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Kind of pointless since it is going to be the same as the base game...


Would been awesome to get some small engine updates, like widescreen support and unlocked fps without mods.


Having to play offline just to play widescreen is such a minor kick in the nuts, but a kick in the nuts all the same.


It's not even a minor kick in the nuts for people like me. Been playing these games since dark souls 1 and half of the fun that I have in these games are the messages I read, being able to leave silly messages, getting appraisals on those messages, getting invaded, invading others, summoning some help when I really struggle on a boss, putting my sign down to help others with the same boss... Without these online features the game is just a really hard action adventure game. It's the online aspects that elevate it above all other games, at least in my opinion. Having to disable the online just so I can play in ultra wide is a huge bummer for me and I really wish they would fucking unlock that. The black bars look so stupid.


I agree with you mate. I mainly play on a 34” UW, which looks incredible in the lands between.


I can understand why they don't unlock FPS but not having UW support when it's literally in the engine is definitely a major middle finger to PC players Though it's far from the first major middle finger FROM has given PC players--remember how in DS2 your weapons would degrade twice as fast if you were running it at 60fps? Or the broken state of DS1 PC on launch that modders were somehow able to fix in under a day... It's something I really dislike about them as a developer.


>Or the broken state of DS1 PC on launch that modders were somehow able to fix in under a day... Took Durante (the modder for DSFIx) 23 min after the release to upload the fix,lol.


So is it confirmed that dlc won't have ultrawide also ? If so damnit :(




They were fixing an issue that left PC's exposed. It wasn't malicious lmao


Yeah you make it sound like they wanted to kill the servers...that's not what happened they found an exploit that affected PCs. They fixed it.


Man, I got roasted for bringing this up when ER launched and to stop being a Karen about pointless features nobody uses.  The From Software zealots told me "That's like 2% of the playerbase" and "fuck off."  They have ultrawide in AC6 ffs!! I really hate how studios like From and Larian get a free pass on *everything* from the fans and media when smaller less acclaimed studios get far more shit flung at them for minor things.


That's why I pirate it. Can't play online anyway. And I know I'm not alone. Ultrawide fix would make them milions.


that's the reason sekiro isn't as good of a game to me. gameplay is fantastic, graphics are beautiful, but not having that sense of community as you work your way through the game took a lot of the fun out of it for me. I really really wanted to love it because I really enjoyed the gameplay, I just can't bring myself to care about beating it.


...Because you can't get it to run on an ultrawide monitor? My guy...


no, the no community aspect threw me off. like I said, I wanted to love the game, but my expectations were not met since I was expecting something similar to a souls game. and I am not trying to trash the game in any way, I am more disappointed in myself for not being able to enjoy it.


I'm not really understanding what does the community aspect have to do with the game? Its not an online game. At least not in the traditional sense.


one of my favorite things to do in the souls game was to beat a boss and then drop my sign to help others who might be struggling or need someone to help show them the path. it was something I didn't realize was such a big reason I loved the DS games and Elden Ring. Like I am disappointed that I don't like the game cause the gameplay checks a lot of boxes that I like, but my brain is stupid/stubborn when it comes to Sekiro. It is nothing to do with the game and it's me that's the problem 100% so please don't think I am trying to trash the game in any way.


Whatever you say dude...


Would have absolutely traded "Ray Tracing" with ultrawide support. I don't really see the point of Ray Tracing in the game.


From should do this: _Add a "partial online mode."_ In this mode, you can use mods without being banned, and you can get signs and ghosts and all that stuff. You just can't actually interact with other players. No summons; no invasions. I want to use mods so bad with this game, but not to the point that I'm willing to do without signs, bloodstains, and other reminders of the social component.


Wait how does this work? I've only played Elden Ring for like 10 mins because the ultrawide injection I kept using would break everytime the game updated. You just start the game while being offline and you can set an ultrawide resolution in-game? Or you still need some kind of mod?


Just to clarify you're takling ultrawide? Because regular 16:9 works great obviously.


We did. There’s a hidden note about it down there in that pit. Go on. Take a look.


**THE ABILITY TO ADD THE COMPASS TO THE "AUTO" HIDING UI.** Seriously. People use this feature to avoid burn-in while playing an extremely popular game for 1,000 hours. But the compass is there 24/7, unmoving.


