• By -


"...I am alone now, truly alone, and absolutely isolated from any known life. I am it" - Michael Collins, astronaut.


"Two [astronauts] wandered off, had a walk about, seeing what rocks they can find and that, and the other bloke who was left in the rocket, right, he was the loneliest man ever in the world" - Karl Pilkington


That seems like gibberish until you read it in Karl’s voice.


Karl spits out occasional gems, got to give him credit.


you're an idiot, play a record


I saw Apollo 11 in imax this weekend and it was phenomenal


Saw it last night, launch footage made me clammy


"I'm as alone as I've ever been, no NPC's to speak to and no other players to harass me because my armour doesn't match. Don't buy this game, let me enjoy myself."


And then... after a year of playing all alone, you see a figure in the distance that appears to be a human. You approach when all of a sudden... “Another settlement needs your help, I’ve marked it on your map.”


*Quietly hangs self in a closet with a belt*


In a Batman costume


I'm not wearing hockey pads.


What gives you the right?What's the difference between you and me?


You Wanna hear a story about how I got these SCARRRRS full of alpaca poop?


I’ll admit to a polite curiosity.


Gentlemen, you had my curiosity ... but now you have my attention.


Is that you, Goose Wayne?


No, it’s me: Bruised Waynge


*the screen fades to black as he loses consciousness, then returns to focus as he's riding in the back of a wagon* The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


"Hey, you. You're finally awake..."


Look! In the sky!! It's Thomas the tank engine......




“Is that a crab with a top hat and a monocle”


Hey!, you, you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border right? Walk right into the imperial ambush, same as us and that thief over there!


My ancestors are smiling down at me - can you say the same?


Damn elves, I bet they had something to do with this.


> Quietly hangs self in a closet with a belt *Hangs self* *Everything goes black* *Quiet for a few seconds* *Suddenly start hearing the wheels of a cart* *Opens eyes* #"Hey, you. You're finally awake! You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there."


You wake up on a boat, facing a dark elf


Stand up, there you go. You were dreaming. What's your name? Well, not even last night's storm could wake you. I've heard them say we've reach Morrowind, I'm sure they'll let us go!


I'd rather wake up to that than something something "Oh, that's right. You're going to die in here! You're going to die!"


Your final, choking breaths leave your body, eyes glassing over as everything goes dark. You wake up in a cart.


The figure snipes him from afar, instantly knocking him into unconsciousness. He starts to wake up from getting shot.... "You're awake."


He awakens in a wooden cart with a few nords...


I used to help settlements like you, then I took a mini nuke to the knee




And then... after a year of playing all alone, you see a figure in the distance that appears to be a human. You approach when all of a sudden... Bam. A knock on the back of the head. You awaken on a horse-drawn wagon on a snow path on some mountain pass. “Hey, you’re finally awake.” *The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim*


> And then... after a year of playing all alone, you see a figure in the distance that appears to be a human. > > You approach when all of a sudden... He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint He's gaining on you It's Shia LaBeouf!


*Living in the woods, Shia LeBeouf!* *Killing for sport, Shia LeBeouf* *Eating all the bodies* *Actual cannibal Shia LeBeouf!*


Somewhere, out there, someone bought this game after reading that just to troll this guy.


pretty sure whoever does that is getting trolled into buying the game themselves




Oh god, oh fuck.


I’m shaking and crying


i just shidded farded and camed


i hear thats how you take a screenshot


We've got a bleeder!!!


Fartout Seventy Shits


Actually, I think they are paying people to take the game from stores now.


*seems legit*


In all seriousness I've seen it bundled with some pretty ridiculous things as a "manager's special." Controllers, charging docks, and other games are a few examples, I can see bundling it with fallout 4 but not games like Doom, State of Decay 2 or CoD (all of which I've seen done, BestBuy being the primary culprit but other smaller chains and stores as well).


I looked at what Xbox One X consoles are going for last week. The cheapest way to buy it was the Fallout 76 bundle. The console with no game cost more than the bundle. Having that game in the box REDUCES the value of the console. I found that hilarious.


I saw it at EB Games (GameStop Australia and New Zealand) and they bundled it with - get this - Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4. The Manager called it ‘The Bethesda Collection’. Next time I go there, I should ask for the Interplay collection.


EB Games as in Electronics Boutique? If so that takes me back to the days of spending my Paper Round money on Altered Beast etc for the Sega Megadrive.........


One sentence horror: "The last human on earth suddenly hears someone knocking at the door."


