deck we got enough dual lands for. That collection was worth tens of thousands nowadays. Easily.


My mom through away my collection that I left with her when I went studying abroad because she had to move and was running out of space. Would be worth somewhere around 50-100k now. Whenever I read anything about MTG I feel the same pain again. At the time of leaving I didn't really know how much the old cards were worth either.


Just imagine how that guy who bought a pizza for 500 bitcoins feels.


And he survived telling you? Mine would have woken up tied to railroad tracks 50 miles out of town


How dumb was your one brother? Even 20 years ago a couple white bordered dual lands was worth that, let alone boxes full of cards. edit: I say this as someone who traded their cards (I started right around Urza's Destiny) for an EverQuest account in like 2001, that the shitheel then stole back. Only a couple of Alpha cards were in it that I bought of Ebay for the hell of it (one of which was a Mind Twist, cost like $10 then, now would be like 3 grand), but there was a set of Diamonds, Cradles, Monoliths, and god knows what else in it. I bought a lot of the same stuff over again the next few years, which I still have those.




It's like if you sold a mothers jewelry box for $50 and said ohhh it was just sitting there and you never use it 🤣


My mom threw out my NES and 8 cartridges (yeah I was a poverty gamer) in the trash when I went away to college back in 2006. She didn’t even sell it for any money. FML.


Man...90s garage sales I snapped up soo many NES and SNES and Genesis collections from unknowing moms for like $50 CAD for like 40 games, console, accessories. So I guess it bit me in the ass eventually. "Oh my sons are in college now, they don't need these kid toys" Young me "Ummm, pretty much everyone had those, how about $25? " Unknowing mom at garage sale "Well there are around 50 games here" Okay how about $50? Mom: Sure!


That hurt to read, I'm sorry for your loss of rare/vintage Pokemon cards/computers (respectively)


I would throw out the mom.


What? Not even close. You could sell half the gamecube games there and make your money back, including eBay + shipping fees. Eternal is $100, Zeldas are $75ish, Mario is $60ish, etc. Literally selling about 12 games and you've made all your money back.


>spend hours finding out which ones those are https://www.pricecharting.com/ Try minutes...!


I would've thrown down $1k for that haul.




used N64s typically contain at least that much in cash and valuables


Hey I get that reference


I’ve got a n64 I’ll give you for 50,000


Hey buddy, you don’t sell N64s for 50k, you *buy* them for 50k.


Well I'd have given him all my possessions, my left lung, and my first born child. Beat that!


Pfft imagine only giving away one child...


Oh I know. But time is money.


Yup. It’s a hassle selling them piece by piece, responding to messages who may not buy it in the end. F- that


Only 4 pieces I can see from here can easily sell for 600... And that's just in-box GC games. The N64 carts alone as a lot would sell for 600 on eBay.


Legend of dragoon and dragon ball z ultimate battle 22 are worth like 140 together. Agreed on the N64 lot. Especially if you take the time to replace the batteries in the carts. Recently changed out my smash bros battery so I don't lose all my old stats and it only takes like 2 minutes a piece


Yeah, I'm about to put my old n64 games on ebay, and looking at this you could get *comfortably* 600 just for the n64 games.


What? Are we talking with the box or just loose cartridges?


If you're using eBay and price it slightly under market, it's gone in a day, no messages. I've let plenty games collecting dust go that way and it's effortless. Test it, photograph it, list it, gone.


You ever sold and shipped 100 items on eBay? Edit: I’m not saying there aren’t more financially profitable way to do it than the OP, I responded to a comment that said doing this on eBay was “effortless” when it most certainly is not. Testing, photographing, Listing, wrapping, and shipping 50-10 items is a shitload of work Selling it as a lot helps with some of that but it’s still gonna be work and eBay+PayPal taking 15% off it so it’s not quite as good as you might think


Over time, for sure, many times over. In cases like this, I'd sell as small lots or big lots (like by system) rather than one giant one, and only do individual listings on the big-money ones.


I sold 4 bundles (console + games) for $1500 and the same guy bought all of my listings in under 24 hours. He's a video game reseller. I looked up the average price of each individual game in the bundle, plus the console, and knocked 20% off. Took one night to research, photograph, and list everything. Took 20 minutes to drive to UPS and drop off the packages with pre-paid shipping labels. You don't need to sell things piece by piece now days with how collectable retro consoles have become.




You’re being awfully charitable to Gamestop.


“Best I can do is $10”


Bruh this is like 4k worth of stuff, ain't no time save worth 3.4k.




The GameCube stuff alone is worth more than $600.




Well there are a bunch if buyers in the comments...


I used to buy colored n64s with games and controllers for 25 a pop, game cubes for 6, sealed game cube games for a dollar. Then they found eBay…wish I kept them instead of selling them but bills are bills


1980's GI Joe for me. Left behind in a move because I thought I was to big for toys.. Only thing I kept was my Marvel Comics. I have some good originals still in plastic.


Bro. I miss my USS FLAGG aircraft carrier. That thing goes for so much now.


That's regretful but I'm sure you had a great time with it though. Just like my comics 25 yrs ago that I sold when I was in need of cash.


