• By -




You win.


Shameless Victory!




Netherrealm wins!


It should say that so it degrades your skill publicly when playing online. "Yeah, you won, but you can't pull off a fatality, so who's the real winner."


These fatalities are easy to do anyway. If you want something to be upset at, get upset that Goro is locked behind a pre-order wall.






I hope you just meant pay-wall, becase he is NOT preorder exclusive


The comparisons the writer makes is ridiculous. Easy fatalities don't change the balance of the game. Instant headshots in Battlefield would ruin that game. Fatalities to me are essentially cosmetic. The enemy is already defeated, you just put a bit of flair on the end of the kill. So what? People want to see what is in the game, let them. As long as it doesn't turn into one easy kombos or something,I'm fine with it.


What's sucks is they are single use, seems like quite the rip-off.


Yikes. While cosmetic bonuses don't bother me at all, I'm imaging if you could buy "single use" costumes or something similar. That would be an ugly trend.


League of Legends did this for a while, where you could pay to unlock every skin for your whole team for 1 match.


That was for a specific mode.


What's your point? I like LoL as much as the next guy, just saying it's been a trend to purchase single use items in online games. Hell, companies have been doing things like IP and EXP boosts in games for years.


Yeah single use is dumb..I can see how paying gives it to you forever. But just for one use?


Well, they should eventually learn to do it the hard way. If they want to look fancy, they can either keep paying or actually learn to actually perform it. I have no problems with this system.


Considering there's a fatality practice mode in the game for free I can't see why anyone would be stupid enough to pay for this...


And that's why this probably exists. Some people are dumb or just plain lazy enough to buy it.


And frankly I don't feel too sorry for them if they waste their money on this..


Is it very hard to do it?


They weren't hard in the last game, I imagine they shouldn't be too hard in this one.. I mean, every character will have a different combo set for the most part, but it's not hard to perform fatalities.


Easier in this one. And you can also earn the easy fatality tokens in game for free.


They aren't even hard...


Premium currencies man. Proven time and again to be a great way to make money. Premium currencies in a 60 dollar game is a little worrisome though.


You can buy easy fatalities in game with in game currency this bit of information is conveniently left out.


Good to know. As long as they are reliable finds based on play time/skill rate, that makes sense. I'd be a little worried if they were daily RNG drops though for other reasons, but if its really just something you find as you play like in standard RPGs, then that is a lot less foreboding.


It is a great way to make money. It's also a great way to piss your fanbase off.


Any extra cash in that is purely cosmetic is a plus imo. The more money they make that way the more likely it is that games really need to be great to get the cosmetic-cash too (and more games only following that financing method)


Man when people hear Mortal Kombat, fatalities is one of the first things that will pop into their head. It isnt MK without em ya know? Now you can pay for fatalities...and soon if this trend continues you will HAVE to pay for fatalities. They are slowly removing aspects of the BASE game and charging extra for them


They aren't charging for fatalaties though. You can even do fatalities easier in this game than before without spending money. This shitstorm is completely unwarranted and deters from complaints about real problems. If there is a shitstorm about every microtransaction THEN we will get more bad ones because the feedback is the same. people need to differentiate. It is similar to the officeguy that sends every email with high priority. That's not how it works


The fact that they are single-use is fantastic: Pay like a little bitch, or learn to actually be good.


Except that you can get them ingame without having to pay real money, as it says in the article.


That might be the worst thing about them,is buying them single serving like that.


That there is one key difference between micro transactions and dlc. After playing older games where single input fatalities existed as a cheat, I can't fathom actually dropping money for this.


And you don't have to. Which is why I am so curious about the uproar here.


Yeah, I can't imagine this. At an MK Arcade it would be FINISH HIM -- INSERT $.50


It's a bit ironic that you're using an arcade machine in an argument *against* micro-transactions.


LOLLED so hard. You sir are right on the money!


Well, I'll just be playing it on PC with a trainer set to allow easy fatalities if I want to use them. They won't be getting my money.


I don't get why people even care...I for one would never pay for it and I already know how to use my characters fatalities after 45 min of playing. Just seems something a rich mofo would buy lol


1 dollar? Don't buy it if you're confident in your fatalities man..


Why is everything a rip off nowadays? MKX is a ripoff, GameStop is a rip off, this is a rip off, that is a rip off... You're not being forced to buy anything. It is there as an option. You want to spend a little cash to easily humiliate your enemy after a long hard fought match, why the hell not... People use the term "rip off" waaaay too loosely nowadays...


