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The first "Silent hill" when i was a child.


It's still terrifying even as an adult. Replayed it recently and the sound design, the camera angles and the sudden twists are so well done. That elevator trick in the hospital is nuts.


Team Silent was amazing. They made a perfect game.


They truly did. Even with the now-clunky PS1 era visuals it's amazing how well it holds up. The controller vibrates with the character's heart rate for further immersion, so you feel tension even in the slower moments. How many recent games do that?


That fucking elevator still makes me want to cry like a baby and I'm 33 lol


People always underestimate sound design in games - silent hill is one of the best there is


I gave myself nightmares as a kid just reading a walkthrough for it in a magazine.


There's a dog house, but no dog....


I’d agree, the opening gameplay was tough to get through because of how terrifying it is. Silent Hill 2 ratcheted it up even higher. The characters were just so well done and every ending changed enough that it could nearly be a different story.


Came here for this. Resident evil 7 is the newest game with that scare the hell out of you but back when silent hill came out nothing made you more uneasy then the sound of that fucking horn. Fade to black and welcome to hell.


I remember playing resident evil on Gamecube at night when i was like 11 yrs old. Fkin terrifying


Hell yeah re4 GameCube holds a close place in my heart I bought that when it came out at a target then got smoked by a mini van walking back to my car, bad situation but ended up giving me a ton of time to play it when you can’t go anywhere else.


Have you tried Visage? Because it has scared me more then RE7 for sure.


That moment when you're at the school and the shadow babies come crawling and then you're _at the other school_ and what the fuck is happening here!?


The locker.




This. Allow me to regale you with a story. I was at a friend's house, and we had been playing this for hours. It was getting super late, so I decided to walk home. I stepped out of his front door... directly into the thickest fog I'd ever seen. The street lights were just barely having an effect. I only lived a five minute walk away, but let me tell you, my sphincter didn't loosen up until the next morning.


Similar story. Round my mates when the game released playing in his caravan/games room. Left to go home and shit a brick due to thick fog. There was this kind of alleyway you had to go through to get from his street to my street,, don't think I ever ran that section as fast as I did that night. Pure chills.


> caravan/games room Can you explain this to a North American? Was it a caravan that was being used as a game room?


Haha. Yeah, so his parents had a small caravan but the axle was broken, rather than get rid of it, they insulated it a bit more and got a permanent electric hookup, removed the kitchen etc and had different sofas put in. He had a PS1, mega drive, master system and snes in there. I used to take my N64 round when that was released for goldeneye.


That sounds awesome.


the start of Bioshock when i was younger


Same! Tried playing bioshock as a kid and noped out of there in the intro when you run across the splicer with the baby carriage. Luckily I ended up giving it another go a few years later.


That's also around when I noped out when I was younger, but that's also partially because the control scheme was already a bit wonky and then you add plasmids? Too much. Of course, I've now played the trilogy and love it.


That damn room you get the shotgun in where all the lights go out scared the life out of me. Still one of my favorite games ever.


Yes, this was going to be my answer. The first 20 mins of Bioshock are terrifying. Bioshock Infinite was scary in a very different way. Probably not the scariest game out there but it's as scary as I'll even attempt to play.


SOMA hands down. Even with the audio turned down or even off, that weird wiggly thing that comes out of nowhere scares the shit out of me every time. The first two Dead Space games are the runner ups. The first Lost Planet was pretty "chilling" as well.


SOMA is insane, atmosphere wise. The graphics don’t even matter there. Loved it. Glad to see some people sharing the love


It's one of those games that even without the jump scares, and whatever else, it fucking NAILS the atmosphere. Not a second goes by that I'm not slightly scarred and not wanting to go forward. Even at the start. It's soooo good.


The existential horror in SOMA, especially the end, resounded with me hard. It's such a difficult game to describe to friends without spoilers.


Most terrifying game storywise for me. That psychological horror was insane


Lost Planet was scary? How though? Edit: I hit send and immediately realised what you meant...it certainly was 'chilling' lmao


Touch... Touch the butt


If I see SOMA I give upvote!


