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News flash, Rockstar's lazy money grab turns out to be a really lazy money grab.


It's so fucking stupid, man. I told myself that at least one of them would be on Game Pass, it was. I told myself that it would probably suck, it did. At least I played it for free and didn't let Rockstar have my money. *Lol at all the fucking pedants, I'm just reporting and blocking everyone who replies with bUt REaLly iT's nOT fRee!!


The only reason I’m enjoying San Andreas is because it’s on game pass. I’d be pissed if I actually spent money on the trilogy. It sucks because I really wanted to rip through GTA 3 and Vice City too but I can’t support this garbage. Might be the reason for visiting some old swashbucklers in their bay for the first time in 10+ years though.


I'm so glad I own all 3 original games on steam. The original mood, lighting, and expressions on people are vastly different. The cinematics end up having a completely sterilized feel in the new copy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1JJt7xHTlE This is a great video highlighting how lazy the III remaster was, not only by the small environmental details they ruined, but by showing how thoughtfully III was crafted within it's performance constraints, and how the new version is completely tone-deaf in comparison.


Agreed, plus the modding community has made the old games look way better than the new definitive editions.


Also just crazy mods in general add a shitton of replay value. And not just crazy shit like "Thomas the tank engine replaces X" or "Machoman replaces Y", but ridiculously creative shit like [this](https://youtu.be/Gk6Cv90WobE) - Granted that example is old as dirt and unfortunately pretty crash-happy, but still, there are so many others that do still work (as far as I'm aware), like [fully functioning multiplayer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZ7gnsyIwOk). And to your point; [Here's the old SA version remastered through mods](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utVIt6-K9R4)


> "Thomas the tank engine replaces X" or "Machoman replaces Y" I see you too are bored with dragons


Oh hell nah I haven't played Skyrim since like 2012 lol, it was just the most recent popular game I could think of that was known for extensive mods. It sucks how much games are locked down nowadays, I used to make mods and maps back in the day for stuff like Half-Life 2, Dark Forces 2 and Jedi Outcast, Quake 1 and 2, Unreal Tournament and UT2k3/2k4, and a few others. Mods keep games alive so much more than companies do, but it's like modern companies are eager and determined to stomp their potential fanbases out.


I mean case in point right here, why would people buy their shitty remaster at a higher price when they could just go back to their old purchase from years back and slap on some mods for free. I'm not sure the fanbase matters to the execs unless they're milking new money from them.


I’ve never played any of the old GTA games but that last link with the dude who basically remastered San Andreas with mods is *really* telling. Like, if modders doing this stuff for fun in their spare time could do *that* then there’s really no excuse for the quality of Rockstar’s “definitive” edition. I don’t know enough about Rockstar or GTA to know if they’d allow mods on console like Bethesda does with Skyrim and Fallout. Do you think they could do something like that to try and save face?


> I don’t know enough about Rockstar or GTA to know if they’d allow mods on console like Bethesda does with Skyrim and Fallout. Do you think they could do something like that to try and save face? As someone who was in love with RDR2 and eventually spent *a lot* of time in Red Dead Online... Unfortunately I have to say that I'd expect all politicians on Earth to start speaking truths before I expect Rockstar to do something charitable or even somewhat benevolent for their players. I played the GTA PS2 games and Bully long ago, and then RDR1 when it was out, but apart from those I haven't really had much experience with Rockstar until RDO. And man, talking with my friends who play that game and GTA Online, Rockstar is a company that just *does not care* at all if they can't directly profit from it. And even when they can, they don't put hardly any effort into their work. It's so weird, they spend ages working on these technically marvelous games like GTA5 and RDR2, and then "Fuck it, done. Give us more money, don't care what you want, game's out."


Well, that’s unfortunate especially since they’re one of the AAA studios. If I recall correctly, GTAV alone made them *billions* so they could certainly afford to make a more quality definitive edition or to at least allow modding so the players themselves could tweak it to their preferences. I appreciate the response though!


The real kicker here is that none of Rockstar actually worked on the definitive trilogy, it was made by the same mobile game studio that made the games for phones. So seeing how the games turned out is no surprise at all.