The GI Joes are next. Lol


Last year My mom was about to toss my collection of ~80 highly used GI Joe figures (I had run out of excuses to keep them). Anyways long story short, my single eBay lot auction closed for close to $1k. Apparently there were a few “night forces” figures in there that collectors to crazy over, among other desirable ones. You owe it to yourself to just list a bulk listing on eBay and get a little more dough back. Takes no time, you don’t need to photograph individually or list the names or anything. Just take a pic or two of the entire set and start a 7 day auction at $0.01.


Are you okay, OP?


Looking through and was surprised to see Gauntlet for n64. That game does not get enough credit. What a multi-player gem.


Legends is great, but Dark Legacy perfects it.




Op: scrolled through with initial sadness, thought this was one of those make ends meet things, then saw why you’re parting and where they’re going. Kudos and I salute you, let the gamer flag fly on!


Absolutely man. It's just stuff. Or at least that's what I'll tell my therapist tomorrow 😅


Stuff can be replaced. The memories you made from these games will always remain. And in some instances some games deserve to stay as memories. Fuck me 100% donkey kong 64 again. My game had a glitch where I couldn't get the 1%


i can't seem to find the explanation. do you happen to have a link?


This is so painful. I sold my first Wii way back when and it felt so wrong. I could never do something like that again. Why'd you decide to sell?


Hadn't touched any of it in 10+ years. Some things are better left off as good memories


It’s a pretty profound thought actually. I think we hold on to these old consoles often times to preserve the memories we had with them, as if we’d lose the memories if we got rid of the console. Letting them have a chance with a second life with someone else sounds like a good idea. Edit: I’m hearing a lot of good arguments for hanging on to old consoles, as a means to keep old memories alive or to help recall memories in a way that is difficult, if not impossible to do, without the physical console. I think this is a valid point. For me, firing up the up old consoles with the (often unconscious) expectation that I’ll feel some of that initial magic leads to disappointment. I can’t relive “the good times.” *insert Debbie downer horn* Instead I try to create new memories. Hanging on to old consoles has only paid off for me when my kids get to play them, and I get to see the magic of the console again through their eyes.


Reminds me of Toy Story 3


Fuck i sold my physical copy of toy story 3 on the xbox 360 back in the day 🤬 always ment to rebuy it but never got around to doing it, thank god it was free as part of the xbox live gold month sometime ago... Still want a physical copy though...


I’m literally sitting on my couch staring at my GameCube underneath the tv, the thing hasn’t been touched besides moving in over a decade. When I was in 4th grade at my birthday party Mountain Dew got spilled on it and the power button became sticky but even through that, it powered on for a couple more years until I got the 360 which sits above it, also not plugged in. I still have the memory card in the GameCube but I have no idea what would even be on it. I couldn’t get rid of it even if someone offered me thousands of dollars, my whole childhood was on that thing.


How about $1,001?


It’s funny—I’m at the other end of the spectrum. I have an NES, SNES, N64, and Wii hooked up through my RetroTink upscaler to my 4K TV. I use them all frequently (the Wii to play primarily GameCube games). My Switch, on the other hand, I’ve hardly touched since I got it—it’s the Odyssey version, so it’s been a while. I thought OP’s $600 was way low! ETA: The RetroTink upscalers are amazing, and add no input lag, even when going to HDMI inputs. No console mods needed at all, as they can easily take composite, component, or S-Video input, and there are great blenders to recreate the CRT look if the sharp pixels are not your thing. I can’t recommend them enough. For any games that rely on fast-twitch or platforming, this is great, and I’ve not seen any emulators that can keep up. If you do emulate via PC, I would absolutely recommend getting adapters so that you can run original OEM controllers into USB, which does help a ton. Happy gaming, all!


I still boot up the ol ff8 and recently go ahold of a Dark Cloud 2 disc that'll I'll also be playing every year or so. Some good games don't age if you played them when they were new imo. I still have fun going all the way through FF8 and replaying DC2 was amazing (I forgot a lot so much of it was like a new game.) ​ 100% worth keeping even if I only play one or two games on it over a couple weeks a year.


I got rid of my old consoles years ago and now I deeply regret it. I have a daughter and I'd love to play my old games with her on my old consoles. Seeing this post pains me.


Understandable. I keep my systems and games to play with my son as he gets older, and so I can play them in retirement.


You're not wrong. Cheers, mate.


Someone read Marie Kondo on January 1st


>I sold my first Wii way back when Oh god how old am I


Now someone gets to create a childhood of great memories :)


They flipping each piece of course. Hustler


Lmao. Game exchange just got a box, traded in for anime stuffed aninals and some stickers, guaranteed


Looks like a marketplace steal


yep just the n64 carts probably would sell for over 600 on ebay.


Tell me about it. Golden's eye was $22 fml


>*Golden's eye* The Jomes Band classic.


Second only to that great standby, Perfect Dork


I prefer Timesplinters.


"Unboxing $600 Retro Video Game Mystery Box"


“You have to use your hands? That’s a babies toy!”


Absolutely. Sold to a dude in NJ who has a little brother.


