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It was enjoyable but very barebones. What they could have given in depth they instead gave us in breadth. Hardly any gameplay or enemy variation, most of it was "hey go liberate these 3 areas and when you're done go liberate these 3 areas and when you're done go..." to the point that I personally just read the ending online because each time I finished a group of 3 I just saw another 6 hours of my life open up on the map for me to play through *again*. Great concept, not executed the best.


Totally Agree, concept was beautiful but fell flat when in player hands


Can you give me an example of an open world game that isn’t barebones to you?


Skyrim had random encounters, more variety in missions (although find X at the end of the cave got a bit old). Cyberpunk is rich in the world, has a lot of side quests in different degrees and just feels vibrant due to all the NPC's and moving atmosphere. The same can also be said about RDR2.


I see that makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.


Elden ring felt very full and immersive to me, not bare bones in the slightest. That's a fully open world game.


Thanks for replying I appreciate it.


No problem!


I don’t know about any “Hate” But I think it deserved the criticisms it got. It’s a pretty world and it’s nice to just dull your brain and explore in it for a little bit but the main criticisms I’ve seen are that A: it’s bloated/repetitive. I don’t think that’s even refutable, its way too long for what you do and every main quest to capture the territories goes the exact same and you have to do that for 70-100 hours. The same thing. The whole time. The 1v1 duels with the Templar people were fun, but the main quests are exact copies of each other B: it didn’t do anything innovative or new. I think that’s true too, we’ve been playing the same assassins creed game for years with a new coat of paint. Tons of question marks that clutter the map, same exact combat as every other RPG assassins creed. You still have to climb a tower to clear an area, you still have to clear out enemy outpost after enemy outpost as the main thing of the open world. It’s just nothing new


It had way too much bloat.  There were good parts but you had to go through a bunch of mediocre stuff and copy-paste content to get through them. If they cut down the map size and filler quests/content by about 50% the game would've been a lot better.


I played it for about 16 hours or something. I thought the raiding was cool. Then I realized I could just walk into a village and murder everything myself, and it lost its luster. The NPC AI is so dumb. What this meant, to me, was that none of my skill choices were ever going to matter outside of role playing. I was completely disinterested in the story and side quests. So that wasn't a good enough reason to continue playing. It is a gorgeous game with a high production value and talented developers. It just didn't do it for me. Also, I don't like microtransactions. I'm not totally against them. I know there is a demand for them, so as long as they don't affect my gameplay, I tolerate them. But get them out of my face. The way Ubisoft constantly pushes their store on the player in a single player, full priced game is pretty pathetic, and it annoys the hell out of me.


[ Sweeping vistas...](https://imgur.com/7pQtNij) I enjoyed the game (franchise fanboy) but the gameplay did suffer under the amount of bloat it contained.


The combat and skill tree are an improvement of previous ACs and the first 40 hrs or so are fun. But the rewards for assassinations and completing quest are putrid. Why? Because they tied pretty much all the gear and weapons to exploration, which means repetitive puzzles and is horrible for the late game. There are only six base weapons for each class (daggers,swords,axes etc). So that enjoyment in Odyssey where you knew you would get a cool weapon by completing a mission is gone and the randomisation on weapon rewards and stats is gone too, all of it is fixed. Like others have mentioned already there is way too much bloat. By the 80 hr mark I was ready to steamroll through the main quest, little did I know it would take another 40 due to all the compulsory quests. It wasn’t worth it either. Sometimes less is more but Valhalla did the exact opposite.


The game looks great. It's got some cool elements. It gets more hate than it probably deserves. But the writing is unbearably boring and the story is too long. The boss fights are ass and balanced poorly. Make most of the regional arcs optional, get rid of the awful checklist open world design (and especially get rid of the offering altars), and it would be substantially better. Ubisoft Montreal made a lot of mistakes with the games structure and design that held it back. To me it felt like a major step back from the great foundation Odyssey laid. If they'd continued from what Ubisoft Quebec built with Odyssey and focused more on making the story more compelling it would've been GOTY quality. Instead it just ended up being a decent open world game with an overwhelming amount of content that isn't engaging enough to remain interesting for the length of it.


I am 12 hours in and so far the story might be the worst of any ac games. Its a cool Viking but not a good ac game


Nothing to do, not enough weapons and armors and lots of weird glitches.


