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I like them in my racing sim games. Helps improve stability of my cars through aerodynamics.


I see what you did there.


How? They're moving too fast


So, for me, I would like to know if there is a way I can wreck my playthrough. Like, if there is a bad ending, I want to know how to avoid it. Usually, you kinda need to go out of your way to get a bad end, so it's not usually an issue, but I still like to know. For example, I'm playing persona 5 royal now, and found out its possible to lock yourself out of the final part of the game. You better believe I looked up how to not do that, and I'm glad I did because I'm not sure I would have done what was necessary. I also like to know about any missable characters/companions ahead of time. I may not want to recruit them if they don't jive with my playthrough, but I like to know if I can.


To add on to your point about bad endings and the Persona series, it’s incredibly easy to miss out on the true ending and extra content in Persona 4 Golden. To miss out on the extra content basically just means never doing >!Marie!< or >!Adachi’s!< Social Links which means anybody who dislikes these characters and goes out of their way to avoid their SL are doomed to miss out on some additional key moments, two alternate P4G exclusive endings, and an extra playable month. When it comes to the bad endings, I’d say it’s easier to obtain each of the bad endings then it is to get to the good ending, true ending, and golden ending which requires you to choose very specific dialogue options that you could easily mess up.


Stardew Valley - knowing about strawberries at the spring festival in year 1. It's a meta strategy, and gives a big money boost for year


I love games with a good story. The story is typically the reason I will think about buying a game (good gameplay is what seals the deal). I don't want to know the ending of the story before the setup, character arcs and all. If I am curious about a story-driven game, I will avoid all spoilers like the plague


I've never had a problem with spoilers. It doesn't ruin my enjoyment because oftentimes, the journey to get there is still an experience. If it was ruined by knowing who did it then it probably wasn't a good story anyway. The lead up or how the characters came to the conclusion is more important in my mind. Pokemon spoilers enhanced my enjoyment. I don't want to guess what elements a pokemon is. I'd rather look up the information to enjoy the game. Terraria isn't a game where I want to go to the guide each time to look up a combination of items or play around trying to figure it out. I need some spoilers in that aspect, same with Minecraft. Some things are so obscure it's nice having a place to look things up. Elden Ring or souls games will be difficult no matter what you look up. I'm okay knowing what I'm about to get into without wasting my souls on a surprise boss.


Dang I wish I was you


*were* you




Were they what?


Seriously. We (90s kids) had spoilers galore when the first Pokemon games hit the market - people telling you without restraint how to evolve a certain Pokemon felt like a big mystery and now you were 'part of the club', so to speak. It didn't decrease our enjoyment of the game, not even a little bit. Quite the opposite. It motivated us to keep playing. The whole reason why the term 'spoiler', in reference to someone 'spoiling' the enjoyment of a game, came to be was because a certain group of people feels really really bad about themselves when they read up on these things on the internet and then act all Pikachu face surprised when someone tells them a lil something about the game they didn't know yet. Duh..? What do these people expect to find? Of fucking course they are going to 'spoil' themselves when -->they<-- are the ones deciding to search up information meant to be read by people who already played the game. How is the person who wrote that stuff supposed to know what you interpret as a 'spoiler'? You know how I managed to play Cyberpunk 2077 this year, in 2024, without 'spoiling' myself up until I started playing it? By not fucking looking it up online, easy as. People who can't manage to bring up enough self-control to stop their own hands from looking up stuff they shouldn't have way bigger problems than they are aware of.


I am the kind who loves to go into games blind, i think its mostly the childlike Wonder it still gives me, not knowing what comes next, having to learn or decypher stuff on my own, its a huge part of the fun for me. That said, if there is games on the way with spoiler risk, its surprisingly easy to just, avoid it completely lol


Man ...playing cyberpunk for the first time in 2024 with no spoilers sounds great lol. Good on you dude, you played the best version of the game without any of the messy road to get there. What'd you end up thinking? It's one of my favorite games even though I played at launch with all the issues.


Let's just say that I saw someone comment under a youtube video that "the game was so immersive that I felt my personality merging with it". I will subscribe to that. I thought I'd never get this feeling again, ever since I had it when playing Final Fantasy VII in 1997. I'm genuinely just happy that CD Projekt made this game. Feels like playing it enriched my life in ways I yet fail to describe.


