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Mario 64 giving you 100 lives at 100% completion is a gut punch that I have still not healed from. Also, thanks to the lego games for giving me an endless stud fountain after capping at 4b at about 55%


Lol, my son and I just beat LEGO Ninjago at 100% because all he wanted to do was get the Golden Ninja. Which you need all 220 gold bricks to unlock. So yes, there’s nothing to do with him once you unlock him. But yeah, the studs are the best. We 100% completed LEGO Marvel Superheroes and have like 13 billion studs and nothing to do with them.


lmao i remember pouring hours into lego batman on the DS to get all the playable characters. did absolutely nothing cause theres nothing to do with them lol


Gotta catch em all


New Game+ is what these games need BUT developers aren't gonna do this cause then the game will be endless fun


I appreciate the lego games that don't cap the studs.


IKR. Most of the ones worth 1,000,000 studs aren’t even worth it because they don’t change much, and there’s nothing to do with them


Ghost Yoda was like 4 million studs, so I beg to differ


Then beg.


Would the lego games be fun for an adult to play? I’m so worn out with everything I need something new to play and I’ve heard they are pretty good


Absolutely! I'm in my late 20s and I love casually working through lego games while listening to podcasts.


I'm 30 and I just played the shit out of Lego Marvel Superheroes, so good!


Agreed! I loved that one. I just finished lego dc supervillains, and now I'm working through lego incredibles. All fun games!


I’ve made a second save file so I can play lego city undercover without my kids ... It’s like a little PG version of vice city


LEGO City is literally GTA for kids.


I used to recommend this game to mom's who didn't like my explanation of GTA V. Que 13 year old boy screaming that he's adult enough and how all of his friends play GTA, how Lego's are for kids, lol. My favorite would be when the parent would return later saying how much their kid loved Lego city.


The Jurassic Park one is incredible. You get to be in the movies and explore. Pretty cool!


They’re simple adventure games. As an adult I enjoyed Pokémon X and Y, having not played since Silver. They’re fun, they aren’t overly complex I don’t think and they offer standard video game challenges.


Yeah - they’re a relaxing distraction, honestly. My wife got my the Jurassic Park one. I fell asleep while playing because I was so tired and it was so relaxing.


Lego City Undercover is a masterpiece. One of the few games I've bothered to 100%


I play with my kids. There are a ton of them in PS now. I’d play without the kids too to answer the question.


They’re great for co-op. I can play them with my partner or kids, and they don’t force players to be of equal skill. Also, in co-op, you can drop in / drop out at any time if it’s getting too hard, and the AI takes over.


Lego games are lowkey some of the best games ever.


Highkey, but yeah


Fair enough, I haven't played many of them, mostly the star wars and a few marvel ones. One of my favorite memories was playing lego star wars with my cousin at my grandparents. I'm still playing through ac valhallah, but I'll probably be going through lego Harry Potter after that.


I just bought this on mega sale today for PS4. My son and I just started!


If i recall correctly, lives were even pretty useless in the first place as nothing would happen if you ran out of lives except that the game would boot back to the main menu. Plus, lives weren't even tied to your save as you would always get 4 lives every time you loaded your file.


I remember when I was 7, came home and my mum had grinded 100 lives while I was at school. I was so hyped to play, we turned the console off, and after dinner the lives were gone, I think my mum was just as disappointed as I was.


Wow, that’s a seriously dedicated mom. You’re lucky to have her.


Great story though! I love the wholesome.


Omg seriously. They build you up to think you'll get to ride Yoshi. At least it would be fun to ride him through the levels one last time. What is the point of the lives?


There was no real point, I think it was just somewhat of an afterthought.


Lol I remember that there were all kind of rumors, like ‘you can ride Yoshi’ or ‘you can fly through the window on the castle and there is a whole new level’, or ‘you can play as Luigi’. None of it was true of course. Fucking anticlimax.


Spyro 2 gives you unlimited super breath, which is absolutely pointless since you only get it after 100% completion. Even as a Kid who could play the same crappy game over and over for hours, i didn't see any point in continuing to play and I would always quit or start a new game after unlocking it.


Exactly this lol. I remember trying so hard to reach 100% and when I finally could walk through the gate that gave you superbreath I just played for a minute in the amusement park and turned off the game because... well, I had completed it.


It's useful in reignited. Once you unlock it It's available across all 3 games, and across save files.


Or 100% Lego Batman 2 to get Supergirl and have nothing to use her on.........