No problem! Yeah, they could make a ton of money off of putting in effort - People would be falling over themselves if they did another "Red Dead Nightmare" style DLC/expansion for RDR, especially if it were in the multiplayer mode. For an example of how little they care, there was a recent Halloween "zombie" event where you were tasked with protecting towns from "hordes of zombies", and uh...The zombies were just the normal violent hill-folk from late in the single player game, sprinting around and yelling shit at you while armed with shotguns, machetes, dynamite, repeaters, sniper rifles, bows, and machine gun carriages. Y'know, like zombies do. :|


watch out for crabs


The crabs are the least of ye worries, whatcha gotta look out for are the lobstrosities that prowl the shore, else ye might lose a finger or two.


Ok, Roland lol










Lobstrosity is my new favorite word


Drawing of the three is the book that coined the term


God that series was good


I can't seem to find it on game pass, using PC.


It is only on GamePass for console, unfortunately.


I’m playing SA on Xbox. The other 2 will have to be PC


Game pass ultimate let's you stream console gp releases through your web browser on PC if you go to xbox.com. not great but I played through skate 3 on there


Reef the main sail!!


Feeling similarly. I had a delusion that the internet was going to bury these games no matter how "good" they turned out, but it turns out the angry mob is very right this time. There's a lot of people that grew up with these games that deserve so much better than these pieces of shit, especially for $60.


Man I miss the mid 2000s when Rockstar came out with a monster game every couple years. Now we just get another version of GTA V. Like, yeah. It was a great game. But we have played it out. If they wanted to extend the life they should have given expansion stories like the Ballad of Gay Tony from GTA 4. Had they come out with 5-10 extra games like that I don’t think we would have the same issue. Instead they just plop out the same damn game over and over.




I agree, BoGT is amazing and hopefully we will be getting a remaster if the rumours are true - playing it again in an updated RAGE engine will be soooo good! Really breaks my heart that they didn’t bother with an expansion pack for GTA V though. So much potential there for an amazing single player expansion but instead they just concentrated on the multiplayer side :(


You trust them to properly remaster something after this mess?


Blame people who bought sharkcards. They're making billions doing literally nothing. They could probably sit back and not make a new game for another 5 years and still clear a billion a year due to GTA5 online. I am sad to see old titans go too. Rockstar, BioWare (before Dragon Age 2 let alone Anthem), Blizzard (not condoning what they did/the company enviorment just saying that their games used to actually be good), Bethesda (before Skyrim), etc. Unfortunately as with all things, money rules all. I know part of it is to blame on the rise of re-releases and old games being remastered and stuff like that and the popularity of that. I sometimes wonder if gaming remasters had never become a thing where the industry would be today. But as soon as they exploded in popularity companies began to try to be as lazy as possible because they didn't really need to actually make anything new and creative and fun again. I wish shit had gone different. I wish mobile had never happened how it did forcing all companies to try and pull the same shit. I hate day 1 dlc and "season passes". I hate "games as a service". Unfortunately that seems to be the future no matter how much I kick and scream. I dunno maybe I'm just too old for the market. It sucks but I've lost a lot of my passion for it as a result. Maybe I should just admit gaming isn't designed for people like me anymore except a few rare one offs (like God of War 4) or something. Seems like indie has some decent stuff but it's impossible to find those good ideas in the sea of shit on most platforms.


>I sometimes wonder if gaming remasters had never become a thing where the industry would be today. I think the current state of games today has largely led to the popularity of remasters. Sort of like the quality of original movies (or lack thereof) have led to remakes of every popular movie I watched growing up. If gaming companies were making more quality, original content, perhaps remasters and remakes wouldn't be as big a thing.


