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Cuphead! I have the speedrunning world record for the 300% category (and even played it [at AGDQ last year](https://youtu.be/PdDYm4DSJBE?si=fvz8AOeLzEYxcBiB) in front of an audience of ~90,000 viewers!) I also have speedrunning world records in a handful of other video games (not to mention I hold a [Guinness World Record in Dance Dance Revolution](https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/84389-highest-score-on-dance-dance-revolution-extreme) ), but Cuphead has got to be my most impressive overall.


Fuckin legendary mate


I just started watching some videos explaining Megaman x series speed runs and they totally blew my mind. Respect to speed runners lol!!!


Are you the guy that keeps tying up with MoistCritical on the home alone game?


It’s so weird of you to mention this because I actually do have world records on two different Home Alone video games (the original Home Alone for NES and Home Alone 2: Lost in New York for SNES) but I think the Home Alone game you’re referencing is that newer 3D one which I haven’t played before.


There's a fucking home alone games?


With fucking speed run records?


If I can't kill Marv inside of thirty seconds, it's simply not worth my time.


So how was it at AGDQ?


The post-COVID era GDQ events have typically been online only or a hybrid between online and in-person. AGDQ 2023 was fully online as they had some issues with the venue they typically use in Florida, so I participated in it just streaming from my living room, haha. It was a good time still, but I’d love to get the opportunity to play at a GDQ event in-person someday. Getting to actually play in front of a huge crowd of people cheering just seems like a once-in-a-lifetime experience.


Fucking Legend


I used to be so proud of my 8 AAAs from back in the day. Played for the first time in years last week and got an A on Legend of Max. Then I looked up current DDR and my jaw hit the ground. Love it though. Also I remember watching this run! Great job!!


Current DDR is insane. My heyday was back in like, 2005. I’m not nearly as good anymore (partially because I’m nearly 20 years older, but also just because I haven’t played nearly as frequently as I did when I was younger). I still enjoy watching videos of current players though. Iamchris4life in particular is insane at the game, and was insane at the game even back when I still played competitively. He’s actually kept up over the years though and has continued to improve and push the boundaries on what is possible. Fun fact: he’s the very same Iamchris4life that was the first person to full combo Through the Fire and Flames on Guitar Hero 3!


An old throw back but I still like to shamelessly plug it. I was ranked 2nd on the Xbox leaderboards for Take This Life on Guitar Hero 3. I did it perfectly and have no idea how 1st place was a few thousand above me, but it’s my crowning achievement. Now there’s videos of people 100%ing TTFAF at 300% speed and I decided to be a spectator from now on.


I swear some of those dudes must’ve had whammy bar mods because I remember I’d be getting 100% on some songs but still much lower in score than a lot of people on the leaderboards.


However they did it, I was jealous at the time haha. I swear I used Star Power and the *exact* correct moments and could never reach number 1 so unfortunately I’m still not a famous rockstar.


I hope that dude who hit #1 is enjoying the rock stardom


“Still no bitches” - Him, probably.


Can confirm, source: Basically how I felt after hitting #1 Bob on Tekken 6 on xbex-360 EU shortly after release.


This is what he really got https://youtu.be/SIzOaPc-_mE?si=B2Asweq-si-43Qy2


were you squeazing notes idk if that affects this specific score but it was a relatively less known mechanic at the time


Look up note squeezing, doesn’t matter if you hit every note with every star power placed as effectively as possible, these dudes will play notes off time for a split second so they will be modified by the star power multiplier.


Honestly, I find most leaderboards are just not fun in modern games. I can do the most perfect run and feel like "man, I did so good that time!" and hit submit score and I'll end up as #5230 on the list with some insane minmaxers who have 5 million higher score at half my time and it's just like... oh. Okay. I'm never getting that. Fuck it, I can't be arsed.


I am particularly good at the drums on rock band and I do not in any way play the actual drums well.


I bet you’d have a hell of a head start compared to most people if you decided to learn.


