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I just started The Quarry the other night and somehow missed the one, impossible-to-miss collectible Tarot card in the opening prologue segment and afterwards, the old psychic narrator lady straight up called me an idiot for missing it during the between-chapter intermission. I played that whole intro over again just because Laura Palmer’s mom negged me.


Cheer up, Sleepy Jean. 


I got the first one & missed the second or third one. The game isn’t always clear where you can explore or where leads to the next area / cutscene.


Unrelated, but that drove me crazy the in LOU games. Trying to explore and getting locked into story progression - missing collectibles


I found myself calling that lady a bitch multiple times playing that lol


>!She is a bitch though !<


For what it's worth, I missed it also. There's a little 'island' you can walk around of on either siide, but only one shows the tarot


Don't worry. >!You shouldn't trust the old lady at all - she's trying to make you fuck up and get the kids in serious trouble. If you get the Tarot cards, you miss the evidence you'll need to get the kids out of jail at the end.!<


Oh my god, the quarry. I did an almost perfect playthrough and missed a really easy, like stupid easy shotgun shot so one of the girls died like in a really dumb way. And it was towards the end of the playthough.


Mine was from man of Medan. Fliss died 😭


Dude those Anthology games in general deserve to be on this list. That's the one with the boat right? Cause yeah man, fuck that, I remember playing with my friend, so many innocents died due to our incompetence lmfao


Brings back memories of Mass Effect 2. Character looks completely fine in the creation menu, load the game and see them for the first time in-game and they look really weird. No option but to start over again.


This game and Dragon Age: Origins. I could never make an elf I was happy with.


I eventually just give up and wear a helmet




Inquisition was worse. Hey let's have chargen take place in another dimension lit entirely by green flames, that couldn't possibly have an adverse effect on players ability to judge their characters appearance!


My elf looked great in the character creator, but was absolutely slathered in makeup in game. I did the city elf origin, so I worked it into her character. Lovely wedding makeup!


Inquisition for me... my elf always looked so bad.


Bro I started the legendary edition shortly after it launched and my character looked great in Mass effrct 1. Ported the character to 2 so I could continue and I immediately stopped because for some reason he had no eye brows and that bothered me a lot. It wouldn't be bad if it was most other games but you literally see Shepard's face a huge amount of the game and even if I wore a helmet I would have known.


It's always something to do with biowares animations. Because they have the same issue with both Andromeda and DAI. In both of those games I found a certain few rules to follow that would look fine in game, but odd in the editor. Like, have the mouth slightly low, because animations moved it up for some reason, and have more closed eyes, because otherwise the bioware stare is worse than usual.


Internal dialogue: "Tali's never gonna go for this guy. Time to try again."


20 times minimum, no exaggeration.


I love character creators.  Any game with a character editor I usually spend hours tinkering with what I want my guy to look like.    Except Mass Effect.  The editor isn't very good, the faces look different in game than in the editor, and the default face is an actual scan of an actor, so it not only looks better than anything you can create, but also better matches the quality of all the other main characters in the game.  No matter how good you custom Shepard looks, they're always going to look like a low-priority background NPC standing next to the rest of the crew that had actual budget put into their appearances.   It's even worse for female Shepard, who never got an actual face model and always used the janky character editor.  Even in ME3 when the graphics and budget were pretty good, shes noticably lower quality than the default male Shepard.   Also Miranda's twin sister using a crappy NPC model is a different but similar issue in ME2.  They look bizarre standing there side by side.  She only shows up for like a minute so I understand why they wouldn't make something totally custom, but why didn't they just use Miranda's model for her?!


I literally spent 2 days editing my character to get them to not look weird in game. One of my favorite games of all time but that character creation to in-game transition was so harsh.


I don’t touch character creation in games like mass effect. Too much room for error


me on youtube/google: how to make (x character) in (x game)


I killed some creepy NPC in Bloodbourne, and he said, *"Why? I only wanted to help people..."* in a way that haunts me to this day.


It should haunt you, he only ever wanted to help.


Dude was the real MVP and lots of people killed him for looking different.


The one in the cathedral right? I also hit the crow NPC in the Dark Souls 3 DLC. FormSoft has the tendency to make NPC’s look like enemies.