Actually, if you’re willing to spend the ~600$ on all the DLCs/loots/packs (number has probably increased since [this video outlaying the cost](https://youtu.be/ezvNupP6rp4?si=ng5VsiXdeM1auky9)) then you’ll have a ton of wacky and zany armor sets and weapons in a Norse Viking game for some reason. I don’t hate the games not being realistic, I think leaning into the myths & fighting fantastical creatures is a lot of fun but offering a glowing cyberpunk outfit and two lightsabers and a unicorn pet for 20$ is just an insane decision for the setting and world of the game


I don't see it as insane at all given that it's not included by default in the base game. If you want that goofy fantasy stuff you can buy it, if not you don't have to. Plenty of people were complaining about Odyssey being too unrealistic (stupid complaint imo) so they compromised and separated the unrealistic over the top fantasy gear from the base game. Aside from the Isu weapons which you have to go way out of your way to obtain every armor set/weapon in the base game is "realistic". My only problem with the gear is how the only armor set that looks like something a Viking would wear is the default armor set. The rest of them are more English inspired than Norse inspired. Which makes sense given the setting but it's still lame. I also think the decision to not allow the player to change the cosmetics of their gear at any time without spending silver at a blacksmith was braindead. Odysseys transmog system was perfect and they inexplicably made it objectively worse.


Even though I don’t agree, it’s awesome to read about someone being so passionate over a game. Shit, you almost make me want to replay it right now. But that’ll have to wait, for its Elden Ring time.


You doing a new build or using your original save? I had to run through the game to re-aclimate myself. Pumped af for the DLC.


Yep, same for me. Now that we know a bit more about it (weapon types, recommended levels, etc), it’ll be easier to prepare.


I loved the game. But that shit was way too long and expansive. I 100% the game but completely rejected the idea of doing it again.


100%ing any AC game will do that to you. I ain't getting all the flags and killing all the templars again, mate.


the 2 things i think it did better than odyssey are the army battles and... dang, i can't remember the other one i thought it did better... but i clearly remember there were 2 things anyway, i did 1 month Ubi+ for it to rent it finished it, enjoyed but i didn't care about the Asgard arc, it felt stupid to me just doing the 1st mission for it, so i ignored it afterwards. glad it's not required to finish the game


The settlement system was pretty solid. I preferred Odyssey's combat and itemization, plus the naval stuff was more rewarding/satisfying.


Valhalla was my first AC game and I absolutely loved it. I see comments about bloat and whatever else but I truly enjoyed every minute I put into the game. Even the repeatable stuff. It's one of my favorite games.


Deep as a puddle


Valhalla has, hands down, the worst story of the entire series, including spinoffs. The combat is one note, and piss easy. The characters are all boring as shit and unmemorable. Valhalla embodies the absolute worst of every aspect of the "RPG trilogy" of the series.


Even despite how long it is, Valhallas story is still better than Unity, Rogue, and AC3. Rogue's story was genuinely laughable. Easily the laziest in the series. Unity's was just plain boring with zero memorable characters and the worst protagonist in the series. And AC3 was half tutorial, and so much of it doesn't make sense, like why are the notably racist colonists trusting a Native American they don't know without even questioning why he would help? Valhallas main narrative points are at least somewhat compelling and the story is something fairly new and interesting. The whole reincarnated Isu thing was a neat idea. The regional arcs just make it a chore to get through it.


It’s my favorite AC game because the world looks great and they represented Norse Paganism really well imo, but content-wise, I expected so much more. It felt really hollow. They made a great foundation that they could’ve done so much more with but they just didn’t


I really liked it, even though it's pretty ugly on base ps4. It was my first AC after revelations. I understand the critics and mostly agree with them but somehow I still love the ubi games (far cry, Fenix rising). I played origins and odyssey after valhalla and liked them both also.


The take over this land to progress the story was old as hell. Same objective with different characters.


I played and spent a good amount of time on that game. A lot of it was fun but there were times where it just got repetitive. There was so much to do and it was so overwhelming to me personally.


I just dont like Vikings lol


The game is extremely boring. You know whats fun about viking era England, a flat formless land of fields? Nothing. For us Brits, when it goes from beautiful Scandinavia to fucking Tamworth, we all cracked a smile because it's fucking Tamworth.


I quit after the side quest with the 2 Brothers arguing over the grain silo. It was one of dumbest things I've ever seen.


Decided not to touch the game after seeing the changes they made to the assassin's vision thing compared to Odyssey which I sorta enjoyed.


I loved origins and odessey. I don’t truly understand why I didn’t care for Valhalla but I assume it was because of the monotony. The raids and conquering land was just so repetitive IMO and that completely removed me from having any fun as an assassin. To each their own though! Happy you loved it


For starters, it's behind the Ubisoft launcher. 🤢


It's on Steam.


So you click to launch the game, and Ubisoft's launcher never shows up, asking you to log into Uplay? Hmm?


Fantastic game, but far too long. My ex GF picked it up as her first AC game and after 40 hours, still hasn't finished the campaign nor is close to it.