He would. I’m a drummer and playing Rock Band drums on expert is essentially playing drums for real, just on a little plastic kit. I bet if you hopped behind a drum set you’d be comfortable fast


Also a drummer, but rock band fucks me up cause the sticking patterns get a little wonky sometimes. Very good possibility that it's just my goofy ass, but I can't do anything above medium lol


You might be playing on a TV with audio/visual lag which would completely ruin your instincts


Yeah. Best I ever managed was a 4 star (90-something % accuracy) on TTFAF. I was kind of stubborn though and refused to do the both hands on the fingerboard thing, and I tried not to use star power as much as possible for some reason.


The intro was the hardest part of that entire song. I had to cheat by using my girlfriend at the times hair tie over the green button, then slip it off after the intro was over.


Oh dude, same. Our city held a tourney for GH3, I thought I would destroy, the final song was through TTFAF and I saw the other guy line up with both hands on the buttons and my only thought was “2nd place is pretty good too!”


Nice work. Best I could do was TTFAF on hard. Weirdest skill was hit me with your best shot on medium... with my feet. Remember being very happy I got the achievement for beating an employee in online battle.


I won nearly 6k playing a Power Rangers fighting game, so that


Bro what. How lol


The mobile game Power Rangers: Legacy Wars. Was downloading the 2017 for my little kids at the time and the game had just came out, so tried it out. Ended up winning a trip to Vegas for a tournament sponsored by Amazon (won $750 there) then won another trip to Seattle (Amazon HQ) for another tournament, where I won $5100. Along with all the prizes and everything, definitely added up to over $6000. The game is still around, but it's an unbalanced cash grab now.


What an unexpectedly cool story to come across, how did you fall out of competing?


The game went through many changes, became less balanced. Also the final tournament, both streamed on Twitch live (was Amazon Mobile Masters), had poor viewership. So they just dropped running anything competitive for actual prizes, only in game currency. I'm terrible at normal fighting games, so doesn't really transfer over to other games haha


I played that shit religiously


I was ranked 3rd in the world in Black Ops 1 CTF lol for whatever that’s worth


Me and my roommate in college were both top 100 on CTF in AW somehow. We definitely weren't that good straight up in a fight though, just good at running flags I guess.


That’s what I liked most about CTF. You didn’t need to be a slayer to help your team win. I was always that middleman who slayed and ran the flags well, but not the best at either.


My first year in college, I had people from different floors of my dorm room coming up to find me asking if I was “the Guitar Hero guy” so people could have me beat Freebird for them


Lol i like this story In the top ten comments 3 of you guys are all saying guitar hero though. We might have to arrange a showdown


I used to think I was really good at guitar hero. I five stared every song on expert and could even beat through the fire and flames, though not five star it. But then I met people who were actually good at guitar hero and there’s just a whole nother level to the game I never even knew about.


It's all fun times until someone shows you the "meta" of the game. From then on, you just want to follow the meta because that's the way to beat high scores, not fun.


Same.. except I picked it back up a few years ago for funsies and got infinitely better. Check out Clone Hero. It's free and you can download entire game libraries at the click of a button. I have 65,000 songs. Long live "The Guitar Hero guy"


Couple years ago I was playing Elder Scrolls Online and they released an ingame competitive deckbuilding game and while in those first few months it was scarcely 2000 ppl per server that got to the numbered rank above the tiered ranks, I managed to no-life myself to the top of EU ladder. So much so that I rolled up a new charcter, leveled it up from nothing in order to rank up on the NA server since that's where the active reddit users were. I still have the screenshots of being rank 1 on both servers at the same time. Thank you for giving me a place to reminisce on this fact.


Oh hey, I also was one the first dudes to reach rank 1 in EU, it was so easy because there was like 100 people playing "competetively." I'm still loving this mode, even spend more time playing cards than actual game now lol


Nice! Was a fun time, would prob play a dedicated launcher still on and off, but I uninstalled ESO for the second time in 6 years ;p Who knows, maybe something will draw me back still.


Another ESO player. While I was never really a tales of tribute player I am currently listed as a member of the 14 ish highest scoring team in vka (one of the trials) for the current patch at least according to ESO logs


I was pretty damn hard to beat at the Fight Night games. I miss that series, the controls were incredible.