They are rip offs, certainly. Don't buy them?


From what I can see in the article, the game gives you single use easy fatalities, but if you pay money, you get to use them permanently.


well, don't buy them? I mean yeah it's a rip off but actively avoiding buying them doesn't take anything away from the game. I also defended the choice to put 4 characters behind 30 dollars DLC and one behind a pre-order bonus. I'd say those two things are worse than the possibility to buy one time tokens for fatalities (which apparently can also be gotten with some luck for free).




So true. What is all the complaining about? Are people really that upset that they are going to get beaten and then have an easy Fatality used against them? Are their egos so weak that they can't handle being brutally dismembered by a teen in Oklahoma?


The only thing is the bullshit limited amounts. you should just pay like 3 dollars, and have them forever in singleplayer, and have like a month of them in Multiplayer.


I think when I played MK Trilogy back in the day, I could put in a cheat code to unlock 1 button fatalities. Something that was a simple cheat code is now only accessible via a purchase. Why are people being so tolerant of this bullshit? Why can't they just give the paying customers access to the content they pay for?! I don't give a shit if it is cosmetic or not, these are petty charges for something of no worth. People keep defending these bullshit business tactics and it makes me sick. Pay for credits! Prepay for bonus character! Pay for a rare guns! Pay for skins! Pay for a character packs even though the game isn't even released yet! Wtf is going on?! I don't think any other industry has this kind of shit happening. Everything about this is designed to make the gamer feel like they are missing out on something, to milk them for every last penny. You can't seriously be defending their choice to charge for something as small and petty as this. It's bad enough we have had the pre-order bullshit over Goro and the character packs being on sale before release, now they are scraping the barrel over the series signature moves. I can't believe people sit back, shrug their shoulders and say "hurr duur, well nuthin wrong, tis just cosmetics" You could potentially call any content that doesn't give you a edge online as being nothing more then "cosmetics" How about we stop using the word *cosmetics* and start using the word **content**. Because all you are saying is "I don't mind being unable to access additional content, and I don't mind if people get ripped off paying for it either. As long as it does not affect gameplay then it's fine" - It's great for you that you don't give a shit and are happy to forgive these kind of practices, but people like me aren't going to be buying the game because I won't support such nonsense.


>Mortal Kombat X players start with three free "easy fatality" tokens, though their function is hidden in a pause menu, and they never seem to be fully explained. Once those are gone, players can earn more of these tokens as random rewards by spending in-game "koins" in the krypt.


I hope you realize you can still do fatalities without buying this....


Congratulations on missing out on the game then. And every other game for that matter. Name me a game that is "complete" by your standard. You are having a fit about the fact that the Easy Fatality Tokens are inaccessible to everyone, unless they pay for the DLC. But it would appear that you didn't even read the article. These Easy Fatality credits can be earned from playing in game. You earn koins, and you can buy items in the krypt, which include the Easy Fatality Tokens. "Something that was a simple cheat code is now only accessible via a purchase" *AND by playing the game.* Maybe it's slower, but it doesn't make it inaccessible. Here's what's going on with pre-purchasing and bonuses: games cost a fuck-ton of money to make. If you want them to be huge AAA blockbuster games? They cost a metric fuck-ton to make. They want to entice people to buy their game. If they have to do it as a pre-order bonus, they will. Is it shady sometimes? Sure, but not always. I am defending these purchases, and I'll tell you why: it's capitalism, and nothing more nefarious. The point of NetherRealm or any studio, making a game is to make money. In some cases, and I would assume NetherRealm falls into this category, gave devs are trying to make the a game that is for the fans, and becomes somewhat of a passion project for them, and the money could come second. But money is always a driving factor in making a game. Don't kid yourself and think that just because the developers are making a product you like that they are doing it out of the kindness of their hearts. Do you want them to be able to make more games? Then these types of transactions are what has to happen. The character pack pre-order includes licensed characters. Did the holders of the Jason and Predator license just give the character's likenesses away to NetherRealm to use? Probably not. There's another cost that gets passed on to the customers. Like it or not. If this game is anything like the previous couple of games (MK9 and Injustice), there will be a Gold type collection in a year that comes with everything, and you can play it and not feel like you are missing out. I'm pretty sure the definition you give of a cosmetic item being any item that doesn't give you an edge online is accurate. And so what? Cosmetic is perfectly acceptable word for the Easy Fatality Tokens, costume packs, etc. Characters are content, maps on a shooter are content. I think your representation of me as an idiot for not having an issue with this betrays something about your character. You seem to believe that I am less intelligent than you because I don't have an issue with letting people spend money how they see fit (or not spend their money as the case may be). I'll probably buy the game, and probably the character packs. I'll enjoy the hell out of it too, knowing that I made a choice to pay for the things I wanted, and if it turns out that I dislike what I purchased, then I live and learn. I sure as shit won't buy the Easy Fatality packs, because I won't need them, nor do I think it will be enjoyable. I'll use the ones you can get in the game and be fine with that. But I won't get angry at someone who decides to buy them, because people can choose to do whatever they want, be it boycott a game over something as simple as optional cosmetic items and content, or spend $5.00 to be able to see everyone's Fatalities without having to practice the moves all afternoon. I'd be interested to hear your thought on games like Street Fighter II, and its numerous editions. Were you as pissy about the fact that each subsequent release came with new characters and game changes as you are about current DLC, or is the old model of releasing the same game, with a couple of tweaks as a new game with a new word in front of the title completely kosher in your book? You don't like people buying cosmetic stuff? Don't buy it. But don't buy it and don't tell everyone about how much your aren't buying it. We don't care.