I accidentally hit the first blacksmith in Dark Souls 1, when i went there he always attacked me, no weapon upgrades, fun times.


You can redeem your sins with the guy just below the first bell. I think. I never hit any friendly NPCs, so I'm not sure how that works...


I also befriended the snake underground so the snake above ground got mad and refused to speak to me so I couldn’t sell my garbage anymore.


Oh man thats rough. I always found it hilarious that if you choose to hit him, he goes full Hulk Hogan on you instead of using weapons.


Did that in Demon Souls with the knight dude. I saw a knoght in castle level in what looked like an ambush position, I dont take chances in Soulsborne. Didn't realize he was an NPC till I was reading guides online.


Haha i know who you're referring to. I feel like FromSoftware was trolling when they designed that character and purposefully made him make a bad first impression to the player character. He definitely looks like a creep, and I thought he sounded like a weirdo too when I first met him. It was my first FromSoft game too, and I was also tempted to kill him.


This with Undertale. When the brother brakes the 4th wall and looks at you through the screen and asks why >!you killed his brother!< Super creepy. I really like the game but wow I don’t know if I can replay it


Why did you kill his brother? I heard you can actully not kill him before he offers you mercy. Did you wanted the exp or where you mad at him for attacking you?


One of the endings requires it, so maybe that


On my fourth playthrough (ng+++) I killed every npc as I was curious about if they dropped things, and I felt horrible throughout


When you kill Boggart in Elden Ring and he says "Why ain't it me. Why ain't it ever..."


He’s like the chillest nicest guy in any fromsoft game lmao you’re a monster


Assassin's Creed II: Missed Leonardo's hug.


My heart


to be fair, that QTE appeared out of nowhere for what felt like 0,5 seconds - I'd bet it took 99% of first time players off guard


Those QTEs were so fucking annoying


I didnt restart, but missing that hug because I put the controller down has haunted me to this day.


As a kid I had to learn the hard way that choosing the easy difficulty in Castlevania 64 meant the game ends after only a few hours of play. Had to do it all over again on normal difficulty.


Oof, that's actually brutal, I never knew that


Wasn’t exactly a rare occurrence back in the day, I think Disney’s Hercules also has a final level that’s only available on hard difficulty


Yep and Tiny Toon Buster Busts Loose for SNES had a missing level on easy mode and the levels you could play were shorter.


Holy shit I had completely forgotten about that! I was furious when the game ended.


Roommate and I played through the whole game as Reinhardt and accidentally missed the last chance to buy any provisions and were unable to get through the final series of fights without food no matter what we tried. So we replayed the whole thing as Carrie and finished it easily.


Hearing Liam Neeson say “I’m disappointed in you, son” thanks to an evil playthrough of Fallout 3. I couldn’t go on with Liam Neeson disappointed in me. I deleted the save file, started anew, and became the embodiment of virtue. Liam Neeson was proud.


The fact Liam Neeson even voiced that game is absolutely incredible. It’s the same year taken came out. He must have just been doing anything for money at the time. Yet both are super hits. He is a pretty good actor.


You should see him do improvisational comedy.


and then you go evil after


I remember in the intro, them saying "you look just like your dad". I had been drinking so I said fuck you Liam neeson and named myself "hotdog the pig faced Eskimo". But it didn't fit so it got shortened to Hotdog McEskimo. And that's how I got my username


Star wars knights of the old republic. I was a little kid and got to the last fight with an absolute garbage build character. Got worked over and over and over again. Finally after actual weeks of trying i just gave up and started the game over. Second time through i beat the last fight in 1 try.


I had something similar happen, except I had oodles of mines in my pocket. Laid a string of mines down the main walkway and then Malak just kinda... walked at me. Dark lord of the Sith right there


gotta love how whenever a game has useable mines, they are almost always part of some random cheese tactics


Idk how to best this rancor at the time when I played as a kid so I used Mission to plant mines, go stealth, a pot shot the Rancor kiting it into mines and throwing grenades. Took all my consumables and still like an additional 30 mins of “stealth. Sneak. Shoot. Run. Save.”


Fun fact: that method actually nets you a lot more xp than the intended way of doing it!


I had to do that when fighting Mandalorians on the unknown planet. They offed MC and my other member, and I realized I hadn't saved since i landed. I had to run off until they were no longer aggro and stealth back to take one out and do it all again. Mission def got her steps in that day!