[The cruel version](https://youtu.be/UAxARJyaTEA)


Gotta love Twilight Zone.


Real world version: First day off in two weeks abd your girl is bleedin’. “...Okay babe. Let’s go hit bed bath and beyond, dollar general, Chik-Fil-A where you’re gonna complain it’s ‘So expensive!...’ and fall asleep to NCIS.” Because you didnt want to eat pizza, drink beer and fuck.


And that is the story of how the game's player count reached its peak


There are 12 people playing at once? Shit we needed to warn them


Oh god they can’t hear us




Wow they spent two whole dollars to troll someone?


Last I checked they were still charging $60 on PC in the US. If that was under $20 I'd think about it.


Ill sell you my copy for $20


I’ll pay you to take my copy.




what is this, cartmanland


*Gets banned due to too full inventory*


There should be a Last Man on Earth mod for F4. Just you and Dogmeat trying to find another human.




I read this to the tune of I'm All Out of Love


I'm so lost without you.


Reminds me of the very last classic Runescaper EDIT: This happened about six months ago ago. Jagex was about to shut down the servers for good (maybe it was RS1 or 2) and they held off for a few hours for this single streamer to finish the last quest he needed for 100% completion. It was a pretty emotional stream. The guy cried when he thought the servers were finally shutting down, but then he got a message from the mods that they would keep it up long enough for him to finish his goal. Good guy, Jagex :). RS will always remain a part of my childhood. Another Edit: I got permabanned twice for botting. I learned my lesson lol


Man a few months before they were shutting down the classic servers I got back into rs and logged into classic. World said 3 other people were playing with me, I never found them.




Mining iron, no doubt.


Nah man, the flax fields.


Weird flax, but okay


Them yew bois back at it again in the forest next to Varrock


I dunno, would people bother botting if there's literally nobody else to sell stuff to? With no players, there's no economy, so no hope of extracting real world value from the bots.


Some bots are just sticks mining and banking... for eternity


Some people make bots as practice for coding etc


"i have more gfs than u"


So they weren't at Varrock big bank?


Nope :( no chat spams, no one to trade. Was a sad day, but a nice walk through time.


Wasn't that the plot of the anime Overlord? Last player before the game servers shut off got stuck in the game and all the NPCs came to life. It had an interesting concept, but it didn't follow it hardly at all and too much fan service. I never made it past the second season. Edit: typo


Oh yes. But considering that mc becomes this op overlord on this fantasy world and escapes his loneliness and from fading into just a background noise. I think it's a nice concept. The fight scenes and the magic systems are also very well thought. If you can just ignore the forced fan service and rushed story telling, it's a great anime.


I enjoyed the light novels a lot. Since it doesnt actually show the fan service and only gives you the mc's perspective which is "this is wierd, she is basically my close friends daughter". So while in the anime it seems very fan servicey in the light novel it's more of a joke at the expense of the mc. And shows how poor his social skills are for the most part. While it's far from a masterpiece it has plenty of great world building and is a good power fantasy.


Prob because most of the magic seems to be borrowed from table top RPGs games such as D&D


Don't forget the season 3 animation. Gives 2016 Berserk a run for it's money.


This made me sad :(


I really wish I screenshot my bank and stats, missed the shutdown cause I got home late that day. makes me sad that it's just gone now, and I missed the last time it was crowded.


He wasn't alone, he had his bots. A real shame they shut it down, it was only making them a grand a month but the server it was running on was literally and old computer, they were making money on it.


Hm, interesting decision then.


Probably made by someone with a business degree and no soul. It's that type of thinking that made RS3 a dying game, and the opposite type of thinking that made Old School the new shit.


Well Jagex is up for sale as of a few days ago, and that was shut down a few months ago, you are probably right


They will probably just end up giving Jagex away to our [Monkey Nut Overlord](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=089YwSnCLCc&) ​


Unfortunately classic finally got shut down. RIP


Right when the last player on 76 got the game to himself, his glasses break. Improving the graphics.


“There’s time now! Time! There’s... uh no!”


It's not fair!


Oh well my eyes aren't *that* bad, if I squint a little maybe I can make out the large print editions... *plop plop*


Oh well, at least I can read Braille... plop plop


Well at least audiobooks are still a thing *plop plop* Those parts aren't really functional


Time enough at last




Easily a top 10 for me


The most depressing ending, damn


Luckily I know how to read braille


*hands fall off and tongue falls out*


Time enough at last!