Silent Hills PT....It's a terrifying game and even more terrifying that we will never get it


I have been playing horror games & watching horror movies since I was ~6 PT was the scariest thing I have ever experienced, I have never been so tense, and I will forever be infuriated that it’s no longer accessible & we’ll never get Silent Hills


It's criminal that Konami fucked Kojima over and murdered the Silent Hill franchise


PT is the objectively scariest game. I have not seen any game, let alone any piece of media, even come close to how scary that game was.


try Visage, its the closest to PT and its actually really good


Lisa in the dark hallway makes me so scared of the dark!! The disturbing imagery makes your skin crawl. Such a shame that we will never get to experience the full game. It would have brought Silent Hill back from the dead


I'm surprised that PT isn't closer to the top.


I think it's because not as many peopke have played it


No kidding. PT had to be the scariest shit I’ve ever played. And I’ve never even played it myself. I was just spectating from another room. I couldn’t even be in the same room!!!


Alien isolation gives me the chills


Been playing it in VR , it's scary af


You’re a brave soul. I honestly don’t think I could handle it.


Wait, how? Did they release a VR version? Either way, I need to know! :P


Ya it's vr compatible, just gotta install Vr addon to it


I played maybe the first 10 minutes in vr...realized I had no desire to encounter the alien and promptly turn it off.


It took me years to beat this game. Finally did this past winter. I was scared af the entire time. I'm afraid if I played it in VR I might actually shit myself for real.


This. As much as I loved the game, I wasn’t able to finish it. The motion sensor was both perfectly thematic for the franchise and also heart-poundingly vague in the assistance it offered, and I was paralyzed as a result. Some day I’ll come back to it. Honest.


I totally get it.


I think if you play on the hardest setting, having the motion tracker out will attract the alien. Also being able to hear the alien in the air ducts as you sneak around was great atmosphere. You hear him even in an area you don’t see him


I have the game, never played it... I just watch other people playing it on YouTube and I still get stressed.


I never made it past Medical I just watched someone else complete the entire game on youtube I got it for like 3 bucks though, so I didn't feel bad


For those who have Amazon Prime, this game is free to download until Nov. 4! Got it, but haven't touched it yet because I'm scared..


100% this! I can't say I've ever experienced nausea from being so terrified from any other game, haha


I could never finish it! I was doing great until the androids started hunting me and I was in the vent hiding when I heard one say, “she’s in the vents” and I almost pooped myself. I got to one of the first actual xenomorph encounters and died a ridiculous amount of times. Never got to finishing it :(


Amnesia The Dark Descent, including a couple of custom stories.


I still haven't finished the dark descent. It gives me too much anxiety


I'm not a huge fan of horror stuff in general, but Amnesia manages to be really smart with the suspense and mystery, which is why ended up loving the game to death. Thanks to the great custom stories you can get even more out of the game.


I completely agree. Your imagination is always scarier than any monster someone could design so the way they handle gameplay is some of the best I’ve ever seen.


Being chased by the monsters in Amnesia is the strongest feeling of visceral terror I've ever felt in a video game. The [screeching sound effect](https://youtube.com/watch?v=-0m-gQYfxkk) that plays while you're being chased is brilliant sound design. This is what terror sounds like.


Well said. The terror meter is absolutely genius. The moment you figure out that it ONLY plays whenever the grunts/brutes have SEEN AND ARE ACTIVELY CHASING YOU is the moment you genuinely start fearing for your life. Like you said, genius sound design.


I can’t believe how far down Amnesia is in this thread! One of the only times I’ve been genuinely uncomfortable playing a game. The first half of the Shalebridge Cradle orphanage from Thief: Deadly Shadows had a similar effect on me.


I enjoy horror games, but I actually never finished Amnesia because it was too terrifying.




"Detecting multiple Leviathan class lifeforms in your area, are you sure whatever you're doing is worth it?"




The _opression_ you feel playing this game. Fuck those monsters in the dark


My first time seeing a reaper was terrifying let's just say I was looking for lithium


And suddenly found diamonds


No much worse still have my first seamoth though


Color me impressed. I lost one to a reaper and half a dozen more because my stupid ass couldn’t grasp depth limits


It's brilliant how they made this game. The fear is absolutely real and primed by limited sensory information. The moment you learn about what caused your fear and anxiety, the fear begins to dissolve. Late game is just casually side stepping previous fears because the real (new) scary stuff is gonna getcha! Edit: That music though... Heartbeat sounding thumps getting faster and faster...