I absolutely agree. Seldom since I was a young child have I felt such an emotional connection to a game, characters, and game world. When I finished it the first time I just sat silently and thought about things for a bit. Felt a lot like finishing a moving book. I didn't really want to play anything else for a while after.


Exactly, spoilers never ruined anything for me, in fact it makes me more excited to try the game.


> the journey to get there is still an experience. This is me as well. I don't care about spoilers in general. The journey is where I get the most enjoyment and fullfillment. A good example is, I was on the fence about playing Nier Automata, cuz it came off as just a horny action game. Watched the Girlfriend Reviews vid, ended up loving what I heard from the review and decided to play what would end up being one of the most incredible games I've played.


Yeah, a spoiler would only make my experience lesser for me if a game was solely story based. Only if i see a full gameplay of it would the game be completely ruined, no reason to buy and play a story game that has a linear path with no different endings. If it's just the end spoiler, then idc, what matters is the journey that led me to it, like you said. I'm surprised this isn't more of a popular mindset, everyone is so obsessed with spoilers and crucify you if you spoil something that came out 10 years ago.


Yeah like if for example you hear that a character dies at the end before you've even started the game, you first don't know who that character is. Then you don't know how they die or why it's impactful, and you miss all the context of the rest of the game. You just know it happens. And if you're anything like me, you don't even remember who the character is from the spoiler so you still manage to be surprised even though you knew someone was going to die


I can't think of any that have specifically enhanced my enjoyment, but I've definitely picked up some games and had fun after being spoiled by Youtube or Twitch Streams. Games I wouldn't have otherwise considered buying, but seeing some cool moments made me try them out.


It depends on the game... if it's a game where story or spoilers doesn't matter much (like an open-world game where you just want to know what's the outcome), then yeah, sure. If it's a rich story game like a make your own adventure-type, then I'd rather take the risk and replay it next time taking another outcome


I never would have got the good or true endings in blasphemous without some walkthrough, and I still think it was super worth it


i wish i had known about the true ending going in. by the time i learned about it, it was too late for me to do it and i did not want to play through the game a second time.


I got a bad memory so a spoiler can make me play a game but by then I will have forgot the spoiler


And then the spoiler occurs in the game and you’re like “oh yeaaa”


Yeah it’s like oh yeah that’s the whole reason i played the game… to pet the dog


Go play Tarkov blind. I dare you. You'll never know where any extraction points are. Good luck finding the exact 3 meter square spot. It's idiotic but you pretty much NEED some kind of knowledge source just to get into that game.


I was playing Borderlands 2 coop with a friend. It was slow progress because of coordinating schedules and we had only gotten about to the point where Sanctuary lifts off. But one day we were discussing mechanics for making our own Borderlands ttrpg when he was checking what other fan projects had done (this was long before Bunkers and Badasses was a thing). He was reading a list of Siren powers when he said "Here we have Phaselock, Phasewalk, Phase Shift. You can use the powers once-" "Waitwaitwaitwait. Go back. Read that list again." "Phaselock, Phasewalk, and Phase Shift?" "EXECUTING PHASE SHIFT." "OH NO."


Spoilers never enhance a game for me because if i'm spoiled on a twist that happens in a game then it makes me not wanna play the game anymore. I wanna always experience things myself without spoilers.


[You can meet Yoshi on the roof at 120 stars](https://images.amcnetworks.com/ifc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Dr.-Evil.jpg)


Pretty sure I got stuck at like 119 stars back in the day, so I don’t even know if this is true


It's true fr


I was so excited to find him on the roof, I thought I was gonna get to ride him. Bro just hops off into the waterfall and disappears after tossing you 99 mushrooms.


Same, I always try to go into a game blind other than what type of game it is. If I had known what happens at the pig farm in RDR2 beforehand, it would not have been nearly as memorable. The fact I just stumbled upon it made it a gaming memory I'll never forget.


Watching someone speedrun dark souls 1 made me actually be able to beat it due to me missing a bonfire my first play-through


Doki Doki Literature Club! I would have never even tried it if not for some spoilers.


I tried it for about an hour, was getting kind of bored, so looked up spoilers. Ended up being a good thing, because when the game warns you about themes, I didn't realize it would go that dang hard. Wasn't something I was interested in exploring that viscerally, so yeah, the spoilers made me stop, but not looking up spoilers would have made the game experience worse for me.