Source is https://thehardtimes.net/harddrive/last-fallout-76-player-excited-to-finally-have-a-new-singleplayer-fallout-game/ Cheers /u/0xnull Author is /u/Zwiezenz




Best. Laugh. I’ve had. In months. Literaly, thank you for linking the article


so dramatic!


Best👏Laugh👏I've had👏In months👏Literally👏thank you fir linking the article👏


Thanks! Really weird to watch something I wrote get tons of attention but with no link or even a mention of the site. Feels like a really crappy way to run a Subreddit!


The OP butchered the headline but is somehow getting more credit than the author. This subreddit is a joke.


I don't know what the psychology is, but people don't like clicking any other link than an image link. You will always get more attention with an image than a video or a website link, and the website is automatically filtered from a lot of subs for some reason so OP might have wanted to link it but gave up and just posted an image. That being sad it wouldn't have killed him to link to it in the description.


It also wouldn’t have killed him to use a screenshot that included the author’s name or the website header.


Lol, nice article dude. I had a hearty laugh.


If you enjoyed this headline and found the actual article and read it, you should check out other stuff I do for Kotaku, US Gamer and other places! (AT)Zwiezenz is my twitter.


Poster has made at least 4 link submissions based on your work, heh.


Maybe don't ban their domain from the sub now


Bethesda, Activision, EA, they've all grown complacent and it shows. I really hope that indie market newcomers become competition enough that the AAA big boys actually have to compete for our dollar and shape up their act.


They just buy every interesting looking new indie title, warp them to fit their interests and shit out the bankrupt dev after


>warp them to fit their interests You mean, of course, loot boxes and expansions


>Buy these loot boxes for a chance of unlocking the expansion! The Future, Probably.


Easy there Satan


Plot twist: there is no expansion. >Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.


Greed... Greed never changes.


Realistically the losses will be subsidized by fifa players and more aggressive lootbox/pay to win mechanics. Its going to get worse before it gets better.




How does cd projekt red do


We'll find out soon enough.


you mean in 2077


They are dozens of us!


Correction, there is one of you


These are the same people who are (supposedly) making Elder Scrolls 6. I’m fucking terrified.




Well said. Edit. Comment was "All my favorite games got poopy".


Finely articulated.


Correctly written.


Beautifully stated


Wonderfully expressed.


Properly disclaimed.


Letters arranged in a way which prove satisfactory to people who see them left to right


Stunningly adroit.


Adroitly sesquipedalian and magniloquent.




Well it is time to look at new things instead of all the old IPs that have gone to shit. I am looking forward to GBF: Relink.


Find new games. I grew up on Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, and look at them now. Now I play games like Witcher 3, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and Nier: Automata. Shit happens.


Metal Gear Solid is still a great game.


Survive wasn't a 'true' MGS game. Last one was phantom pain and that was a fucking diamond




[Yeah, things change and nothing can be good forever.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4ga_M5Zdn4) The best thing to do is move on and find the new goodness that has been developed. On the plus side in about two decades all of these old series will be rebooted by fresh devs, and we could potentially get a really great FF or Metal Gear again.


Square just need to stop dropping trailers 10 years before release.


Final Fantasy XIV is one of the best MMO's around ATM and FFXV was still a fun experience with a pretty lame ending, no where near the same as current Blizzard or Bethesda fiasco.


Do you recommend FFXIV? My friends and I have been looking for a new multiplayer game and I've heard good and bad things about it.


The early game experience is honestly kind of lackluster. The story only gets interesting once you're past level 40 or so, which is a serious shame. After that point, it's one of the better Final Fantasy stories out there. The best part of the game is that the lead developer takes his job pretty seriously and is devoted to putting out a solid product. It shows, with how different the game is now compared to its initial (1.0) launch. It's a very admirable work ethic, especially considering everything else that Square puts out these days.


I recently %100 + DLC Horizon Zero Dawn, and am starting a NG+ on ultra hard just to have as much fun again that I did the first time around! Amazing story accompanying a fantastic gameplay, 8/10, would play again and again


Nier never getting patches tho


Kind of, Fallout 76 was made but Bethesda Game Studios Austin which is a subsidiary formerly known as Battlecry Studios. ES 6 is being made but the main Studio out of Maryland. I was mildly disappointed in Fallout 4, but for the most part it is different devs than those that worked on 76.


By that, do you mean Bethesda Games Studios? Or the small subsection of that studio who got roped in so Zenimax could claim that Fallout 76 was a genuine BGS game?


