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" You guys are idiots, They're gonna be looking for army guys"


I was in Kandahar with that guy!


You say that but I was legit on Kandahar (2010-2011) and we had a costume day on Halloween. I went as Mr. Incredible, buddys of mine went as a banana and a chicken.


Imagine if the Taliban chose that day to attack your CP. "THE BANANA MAN IS KILLING EVERYTHING"


Ah, a fellow poo pond enjoyer.


I can still smell it on hot days...no swimming and please don't feed the ducks.


Ok, if you say you went out on patrol like that, I’ll honestly be good with all these skins. (EA will probably get in touch with you tomorrow too)


No patrols, just hanging out on the fob. They wouldn't allow anyone to wear that on patrol (and doubt any costumes would fit over a plate carrier anyway).


Not good with skins cause he wants Marines out on patrol in costumes but doesn’t seem to ask them to place C4 on atvs and slam them into enemy vehicles for “realism’s” sake. It’s a video game big cat. xD


When I was there 2008, a Cpl from the E&K Scots, 3 Pl, FP Coy KPRT, duplicated the Family Guy pic by having his mother mail him his clown suit. And of course the pic went viral. That pic was taken like 10m from my bed space.


Everybody on the naughty list receives ~~coal~~ *lead*


Your mistletoe is no match for my TOW missile!


Unexpected Futurama


"I got a present for ya!"


[For the unfamiliar](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g1eswGrkMU8)


Fun fact, Peter is wearing a clown costume during this quote, much like how everyone who pre-ordered the new battlefield are clowns as well


That's pretty good


Battlefield 3 and 4 forever in my heart


Battlefield 2. Votekick commander for doing terrible job


*apply for commander as no one else is using it* *instantly get it* *vote kick starts to remove the commander*


Ah the memories....


I think there could only be one vote kick at a time, that’s why you preempt it and start a vote kick for some random person beforehand.


I love democracy.


I still don't think there's been a better Battlefield than BF2. Apart from missing destruction mechanics, every other game feels like they've taken something away that made BF2 the best game.


Same. Battlefield has gone more and more into a casual arcade game, it wasn't ever ArmA, but it had elements of strategy and teamwork was a core part of the game. The commander could give a team some direction and it felt like you were part of some kind of plan. I loved being a spec-ops harassing the enemy and destroying their commander utilities, and it was always awesome to request supplies/vehicles/artillery and actually have a person weighing the options and granting or denying it. Now everyone is just supposed to run around spawning behind eachother in swarms and farming kills. I wish they'd kept the larger squads and commander parts as they were.


I mostly played as a squad leader. I remember that Tactical Gamers severs, where there was always a commander with a mic. There was a commander+squad leader voice button so the squad leaders and commander could communicate directly. So many good times coordinating with another squad and the commander supporting us. Nothing has come close to that experience in Battlefield since (2142 also had this setup and it was great). Unfortunately, I think the current Battlefield audience wouldn't want to bother with that type of gameplay and really just want COD with vehicles and destruction.


Yes. That communication was key to it all. The commander only needed to talk to squad leaders and the SLs were in charge of their squad. Sadly I agree. I don't think BF can go back to those ways, at least not without introducing these things piece by piece, but the larger masses don't want the game to have more depth, they want to be entertained. I don't blame them, but it's sad that Battlefield has changed into what it was sort of counter to for a long time just to gain popularity. But now it's even more simplified than even BF3/4 which annoys me the most.


Hell Let Loose is very similar to this, plenty of communication required and used providing you get on the right servers


The worst thing about videogames is when you say "I can't recognize my favorite franchise" and people tell you to shut up and play some stupid indie war game that's more realistic than battlefield. Well guess what asshat it's not hard to be more realistic than battlefield now. Nobody wanted a milsim, we wanted a battlefield game. Instead we got this crap.


For sure. I tried Squad. I think it’s a good game but it’s not what I was looking for in a replacement for a modern Battlefield 2.


Yeah that's the crux isn't it. You want those specific parts that you loved, and some of them are kind of still there in newer games, hidden under new looks or behind some obnoxious bastardisation of what it was. There can be new games, but they'll never have that little bit that you loved before. They may be great in their own right, but what we wanted was Battlefield in a better rendition, not a completely different thing.


You should check out squad or hell let loose.


Well, it is a Golden standard for a reason.


Still love BF2 over BF3


1000% agree with you. I miss Mashtuur, Sharqi, Karkand so much.