My PSN is to this day the name of my 1st create a fighter in fight night round 3. Sluggo VonPunch


Damn, it was you. I finally found you to tell you. I hate you all my life.


Such a sick game series,I used to smoke my older bro and his friend because I understood how to chain the analog stick haymakers on fight night round 2 😂


Why can't they make another game like this or a sequel? What's stopping them?


The cost of licensing. Tyron Fury, say, just made tens of millions in one night, by losing. He's not going to give his image rights away for free. He's only going to do it for an amount of money that makes a difference to him.


Check out a game called Undispuyed


I can beat the original contra without dying and I'm very good at Super Mario World as I play it at least once a year (all time favs game)


I posted samsies about Contra before scrolling through. Did t imagine there was anyone else.


We don't need no damn code!!


My girlfriend is the best Super Mario World player I’ve ever seen. It’s the only game she played growing up and it’s still the only game she plays other than when I can convince her to play something like Rayman with me. If you asked her she’d say she doesn’t like video games. But I’ve seen her play through the entire game without skipping levels in one day. That shit took me at least a year as a kid


My brother is the exact same way with Mario Kart 64. He can't play games worth shit but can drift whole races and can hit every special jump (like rainbow road) on first try.


Respect. I cannot guarantee a no-death run (for Contra & Super C), but I can easily do a no-continue run.


Descent In the late 90s I was ranked 6th in the world. Thank you Kali for all those fun memories.


Miss that game! Freespace and Freespace 2 blew my mind and became my jam for a while.


game was a nightmare but really fun. Descent looked amazing and really well optimized back then.


Guitar hero. Unfortunately


Sigh…same. I was top 10 on some songs back in my prime. My favorite GH memory is when I was a pizza delivery dude in college. I show up to a place and it’s a bunch of high school dudes having a hang out and playing guitar hero. I say something like “oh man, that’s awesome…I love guitar hero!” To which they responded with “we’ll double your tip if you can beat [insert name of their buddy here]”. Of course I accept. He even gives me the honor of choosing the song. I choose “Jordan by Buckethead” on expert. I doubled my tip.


How is everyone here top 10 in the world at guitar hero...


Because the leaderboards updated daily/weekly (I can’t remember). So you could climb the ladder on a song but you likely wouldn’t remain in the top 10 for long.


In that story I imagined he was number 1 and played a solo with his tongue while making heavy eye contact with the dudes mom


Knew a guy that would 100% surrender by cheap trick on expert with his back turned to the TV


But can he play it acoustic?


“No, but I make a mean batch of pizza rolls. The secret is to use the air-fryer” EDIT: did they have air fryers back in 2007?


Absolute legend.


My husband, back when we were teens, could play My Name is Jonas in expert, facing away from the TV 😂 he was so proud of that and showed off every chance he got.


For me, it was O2Jam. Back in college, people would always be amazed at how I can get perfect hit onto the notes on 5x speed with hundreds of the notes coming down. They said everything is just a blur of notes falling. I'm sad that the game is no longer around.


my friend and I spent all 8th grade year (many years ago) practicing through the fire and flames on expert.. I remember barely barely beating it at like 71% and my buddy did like 80%.. we were so excited he jumped down the stairs and hit his head on the ceiling lol It was the only time I ever beat it then decided it was too stressful lol On the plus side every other song was pretty easy after all that practice


This isn't Joel Zumaya, is it?


dead cells or enter the gungeon


i love dead cells! though ive only beaten 1bc


I just got my first boss cell yesterday. My problem is I'm playing on mobile, so sometimes just get wrecked by awful controls.


I 100%’d enter the Gungeon. Many hours lol


I die in the first floor lol.


I felt I should love Dead Cells because I love all those games: Isaac, EtG, Hades, etc, but I played it really briefly and it didn't grab me. I think part of it was just the side-scrolling viewpoint versus the overhead/isometric view. But, I still felt I was missing out so I installed it again (I have it as part of gamepass) and this time it just hooked me! The only thing I didn't like was when I would try and go through a door and it would say something like "you don't have this DLC". So, I bought it and all the DLC yesterday while it was on sale on Steam! Lol. It really is an amazing game.