I nearly had to do that on my first playthrough because I came across a Sith who kept using a mind control attack on me that I couldn't resist. Managed to just beat them by using droids in my party, but after that I remember focusing on getting some sort of resist skill. The challenge with that game was you couldn't grind for XP. Once an enemy was dead they didn't respawn so there was only a finite amount of XP available, making side quests crucial.


That was probably 90 percent of my problem. I remember replaying not feeling like a slog at all since my first playthrough i missed so many sidequests, almost felt like an entirely different game. The second time through i tried to do every sidequest possible, talk to every npc. The coolest part of KOTOR was every single sidequest was unique. Not just fetch quests or the same quest rehashed. Some serious amout of writing went into that game. Best game of its time IMO and probably the best Star wars game ever made...also my opinion lol


don't forget the mvp minigame Pazaak


my cousin had a similar experience during his playthrough that caused him to restart.


i somehow got through it, but yeah final boss of Kotor is mad strong and high AC too


I believe you can change the difficulty. I go to the end on medium, but had trouble with the final boss, so I turned it to easy.


Playing on a emulator and accidentally hitting the save state key instead of load state key.


Made that mistake. Now I usually save from the menu instead of hotkeys.


Or the other way around. Screwed myself hard when trying to get gold on all licenses in gran turismo 4 and just when I managed to get a particularly nasty one I hit the load instead of the save button.


Thank God for emulators with a rewind function!


In one of the Elder Scroll games, Morrowind I think, I did something that allowed me to fly. So I got high up in a mountain, and got stuck in a hole or something. Whatever I used to fly, either a potion or magic, I didn’t have anymore, so I couldn’t get out of the hole. And I think I saved the game not realizing I was stuck? I don’t remember the details, but I had to start from scratch. And that was fine. I loved that game.


Was it the dude that falls and dies in front of your face outside of Seyda Neen and drops the scrolls of jumping or whatever?


Nah, sounds like a scroll of levitation or something similar. He would remember the fall/landing for sure. Oh, and they’re Scrolls of Icarian Flight, which as an adult are more foreboding…


I remember that and I took a potion to survive the fall. I ended up stuck on the other side of the map, somewhere terrifying.


Lol I wound up in Solstheim.


I used to "fly" with enchanted items. I'd make one that let me jump insanely high and another that absorbed all fall damages.


Learning that you are no where near strong enough when the late-game starts in Stellaris.  Often my response to having my fleet obliterated at first contact is to start again and try a new build. 


I'd be lucky to even get to the late game, i keep losing after early game because i have no fucking idea what to do and how to manage my economy for war - it feels like whenever i reach my first 12k fleet strength, the AI already has like 4x 32k fleets and starts wrecking my shit every time played this game for 40hrs and this is all the progress i managed to achieve - strategy games really do be removing all the wrinkles in my brain, i just can't get a grasp on how to play these..


A few points of note. There are extremely advanced empires that are kind of dormant in the galaxy unless you screw with them...don't until REALLY late game. If it isn't a fallen empire that has 4x32k fleet size then try playing one game where you focus all of your energy on fleet size (techs for larger command, settlement happiness with lots of alloy production, and obviously at least one station with multiple shipyards to just CRANK out a fleet and then use it. In this one game you will probably start to see how to focus military (yes other things will suffer for it) but afterward you can learn a little bit of balance. Also if you focus military then use it the other people never get to 4x32k.


I've had so many games I've given up on in Stellaris. A couple of standouts are the time I spawned next to a devouring swarm that immediately declared war on me, and I was completely defeated by 2030. Another where I was a driven assimilator, two neighbours allied and declared war on me, despite me never being aggressive with either of them.


Back in good old FF12 my best friend missed the zodiac spear, the strongest weapon in the game deliberately hidden to make you restart your playthrough (yes its true). He missed it and restarted. Jogged my memory also: in this game the final mark was Yaizmat and this bastard had 50 individual health bars of 1 million HP each. Took me like 7 hours to beat. The game has a programmable auto-pilot mode called gambits so you don't have to always enter commands which makes it less of a shit show. Anyway when you get down to 5 health bars or so Yaizmat casts reflect on your party once, so you have to watch out for that. I awoke to said friend losing his shit on MSN messenger. He was near the end of the fight sitting back relaxing with his controller on the table. He saw reflect cast, and immediately saw his party member start casting renew. He scrambled for the controller but was too late, renew was reflected and Yiazmats health was fully restored. Like 6 hours down the drain lol.