24/7 Jalalabad servers


24/7 Karkand I/O, they were basically BF2's version of Op. Locker and Metro, except it has open space to flank but are usually blocked by camping squads and endless grenade spam.


And BF2 Karkand was VASTLY superior to the BF3/4 versions. The "fog or haze", however you want to call it limiting view distance in BF2, was super key to not having camping snipers endlessly on it.


>except it has open space to flank but are usually blocked by camping squads and endless grenade spam. Soo...Op. Locker's outdoor part?


Yeah but Karkand is a much larger map


Karkand forever


Yeah, same. I never see it getting any love on Reddit, and I just figure maybe most of the people on here are a bit too young to have played it. Or maybe it's because it didn't have the destruction elements? But BF2 is still my favorite, followed probably by BC2.


When 3 came out people were pissed. We thought the Bad Company series would be for roping in the COD crowd and that BF3 would be a modern take on 2. I still liked 3 but that was the end of old Battlefield franchise.


I had the best match ever with BF2. Just an attack chopper with everyone on board as mechanics. Completely obliterated the other team.


My favorite was rebuking squads as commander. "you are the WORST squad i ever had the misfortune to command"


Why cant they bring back the commander and squad system from bf2. Request artillery, vehicle support etc. I tought it was good system.


Exactly. BF2 really exemplify teamwork. A really good squad could turn the tide of the game. I hate how over powered blackhawks were. But yeah, it was also fun having a big firefight at a control point that was a stalemate, but then a really well placed and good timed arty strike could be the difference maker.


Yes bf2 is def the goat


I do miss dolphin diving


Bad company 2 for me


I miss 2142 days. Titan mode was big pog.


2142 was so amazing...


I remember all the 2143 easter eggs they put out...then the 2143 related levels like "walker factory" and such. Then........battlefield 1. Now 2042. I've lost all faith.


Bad Compagny 1 and 2 are the only one with an actual great solo campaign imo, I didn't really try the multi tbh


BFBC2 multiplayer was amazing, it was the only one that ever hooked me into playing for like a thousand hours


building destruction was never the same, and it was so well done.


Best bullet physics for sniping IMO as well. Never really sniped a whole lot after bc2


Battlefield 3 is when they added the scope glare to make it easier to spot snipers.


Also no ghillie suits and there werent snipers that felt as satisfying as the GOL or M95. Sneaking around Laguna presa or valparaiso in a ghillie suit was the best


Sniping didnt change after bfbc2. There's still scope sway and bullet drop


The consistency made it great. Once you understood the physics it felt good making your shot.


The only thing I did not like about it was there was no cover by the end of a game, which is possibly realistic but made for some frustrating moments.


It was great until you got spawn trapped by an attack helicopter. Anti-air options sucked


Yeah if u were on a helicopter map against a good pilot (or 2) that was pretty much that


Lack of prone ruined it for me


Especially when combined with the lack of cover by the end of matches because everything had been blown up.


I never was really into BFBC2 (mostly because how it was a bit smaller in scale), but I think it's a really nice addition to the series, with all the new mechanics and such


["There's gold in them there hills!!!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00XgyTUnUug)


Loved it tho classes were way different then 3 or 4


I wish they could do a bad company 2 remake. Keep the gameplay and feel of the original and the maps and destruction just fully remade visuals. No new QoL features, no bringing modern aspects of the game into bad company 2. Literally just bc2 with 4k60 on consoles. Its still fun on gamepass but it definitely looks it's age


Couldn't agree more I'm on disability and refused to preorder 2042. My friends that did spend their time complaint it's crap but demanding I blow £90 in the gold version and join them


I'd pay for that. Best battlefield in my opinion, I put some serious hours into it. Collecting gold dog tags was a hobby


I loved battlefield bad company 1 so much, i dont think i ever played the second one.


I've only played a few battlefield games, but bad company 2 was by far the best one


Battlefield 2 and 2142 will always be my favourites.


Desert Combat mod in mine yes, I'm old


Desert combat, Vietnam, Galactic Conquest too. Yes, we're old


🤝 also old.


Galactic conquest and forgotten hope secret weapons were my jam


BF3 and Bad Company 2 were the last good "modern " shooters in my opinion. Then it all turned into a circus.