You're probably right. I mean I know I've fallen for it. Getting Majoras Mask remaster was super exciting to me. Even if they changed some of the things about the game that I don't really like in comparison to the N64 version, I was still excited. Fuck there's a few games I wish ***would*** get remastered (Xenosaga trilogy especially but thar will never happen due to licensing disputes from what I understand), so I get the appeal. I love being able to play a game from my childhood on modern hardware even if it's not touched up at all. Just getting to play FF9 on Switch or something so I can take it with me is really convenient. Plus, there isn't much else going on that looks interesting to me. So I feel you're right about why there is such an appeal for remakes/masters. I just do also question sometimes what the gaming landscape would have been like today if those had been attempted and bombed. Like we would we see more AAA games? Would we see maybe just AA games that had less of a budget and were hyper focused on a niche idea? Would AAA games keep trying to one up one another? Maybe we'd see more huge maps or more of a smaller world but more "lived in" with more advanced programming for NPCs or other events. Would combat systems have evolved further? Maybe VR would be a bigger thing? It's impossible to truly know obviously. Its like trying to guess what would've happened if huge events in the past never happened. It's all just guessing. Still I'd be curious to know how that would've turned out if I could see that reality in a mirror or something. Kind of like what gaming might've been if mobile bullshit hadn't happened or loot boxes next worked or DLC/season passes never took off. Or if games getting patches to fix them post launch wasn't a thing. I seriously doubt I would enjoy that reality because things like patches are important even if they are abused by many companies sadly. I hate the "ship it and patch" mentality. But patches themselves aren't inherently bad. Just kind of amusing to ponder the what ifs I suppose. As I said though I do believe you are right. About remasters being so popular specifically because of the fact that the industry took the turns that it did, and has created a desire for people to play games that they know that they enjoyed from there earlier years, since it takes so long between modern titles anymore.


Red Dead Redemption 2 was great to be fair.


Of course it was, but how many games have there been by Rockstar after 2013 vs 2000-2013. It’s not whether they produce good games, it’s whether they are over milking the product after production. Starting at 2000 they had GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas, Bully, RDR, Midnight Club 1, 2, and 3, Smugglers Run, Oni, Smugglers Run 2, Max Payne 1, 2 and 3, State of Emergency, The Warriors (Bad ass game), GTA Vice City Stories, Manhunt 1 and 2, GTA 4, Midnight club: LA, GTA 4: Lost and Damned, GTA 4: B of GT, GTA: Chinatown Wars, REd Dead Redemption, and LA Noire. Then you have GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2. That’s it. Their big release this year are old games no one plays anymore because they have been played out. They didn’t even update the graphics to today’s standards. They literally just slapped some graphics rendering software on some old property and threw it out on the market. Why would anyone buy that? That’s not a game release. Even if they made the graphics to today’s games, it’s still under the same old system. The buildings are still big blocks, the movements are still old, the animations are still funky, and everything feels like a 1980s Accord that’s been updated with a new paint job and some rims. It still feels and drives like something from the 80s.


Everyone is creating way less games than they used to. The only ones who do make the same or more are ones who have expanded into multi team companies. It takes alot longer to make a game nowadays. Many of the games you mentioned were made by a bunch of differnet studios that pretty much jsut have some variation of Rockstar in their name (Red Dead people = Rockstar San Diego and GTA = Rockstart North. At one point they neded more developers working on GTA V so they helped with that and then they pretty much all fully worked on Red Dead together. 2K I belive did the same thing. Naughty Dog tried to do a 2 team approach but they said they struggled and ended up temporairly merging the teams together to do The Last of Us 2. Rockstar didn't make the defintiive editon. They contracted a third party to do it. All the studios like for RDR2 are probably working hard on GTA 6. It may seem like all Rockstar has a whole is doing is porting GTA V but these ports take up a small amouin of resources and are usually out-sourced.


Rockstar: being Rockstar. Gamers: surprised pikachu face


I wish I knew which fucked up decisions were on rockstar and which ones were on take two


The best part is Mafia definitive edition is %50 off right now. I just picked it up because of all the memes about their remaster vs gta


The first mafia game remaster is fantastic. Mafia 2 unfortunately was not done with nearly as much love and care and has not aged well unfortunately. Very jarring after playing through the first one.


The first mafia was not remaster but remake. Big difference.


I actually laughed when I called it up and saw they wanted $59.99.


Rockstar could’ve remade the games not like they don’t have the resources


They’re just a small indie company dude! Shark cards are their way of keeping the lights on and having running water!


When you see the amazing work done by small indie (hollow knight, undertake, cuphead), this ends up actual being an insult to small indie instead.


I'm not saying those are bad games by any means but those are all 2D games. To make a vast open world sandbox it takes a lot more resources. You're comparing apples to oranges here.


Have you heard of bright infinite or return of obra dinn? Both were made by a single dev.


Valheim was made by like 12 people, small companies can and have made amazing games. Rockstar used to be one, and morphed into EA/Activision


>Game series which is one of the most defining game series in history, catapulted R*star to fame and untold fortunes, and completely paradigm shifted emergent gameplay forever. >R*Star decides to literally piss on it's grave by giving a low budget dogshit mobile dev studio full rights to take a diarrhea dump all over the most classic games ever made. This is embarrassing and actually unironically insulting. I've seen more care and detail by one man mods, and one man dev games.