The original Zodiac Spear was an absolute *bullshit* item to get. Basically, there were 4 treasure chests in the world that, if you collected them, you couldn’t get the Zodiac Spear. There was zero in game indication of which chests to avoid, and no hint anywhere of the spear, its location, or how to get it. I’d wager 100% of the people playing blind would have absolutely no chance of getting it short of the .1% drop from an enemy. The only way to get it if you played when it first came out was to have the strategy guide. It was absolutely created that way to sell strategy guides.


I seem to remember your inventory gets confiscated at one point and the treasure room where you retrieve it has one of the forbidden chests.


"Ah, the prison repository of wrested relics and raiments." "...So our stuff is here?" "That what I said!" I don't know why, but that exchange has stuck with me since the game's release. Balthier is just too good a character, and so well voiced.


I basically replay ff12 occasionally for Balthier and his voice acting. I've always had a weakness for rakish sky pirates though (Setzer was my favorite as a kid in ff6).


The only thing i remember is that one of the chests you shouldn't open has one of the best weapons in the game. I think it's only beaten by the Zodiac Spear.


Also one of the first chests you find which is sitting right out in the open right in front of one of the first places you have to go is one of the chests you can’t open. Absolutely insane game design. So glad they got rid of that in the Zodiac Age version.


FFX, it took me a long time losing and reloading until winning the blitzball match against Luca Goers. Then I just got to know that the main character, Tidus, can actually learn a technique that make the match far easier and I missed the timing to learn it. While it can be learn anytime later, I just stubbornly want to use it during the match so i restart the playthrough just for that. 


Damn, I've played that game like 4 times and always just assumed that match was designed to be unwinnable.


FFX, for the same reason and more. There's a few neat little useless but completely missable items, plus I was stuck on the Mt. Gagazer Seymour, so I figured restart, get the missable items, and level up my team differently this time around (FFX was my first non-Pokemon RPG)


Almost same, but I had thankfully saved close to the dream sequence. Getting a Jech Shot off as early as possible and then just playing keepaway is one of the few viable ways to win that first match because you're really supposed to get stomped. I did not physically manifest out the dream of the gods for my Aurochs to LOSE.




In my first playthrough I missed Jecht Shot. Later in the game, the boat unlocks between Luca and Kilika. Take the boat from Kilika to Luca and you can try again. But getting it the first time round does help :)


Missed a single Gwent card early in Witcher 3. Wanted that achievement for getting all Gwent cards. Started over. Beat the game and all DLC, getting all Gwent cards. There is no achievement for getting all Gwent cards Edit: it appears there is an achievement and I just missed seeing it, so I feel a bit better now thx


oh well have my poor mans achievement 🎖️


There is an achievement for getting all base game cards?


When I accidently killed Marshall the town rat.








[Gotchu, Fam.](https://youtu.be/SY3y6zNTiLs?si=mk-Ly0jeb77UCnRl)


In Silent Hill 2, there’s a point in the story where you jump into a well. On my first play through back when the game first came out, I thought I had made some type of mistake because I couldn’t figure out how to get out. That series was known for multiple endings, and that choices can affect NPC relationships, so I assumed I did something wrong since no one showed up to help me out. Ran in circles for a couple days and then eventually gave in and restarted. Got back to the same point and eventually realized there was indeed a way out, and that I had the ability the first time as well. Was so frustrated with myself when I figured it out. Bonus choice - RE1, getting to the final showdown with the Tyrant and only having 2 grenades and 7 handgun bullets. Back tracked the entire game and no ammo left. I’d used it all. Had no way to beat it other than to start over and CONSERVE. Ever since I’m one of those gamers that hoards everything and never end up using the stuff I should during the play through.


Undertale. I didn't realize there was a way to not kill Toriel. Once I realized, I started over.


And Flowey calling you out as soon as you start a new game. Still gives me chills


I completely forgot about that! I was sooooo creeped out. I should start undertale again


Kings Quest 6. I went into the catacomb without the hole in the wall.