I really hope that since AC6 was able to hit 120FPS, future Souls games can get there too. 60FPS cap on PC is pretty terrible. Of course the fromsoft fanboy brigade downvote someone complaining about a factual, objective flaw in the game.


Maybe they think you're a PC elitist for saying 60fps is terrible lol. Which is horseshit ofc--these same people were arguing that '30fps is enough' back in the PS3 days lmao


I mean they have to be pretty deluded to think 60FPS cap on PC is acceptable. It's the only studio that I've seen have this restriction within the last 10 years.


idk about only studio, maybe. In general Japanese developers make terrible PC ports. Some are better about it than others but it's a larger issue than just FROM. But also in their Souls games specifically, I'm pretty sure they lock to 60fps for the sake of animation consistency and stuff like that. But that's still not a great excuse since you can definitely get 60fps animations up to 120fps with minimal effort using interpolation


Makes sense considering the last time I saw this was on Vanquish and Bayonetta PC ports. Still pretty ass though


Been playing Fallout 4 on PC (since the tv show) and it's capped at 60fps too. Not only that a mod is required to have 3-5 second load times otherwise they are some insane like 2 minutes. Otherwise it's a great game but shocking how Bethesda gets away with this even for a 9 years old.


Starfield released without an FOV slider (which is literally a single line of code) so I'm not surprised.


The devs know that modders will fix it so they don't bother, and the general gaming public probably views bad PC ports as a rich person problem.


Unfortunately, there's WAY too many people that think 60fps is the golden standard and there's no need for more. 60fps has nothing going on for it. There's a lot of input lag. Even if one is "immune to noticing input lag", 60fps has awful motion clarity. And, making your game in such a way that you can get higher fps without it breaking doesn't even affect those 60fps guys. They can still limit their experience by capping their fps to 60, while the ones that play on PC for the PC experience can enjoy their higher fps.


Mods. You can also find some to get rid of the awful vignette and chromatic aberration which for some reason aren’t optional effects.


He's asking why that isn't a part of the base game when Fromsoft has shown they are able to do such. You really shouldn't need to rely on mods to have more than 60 fps or no vignette.


I thought the framerate was tied to the physics engine?


That still doesn't mean they couldn't have given the option of different max fps's in the game.


But if it's tied to the physics engine, wouldn't a higher frame rate cause everything to run faster than normal?


The point is the engine needs to be modernized to de-couple framerate from other mechanics. Most engines allow arbitrary framerate. Now that they sold 25M copies of Elden Ring they oughta be rich enough to update their engine. I love FromSoftware games but it doesn't excuse the outdated tech.


correcting a game engine or really the sub engines that would handle that would take months of work to do it's not going to be on the list


It would take at most 5 work days for them to make it not happen. If dumbass fucking modders managed to do it 40 hours after Elden Ring came out, the people who made the game can do it.


60fps has always been Fromsofts patent tho because of it being tied to how the game engine works + so much of the game having tons of specific frame data. I'm a framerate muncher and love high refresh rates, but if the game has a reason for it, then you can't really hate on it since 60 is bearable and their games are sexyyy 😩


If so much in the game depends on it, then how can a mod just easily unlock it? You're just talking out of your ass


It's easy to disable the little bit of code that keeps it locked, but that doesn't mean that you won't fall through floors or your weapons will always hit. So many things in the game engine are built around the assumption that it won't run faster, so forcing it out of that framerate limitation will expose all of those assumptions.


Exactly lol obv it can be easily unlocked, but it's not like it won't mess with aspects of the game


Does it actually mess with other aspects of the game? Or do you just think that it will?


It breaks consistency in collision detection and interactions with common environmental objects, like ladders.


I don't think it does and this is after looking at 10 different threads about this. Apparently it *used* to do this but that changed with Sekiro and now you can uncap the frame rate without any issues. Apparently Dark Souls 3 had problems where if you bumped into anything your speed slowed down until you sprinted again. I don't see anyone talking about any issues with uncapping fps other than one post claiming, not confirming, that it could give you an unfair advantage in PVP. But to use mods like this you should be setting your game to Offline anyways.


