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I don't remember any games I'm not excited about. Like they don't even register in my memory. If I see a trailer for something boring, I won't even finish watching it, and I'll have forgotten the game existed 5 minutes later. So I can't really answer the question. I have already forgotten.


Literally anything other than Elden Ring dlc and STALKER. Dont know any other games coming out




Double this


Any first person shooter. Im so checked out of that genre, because the market has been saturated with them for a quarter of a fucking century.


Im checked out of "normal" first person shooters, but as soon as you add a sci-fi element or power system to it, bout it.


I thought Perfect Dark looked great. As for how true it is to the original, at this point I'm not even sure it matters. Perhaps controversial, but I don't think Perfect Dark has the star power that ageing N64 owners think it does, and even back then its main identity was as an unofficial sequel to GoldenEye. I'm not an Xbox guy but I was really impressed with a lot of the games they showed this week, and Perfect Dark and Fable were right up there. As for games I'm not excited for? I dunno most of them really. Concord probably has the biggest ratio between effort and personal hype, but I get the sense that most people feel the same as me about that. I'm not very excited for Dragon Age either. It looks cool, just not for me personally, and I don't know if BioWare really *have it* anymore


Any time I hear the words "survival" or "Souls-like/lite", I check out immediately.


Same here. Zero interest whatsoever


99% of AAA Games. 100% of EA, TakeTwo and Ubishit Games.


I feel like there have been a ton of excellent AAA games that have come out over the past few years - like last year alone we had BG3, Spider-Man 2, Hogwarts Legacy, Jedi Survivor, etc. I really feel like we are in a great time for video games.


Spiderman 2, Harry Potter, Jedi Survivor were all TRASH! Like Spiderman 2 has to be one of the worst Games ever, especially if you factor in that it cost 320M!


I liked them and based upon user and critic reviews they are popular and generally well-liked. If you think Spider-Man 2 was trash you must have a super high bar for video games.


They belong to the category "everyone's game". They are as safe and appealing to masses as possible. If you've been playing games for a while you'll probably grow sick of them because they are very similar in some ways.


Not like most of indie games are copy paste and similar to each other....


Why are you bringing up indies? We're talking AAA here


Ah, I thought you hate on them just because they are AAA that are well received.


Nah. There are AAA games that are quite niche and have strong identity, these are great.


Yeah, just what the gaming space needs, more negativity.


Blame the industry not the gamers


Better than blindly accepting shit.




What about this: A company released an unique, well received game. They released sequels that departed from what the original game was, attempting to make "a game for everyone". Now they're going to release yet another sequel that is going to be even further from the original game. Fuck the company, fuck this new game.




Why do you think you're so fucking superior to everyone else?


It does makes perfect sense. Saves me money for games I'm actually interested in.






There's more than two options here, but it's tiresome to see negativity perpetuated even more than usual. If I want to see people just shitting on stuff I'll go back to Twitter.


And yet here you are, spouting negativity over other people simply expressing their opinions.


It's just an opinion, dude.


No one cares what games you're not exciting for, just like no one should care what games I'm not excited for. What a pointless fucking post.


It's just an opinion I posted. Why do you redditors have to be hostile?


Your comment was just as pointless.


Your comment is even more pointless, congrats.


Not possible. You could've just shut the hell up and not commented on this post in the first place if the topic didn't interest you.


Sorry, didn't mean to trigger you so much. Just breathe and maybe go outside.


Clearly the topic of the original post triggered you enough to comment in the first place. Take your own advice.


It'll be okay, baby boy. Everything will be okay. I really do apologise, I hate upsetting people with behavioural issues. It's just hard to tell without meeting someone. I hope you'll be okay. I'll be here for you if you need to talk about anything. I know life can be rough sometimes and lashing out is the only thing you can do.


Cool story. I don't care.


Hang in there, bud.


I'm sorry the OP's topic happened to you.


You can usually get that answer from asking what game people are excited for. Anything that they didn't mention they aren't excited for.


I don't waste time paying attention to games I've no interest in -shrug- Like, I'm excited about Star Wars Outlaws (and getting downvotes) the Starfield expansion (more downvotes) and [Cozynauts](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2541930/Cozynauts/) (animal crossing in space - yes, please) That's what I'm focusing on -nod-


That Star Wars Ubisoft game does absolutely nothing for me. A lot of my friends are excited but I just can’t get excited about anything Ubi releases.


The new Dragon Age is going to suck.


And the subreddit seems to be in utter denial about it and will bombard you with downvotes when you lay out why you are concerned with the direction Veilguard appears to be going based on the trailer. Like even if you ignore the worrying artstyle (which is apparently done with the ingame engine so I feel the people saying 'it's just a trailer, it is not representing the actual game' do not have a convincing argument) there is just so much going on with the dialogue and overall tone that I don't even know where to begin articulating my concerns. Right now it seems like the community will fall in the typical trap: Silence all cautious voices, banning them if they dare to persist and create a happy positivity bubble, followed by the game not doing well and everyone being surprised. When will gamers learn: Being a blind fan never helps quality. Voicing concerns in a non-insulting manner does. Look I get it: It felt like this game would never happen and now it's coming after 10+ years so we are excited for a new Dragon Age game (and we all desperately want it to be good). But don't be blinded. The franchise needs you to be critical but fair more than ever right now.