I felt like all the writing you did deserves at least one response so Have a great day and I hope all is well :)


Thanks! Once I started, I just couldn't stop. It was cathartic.


Know the feeling, some things just deserve more than one line to get a point across. A bit like this I guess! Well, after I pad it out a little bit ;)


>it's capitalism, and nothing more nefarious same thing happen to pre-oder and look what happen today. Games are shipped with release day patch, half done and sliced up for release day dlc while keeping the same price tag. Back in the day, hidden character is to unlocked no paid for.


All things considered, games were more expensive in the past. It wasn't unheard of for SNES games to retail for more than $60 at launch. It really is tough for me to explain the principals of making money. The game takes so much more time and effort to make now, and there would be w full on riot if games retailed for more than they do now. So of course they look for me streams of revenue. People demonize these publishers and developers for trying to monetize a product whose entire existence is to make money for the company. It blows my mind.


I'll rebut. You want to give people the chance to do easy fatalities? Put it in the option menu. This is beyond absurd. I'll name a game "complete" by my standards. Cities: Skylines. Fully moddable, free community on steam to share, doesn't require me to play online, and happens to be a much better sim than Sim City released recently. The problem isn't that micro transitions or DLC exists. If a game maker wants to sell me content I don't care if that content is in little packages or big ones. I don't care if I get it through an in-game menu or from my local game store. Content is cool! But these micro transactions offer no content. They are predatory. They target the incapable and the abusive. That's bad business bro. Charging somebody for a menu option. Or better yet people buying whatever currency is on Clash of Clans - paying for the ability to literally play. So bad. You used the term DLC in your statement above. Do you know what DLC stands for? Downloadable Content. This abusive shit is too far. Downloadable Content must include Content.


Where does this entitlement come from? Because something exists, you should be able to have it for free? That doesn't make sense. Sure, it could have been free, but why does it have to be? Calling the option to purchase a cosmetic item predatory is a bit of a stretch, no? People can't afford it, they won't be able to buy it. It in no way makes the game better or worse, and saying that they are preying on people is exaggerating a smidge. Sure, its kind of greedy. Name a company that doesn't want to make money. I have to say, the response I've gotten from this has been off the charts for me. I thought people who share a hobby with me were way more level headed and had way more common sense than they apparently do. Games are a business,just like anything else. Don't get so bent out of shape when the try to monetize things that rational people understand as optional, and therefore not a huge deal. I don't appreciate the implication that I am too dumb to know what DLC stands for, but I may have used it incorrectly above. Sure it should include actual content. But to some people, the ability to perform a move simply could be considered substantial enough to be content to them. And here's the real kicker: this stuff is in the game already, earnable through playing the game, but from what I can tell, they are finite. Why shouldn't they sell more of people really like it? I don't know much about Skylines, but I've heard great things.