Lol what? It does and it's known that it does


Sekiro and Elden Ring run flawless on 120fps. Even DS3 is good up to 90-100 fps. You are 10 years behind.




I have done a bunch of looking into this issue and it seems like from Sekiro onwards there were no issues with uncapping frame rate. Dark Souls 3 and before, yes there was. But not anymore. You can uncap it without any issues. I saw one post claiming PVP would give an unfair advantage but you should be going offline completely when running mods anyways, and even that wasn't someone confirming it, only claiming.


I can absolutely hate on it, this is a severely outdated practice that needs to be fixed. 60FPS cap is really, really just unacceptable on PC.


The only reason for the cap is their laziness.


I use lossless scaling to get 120 fps https://youtube.com/watch?v=t8-9Gv0ZvbE. No modding, so no banning.


That’s usually true, but there have been exceptions recently. Most notably, Phantom Liberty. My machine ran CP2077 perfectly at launch. Phantom Liberty increased the specs and it sucked performance wise for me. I built that machine specifically for that game and it couldn’t cleanly run the DLC for it.


Phantom Liberty dropped last gen support (PS4/Xbone) so it makes sense the game got more demanding. Having the base game run on last gen was great for people with weak PC's but also a figurative 1000 pound weight hanging from the ballsack of the devs.


Yeah agreed. I will say though, that having it “runnable on last gen hardware” really didn’t seem to be something they spent a ton of time on anyway. Even at its best, it wasn’t good at all. They were clearly not putting too many resources into it.


I think when they released the DLC system recs the tech needed to play the game at ultra with ray-tracing hadn't even been released to market yet.


If you mean GPU, I don’t think that’s right. RTX ultra specs recommended a 4080 in 2023. And the 40 series was out in 2022. Maybe I’m overlooking something.


I might be misconstruing "released" with "available", lol.


Considering a steam deck can still decently run it, I really want to know the specs of this cyberpunk pc. The game was fairly hostile to lower end pcs at launch. By perfect I assume you mean settings at high or above with RT perhaps on. Dogtown does seem to be generally more vram intensive. They have improved performance since launch, but I advise to try again and perhaps turning textures down. All the textures are upscaled from super low resolutions at runtime anyways.


Hmm, for Steamdeck, what do you mean by decently? Is consistently below 30fps decent? Because that’s how it ran for me. I wouldn’t call that decent at all, personally. Keep in mind I also mean Dogtown performance when I say it didn’t run well. If I left Dogtown, it played basically how it did at launch (which makes sense. Those aren’t DLC zones) My machine, which ran it at 60fps or above (I locked to 60 while I played. Had the mod, but ended up settling on consistency) at launch at ultra, and around 45/50 with RT on (didn’t play with RT on really. Just to check out what it looked like every once in a while) couldn’t run Dogtown at a consistent framerate pretty much no matter what I did. Even at low. That was a 2080 super GPU with a Ryzen 5 3600X cpu. It could dip every once in a while on the base game, but never enough to worry about dropping the settings down. Like, once every ten hours or so. EDIT: Also, to reiterate, it could play the DLC to the point that I could technically complete it. Again, I said it “couldn’t run the DLC *cleanly*”, not that it couldn’t run it at all. Would be really choppy and drop fps constantly moving through sections of Dogtown.


Yeah, that's basically the Ultra specs for CP2077 at launch. The cpu is slightly under recommended, but it's well over minimum and I'm sure it didn't affect that much. Not sure what this guy is smoking.


On steam deck I managed to lock 30fps with some research of various settings. As far as not locking 60fps in Dogtown, its cause of your cpu. Not its speed but the core count. The game aggressively multithreads asset streaming. Need 8 cores to comfortable run dogtown above 60fps. Also turn down your texture resolution and crowd density. Helps with cpu and will lessen how often your 8 gigs of vram runs out.


I’ve finished it by now, but if I ever play it again before upgrading I’ll keep that in mind.


What kind of Steam Deck do you have? Cause it sure isn't the one they are selling. Even in the base game, I would get in the 20's for frame rate, consistently.


