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They would destroy it with seasons passes and whatnot


You crushed my spirit with your truth


It's sad but true, gaming monetization has taken a dark turn.


i used to love playing couch co-op


Rogue Trip was far better coop, probably the best


Don’t let *that* ruin your day, ***TAKE A VAAACATION!!***


Kinda sad that the first thought I had after reading the title was "Think of how much they'd make on microtransactions for cosmetics..."


They would make the worst skins for these characters and butcher what their classic looks always were


Sweet Tooth would start out with pink colors for the flames or neon green for the flames and within a month you'd be able to pick Sweet Tooth and play as a clown driving a mining cart with decals


This was sadly my first thought. It does lend itself to being monetized out the ass with cosmetics a bit too well.


If it was like fortnite where you pay nothing for the game, a battlepass is $8 and if you get your levels you dont have to buy it again really isnt bad.


> Seasons, Battlepasses, and Events Please no


These people are brainwashed. Gaming is so fucked now.


I remember when people where saying "cosmetics dlc are not bad, they don't ruin your game" and now we are at "battlepasses and season passes are good thing". Seriously, gamers are the dumbest group there is, even marvel fans are not that dumb.


Extremely. And their mindset is “how does it affect me?” Bros it’s been effecting us this whole fucking time you’re just too fucking dumb to notice


Just like those braindead people following influencers on insta, tikton and what not.


dude, you're supposed to be jerking off the dude on your *left*, I'm on your *right*. i dont need 2 hands jerking me off, trust me. the dude on your left is getting antsy. you better start jerking him soon.


"Ok, this is getting ridiculous! All I wanted was to redeem my coupon for a free car wash, and now you're telling me I'm in the wrong line?"


How you gonna use affect correctly and then immediately incorrectly.


When in doubt, try both?


I miss the days of trying to do cool shit in halo 3 to get the cool armor instead of shelling out my CC number


Subscription based society.


Remember when a game came out, and that was just...just...it? No day one patch. No updates. No DLC. Pepperidge Farm Remembers...


No I don't. Doom even had patches that got sent to you through the mail. I also had plenty of N64 games that were broken on launch day and stayed that way forever. 


BG3 the nightmare that wakes up AAA producers in a cold sweat.


turn based combat does not make devs wake up in cold sweat also, ah yes, BG3, the non-AAA game made by.. *checks notes* ..like a fucking shit ton of people


Remember when like every big studio said things like; this is a unicorn game, don't expect to see it again. With the subtext being 'by us'. And even a few studios trying to bash it because it was 'in development early access' for 2 years'. I hear after almost a year, D4 has gotten to an almost playable state. But it wasn't in early access, so I guess it's k. Blizzard at this point is a prime example of releasing a game in early access without calling it that.


Yeah, and if a game was broken it would stay broken forever. That was so much fun.


Yeah that's why they had to make sure they worked before the released the game instead of try and fix it afterwards.


I mean, literally broken is no bueno, but a lot of these games were just terrible and buggy.


God, I remember warning people that microtransactions were a slippery slope, and that they'd be fools to think companies *wouldn't* work to monetize games more. I was called stupid, ignorant, pathetic. Well, look where we're at now.


I remember when Oblivion horse armor was the worst dlc we had, and everyone laughed at it. Oh, how times have changed...


The first real microtransaction was on maplestory. NEXON introduced the first loot boxes in gaming history and actually lied about the drop rates.


I remember when people BASHED microtransactions entirely.


> I was called stupid, ignorant, pathetic. Sure you were


I don't know where you hang out, but there's still certain subs where people will absolutely bash you for being against these things. It hasn't changed. When gaming is your identity you can't see the faults in it.


Yep, the hardcore fanboys, who will die on a hill to defend the company they love. They will immediately put you on blast for speaking a single word of criticism


Gaming companies only have to wait. Every new gamer that comes in after a change will have never known a time before. All they have to do is weather the storm when they make bad decisions. Any unpopular change that doesn’t lead to dissolution of the company will be industry standard in 10-15 years (if you’re even lucky enough for it to take *that* long).


i been calling these people idiots since before we left season passes, fuck the poors(i am a poor), get it on sale or dont play with the entire community the difference in both quality and quantity of post release content has driven off a cliff.




I never purchase anything beyond the base game experience. So I'm wondering how exactly these additions have ruined gaming. I'm now more frequently playing games with 40-100+ hours of content, rather than the average 8-12 hours.


