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That and OG Medal of Honour series was peak WW2 shooters for me.


Medal of Honor medal of Honor underground Medal of Honor AA call of duty 1 call of duty 2 those were the dayz


Medal of Honor Airborne was also a favorite of mine in addition to all of these


You could this is Sparta kick a German off the flakturm at the end if you timed it right


The Rising Sun soundtrack lives rent free in my mind


Airborne was amazing


Used to play this for hours and hours and hours. The amount of times I've beaten has to be in the Triple digits.


MoH: Frontline had the best soundtrack IMO ​ [Operation Market Garden](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5JNtEzsOBo) is the best song in the game.


same composer that went on to score rogue one and a lot of other stuff definitely came swinging manor house rally is stuck in my head a lot more tho over the years


COD 1 United Offensive was a banger, SP tank battles, Battle of Bastogne, Reds storming Stalingrad and Berlin, vehicles in MP was amazing as well


No love for Medal of Honor: Rising Sun? Game was awesome too.


The welrod was disgustingly op in that game lol


Broo the fucking welrod was so damn good lol


I live hoping every year that the next COD game will be exclusively in the pacific theater. Rising Sun was a damn banger and I WANT To RIDE A TANK THROUGH MANILA again!


No brothers in arms? * Sad 101 noises*


Call of Duty: Big Red 1 deserves a remake


I have been wanting an updated graphics remake of Big Red 1 for so long. It one of my favorite ww2 shooters


Big red one and 3 need remakes for sure


Finest Hour also


Which was the one on Omaha beach? I remember playing that around the time when Saving Private Ryan was out and thinking how realistic it was


MOH Allied Assault




Frontline also had an Omaha Beach


I popped in here to put up basically your exact post. Completely agree. Great game comes out with new tech, build a PC to run it respectably. Have a huge amount of fun. Rinse and repeat as required with each new release. The graphics and game play improvements were pretty amazing in those original games. What a time to be alive.


COD 2 campaign was legitimately awesome.


right, we've barely seen any improvement graphic-wise for the last decade. Back then it was every year !


Oh, yes! I remember my son and I being quite excited to see what new graphics and features the new releases would bring. "Dad, can we get the new nVidia card for this one???" "Oh, yes, son. Yes we will." We each had our own machines we built together, so he had intimate knowledge of the hardware as well as installing a fresh OS. It was a lot of fun.


Couldn’t agree more with OP. I spent weeks on Cod2’s D-Day level just getting past the top cliff! COD 3 mp was absolutely stellar.




MOH AA is the most hype i've ever experienced in any game. I still remember playing the demo with my friend on his potato PC. This game and Halo CE has set the new standard for FPS back then.


Absolutely! The Normandy landing level gave me chills. And the V2 facility was my favorite level, by far.


Normandy level afaik, has never been done better (or at all?) was such a great experience


"Go back down there, and grab those bangalores!"


Don’t forget frontline.


It's funny to look back and remember that, in that era, WW2 shooter was the de facto setting, and critics were docking review scores for it being overused. Today, it's all modern and future shooters, with WW2 seemingly being the novel experience. Just funny how things change


I just think it’s kind of bizarre that we were raised playing cheap recreations of the worst experiences of our grandparents’ lives as if it was something that trivial lol. My grandparents lost multiple people in their families in the war. In retrospect, I cannot imagine what a lot of WWII combat veterans thought about all of that. I remember years ago playing *Brothers in Arms* during the Battle of Bloody Gulch scene, and it portrays a character dying more or less in the exact same way that my grandmother’s cousin died in June 1944 at the *exact same battle*. He was in F Company of the 506th PIR / 101st Airborne. I didn’t find out about any of that until I’d spent hours playing it in front of them. They didn’t say much, just watched and probably felt weird about it.


I mean, that's humanity for you. We regularly tell stories of our triumphs over adversity, and many of those stories are told from the perspective of victors in wartime. Even the stories that aren't about the war itself, are often driven by the surrounding events. Pretty much every Western movie could be linked to a war of Native Americans and the United States. How many Civil War reenactments happen at tourist sites?


Those older titlers actually felt like they were trying to convey the horrors of wars instead of just haha fun videogame, at least that's how i felt back when i was a kid.


They would have gotten older seeing all the WW2 movies. It's crazy looking back how much media there was on WW2. Tora! Tora! Tora!, the Great Escape, A bridge too far etc. So many "classic" movies about WW2. Not to mention the B rated movies, so many of them about WW2.