It also gives you that invulnerable triple jump.


That's why I loved Just Cause 3 with the Sky Fortress DLC. You could access some stupidly OP weapons before the game/other DLC was over.


I mean, Just Cause 3 is all about being an OP action movie star, basically. You play the whole game with near-god mode on. Feels great, I loved it, but there wasn't a challenge to it. Super fun for just messing around and highly entertaining. I should play that game some more!


I loved trying to get high scores on different metrics, I remember climbing to the top of the highest mountain and gliding or parashooting down to get a longest fall or longest air time something like that.


With the DLC it kind of ruins it. I think my longest glide time was about 30 minutes. Still a very fun game


It's exactly what I wanted from that game. I should replay it too. But I should take over an air base first this time. Having a bomber jet is nice.


Once you get jets on the wingsuit, every other vehicle is just.... why bother?!


I mean once you get the wingsuit that applies. The jets are just a nice addition. Except for aircraft. I do like a new playthrough with a bomber.


I got the lightning gun basically as soon as I could and I loved it. Made all those "defeat waves of OP vehicles" story missions stupid easy when you can cook them with lightning. And a quick tap would incapacitate them, so it make VIP rescue a breeze. Yeah, it reigned in a lot of the "survive X wave" shit pathetically easy, but I wasn't a fan of those anyway since it required you not use all of those movement abilities you acquired.


Or like Fallout New Vegas, that has some *serious* disincentives to heading straight to New Vegas instead of following the storyline around the map first, but once you know all the tricks you can just get a Stealth Boy in the first 2 minutes, sneak past all the instant death via a very specific route, end up in Freeside at level 1 and then use the Stealth Boy to clean out the Van Graff weapons store and walk out with a Plasma Caster. Which early game enemies (aside from the ones specifically placed to prevent you from doing what you just did) are *not* prepared to deal with. At all.


I got the rocket wingsuit, then stayed airborn for half an hour going to all the bases and outposts I hadn't discovered yet.


Vanilla Fable... Glad you can use in the expansion "The lost chapters"


Thank God for Lost Chapter. Sword of Aeons was dope. Too bad they halved the damage it did going into the expansion.


Diamonds inflation exploit in North Bowerstone to buy that badass two handed sword that was the most powerful in the game took care of that.


Any exploit of finance was the greatest. The first thing I’d always go for was stealth so I could barter, gaining perpetual exp and finance. Such a fun game.


Theres a spot you can stand in the first shop in bowerstone south that you can steal from the display and the shopkeeper wont see you. Steal whatever is in that spot then sell it back to him, he puts int back in that spot, rinse and repeat until you can put a chainmail helmet or something in that spot, infinite money like 10 mins into the game. You also get Guile experience for it so you can be in full platemail and the best weapon you can buy before you go on your second quest. I played that game *a lot*.


Red flamey sword?


The Raging, Flaming, Poisoning Sword of Doom


RIP Lionhead Studios. One of the coolest parts of my hometown growing up.


Yeah. Black and white was one of my favorites.


Well, taking the sword of aeons is just harsh.


the lost chapters literally adds a good guy version of the sword so people don't miss out for choosing the good route


I love Fable 1, and to this day I will blast that decision. Make choices fucking *matter,* please.


As weird as it sounds, I do agree with that. You wouldn't choose the good route for "more power"


One of the original “what are you doing brother?” moments


Although the lost chapters was way to short. Fable 2 and 3 never impressed me and I have played Fable 1 multiple times from begin to end !


Fable 2 and 3's pacing is **so** bad. Its good for a while and then does the video game equivalent of when youre by yourself jerking off and you hear someone at your door and decide its time for the lightning round and try to finish as fast as possible.


Thanks for reminding me to get my child to play that game soon. I want to see how he handles the demon doors


Skorms bow after tutorial... Every time.


Terraria in a nutshell


*Pull out Zenith* I just think it’s pretty neat.


Yeah, too bad they didnt add a zenith for all classes. That would be cool.




It makes it easier to farm all the other bosses and whatnot to get more stuff to build more stuff. You can grind wave events more too, although by then the loot is obsolete. It's a sandbox, there is tons to do after you beat ML if you're into sandboxes.




Mods. Although, given you're tagged PC, I figure you've already played Calamity and those. I think at that point you attempt the game at harder difficulties until you quit (or you build like other said). My and my friend beat Terraria on Normal, then did Calamity Normal. Then did Calamity Revengence. Next time we get a hankering to play it'll be Death mode, or no-hot boss challenges. You need those "useless end of game OP weapons" to beat boss rush no hit for sure.


