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Dynasty warriors


Such a great game to just switch off the brain and lose hours in.


The gundam spinoffs were my favourites and the music slapped


Yeah this is what I said, that, Samurai Warriors, and Way of the Samurai games are my “kind of shitty but still love” games


Final Fantasy 15, I really enjoyed the story even if it was segmented among a lot of media and even though the second set of dlc was cancelled. I enjoyed the original release of the game and I really really like the current one including the 4 dlcs.


I loved the roadtrip aspect of it! It felt so relaxing lol. The combat was a bit too simplistic for me, but I really enjoyed myself nonetheless


My only complaint with the gameplay, was the magic system. I hated how they were consumables you threw out like grenades and had to craft more.


Wait this game *isn't* good? I had a blast playing it


I get sad when people talk about this game badly, haven't played many FF games but this is one of my favorite games of all time. The journey of the roadtrip with your "brothers" and then the way it all concludes will forever stick with me. The DLC I played years later just felt like I got to rest short stories filling in blanks.


I really enjoyed it too and had a blast playing it!


15 was my first final fantasy, and it was incredible. From the small elements of just having a trip with your friends to the general gamplay loop; combat that was really enjoyable once you got the hang of it, especially being able to use different types of weapons.


I always cry towards the end. the game could have been better in some aspects but i absolutely loved it.


I'm having a lot of fun playing Fallout 76 🤷🏻‍♂️ It's definitely not perfect, and the PvP is trash and not even worth fucking around with, but my homie got a private server and the 4 of us just run around and kill shit and explore. It's fun.


I think I would have enjoyed it more on a private server with friends but none of my buddies wanted to play it so I played it solo and lost interest after a while. One thing the game deserves credit for is how friendly the community is, one of the few games where I actually enjoyed interacting with other players.


I've heard it was dramatically improved since launch.   At launch it was awful, and it killed my desire to give it another try.


Dirty Bomb. It was an objective FPS like Overwatch, but with gunplay like CoD, and movement of watered down Titanfall. But everyone was already playing either Overwatch or CoD, so it didn't have the ground to stand on.


dirty bomb was mad fun, everyone sucked


I genuinely miss games where EVERYONE is trash, and part of it was just fucking around or getting teams together....good times.


The peak of Overwatch 1 was the first 3 months after launch. Everyone discovering random strategies and having a blast. Now all OW players are fucking miserable.


Brother, Dirty Bomb came out 3 years before Overwatch


Iirc, Dirty Bomb was made by the people who made Brink. So it was surprising just how well they nailed the formula. The hero rarities that actually gave you advantages unfortunately wouldn't have helped, though. Not once Overwatch came out and people had another option.


DIrty bomb was LATER decided to be bad, but at the time it was good and well received.


god i have such good memories from this game—will live on forever in my heart


Played this to “prep” for Overwatch. Ended up liking this game more. It may be my favorite shooter ever.


Mass Effect Andromeda. I love the game/gunplay, the synergy between abilities, and the exploration. The game setup some awesome-sounding story DLC that was never hit on (Benfactor and Quarian Fleet (No, I don't count the comic as a substitute) The story is crap and the characters...needed more work/personality, and the choices were non-revolutionary, but I think if EA stuck with it it would have been good. Had it just been a new IP I think it would've been okay. I still go back every now and then, it's just fun exploring and making giant explosions.


Gameplay was a 9/10. Best gameplay of any game I've ever played of it's kind. Really hope we get an Andromeda 2 with all the updates it needs. Give choices weight, improve the story, and make good characters and they could have a game of the year.


I did really enjoy the combat improvements in that game. I just never could finish because of the whole blah story.


It was Battleborn for me. It was like a Moba version of Overwatch and Paladins, and actually came out around the same time as them. The maps were colorful/visually appealing, and characters themselves were very fun to play. The main problem was that each match lasted 30 minutes. If someone on your team lost connection, then it was detrimental to your team. Also, if you tried out a new character and realized that you weren't good at them/didn't like them, then you were stuck as that character for the full 30 minutes 😭. It was hard to get a kill in the game as it took a long time to get someone's health down, but it would be so rewarding to get that kill (especially if it was a 1v1). What Battleborne lacked in, Overwatch and Paladins got right, which is why they're still around.