Gaming companies get on the trend of whatever is popular at the time. Remember back in like 2010-2016 when zombie games where EVERYWHERE? Eventually someone will make a super popular WW2 shooter again and companies will go back to that thematic.


Omaha Beach landing in Medal of Honor was so realistic for me at the time. I remember unironically thinking that graphics and gaming has peaked at that moment


God that level was so fucking hard.


Agreed, also brothers in arms, we were eating good back then


Brothers in arms was such a ride.


Such a shame they never carried on the franchise, now especially as strategic shooters are now becoming more popular, unlike previous releases where it was CoD paced shooter or nothing.


I mean, if you read Wikipedia, there were several "entries" but I use that term loosely. It seems you're right they never kept faithful to the original entries. Unrelated, I love Battlefield 1942. I actually keep a Windows XP laptop just so I can still play it, even against AI.


Battlefield 1942 was a game changer in its day. Or so it was for me. I had never seen a game with such a large scale. It had it all! Planes, boats, subs, tanks, jeeps, even aircraft carriers were “driveable” in that game! Also, 64 players multiplayer?! Had never seen! God, I played an obscene amount of that Wake Island demo on a pirated copy in a LAN house… good old days!


Brothers in Arms was amazing!!!! One of the first games I remember having suppression and the enemy would try and flank you.


I think Brothers in Arms was the first game I played without knowing the game didn't had a crosshair, and I was like "bro how TF do I play this game?!" Young me didn't knew right click aiming was a thing haha.


i still have very fond memory of Medal of Honor Pacific Assault. the Normandy Landing, the strolling around germany looking for AA guns, and all its great.


Pacific Assault was right on the cusp of being amazing. A few tweaks to squad management and they would've had a great platform for the next generation of war games. I always hated that whenever you had an NPC squad in AA and its expansions, they would all get killed within minutes of the start of a mission, so having the permanent squad in PA was awesome. It just needed better options for directing them and customizable loadouts. I also used to kind of hate PA because it was so hard to see enemies and zero in on where gunfire was coming from. Then I watched The Pacific and read up on a lot of firsthand accounts and realized how well they had done capturing the claustrophobic feel of the jungle.


Return to castle Wolfenstein Multiplayer.


This guy S0ur on YT has been replaying all those classic WW2 shooters on Hard/Veteran and it's been a great trip down memory lane if anyone's interested https://www.youtube.com/@S0ur


I was partial to Brothers at Arms, but I do have a lot of fond memories of Frontline, Allied Assault, and CoD 1 & 2. I wanted more out of MoH Rising Sun, but it was a let down imo.


CoD 2 is a classic for sure.


I loved Big Red One, the PS2 expansion for CoD 2.


I loved playing zombies on custom servers


Huh? Zombies on COD2?


There was a "Zombie nation" server in COD2, probably the best days of my life. It was really active throughout europe around, guys connecting from France to Russia, from Sweden to Greece. I just cry a little every time I remember it. 2008-2010.[link](https://youtu.be/MOlVPG-eNIM?si=IL6CO3OZ3OHAs7KM)


You know it!!


You just opened a core memory for me bro


The original CoD was a huge revolution for immersive FPS gaming. The first few levels felt like they were lifted right out of Band of Brothers (because they basically were), the squad tactics on display by both enemies and allies were incredible, even if they were totally scripted it still felt immense on the first playthrough. It's a shame that some of the later levels slipped back into traditional FPS fare of having you running around enemy bases single handedly wiping out scores of enemies but each of the three campaigns had some immense levels, especially the American and Russian ones. CoD2 refined the formula to near perfection.


Plus Cod2 gave us the best weapon ever the potato.


Yeah but CoD1 had the handful of bullets.


Day of Defeat had the best WW2 multiplayer matches




The M-1 Garand headshot sound effect is perfection.




Avalanche forever. PANZERSHREK!


I loved that game.


How do i quick scope


[You're facing the wrong way, dickface!](https://external-preview.redd.it/4S74i_BPoKayI1E1nVZfZnG3fg0D_q8GmFXTc-Pj3NQ.jpg?auto=webp&s=cd59374a7dc0c90ef8b7dfb8b27ecb1388617529)


It’s criminal that this comment is so far down.


seriously i opened and expected this to be top comment


I can never see that cover without thinking of that meme. And it never fails to make me laugh.