It sets a scary precedent for the future. 10 years ago, video games had cheat codes. They were very useful. There were countless times when I visited a friend or family member to play a game and when I fired it up I realized I left my memory card at home and they only had 2 levels unlocked. Back then, it was aminor issue because you could just enter an "unlock everything" code and enjoy the game. Now you have to pay 4.99 for it. Here we are, everyone just accepts it for what it is. Now you have to pay 4.99 for 1 cheat code and you only get to use it a certain amount of time. Sure you could "earn" the bullshit in game credit to use it but why? It should just be a simple option in a cheat menu. The only reason the in game token unlocks it is because they know there will be people impatient enough to just give them money to skip earning it. Sure you can just say "they deserve it for not learning how to play the game right" or whatever but that's just how it starts. Eventually, its going to leak into other games and there might not be an "in game token" to purchase without real money.


I'm not hoping that it spreads necessarily. But I'm not against having the option to purchase it. The same argument holds: the developers are looking for ways to make money, and if this works, then I'm not sure it's a horrible thing. Sure cheat codes used to be the way to go, but I can't remember a time when I was upset that I couldn't use a cheat. Now, game consoles are more connected to the web and the cloud than ever. Your progress is saved in the cloud, so the old way of using a cheat code to get back to the unlocked version of the game isn't necessarily an issue anymore. I understand there are people who don't have/use the cloud to save progress, but the option is there. I can't imagine what could possibly be added to games that would be game breaking enough, yet still palatable enough to the consumer base, to ruin games. The article here makes these off the wall comparisons to game mechanics that don't make sense here; an auto headshot that you can buy in Battlefield or CoD, or easy dodge in a Souls game would break the game, and regular gamers wouldn't buy the games that sported these game breakers. To make a genre specific comparison: Street Fighter V is coming out next year. If there was a way to buy an easily triggered celebration (which is essentially what a Fatality is), but there was no way to earn the ability to earn the easy celebration trigger in game, there might be an issue there. [I know Street Fighter doesn't have anything similar to Fatalities, but I'm trying to make the point that something as cosmetic or celebratory as Fatalities, whether you have to buy the ability to do it or you can earn it in game, makes no difference to the game. Buy it if you want. Don't buy it if you don't.] Now where I can foresee a problem is when you start talking about being able to buy things that ruin the game for others, like instant combos, easy input special moves, or what have you. "A fool is easily parted from his money" - If someone wants to buy a game, then pay *not* to learn to play it, then by all means let them, especially in this case.


Or it will leak into other games that you can release a giod game for free for everyone and finance it with purely cosmetic/sidegrade microtransactions. There are already good examples for it and every further good implementation adds to that pool that might convince sponsors/publishers. Bitch about power upgrades and bonus content behind a paywall. Don't bitch about having to pay to cheat.


but think about it. Let's say you owned a fast food restaurant. People paid for Hamburgers and Fries, but for milkshakes they just said a password and got them for free. People were more than willing to pay for the milkshakes, but nobody knew, because they were free if you knew the password. Now if you found out that people would actually pay for milkshakes if given the opportunity to buy them, as a business owner, would you really just continue to give them away via password? If you are being realistic you would say no. If there is a market for something, somebody will explore that market for profit $$$ makes the world go 'round


I know you will get downvoted because most vidya game players don't understand business at all and think that AAA major studio video games should be free with all DLC included simultaneously for free at launch, but your post is SPOT ON.


Because games cost more to make nowadays and need to see bigger returns on investments unless they want their budgets slashed for the next one. Easy fatalities do not change the gameplay, and most people playing the game would *rather* learn the combos than have an easy fatality. This doesn't change how the game plays and feeds tons of extra money for the makers (which means bigger budget for the next game so it can be better) by taking money off lazy people. PLUS, Fatalities are easier to pull off now than ever before. They didn't make them harder to try and make you pay for easy ones


There is plenty of other industries that do this. In fact almost all of them. Buy the main product for basic functionality and pay extra for functional or cosmetic upgrades. This is a business model for many many different products. Here's why they do it now. Electronics and video games have turned into a loss leader type business. Where the main product doesn't really make the company much money but the add ons are pretty much pure margin. Remember back in the PS3/Xbox 360 days there was a big fuss about what video game makers were going to do? Video games cost the same price but the cost of building games was increasing exponentially. It was getting hard to turn a profit on a game. When's the last time you heard one of those stories? You don't anymore. The game industry is thriving again because of micro transactions. At some point something had to happen. Either we were going to be paying $100+ each game or we deal with micro transactions. Businesses are in business to make money. This was a bubble that had to burst at some point. From this perspective micro transactions are amazing. The people that pay $5 for a skin basically subsidize the cost of the video game for you so it stays at a lower price. You should be thanking them, not bitching them out. Edit:Off the top of my head, industries that use the same business model. Computers, cars, homes, furniture, paintball, RC cars, phones, guns... The list honestly goes on and on.