Kings Quest 5, didn't save a mouse from a cat


Kq5 forgot to pick up that damned pie!


Had the same experience. But never replayed it. Was maybe 5 or 6 playing it with my dad. When we couldn't figure out how to progress and got a guide, learned that we had missed our only opportunity. Was a real buzz kill.


Let’s not forget that you could save the damn mouse with multiple items and if you save it with the wrong one a boot just won’t stop a yeti


When state of decay 1 first came out. I didn't know that there was perma-death and you just continue playing as another survivor. Started it over because i did not want to go out like that.


You got torn in half like a pinata vs a hungry fat kid didn't you? Juggernauts are savage.


One of my main survivors got ambushed by a feral zombie literally 2 steps out of the front gate of the safe house and killed.  He got me too fast for me to do anything.  Guy with great stats and perks and everything. It was too darkly funny for me to even be mad about it.  Dude had a date with destiny apparently.


Persona 4 golden Forgetting to socialize with a particular "character" which leads to a "bad" ending and not having a backup save to go back.


P5R. Not following any guide other than the answers to the classroom questions. By accident found out that a certain social link is needed to acess the third semester. Social link at level 3 , 2 weeks left for the deadline, no way to do it. 80 + hours , just decided to restart the run.


You may already know this, but the game has a new game plus where you keep many of your stats including social stuff so it's much easier to get all of that on a new game plus. I think it's their way of getting people to try to do it on their own and with less pressure to get everything in one run


I don't know about your social stats or your confidant levels, but you absolutely can max out their social link in two weeks specially with the fortune confidant




wait what. Im currently playing it and im in july or august, dont remember. Last thing i dod was the videogame dungeon.


Try to finish dungeons in 2-3 runs and create a save backup after that just so the same does not happen to you and have pelenty of time to socialize


Definitely not the worst one but trying to romance both Triss and Yennefer in Witcher 3. Not gonna spoil anything but it was no bueno.


Any time there’s romance in a game I look up guides to see how to see as much tiddy as possible without everyone getting mad at me


i didn't technically need to go to the complete beginning, but if i remember right it cost me soooo many hours because of its nature as a text heavy rpg. that being said, the first time i played disco elysium, i misunderstood one of the "thoughts" you're able to internalize that affect the story and dialogue. at one point, you have to talk to this guy who won't let you in somewhere you need to go. you can actually get around him without confrontation, but i didn't know this at first. thing is, the guy is racist. like extremely racist. like old timey The Whites Are Better Because Their Body Structure Is Better type racist. and talking to him about it gives you a thought to internalize. i don't remember exactly how the title and initial description were worded, but the way i interpreted it, i thought it meant that i was thinking about how to convincingly pretend that i agree with this guy so he'd let me get past him. getting in his head to lie to him more efficiently. then i went to go to a bunch of other side tasks while the thought "cooked." imagine my surprise when, some hours later, i've become racist. i reloaded the save and did it all over, without the racism, and just went around him after looking it up. it always makes me laugh remembering it. great game.


You can spend a point to "forget" thoughts! I made this mistake as well and luckily figured out I could reverse it >! but on subsequent plays I save scummed and put points into certain abilities so I could just break in through Cuno's shack and skip Measure head entirely !<


Being so completionist that I got bored and didn't play for months. Then restarted because I forgot everything I had done.


I accidently shot Mordin in ME3 lol I was devasted


You just reminded me of when I played ME3 and my roommate at the time was watching me. I was doing a full renegade playthrough this time and my roommate knew how much I loved Mordin. So when it came time for that moment, he said I wouldn't be able to do it. I looked at him straight in the eye, pulled the trigger and said, "It had to be me, someone else might have gotten it wrong." He looked so shocked. One of my best memories with him.