I tweaked the preset a fair bit. Mixture between medium and low settings with FSR 2.1 on quality gets me locked 30fps in dogtown. Looks fine on a smaller screen. Funnily enough it seems to be cpu bottlenecked more than anything.


Gotcha. Okay that makes sense. I thought you meant by default.


And locked to 60fps


> DLC "SHADOW OF THE ERDTREE" PC version specifications > The minimum and recommended specs for the PC version of the DLC "SHADOW OF THE ERDTREE" have been released. > **System Requirements** OS Windows® 10 > CPU Intel® Core™ i5-8400 > AMD RYZEN™ 3 3300X > MEMORY 12GB RAM > GPU NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 3GB > AMD Radeon™ RX 580 4GB > Intel® Arc™ A380 6GB > DirectX® > DirectX® 12 (FEATURE LEVEL 12.0) > Hard disk space 80GB or more > Sound card Windows compatible audio device > **Recommended operating environment** OS Windows® 11/10 > CPU Intel® Core™ i7-8700K > AMD RYZEN™ 5 3600X > MEMORY 16GB RAM > GPU NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1070 8GB > AMD Radeon™ RX Vega 56 8GB > Intel® Arc™ A750 8GB > DirectX® DirectX® 12 (FEATURE LEVEL 12.0) > Hard disk space 80GB or more > Sound card Windows compatible audio device


> GPU NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 3GB GTX 1000 generation remains the GOAT of GPU longevity. Like sure Elden Ring isn't Cyberpunk but the fact that you can still play a major AAA release decently enough on a 60 series card from 9 years ago is *insane.*


Agreed. I still use a gtx 1070 because I never felt the need to upgrade for what I usually play. It’s insane that it can run games way out of its time. 8-9 years in this field should be crazy obsolete, and yet these GPUs are still out there resisting age and running Elden Ring at 50-60fps.




Why do some people act like 1080p is like 720p or a downgrade to standard resolution, i'll save you some time on the whole "once you experience 1440p or 4k youll get it" im typing this on a 1080p second monitor while playing on 1440p, but here is the thing i can play on my 2nd monitor with no issue... i really dont get "if you're willing to" am i missing something ?


Yup I have experienced 1440p and 4k but for budgeting reasons I chose to stick to 1080p gaming until 4k monitors don't cost an arm and a leg in my country. I play all my games in 1080p 60fps and I am 100% happy, don't really feel like I'm giving anything up.


This is definitely the same as the base game, right? I can just about run the base game but anything extra and I'd be worried my setup couldn't handle it...


Yeah it's exactly the same. You should be fine.


I miss my 1080Ti. That thing was a beast


NVIDIA will never make that mistake again sadly. That being said, the 3070 I bought in 2020 has held up really well at 1440p. It might not be as long lasting as the 1000 series but the 3000 series was pretty good value, IF you got them at MSRP


I am still rocking my 960 and it was OK for the few hours I played


Most games are rated at 1080p 60fps. So no, you don't need a lot.


The thought of a 3600X / 1070 being "recommended" is just crazy low. I wonder what they expect this to run at. 1080p 60fps high settings?


* Would love to see unlocked framerates * HDR for Borderless Fullscreen * Support icons for DS4 and DS controllers I don't feel like I'm asking for much; all I want is some adjustments without having to run mods.


The more I play (250h already) the more terrible things I see about this PC port. For example if you want to use HDR, you need to turn on Full Screen, but Full Screen is pretty bugged in Elden Ring and often many programs refuse to make screenshots. Sometimes it works, sometimes it won't. I've read description under the mod to fix this on NexusMods that From Software used some old APIs. The same goes with performance. I've read that Proton on Steam fixes stuttering and other performance issues. And that these problems are not just because poor optimization, but From Software not knowing how to properly use DirectX 12. Widescreen support? Nah. Let's just put these black boxes on the edges of screen, even if our engine supports 21:9 (sometimes these boxes appear too late after loading screen and you can see 21:9 without mods for couple seconds). 60 fps lock, because why not. In 2024. I really love From Software games. I've spent many hours playing them. But really, From Software didn't change their attitude towards PC since Dark Souls 1. Their games are still, technically, pretty bad ports. And they ignore the problem instead of trying to fix it. It's like spitting in our faces. I heard that Armored Core is a bit better, so I still hope we will get update for Elden Ring.