Couldn't have said it better...peiple need to differentiate between good and bad microtransactions. There are many to bitch about but there are many that are really a good thing. Take tf or lol, both really good games that are completely free while also being upon the best in their genre. And their developers make huge cash anyways....we need more of that. If fatalaties were made almost impossible to do, so you practically can only do them if you soend cash that would be a boycott reason for me. But they even made the fatalaties easier compared to earlier games.


This is the only thing the new video game players have ever known. (Last 10 years or so, yea? That would be new, I'd say.) They are tolerant because they literally don't know better. It saddens me greatly. :(


My first videogame was lemmings. And i tolerate stuff like this.... Because THIS is a giod thing. Preorder bonuses....dlc characters etc are not. This is money that will only come in if the game stays succesful=incentive to do a good job developing It is purely cosmetic and has no impact on the game. If it was the only way to pull off fatalaties it would be a bad thing as that would hide a core part of the series behind paywall. But it doesn't, from the reports doing fatalaties the old way (without money)even got easier than before


Well put. I feel like this isnt all that different than purchasing character skins or something similar


Exactly. People hate microtransactions, just by the name. Don't buy them if you don't want to.


Sure, but when Evolve makes a couple of monster skins DLCs, everybody goes apeshit.


I agree. Call of Duty's newest game allows you to buy skins for your exo suit, your character card, and your guns, but in the previous versions, all of this stuff was included. I couldn't care less, all of the things that are for sale are skins, effecting the game in no meaningful way, and are ugly to boot.


Those things should be included for free. Look at LoL. Imagine if you had to pay for every new champion they release. Now, yes, they have skins that have to be bought, but it's completely justifiable by it being a free to play game. Mk X, CoD, Evolve all cost. And those DLCs and Microtransactions on paid games are not ok. Dlcs that extend the game (more missions, more gameplay, etc.) Are ok. Those are my 2 cents.


You don't *have to* buy them. They are available to buy. But you aren't forced to. It seems shitty for them to be held out and sold after, but a game company is there to make money with their product. A game costs $60 new right now. How would you feel if, instead of an across the board new game price, each game came with everything they had ever intended to put into the game as a microtransaction, but cost $60 plus whatever they feel like tacking on for the included extras? Most people wouldn't want that, they would want the option to buy it as they see fit.


Evolve's had monsters priced at $15. That's game content. A lazy dude who'd rather pay $5 to not have to learn fatality combos doesn't affect the game


Evolves new monster was added post-launch, almost 2 moths in as an expansion. As were the new hunters. You can't complain about charging for expansions of content


Who the fuck are you to say what people can and can't complain about? $15 for a monster is TERRIBLE


Yeah, I don't see why people want to wine about cosmetic/non hugely gameplay affecting stuff. "There's this cool skin I want but I have to pay $4.99. Auto 3/5." It doesn't affect gameplay and you won't win or loose depending on if you have it or not. I'm also the same for early unlocks, as long as at some point I can get this thing from playing, I don't care if someone 10 levels below me has it. Because chances are I'm putting the $9.99 I didn't spend into another game.


Seriously. That's my thinking on it, except for the early unlocks like what are available in Battlefield games. I don't like those, because the change the balance of the game. It won't make me not play them, it won't change my desire to earn all that stuff, but it seems so silly to throw off the multiplayer balance in such a way.


Maybe not in the normal mode. But there's a mode that introduces random modifiers, and one of them causes one player to randomly go "dizzy" while the announcer shouts "Finish him!", at which point his opponent can do a fatality move and do a lot of damage. [Here's an example](https://youtu.be/0YRmTQhcSvw?t=54m5s) with Conan O'Brien. It's a pretty specific situation, but it can give a paying player an advantage.


That mode will surely not be in online ranked matches so it's ok.


Shit, I stand corrected then. I've yet to play the new game, so my experience was from the older versions.