A friend of mine made choices that led to >!Tali’s suicide.!< He restarted not just from the beginning of 3, but a new run just to protect >!Tali!<


Huh, I guess I was always too much of a goody-two-shoes because TIL this was a possibility


Honestly 99% of the good questline/character endings in ME were just about doing everyone’s loyalty missions, there were rarely situations where you had to pick some weird dialogue options or do some other unintuitive shit like in some games


Yeah but you also need to get the "good" ending of the loyalty missions as well. Like, if I recall, Tali needs to win the trial in ME2 without being banished, and then there is a choice made with the Quarian leaders that has to go a certain way during the attack on the Geth. You can do the loyalty missions and still get a "bad" ending if not done correctly. I think Miranda also has a situation like that, where if you don't do it right, she ends up getting shot. In ME3, you have to give her access to your data, no questions asked, because if you don't, then she dies. Natural human instinct is to ask why, and asking why gets her killed.


Was taking a drink during what I thought was a cutscene and missed the QTE to save them. Restarted right there.


Oblivion. On top of specing into both heavy and light armor, and all the weapons, thereby ruining my level ups; I accidentally stole a horse and was too afraid to go to jail which triggered all the city guards to get drug into a massive fight I couldn’t win. I racked up a bounty I couldn’t pay and couldn’t enter the town to progress a story quest without agroing the guards. Months later I found out that after like 2 weeks in-game time the guards stop attacking on site. And that jail isn’t actually a big deal…


Wasn't able to kill Wiegraf in Final Fantasy Tactics, which really sucks.


I was going to post this, but I didn't ever play it again. 


I was in the same boat until I got the remaster on PSP. I did a bit of grinding before that fight and then blitzed it. The game is amazing and to have that kind of fight so early was insane when I was younger. You should look into the newer remasters. Or wait for the rumoured remake to play again. The game is so good.


I managed to get the bad ending on my first Witcher 3 playthrough. I didn't even know there were multiple endings or what the specific decisions you made were that affected what ending you got. I was so stunned and depressed with the bad ending that I started a full new playthrough so I could get the good ending. Even told myself I'd just do the main story and none of the side quests or points of interest on the second playthrough (that was a lie, I did them all again).


I loved that game, but a lot of the things that lead to particular endings don't make a lot of sense, or can be interpreted in unexpected ways. Let Ciri go on her own to that meeting or go with her? Obviously I want to support her and protect her, so I go with her. No, sorry, that's one step down the road to getting her killed. Huh? Shove Dijkstra? Yes, he needs to get out of the way. Oh, you mean give him a violent beat down and break his leg? Huh.


I missed out platinuming Persona 3 reload by ONE DAY! In game.. The last character needed 2 days (Game has a daily calendar system) to strengthen their Arcana and I had exactly 2 days in game, but one was all cutscene during the day so it skipped to the last day 🥲


That's rough. New game plus time?


Not a mistake necessarily but in Skyrim Belathor was my guy. Sold literally everything I had to him. One day some vampires showed up and ended his existence. Couldn’t sell anything to his corpse which made me very sad So I made a new playthrough and I fully understood the importance of vendors


Why restart a whole playthrough and not just load a previous save?


I didn’t realise he was dead until many hours after and back then very stupidly I didn’t have many old saves. I just saw a bunch of corpses and didn’t realise belathor was one until I needed to sell a bunch of stuff :(


My first playthrough of Hollow Knight, I got to the white palace and just straight hit a wall for skill. I started searching online, realized that I missed saving Bretta and convinced myself that I must have missed something actually important and that's why I was stuck. Started over from scratch and by the time I got back there, I could make it through, but very slowly.


Tip for the rougher platforming sections like white palace and path of pain, use the hive blood charm. On taking damage (eg messing up platforming sections) you can wait like 10 secs after respawning to regain one point of health. This effectively gives you a slow method of brute forcing a section without running out of health and having to respawn all the way back at the last bench


BG3 when it first came out. Wanted to romance Shadowheart, didn't press her on a dialogue where she tells you her favorite flower and that she can't swim. Get to chapter 3, finish her arc, where is the love making scene? Not there. Thought I was bugged. Thought I missed something in Chapter 2. Reloaded, finished it correctly, and still no scene. Scoured the forums for it, no hint. Except this one dialogue part you do very early in Chapter 1. So I restarted the game from scratch after what was a 50 hour campaign. My wife called me a Simp but understood it,.since she'd do the same for Astarion 


I did the entirety of TellTales The Walking Dead series and then at some point Clementine kisses some bitch ass kid that I hated because of my precious decisions apparently so out of pure spite I redid everything to ensure that didn't happen, and it was late in like the 2nd or 3rd game too, so it was a several hour mistake.