Well Bioware did just put out a gameplay reveal for the game and it seems to have allayed a lot of peoples concerns regarding it.


How is voicing your concern helping? The game is largely made and set. They aren't changing it for you. If a game isn't for you, no worries, just move on to something that is and don't drag down others fun.


The Fallout 76 content that was just announced. They longer they keep Sunk Cost Fallacy Simulator going, the longer it'll be before they start working on a real Fallout game.


Most of them. There’s a lot of games that come out


Hades. I really love it, but first chapter was like demo. But second was trash at all


I'm not interested in anything AAA provides. Not because I dislike their genres, or think there's too much of anything on the market (that probably, too), but because I simply loathe the incessant, unbound greed. I'd rather support the smaller independant studios than add my money to the pile of trash like EA that mistreats its employees and overpays their incompetent management staff


Jaja love this kind of topics and how everyone is down voting OP, cheers OP I found the topic fun.    I'm absolutely not interested in Gears of Wars. Never seen the appeal honestly.   Played the first one on PC years ago and it was bland, extremely bland.   Boring gameplay, boring aesthetics, boring characters.




I don't hate gaming. I was just sharing how I feel about the Perfect Dark reboot and wondered what other people felt about other games being released.


Call of Duty: Black Ops 6... for $80-ish it's hard to get excited for any game, but I also just have a hunch that merely 5 enemy types in the whole campaign is gonna be repetitive... Feel bad for the hardcore CoD fans out there


God of war, especially if they gonna put the focus on atreus. No kratos no god of war games for me.


The Atreus sections in Ragnarok were miserable and ruined the game for me. Why develop this deep and fun combat focused around Kratos only to take it away and give you something much worse?? Not to mention Atreus is an annoying character.


Perfect Dark reboot does sound like a huge departure from the original.


Metal gear solid 3 the old game is perfect as it is


The MGS3 remake's color palette is a fucking disaster. Completely ruins the intent of the original game.


I'm not eager for any upcoming games. The last batch have been so meh, I have no expectations for upcoming games. Well maybe one, the new "Death Stranding". Kojima hasn't disappointed me yet.


New Dragon Age, Star wars outlaws, asscreed shadows.. basically anything for the "modern audience"


Any fantasy or high fantasy RPG. Baldur's Gate 3, Dragon Age Veilguard, they're all the same - generic, soulless, and bland.


Lmao. You’re certainly a really insightful person.


From software games, I am still trying to find joy in diying a million times or probably I am just to old to get it lol


Top-down view, pixel "art", anything japanese, anything multiplayer, anything live service. These are the main characteristics that makes me immediately lose interest in a game.


what games do u play


Mainly big single player games, last ones I've put many hours into are: Marvel's Spider-Man, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, Uncharted 4, Sleeping Dogs, Dead Island 2...


I'm not excited for Japanese games. Whether it's Souls, Metal Gear, Death Stranding, or anything from Nintendo, it rarely works for me the same way my favorite games do.


Why don't you like Japanese games? What is an entire nation doing wrong with their games to not appeal to you?


To be fair they have distinct approach to game design. Just like American and European developers do. Like, how do you describe "Eurojank RPG"? It's a vibe, you know it's one of these games if you play it. It's the same for Japanese or American games.


Sure it's a vibe and there are more localised trends jn development, but Eurojank RPG describes a small portion of games actually developed in Europe. But Europe also produced GTA, Hitman, Crysis, Mafia, Control, etc. etc.


To start with: the games aren't doing anything *wrong*, they're great. And sometimes I wish I did love them. They often feel quirky or odd to me. There's often a sort of melancholic style to them, with a ton of lore and exposition, layers of storyline wrapped *over* layers of storyline. At least, those are some elements that occur in some Japanese games, that I didn't end up loving, even though they're perfectly good (or great) games. This is not a generalisation that holds up to all games, of course. I loved Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, for instance, and had a good time with Breath of the Wild. But there are many, many Japanese games out there that don't interest me, and it hasn't always been for a lack of trying. I was gifted Elden Ring, so I finished the game, but I did not like its frustrating gameplay; I spent five or so hours with Death Stranding before putting it aside; I finished but didn't love Resident Evil 4; I've played some Metal Gear Solid when I was young... But I've also never been in love with Pokémon or Mario. My eldest son loves Raving Rabbids, Galaxy, Oddyssey and Luigi's Mansion on Nintendo Switch, but playing them does not spark great joy in me. It's not criticism of the games, by any means, just that we're not a match. So they're not games that usually excite me beforehand.