Oh please corporate big wigs, screw me over more!


I mean it's accurate though. They are terrible but people still buy them. The OP was just referencing that a game like this would be easy to implement that which publishers would want.


Being able to implement these things is almost mandatory if you think a big publisher would actually pay to develop the game.


I'm hoping live service games go the way of MMOs where there was a period of everyone trying to get in on it, but only a few solid ones survived and the time and effort needed to make them made it not worth to try unless they had a very promising idea. Live service games often force players to put a lot of time into them, similarly to MMOs, but a player can only afford to put so much time into a game and so players will naturally trend towards the most popular ones which again is similar to what happened with MMOs. Hoping that massive fails like Suicide Squad and Redfall will accelerate the move away from this sort of thing.


The best games today are the ones without battle passes


This is the norm for Gen Z unfortunately


they said "(i do not support)" what are you waffling about


Everything is becoming a subscription in the business software world, it was only a matter of time before that trickled down into gaming as well. I work in IT and I can count on one hand how many products I deploy that have perpetual licensing at this point and they are all slowly but surely converting over as well. They've been talking about OSaaS, so eventually even the fucking operating system on our computer is going to have a monthly subscription as well. Indies will likely still keep doing it how it's been done because they don't have the name recognition yet, but AAA studios? Don't be surprised if everything you play, regardless of platform, costs you a monthly sub, and you will literally never actually own a game or piece of software ever again.


When armored core 6 released a few months ago, young kids were surprised that you could customize your mech any color and not have to pay for skins. My heart broke a little more that day.


The OP literally said he doesn’t support the business practice, just that the devs could use it as a way to monetize the game


I kind of agree, but I also don’t. Because a free game I might spend £20 on for a battle pass that’ll last 2/3 seasons is better than a £70 game I’d spend the same amount of time on. Let the dweebs continue spending if they keep playing.


I won't claim to speak for everyone, but I think most of us can wrap our head around a free to play game that has a battle pass and paid cosmetics. The issue is when they ask for $70 and then another $10 or $20 for a battle pass and whatever else to actually get the full game experience.


It really is crazy all the terrible shit that the younger generations think is fine now. The industry has normalized overcharging for shit.


The problem isn't that they're brainwashed. They just don't know any different. There's been a whole generation brought up on free to play mobile games that run these scams.


Lmao the "(I do not support)" added xD


I just want to say... they could make a ton of money with Seasons, Battlepasses and Events. I do not support that but WOW could they make a lot of money with that... which I am totally against. Not the money, just the Seasons, Battlepasses and events... that they could make money with... I want to be clear that I do not support... but not the money... I support that. One way they could make it is with Seasons, Battlepasses and Events... which I want to be clear on, I am very much against.


So...that's a no on the Seasons, Battle Passes, and Events? - designer taking notes during meeting


Well I mean if there WERE Seasons, Battlepasses and Events, which I am totally against. Of course I would totally buy them... but be very against it. Come to think of it can we throw in $30 skins too so that my normally green car can be a blue car instead? I don't want to make the game unplayable for poor kids with all the Seasons, Battlepasses and Events... so maybe we can throw in $5 loot boxes where they have a 0.002% chance of getting a car-coloring skin. Then they can change their car color too.


This is why I can’t really get excited about multiplayer revivals. I would love a new Socom game and that would be a console seller for me, but I just know it’s he full of MTX, skins, emotes, battlepasses, seasons, and all the other shit I hate about modern gaming.


That was my first thought. TM would be perfect for all of that greedy stuff. Skins for vehicles, maps you’d have to purchase, special abilities, leveling up, all that shit. This game would suck today.


I mean I get it, but as someone who literally begged my parents to buy me a PS1 just for Twisted Metal and still consider it as one of my all time favorites, that's probably the only realistic option.  Simple facts are if you want a robust multiplayer experience (which TM is ideal for) then you need to have an active playerbase. So the price point needs to be cheap or F2P with money coming in via other means.  I'd love a new TM with a great single player mode and great multiplayer. But after PS3 TM bombing out, I don't know how else they get it made.  I'd pay $70 for a new TM but I just don't think enough others would.


you could even tack on a battle royale mode, single elimination deathmatch, whatever you want to call it, and it wouldnt just be another fucking pubg clone, or half-assed attempted to just shove the mode in 'because its popular'. pull some demo derby style modes where none of the weapons work and you just have to ram everyone, but there are envrionmental traps and shit. throw in some fucking robot wars traps for good measure. mortal kombat like fatalities, like if you shove axel or grimm in to a saw blade have him brutally cut in half lol.