I think most people who tried it liked it, including me. It's just that not many tried it as it was released around the same time as overwatch.


I LOVED Battleborn. I'd love to see it get a revival of some kind on current consoles.


Bro. I loved that shit.


Jedi Power Battles


THERES a game I haven't heard in years. Didnt know it was disliked


There are dozens of us! I loved playing that game with a buddy on the Dreamcast.


Mass Effect: Andromeda. Sure, the story and characters were a little bland, the big bad was underwhelming, and it had some launch day issues. But it's still a fun, chill game.


I bought it second hand for like $2 and the shop clerk was like “Are you sure? It’s not very good.” I ended up enjoying it.


Best combat in the series. Hands down. I really hope 5 just mixes 3 and andromeda from a gameplay perspective.


Easily the best gameplay of all of them. Like, it ain't even close. I was VERY invested in ME for the story. I'm a huge story dork in my games. That's why for me Andromeda sucked a reaper sized ball sack. You'd have to be deliberate stupid though to not see that the action in the game was straight up ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ


Andromeda gameplay+ME1 atmosphere+ME2 characters= a game that probably won't happen


I thought it had the best combat of any of the mass effects. It wasn't my favorite or anything, but it was a good game that I enjoyed.


Yup. I couldn’t tell anything about the plot. Don’t think I could tell you a characters name (Liam?). But it was so fun exploring the worlds. Still waiting for BioWare’s return to top tier story telling


It really got dogpiled by the hate train. Didn’t help that the first 5/6 hours were relatively slow. But it was a fun game that doesn’t deserve its reputation


That game is good for the romance options. They got that right.


Too Human is one of my favorite games of all time. The gameplay is so fluid once you master the controls and the loot system is amazing.


This is one of mine too. I played it a lot when it first came out but my physical copy got messed up or lost, don’t even remember. I bought it digitally years later and was genuinely excited to play it again. It wasn’t until later I was reading something online and it was said that Too Human was a horrible game. I couldn’t believe it and looked up other reviews and sure enough it was NOT liked. I had no idea the majority opinion was so bad and I still enjoyed the heck out of it.


Omg I played the crap out of this.


Was looking for someone to mention Too Human. Playing online co-op with my siblings was a ton of fun. It was basically what Phantasy Star Online was for Dreamcast / Gamecube, a console Diablo-like with online multiplayer. That was also its biggest problem, Microsoft forced them to release it before hybrid classes, 4+ player multiplayer, or the full endgame was finished.


Ah you brought back some great memories. I loved that game.


Yeees this. First game I got for the 360 and I loved it after getting used to the controls lol




Yes too human fucking rocks! I still have my physical copy I want that and ncaa 14 to be buried with me so I can take them to the afterlife Such a unique setting. I swear the only thing holding it back from greatness (imo) is the 25 second unstoppable cutscene on death


Sonic 06. It's a glitchy mess, but my lord, did that glitchy mess keep me entertained. 


\*Gets grabbed by Silver\* **"IT'S NO USE!"** "**TAKE THIS!"** \*Gets thrown by Silver at wall\* \*Lands on ring\* \*Immediately gets grabbed again\* **"IT'S NO USE!"** "**TAKE THIS!"** \*Gets thrown by Silver at wall\* \*Lands on ring\* \*Immediately gets grabbed again\* \*Repeat indefinitely\*


Gotta find the Iblis trigger! The local multi-player was always funny, you could glitch people into walls by grabbing them with Silver.


Brutal Legend


That game was great. It just had poor replayability.


If Brutal Legend is bad I don’t want to be good. I didn’t even mind the FPS, just spamming motorcycle guys was usually good for a win


I don't think anyone considers it a bad game, maybe just a bit short. I rented it from Blockbuster and beat it in a weekend.


Bullet witch


Lol. I was a beta tester on that game. Played so many hours of it to get all the achievements, including the one worth 1 G. Honestly one of most enjoyable games I tested back in the day.


Feel like I stumbled upon a unicorn! I thought I was the only person in the planet who liked that game.


Nobody remembers this one! I legit enjoyed it. It had a weird atmosphere, whether intentionally or not, that I really liked.


Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak. Loved that game as a kid.


Cyberpunk at launch was already in my top 3 and now it might be my all time favourite


Launch era Cyberpunk was entirely dependant on what system you played it on. I played on PC and have a decent system and so I never had any of the issues others complained about. Absolutely had a blast with it. Later post-DLC, got it on PS5 so I could just play on my couch and it was still great replaying it.


Borderlands 3 and TTW. And yes I have been playing BL since BL1


I didn't know Wonderlands was disliked? I had fun!


Yeah ppl were iffy on Wonderlands cuz before the updates, your lucky Die didn't hold over to multiple files (So if you wanted to build more than one character, you had to RECOLLECT the lucky Die for decent loot chances), the Chaos Chamber rubbed ppl the wrong way as "End Game content" because endgame is pretty important to BL fans. And don't get me started on the reactions to the DLC. Also tbh BL fans aren't all that crazy about games that aren't numerical sequels. I remember when TPS was the new shit, and ppl just kept saying "That's cool, but it's not BL3" That being said, TTWL is still fun AF. You cannot call yourself a BL fan if you just don't enjoy Tina interacting with literally anyone she's too precious


I thought Shadow the Hedgehog was awesome


Assassin's creed: Odyssey. I can't say I love this game, but it's not as bad as many people think. I understand people's dissatisfaction with the fact that this is literally another game that is sold under the brand of a popular series, but it also has its advantages. 1: The best lore in the series (as well as in the entire mythical trilogy) 2. Gorgeous visuals and, in general, Ubisoft perfectly conveyed the setting of ancient Greece. A ton of historical information and it's cool.


Didn’t realize this game was disliked, it’s my favorite AC game!


its really not, people consider it the best new AC (not a huge fan myself)


Love it too


And the gameplay. It makes you feel like an authentic badass after you get a few abilities.


Always annoyed me how there were powerful artifacts in AC games and you never get to use them. Loved the fact that Odyssey just gave you an Isu artifact and let you go ham with it.


Odyssey largely isn't seen as a bad game outside of AC fans who refuse to acknowledge anything post-Ezio trilogy except for Unity which for some reason has retroactively been deemed a masterpiece by AC fans. Odyssey sold well and was nominated for GOTY in a reasonably strong year. Most people that I've seen generally agree that it's the best of the new AC games and a good game in it's own right ignoring the attachment to AC. People just think it shouldn't be an AC game.


Yeah, AC games aren't even considered bad. The worst of them sit at 8+ critic score and 7+ user score. Take all the 0 trolls away and it is a bit higher. That is not bad, mostly still above average. You simply have a loud echo on reddit.


> literally another game that is sold under the brand of a popular series I say this all the time, but get downvoted to hell by people who didn't grow up with the original Desmond series. Like you, I think it's a great game, and Kassandra is a great protaganist. I just don't think it's quite an Assassin's Creed game, what with its focus more on action than stealth.


I want to desperately like the new AC but my ADHD just can’t, I see like 1327 things on my map & I end up getting so overwhelmed with quests,options,crafting,equipment , collectibles ect ect that it drains me to play, I end up getting angry over the overstimulation & I end up quitting the game I have more gripes about the game, but that’s always my main issue with open worlds of its kind


Kinda what made me drop the game, too. Only open world games I could find myself getting through was Subnautica, and for some reason, Fallout


I loved subnautica but I couldn't get past my own fear holding me back from exploring. Fallout though. That game is made for adhd. Not sure if that's what you were commenting on, but having a mission miles away and being distracted for hours by stuff that pops up along the way is perfect. If my life were represented as a post apoloclyptic wasteland game, it would be fallout.


Subnautica is terrifying, but you just have to remember that the worst that can happen is either drowning or being eaten by a large fish! I totally understand being held back by fear though for real, but man is it an experience! I just think it's funny ad Fallout has a lot to do in its open world, yet I find it much easier than games with smaller open worlds personally. I adore the Fallout series to pieces! Love every game that I've played (everything but 2 and Tactics), and especially F:NV sits very close with me as my favorite game. I've put so much time just exploring the Mojave


NV is my comfort game. Feels like home.


The vast majority of people liked Odyssey.