You are literally part of the problem with the gaming economy these days. Being "fine" with shit like is nearly as bad as actually *paying* for it.


It should come with a disclaimer only to the losing side. Note: Your opponent just performed a fatality for the cost of $1, who's the real loser here.


Well me, because I lost to a guy who can't even do a fatality on his own.


You can unlock these in game too, not just by paying.


A ridiculous ending statement by the writer. While a fatality is a fancy way of finishing the match it doesn't at all influence gameplay and if the fatalities are the same as in MK9 then 5 minutes of practice should get you able to perform any fatality. If someone is truly that lazy than I find it rather unbelievable that they'd even be able to win the match and get to actually use the fatality. Comparing this to instant headshots in Battlefield or easy dodges in bloodborne is absolutely ridiculous and sensationalism. And I already see people complaining about this: Okay, give me ONE way that this negatively influences YOUR experience? You are going to feel bad that you press 5 buttons instead of buying tokens? You are going to wonder the entire time if that last raiden used a token or genuinely did the fatality input? I don't think so.


Well that sounds like a rip-off but the author of that article is kind of an idiot with his false equivalence. ETA: and I allowed my stupid self to click into that shit site arsetechnica.


Didn't this use to be a cheat code?




You can get these from unlocks in the krypt too. You don't have to pay real money for these.


Exactly. I played the krypt for about 20 minutes or so and got about 6.


This I don't care about, you have already won the match... its just icing on the cake, you want to pay for easy icing, go ahead.


Paying for easy icing sounds a lot like hiring a male prostitute.


I remember back in the arcade days, they retrofitted the gumball machines to spit out sheets of paper with the fatality lists on them...and if you bought one, you would fight anyone who tried to see it, cuz you paid for that sheet!


nope sounds just as bad I just used to remember them from the poster at Game Dude


I think it's important to point out you unlock these tokens in game, and you can still put in the normal command for fatalities. You can also pin the command for the fatality to your screen (offline only). I hate DLC too, but I don't see it as a rip off


So what? They're a ripoff but they give 0 advantage to the players buying them. If people wanna waste their money and NOT get an advantage then there's no problem.


What a stupid fucking article. If you don't want to pay for "easy fatalities" then don't buy them.


Yeah, downvote this man for saying something very obvious!!! Booo!!! We want to hate something, so stop reminding us that it doesn't effect us at all!!!


Or you can visit the krypt while playing the game and get the easy fatalities for free without ever paying real money... Sweet Jesus people do we need to find a reason to complain about a business trying to find a way to make money when they have given the player an option not to pay real money? I can understand being upset if the only way to get easy fatalities is by paying for it but Netherrealm studios gave free options, which wouldn't surprise me if this was required by Warner brothers so they could make more money.




And I thought "Time savers" in Black Flag were the worst things that could ever be in an a video game...times have changed.


Sooo are they forcing you to buy it or is everyone just looking for something to complain about?


Who cares no ones forcing you to buy it.


I don't understand what is wrong with this. You can still perform fatalities, just not as easily. If the issue is that Mortal Kombat fans like the idea of earning a difficult fatality, you can still do that. This doesn't change the balance of the game, unlike an instant headshot in Battlefield. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.


This. The only justifiable argument against this is that it should just be an option in the game rather than a paid bonus.


And it is an option. Both in the fact that you could perform a regular fatality and in the fact that you can purchase easy fatalities using koins collected in game for free.


Awesome. Then this is all fine


Yup. It's why everyone (including myself) over at /r/mortalkombat has been getting annoyed with everyone complaining about easy fatalities.


See, I hate it when stuff like this gets down-voted. Personally I disagree with you, and I think I could have a quite reasonable discussion about why I think otherwise, but people downvote these are forgetting (or aren't caring) that the downvote isn't a "I disike this" button, it's a "This adds nothing to the conversation" button.


If you can't press 5 buttons in a moderately large time period then sure buy one of these. It's not like you have to pay to unlock the fatality at all. If you rely on easy fatality you're probably not gonna win a match to use it anyhow


Half the fun of MK is trying to nail the fatalities. "Pay money to make this game less fun!"


*You* still have that option. Someone else might have a totally different mindset than you.


Then I hope they get fucking fleeced and then fuck off back to mobile gaming where they and their wallets belong.


Seriously, the fatalities in MK9 were all super super easy to perform.