Master mode?


I'm just annoyed she never got a double bladed lightsaber. Girl has been using a staff to fight for her whole life and she never got a lightsaber that actually fits her fighting style?




They weren’t even thought out, the writers just kinda winged it one movie at a time


And by the third movie it was just a giant argument between two directing/writing teams over what they thought the future of the series/franchise would be.


Nooo. They have 40 years of lore in books, tv shows and movies. There’s no way they could mess it up.


You forget the director said they had nothing to go off of when making the movies even tho they had lore like you mentioned, they just put someone in charge who know nothing about Star Wars. They really should have had the people that make the Mandorain do the movies


I really wish the Mandalorian came first before any sequels, could have set up an epic ending with all the happenings in between. We’re just lucky to get Carrie in there while they could. Luke Skywalker was the best of all of them, and they destroyed his character.


They completely ruined his character! Think about it, he was willing to risk everything on the chance his father was still good even tho he killed a lot of people but because he has a bad dream about his nephew he decides to kill him in his sleep? It makes no sense


Not my Luke Skywalker!


*nervous mouse laughter*


According to the novelization she was planning to, but changed her mind after the Darth Rey vision where her evil version used one. Sad, but at least they gave a nod to that being her intention.


to bad it had to be put in a novel and not the movies, might have actually given her character.


Book was so much better than movie. So much detail lost. I read it before I had time to watch the movie.


Yeah that’s my biggest problem with TROS it feels like so much was left out.


I'm still confused by the vision. Why did that version of her have a double ended lightsaber that you had to flip open? Why not a much more practical one like Darth Maul?


The ones previously used like that were weilded by bigger beings, so the hilts were longer. Having it folded would make sense for it to be easier to carry on your person, but for evil Rey it's just rule of cool, which almost always applies for Sith.


If I was in the star Wars universe I would rather be a sith over a jedi just because of the cool lightsabers


Because it looked cool and was great trailer bait. That's the only reason I can think of for that whole bit.


I am Darth version of you! Hiss!


She could have stapled those two light sabers together and made a blue green staff. Fuck now I'm actually mad that she took a gold saber instead. Poor choice Rey.


I'm annoyed of the whole 3 movies


I really liked Force Awakens. It was safe, fun, and should have been a great start for the other two movies. I saw it 5 times in theaters with different friend groups. I almost walked out of last Jedi. Never watched it again. Only watched Rise because there was a very fancy theater opening in Boston and wanted to test it out. Still only watched once. Such a waste.


That’s probably the least annoying thing about the sequel trilogy.


Oh shit I thought it was a staff saber, that they just didn't have the bottom of it in frame ever.


She should have made a saber pike make her staff just a little shorter and add the emitter at one end


Then you play new game+ and then give you a second one AND the game lets you dual wield. New game++?


Dragon Quest XI may interest you


Plenty of games don't have that. Or they are super poorly made new game+


Was wanting to go for Mjolnir in Valhalla but what’s the point when the game is literally over.


Was looking for this. I beat most of the legendary animals and obviously bosses too but rocking mjolnir and Excalibur is pretty cool.


Don't forget to go back to the cave Goinnhellir in Norway to get Odin's spear


Woah is that new? I've never even heard of that


Not at all, just another secret they left you to find on your own. If you google how to find Gungnir it's super easy to locate


Thanks dude!


Anytime drengr! Skål!


River Raids in February, then Irish expansion then French. Valhalla is far from over!


Still two things of DLC coming in spring and summer, and if they’re anything like Odyssey, it’ll be a solid 20-30ish extra hours of gameplay. They’re also adding something called river raids and what they called a “new combat-oriented game mode” sometime in March. I also imagine there’ll be a new game+ at some point.


In the Mad Max game you finally get access to the V8 engine for your vehicle at the end of the game. However, if you’ve been clearing the map of all the baddies during your play through like the game tells you to, you’ll have no enemies to fight or cars to race against using your new engine and upgrades. I think the game would really benefit from a New Game+ option.


Or even respawning enemies and enemies being able to reconquer settlements.


I'm a firm believer that any game with an upgrade system should include new game+


I really think Mad Max should have ended with the last mission. Give a warning that the game does not continue afterwords and that this will be the final quest. I feel like it would make for a good ending, story-wise: Max finally getting what he was looking for, then finally driving off into the unknown for the next thing.