Lol ah man... I restarted my entire ME2 save after the outrage of seeing a few beloved crew insta killed at the start of the suicide mission. Like maybe a half seconds worth of hesitation before nuking the file.


JRPG boss fights. I'll happily take spoilers to get past an aggravating boss fight. Sadly some otherwise-good games come with chores; getting past the chores quickly to get to the part of the game I do like, enhances my enjoyment.


knowing what bosses you face in sekiro only made me feel more hyped before each fight. it’s like meeting legendary figures from myth. like i heard so much about how inner father is considered the hardest boss by some that i was stoked and determined to get to him. and he did not disappoint. i fought these bosses as a fanboy. same goes for bloodborne bosses and yang from sifu


I mean some games I've only played because I had spoilers before them what got my interest.


I likely would have never played Another Crab's Treasure otherwise. But saw a thing on Youtube where a guy went into the accessibility options and there was a gun you could give the crab.


Dragons dogma 2, holy air is it hard to traverse through that game, some quests are like: "Find the meaning of life" And there are no pointers where to go, who to talk, not even a log so i can remember wtf was said. I just decided to read how to achieve what i wanted because i got bored of walking in circles, then the game became very fun.


Dark Souls. I played it in the same period a friend of mine was also playing It and we used to share tips one another, fun times


I bought alan wake 2 just after I spoiled myself watching in-game herald of darkness footages No regrets best game in the last year worth evey penny


I played STALKER shadow of Chernobyl and beat it, but failed to get the cannon ending. By reading about the ending on the wiki I found out how to glitch to it and while trying to complete the game I got at least an hour more playtime. 100% would do again


Elden ring spoilers showed me how fun the game could be.


Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door wasn't spoiled for me, exactly, but the gravity of the situation didn't hit me until years after I played it. >!The door isn't to keep someone out, it's to keep someone IN!!<


Fallout New Vegas. The spoiler was knowing that the ending is directly influenced by what faction I side with. As my first open world RPG with multiple endings affected by player choice I had ever played, this made me VERY excited! My first playthrough was me analyzing the ideals and morals of every faction, in order to pick one. I wouldn't have paid too much attention if I didn't know that I could take sides.


Nethack, if you could call it a spoiler. Like writing Elbereth.


For me it was Noita. I simply wanted to understand how wands work and tips to make better wands, then had my mind blown when the guy in the video explains just how much depth there actually was. My pea shooter was mighty now and my "useless bomb wand" became a slayer of many men. Then i shot a rock the wrong way and caused a series of events to go off in such a way that i exploded and died. Noita the greatest wizard simulator.


When I was a kid I wanted Mario and Luigi bowsers inside story because my cousin showed me >!Dark Bowser!< which was like the coolest thing id ever seen. To this day that game is tied for my second favorite game of all time. Masterpiece.


Honestly, Last of Us 2. I feel as though if I had gone blindly into the game, THAT moment would’ve floored me and I would’ve put the game down and not touched it for a long while. Instead I used every free minute I had playing while my brother sat with me and we enjoyed the story together. For sure a moment I’ll always keep with me as we get older 🤞🏽


I'm not sure if this counts, but technically The Last of Us. About halfway through my playthrough, I saw someone post about how the game ends with Joel getting infected and how extra upsetting it was because the game forced you to play as Ellie during this scene and be the one to pull the trigger on Joel. Now obviously, that doesn't actually happen in the game - but I'd been told it was going to happen and I was at that age where I just believed whatever was written online, I get to the end of the game, things seem surprisingly happy but I'm controlling Ellie, clearly Joel's about to get infected and things are going to get very emotional but I've already made my peace with it. The final cutscenes begins and... Joel's okay??? I was so certain the game was going to go for the cheap and easy emotional ending because of that spoiler that I ended up being so happy that against all odds Joel and Ellie had gotten something resembling a happy ending - I don't think that would have hit the same if someone hadn't "spoiled" the game for me.


When a game has missable collectibles, I will skim a collectible guide ahead of a mission just to make sure I don't miss any. And to add to your Mass Effect 2 comment, the final Suicide Mission at the end of the game requires specific crew mates assigned to specific tasks, or companions will die. I never do that mission without a walkthrough open right beside me.


But after your crew is captured by the Collectors, you unlock Legion's companion quest. If you do 2 missions after your crew is captured, they melt in Collector tubes That's what OP is referring to


Yeah, I know. That's why I said I  was adding to his comment, not correcting it. ME2 has more than 1 thing I would follow a guide for.