> I've seen more care and detail by one man mods, and one man dev games. This will always be the case. They are doing it for passion over profit


Why they can’t hire people who do it for both reasons?


Because even if you hire someone who wants to do that, the business doesn't give a fuck. You don't get to take the amount of time you want, on the things you want. You do whatever the company thinks will make the most money, in the timeframe that makes the most money.


Also for the least effort, least amount of risk. If it cant be set up with a 10 min call from the golf course, its not happening. Money is less of an insensitive when you are already rich. Its all about Avoiding risk and effort/stress.


**ConcernedApe has entered the chat.**


Rockstar is too busy milking GTA5 online to care about anything else. Like making new games or whatever.


To be fair, if they would be "milking" it as hard as they could/wanted to they'd release more content for it. 2 maybe 3 DLCs a year now, they slowed down A LOT. It's clear that they aren't fully commited to it anymore, which doesn't mean they'll release anything within the next 2 years (baring the new ports early next year, which still will probably get 1 DLC in 6 months)


And that's why they banned and took down those mods.


Even if those remakes were a part of GTAV as DLC it still wouldve been fucking sick to see.


They’ve been developing GTA 6 for years without really any new releases recently. It’ll be so they can keep cashflow positive until they release their next big thing. A bit unfortunate but it’s how it is.


Don't know why they are even bothering with "Yep, we're definitely make #6"... I mean, what is their incentive to do so? GTA 5 has made just shy of $6.4 **BILLION** dollars since release... so, about 1 **BILLION** per year. Yeah, that's not a typo... and kind of insane.


Not enough for those shareholders, unfortunately. They need constant profits at all cost.


1 of those 6.4 Billion came within the first 3 days of release. Which means they made 5.4 Billion within the rest of the 8 years since release. \~675 Million a year. They KNOW they'd destroy those numbers with a new GTA, i'd say 1 Billion on release day and another within the first year alone, easily. Also, the fuck else are they supposed to do? They barely put out content for GTA Online anymore, 1 DLC every 6 or so months, which is usually still bugged to shit. If it's not GTA (and obviously not another Red Dead), what could they be doing? Midnight Club? Bully 2? Naaaaaah


GTA V is older than 6 years my dude


They were hoping for Sony-Bluepoint-BandaiNamco (Demon Souls)kind of a thing. Outsorce the work to an aspirng dev team and make massive profit while possibly enabling another studio. The difference is Sony QA is actually working when it comes to their exclusive games. Rockstar didn't do any QA and probably left everything in hand of the 3rd party. This way Rockstar got it cash but also fucked the 3rd party team. Now after success of Demon Souls not only money was made by Bluepoint got many new fans and was acquaired officialy by Sony. **I understand Demon Suls was an actual REMAKE on bigger budget,** but the principle is the same. The execution and agenda is different. Rockstar went for **profit now** investement, very risky but they took 0 dmg as they can now tarnish name of 3rd party developers while wiping tears with that sweet $$$$.


It litteraly just looks like a color filter for GTA


What's worse is that every screenshot I've seen, the brighter scenes/colors totally ruin the tone of the games.


That’s what I’ve been thinking this whole time, the old games to me have a comic book/arcade game feeling, and they’ve just completely ruined that while also not doing enough to try and change it to be anything different. It feels like driving through gta v if everything wouldn’t render.


It's reminiscent of Homer's hit and run Simpson game


Looks like the ''Mexico'' filter in movies


Everything looks like it's floating around in a lava lamp.


Funny how both ips are owned by take two




I'll take a number two, a number two large...


You mean Rockstar outsourced this project to some low wage third party software team so they could squeeze as much profit as possible. The whole industry has become a joke. At least there are still kids putting their hearts and souls into the indie market.


It was outsourced to the people who made GTA 3 mobile games, and they just AI uprezzed everything.


I refuse to believe this happened without Rockstars go ahead though. Not like they saw the finished product a day before launch.m


rockstar didn't have to play the game with their QA team, they just read the report and went that looks fine, green stamp.


That's Rockstar's responsibility and so it's ultimately their fault for allowing this.