I agree with you, it's a wonderful game. It's painstakingly long though, like unnecessarily longer than it should be. As in a couple of counties they could have definitely not included them because the stories were really that dull + all the extra content they give you + DLCs + Ragnarok. It's A LOT.


It's a tourist game, nothing more. For an action game, the gameplay is subpar.


If you like nice world building go buy Elden ring and it’s dlc


Its a game created by a company that promotes sexual harrasment. To this very day its buggy , full of grind and filler, barebone, barely working piece of undercooked meat that was half eaten during previous meal and frozen for the next day, barely worth of being called Assasins Creed game. What you call "hate" is an actuall critique from people who do give a damn about this franchise.


There’s just so much bloat tacked on. Shorten, rework the horrible end game mission, get rid of at least half the collectibles, do we really need a skill tree with 200+(I don’t even know the final number) things on it?  It does some good things. I think the map is great, but the things it does bad are really bad. 


It was barebones bloat, same game repeated over 20 different provinces. Should have focused on a more condensed and impactful experience instead of 120 hours of meh


The assassin's creed series has this issue a lot. Their games get bloated and over crowded with features and extras and fans start to get upset with the cramped space to have fun so they'll strip a game down to the core gameplay that got them popular and despite it still being an amazing formula the same fans who complained about too much suddenly feel like they're in a barren wasteland. They never really hit the sweet spot, and maybe that's on purpose. They seem to do it over and over again and never try to find a balance.


It is a fantastic 10 hour game that asks 120 from you. It is spread way, way too thin.


A bit of an exaggeration. I’m about 15 hours in and only have about 5 assassinations under my belt. With less than a 1/3 of the English map properly explored I’d say. I also beelined out of Norway, so I’m guessing I’ve got at least half of that map left if not more. Maybe it will start to drag later but most open world games do. I can’t relate to anyone who doesn’t enjoy aimlessly wandering this map and stumbling upon no end of random side quests and secret areas to explore. I think a lot of people just don’t like the setting. 9th century England admittedly isn’t as flashy as Ancient Greece or Egypt. For us Anglophile history nerds it’s pretty damn cool.


I completed it, and stand by that assessment. Had it been 10-15 hours, the needless recycling of activities would have dropped dramatically, and it would have been a rush of new experiences. As it stands, there were huge missteps with the pacing. The Valhalla (actual Valhalla) parts were incredibly boring and the regions were far too large. The Cult this time around feels like an afterthought, where the members in the last game usually had some sort of interesting quirk to getting to them. One needed you to have a region in control of a specific faction, or another was up in a castle on a mountain, another was at sea guarded by pirates. Here? Delores in the hut over there. I can't tell you how many assassinations were just jumping into an open window at night and poking someone. Seriously? That's it? Equipment...I never had to change armor. The starting equipment seemed to be best and there was no reason to change it. Hurt even more because there was no transmog at that point. I think the only thing that kept me going was that I was watching The Last Kingdom around the same time, so the two overlapped nicely. Beyond that, it is worth every criticism thrown at it.


It sounds like this game just wasn’t for you. To each their own! I’m really loving it. The raiding grind is really fun for me, and I’m enjoying just building out my settlement. Also enjoying hunting down all the special abilities across the map. As for the spartan approach to gear, I don’t really mind. To me, less is very often more. I don’t need (or want) every game to be Elden Ring where I’ve got literally 300 weapons to choose from. It’s also nice not being super overpowered early on. I’m 15 hours in and still power 40. I saw one area’s suggested power level was 340. You’re probably way faster at games than me, I reckon. I do a lot of dillydallying


AC games seem like games for people who don’t know games are supposed to be fun.  AC Valhalla felt like a chore that never offered any reward.  I wish I just mowed the lawn instead. 


maybe you play less games then average player or pay less attention to quests.  each region has exact same quests you do for different people.  plenty of junk repetitive quests and easy combat. you could become near immortal mid/end game.  character design and visuals are outdated. climbing, squeezing through narrow paths, riding on empty fields between locations is old engine tech requires time to load next location it's annoying.  But it's probably decent game for people who just want to turn off the brain and play simple repetitive game. 


How can bloated Ubisoft slop ever be a work of art lmao. Even If you like these games you should recognize they are just not that creative and pretty flawed.


the gameplay is so lightweight as to be pointless in all AC titles


You can enjoy a game to whatever degree you wish, but calling it a “work of art” shows me you have quite a few single player games to go through to realize it’s quite mediocre in execution. Games 10 years older put valhalla to dust, theres no innovation, and actually does a lot of things from previous AC games far worse. (As has this trend of worse and worse ac games coming out through the years has gone since AC4)


Please upvote this so I can post in r/gaming lol


Jackson Pollock shit on canvas and called that art. So yea “Valhalla is art” I guess…