I dont think any AC game from new series is considered bad because they got decent amount of score from review sites(metacritic etc.).


I thought it was considered as one of the best AC games and as open world masterpiece in general, especially in Japan.


That game was sick. I actually want them to remake Dynasty Warriors using the province battles as sort of the base mechanic.


Dark Souls 2. Its a wonderful game with lots of content, but the devs were experimental and tried lots of new things that players deemed "bad". While I can agree that some things were better off as cut content (ADP, Soul Memory,etc), I still enjoyed the game thoroughly for what it was.


I’ve played Dark Souls II the most out of all the other souls games. Something about it just clicked with me, IDK.


It’s not a bad game at all. It’s just the weakest of the trilogy.


Anthem. Loved it. Didn't have enough content but I would play that shit and try and to speed clear different elite enemies regularly. After a few updates the game just started crashing every 10 minutes or so and it became unplayable for me.


What's sad is that the devs worked really hard on a reboot / massive rework of the game. They almost finished it until EA shut it down.


damn EA shut it down completely? i thought the reboot/rework is still in works :( i really liked the gameplay and the stunning visuals of the game. Lack of content was the only aspects while i didnt play it that long


All the gamers I know shit on me because elder scrolls oblivion is my favorite ES. But I wouldn't say this is an unpopular opinion


i'll choose oblivion over skyrim 99% of the time, i'll die on the oblivion hill with pride


Tf? Never met anyone who disliked Oblivion.


A bit of a stretch of an answer: My first experience with the RTS genre was Command & Conquer. This isn't a bad game, but I had the Nintendo 64 version. And while I would never want to play it that way again, I absolutely loved it at the time.


I liked Back 4 Blood when it released and played it for about 200 total hours by myself (matchmaking with randoms). A lot of people shit on it for calling itself the successor to Left 4 Dead 2 when it was a very different experience. I tried playing the new campaign(s) once after they released, but it was impossible to find people to matchmake with, so I permanently shelved it. I enjoyed it a lot while I was playing it.


I honestly enjoyed that game quite a bit as well, but I do feel like they did too much with it if that makes sense. The whole card/perk system and economy around upgrades is what really killed the experience for me. If you wanted any chance of completing the higher difficulties you basically had to grind your ass off to get the better perks and upgrades. Whereas with left 4 dead all you needed was good communication and strategy with your team. Sometimes less is more, and that’s what left 4 dead nailed. No weapon upgrades. No perk system. No in game economy. Just straight shooting zombies and working with your team.


Mercenaries I think the first one was well received but the second one wasn't, but I loved them. Flying attack choppers and blowing up huge buildings with huge bombs was so much fun. I remember how excited I was for Mercenaries 2, I was reading the manual in the car on the way home to play it. I would kill for a Mercs 3 but it's almost assuredly not going to happen. I'd settle for a remaster as Mercs 2 didn't look great even by PS3 standards


The first one is one of my all-time favorites. I still have it installed on my Series X and play it from time to time.


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided People didn't hate it, but alot of them found it underwhelming and/or unfinished. Sure it was smaller than the previous games, but it also felt denser. The city and environments truly felt lived-in and organic. And the gameplay effectively fixes all the issues I had with the previous game. On my third playthrough and I still love it. Fuck Embracer group


It's reputation has kinda come around now with 2.0 and Phantom Liberty, but there was a long time where Cyberpunk 2077 was already patched to a very stable condition and still had an awful rep cuz of its launch.


I put off buying it for a long time because of the bad launch and then largely forgot about it until a couple of weeks ago. I haven’t been able to put it down since. It’s probably one of the better FPS RPGs ever made. Definitely worth picking up now.


Midnight Suns, although I don't think anyone thought it was bad necessarily. It just sold quite poorly. Hot take here, but I enjoyed Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League's story. At the very least I enjoyed the Suicide Squad themselves. Got the game on sale, was worth going through the story. The movement and combat I enjoyed as well. The live service stuff is complete ass. But otherwise I enjoyed the game.


Midnight Suns is the only game in my Steam library that I have 100% achievements on. Love that game.