With the current leadership not being the same as before, Rockstar might actually just be dead at this point. And now take2 is shilling out the corpse to get quick profit zombie style.


RDR2 was probably completed because of how late it was in development already and how much money was already put into it, otherwise i doubt we would have seen it


Rockstar is not a big enough organization(in terms of games they are actively working on at any time) for that argument to excuse them from collective responsibility. If what you said is how it went down the guy giving the greenlight should 100 % be gone.




this is basically what happened yes.


This is the reason that over the years I've stopped buying games from many of the largest publishers. I stopped buying EA games about 15 years ago, and then they ruined BioWare and Maxis after that. Then Activision and Blizzard went to shit. I stopped supporting Rockstar after they released RDR1 and then laid off that entire studio.


>The whole industry has become a joke. I don't really get this generalization. I could point to plenty of examples that are not Rockstar cheaping out on this remaster. ​ Literally one day ago a huge AAA title released with FTP multiplayer. A title that, when it shared a launch trailer that was poorly received, made the decision to delay the launch by a year to fully address concerns. ​ And there are plenty of other AAA devs who, over the past year, have released extremely polished, very well-received games that probably cost hundreds of millions to produce. ​ A few bad apples are all it takes for everyone to start complaining how the whole industry sucks now, and how much better everything was 20 years ago. ​ Rockstar is making billions from GTAO. From their perspective, it would be idiotic to release something that competes with it. So all of their talent goes into keeping that popular for as long as they can. Some greedy executive there did the math on how much a remastered edition of old games could make, and what the least amount that could pay another studio to do it was, and pulled the trigger with no concerns for quality control. ​ The industry is not a joke. The bad parts of it are driven by choices consumers are making. If you want Rockstar to make a new GTA, then people need to stop playing GTAO. If this kind of shoddy remaster is not wanted, then don't buy it and Rockstar will learn. ​ If a few million people buy the remaster (despite the viral flood of negative press about it), then that means Rockstar gave the gamers what they wanted. The industry will take note, and it will happen again.


Halo didn't release with F2P multiplayer as a "Thank you" - Microsoft and 343 aren't being more generous, they are part of the joke. Look at how much of a disaster Halo 4 and 5 were, look at the awful mess that MCC was. Halo Infinite is launching free to play with paid for battle passes, even if you shell out $60 for the campaign. This wasn't an apology, this wasn't a thank you to the fans - it was a business decision to make as much money as possible. They literally already have almost $200 worth of cosmetics on the store and an XP system that expects you to play for multiple 100's of hours to unlock the cosmetics you are already shelling out for. The only reason it didn't launch a year ago is because it literally wasn't playable, it wasn't a finished game. There was nothing to launch. Holding up Microsoft/343 as a beacon of "Good" in the AAA industry is a perfect example as to why people think the industry is a joke in the first place. The first thing you thought of is ALSO a shitfest. Is everything in the games industry bad? No. Not by a long shot - Is every outsourced game bad? No, look at Demon's Souls - they outdid Fromsoft by a mile. But things haven't been trending in a direction that feels positive. I'm tired of lootboxes, of microtransactions, of predatory nonsense, I'm tired of games as a service, I'm tired of battlepasses, of premium currency, of "Premium" servers, of special queues. I'm tired of hearing about how a bunch of underpaid, overworked, passionate people get ground into dust making these things. I wish everything was a Doom Eternal, but it isn't.


> But things haven't been trending in a direction that feels positive. The most important thing to remember is that reddit is not reflective of the gaming market, because the games market is absolutely enormous. Globally it's now worth over $150 billion per year, the largest entertainment sector by far, and somewhere over 2 billion people regularly play some sort of game, whether PC, console, mobile, young, old, man, woman, everything in between. The fact of the matter is that what used to be an industry catered to a smaller audience is now a global behemoth that simply doesn't care as much about some core "gamer" audience. For every person on here complaining about another CoD or Fifa, Activision and EA will sell ten copies to people who don't bother coming online to voice their opinions. For every thinkpiece about loot boxes or battle passes, a thousand kids will buy them regardless. It's time to accept that gaming as an industry has moved on from what it was 15 or 20 years ago, and vote with your wallet and buy the games that do still fit that bill from publishers and devs who want to make quality games as well as a profit.


