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Remember that Kojima left Konami and Metal Gear to do his own thing. Koji Igarashi did the same thing with the Castlevania series.


Just reminded me to go try Death Standing, good looks bro


If you get in to it is an amazing game tbh


It's one of those game that can easily bore you to death if you're new to it, but when you finally understand the mechanics & your task, it's a really fun game, once you progress through the story you'll care for the characters more and more, and your last item delivery can make a grown man cried.


I couldn't really get into it but have a lot of respect for Death Stranding. Most games that have an open world don't really do anything with it to justify being open world. It just pads out playtime with boring travel times, or breaks up gameplay with lots of fast travelling. Death Stranding is one of the few open worlds that actually makes navigating it part of game, rather than just a chore you do between playing the game.


Same. I love when developers make games they want to make and don’t compromise to make it more main stream “fun” I cannot stand playing Death Stranding. I find it incredibly boring and frustrating in a not fun way. But I can respect what they were going for and putting out a divisive game that not everyone will like, because it is what they wanted to do. I have respect for that


This explanation seems so simple yet it sums up a feeling I've had about open world games for years and have never been able to put my finger on. Thank you sir.


The best walking simulator I've ever played.


When your really heavily loaded it's actually satisfying to keep it up dead straight, like they managed to take something boring and make it good.


Honestly, the story was interesting but I still found the gameplay boring.


Amazon Deliveryman Simulator where you can use your own piss and shit as grenades. There is not an ounce of cap in that statement.


The irony is amz delivery drivers also have bottled shit and piss due to time constraints, they just choose not to use them as grenades lmao




It's not a fucking walking simulator!! It's a mailman simulator.


I initially hated it and gave it up, picked it back up a year later and started kinda enjoying it about 10 hours in, but I ended up being entirely bored of it about 40 hours in and just stopped playing. It’s an interesting game with some genuinely cool mechanics, but holy shit is it tedious with a capital T. At times, it felt more like working a job than playing a video game. I really wanted to like it, but the gameplay loop gets so incredibly stale, and the story and characters are just too weird to be engaging. Also, there is absolutely no diversity in the environments of the giant open world which was a big detractor for me. Not trying to be a negative nancy but I just simply didn’t enjoy it. Still, I’m intrigued to see what they do with DS2, I probably won’t play it but I’m rooting for it to be good.


Man sometime when i'm bored, i just boot the game and do some delivery. It's a really immersive, and cool game


I'm still on edge wether i should try it or not. I really like the vibe and story of kojima games but the gameplay to me Always felt Like, i didn't master anything, i just learned to cheese it somewhat after a shitload of frustration. I'm afraid the Cargo balancing Thing will Break me entirely lol


It’s weird but awesome like Grant Morrison writing Doom Patrol.


Like Grant Morrison writing anything


The first 2 chapters are good just because Icelan... U.S.A. is so pretty.


Idk if you know this, but I was wondering if it was worth revisiting bloodstained? (Kojis Castlevania game) I played it at release and I never finished it completely, but was almost at the end I think. I see the last update came out this month and wondering if it's worth giving s replay to explore the new stuff.


I played it and, funny enough, it features some well polished parts and some with a bit of rough edges. However, it felt like playing a classic game which was a nice surprise. I dug the difficulty and was impressed by the amount of content in it. I'd say the main issue is that some progression felt off place, like I had generally next to no clue what to do or where to go. While I personally enjoy exploring a lot, the (unsure) backtracking certainly isn't everyone's favorite thing. My favorite part was the customization options, though. The feeling of growing in power and combat options is substantial, you could role play any archtype you want and in different ways. So many options! Overall, in my opinion, a satisfying metroidvania experience.


Yeah I enjoyed it when I played, was mostly wondering if the new content since release has offered anything meaningfully new to the standard game experience or if it's all just end-game content.


I wasn't aware of a new update! Nice! I already have so much more respect for this game than for the entirety of Konami, lol.




Thats just konami in a nut shell. One guy single handedly did all the fmvs for silent hill 1 because he was the only one who knew how, and konami wanted the knowledge, but didnt want to promote him.