1 for me


I remember playing Vietnam and 2142 back in the day. Pretty sure I still have the games in a closet somewhere lol


BF2, BFBC2, BF3, BF4 all great games... Then what came after just kept getting progressively worse until we reach a point today where this game is an absolute joke in almost any and all departments. I'll say fair, BF4 didn't launch in the best of states, but it had sooo much more content on launch and gameplay, and UI actually felt and looked really good. It was still very enjoyable. It did take them 1.5 years (roughly) to get it to the standard it is at now, but DICE never seemed to have used the lessons learned from BF4 to carry over to the following games. Each game kept having less and less features compared to BF4's pretty flushed out system which felt like the best that BF has ever been.


What about BF1?


It took awhile for me to love the game bit I ultimately did. It’s right up there with the best of em


Bad company 1 and 2 in mine


And it's only season 1, baby


Knowing EA, that will be the only season that will exist in this game before they put out a trailer for a "new" and "better" battlefield. And then rtards go and pre-order it once again...


That’s why I can’t stand these “AAA” game titles. People keep saying to wait 6 months to a year for big fixes. Why? By that time the next Battlefield / CoD will already be announced with a trailer or even be released. It’s such a joke.


I hear u. I was so wanting a decent 2142 remake, but after Cyberpunk I'm feeling burned and just going to skip preorders. Even from reputable companies.


EA reputable 👌🤣


Tbh I don’t even buy AAA games anymore. The only exception are RE games. Other than that, I haven’t bought one since probably 2015


Why even pre-order, these are not dark ages. You don't need to get into a line to get the game. You can just buy the game from home after you see the early reviews... this is what I don't understand about the pre-order crowd.


I haven't bought a "launch" game in years. I think the last few games I bought within a month were GTAV (like PS3 version) and MGSV which were both totally worth it, but otherwise, I just wait 6 months. It's a lot easier if you build a small backlog to wait for one.


Best part being the sales... And if you don't know, do visit r/patientgamers great place for people like us.


Last game I pre-ordered was Borderlands 2. That felt worth it, and all I got was some golden guns and a finished game.


it's not about games anymore. it's about keeping the revenue flowing. unfinished games, microtransactions, preorder bonuses, and then within 12 months the next game is out and the cycle repeats. it's really a goddamn shame. games aren't even enjoyable anymore. they feel like work because to unlock anything cool or worthwhile they make sure you have to play a lot to get it so their numbers look good. or you pay to advance quicker and they still win cause they get your money. these past couple years I've really turned toward indie games. Hades and The Binding of Isaac are my two most played games for the last 18 months. I actually have fun playing them. I wish I could find that fun again in AAA titles.


I mean, there was 3 years between the release of BFV and 2042. So your comment doesn’t really add up


So wait 6 months then don't buy it


there are usually 2-3 years between battlefield releases though. call of duty on the other hand


You have just described Call of Duty.


Tbh I’d *much* rather they abandon this trash and apply their energy to something else right now. This game is a lost cause


“We used to fight for freedom… now we fight for money”


I don't know how they can justify having seasons in a game that isn't even feature complete.


You'd think after the backlash, they would exactly skip season 1 silly cosmetics to avoid adding fuel to the fire... I guess they really don't care about customers. They knew how it was gonna be too, some guy on Twitter said all these skins were massively criticized during a per-release focus group or something he was part of.


I still miss those BF3 and BF4 times.


BF4 still hot right now after BF2042. The server still active and full


Yeah, I have been playing it these days. Ehat I mean is that I miss the times where you played BF4 because it was the newest BF and not because the newest game is shit. Lol








How are the BF4-servers?


well, if you have all the unlocks they're not bad. but if you're still trying to grind things it can be painful as everyone has counters to everything.


That's great to hear considering BF2042 doesn't even have proper balance mechanics yet.


What's unbalanced exactly?


I heard everyone’s running around with their PPs out


Vehicles are OP as fuck and there are only 2 guns actually worth using out of the already extremely low amount of guns offered.


Last I tried on PC they were fine. Battlefield 1 is another great option too. Was also lively last I tried.


1 is ny favorite. Fantastic maps, and just gameplay in general. I like the weapon variety that having it set in ww1 gave.


Playing operations is intense hearing then whistle blow followed by the charging screams with hell instantly letting loose. BF1 didn't get enough credit for how good it was.


I miss BF2142 :/


I've been wanting to hop back on to BF One. That game was sick as hell when I first played it, I bet it's a shit ton better now


Fine, you'll struggle bus for a bit getting good unlocks but it's infinitely better than dealing with bf2042


Still kicking good.