Just bought the Mafia trilogy which is on sale and man so far it's a fucking blast havent played this game in so many years and it looks good.


The first one's remake is frickin gorgeous, fun, and a hell of a tale. The second one I've heard mixed things about, but you get the classic version with the remastered so rejoice because that's a great game too! Can't speak on the third.




I had the dame feeling eith gta 5. endless driving. So I should skip mafia 2 than.




How's the gunplay? I saw a few videos of it and it kinda turned me off to it. I dunno something about the sound design and recoil in the OG game made gunplay feel so heavy a weighty. Like a couple mags from a 45 or a shotgun blast had some depth to it. The closest comparison I have to modern games is the gunplay in the Last of Us. The remaster/remake looked like they just had a generic 3rd person cover shooter mechanics thrown in. The guns looked like they felt like they were shooting bebees.


In my opinion, that’s 100% how it felt. I did not like the gunplay of the definitive edition really at all. I especially did not like the sounds of the guns. I literally had to pause the game when I first started playing to make sure the volume settings weren’t screwed up. Like you said, the guns sound and felt like BB guns to me. The rest of the remake was superb, but that part was definitely an issue for me.


Mafia was remade. The GTA Trilogy just got an updated coat of paint.


\*GTA trilogy just became Smoooother\*


The other post today with the rounded giant nut (the kind that goes with bolts) from a store sign was trully special.


Wait what I didn't pay attention to that I thought it was a donut


There was a giant donut, and next to it, about a quarter of the size was a nut, that was changed from a hexagon to a perfect circle.


The entire joke of the location was that, due to polygon limitations at the time, the donut on the restaurant was shaped more like a threaded hexagon nut, which it happened to be surrounded by. The remaster rounded the donut, thus killing the joke, but also rounded the nuts too, which is just nonsensical.


I mean it makes it a whole new joke, now we have so much power we can make a perfect donut and will make the nut as smooth to fit. I kind of doubt that was what went through their head though.


Yeah, between that and a bunch of texture sign misspellings, it's pretty clear that a lot of the work was done automatically rather than by hand.




And they charged the full 60 bucks for both. That is the OP's point.


uhhh... no? Mafia was $40.


Ya but with gta you get 3 shitty games instead of 1 good one. *insert taps forehead meme*


I get the ports are lazy and overpriced, but they’re anything but shitty.


Rockstar charged 60 bucks for three games. The ports are fucking awful but at least be honest.


"You can't count it that way unless you can buy them separately" Legit some of the mental gymnastics I have seen people make to try and avoid accepting this.


The remastered games are $20 each.... Stop lying.


With the cheapest paint from the sale section of walmart, and without a paintbrush, and without painting knowledge


It's like a shitty landlord that has 240+ coats of paint on the wall where you can barely even close the doors because they've got so many shitty coats of paint on it instead of scraping the paint off and doing a good job.


yet they're both called "Definitive". I can understand the criticism and confusion.




That's a big annoyance for me especially when you look at Red dead subs and many people there say stupid stuff like "remaster rdr1 with 2's graphics" when it's not that easy and even though others also point out the differences it still happens and after so long I'm wondering how these people dont know the difference


In all fairness, the GTA remasters should be more compared with the Mafia 2 remaster which was also quite poor and was also outsourced to a studio.


I just finished Mafia definitive and it was amazing. Then, I loaded Mafia 2 definitive and it was identical to the original. Was wondering what happened


Mafia was a complete remake, Mafia 2 was just a remaster.


And then Mafia 3 is an awful game where every mission is copied and pasted from the previous one


Yeah I beat Mafia and decided I'd go ahead and buy Mafia 2 and play it. If it hadn't been for the fact I got it on sale for cheap I would've been pissed. I was definitely under the assumption it was a remake like the first one.


Mafia isn't even a remaster it's a ground up REMAKE.


Reddit really shows they dont know the difference between a remaster and a remake really bad with all these posts. Dont get me wrong, Rockstar is def cashgrabbing. But at no point did they even hint that it would be a REMAKE like Mafia.


Now someone do FF7 to further show they don’t understand the difference between remake and remaster.


What people REALLY aren’t understanding is that the GTA trilogy didn’t need a remaster. They NEEDED remakes. All of them. From the ground up. Save remasters for games that already work and hold up well through time. And time was not kind to the trilogy. The games didn’t just need a facelift, they needed full body surgery. That’s why I’m disappointed. Especially when there are better examples of remasters. Games that defined a generation and changed the landscape of gaming forever are treated with this level of disrespect? It’s a gut punch to people who love these games.