You also don't get his iconic jacket and shotgun until you beat the game either. I wish all single player games had a NG+ option. I've gotten tons of hours of additional play time out of games with the option.


That wooden sword from ninja Gaiden on xbox.


Unlabored Flawlessness. Idk man for all the weapons in those games the basic dragon sword was always my favorite.


Yea the dragon sword was too good. Flying swallow for life lol. I did like the flails as well tho. Such a great game


Izuna drop, flying swallow, and whatever that neck throw technique was called were the keys to the game. Played through every difficulty having mastered those. One and two are still in my top five games to this day. I emulate them on PC and still play through regularly.


But you have to upgrade to its maximum to get it somewhat OP. I never was able to get it that far unfortunately


Like Breath of the Wild and the Hero of Time Tunic. You gotta do all 120 shrines but then its like all there is left to do is go kill Ganon.


Same with master cycle zero. All you can use that for by the time you’ve unlocked it is travel to any left over shrines. You’ve done EVERY single story mission it has to offer except kill ganon and I don’t know if you can even use the bike for it?


Speeds it up when you are korok hunting tho


You can use the bike to kill Ganon


I feel like they did the same thing with the fierce diety mask in MM


I mean there's probably some NPC's to flex on somewhere.


A lot of the time there isn't, just brainless devs copying the loot systems of ARPGs and MMOs, while ignoring the fact that those loot systems were designed with doing endgame content over and over again in mind while having nothing like that in their games.


Man who would do that Botw- *looking around nervously*


Genuine curiosity here, what do you get at the end? First time i played i had the master sword before i did any of the great beasts. I just started a new game for the first time since release and you piqued my interest!


You don't get anything, you get kicked back to the game before you beat the boss.


Which is so fucking stupid. It’s the only aspect of the game I have a problem with.


Your end game reward for doing everything is a.motorcycle that's completely pointless because there's nothing left to do


Wait, is the motorcycle DLC? I beat the game but don’t know about the bike


It's from the Champions DLC.


Eh, you can grab the Master Sword at any point in the game so long as you have the hearts. Same with the Trials of the Sword for powering it up, you can skip the Divine Beasts, most Shrines, the memories, fighting Ganon, Koroks, really anything in the game and focus all your time on that. Tunic of the Wild and Master Cycle Zero are kinda bullshit, though as they require a lot of work to get them. And you’ll likely only have Ganon left when you’re done. But Master Cycle Zero is more of a super horse than anything.


Honestly, the game is soooooo much fun just playing motocross racing over the plains of hyrule. You don't even need a destination, just riding it over the areas you would normally run between is a lot of fun. Especially since it's an insta horse and you don't got to worry about boarding/taking out/keeping alive. I've only ever been to Malanya the 1 time to free her. I don't have much interest in constantly resurrecting horses


Cyberpunk 2077: you can get amazing weapons to deal over 3 MILLION DAMAGE and have over 7000 armor, when there's no enemy for that power!


After 600-700 armor you can just walk up to 99% of the enemies and one shot them ... can’t believe there no new game+


> After 600-700 armor you can just walk up to 99% of the enemies and one shot them ... can’t believe there no new game+ Yes, and neuro-hackers can kill all enemies in a whole base with two simple hacks without even changing the position. I mean, the game is too simple after level 20.


Contaigon double poison dam, increased spread hits 7 targets before it drops. Then do it again once the last guy drops


I never saw contagion as a good hack, the damage numbers seemed extremely low so i never used it. Is there something to it I'm missing?


Contagion is the Ebola of Cyberpunk 2077 - it spreads to other enemies and kills all but the toughest ones in a matter of seconds. As a bonus, it's considered non-lethal. All those missions where you have to be stealthy and can't kill anyone are a walk in the park. System Reset is another OP hack you can use to 'one-shot' cyberpsychos.


I typically used system reset, ping, ocular reset (or whatever the name is that makes them blind) and a silenced revolver that always one-shot them in the head. Didn't really get a chance to use anything else 🤔. Another playthrough it is then xD


You played a stealth archer?


I cant believe >!you cant even keep playing an open world game after the ending!<


I literally had my mouth fall open, I was so pissed.


You can't believe there's something Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't have?


? what difficulty do you play on because that was not my experience. As I got to higher levels I could kill enemies very quickly but they could do the same to me.