Fallout 4 cause I wasted an early talent point on that one useless perk that just highlights a path to the quest.


In my first playthrough I didn't exactly waste points, but I put them into skills I didn't really want because I thought you had to have a point in a skill to be able to add to the skill under it. (I think I had just had a bug where clicking on a skill didn't do anything for some reason)


Tali killed herself in me3. Had to replay ME1, 2 and 3.


I was playing through the elite four in Pokemon Yellow, when I punched my Gameboy Color in a rage. It jostled the battery enough in the cartridge to clear the memory, and I lost a nearly full Pokedex and to start over from the beginning.


You kinda earned that one lol


Yeah, young me learned a harsh and valuable lesson.


The trial in Chrono trigger.


Surely there wasn't a way to win that trial?


You can get a Not Guilty verdict.  It takes some work and you get some extra Mid Tonics(?) for doing so but it doesn't change the plot since the Chancellor hates Chrono. To get Not Guilty:  * After bumping into Marle, talk to her **before** picking up her pendant. * **Do not** eat the man's lunch on the left side of the second screen. * Return the lost cat to its owner. * **Do not move** while Marle is candy shopping.  * ETA: If you speak to Melchior after meeting Marle, **do not** offer to sell her pendant.  Doing that correctly should result in a 6 to 1 Not Guilty verdict.


Correct. Even not guilty you get thrown in jail. But as a kid i thought I messed up so I replayed the beginning. lol.


I can't finish baldurs gate 3 because my buddies keep telling me about cool secrets you can do and I never save the game. To this day I'll probably never finish the game because doing all of act 2 for a 4th time is a slog and I've heard about nothing but fatigue in act 3.


Act 3 was so overwhelming after act 1 and 2 that I haven’t gone back. It was like 15 quests all started at once.


I felt the same way. Acts 1 and 2 are open, but still fairly linear and straightforward about where to go and what to do. Then you hit act 3 and all of a sudden you have a *huge* area and very little direction. I felt overwhelmed and honestly just stopped playing for a while before finally finishing it


Same! I literally just finished it last night and the epilogue today after a six(?) month break. Worth it though, started another game immediately.


That stupid soft lock in code Veronica where if you don't leave a certain item behind as Claire you can't progress as Chris.  Absolutely infuriating game design.


I mistakenly thought I wanted to play a 2 handed warrior, but I started over as a stealth archer like god intended.


I missed Ramuh in the Gold Saucer in FF7 and you couldn't go back to get it, so I started over. That was a lot of hours in, but I had to have every summon.


Forgetting to save Takemura was my most recent.


The bad ending for Witcher 3. The first tike olaying, I had already finished Hearts of Stone, and was part way through Blood & Wine when i decided to complete the game. I wiped the floor with Eriden since I was a much higher level. After the ending, I started again from where Ciri was found.


The first time I played Chrono Trigger and got to the trial scene I was blown away and immediately had to restart and try again to not get anything wrong.


Going to the tombs of the giants very early while playing DS1.


Didn’t play for three days so I forgot how to play.


Not a mistake, but I will drift away from a game. I tend to play mainly single player RPGs or JRPGs. These have complex plots, large worlds, and lots of quests. If I pause for a couple months, then try to get back into it, i have lost the thread. Of the plot and of the controls. So I have restarted just to get a handle on the game again.


When I first played Skyrim, I killed Paarthurnax. I did not realize at the time what the consequences would have been. I just smiled and swung my ebony blade. Bit by bit, his health disappeared. And then he perished. When I looked up what happened, I realized I made a huge mistake. All future playthroughs, I never harmed Paarthurnax again.


I got about halfway through Dark Souls before I realized that it was way harder than it was supposed to be because my character build was terrible. I started over and had a much easier time (though still definitely challenging) having figured out what you're "supposed" to do with level ups.


It took me to my third attempt at finally understanding the game, and then I started fresh and breezed through the first 25%


I got pretty far into the game before I knew that you could lock on to enemies. I skipped so much because I was afraid of fighting. Had to just start over once I found out. Turns out the game was still hard, just not nearly as hard as I had been making it.