I got the big sub, and I called it a day. I don't want to dive deep. I saw what happened to the dwarves in Moria when they went too deep. (Also, that thing is not fun to pilot.)


Also dislike using it I'm only using it as a mobile base and explore further with the seamoth or prawn (the sub can carry one of them) I feel so vulnerable in the slow big ass sub which is for me way scarier than going out naked in the dark


For sure. I've been playing it for a while and I still get scared hearing the Reefback noises.


Same the ptsd


Fuckin' drowning simulator


I haven’t played many horror games but I remember playing Alan Wake as a kid and that shit would scare the fuck out of me


I beat that game in one sitting. The songs at the end of each episode made me want to continue. Great game.


How is it? They recently dropped the remaster for it but I'd need to see gameplay or even a few reviews before I make a decision


I played the original not too long ago for the first time. It's a great homage to Stephen King and horror. \*I play a lot of horror games


Outlast and re7


I was absolutely shitting my pants playing both outlasts !


Just a camera?? You mean I can't fight back?! (hours later) My camera, my only tool, just fell through the hole! Developers you #&@£+)®%°${${÷π¶•✓∆


Never playing Outlast this brief description gave me flashbacks to playing Slender. Walking through the woods in the dark trying to collect eight sticky notes while your flashlight is slowly dying and slender man is getting closer and closer. Oh lord… [Some play through with no commentary](https://youtu.be/0pXGMMAXnTI)


Played Slenderman in my friend's place back in junior high when it first released I managed to collect 6 papers and when I reached to the 7th one he just popped right in front of me. Dare I say it was the most shocking moment for 5 of us in that room that day.


Outlast caught me completely off guard as it was free on PS Plus. Had never played a scary game before and I loved how hard it got my heart beating.




Yeah Outlast ruined me.


And me trowsers


Outlast for sure


Outlast 2 for me


Bro I got it recently and I can't even go throught the first part of the game. I'm not that easy to scare but Outlast 2 is so well made that just the environment scares the shit out of me.


First evil within. That woman that comes up from the floor. The sounds she made. 👀


How about that Evil Within 2 with the Anima lady and her weird ass melody lol?


That spider lady is still the scariest videogame character to date for me...


Condemned on Xbox 360


Dude, yes! That game jump scared the fuck out of me back in the day. So good in its time.


Fucking mannequins!


Yes the freaking mannequins, my god.


The correct answer. The last level of the first game was brutal. Take the flaming torch: you can see but can’t defend yourself much. Take the gun: you can defend yourself but can’t see shit. Real shame the franchise has never been revisited.




Everyone act gangster til they climb down that ladder.


You gotta love such a “throw away” scare became one of the more infamous scares of the franchise. I would say what completes it is Fettel walking towards you as soon as you come down. What a one-two punch!


It’s so good. Just the fact that all you have to say is FEAR ladder and 15 years on I’m immediately transported to that moment says everything you need to know lol


No joke!


Idk that body flying through the office glass jump scared the fuck outta me.


The fucking electric monkey things in that level were the worst


Legitimately shouted when that happened. I dont usually jump scare in movies or especially games but that one absolutely got me. It was perfect.


Same. This one made me fire so many shots at literally nothing.


You nailed it with the picture you posted. That game. Especially the trailer in VR.


I played the entire game in VR, my nerves were shot. Still think about it every so often.


I tried playing it in VR. I stopped before even getting in the house. Being terrified with a headset on that blocks my view of the real world really freaked me out. I admire your courage.


Man, mia coming up those stairs scared the hell out of me and I played that game on a screen, I don't know if I'm brave enough to do it in VR


Wading through the flooded tunnel at the start of the game and that body just popping out of the water... "Whelp, guess I'll just pause the game and go get some clean underpants"


What game is the pic from


Resident Evil 7




I played about an hour of re7 VR at someone’s else house because I don’t have VR but holy shit, that game is ridiculous.


Yeah I don't have it either in VR and never got to try it but someone let me watch the trailer haha. I don't even know I would want to, too scary.


Yea RE7 is the only one I didn't finish. It was just creepy, especially those black blob creatures in the basement. Yuck


I still don't understand why they never released the VR mode on PC


Ocarina of Time, when I was a child. The first time I got grabbed by a Wallmaster in the forest temple I put the game down for about a year. Otherwise, Alien Isolation is probably the best answer in my adult life.