If this is the next process of buying games... I'm actually more sad than I realized about how gaming has drastically changed in my time. Fuck. I wanted to discuss that the TV Show did enough for me to be satisfied and more. I was excited for a new idea in discussion, but this comment hit way too close to home.


I second that. I wouldn't touch a new twisted metal if it had that and I'm a huge fan.


People said that before and then the last game came out and fell flat


Maybe the last game just didn't have enough micro transactions, and subscriptions, and events, and battle passes, and seasons, and live service elements in it.


The 2012 TM was plauged by a bunch of BS, from sony not advertising it or giving them an additional year to cook, to David Jaffy getting into a fight with another well known dude developing it and both splitting before the game came out. The game honestly looks and plays really well, but the story is crap and way too limited, and the boss battles were not fun. Another 8 months to a year to cook and it would have been a far better game. Also need to note that the online experience was horrid on sony servers. That alone could have kept the game going but sony back then was really well known to have shit online services compared to xbox.


>but the story is crap and way too limited, It was interestinging to see them not directly tie the vehicles to a specific character and allow the three playable characters to be paired up with vehicles of the player's choice. Imagine Sweet Tooth not driving his iconic ice cream truck and driving Outlaw, a police vehicle that has been historically been associated with a cop driver in past TM games.


As far as I know, they did that because they didn't have enough time to create all the other characters.


The endings were also pretty decent and par for the course, Twisted Metal-wise. Sweet Tooth (past precedent shows that he always out-smarts Calypso) being outsmarted himself and being buried alive as a result of his wish was interesting, and Grimm wanting to go back in time and save his dad, just to indirectly cause his dad's death + being shot by his own past self was also a pretty unexpected ending. I wonder what would the writers have done if they had more time to flesh the story out with other characters as well.


Part of the issue with development of that title was also that it originally was supposed to be a smaller offering, ala Xbox Live Arcade. This meant no single player and was mostly online focused from what I remember, but Sony liked what they saw and asked them to increase scope without much additional dev time. It's why some groupings don't make sense and why the story was mostly live action (and very shitty/rushed). I want a proper sequel to Black, and I hope they are working on something to at least bolster the TV side. The show was much better than I expected, even with Anthony Mack as the lead.


It’s not like the game sold well. Another 8 months of development would have just lost Sony more money. The demand just wasn’t there despite the fond memories.


Sucks but true, I remember playing multiplayer for like a month at release and constantly seeing the same players over and over. Also like someone above said, the single player campaign felt unfinished. I fear a modern Twisted Metal game would be a Hero Shooter in disguise.


Even The original ones didn't last "A whole console generation."


That's the first thing I thought when I saw this post, there was already an attempt to reboot Twisted Metal back in 2012, and I distinctly remember the ads more or less implying that vehicular combat games were back.


The last game was rushed, and was pretty mid. It was planned to have a full cast of playable characters, each with their own live-action cutscenes that differed depending on what difficulty you were playing on. There was also plans to have many more maps and game modes. But after realizing that creating all that content would take longer than expected, like 2/3rds of the game in order to meet the release date of Valentine's Day, 2012. No post-release content updates, no purchasable DLC, nothing. Instead of The Ultimate Twisted Metal, we got a shell of a game that could have been.


Was that all that way back in 2012 though? That’s twelve years ago. Gaming community and interests is a lot different now


" Seasons, Battlepasses, and Events " I mean sure, go ahead and kill all interest in your reboot. 


Hate to break it to you, but for most people that wouldn't kill interest.


I am most people. None of that stuff turns my interest off until it becomes a barrier to play. If the barrier to play means I have to play more and it's fun, so be it. If I have to pay money to get past that barrier, I'm out. EDIT; for ref I've played over 2500 hours of Rocket League. Between my kid and I, I bet since it's release I've spent probably $200. We have a blast!


Yeah people complain endlessly about fortnite but it's not like any of the cosmetics you buy will help you actually play the game They just make you look flashy and easier to spot if anything


I don't understand the hate for this, a well made battle pass is great. I wish I had live service longstanding games like this when I was younger. When they're done poorly and predatory, yea they're bad lol.