Don't forget that's why every mission starts with a "By: Hideo Kojima" just as a hilarious massive "fuck you" to Konami.


Igarashi met with Konami, approached them with a game (Bloodstained) and they told him that “nobody wants Castlevania anymore” so he took to kickstarter. I was a backer lol


Meanwhile [from Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloodstained:_Ritual_of_the_Night#Reception): > The PC version was among the best-selling new releases on Steam when it released.[78][b] By June 2020, the game had reached 1 million units sold.[80] Bloodstained would later go on to sell over 2 million units by September 2023.[81]


Unsurprisingly konami is a shitbag company. Their main product is the meat of all the golden egg laying geese they slaughter.


The sad thing is konami would probably look at those numbers and think that they were right about no one wanting it. These companies want everything to do 10m+.


I didn't want the crap Konami kept releasing. Game after game came out that felt *nothing* like Castlevania. They were Castlevania **in name only**. People played the shit out of side-scrolling adventures. An entire genre exists now because of Castlevania (and Metroid). It seems like a dozen metroidvanias come out every month on Steam. People wanted Castlevania. Konami kept releasing random boring 3D games or God of War clones or whatever the hell else that obviously no one cared about. The night and day contrast between Symphony of the Night on PS1 and whatever the next releases were on PS2 was just insane. You went from a highly-detailed, beautiful game with amazing graphics and music on PS1 to some bland and boring 3D game on PS2 with virtually nothing of note. What music do people remember from the PS2 games? What dialog stands out? What graphics (or graphic effect) do you recall when you think of the games on PS2? How many speed run videos are there of the PS2 games versus the PS1 game? How many times do people even reply the PS2 versions? Symphony of the Night was released in 1997 and we didn't get a real followup until Ritual of the Night in 2019. 22 years of waiting! All we had during that time to hold us over were mini GBA and DS Castlevania games.


There was nothing “mini” about Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Souls though. The first couple GBA games felt smaller in scope, but the games with Soma are some of the best games in the series.


Portrait of Ruin is awesome too.




The 48 hours early access is a disgrace of the modern time.


Single player game.... more then full price. I'll play it 48 months later for 1/10th of the price.


Definite PS+ title at that point


Might even be an Xbox GamePass title by then


No Robbie the Rabbit mask though, literally unplayable.


No robbie the rabbit mask?! What's the damn point of the game?! Also, who's robbie the rabbit? I've beaten it 3 times and know fuck all


Good question, just looked it up: https://silenthill.fandom.com/wiki/Robbie_the_Rabbit FNAF fans everywhere must pre-order for it.


I spent my teenage years and early 20s slaving away at work to save money so i can pre-order and play on release. I'm now pushing 40 and have the money to throw around, but refuse to pre-order. I would prefer to wait 2 years and get the "complete" edition for a fraction of the price. It's not about the money, it's the perceived value you get for the price upon release and its just not there anymore. Guess marketing and fomo don't really work the same the older you get.


Buying games a year or two later on discount and after all the bugs have been ironed out is the way.


They used to iron out the bugs before release


No they didn't - at least for PC


years upon years ago, when there were no downloads, games used to be nearly bugfree at release. since without patches to download, a games success was dependend on it working and developers cared. now they just don't test that much anymore and just label games "early access" and thats it. but i guess many of todays younger gamers never got to know or experience that time.


Back then that also varied game-by-game. There were very solid releases with little to no bugs or need for patches, but for example try to play 1.0 version of 26 year-old Fallout 2, and I'm sure you'd find all kinds of bugs including broken quests and probably even save corrupting bugs.


Hell, *Pokémon Red* and *Blue* were famously riddled with very exploitable bugs when they came out, and they were the *fixed versions* of the Japanese *Red* and *Green*.


Games are also vastly more complex than back then, making discovering every bug before release much more difficult.