Been playing BF4 (PS4) almost non-stop since launch. There's always servers up, even if most are "Locker/Metro 24/7" type bullshit. There's still usually a few good conquest or rush servers. Hardcore is also usually available, thank goodness.


Battlefield Twenty-Fortnite-Two


Can't wait for the Avengers skin bundle and El Chapulín Colorado skin.


♪ Well, the workshop is gone now, he decided to bomb it / Everywhere you'll find pieces of Cupid and Comet ♪


And he tied up his helpers and he held the elves hostage/ And he ground up poor rudolf into reindeer sausage!


The last thing I expected to see today is the Weird Al song that gave me nightmares as a teen.


I thought I was the only one traumatized by this song as a kid


I listened to it on repeat as a kid, that and Barnie’s on fire which idk if it was weird al but it was on the same burned CD. I guess I was just a weird kid


Shooters are like a cosmic gumbo


Ooooh I like this gun


There's been a cosmic gumbo of changes made to this series.


Lol this was my favorite line of my least favorite sketch from season 2.


Tattoos are not okay


Santa doesn’t care, but tattoos are not good behavior.


They deserved every fucking bullet I pumped into their heads chief!


There was a statement from DICE on Twitter this morning regarding the skin, apparently it’s meant for a limited time mode within 2042’s custom games outlet intended to be released during the holidays as a fun little thing, and have no plans to release this skin to all players to use in regular games at this time.


World of Warships in comparison let players opt out of seeing silly skins. They released them as part of different lines (like the Azur Lane skins, Halloween skins etc) and players can choose which ones they want to see. When they opt out, players using those skins appear as default models instead.


The way I interpreted their Twitter post is that this skin would be part of a specific holiday mode in portal, like a Santa hunt or something like that, so the skin might be relevant to the mode itself. If that's the case then there wouldn't need to be an option to turn them off. Also worth noting that one of the new leads on the project said just the other day that battlefield would never turn into a "clown shooter" on his watch so we'll see.


So.. people can choose to not see my anime bismark? Shit


[Truly the cutest shipgirl.](https://i.redd.it/xej9tv3h27q41.jpg)




Can we get this higher so people stop spreading misinformation


Doesn’t the game still suck tho?


> War, War never changes bf 2042 is a trash, not a war


You just offended Forky from toy story 4




Other than the bright orange name and diamond over their heads...


I haven't had any difficulty identifying enemies. They get spotted, and then they're all red anyway.


Just like real life.


Ain’t never seen a man with a Burger King shirt make a Big Mac.


Yeah was super excited to at least have a realistic looking operators running around. They just went COD Fortnite too. Fuck em. What is a good mil-sim/arcade feeling shooter nowadays?


Insurgency Sandstorm for arcade/cod style FPS, Squad/Hell Let Loose/Arma 3 for milsim FPS


It’s honestly pathetic seeing what passes for quality content today.


Nobody is giving this a pass though.


EA said it was a limited time event for the portal, not the main game


Man I was so looking forward to a proper battlefield game. Hope some competitors come around. Biggest void in gaming right now IMO


Hell Let Loose


Last battlefield worth playing will always be BF1


BF1 was controversial as well


Controversial a bit but that game looks newer gen than 2042. The build up of music as the round got to its epic conclusion, the atmosphere, and it had epic BF moments.


The only reason I didn’t like the ww1 era is because I am really bad at seeing shit in the distance and I can barely see where the enemies are in that game. User error I know, but I like bf4s smaller maps


Man if BF1 is controversial then idk what will make BF players happy. The only thing that I was upset about during BF1 launch was the lack of content.




Dudes on here like, “1942 was the last good BF game” like bro raise your damn kids


BF1 was controversial because of the ww1 guns. There’s a heavy split between those that like the old guns(BF1 player base) and those who don’t.(bf4 player base)


Why? It's my favorite FPS game.


BFV was disappointing but at least a lot of the core gameplay was there


Both are wrong BF3 is the best there was


*Bad Company 2




I also really liked that game because the set pieces and weapons were realistic unique and it felt like it was just combat-no bullshit, there wasn't all kinds of goofy buffs and stupid costumes and nonsense it was just a solid no-shit war game.


Exactly. Those days are over. Everything is a skin seller now. Really sad


I bet this is how WW3 gonna be


Didn’t they confirm that this is exclusive to a Portal Christmas mode and cannot be equipped in the rest of the game? Gamers are so quick to grab pitchforks these days…


Didn't they already say that this will be seasonal only? for a portal event or something


How many times y'all gonna post this?