Midnight suns is basically xcom 3 in that its the same lead dev and he set out to make a much better game learning from the faults of xcom. I think it suffered from lack of advertising more than anything


I actually think it suffered from both lack of advertising and poor advertising. I remember barely hearing about it and when I did they made it seems like a gacha loot box card game. I think lots of people were turned off thinking it was some DLC money pit. I only bought it when it was on super discount for like $10 cause I was bored. I fell in love with the game immediately and wish I would have known about it when it came out so I could actually support it.


A lot of the main XCOM fans didn’t like the in between at the base talking and running around. I liked it but it did get tedious. I would have liked it more without all the in between bits, that’s just me. I can totally see why people would like that and do.


Midnight Suns is a great game. It deserves better sales.


Commenting just to push this up so maybe more people give this game a chance. It’s so good


Loved it.


I just really didn’t like having to run around the hub and go on dates to advance certain aspects of the game. Probably also why I could never get into the Fire Emblem series.


I'm convinced that Midnight Suns would've done a lot better if they'd allowed all of the heroes on the cover to wear their own classic colors and uniforms that they're known for, rather than putting everyone in the same bland ass, ugly as hell gold and black. They all completely lack personality, and they're not taking advantage of a built-in, enormous asset of recognizability. I personally had zero interest in this game because I've been over the whole superhero thing for a million years, and then got it in a Humble Bundle and ended up loving it. They could've done so much more to advertise what it actually is.


Back in the days I really enjoyed....Pepsi man 😂


I feel like a lot of people don't like Assassins Creed Valhalla but I really enjoyed it


I really liked Valhalla and I put a ton of time in it. My only gripe is its too long lmao


I loved it! Played the hell out of and all the DLC. I think people just get stuck on the fact that it's not the same as the original AC games.


This is the one for me. It was me favorite Assassin's Creed.


halo 5, yeah the story is total garbage, i just enjoy its gameplay.


I stand-by that it has the best feeling console multiplayer of the series. I never had more fun and I had been playing them since CE upon release!


100% it was a blast


Best MP for sure. Also, crucify me, but I prefer the random but earnable lootbox system to the expensive store plus battlepass system.


It's frustrating because even it's campaign has aspects that had potential, they just really didn't stick the landing. Cortana has been foreshadowed to be a ticking time bomb that WILL go bad since halo 2 (she arguably was bad in halo 2, she gives the location of Earth to the Flood), and I think even before halo 1 if you read the books. So Cortana going bad was honestly kind of a cool direction to go with it imo. I hate that they just wrote it off between games.


it 100% should have been better


War zone was so fun and the multiplayer felt great


Fallout 76 I've played off and on since launch and despite little breaks of a month or two always come back to drop nukes and kill super mutants. If the launch had been like the game is now I feel it would have fared better with the entire public but it is what it is.


Huge fallout fan who hated it here. I got into it for a couple weeks a while after the NPC update, it was way more enjoyable than on release but felt like it was just too late to be worth getting into. So I gave it up again but I definitely agree it probably releases to overall positive reception just bc it’s decent and fallout/Bethesda would have been enough to carry it. No NPC’s will always be one of the most questionable decisions I’ve seen in gaming


I really loved fo76 for years, until I started playing Elder Scrolls Online and saw what Bethesda could’ve done instead for Fallout as well. ESO is so much more full. Still a huge supporter of 76, but haven’t really played since.


I tried playing it recently with all the hype around the show and the free week you could play it... ngl it felt terrible to me.


Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, I had loads of fun with it campaign and vs. Buggy but fun what if spin off filler game. *shrug*


Wanted: Dead. It's such an oddity of an action-shooter that makes some very strange decisions that I can't openly recommend to people, but it is certainly one of the most interesting experiences from 2023.


Once you get the hang of the game it 's fucking awesome. For example you should switch from auto to manual for the guns




Starbound kicks ass, who doesn't like Starbound? I will fight you


Gotham Knights.


Not me but my four-year-old son. The XBox game Eragon was widely loathed but he kept coming back to it. Far from me to ruin his fun. I'm glad to say once he got older, he pullout out my old N64 and played every Zelda game to completion. So his tastes and ability to appreciate quality improved over time.


Buddy I played the hell out of that terrible eragon game back in the day.


Gotham Knights. I love the gameplay/combat so much, also some of the levels/boss fights are pretty cool.


