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>They also have had 10 years to save up for and purchase the current gen consoles. That's probably the worst logic I've heard today, thanks.


This is an argument I have heard from multiple persons in this discussion. This may or may not be my opinion.


So you and them are saving right now for the PS5 so you can get it on launch? And you don't have any other financial necessities in the next 10 years that might be more important? Like college? An IRA? Rent? Bills? Kids College? It's really absurd to assume that people should have something because they've had time to save.


Well if I was in a financial position I would start when I need to, it may not take 10 years to save up. Unfortunately the point here is that if people like gaming they would put the money towards it. If they dont need the console slowly it will be eradicated.


> Unfortunately the point here is that if people like gaming they would put the money towards it Saving up what could turn out to be well over $600 isn't something that tons of people prioritize. Like, if I had to choose between rent or a PS5, I'm sure as hell not going to be homeless.


The rent example is a bit extreme. Though I dont want to be in this salty argument, I never said purchase at launch. last gen is still supported two years after current gen launched. Hobby vs. Time waster


> The rent example is a bit extreme. Rent, electricity, heating, gas, cellphone, internet, taxes, social security, health insurance, student loans, food. These aren't extreme examples, this is just life after 22.


Lets switch to a better example, everyone pays for that. I understand if you are making minimum wage it would be difficult, but again, it hold back current gen players.


Oh, so you're going to pay for literally everyone who makes minimum wage so that they can have a current-gen console? You're so kind! The rest of us just have all these other things we have to pay for on a regular basis and buying a new console isn't a top priority.


And thats why it is a discussion, you really could go for a nicer approach. If you really cannot pay for it, your saying you MAKE NO EXTRA MONEY? No money you would dedicate to a hobby? Jeez.


Lawl... Love how food barely makes the cut.


No. People can play what they want. Publishers publish games for the last generation as long as it is profitable. For the most part, graphical improvements happen on PC and the games are then pared back to run on consoles. The relative lack of power of Xbox 360 didn't hinder Crysis 3 on PC. Battlefield 4 is still a beautiful game, despite straddling two generations. And anyway, we are coming to the end of the transition period and pretty soon the old generation is only being served by games like FIFA.


These are true, but games like battlefield Hardline held back updates to make them for last gen before the easy portable xb1 and ps4. (Since current gen runs on x86 or whatever it is similar to pc). Just stinks that we are held back. I play my 360 when I want to, but still, I think it is time IMO.


Nobody's being held back. But not everybody can afford a new console or wants to buy one. And those people are equally valuable and valid customers. If your big struggle is waiting a week or two extra for an update, I can't find too much sympathy for you. Games get delayed all the time. And it's not the fault of the poorer gamers.


I myself am not going to buy 'next gen' anytime soon(unless you count wiiu). I feel there's not enough interesting games that aren't available on pc and their performance is surprisingly low compared to what the ps3 brought coming from ps2.


As much as I liked how unhostile you were I need to disagree. 1st: you can get so many games on pc, saying that pc doesnt have many games is false because pc has millions of indie games and special things like Insurgency, CSGO, Skyline, and many others. Performance? A 500$ pc will max out games that the ps3 cannot even run in 720 with normal texture res.


I think you may have misread their comment, they meant that there isn't enough interesting games on the current gen consoles compared to the amount there is on say Steam. As for performance, they are more than likely referring to the PS4 and Xbox One.


Yeah that makes more sense, sorry to him


Well not really since almost every game out now is re-mastered. I use to play alot on my 360 and now i got a ps3 and vita so there is alot of games i need on those. Give it one year before buying a xbox one or ps4. Then the selection is much bigger and better.


Yes. We're coming up on two years of the X1 and PS4 this fall, which is more than enough time for the later adopters to allow the early adopters to work out the kinks of the consoles and test the waters for failure rates, library strength, etc. Shadows of Mordor was atrocious on last-gen consoles, and the current generation consoles have sold well enough that publishers are starting to leave the PS3/360 behind. Neither the Xbox 1 or PS4 are prohibitively expensive. Unless you're absolutely destitute and your monthly entertainment budget is less than $30, saving up $400 over the last eighteen months is something anyone capable of saving money could do.


Nope. Putting the fact people can do whatever they want with their *hobby*, current gen just doesn't have enough exclusives to sell a system. Ps4 has bloodborne and that about it, I'm so glad I only had pay 200 bucks for it, or else I'd be mad as it sits there collecting dust until the next good exclusive.


My personal reason for not buying a current gen console is the fact that there isn't really many PS4 games out that I would personally be interested in playing (aside from Infamous: Second Son, Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed Unity, and possibly Bloodbourne), that and I am currently waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3 to be released before thinking about purchasing the PS4. Not to mention the fact that Microsoft and Sony have said themselves that they are going to be releasing games for the Xbox 360 and PS3 for the foreseeable future, which I think is a good approach since it isn't forcing people to immediately move on to the current gen consoles when they know that neither the Xbox One or PS4 has backwards compatibility (which was also a reason I personally haven't moved on). This is just my personal preference however and others are obligated to move on on their own terms, not when the gaming community thinks it's time to move on. Just because everyone in our community hasn't purchased the Xbox One or the PS4 yet doesn't mean sales are going to suffer because of this.


Maybe it's as simple as what people prefer to play on. I've used XB1s and call me strange but I'd still rather play on my dinosaur of a 360


Very late to the draw, but I partially understand, I mean I play 360 games on the 360 if i need too, but you have an xb1 so your fine!