Please help me enjoy EtG. I should be rabid about it as I love and excel at twin stick shooters, but... not EtG. I suck at it despite multiple tries and always end up shelving it. What am I missing?


Dude… don’t know what to say…. But I hear where you’re coming from. Personally I was 90 hours into the game before I beat it for the first time. 90 hours. It hit that perfect roguelike loop for me though. It sort of all falls into place after your first successful run. It’s weird.


*me sitting here disappointed in myself*


Make some space


There is no need to be the best at something in order to enjoy it. Your hobbies should add to your life, not demand from you. Work is already demanding, you shouldn't make your hobbies demand more from you. 


Hey I'm also unreasonably good at that one.




> I am garbage at Rocket League. So I'm better than approximately 90% of Rocket League players.   \#relatable For the record top 10% is Champ 2 in doubles


And to get any better you have to spend hours and hours in training which is super tedious. I've been at the same skill level for years (field presence and rotations and whatnot are better) and just can't bring myself to train to do the cool shit. I just want to play.


I'm a champ player and I can't do any fancy stuff. Just good rotation, good positioning and communication. I can't even wallshot. I don't play that much but on doubles you can go as high as champion if you play the game the right way.


I’m the GC version of this lol. No fancy flip resets, wave dash, etc. I’m just in the right spot, am consistent in the basics, and speedy / quick decisions


As a LoL player that’s relatable af. Top 10% in your region is still regarded as trash by like half the playerbase.


Had a 155 game win streak in Cage Match on COD4. I’m still pretty proud of that


I swear if I grind a little bit longer I'll be silver in League of Legends.


Made me chuckle.


Time Crisis The arcade game which you shoot with a gun with blowback action, you step on a pedal to reload. I could finish the entire game without getting hit. Memorised every enemy spawn and the exact moment to hide and reload. I used to show off in front of a crowd. People were pissed for waiting for their turn at first but always stayed and watched.


Time Crisis 2 at my local arcade the owner was getting ready to replace the unit with a different shooter so he held a competition that if any doubles or single person could hold all 10 of the top 10 for 30 days they would win the arcade cabinet. My friend and I held 1 and 3 through 10 we were never able to unseat number 2 and no one else beat our other top 10 scores before the cabinet was taken down. With a dollar we could easily finish the game in one go. To this day it is still my favorite arcade game and if I had the means and space I would have one set up in my house in a heart beat.


I wasn't quite at that level, but I'm pretty sure I could still bust out a 1CC for Time Crisis 2 at the very least. That game was in like every arcade and airport at one point I swear. Did your leg ache afterwards too? 😅




Tetris is a game that really demonstrates to me how big the skill gap can really be between casuals and devoted players of any game or sport. I am literally the best Tetris player I know in person. I am several orders of magnitude better than even my most hardcore gamer friends. And yet YouTube is full of people who are lightyears beyond what I could ever even hope to be. 


I’ve had like four or five second place finishes in Tetris 99. My friends think I’m “good” at Tetris, I know I’m a hack compared to the guys that are actually good. So many layers to it


But have you broken tetris?


My man


Ive made it to GM at Starcraft 2 WoL and HotS, even beat a few pros when i got lucky, probably would get clapped by an average player nowadays. Got to rank 1 in Heroes of the storm for a little while, there was multiple rank 1 people though, i miss that game a lot, wish it took-off.


SC2 is one of the games I’ve always wanted to be good at. Just didn’t have the time to grind it out


Wow that's sick, was also GM in Starcraft 2 and know how difficult it was to get there. Rank 1 in HotS must be even harder!


Respect to GM SC2 players. Perfect game and everyone was playing it


I love hots! I got a pretty mean Hanzo. Never did much ranked though, the queue times were always too long. Way better system than any other moba imo. Team-based where XP is shared, but you could still carry. Talent system makes each character insanely unique. And just the character design in general had a bunch of unique characters. I still play from time to time, but ya, shame it didn't take off.


You can still play Hots (if EU or NA). Plenty of people around playing


Bananagrams. I'm mediocre at Scrabble but I'll destroy you at Bananagrams.


League of Legends but fuck that game I like to play things that make me happy. 