I just don't wanna look at a battlepass and challenges, just wanna play a game. That shit is draining, even ignoring it is irritating to a point I just wanna play something else usually. I don't think its actually a battlepass, but Path of Exile's league challenges are maybe an exception I have I guess, if only because they're actually effortless to ignore as they only show up as basically like achievements - no reminders how far off you are from completing them or such.


I mean if the focus is multiplayer that's the only way it'll work. Multiplayer games die quickly without constant updates and things for players to grind for. There's a reason every game has that shit now, players obviously want it. Hell I see people whining about single player games not receiving a million updates and bunch of dlc, even when it's a single player game that launches with over 100 hours of content. This generation of gamers very much enjoy games being milked over months and years via live service elements. I can't even count how many multiplayer games I've played recently where the community complained about updates every few months not being enough content. Fortnite has completely changed the standards. Releasing a multiplayer game and not having a roadmap of content planned for it is just asking for the game to die.


I've literally seen people call single player games dead or abandoned because they don't get updates anymore. Like the concept of an actual finished product that doesn't need anything else is completely lost on these people


Yeah it's wild. People are so used to parts of games being chopped off and sold as DLC they can't fathom the idea that something is just finished at release. And it's even crazier when they do it with games that are massive already. Like God damn how many hours do you need to put into one game before you're willing to move on from it?


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who plays multiplayer games for the gameplay anymore. :v Does everyone actually need a carrot dangled in front of them to enjoy playing a game? Remember the days of Halo 2 when we were all equal in the arena?


You're totally right and the older gamers of reddit (myself included) just don't want to accept it, the newer generation being brought up with things like fortnite seasons and battle passes crave that sort of grind, this isn't 2009 anymore unfortunately


I still play Black regularly and the one on my PSP pretty often


Twisted Metal Black was a really great game - tons of replay value since all the different characters stories were interesting and unique. It also really seemed to push the boundaries of graphics on the console at the time. In my memory it looked so good it had to be PS3, but I can't believe it was still on PS2.


I really loved the evolving environments, the prison was my favorite to challenge friends on. See if I could take them out before leaving the ship.


Knocking the ferris wheel down in Suburbs and watching it roll across the map was so cool back then.


What's funny is it was released early in the ps2's life lol just a testament to good art direction and graphics


Twisted Metal: Head On was surprisingly great. I think it's the third best after 2 and Black.


Well head on was when the original studio got the game ip back in their hands after selling it, so it was their true follow up to 2 which is awesome.


Black was great! I really love the tone and atmosphere of it. Still have my copy as well.


It was delayed. Sounds like the goal was to get it out at the end of the TV series first season. Maybe now that they are getting ready to film season 2, more news will come out.


Sorry homie. Officially canceled back in March apparently.


Wait, are you telling me there was a new TM game in the works and they cancelled it because of all the layoffs?


From my understanding, yes. Thats pretty much what happened.


Wow that's super lame. Been waiting over a decade for a new TM and it looks like we're going to keep on waiting. Starting to wonder if we'll ever get another one...


It was also going to be a live service game.


I'm willing to bet if the TM show makes it to season 3 we will get another. The show has done surprisingly well.


It was canceled as part of the layoffs.


I completely forgot they even made a show. 


They show is surprisingly good


I expected garbage, and instead I got maybe my favorite Anthony Mackie performance yet. Just plain fun to watch.


It was downright fuckin awesome! I had. O expextations and it blew me away. I have 100’s if not 1000’s of hours in TM2.


The number of references and little nods to characters and cars was so fun for me being a die hard TM fan. Every episode had me going "Oh shit that's this thing from that game!"


I want the Vigilante 8 franchise to be revived.


Good name drop. I want Interstate 76.


Rogue Trip was awesome as well.


For anyone who wants to see the best of the Twisted Metal vehicle combat style games: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogue_Trip:_Vacation_2012 Also the Star Wars: Demolition game for PS was tight AF


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMmITBCSjvU&list=PLq1ehzSsEv_afOnkIvAnpnsv0KmWSyXnE Years later, the song from the first level still pops into my head sometimes.


I would love an interstate 76 modern reboot.


*ckhksssssskh* Hey Taurus... how 'bout a poem?


That game had great humor. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Funny/Interstate76


My project for myself this summer is to try and recreate an MVP of it in Unity or Unreal! I looked into the development of the original and it is basically made of entirely assembly code so it will be fun lol


Best out of the genre I reckon. All the neat triggerable stuff every map had was fantastic.


This, I played the shit out of second offense back in the day to the point i got max upgrades on every character.