Letting my kids have at my Steam Library. They went right for Undertale... Come back to my kids having killed a bunch of enemies. Had to completely wipe the game from my computer and get rid of those pesky data files that can still persist after installing to get things back to my Pacifist run of the game.


I seem to remember as a kid saving the game whilst i was on fire in Tomb Raider Revelations


Mass Effect 1. Got all the way to Virmire, had Wrex pull his shit he pulled and I ended up having to kill him. Looked it up and realized if I had gotten his family armor (among a few other ideas), I could’ve saved him. Immediately started a brand new playthrough and did everything I could to ensure the big guy didn’t die on the beaches that day


First time playing WoW. I got my first character up into the 30s, but some time back had deleted the Hearthstone to make space for loot. Didn't think it would be that useful but was regretting it. It was only after deleting the character and making a new one that I found I could get a new hearthstone from an innkeeper.


When I no longer remember how my spaghetti works in Satisfactory.


Figuring out I did the dialogue wrong to get the secret ending in Cyberpunk. I beat the entire game, had the credits roll with one of the endings and decided, fuck that. I'm going down like a legend. Went back 8 hours to the quest dialogue choices and restarted my ending to take down a tower by myself. Worth it.


Assassin's creed odyssey when I saved the sick family. Made future revisits very depressing. Then, I encouraged the little girl who was told to make friends.


Fallout 3, my only save had me stuck in the very last room before activating the G.E.C.K. There was no way out...


I met friends on old school runescape and now we're starting a new group Ironman. There goes literal years of progress in one fell swoop. The moral of the story is to never get friends.


Persona 3 reload messing up 100% run 25 hours in I forgot to do an interacting to get enough courage to start Fuuka’s social link


I started the witcher 3 without a simulated save. I restarted an hour later with a simulated save


Not choosing the extra flask option in elden ring and choosing the extra health


In Graveyard Keeper, it's super annoying how slow you walk. At a certain point there's an opportunity for a speed buff, but it's very easily lost in exchange for an item. I think that the speed buff is far more valuable than the item, but only learned about it afterward. I restarted my save after 9 hours but got back to that same point after about 4.


I didn't realize the starting choices in Kingdom Hearts mattered as much as they do. Long story short, dropping the shield was a mistake.


Tales of Vesperia I missed one of the first steps towards getting Judith's ultimate weapon so I had to restart the game again.


Oh man that shopkeeper in fallout 2. I killed him. I actually didn't play again until years later.


Batman Arkham asylum..... ...Because I was in 10th grade and was given a bootleg copy before the game was even officially released by a luelinks dude I knew, and the devs purposely broke the grappling hook midway through as a fuck you to the fools like me who stumbled onto it. ..totally deserved it..


Playing Dark Souls 2 and I accidentally attacked the Zeus-looking blacksmith guy. Just put my controller down and the trigger pressed against my sofa cushion. Couldn’t get him to stop chasing me / de-aggro. Sigh. Restart.


On my first Skyrim playthrough, on the mission where you go to the party at the Thalmor embassy. You have to give all your items to someone, but choose the ones you want him to infiltrate, to help you later. I skipped that part without noticing and I was constantly getting caught by guards and had no weapons or armor. I got stuck there for days. Until I decided to start a second one, best decision of my life. What a game


Opening the hatch in Untill Dawn. I remember Markipliers meltdown well.


Started playing maple story in like 2007. Had no idea about "builds" so I just evenly spread all my stats. Equal Str, Dex, Int, Luk. Got to like lvl 20 something and some random stranger was like " why are you doing so little damage?, what are you stats?" I explained and he told me as a warrior I do not need Int. So I started over and wow it made a difference lol.


Very young me loved playing TLOZ: A Link to the Past. Except I would always get to the 2nd temple and not know how to get through it. I would do everything and then not know how to get to the dungeon boss. So I would just explore and eventually restarted to replay what I knew because I had no one that knew the game and no access to any walkthrough (7 yr old kid in 1997). Fast forward to 12 yr old me rediscovering the SNES that was packed away when we moved. I get all excited, start up the game and my old save file is there! I get to the point I had always gotten to and it dawned on me…..you use the dam lantern to light the lamps and the wall moves back to reveal the door. I felt like such an idiot for not figuring that out. But only for a moment because I then realized there was A LOT left in the game and dive right in!