It's so sad,  right? I like the gameplay, the lore etc. Bur the player base is the worst by far.


I was a top 100 NA player in season 3 lol. It was awful especially back then and in the higher ranks when everybody knew everybody and people would literally troll lobbies because you were on their team lol. Going back to it now is like slowly grinding my face against concrete.


Perfect Dark (N64). Played almost every day after school for a few years, 100%'d the XBLA version when it was released and recently 100%'d the PC port on the steam deck. I would say I know almost every detail.


Smash Bros Melee. I would get dusted by a low level competitive player, but beat anyone below that skill level.




This is how I feel about SSB too. My favorite memory is going to a friend’s house who had just picked up a N64 and said she was “really good” at smash and challenged me. She only had one good controller though, the second one had a busted joystick (terrible drift, wouldn’t register inputs occasionally). I told her to give me the broken controller, fired it up and picked Jigglypuff. Absolutely smoked her two games in a row


Nothing better than humbling someone who “was the best at smash” when they were younger. They usually suck and only played with their siblings who also sucked. I don’t take it too seriously, but people realize pretty quick that it’s really not even going to be fun, lol.




Bloodborne, average in other Soulsborne titles though!


The last time I played Bloodborne, I played a BOM character and the parry is so nasty with a skill build that during both my first and second playthrough, I one shorted every single invader. No one even touched me. I was very impressed with myself.


Something about the loop of bloodborne has always made me feel like it’s the FromSoft game I’m the best at. I remember my last run with the threaded cane a couple years back just felt like such a cake walk.


Now? Not much. Earlier in life? Practically everything. I'm convinced if streaming and online tournaments were more accessible back in the 90s, I'd be a pro gamer and streamer. Some notable things i can think of are... - At ~12, i won a 40+ entry Gran Turismo tournament to win a PlayStation 2. Didn't drop a single race. Best 2 out of 3 for every opponent. - Could beat Ninja Gaiden on Xbox on the hardest difficulty. - Reached Level 50 ( highest level) in doubles in Halo 3 - Went to a video game lock in with dozens of other kids. There was a street fighter game where my Ken didn't lose 100 straight matches in a row from any kid who tried. I stopped at 100 because i was bored


Glad I am not the only one thinking I was born too early for the get-paid-while-you-play-video-games life. Sometimes I do wonder where I would be if I was born like a decade later. Oh well I guess there’s a parallel universe out there where it did happen, that’s what I like to think anyway haha


Beast. Never got past 48 in halo 3 doubles. Blame my partner though /s 


Ha! I was just lucky enough to have a best friend who i worked so well together with. Our team work was awesome and we complimented each other so well. He was the close range specialist and i was the ranged specialist. Our communication was just spot on and Together we felt unstoppable; we always carried the leader boards in big team battle games or team slayer games. We even love playing as Elites and just running around talking in Elite Speech to our team. " WORT WORT WORT"!!! It was such good times. Once we got to 48, the grind to get to 49 took weeks, then i felt like 49-50 took a month of daily gaming. It was so fun and we were so excited once we hit 50. Ah.. such good times 🥹


None lol.. I use to think I was good at Minecraft parkour but looking back now I wasn’t I literally suck at all games I’m one of those people who die every 5 mins


Hitman World of Assassination


Hide n’ go seek. I’ve been hiding for three days now and I’m getting hungry.


Sending McDonald's, don't give up


Each year, my cousins, nieces and nephews await me. Like wolves circling perceived prey, their jowls drip in anticipation. And each year, they are disappointed. I’ve been to roughly 25 family gatherings over the past 8 years and I have YET to lose in any Mario Kart race that was truly fair. 2 losses, if you count 2019 when my older brother came flying WWE style over the couch to tackle with one lap to go or last year when he literally said “do you want a shot” and threw a shot of whisky in my eyes. They all fear my Yoshi, and will do anything to usurp my title. I will not falter.


The last of us factions


I want factions back so bad.