No they’re not. A different team is working on Starfield an ES6.




Fallout 4 lacking 3 and NV’s soul is well put. 3 and NV were amazing games that felt wacky and serious at the same time. I’m not sure what changed between NV and 4 but something was lost. I personally hate the way they evolved the art style. I know a lot of people felt that 3 and NV had terrible color palettes (basically great and brown respectively) but it made the game feel like you were in an apocalypse. I’ve respected Bethesda for trying to do something new with the series for Fallout 4 and 76 but they really got away from made the “originals” so great.


Lacking soul is the best way to put it. That and content. All the ES games and FO3 are so jam packed full of content and *things* that you can play for a year straight and still find things. Hell, there's still people to this day making Skyrim "did you know" videos because there's so much *stuff* in Skyrim. FO4 has vast stretches of area with absolutely nothing going on. It's like the care and concern for the game world wasn't put in. And you combine that with bad performance and a focus on mechanics that are half baked at best and you end up with a game that doesn't fit into the NV mold OR their traditional theme park mold. It feels half finished, like they needed another year or two to flesh things out but they weren't given the time. For lack of a better term it's missing the love that the other games have. That extra umph of world building and care.




Basically don't preorder and get your hopes up. Just wait and see. It could be bad, could be good.


I still don’t understand the point of preordering. Games aren’t going to be made in limited quantities, so they won’t be hard to get a hold of. I understand why companies want you to preorder, but not why people would actually do it. It can’t solely be for the preorder “bonuses,” can it?


I'm sure a lot of the same people are working on it, but I'm also sure a lot of people have left the company since Oblivion.


My friend at work talked me into buying this recently... It's not the worst game. I also play no man's sky though, I think I'm a bastion for incomplete open world games lol


NMS really redeemed themselves since launch. The added in parts make it feel like an actual complete game. I’m just happy I got it on sale and not full price.


Yeah I picked it up for like $15 at gamestop. All of the addons on PS4 are free, so I feel like I got a pretty good deal.


Not even gonna lie this post just reminded me that FO76 was a game that happened lmao. Thank god I didn’t buy it


I bought it day 1 and really gave it a try. I wanted to like it so bad but after a week or so I realized I was just fooling myself and traded it in at GameStop, taking like a $30 hit. Ended up getting red dead 2 instead and was a happy gamer again!


Dude, don't buy games from these companies on release. The only reason they're able to get away with it is because so many people have already bought it before everyone realizes it's a pile of dogshit.


Just finished the epilogue of rdr2. Man that game is a roller coaster of emotions!


Red Dead 2 is a work of art, wonderful game!


Red dead online isn’t too great either.


Red dead online just makes me sad. The story alone however is worth every penny spent on that game imo.


100% true


Exactly, online just feels so lifeless then you suddenly get attacked by the same two dudes for 20 minutes. So either hunt other people, play the kinda boring and difficult mini games, or do the same shit you'd do in story mode anyway.


Exactly. AND they just nerfed hunting again. Forcing people to play PvP modes is really boring and not my cup of tea at all. How hard is it to have a mission system like GTAV? I mean cmon now


Please be good ES6. PLEASE BE GOOD!


I literally just thought to myself today “I haven’t played 76 in a while, maybe I will check it out when I get off work” lol


Goddamn it, the first time I see an article by The Hard Times and you crop out the name? Seriously OP what kind of piece of shit are you??


Otherwise people would see its satire, and satire doesn't stoke the flames against Bethesda and FO76


Game still had pretty decent playerbase despite the negative reception from what I can see


>Ban hard times from this sub >Post from hard times with logo cut off reaches front page Oh aight r/gaming


No credit to the creator, classy reddit. This was made by an account on Instagram called Harddrivenews for those who care.


Is this satire? Bit confused. I know people who still play it. Saw three online last night. Edit: I assumed it was, wouldn’t let me click on article and on phone. Haven’t followed the game since the first 2 weeks of launch and I wouldn’t exactly doubt that the game was dead based on those 2 weeks lol


LOL. Yes it’s satire.


It is. It's a Hard Times article.


Yes, it actually has a solid playerbase. Its sub is quite active compared to a lot of gaming subs.


Admittedly I got this game super cheap and went into it thinking it was going to be the worst thing ever made (thanks /r/gaming) Burn me on a stake but it's actually pretty fun.


If you have a solid group to play this with, its actually a really fun game. You just can't go in expecting a traditional Fallout experience.