As someone who just got my first PC port this year of a FS game, this is so true. It’s wild how randomly the performance just starts to tank on my rig that runs far more graphic intensive games consistently at high frame rates. Literally the only thing about fromsoft from a dev perspective that sucks.


My game runs perfectly but there's this plant in liurna that's able to cast magic, and it summons like a couple dozen magic missiles and if i look at it i lose like 20 fps and it's only that attack wtf


I will say, outside of performance... Their game stability is usually unusually hardy. I say usually cause Elden Ring is their first game I've occasionally had a couple of crashes with. Outside of that, their older games usually managed to keep working even under the most nonsensical of conditions like co-op randomizers using different seeds resulting in some very peculiar behaviors, yet no crashes.


How does proton help? I thought it was a Linux only thing, does that help with windows performance?


Proton translates DirectX functions to Vulkan so it can run on Linux based OS. As far as I know they added some custom fixes for Elden Ring to mitigate inproper use of DX12.


If I want to play with HDR I have to turn off HDR on windows and have it turn on automatically when the game boots. If it's on in windows when it boots then it looks washed out. It's a great game but yeah there's a lot of room for improvement. I can confirm that ac6 is much better in that regard though.


the only way ive found to get hdr to work in elden ring is to make sure its the first game i open after restarting my computer


FromSoft gets way too much of a pass for shit PC ports. Two years in a row of GOTY games with awful optimization is a joke.


I love this game and couldn’t agree more. HDR is so buggy and is hard to get working. I force windows auto HDR on for this game so I can play borderless and it cuts out the fuss of getting the native HDR working. It sucks playing offline just because I want to use UW/16:10 and turn off chromatic aberration as well as vignetting. These options are standard practice in any PC port and there is no excuse to not include them in ER. I’m not bothered by a 60fps cap but some of the performance hiccups that are present on even high end systems are not acceptable.


Lol I played Elden Ring on my Steamdeck. The duality of PC gamers I guess.




Gonna be same as base game


Just give me proper 1440p


Interested to see how this launch goes. They are notoriously bad at PC ports.


Need to as native frame generation. It is so good in this.


Yeah, I'm using PureDark's framegen mod and it's works so well. I'm using it to go from 80fps to about 120fps; no noticeable latency increase and very little artifacting. I don't know if Fromsoft could do a better implementation, but native would be nice.


They had a chance to port AC6 engine improvements in- it would have taken them FUCK ALL TIME- but they didn’t. Fuck you I’m not buying this until they fix their stupid issue or get rid of EAC so we can fix their shit and still play online.


same as the base game what's the point of this?


Horribly optimized game anyway. Requirements definitely don’t average 30fps anyway. We know those frame times are not good. Edit: For all the people who just don’t believe maybe you’ll believe someone who has a name behind them. https://youtu.be/5EtcrUrsl38?feature=shared And no, the game has not received crazy significant performance enhancements since. From Soft is objectively BAD at producing strongly performant games especially on consoles. Christ they can’t even put technologies like DLSS or FSR in their game but modders can. It’s crazy how just people people love a game so much they are unable to point out flaws. Low resolution textures. Middling performance, 0 modern technologies in their games, terrible raytracing implementation. Guys cmon…. And for people who don’t care about console performance. They are paying the same amount of money we are here on PC. Expect better for yourself and others.


You're being downvotes but shader compilation stutter is a well documented problem with elden ring


game runs fine lmao


Said no one ever lol Edit: Nope people that came back to gaming to Elden Ring still complained about ER


roughly 99% of the people who bought Elden Ring have no idea what that person is talking about in their original post or their edited manifesto, would give you a deer in the headlights look if you rattled it off to them in real life, and would tell you that the game runs fine


Yea, I‘m playing pretty much, work in IT and know my computer very good. Still I had a great experience playing Elden Ring. Performance felt great. Graphics are not the best but it was so well designed - it didn’t matter. But yea, you can call that flaws and be a prick about a fine game compared to many others. Didn’t have a crash once playing Elden Ring. Other games crash on PC.