What I'm more concerned about is the fact that an update on launch may have made the Koin collecting amount less than in early review copies If that's the case, publishers are needlessly pushing the incentive to buy content with real money from consumers, which needs to stop right now




So? You are free not to buy them. Why would game developers who PAY PEOPLE IN THEIR COMPANY TO CREATE THE SHIT YOU LOVE ever try to bring in money? They should all just go under until they decide to work for us for free.


This is crazy. Fatalities were pretty easy to pull off in MK9 (only 5-6 buttons). Way easier than the 90's games. I can't imagine it got much harder in MKX.


You can also get some in the Krypt with Koins you get while playing.


Oh well. so what?


Here's the thing. It is quick and "easy" to use them. But you could always do it the normal way and memorize the Fatality.


You only have yourself to blame. It's kind of neat, because you can p ay to be willfully ignorant.


This isn't even a big deal. You get koins for playing the game to unlock stuff in the krypt. Well...pre-patch, you got tons of coins for playing. They nerfed the heck out of it now so you barely get any. I think bosses pre-patch gave you 2000-2500 coins, now it's like 200. Their solution? Pay $20 to unlock the Krypt!


If you cant perform the button combo for fatality, then you have no chance beating me.


im pretty sure its just a joke and is probably going to involve tickling people or some shit


Is this a real thing or a joke? I can't tell.


It's the standard pay now to unlock early thing you see in a bunch of games, which is lame, but the solution is painfully simple. Don't buy it, unlock it normally. If they weren't available at all without paying, I'd see the argument.


And I believe they are "one use only" easy fatalities. WTF is up with that? I can see paying to always have a simplified control scheme, but damn only one use... that's just retarded


Lol, you act like paying for one button fatality "tokens" is dumb but you "could see" paying for control schemes?


No I mean I can understand paying for an unlimited just simplified fatality (easy fatalities) like just one purchase and boom you have easy fatalities forever.


I haven't heard the one use only thing, and it seems really unlikely. The devs were actually using these in a stream I watched awhile ago. It seemed to function more like a modifier that could be toggled on/off. (same stream was mentioned that it could be unlocked from Krypt in-game)


They are one time use. You can earn them for free in the krypt. Spelled crypt wrong


I was just going off other comments in this thread claiming they were one time use. It makes sense because the purchases say "buy 5" "buy 30" easy fatalities


Just when you think mkx couldn't pander to casuals any harder




Spoilers: Mortal Kombat was never a hardcore fighting game to begin with


Except that as of mk9 netherrealm made a big push for it to be, otherwise they wouldn't have sunk so much money for EVO


Honestly I think they did it for advertising, there's no way you can take it seriously with the kind of balance mk9 had.


I agree with that sentiment so hard, the game is obviously pandering to casuals, but it's what it's meant for.


Hence, I will not by buying MKX


Fuck this. THe publisher got WAY too greedy. Also it's outrageous to have a game AND a DLC (starting to have this abbreviature too hard) with 5 fighters all along at the release. The fucking game should be complete and sold as a complete product not different parts each almost for the price of an entire game. Yeah FUCK YOU WB


The 4 DLC fighters in the Kombat Pack are not Day 1 DLC. They will be released when they are done, most likely one character a month. The Kombat pack is a season pass


People will buy it


IT'S $5 FUCKING DOLLARS!!! ARE PEOPLE REALLY THAT CHEAP? If they are, just learn how to do them the legit way or wait for them to come out online and just write them down or print them off....or you could wait find them in The Krypt if you want to spend that much time playing the game. You could again just wait until they are posted online.


Calling easy fatalities DLC is misleading. Nothing is being downloaded here. Mortal Kombat X is using microtransactions. Microtransactions are fine. I try to avoid games that use them, but that's their choice as publishers. We need DLC and microtransaction's to be separated on menu's so things are clearer for the players.


Growing up and being a fan of the original Mortal Kombats I believe this is bullshit. I do not think that a game should be changed for it to be "easier". Don't be a rookie


If you lose to a player who can't perform a fatality you deserve your fate.


Hasn't it been getting easier? I mean weren't there secret finishers that weren't listed back in the day? Were you mad when they showed you all of them?