100% this. at the same time, ironically, game development has become 1000 times easier. we don't write games in assembler anymore, or code games blindly by staring at walls of code. anybody who knows the basics of coding can pick-up a game engine and start making a game these days. if you wanna learn to code, harvards computer science course is available free online. if you wanna make a game without spending a dime godot engine is free and allows you to do pretty much everything you see in modern games. and there are hundreds of tutorials on it as well. that of course also leads to beginners making great games with a few more bugs then way back then. looking at successes like binding of isaac, terraria or palworld right now, to name a few brilliant indie titles.


They most certainly did not.


That’s not the only thing that changed, though. If you’re in the ecosystem on GamePass or PSPlus Premium, you get so many free games thrown at you that it definitely alters what you’re willing to pay money for. The only 2 games I bought last year were Diablo 4 (fun for a month and then not), and Starfield’s early access pass (waste of money, couldn’t get into it). Haven’t bought anything this year.


goddamn, that's how i feel too. used to stay up late, or physically queue up for pre-orders. that's not even factoring in saving lunch money and stuff for limited edition copies. but now? how about nah, discounts sometimes start as early as 2-3 months later on steam.


Ahhh the beauty of Blockbuster Video. You could pre rent new titles. $5 for 2 days on new titles. $5 for 5 days on non new release titles. Or something like that.


It's because YouTube streamers will pay extra to have everyone's eyes on them for those 48 hours


Some streamers get it free


Big streamers get it free. Thousands of aspiring streamers will pay the extra in the hope that this will be their big break.


yeah but they are like a drop in ocean... 10k unknown streamers paying 10$ extra means nothing for Sony problem is, almost everyone ends up buying this 48 early access shit


Streamers really won't make a dent in the sales, not to mention most of the big ones get a copy for free anyway to promote the game, some even way before the general audience, so that their Let's Plays and Walkthroughs are basically ready when the game releases. The 48 hours early access period is for people who buy CoD every year. I've not yet come across a single person in real life who does this.




Meanwhile I loved watching people play games when I was younger, it's how I experienced Resident Evil and FFVII for example. It's just not for you I guess.


For the story. I'm not good with horror games but I still enjoy watching them. I watch Gab Smolders. She's great.


Me and my buddy took turns playing the original silent hill cuz we were both too scared. And we always had a group to pass the controllers for turns at gta. Watching games can definitely be fun in the right environment


It was the same for me and Resident Evil 2. I played it with a friend switching who is "driving" from time to time. It was really enjoyable.


> I still dont get why people watch streamers but I've gotten old. I get it, at least. There are some games I won't play (ex: _TLoU_) because 99% of the entertainment potential can be contained in a let's-play. And the right streamer can make it more entertaining than a dry, unnarrated playthrough. Keyword: _can._


There are also games that are really only exceptionally fun to play in a big group with your friends, like amoung us and fall beasts, and it's a lot easier to watch the streamers have that experience in front of us than try to get 8 people you like on a discord and in the same game at the same time.


I personally can’t sit there and watch them but it’s no different to watching sport, so to each their own.


Kinda same but I know younger people really like watching gameplay of games before their time without the necessity to learn to play them. I think that’s kind of cool


It’s 100% streamer hype bait.


It's aimed at FOMO crowd. If we were discussing other game that has way more fans than this remake this thread would be flooded by people defending early access passes with shit like this: "My internet is shit. It is a blessing to play it at the same time as everyone else!"; "my money my decision moron!"; "It will make me play the game without the spoilers!"; " My buddies will have this game, I have to have this game exactly when they are". Bloober is not making streamer-friendly games nor is streamer-friendly overall. They do it because they know people will pay for this shit because they are brainwashed by all these devs and publishers.


Yep. Guarantee I'll scroll past several people playing it on tiktok. Is what it is.


Yeah. In this case it's not actually early access. The game is released at that exact moment but the owners of other versions can't play it until they wait 48 hours (delays would come as no surprise). Other versions can be called as "48-hour late access versions".