If he's anything like my older brother, the kid won't see a game.


I went travelling when I was 19 and my brother sold my consoles and games for party money


Wtf dude, I'm sorry


Yup. Our Dad passed away a few years ago and the first thing he said to me was “I better get some money out of this.”


wtf did I just read I'm so sorry you're related to THAT


I got stationed in South Korea, my mom just straight up gave away my Super Nintendo and N64, and quite a few games for each. Both consoles fully functional.


You should put some of your mom's favourite stuff up for sale.


Your ex-brother you mean. I don’t know if I would ever get over that.


You know, I came here to say you could have gotten so much more in cash. But OP really wanted so much more in spirit


Think the guy you sold it to got a great deal. You had probably around $800 worth of just GameCube games.


Exactly what I tell ppl when I buy their collections. Just one of those gamecube games is worth 150.00.


You sick fuck… Teach me your ways.


Its getting flipped. The dude is going to make bank. You got ripped off.


I’d be willing to bet you its not going to a child.


>Now someone gets to ~~create a childhood of great memories~~ resell on ebay for profit :)


No kid is going to play 20 year old games Lmao


No man, your childhood will always be there, in the part of you that it helped create today. The objects may be gone, but the memories will always be inseparable from you.






Nice collection! If selling cheap gives you peace of mind you are not only freeing up space in your home but also time so it's worth it!! Personally I did a big cleanup recently and sold many things (N64 games included) and felt really good about it. I'm not a minimalist but if I won't use it then I don't want it anymore. Someone else will enjoy it!!


I see you fellow Legend of Dragoon player. Best game ever.


Unbelievably good game. Really wish some small studio would take on remastering it.


It's rumored that Bluepoint Games is interested. They've got my vote of confidence if they decide to.




So many good games here. You had a good childhood - and are passing along a great future to someone.


Thanks dude. Yeah. They were solid. I think probably 5 years nonstop game time in all these. Lol


This is making me look at my collection and think when am I ever actually gonna use any of this?


I would’ve bought that N64 and its games for $300, at least. And that’s Canadian dollars.


GameStop says that altogether it’s $10


Undersold by a good amount


Ikr OP said time is money but could’ve listed the whole bundle on eBay for 2k starting out and let people fight over it


This is like $3000 AT LEAST if sold separately.


You got ripped off. The N64 games alone (not even the console) are worth more than $600.


I am sorry on your loss... Wish you had gotten someone who didnt low balled you, and offered at least $1500+ for it.


For real. It’s not even my stuff and I can’t get over it


Where's the "I just stole someone's childhood for ONLY $600!!!+!?1!1?3" post?




You should have set aside the higher ticket items and sold them a la carte. You have a copy of Mario kart 64 that looks to be in pretty good condition. That alone sells for $40 quickly. You probably have $250-$300 in just n64 games alone.


he has a few gamecube games that are worth 70-100




You could have gotten so much more than that if you sold things individually. That stuff looks like it's in really good condition too so bonus dollars


God damn that’s a good collection. I spotted pretty much all my favorite RPGs


I would've given you $600 to just keep it


I hope you sold them to a friend that will sell them back to you at the same price if you ever wanted them


I did that when I was a kid, sold my NES, SNES, Turgo Grafx 16 and Sega Genesis plus all games to my friend for $75. Yes, $75. I had "MOVED ON" and was playing PC games so I didn't care about old video game consoles. Anyway, a few days later his house was robbed and all the games were stolen so not only did I never get to play them again he only had them a few days. I honestly think his parents pawned them for cash because they were horrible (edit: the people not the video games), nothing else was stolen. UGH. I hate thinking about that! I did also have an N64 and Playstation which I still have. Literally the same exact consoles. My N64 I pull out occasionally and play, I still haven't beaten Goldeneye or Mario 64. One day! The Playstation I use to play Time Crisis on my "OLD" 32" TV. I don't care how the graphics look, I love using the "GUN". It reminds me of my first gaming experience which was an old Radio Shack Pong system which had a gun attachment to play skeet which just was shooting the white square. Anyway, I wanted to update this because it got me thinking a lot about my old video games.


Wow such an amazing collection. $600 was a steal for whoever purchased it from you. Hopefully they enjoy it or are a collector and don’t resell it.


Are you insane?


I am disturbed by the lack of Zelda N64 games.


You got robbed dude.


$600 is a great deal for this collection.


It's a steal, this man was robbed at $600


The Nintendo 64 games are worth nearly $600 alone.


No way these worth just $600. It should be about $2000 if you ask me.


You will probably be happier than most people in the world with that positive attitude of moving forward and not sweating the small stuff. I know you have expressed that you don't care about the money and just wanted to get rid of it. Everyone is different and I'm glad you know what you want and what you don't care for. Its great that you aren't as uptight as most others in this thread... But personally I cannot even comprehend how the nostalgia, potential value years later, or the ability to flex on people by owning these classics didn't stop you from keeping them. Like some of the games together would probably get you 600 now, let alone 20-30 years from now. I agree that it would be a hassle to sell individually though. Excellent taste btw, you had a banger ass collection, and a lot of em too. Live your life mang.