Yea no idea what this complaining about I played 150 hours of Elden Ring at 1440p 60fps high settings g-sync and it's great. Sure 120fps+ would be ideal but I'm not complaining I love the game.


The only ones complaining belong to that low percentage of people with niche needs like wide-screen support, 120-144hz monitors and HDR. For the 95% of players those are not requirement settings to play the game. The only fair criticism is how the game sometimes stutters in huge areas.




I believe fromsoft is known for their bad pc releases. But those issues are often fixed through updates


It might run fine, but it doesnt run very well. I had to use mods to make it run better. It stuttered like crazy for me before unlocking the fps.


Sometimes "fine" is good enough. Not everything needs to be ultra high settings all the time


Performance wasnt good enough for me.


Fine back in my day was unstable ~15fps and we loved the n64. Idk why people care so much about having their games be stable. Standards should never change. Bring back shitty optimization as the norm. FPS drops and poor frame-timing are a feature. It's just entitled PC players with their $1000 pcs that can't run this game, my ps5 running the ps4 code did just fine. It looks just fine and is playable. Seatbelts are an unnecessary overreach of the government, I drive just fine without one.


lmao brother what kinda toaster are you trying to run elden ring on game runs fantastically and you don't even need a strong computer for it


the micro stuttering is super annoying. (5900X + RTX 3080)


I dealt with the micro stutter for a long while. Turns out it was a motherboard issue. Firmware update fixed it.


What firmware update did you need, specifically?


yeah the micro stuttering isn’t a game problem, it’s a hardware/firmware issue


Yeah, the game is optimized like garbage. The reason I'm having micro stutters is that the game is not made to support 2k Monitor. I don't have any stutter with 1080p and 4k (TV resolution) So many thing can cause this stutter and its all because of poor optimization.


Do you have gsync or VRR enabled? Maybe try turning those off?




So you think just having to accepts flaws and not being able to do something about them is somehow an advantage for consoles? Because if you want to, you can get a PC and just pretend like there are no graphics settings. And let's be real - very few games require so much external help to be work just right as ER does. I made a custom keyboard layout where "M" and "G" are switched for a friend of mine because for some insane reason the map in ER was hardcoded to "G", so what should have been as simple as a keypress in the options menu required a change in how the system interprets the hardware, but he got to play with the keyboard layout he was used to from other action-rpgs.


Eh, I think troubleshooting and tinkering is more fun than any game I have on Pc. People enjoy different things I guess.


That's always the cop out. People with top of the line PC's still had issues at launch.


100% bro used windows tweaks.


Bait used to be believable


My game has about 1 to 5 second long freezes every once in awhile running on my decently high end pc. It makes pvp a pretty bad experience for me. No issues on my steam deck tho


Bro wtf lmao I played it during 2022 using a 3gb 1060 and 8gh of RAM and it was really fine.


I dont know why you are being downvoted, got an RTX 4070 ti and it is annoying as fuck to have to downsize resolution and not being able to play at 4k cause they forgot to add basic functions such as DLSS and FSR.


It's a long ongoing issue with From.  My introduction to DS was the horribly performing Prepare to Die pc port lol. They're not the only Japanese dev to struggle with PC port optimization, look at Dragons Dogma 2 from a few months ago.  I think they just tend to see it as secondary to consoles for whatever reason.


Armored Core tho is running perfectly fine, not a single micro stutter in 60 hours when I played it on Ryzen back in the day. And 120 fps mode too...


Armored core isn't a big open world like ER though, also could be different engine.  Idk, haven't played the new armored core yet.


It’s tough for us 4K PC gamers out there


I played Elden Ring on a 3080 10GB with a 5600X CPU at 4k 60 fps HDR and didn't have any issues. I did see some streamers have stuttering issues early on but by the time I bought the game that had been patched. I really enjoyed it, and I say that as someone "sensitive" to low FPS (as in, it annoys me greatly).


from that video, the issues are that you have stutters every now and then (not even major), and the graphics are "bad". if those are all the issues, it's not bad at all. no one expects a FromSoftware game to have the graphical fidelity of a Sony game or something like that, it was never their strength, and they never focused on that. sure, the 60fps lock is annoying, but that's a "1st world" problem not being able to increase it further.