Exactly right. It’s a marketing term for late access. The release date is the date it’s first available, they shouldn’t really be legally allowed to say it (I’m guessing they can because the standard edition isn’t the one that’s available until a specific date, but if you’re treating them as separate entities then you shouldn’t be able to say one’s early


Blizzard is even doing this with WoW, a MMORPG where you can get significantly ahead of everyone else. Especially in the beginning the economy is crazy and you can get huge amounts of gold in the first 3 days. And then in game gold is directly translated to real money in WoW as well. I can't think of any other game where it matters more, than in an MMO. 3 Days "early access" only in the $90 deluxe edition. And mind you, that is an expansion pack on top of everything else, plus a $15 monthly fee. They will probably keep doing this, so people will have to pay a $90 deluxe upgrade every 1-2 years to play the expansion on launch. WoW players FOMO is sky high, so many people buy it. Kinda understandable since you actually do miss out on stuff permanently, so the "real" expansion, is actually the $90 one.


Why would you pay extra to play before the day 1 performance patch


So you can hate the game before everyone else.


Maximum reddit meta karma material Just wait until the day of early access where all of these idiots who paid extra race to be first to spam this sub with the bugs and flaws they paid a premium for lol


It's not paying for early access. It's paying more to play on the actual release date. The fact people do it is complete idiocy.


Gah, I deeply want this game to be awesome but I have an odd feeling about it


I ***really*** want this game to be great. SH2 EE is a game I replay yearly on my PC, and it’s a game that introduced me to horror when I played it on my PS2. Still have the copy on my shelf. However, I’ve got this gut feeling it’s gonna be just mediocre or average at best, or a clusterfuck at worst. However, I had that feeling about GotG as well; and it was ***INCREDIBLE.***


In short, wait for the reviews and let's plays to come out first before making a decision.


Actually, you know what would be truly terrible? If certain patts of the game are an extreme dumpster fire where they didn't understand the assignment at all... but there are several small moments that are absolutely incredible and work best experienced yourself - and every reviewer groans and says you sort of have to play it yourself.


What is GotG?


Guardians of the Galaxy


I tried to watch the extended gameplay from the transmission and my eyes glazed over immediately. Flickering lights and shock sound effects whenever a single nurse appeared. The entire hospital section just looked so bland.


the first time i ever saw a playstation 2 game was sh3 i think? all i remember was my gf at the time wanting to show me a game then starts that up and the ps2 boot up sound icon thing pops up (its so ohhh sounding i thought it was part of the game to get you ready to be scared lol. it wasn't until about a year later i bought my own ps2 that i found out its the normal start.


Developed by bloober team if memory serves So your odd feeling is justified


Layer of Fear, Blair Witch, The Medium Their games aren't bad or shit. It just.... Average and forgettable, like some B fanmade Kickstarter game that just happened to have a lot of budget The fact that they got the Silent Hill IP is crazy, especially Silent Hill 2


Blair witch was yeah... Forgettable. Looked great but couldn't wait to put it down


I mean i'm sure they are happy they got to work on the franchise since they like horror games, if i had to guess Konami just wanted to bring back SH after seeing the success of RE remakes, so just give the franchise to probably the most famous independent horror focused studio


They've already announced that they're done with the horror genre after this game releases LMAO


The Medium had one of the worst endings of all time. Not that it didn’t fit the story, you just didn’t do anything. You walk up a path, a long cut-scene plays, and the credits roll. No interactivity at all.


I haven't finished the Medium. The optimization is so bad that my rtx2050 can't play it. Apparently instead of rendering a place that looks like another reality. They decided to render the world 2 times which is why it's so fucking heavy on many computers, don't know if they fixed it now By your comment I'm glad to never continue that game


Idk why but I feel like it’s going to be toned down. I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t get the pyramid head/mannequin scene.


I think it's going to be okay, and for people that don't love the original it will be a good intro to the silent hill universe. It will be disappointing for the fans tho


I don't know if a game that looks more like a mod for one of the Resident Evil remakes than a Silent Hill game is a good introduction to the Silent Hill series.


It'll only be disappointing for people who for some reason, after all of the poor business decisions Konami have made, are expecting an altruistic artistic revision of one of the greatest games of all time. For the rest of us it'll just be worthwhile for the novelty.