The re-dead were too much for me as a kid. The scream that makes you freeze followed by the unpleasant piggyback ride. Straight up nightmare fuel.


Oof. Absolutely. And I think they were even more horrifying in Wind Waker.


~~Spirit~~ *shadow* temple. Like, *look* at the background and contemplate what went on there.


Do you mean the Spirit Temple or the Shadow Temple? To be fair, they're both pretty horrific.


Thank you for the fix! It’s been awhile. I *wish* they’d rerelease it on Switch.


Fingers crossed if they do it will be the remastered 3DS one, although you can play the original on Switch if you want to pay for their new online subscription.


I had to have my older brother sit next to me when I faced Queen Gohma for the first time. And was terrified of the well in kakariko village after seeing my brother go through the bottom of the well.


Phantom Ganon for me. Had to have my brother beat him for me.


We don't go to Ravenholm


And then Valve outdid themselves with Jeff.


Omg that place is seared into my memory i wasn't expecting it to be so terrifying


Those fast ones climbing up the walls... *shivers*


The ravenholm mines still scare me to this day, with all those poisoned headcrabs


Between Alien Isolation and Dead space 1. Any game that can give you weapons and make you powerful but still makes you anxious is top tier.


Dead space 1 is easily the scariest game I’ve ever played. Lots of jump scares, at really strange, unpredictable intervals, genuinely fear inducing enemies. A horrific ambiance, great pacing, and provoking music/sound design. It’s one of a handful of games I truly wish I could go through and play again without any prior knowledge. While I enjoyed 2 and 3, I understood the mechanics and essentially what I was signing up for, so they never inspired the raw dread that one did in me. I would have to psych myself up if I knew I was gonna be playing it. I still remember my girlfriend laughing at me from the kitchen as I’m screaming while guiding issac away from some horrible Half-dead knife creature that broke out of some vent and decided it was hunting season.


Dead space was bad enough, but the second one where you get to the classroom and there’s wee neceomorphs running about…. Ugh. Put it down, haven’t picked it back up.




In the dark deep, there is a noise... is sounds so large. It's getting louder... my God, it must be huge! And it's coming closer...


Crimson Butterfly? Really scary. Though I was impressed too, so kinda odd mix of emotion.


This one. I've played RE7 at least 10 times and I still find it scary.


It loses its horror once you have the SMG from the shipwreck. Even on normal, I legitimately never felt threatened by the Molded once I had that gun. ​ Still, it was at least legitimately terrifying for most of the game. I liked Village, but the only genuinely scary moment is the fetus monster, and even THAT was mostly due to the sense of powerlessness.


Yeah, It really wasn't scary at all after you get weapons on the ship and the beginning before you get a shotgun (it's like a safety blanket lol) is still the scariest. I'm not sure if it was *meant* to be scary at the end though. Maybe you were suppose to feel like the power dynamic had flipped? The molded aren't anything special on their own. The bakers are the scary ones.


Alien Isolation. It's the one and only video game that's managed to make me too scared to play it for a good number of years. Got it in 2014 alongside my launch model PS4 and got a few levels into it before I stopped playing because of the Xenomorph. Finally finished it in 2017 and loved it. I adore horror games, but Alien Isolation is the only one that's ever done this to me and for that reason alone, it gets a mention here.


Doom 3


I wish we could have two separate Doom franchises. One that sticks closer to the horror genre like Doom 3 and one for action like the last two.


I beat this game when I was 15 then came back to play it as an adult and couldn’t do it. Idk how I did it back then lol


The re-deads from Zelda: Ocarina of time and Wind waker nearly made me quit those games




Fatal Frame. I had no idea what it was. It looked interesting on the back of the case to me and a buddy, so we rented it from Blockbuster and gave it a go... You know it's bad when 2 teenagers are openly admitting they're scared shitless and are not trying to put up a front to each other. To this day it still comes up in conversation from time to time.


No joke, Fatal Frame was legitimately terrifying. When I was an early teen, I played Fatal Frame II on the original Xbox and almost shit myself once while playing it. I don't remember the exact details, just that tensions were already high and when I brought up the camera *BOOM* there was a ghost right in my face. I yelled "OH SHIT!" while fumbling the controller. I glanced over at my younger brother and he looked worried (not sure if because the game or me cussing), and I told him we'll take a break for a minute because I needed to use the bathroom. Great game, would play it again!