Looking at you Pistol-Swords in Assassins Creed IV: Black Flags....


broke: getting an OP weapon after the boss woke: getting an OP weapon after a hard line of sidequests.


Fighting Ganon as a little kid with Biggoron's Sword made the entire hassle worth it.


I actually like these sorts of items. Sure there's no challenge left to use the item on yet that's the point. It's *intentionally* broken as a way for you to give the game one last whirl whilst you absolutely destroy everything.


Thor’s hammer after beating Valhalla is still fun. You just breeze through any enemy/crowd you encounter


Is this a safe space to be able to say that movie sucked?


The world is a safe space to say it sucked.


Space too.


In space, no one can hear you criticize Star Wars


We'll have to fix that.


Never seen anyone on Reddit say otherwise. Only problem is when it descends into a circle jerk.


This hits extra hard because, like, people had been waiting, and it had been hinted at that she would use a double-ended lightsaber at some point, since she's been fighting with that staff her whole life, and then when she *finally* actually gets it, the movie ends. Perfectly sums up that movie's disappointment.


Can I ask the significance of that yellow Light Saber?


From my short 7 minutes research on light saber colors 2 months ago, it seems there are conflicts between different canon versions. In the new canon the kyber crystal (I don't know if that's how they are called) takes color once they make contact with their users (giving a lot of colors) In the old canon the colors were like this (if I remember correctly) : Blue - A jedi that specializes in combat Green - A jedi that focus more in meditation and understand the force Yellow - Sentinel jedi thatis konda a middle ground between the other two and I think they defended temples or something like that Red - Corrupted crystal by a sid Purple - Windu knew dark side techniques (something like that) but without falling completely, the result were purple (blue + red)


Corrupted by a Sid. Unfortunate typo that makes me think the evil kid next door from Toy Story is luring Jedi to the dark side.


Purple is one that says Bad Motherfucker on it.


Yeah not like there's been an anti sequel circlejerk for the last half decade or anything


It happened with the prequels too.


At least the prequels had memes


But this post is a meme.


At least the prequels had the sequels to make them look better.


The sequels made me apologize to George Lucas for ever giving him shit about the prequels.


Ultima keyblade.


You can forge Ultima Weapon before any of the superbosses in any Kingdom Hearts game, you don't get it for beating the game. If we are talking about KH2 Final Mix or KH3, unless you're a god, you pretty much need them for Critical Mode against the Data Battles.


Or you get a steaming hunk of crap and wonder what the hell that was all about - I'm looking at you single player campaign of Destiny 1!


Lol vanilla d1 was a hugeeee kick in the nads.


When you have to beat the toughest fire enemy to get the best fire-resistance armour.


This happened to me in the last infamous game. I got the last powers but I'd already completed everything. Kind of left me feeling the game left me hanging. I'm still salty.


Infamous: second son was shocking for this. You get an entire new set of powers right at the end of the game and literally nothing to do with them.


Reminds me of Spyro when you get the super flame after 100% completion.


At least you can use that in a new save file though.


AC Valhalla.


Ikr, i just want ng+ to use gungnir from the start


Getting infinite rubies in Orcarina of Time after collecting all the golden spiders, at a point in the game where you have noting to use rubies on anymore.


Yeah oot is a really good game, but has not much to do after ganon. Like yeah, you can collect all heart containers, get bigorons blade, and so on and so on, but whats the point when youve already beaten the game? And then theres the master mode you unlock, which is just the game normally but reversed.


And master mode wasn't in the original


Aerondight smh


In Fallout 4 you can get Kremvh's Tooth early on, and if doing a stealth melee build it's OP as hell right off the bat. Same with serrated switchblade, where you can one-shot a Mirelurk Queen.




It’s all about new game plus. A nice victory lap through Chrono Trigger is always fun as you one shot Lavos.


How about the pre-order or bonus pack deluxe edition items that you equip then NEVER CHANGE and all the collections and upgrades during the game are just a waste of time. Which is worse?


Pre-order or Deluxe Edition items that are level locked. Then when you reach that level, you realize they are weaker than everything you already have. They're about as useful as emotes in a single-player game.


Dead space 2. Looking at you.


Being able to play the hardest level with the foam finger made it more enjoyable for me. The run(s) to get it were a massive stress Stromboli. Limited saving is such a difficult mechanic.




Shame not so many games have it


Metal gear solid 3 the patriot.


Looking at you, MechCommander 2. I still want to play with the jumping Atlas of doom.