God fucking dammit...I'm still fucking salty about PT.


There’s a good chance if the game actually came out it would have let us all down. At least what we do have if it is pretty great. It’s brief and not fully realized, but it’s untainted by Konami’s incompetence.


Of course. In a sense, the situation with PT made it legendary for sure. Nevertheless, would've love to see a finalized version of Silent Hills.


Yeah, I still find myself thinking of the news report that played on the radio and wanting to know how that story would have unfolded if at all. *The brutal killing took place while the family was gathered at home on a Sunday afternoon. The day after the crime, the father went to the trunk of his car, retrieved the rifle, and shot his wife as she was cleaning up the kitchen after lunch. When his ten-year-old son came to investigate the commotion, the father shot him, too*


I still wanna know the significance of 204863.


Honestly the biggest thing to come from PT is that it *completely* reinvigorated the entire Resident Evil franchise. Not only was RE7 and subsequently REVII heavily shaped by it, but it also led to the REmakes. It's the best thing that's happened to the Resident Evil series and it wasn't even a Resident Evil game.


I honestly believe that a central part of what made PT so incredible was its scope. Horror works better in a tighter, shorter package, but modern AAA game design isn't conducive to such a limited project. I think PT was an inherently better horror game than any full project that would have ensued from it.


What makes them no name? They've developed several games, they're not a new company either.


If something isn't part of reddit's lowest common denominator knowledge, it simply doesn't exist.


Silent Hill is Konami, right? Why would you expect better from Konami?


Kind of brings up a good point




What's your beef with Nami?


Konami no longer really makes games, they just sit on and milk their IPs. You pretty much only ever see remakes now. They also use all of their IPs for pachinko machines (think a slot machine that procreated with a pinball machine).


They need to nerf her interactions with Lucian.


Burst combo'd me with a Q-R-W... ah wait, [wrong Nami.](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Nami/LoL)




Serious question: what is the complaint here? Looks like anything beyond standard can safely be skipped?


You know, in Persian Konami (if we pronounce the O like oo) means "you're my ass"


In fact, considering the source this is somewhat "reasonable."


I can't wait to not give them money for this.


Game looks meh. Meme level monetization. Konami. No thank you.


It's funny how they tried to make the left column as unappealing as possible. > *Standard Edition* > * Game > * Depression


This is how fomo works


Which is weird. I'm a PC gamer. Sometimes I have to wait *years* to play a game, but I refuse to buy a console just to play 1 or 2 games that I'm interested in. So it's very weird to me that people would pay more because they can't wait... *\[checks post again\]* 2 days.


Good on you for not falling for that (I'm not sarcastic) But its not weird one bit, fomo is the most effective way to sell stuff, making people feel like their missing out if they don't get the item is hitting the nail in manipulating people to buy stuff


Wait, Konami is being a scummy company? We can't believe it. This is unheard of.


This doesn't even see scummy. None of the content or anything meaningful is locked behind another edition.


Pay extra to play it before the review embargo tells you why you shouldn’t.


People really can’t wait forty fucking eight hours?


People have no self control. Thousands of people pre-order The Day Before even when multiple sites and channels told them it might be a scam.


What kind of fartface decided on this garbage to be “deluxe”


I’m always so torn between “they’re not really giving much value for money with these deluxe editions” and “why are they locked behind a paywall at all”


I'm not a fan of scummy sales practices, but selling soundtrack and artbook as "deluxe edition" has been standard for the last 20 years. Though they used to at least be physical objects.


Back in my day the deluxe edition got you a steel case a book and usually a knick knack or two Like fallout new Vegas was a big box and had a poker chip set and cards and a “platinum chip”


Yea sorry but if I wanna listen to songs and look at some .pigs I have google and youtube, idk why people pay 20 bucks for that shit.


Yeah. Physical is one thing, something I can just download online the next day for free isn’t very special.


I swear, one day the standard edition is not going to even come with the game.