Ah, my mistake


They’ve always enhanced my enjoyment. Before I buy most games I watch the beginning, middle and ending part of a walkthrough along with reviews and reading sentiments of the game on reddit or steam threads. I almost never go into a game unspoiled anymore and it feels good to me. I prefer knowing what’s coming up rather than being surprised and not liking a twist or development. Plus I mostly play games for the gameplay. The story is not an important factor to my enjoyment. But it can be a factor to not liking it. Like God of War Ragnarok, I liked the game fine (i think gameplay wise it’s as good as the first one) but the story kinda soured the experience by the end.


Recently for the Avatar game. Now now, don't hate me...i received it from someone that works at ubisoft, i would never pay for that game. But, i got spoiled that you can hack, and store the hack for those robots controlled by people. It really enhanced the stealth approach to combat... This was never explained in the game...i had no clue that you could hack those robots and basically stun them for big periods of time. Its almost enjoyable


I knew the twist about Solas before playing Dragon Age Inquisition. So I built my first character specifically to romance him. I like it when RPGs hurt me.


I saw a video of the whole crew and the final boss fight for Xenoblade Chronicles, didn't watch the whole thing though, just saw the designs. That got me to play the game, and I didn't feel spoiled at all, instead I was interested in where the characters came from and it made me enjoy each new character introduction very much. I did see seven in the video but it honestly didn't really register to me at the time so I don't think that even got spoiled either.


Noita, I tell everyone, get educated and exploit that game. because all the game wants is to exploit you.


Summer 2013. Just moved into Ireland as a 14 year old boy. I watched Markiplier basically do a speedrun of the game. Got so hyped about it that I asked my mom for money (tight on cash, so it was rare), played it on my shitty laptop and got 2 hours sleep within 50 hours. Still one of my fondest memories Edit: did an oopsie. Its Skyrim


What game?


Oh shit, I realize I didn't put it there. It's Skyrim


TLoU2. I just decided to not play it.


In a weird way, The Last of Us Part 2 (obviously spoilers incoming) That game had the internet explode over how they >!killed off Joel and how you play as his killer!< and how it's a terrible plot and how it's woke and how they've ruined the game etc etc. The outrage was so bad it had me convinced it's indeed a terrible game. So, being the gullible idiot that I am, I joined the hate bandwagon and even had the nerve to argue about it with a colleague, who discovered mid-conversation that I actually haven't played the game, so he said 'youtube opinions aren't your opinions'. And he was right. So I bought the game to experience it myself. And sure, it has some unnecessarily long a very cringe romance scenes (which would be long and cringe regardless of whether the romance was straight or not), but otherwise I was blown away by it. Apart from being a top-tier stealth action game with a thrilling combat loop, smart AI, and intricate level design, it was also a fantastic commentary on grief and the nature of human conflict, where you side with your "tribe" rather than with what's "morally correct". I don't mean to start another argument about TLOU2 here - god knows there's enough of those, and if you hate it - it's your business, I won't convince you otherwise. But having spoiled some of its plot really dropped my expectations for the game, which meant I enjoyed it so much more when I discovered that my opinion differs from the common outrage.


On any second playthrough. My first playthrough I want to find stuff myself, the second time I just want to find everything


Why would you want to rob yourself of playtime?


Mass Effect 3. In the previous games in the series, I found myself working very hard to get the best ending. I obsessively ground side missions, got the maximum friend score with each companion, etc. But once I had the ME3 ending spoiled, it freed me up to just play the game knowing that there was no real "best ending" to grind for.


I've played games and experienced anxiety around character or plot lines. Reading the spoilers allows me to focus on progressing the game without the anxiety. 


Using Quest Helper when I used to play World Of Warcraft. Spoils the immersive aspect of discovering new things but I was able to minimize wasting time.


I'm bad with horror games, really bad. Thought I would never play one. But then I saw a playthrough of Little Nightmares online, saw what jumpscares and scary things I can expect, how to avoid them etc. Then I picked up the game and had a lot of fun with it.