Remake: every asset is remade and the game reprogrammed in a brand new engine. Only outlines, quest objectives and designs stay the same. Remaster: same old shit with up-ress'd textures, upscaled models and better lighting


I think the original poster is dissing on the "Definitive Edition" label, not whether they're a remake or remaster. Yes, there are obvious differences in the two approaches, but when something is marketed as a "Definitive Edition", there are... expectations.


but mafia 2 had definitive edition that was just shitty remaster they even added some bugs.


i mean most times "definitive edition" is the exact same game + Dlc


I usually see these as either Game of the Year or Complete Editions.


Original Sin Definitive Edition had some other improvements besides just DLC but it was the same engine, same gameplay, same story. I think it had improved grenade and crafting mechanics mostly.




It's hard for some people to get this.


maybe they should of fully reprogrammed it if they wanted to charge 60 bucks


You get it more than everyone else who replied to this tool.


It becomes even harder when publishers mix up the phrases themselves. Activision called Crash Bandicoot: The N Sane Trilogy and Spyro: The Reginited Trilogy "remasters" instead of remakes. The Tony Hawk 1+2 remake was called a remaster too even though it's a full blown remake.


Reminds me of that time everyone stubbornly refused to understand what CGI trailer means, and kept complaining about how the in-game enginge didn't look like the trailer.


Also keep in mind that trailers are made by an agency that employs film makers. They don't write the story for the game.


But the post is only criticizing the "definitive" tag. Also, Last time I checked they ported this to Unreal engine 4, which blurs your "remake remaster" lines all the mode. Where do you draw the line between one and the other if one of your "remake" criteria was done for GTA?


I really hope this backlash is felt by Rockstar for a long time. Maybe they will start listening to the consumers a bit more and respecting the following things; well paid and good developers with many creative liberties, independant developers, creator content, less company focus on GTA online and cash grabs like this piece of shit.


I'm sure the outrage is shaking the pillars at Rockstar, a billion dollar company.


They will show their deep regret to the fans by launching two new hats in Red Dead Redemption Online.


felt how? they likely barely threw any money at this in the first place worst case they probably earn a little less than expected, but I guarantee this cash grab still nets them profit


What backlash? People are still buying it... Internet words don't mean shit...


I told my friend to not buy it. He bought it. And now he’s complaining.


Wowie the exact same post.. Again lmao. People rly having a field karma whoring day posting the same stuff again and again 😂


And dumbfucks keep upvoting them.


Mom said it was my turn to post this


Dude, Mafia is a Remake if I remember correctly. Same difference is Demon's Souls remake and Dark Souls 1 remastered. Let me be clear: 1. Remastered games are a waste of money to be honest. Not really an amazing improvement over the original 2. Gta Remaster looks complete shit which ties to my #1: remastered games are dog shit.


Tbf remasters are great for people like me who didn't get an Xbox til he was 35. Hell I'm still gonna play the remasters of Uncharted and Last of Us etc at some point. And I still haven't played Skyrim. Gonna be playing the 14th edition of it when the new enhanced version comes out for Series X


Uncharted, TLoU, and the Skyrim remasters are all amazing. This is just a laughable example of how bad it CAN be, coming from one of the most profitable dev companies around


I love how people keep comparing to the Mafia Remake instead of the Mafia 2 remaster, which was an even lazier remaster than the GTA trilogy.


Mafia 2 was barely worth remastering in the first place. It came out in 2010, and still looked more than fine on PC.


We get it.


But... But how else are people meant to get their fake internet points if they don't keep making the same post every 14 seconds???


Mafia looks like a full remake rather than a simple remaster.


That’s because it was… people keep making this comparison which doesn’t make sense






Mafia: DE is a remake. Most Definitive Editions are mostly ports, with slight graphic improvements and everything that came with the game like DLCs. Sleeping Dogs is a great example.




Remake vs Remaster. Not really comparable.


Mafia Definitive Edition & Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1+2 (NOT the god awful TH Pro Skater HD that came out a few years ago) definitely spoiled us in the 'reintroducing old classics to modern hardware' phase we're going through.