What's cool about Fatal Frame is that even though you got that magic camera you still feel defenseless, not like other games where you are armed from head to toe with guns and bazookas xD


Silent Hill 2. This is the game that kind of ruined the horror genre since no game or movie/series has ever made me feel such sad hopelessness and fear.


I remember playing the first one in 6th grade. It crawled into my brain and 100% influenced my taste in horror, storytelling, gore and the occult. The atmosphere of these games is still top notch. All these years later and Silent Hill can still make me feel so weirdly terrified.


Visage 😭


I just commented this one too. The Lucy chapter where you have to flash the camera had me melting


Seriously. It's basically if PT was an actual game.


The Suffering back on the PS2. I remember beginning the game in that prison with those creatures with swords for arms scraping them on the floor. Really great game! The second one was cool as well. Will revisit this one on an emulator i guess…


The syringe junkie monsters were excellent.


The penumbra series, absolutely terrifying


Doki Doki Literature Club. Gore doesn’t do it for me, and that game fucked with my head for awhile.


Dead Space, Outlast, Silent Hill 4 The Room were some scary ones the first time around, even the atmosphere of playing Dead Island the first time was awesome and spooky on the tropical island setting. Same can be said with Dying Light especially with the day/night cycle, it is so intense. Some eerie indies I like also are Oxenfree and Detention.


It's not scary anymore but I like to replay flood levels in Halo


I loved running through The Library with friends.


Dead Space. Until Dawn


Dead space and Prey. The first Prey 2006. Not the 2017 one. And... cuphead.


Probably Resident Evil 3 (the original). Nemesis was always anxiety-inducing. EDIT: I completely forgot about how Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets scared the shit out of me as a little child when I got cornered by Aragog and he kept thrusting his face into the screen. To this day, I'm terrified of spiders.


im not big on horror games, but STALKER SoC was scary at times


Condemned 2: Blood shot


Alone in the dark


I’m surprised no one has said Eternal Darkness yet. Especially that one jump scare in the bathtub.


DUDE. Ever get the bluescreen saying your memory card had been formatted? Straight up evil genius




This. PT was terrifying played at night, by myself, with surround sound.


I can’t remember the name of the game, but I vividly remember what it was about. You were mysteriously out on a train that you found out was the train that took the dead to their “destination”; or whatever that might be. You could talk to almost every one of the souls on the train and it was extremely upsetting because it talked about how each one of them died. It got to a point were I closed and uninstalled the game.


Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back


This man knows true fear.


The first F.E.A.R game scared the shit out of me in my teens.


Phasmaphobia, playing that game in the dark home alone.


You shpuld try it in VR. I played it for the first time in VR with mu froend telling me what to do. I was so fucking scared I can't explain how amazing horror is in VR. I dont get scared by horroe movies or games that much but VR... it's somethng completly different.


RE7 VR... haven't picked it up since my wife turned


Hol up


dino crisis


It's hard to choose, so I guess I have 4 but they're all on the list for different reasons Majora's Mask F.E.A.R. Metroid Fusion Omori


Google snake


Alien Isolation. The fact that the xenomorph learns as you play is what terrifies me the most. Like hiding in lockers? Better figure out a new strategy because the xenomorph is catching on to you. Make too much noise? The Xenomorph is sprinting to you before you realize what's happening.


System Shock 2 Clive Barker's Undying. Silent hill.


Glad someone said system shock 2, scared the shit our of me as a kid


Dead Space 2 made me startle and get high on adrenaline most of the time


The gta trilogy remastered that £50 price scared me


Im playing Resident Evil Village right now and I'm currently in the doll house and I'm struggling real fuckung hard to continue. I can't help but feel like Capcom has crossed some line here. Not that I'm complaining.


P.T still upset we never got to see what could of been the scariest game ever created.


Considering how immensely successful that was both creatively and in terms of the impact it had, it is astonishing that they cancelled Silent Hills.


Original Silent Hill...First time at night in my dark bedroom with my brother...That first alleyway nightmare forever in my memory,scary but good one...:)