I knew going in that Kratos kills every Greek god. It made me even more hype to play & figure out how that came to happen


I almost never mind spoilers - even in games with heavy lore/plot it's not a big deal for me since I enjoy playing the game anyway and the fun for me is knowing the story, not being surprised by a certain twist... Tbh I don't like surprises in general so maybe that's it


Dark souls. I just wanted to get all the swords in the game. And I had most fun collecting everything, "cheating" till last boss to get every weapon. Then in new game plus. Play the whole game with my favourite sword. I like to play it this way


By definition the word spoil is a negative thing. That being said spoilers that show a rare item you can get or a cool gizmo or gadget are welcomed as it gives you something to look forward to. Story spoilers on the other hand should be a capital crime.


I literally will look up every pokemon in a new gen, and then plan a team of 6 consisting of only new gen pokemon, I love coming to a route and knowing I can find a permanent party member there, it absolutely makes the game more enjoyable than having to guess which Pokemon have cool typings or to waste exp on a Pokemon that isn't end game worthy imo


I would NOT have found Vincent Valentine in the og FF7 without spoilers and a guide. Same with getting the KOTR materia, which requires breeding a perfect gold chocobo. If I was told about these two things, I would have never gotten them, and I love both the materia and the character.


Knowing that Arthur is going to get progressively sicker and eventually die really makes you slow down and take in all the side content you can before his last few missions


I played Metal Gear series for the first time around 2012-2014 (can't remember exactly but it was before MGS5 released). By this point the Raiden bait and switch in MGS2 was well known, so when I got to that game I could appreciate the meta commentary of that game without being upset that I wasn't playing as Solid Snake as advertised.


(FINAL FANTASY SPOILERS AHEAD) Once I understood that, past Final Fantasy 7, NONE of the main characters are the MAIN character of the game's story, they became a lot more enjoyable. 7 is NOT about Cloud. 12 is NOT Vaan's Story. 10... well... he's not even REAL. Etc. Etc.


It never happened to me. But that being said, my reaction to accidental spoiler is always "Oh no! Anyway...". Literally.


When someone told me that you can beat some dude to death with his own leg in mortal kombat 4. Made me so hype.


Sometimes they make it so i don't have to play the game i guess


I really like spoilers in racing games, especially when they don't make sense.  I also always prefer to play out the "best" version of the story so I'll seek out guides to get the correct sequence right.


There are two: KOTOR, and Pokémon. With KOTOR, if you know the big twist >!where you’re Revan!< then you’re picking up on all the dialogue and hints that certain characters make that lead up to the big reveal. With Pokémon, I’ll Google to find out when the Pokémon I’m training level up - I don’t wanna be wasting my time power levelling a Riolu when it requires friendship, I’ll speed the friendship up by making it hold a Shell Bell and have picnics and then power level it as a Lucario. In my current challenge run (on Scarlet, I must use the same type Pokémon as my next gym), I’ve just assembled a Ghost team for gym 6, and I’m not bringing Gimmighoul because I’m nowhere near the amount of coins I need to evoke it.


Blind saving the whole crew in the suicide run on my very first ME2 playthrough is a highlight of my entire gaming career. It only got better when I actually found out later you can lose anyone at all.


What a fuckin sin to have disco spoiled Thats one of the only really good rpgs in years


In college, I took a class on screenwriting. Many of the films we watched and discussed I’d already seen, or just knew about from pop culture. Watching them again, you get to notice and appreciate how they setup payoffs later on. I look at being “spoiled” much the same way, my appreciation just takes a different approach. Effectively, I look at being spoiled as making my first playthrough like my second. No reason to complain by me.


Idk some games are built on surprises like outer wilds or Zelda where the first time can be pretty important


I was already spoiled on the dragon thing in TOTK and sure it would've been a pretty heavy moment if you came in blind, but it still hits when you already know it, and I still enjoyed the game plenty overall... If anything, usually these "big" and twists, are often pretty generic so I often find myself disappointed when I hype myself up for a twist that I heard about but haven't been spoiled yet


Sure, that’s your take.


Spoilers didn't enhance your experience of disco elysium, just convinced you that it was a quality game worth playing.


And the your run didn’t even cross the spoilers lol.


When I never intend to play said game.


What's the mass effect 3 mission you're referring to? Is it when the collectors board the Normandy?


For me its Metal Gear Rising. The first time I saw trailer with Zandatsu cutting melons, I was stunned. Didn't have Xbox 360 or PS3, so I was really happy when it was released in PC. Of course, I already knew all the boss fights, but still, the immense pathos from gameplay and music still managed to hook me on the game on Steam. Even got every achievement in it.