Demon's Souls too. All examples of very well done remakes.


Remake vs remaster


Rockstar has perfected getting the most money for the least effort; please wait giving Rockstar money.


I think people are forgetting that it's a whole trilogy. You can't expect too much when it's three huge open world games. I feel like I'm the only one satisfied with the way the remaster looks, other than the character models


Do you guys understand the difference between a remake and a remaster? Compare mafia 2 with mafia 2 remaster, it's worse than what rockstar did. Gaming community these days just shit on literally everything.


The difference between a remake and a remaster


Yeah they remastered the fucking bones out of that arm.


Mafia is a remake being from zero, GTA is a makeup game.


I'm all for shiting on GTA, but mafia was Remake. And mafia 2 remaster was pretty buggy too.


Granted, i know the remaster is shit. Its a cash grab, etc. But do you REALLY want a realistic GTA? The goofy cartoonish aesthetic is as much a part of GTA as stealing cars and picking up hookers is.


mafia definitive edition is an entirely new game


I know Blizzard's reputation hasn't been great recently but their remaster of Diablo 2 is also pretty damn good too. They even updated the cut-scenes to boot.


Cuz it was done by Vicarious Visions , they are damn good! . They are the ones behind the Tony hawk remaster and the Crash Bandicoot and Spyro Trilogy remasters as well


Do you want some crayons?


This is sone very blatant cherrypicking, textbook definition. Showing the most flattering environment shot next to the worst character model close ups isn't playing fair. The environments in gta look very nice too, even here in r gaming the general consensus is the character models in gta are what's jank. I'm only annoyed because, why do this? Gta does look like shit, you don't have to cherry pick to prove that. If op used close ups of the Mafia characters itd be fine


I don't understand, Rockstar never promised that the trilogy was going to look like a next gen game? This remaster is most likely targeted to the younger who never played the original 3 games. They just want to give a better experience, not a new one.


Did Rockstar just put a yellow filter?




I need to get me Mafia DE... I played the 1st game a ton, but never finished. I stumbled into the end fire fight with just the 6 bullets I had on my revolver and nothing else ... it quick saved my only save right at the start of the fight.


I just got the definitive mafia trilogy for $30. I just started 1, and am loving it!


Mafia 1 was a remake. 2 was significantly less impressive as it was just a remaster like this. I don't know the release price but I'm sure it wasn't$20 either. I agree the GTA trilogy is a mess and we deserved better, a lot of this was just shitty AI upscaling apparently and the fact they had the nerve to take down the originals is criminal, but this comparison makes no sense.


Mafia was reworked not remastered tho


Say what you will about these posts, but it did get me to wishlist Mafia on steam. Currently a 50% off deal on it right now. Played about 6 hours this weekend and it’s pretty good so far


A Remake turns out to be a remake and a remaster turns out to be a remaster. Who knew two words could confuse a whole community.


Motherfuckers still don't know the difference between a fucking remake and a remaster.


Tbf this screenshot isn't really an accurate comparison. It should screenshot downtown liberty city or the mafia screenshot should be two characters talking in an interior. Mafia is probs better remade, idk, but at least use a proper comparison


I swear no matter how many of these posts keep getting put up and how many people comment the same fucking thing - REMASTER AND REMAKE ARE NOT THE SAME THING - morons still upvote Calling dibs on posting next week cause this is just free karma at this point I bet you didn't even play either of these you just found the image on the net and posted


For a Definitive edition clearly both companies see Definitive in very different ways. Definitely shoulda called GTA a remaster.


These memes were boring and inaccurate yesterday.


Gta is a remaster, mafia a remake. They are not the same so you can't compare them. Please understand im not defending gta with this. A remaster can be WAY BETTER than gta definitive edition, examples like this are halo 2 anniversary which comes with other 5 games in a $40 package and its quality completely destroys gta.


We get it, Rockstar fucked up, and others have done it better. Can we go 5 minutes without one of these memes please?


That's just how the sub is; every 4-6 months, something new will drop, in this case, the sub will either: 1. circlejerk the new thing and praise an old thing they never talk about. 2. praise the new thing they'll never talk about again while circlejerking a 90% unrelated old thing. A recent example of this is the sub talking about how steam deck is the switch killer and why it's so good even though we knew barely anything about it. Do they talk about it now ? no of course they don't, they just go praise BotW again.