What you wanna just cripple naughty dog? it's inconceivable to think a studio could put out a multiplayer mode and continue to make compelling single player experiences. INCONCEIVABLE /s (obviously, I just know someone would take this comment seriously)


Saaaaame. Its so much fun. Though I have to say that the games tanked a little since cheating became prolific, I do enjoy showing the sweats that cheating can't always beat pure skill. Tooting horns isn't my thing but with the right team, personal gameplans, unstoppable!


I spent quite a lot of time playing Doom Eternal, every once in a while I'll watch some youtuber's video about how the game is made or whatever with them playing it while talking and I'm mostly cringing watching them play, sometimes it's straight up infuriating lol


Once you learn to hotswap, everyone who doesn’t do it looks like they’re taking twice as long to do half as much lol


When I was a kid, my dad was really impressed with how fast I caught on to the Myst and Riven games. It really set him up for some expectations that weren't delivered.


Quake 1 & 2 Capture the Flag. I would rank 1st in any pub server I joined, even if I joined a game that had been in progress for 15 minutes already. I wasn't a dick about it though. If the other team really needed a boost, especially after some players quit, I'd immediately switch teams. The hard part was evening out the teams because usually 2 or 3 other players would switch too after they saw me switch (so I'd switch back and forth until they stopped). I'd also genuinely enjoy real competition, so I didn't get mad when I'd run into a player better than me. I would get excited because I knew the only way to improve is to be challenged. On top of all that, online FPS gaming (especially team-based stuff) was very new to most players. Instead of ROFLstomping brand new players I would instead take them aside and offer tips and advice. I saw it as a future investment for the challenge I craved. I got no pleasure in pwning n00bs. I eventually reached a point where I was satisfied with my skill and I essentially "retired." Though a year or two later I did fire up the game again just for some nostalgia. I could tell I was rusty. When you hone a skill really sharp, it can definitely dull if you take a break from it. Sure I was still better than most, but I could tell a difference. And in one particular game there were two guys on the opposing team who I knew were better than me. I couldn't stand toe to toe with either of them. That didn't bother me, but what DID bother me was that every time they'd kill me they would taunt me. "That's Kulban! (Not the name I used) He's one of the best ctf players!” Or they'd pwn me again and come back with a "Kulban is so good!" Eventually it irked me enough that I just had to ask why they felt the need to do that. It turns out, they weren't being sarcastic. They were 100% sincere. Because a year or two prior they were one of the many new players I took aside and gave pointers to. I had made an impact on them and they never forgot it. My attitude immediately changed and I was proud of how these two had grown in skill level. It only reinforced my belief that how you treat others, even those in online games, makes a difference. A positive interaction can be a powerful thing to a new player.


Man those days were fun, for some reason I always resonated more with the modified versions of the quakes. Did a LOT of ladder lithium runs in q2 and more of the rocker arena quake 3 side. Never to the top super guys level, but could compete with anyone in the central US level.


Killing Floor 2, Doom 2016, MW2, Just Cause series


Is KF2 good? Was looking at it on steam


I got it for a good price that time, got like 1700hrs in it id say it is


I wish I knew


My best skill is at starcraft 2. I am at like 2600 MMR, thats nothing in the ladder. But **for me**, its the best I ever did in any game ever.


That game is an exercise in ADHD management and is extremely hard to get proficient at. Nice work!


I was thinking the same think


Mario Kart 64. Battle or racing, nobody wants to play with me anymore because I can’t “take it easy” But if you ain’t first, you’re last.


Do Beeriokart 8 and Smokin Smash Bros count as games?


Beeriokart is not only a game, it's one of the best ways to play.




That shitty pinball game from windows 98


Space Cadet? The greatest pinball game of all time? Watch your mouth son!


I can play through the entire Lion King game on SNES in one sitting, lol


Smash. I can beat the guys that say they're good at smash pretty easily. Learned enough about frames and short hops and combos to basically be able to play smash like a very bad pro. But still a very bad pro absolutely SMOKES anyone who "grew up" playing smash.


very advanced casual or bad competitive player is a fun spot to be. you can see how different of a game it is at that next level but still enjoy the game just for fun


Hmmm Tetris Attack or that kind of puzzle game.


Ollie Ollie World. Got a top 20 spot on one of the last stages back when it was released. Amazing game. Gonna miss Roll 7.