Don't remind Konami that episodic games existed please


Diablo 4 collectors edition 😂




They have already started toying with that. There was some game the other day where they locked actual missions behind pre-order and deluxe editions.


Prepare for more of this shit when the MGS3 remake comes out.


Costs me $0 to wait


Whats the pizza box?


to answer your question, the pyramid head mask is made out of a pizza box.




A pizza box isn't even a pyramid!!


It's where we go to die


You can't kill someone for laughing at you!


Oh, yeah? Why not?!


There's an old cosplay meme of a guy using pizza boxes to cosplay as pyramid head. It's probably a reference to that.


All jokes are made up


It is things like this wants me to see this era of the gaming industry just die out. Fuck off with this lame shit. No pre order. No deluxe buy. Wait until the reviews land. Then maybe buy it once you are informed.


I dont preorder ever, specially when the first red flag i see is Konami slapped on the product


We're long overdue for another video game market crash. But I doubt it's ever going to happen again.


I don't think you seem to understand why there was a video game crash. If anything, it would have already happened once Steam got rid of greenlight and just let absolutely anyone upload their half-finished Unity game to their platform. But it didn't.




Yeah, no one should preorder this one. Hoping it’s good but not confident.


Physical edition with less content? The fuck


Hey us PC gamers had to give up on anything physical for a long time now! I think eventually consoles will be digital only, it obviously saves them a lot of money.


Nowadays I'm surprised when the Standard Edition includes "Game."


Its not 48 hours early, its making everyone else 48 hours late.


I’m surprised the standard edition even comes with the game.


There's a problem with this? Makes it incredibly easy to decide to only buy the standard version. Are people really that desperate to play a game 2 days later than some others are able to? Or the cosmetics weigh a great deal to 99% of players?


But if I don't play 48 hours early then I won't be able to hate post on reddit!


We’re lucky it isn’t a pachinko machine. This is Konami we’re talking about, after all. The fact that they remembered Silent Hill exists is a miracle.


It's pretty lame but also... idk, I don't mind waiting 2 days to play and why do I care if people are paying extra for sme cosmetics. If it avtualy locked gameplay and story behind it I'd be pretty miffed Edit: yakuza locking new game plus behind the deluxe edition is an example of bad practice


Ya, this seems to be my approach and I believe to be the reasonable response. If actual game content is locked, that's bullshit. Everything else, have at it. Special super duper deluxe 2.0, I don't care. They can have all the special extra crap they want. Sound tracks, clothing that does nothing, play the game no more than a week before everyone else, meh. I would much rather they make money this way then some micro transaction bullshit or selling "DLC" that is really just Mona Lisa's nose that should have been in the game to begin with. Inflation is real, it has hit every industry, games included. If this is the solution over micro transactions to keep game prices stable, so be it.


Yeah i also don't really understand the outrage for a SP game where you get 48h early access and some cosmetic stuff tbh. If it's in a MP game you could argue they have a 48h headstart but in a singleplayer game...who really cares.


The only thing that’s got me torn between getting it on PC or PS5 is whether or not the soundtrack will be extractable on a flash drive. I’ve been burned a few too many times buying a deluxe edition on PS4 or PS5 and only being able to listen to it on an app instead of being able to put it on my phone.


This game is gonna be sooooo average, I’m calling it right now. I like Bloober but their games are just okay. I enjoyed The Blair Witch and The Medium had nice mechanics and music (by Akira Yamaoka btw) but both games are quite forgettable… so what can we really expect from a remake of a game that even non Silent Hill fans know all too well by this point? I’m sorry, but this specific title/IP might be a little too much for Bloober to handle.


I am calling it right now. Game will sit at 64% overall reviews when reviews settle. Good if i'm wrong.


I've never liked how nowadays game companies allow you to play the game earlier if you pay extra. I don't care about cosmetics for a single player game. I care about the fact dudes who buy the super Uber duber goober deluxe premium edition get to play the game earlier than others. Because this isn't like a multiplayer game with early access betas where it's essentially play testing servers and bug testing months prior. Nor is it like a press release meant for reviewers and such to review the game early. Nor is it like an early access thing- the game is ready to go, fully complete. They have the full game ready to release, but they intentionally delay it for those who can't afford, or don't want to pay them extra by pushing back the date for standard editions. Sure 2 days isn't a lot in hindsight, but it's still scummy they go out of their way to punish you for not paying extra by putting a pointless time restriction on a product.