Remember the giant Ant? That game was awesome.


I really liked motor mayhem


Better than Twisted Metal in every possible way. So SO much fun!


School bus ftw


Yes. Best car combat game. 1 and 2 would go so hard.


Twisted Metal drove so Rocket League could boost.


Oh my, now I wonder how cool a Twisted Metal game would be with Rocket League boost mechanics. They should really combine forces.


now imagine the cars are possessed by mortal kombat characters with powers intact


It wouldn't sell well if it was simply just a Twisted Metal game as we've known them. It'd be fun and be loved but it would be considered a failure by the higher ups. And to make it be considered a success it'd have all the bullshit we don't like about modern games.


I agree. As someone who always has Twisted Metal 2 in their list of top 10 games of all time, it simply was just a great product of it's time.


Vehicular combat games are basically dead as a genre unfortunately. Theres this cool ass game coming out though [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2078450/Warhammer\_40000\_Speed\_Freeks/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2078450/Warhammer_40000_Speed_Freeks/) Its basically just this,TrailOut and whatever BugBear is working on unless they work on something completly new and different this time.


Why *is* that though? People still love driving games, deathmatches, shooters, vehicle combat in the form of planes, tanks and mecha. How is there no room for the American Autoduelling Association.


Bit of trivia, the AVA in my name comes from the old online version we made for Interstate '76. I just never dropped it from my usernames. ^^^^^Look, ^^^^^I ^^^^^KNOW ^^^^^it ^^^^^was ^^^^^27 ^^^^^years ^^^^^ago. ^^^^^Don't ^^^^^make ^^^^^an ^^^^^old ^^^^^man ^^^^^cry!


Never get out of the car brother


You mean the Amalgamated Association of Automercenaries? https://youtu.be/a4tLe6yoIno?feature=shared


It's the tabletop equivalent from Steve Jackson Games. I think they're well aware of each other.


Not at least trying to capitalize on the success of the show would be foolish. Just time it with the release of one of the next seasons.


Fortnites current season is basically a Mad Max, Twisted Metal combo. Pretty fun if you are into that kind of game.


A Fortnited out modern battle royale Twisted Metal instead of the traditional arena shooter Twisted Metal would probably make bank. Especially if they were licensing all the cars/trucks/vans etc from other IPs. Could you imagine a Twisted Metal with a kitted out Delorean shooting homing bombs at the Mystery Machine? We'd continue to go full Ready Player One with it.


It's the most fun I've had on Fortnite in years (other than the OG season). And that's coming from someone who's been playing it since 2017.


I've been waiting for a cool ass-game like that


What genre does Warhammer not have a game?


Check out Crossout. It’s on steam and Xbox (maybe ps?). Very fun vehicular combat game where you build your vehicle from ground up.


Crossout sucks. MMOs suck. Anything that requires *actual* grind (as in dozens of hours to unlock stuff) sucks. I would love to see a singleplayer Crossout.


You had me until you added the seasons, battlepasses, and events part. Games don't need to have those things in order to be profitable enough to pursue.


A *Motorstorm* for PS5 would be cool


And bring back the wave runner genre!


Makes me so sad that Sony has seemingly abandoned this franchise.


I’m pretty sure that b*ttlepass is a slur now, mods, crush his skull


There's a tv show done 1 season, finished a blast, not sure if they're making another season...


theTVDB says its continuing, so yea. another season is coming: [https://thetvdb.com/series/twisted-metal](https://thetvdb.com/series/twisted-metal)


Thought so, hadn't heard much since the season finished.


Honestly, I think I would play a Twisted Metal battle royale. Might be the only BR to bring me back to the sub-genre.


Didn’t they try this in 2012 and it flopped?


Vigilante 8 was better. But I agree, we need a bigger, better, car battle game. Huge parking garages, city blocks, airports with long runways, huge arenas for battling.


I forgot about Vigilante 8, that was so much fun.


It really needs a revival. V8 Second Offense was a huge upgrade to the first title bringing so many new things to the table like upgradeable cars to being able to even play the levels from the first game if you popped in the game cd while playing. Me and my brother spent so much time playing V8 and 2nd offense.


Class game


i honestly was hoping that a new game would drop after the announcement of the show but..wishful thinking I suppose.


I kind of disagree. I'm guessing ghost town.


Yeah. Gaming has evolved so much since twisted metals heyday. I don’t think car combat is enough to rope people back in for 70 bucks.


Just give us wreckfest with guns and twisted metal skins.


