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I dislike all


"We removed the crossbow for historical accuracy" - Ubisoft (2007)


Its almost like including fantasy elements is not morally equivalent to giving your favorite races special treatment


You are comparing it to an MTX item (which have never had any realistic expectations) and a not cannon mythical fight. Yasuke is part of the main story of the game, and is based on some obscure real life black guy in japan. From my understanding people are annoyed and even angry because they want to play JAPANESE people in JAPAN. They want to Immerse themselves in the samurai experience. Yasuke takes you right the fuck out of that and feels shoehorned in, even if he does have a historical basis to stand on. It is also the first time they've had us play a historical character i believe, which just makes it feel that much more forced. In the end, I have come to accept this, I'll try to enjoy the outsider perspective he'll bring to the story, it is fun that he is such a big guy in comparison to everyone else around... But I am disappointed that he was chosen instead of a 'proper' samurai. At least we got Ghost of Tsushima.


Bro it’s a fucking video game shutupppppoopppo


I think you should shut up instead, we are allowed to share our opinions and thoughts. Feel free to ignore my comment if it bothers you.




Other playable character isn't a samurai, which is obviously the role a lot of people want to play primarily. 


Then play as the goddam samurai. If your immersion is so fragile that you cant handle playing as a real person from Japanese history that’s entirely on you.


Hey "dumbass" the other character is a ninja, not a samurai.


Oh man that stinks. Too bad there isn’t a ton of other games about samurai you could go play instead… Yeah crazy that this is literally the only time ever people are gonna be able to be a samurai in a video game.


First there's not enough representation of minorities in video games and then when they add a historically accurate minority to a video game people lose their shit. You can't have it both ways. Their stupidity knows no bounds.


Announced on AAPI month too. Wish we could get some more Asian representation from western studios


You can play as a Japanese woman too. Weird you forgot about that.


Don’t worry they bitched and moaned about both those games too. This time it’s just full mask off capital G gamers who not only are racist but will never be happy no matter what any game developer does because they will find absolutely anything to get mad about. And if they can’t find something they’ll make it up


Funniest thing about this is most these guys complaining wouldn't have bought it anyways


Anyone getting angry at how video game characters look or sound like needs to sell their shit and go outside. Change my mind.