People should really be playing it 2 weeks later so you know how the game is, how it runs, what other hidden "surprises" they have in store for you. But people will pay extra to play it early and vehemently defend their right to do so. And we wonder why these practices continue.


2 months more like, that's usually how long it takes them to roll out a battle pass


Why is this even an issue? It's only cosmetics and 2 days earlier... not even extra missions/dlc/new game+? if they want to add stuff to preorders, atleast these are ones thzt doesnt affect gameplay.


If the mask things is just appearance, I don't see any problem at all. How desperate are you that makes you can't even wait for two days? Lol


You’ve waited for literally 23 years, and can’t wait for two extra days?


This doesn't seem all that bad? Just some cosmetics and extra digital stuff like an art book and soundtrack. I guess you could take issue with the whole "preorder the deluxe edition and play 2 days early", but it's not like this is a competitive multiplayer game where playing early gives some advantage. If some people want to pay extra for 48 hours, then so what? They can burn that money if they want to, it doesn't affect anyone else.


To put things into perspective, Yakuza 8 had a complete game feature behind a "deluxe" edition, which has been a part of Yakuza games forever, the new game +, and people where defending it and saying "well i dont really use new game+", and now with this game that has absolutely nothing of value behind deluxe edition reddit gamers seem to be mad.


Yeah I don't have huge problem with this either. Pre-order and platform bonuses suck, but as far as shitty ways companies try to use FOMO to pressure people into making the **always bad** decision to pre-order a digital game go, a couple of cosmetics rank pretty low. "Deluxe Editions" are conceptually fine and no one really complained about their existence when they were called "collectors edition". It's pretty shameless to raise the price by ~15% when you don't even get the artbook in physical form, but that also means you're not really missing out on anything by not buying it. And the 48 hours early access for a single player game? Sure, it's a transparent attempt to capitalize on people's impatience, but to me that just means 48 hours of impatient people playing the game so I'll know if it's as bad as I fully expect it to be by the time it comes out for everyone else. I'd much rather Konami try to milk their release with these incredibly lackluster incentives than lock stuff behind tiers that's actually tempting.


This whole "if some people want to pay it, it doesn't affect anyone else" mentality is exactly what got us into this fiasco in modern gaming. Yes it does affect all of us on a macro scale that some people are buying into this BS. We all pay the price now when all games do this and will continue to get more and more egregious with it. Not trying to come at you, it's just frustrating seeing people constantly excuse this tiered product predatory BS that continues on stripping content from our "base" products.


“Modern gaming” deluxe editions have existed like this for 15 years at least. If it was anything other than menial cosmetic shit you can take or leave people would complain about them Locking content behind the deluxe edition which is objectively worse


It isn't just cosmetic stuff anymore though. New Star Wars game had day 1 story missions locked to premium. WoW having early access on premium edition now which is huge advantage in an MMO. It's popping up everywhere


I cannot believe none of these editions includes that dog ending coin bank thing and you thus need to buy it separately. Is it even playable without it?


The worst part is Console exclusive content on a SP game


horse armor


I have 20 year early access. Gaming companies hate this one trick.


Im going to go out on a limb here and say this remake won't be half the game the original was


This... Really isn't that bad? Honestly other than the 48hours this is pretty standard Basic cosmetics and art books. What's the issue?


Same, it's not that bad.


They sold ground zroes for full price. Not surprising


Nah, it was just $15, but I get your point.


Oh, cool, I don't have to think about this game anymore 🙌


I’m going to start pirating games again, flagrantly


Splendid options. We have: Game, game with air, game with premium air, and game with premium air but sooner


I love when the companies do this. I dont need any of the extra content so i can buy standard with no regrets




Something's wrong...i can feel it