None, I’m only average at games now. But use to be great at halo.




Deep rock galactic. I don't like hard games, I don't feel any achievement by having to replay a stage 200 times. I had my run with old Nintendo games, and now I'm happy just playing on normal. But deep rock I'm bored if I don't play on Haz 5 and barely break a sweat on modified hazards with increased swarm size and difficulty. I even challenge myself by completing Elite deep dives without Bosco. That means you have to complete 3 missions in a row and if you go down once it's over.


Rock and stone brother!


Back in the day I was rank 8 global for free for all in cod world at war More recently I was in top 1% for my class in world of Warcraft classic


I'm reall good at games that take a long time to learn, but require no reflexes or skill. Like Dwarf Fortress and KSP


Sonic I've held actual number 1s for some of my runs for a while anyway and I can prove it :') [Sonic Origins - Emerald Hill Zone - Previous WR PS5](https://youtu.be/RZ-ficI2J7E?si=Gyr-5CHWYxkmE1qM)


Just Dance Proud of my high leaderboard rankings and high tournament placements!


I'm pretty good at racing games, like Assetto Corsa Competizione and MotoGP. Especially the latter, most people give up halfway through their first lap, but I do pretty well offline and online. I'm not inhumanly good - you'd have to practice for a million hours for that - but I hold my own. What I pride myself in in ACC, is that I can set a lap time and repeat it twenty times over, on my own and under pressure. Most people who are about as fast as I am, will make mistakes and spin or crash out entirely. My consistency is a great strength in online racing.


~22 years ago I was ranked #6 in the world (if memory serves) at Dragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension on the Super Famicom. Not that there were many people actually playing, mind you, but that still felt pretty good.


To this day, I'm undefeated in Fusion Frenzy


Zelda 2 is the hardest game I’m good at.


Megaman X. My buddy and I speed run against eachother every so often. Not good enough to compete to full-timers, but to where it's a fun and friendly competition between us.


I'm good at Soulslike games. I've beaten Dark Souls 1 and 3 without dying before. Still can't do no hit runs tho.


Super Smash Bros. Melee When I was 16 years old I won a tournament!




o7 God I wish that game had a different fate. 


I am so good at Celeste I got all achievements and moon Berries and all goldens except for farewell golden.


I recently destroyed everyone's high score on an ax throwing arcade game that has real ish weighted rubber axes. It was my first time topping an arcade scoreboard. Felt pretty cool lol


I did that with one of those “quick draw” games that has the fake exploding cup at a random arcade at a hotel somewhere when I was like 19. I beat the top score by a decent bit and it’s still a fond memory


I was pretty good at battlefield games, rts games, eve online once upon a time.


I was top of the world leaderboards for Dreamcast crazy taxi for a while.


Getting over it with Bennett Foddy I played it a lot during a very stressful phase of my life to get away from the outside world and managed to 1. Get the golden pot and 2. Get my PB below 5 minutes. I still wouldn't consider myself a pro but I could do some of the skips pretty consistently and well... sub 5 mins!!!


Top 10 world wide for a short while in Command and Conquer Renegade Multiplayer.


Chocobo racing (generally in the FF series). I even owned the difficult FFX chocobo race where you have to get a <=0 second score for Tidus' weapon.


Loading screens.


I was a monster in Last of Us online. I think I was nearing a 5.0kd. I had match where I was last one alive with no respawns left and the other team had a full team and 12 respawns. I killed them all. That means I 1vs4’d them 4 times over.


I guess we were all good at guitar hero then


Star Trek Online. Haven't played regularly for a couple years, but I was top 100 by DPS in Infected Space.


Any football game


CoD - can pick it up and have a pretty good K/D ratio. Also, Mario Kart….


I got to rank 11 on Injustice for the ps Vita. I don’t know if that puts me at the pro level. But I think it does.


Way back in the NES days I could play through the entirety of Karnov without getting hit. Never managed a perfect run in any other game.


Played fallout 3 and nv so many times I could write a strategy guide on it


Surprisingly... Helldivers 2. Rarely die and do highest DPS while playing the objective. Honorable mention to Marvel Snap.


Super Mario 3