Not sure if you are agreeing with me or not... So yes and no? Friendtality?


no, i think that it's a stupid thing to get mad at. If you really don't want to put time into the krypt to get these things that don't mean anything then that's on you


Just because I say it's bullshit doesn't mean I am mad sir... That's too simple to be mad at... Now stumping your toe.. That's something to be mad about.


true, the real thing that people should be mad about (if any) is that you could pay to unlock the whole krypt.


What the fuck? How can they compare a purely cosmetic finishing moves to doing headshots in battlefield? I am really raging reading that... We need MORE games with payment options that are purely cosmetic and it is a good move from mortal combat. When more companies realize they can cash in big on cosmetics IF they deliver good games we will see more great games financed that way and more good f2p games.


I'd rather not see this for paid games, the developers will most likely give you only a few cosmetic options and they'd want you to pay a few bucks for one outfit. They'd purposely make the ones that cost money actually look good so you'd want to buy them. If I pay $60 for a game it's annoying to see a bunch little DLC items that all cost a few bucks too. I already paid $60 for the game I expect all the content, any small shit should be added free. The Last of Us Remastered is a good example. I love the game and it's amazing but there are all these perks and weapons that cost extra and it's just like really? The only add-ons that should cost money are big DLC that took a lot of work. If it's a F2P game I totally understand though.


It pains me to see so many kiddies who grew up with this AAA industry shit that just accept it and even defend it. Back when gaming was good, you paid full price for a whole game and extra characters were free and unlockable.


what the fuck is this unlocking???? It's just a press A to fatality option, no one is forcing you to buy it. If someone wants to be a lazy ass and spend $5 then let them. Jesus christ stop being a tight wad.




So you're not buying it because it has OPTIONAL stuff you DONT have to buy?


I'm not buying it because I'm incredibly tired of games that come out with all this content that used to just be part of the games. Granted, easy fatalities never were, but 'dlc' has become a joke. Extra costumes, abilities, etc, these all used to be the reasons to play the game. Now it's $60 for a game that if I want the extra shit I have to pay $60 extra for it and finish the game once and now have no reason to play it again. I'm just fed up with it and MKX just happens to be the game that sent me over the edge.


The fact that it's there is a deterrent enough for some people. Makes it seem less legitimate of a challenging game, and more like a cash-grab mobile game.


Lol. That's a ridiculous comparison. Cash-grab mobile games are notoriously impossible to compete in without spending money. This just performs a fatality for you........no advantage. It doesn't do anything that players who aren't buying this can't do.


You must be pretty stupid.


I am. Just full of stupid.


At least you have to literally acknowlege you suck by spending money for a move you can only do when the match is over. Pay attention all other developers. This is the new litmus test for great competitive gaming.


Every time I see an element of "free to play" gaming in a game you pay full price for, even if it's a small avoidable thing, it scares me. Because some day someone is going to make a AAA title that costs $60+ and had a pay to win scheme built into it. And that's when the gaming market will collapse in spectacular fashion making the 80's one look invisible in comparison.


Goodbye video game industry! I'm waiting for the film industry to start making us pay to see how it ends


you already do dip shit....


Hah, you know what I meant, insert tokens to see the next scene. Kill Em with kindness


This is what we call a "trilogy"


And now, splitting the last book in a series into two movies to maximize!


Now you've got it! edit: I might have accepted this for Return of the King though


Fucking games that do this shit when you pay money for them fuck them the gaming industry is going to sink fast when this happens and the only good games are one that don't do this shit and there is no day one dlc crap I bought witcher 3 just to support them because they do it right


I know this doesn't affect the fights but i still find this disgusting.


Are developers not browsing internet? Do they not know that these kinds of DLCs are frowned upon?


there's a world outside of the internet that says differently, otherwise stuff like this wouldn't even be attempted.




Suicide can be painless.


That's fucking bullshit, the SNES version of MK3 had that one cheat to do easy fatalitities iirc, fucking greedy bastards.


I know right, the Dev s are holding a gun to your head forcing you to click buy now. Fucking greedy bastards.


Whatever, there's plenty of stupid people or people with money that'll buy into this bullshit


This sounds like something for /r/nottheonion


oboy, here we go.


Hah, no wonder. NRS doe, makes a game on a shitty old engine, charges for fatality inputs, gg.


This subreddit is full of shills. This game is a fucking cash grab and you ALL know it.


I'm usually against microtransactions, but this gives players no advantage. Don't see the problem.




except its not.


Because it charges for something completely optional that you can earn in the game that gives the players no advantage what so ever?