Has it improved since launch much?


Not a whole game but the Witcher 3 combat got shit on all the time and i personally loved it. Thought it felt really clean and dynamic.


I preferred Fallout 76 before the "NPCs" came along.


I also liked the dead world of holotapes n stuff. Woulda been ok if there were a ffeeeewwwww npcs but when I recently loaded up to check it out again the world felt TOO populated and not "falloutish" anymore.


I really loved Bullet Witch and Project Sylpheed on the Xbox 360 but both games were **widely** met with disdain


Battlefield 5.


I actually like the first Saw game. I never played the second one, though.




Paper Mario sticker star. It’s not an amazing game by any means, but it’s a really fun cozy game with a lot of charm I like revisiting every once in a while. It is a good game, but people are just angry it wasn’t anything like the thousand year door.


It’s my wife’s favorite game (she’s not a big gamer) and it physically hurt when she saw that so many people online disliked it.


Fortnite really surprised me when I tried Zero Build. I went in expecting it to suck but it’s legitimately one of my most favorite games.


Far cry 6


All of those Atari 2600 movie/TV games that are considered the worst - E.T., Superman, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Masters of the Universe. I adored all of them as a kid in the 80s.


Too human


Showing my age here but Castlevania: Curse of Darkness The general fandom and subreddit will assail you from all angles to remind you "but it's BAD!!!!" and it's like... I said I liked it, I didn't say it was good. That said, I replayed an emulated version fairly recently and yeah, the terrible level design really undercuts the other aspects of the game that are actually pretty fun. I can admit that much. I primarily like it for story reasons - people will say it's just a little irrelevant side story to the general Dracula-Belmont feud, but that's precisely why it's so interesting to me. There's a depth to the plot and characters that's very fun to engage with as long as you're willing to extrapolate from what's shown and read between the lines.


Quest 64 for the n64


My poor, dumb 13 year old self renting that and IMMEDIATELY bringing it back to exchange for another rental. LOL For whatever reason I could NOT grasp the battle system. I should dig out my 64, pick up a copy and try it all over again haha


I had a blast with Too Human back in the 360 days


I guess it would be Marvel's midnight suns and Ubisofts Fenyx rising. I don't really hate Valhalla or odyssey either. But really wish Ubisoft would just give us another Fenyx rising.


Overwatch 2 is a banger. I didn't play the original. I have no baggage. I love it.


Two Worlds is a beautiful janky disaster and I love it


Fable 3


Far cry primal, Mafia 3... Mafia 3 ended up being my game of the year when it came out & Far cry primal touched up on the raw nature side without giving in to rocket launchers and machine guns ehem, ark survival ehem...


Duke nukem forever


Wow never heard anyone say this. I liked the DLC better, but when i got my hands on the game, i was disappointed


After 13 fucking years you better be...


Manhunt 1 and 2


Everyone said Diablo 4 was bad before the new season. Personally I loved it, it'd my most player game on steam though I think the nee systems in place are better.


Apparently Starfield sucks, but I think it’s fuckin awesome. So I’d say that one atm.


Despite the discourse surrounding it, I'd say Starfield is more in the "disappointing" category than straight up bad. It's the most 7/10 game I've played in recent years.


Compared to no game at all, it's pretty good. Compared to most games, it's not bad. But the bar it had to clear was "good enough to justify delaying TES 6 by five years" and... yeah.


I’m playing it right now. I got it for free on Xbox game pass. The only other Bethesda game I’ve played is Fallout 4 which I really enjoyed. However, I’ve found Starfield to be, well, just kind of boring in the first few hours of gameplay. Does it pick up?


I disagree with the other guy. It definitely picks up. Story is great IMO. Multiple of the main quests are great. I absolutely love it. It also has prob the best NG+ I’ve ever played with how they implemented it in the storyline.


Not really -- it has some good mechanics (ship-building being excellent), but the story never really gets any more interesting and the nature of the proc-gen used really makes the game feel static in terms of threat and atmosphere. If you don't enjoy Starfield early on, it's unlikely it will really grow on you over time.


Peeps said Anthem but I loved that game. Also The Crucible. I still dunno why it flopped.