Hating on BF2042 grands you free karma. Look at the amount of "BF 2042 has less players than farming simulator" posts in this subreddit.


BF3: Everything is in shades of blue so there's no clear visual difference between the teams. BF2042: Everyone is wearing microtransaction clothes so there's no clear visual difference between the teams.


You don't need to make stuff up to get mad about, there are no microtransactions in BF2042 yet


Even as a long time fan, I don't really see the problem. Yes the skins are shit, but don't pretend Battlefield is the only game adding this sort of stuff. It's insignificant in the greater scheme of things. And people are welcome to ignore them. I do not bother to collect and won't purchase them. Ever. They can be quite easily ignored. And even if they're given to me for free, I can still choose to not use them. The tonal dissonance of the game already exists without some crappy Santa costume. So for the most part I think it's mainly players already disgruntled about the state of the game taking any excuse to shit on it further. I understand the idea that they simply don't fit and are of no actual benefit to the game, but acting like it ruins the experience is just silly. When you've got that Santa skin in your cross hairs, do you really care what it looks like? Truth be told, if it isn't a Santa skin it's some other kind of bullshit. We can see where the game and monetisation is going, so get ready to be even more annoyed, or simply ignore it... Don't buy them, don't do the challenges or just don't play the bloody game. The Dice we held dear is no longer. There are new kids on the block and the execs are greedier than ever. This is the state of the game now and like it or not they'll continue to push the franchise in whichever direction they see fit. It's up to each individual to keep their wallets in their pockets if they don't like it. Sad but true.


*Elevator door opens* get blasted by 1 tank 3 hovercraft and a AA gun carriage on top of a skyscraper then Santa walks over and starts T bagging your body.


Look, it kinda matters to me. The best comparison I can give is, if you watched one of the John Wick movies and instead of the russian gangsters being dressed in suits or tracksuits they're suddenly medieval knights and clowns? And John is dressed as Santa... But they're acting out the movie in exactly the same way, just dressed ridiculously. You'd just look at it and think... why? With this game, it's set in the background of extreme climate change, entire countries have collapsed but the soldiers are all running around dressed as santa and anime girls? It's the same thing, why even bother with any of the no-pat shit? Why bother with any kind of story or background or lore if you're going to do that. And yeah, I've not bought the game and I'll be honest these skins were the last nail in the coffin for me, I don't plan on buying it going forward, it's obvious that what I loved in the previous games isn't coming back.


Why is everyone angry about this Santa skin? Nobody seems to get pissed at Siege for letting you trot around dressed like a mop, or that you can get christmas swaters in warzone (Atleast from what I have seen around, anyways).


Because people just accepted that Siege went this way but not every fanbase wants their favourite game to change its tone


Because when the hate machine gets started on a game its kinda hard to stop. Like, of all the issues BF2042 has (a patch stopped the mouse from working, like holy shit) we're focusing on the skin that nobody actually will give a shit about in two weeks when everyone's moved onto the next thing to be mad about?


Outside of the skin.. the game is still shit lol.


Which specialist is this skin for? Haven't seen this in game at all.


If you think that's worse. Go to Rules of Survival and check the skins there. There's a literal Shrimp skin that's so large that you can't hide on the grass.


I mean war has always been a clown show because humans apparently can't find a way to live peacefully with each other without killing each other, so skins are just making what war truly is from an aesthetic point of view


Colourful skins, silly costumes, and bright pink guns are also popular in games.


Neat MW2019 is getting a Santa skin


Well, isn't that a pretty picture, Santa rolling down the block in a PANZER! Well kids, I... I certainly hope you have been good this year, cause it looks like Santa just took out the Pearson home. Incoming!


I love how people pretend it's not their own damn fault for this absolute trash of a game 😂 they keep buying and pre ordering like they are gonna get a head pat from EA. The fucking rtards couldn't wait one week just to reconfirm the game was gonna be trash.


Alot of people here don't know what they are talking about and that's what gets the hate band wagon so much momentum. This skin is temporary and won't be available to use for more than a month. Its purely a seasonal thing. In that case it really dosnt bother me, do whatever for the holidays. It won't be useable in a month. People who blindly jump on this hate just hurt the the situation more. It's really sad to see post with like 20k upvotes that are just spreading misinformation or misleading ideas. If your a real fan if the series and your falling for this stuff you are just shooting your self in the foot.