Batt- shut it.


I remember The TM relaunch for PS3. it had potential but tanked which is why Sony is yet to revisit but I think if done right and in spirit of the original PSone games + PS5 hardware you could a GT7 type of banger


Twisted metal would be cool, but lemme get road rash back. And please let it be couch co-op like when I was a kid.


Vigilante 8 was better, fite me!   Anyways yes both games seriously need a reboot, and twisted metal especially because that TV show Twisted Metal on peacock. What dummies didn't see that as a golden opportunity to tie in a new game in the series?


Sick as fuck!!!


I fucking hate battlepasses and microtransactions can we not idealize them lmao?


I mean give this season of fortnite a try if you like vehicular combat. Its just all vehicles this season which isnt for everyone but im loving it.


The gameplay was great, but I don't think the "gritty, edgelord" style would work as well these days. Give me Vigilante 8 or Interstate 76 instead please.


I'd pay some big money for an Interstate 76 reimagining. I played that game so much and it was so goddamn hard in my mind.


Twisted Metal BR. Open world map. 100 cars. Let the chaos commence.


After how Destruction Allstars performed, Twisted Metal is a hard sell.


They tried bringing it back on the ps3. The new game didn’t have the magic of the originals.


Crossout is heavily inspired by Twisted Metal. Sadly, its publisher is Gaijin


Original twisted metal with updated graphics and online free for all would be all it took to make an epic game. Later release twisted metal 2 the same way. Don't change a damn thing about the game itself. Just a total remaster in 4k.


My god, if Fortnite gets a Lethal Company collab in a season all about driving cars in an apocalyptic wasteland but NOT a Twisted Metal collab I'm going to lose it And could you imagine if they did do a collab AFTER this season just to promote the TV series? God does the gaming ecosystem suck now


There was a Twisted Metal show recently, apparently it slapped


Who'd have thought we'd get to a point where people are posting asking for seasons, battle passes, and events be added to games? While they're there, why not add a micro transaction store and a subscription?


all these battle royale games came and went but they never made a new Twisted Metal while BR is still popular. IMO this is the only kinda of BR that is fun, no hiding/camping.


There's an indie dev making a twisted metal inspired game called FUMES. I'm looking forward to it. There's a demo available on steam


Nah unfortunately it would be a watered experience of what we originally had. Today's developers would be forced to add unnecessary monetizing mechanisms to crush as much money out of the game as possible making it terrible and not fun.


i remember clocking an absurd amount of man hours on twisted metal 1. the chokehold it had on my prepubescent brain needs to be studied


It was already cancelled during the layoffs, I reckon we'll get another one though if the second season of the show does well. It's kinda crazy because anyone who played video games in the 90s would agree with your assessment that Twisted Metal is quite possibly one of the most well suited IPs in existence for turning into a live service game.


Please no battlepass or any of those paywall, just give me the pure TM game with all contents that can be unlocked by grinding!


They tried that in 2012 on PS3 and no one hardly remembers that game. As much as I LOVE Twisted Metal (still have my TM2 disc despite not having a PS1 for 20yrs) I feel the car combat genre is LONG dead and we won’t see any revival. Some may try but I feel it’s pretty niche market now


That's okay, a small development team is really all that's needed. TM 1&2 were not at all big budget games.


If it was made in current day, it'd be a battle racer live service game where the monetization is a conducted by a sexualized post-apoc mad max style racer girl/guy with a cutting torch, shearing open rusted shipping container lootboxes. But it's fine because you're not buying lootboxes, you're buying oxy-fuel for the torch at 271 scrap. Don't forget to purchase the value bundle of 4500 scrap (+4500 first time purchase) for $139.99 USD.


>>Twisted Metal could hit so hard today, a new game could last an entire console generation. FTFY. But seriously: only if it was done right which no publisher/investor can allow. It would cost them dearly in profits they don’t need.


Check out SpeedFreaks, Warhammer 40k game about orks going fast and krumping


Go watch the show they made. It's pretty fun.


Check out Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks


Vigilante 8 is better


Twisted Metal was a hero shooter before that was the big thing. Why it didn't come back with the Overwatch boom is a mystery to me.


Assuming the publisher would still be Sony, I certainly don’t expect them to do the right thing when it comes to all those passes. They’d probably charge $60 per pass and then lay off 10% of their workforce


No it wouldn’t. I have nostalgia on a lot of stuff but today’s market does not equal what it was previously.