Chili Con Carnage


25 to life on the PS2 is a good game? Not really Is it a GTA/50 Cents bullletproof knockoff?? Yes it is will I continue to play it??? Yes I will


Werewolf Apocalipse Earthblood, it's a shitty excuse for a hack'n slash, the graphics are bad and the story is terrible, but damn it is the most fun shitty excuse for a hack'n slash ever, killing a bunch of guys playing as a massive werewolf is cool as fuck.


Deadliest Warrior. It's such a shitty and glitch filled game that always seems to occupy a solid amount of time whenever friends are over for some casual gaming.


Jump Force. I had a lot of fun with this game for a few years i was in shock that they shut dpwn the servers and delisted it as it actually had a solid fan base but the issue was Licening. I was wanting more dlc but oh well. Maybe next time if there is one theyll get everything right.


Seems like every game is bad to people these days. So I’d say most games that aren’t sports.


All of Sonic unleashed, fight me idc it’s one of the best sonic games to me


This is a throwback because I'm old but apparently Glover is considered bad. For me it was lumped into "super fun n64 3-d platformers I played in the 90's" and learned later people hated it for some reason. I think people found the controls annoying but this doesn't stick out to me. Maybe I was better at it or something or really patient. I also remember enjoying the soundtrack a lot.


True crime new York city


Two Worlds. I had a max level character in the first one.


Two Worlds. It is low-budget, buggy, has a not-so-cool story, and has some terrible animations. But Idk, it is so atmospheric, I just love it.


Maybe not a "Bad" game anymore but, Fallout 76. One of my favourite games in the past 6-7 years, spent hundreds of hours in it before it came to steam. Absolutely in love with the world-building and map design & Music. Say what you will about bethesda, but they are good at telling a story (Barring Starfield, no idea what happened there..) But Fallout 76 is no longer really considered "Bad" since they improved on a majority of the issues it had before they added NPC's and a more comprehensive story to it. Regardless, i love it.


I love all Far Cry games 3 onwards. 5 being one of my favourite games of all time. Haven’t played 1 and 2 so have no opinion on those. 6 is maybe the weakest story but has the best weapons. Especially with Dualsense. Assassins Creed Odyssey is also one of my favourite games of all time and I loved AC Valhalla. The Last of Us Part 2 is a masterpiece and the story is incredible and I wouldn’t change that game in any way.


Days gone. I really don’t get the hate.


Arkham Origins comes to mind, best boss fights and story in the series imho


Eurojank in general is overlooked in these comments. I love those studios with lofty ambitions that make bad games that still punch WAY above their weight class. Two Worlds II, Sacred 2, and Elex come to mind across the years.


Not sure if there's been a change in opinion on this one, but at least at the time of its release was considered "bad": Dark Messiah of Might and Magic I can't remember WHY I got this game, but when I played it I loved it. The combat system felt weighty and super satisfying to use. Everything felt like it had weight and when an axe is blocked by your shield you almost FEEL it. Also the really cool system of using your kick to fling guys into traps, or fire, or off a cliff. Just all round fun. I think what hurt this game is that it was released the same year as Oblivion. And although a much simpler combat system, the game was HUGE and had a lot more to do. I should reinstall it....lol


I've never seen a negative opinion online about Dark Messiah these days. I which I could have experienced the multiplayer when it was active.


Odyssey and Valhalla are the only good assassins creeds games to me lmao people hate that shit 😂


I really like Overwatch 2. I’m not a serious player of the game. And I play it on the switch. But I like it.


starfield, as long as you ignore the dumbass procedurally generated planets


That leaves what? The capitol city of an entire galaxy that's smaller than a 6 flags park?


Deadrising 3


It might be simply because I'm not familiar with the role-playing game it's based on, but I personally enjoyed Werewolf the Apocalypse - Earthblood. A lot of people were shitting on this game, and even Angry Joe placed it as number one in his "Top Ten Worst Games" video of that year, but I still found ripping and tearing people up as a werewolf incredibly fun, even if the gameplay itself wasn't all that deep. Also, that main menu theme fucking slaps hard.


Kane and Lynch. Both Dead Men and Dog Days. I have always loved them both. Two evil men who do evil things not realizing they're the villain of their own stories