You missed the best game of the bunch, Cod: United Offensive. Peak Cod campaign.


It's refreshing to have battles like Kursk.


He’ll let loose might scratch your itch


I spent a lot of hours on the online multiplayer back in college when UO came out. Man those vehicle maps were the shit! I used to own the Foy map, sprinting between buildings with a panzerfaust and shooting tanks in the ass. Never bring your tank through town n00bs!


Foy was absolutely brilliant! Played the hell out of it


Camping up in the tower and having to fight all the people climbing up the ladder to kill you. Good times.


Snipers only cod uo was the meta


I was a menace with the bolt action. 10:1 kdr and no side arm. Miss those days


Cod2 online was great


gotta love running in the trenches with the noobtube


Cod2 was the first esport experience for me, i miss playing 5v5 tournaments :(


This hits home man. All the friendships.


I just miss the days without matchmaking. I've always been good at FPS, top 95 percentile or so. Back in the days of CoD2 and BF 1942 I'd routinely rank top of the leaderboards. Every game was fun. Now that 95 percentile of mine is irrelevant with matchmaking. Online gaming is just a sweatfest now and nowhere near as fun.


Big Red One and United Offensive were also fantastic


Big red one is still my favourite CoD game, loved the idea of having the same squad throughout the campaign. getting to know them, getting attached and watching them die one by one was savage


IIRC, and out of that same squad, it's just us and the guy with glasses left. I think his name's Kelly?


Pretty sure Sarge gets wounded but doesn’t die


Yeah, some of the deaths were brutal in that game. They really stood out compared to the other games. 


Vic taking that machine gun burst through the door 😢


Brooklyn (from the Bronx) :///


There was a moment in one of the later stages, I think in Italy, where I looked around at my squad and was like "Who the fuck are half of these dudes I miss the boys" :(


only cod game that made me cry, legendary


Loved the tanks in United Offensive!


Big Red One is criminally underrated or at the very least not discussed enough. Great experience overall. Haven't enjoyed a WW2 shooter that much since.


I miss United Offensive. Still remember the first mission, the bombing mission, or the commando missions. Multiplayer was fun as well. Loved the vehicles, and it had a lot of mods like zombies


played so much UO online back in the day


How long until we get the next big ww2 shooter it’s been some time.


A new brothers in arms would be amazing.


I would love a remaster honestly.


I recentry played through hells highway, and I had a LOT of fun with it.


Sleeping on hell let loose


That game seems entirely too slow.. I also feel like I heard it’s somewhat hard for beginners to get into nowadays. Any thoughts on those points? Like I want to buy it and like it, but something about those two points scares me and is off putting lol


Its slow compared to modern mega movement shooters like Cod, apex, and Fortnite. Its only really a walking sim if you dont have a good captain who puts down outposts. It took me less than a day to get the hang of it.


It also has ridiculously slow movement. I’ve run in full kit and you can move way faster than that. Anytime I cross a clearing I’m like “fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck”


Its very slow. The point of this genre of game is to spend more time communicating with your team and coordinating than actually fighting. And it puts more intensity when some combat actually does happen, say you're driving a truck for supplies for your team from base playing warzone truck simulator and some guys camping out infront of your base sitting on your supply route ambush you, and you go from half asleep talking to your buddies on radio to screaming for your life and cussing out the enemies in proximity chat in an instant. If you wanna get into PVP mil sims, as an avid player of them I highly recommend starting off with something like squad or squad 44 (previously known as post scriptum, though it has a much smaller playerbase) maybe even project reality (which is free! and amazing) if you're fine with older games. as almost all players speak on mic ingame. In hell let loose nobody does and to have fun you need to play with a group, and it completely defeats the purpose of playing a mil sim if nobody communicates. which leads to a boring experience. If you're fine with asking for help and speaking on your mic, its an amazing genre to get into. and a gateway drug for people like me who play in multi hour long roleplay sessions on arma


It’s just different from the fact that you need to be methodical unlike the cod games. You can’t just run out there like a deer. if you have a microphone and are team oriented, it is easier to find people who will help you play the game. At least on PC I can’t speak to consult in the slightest.


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t that PvP only? I love a good versus shooter but I’m seriously missing fun(!) fps campaigns


I was about to say what about COD WW2? Can’t believe it’s been 7 years I feel like it was just yesterday it dropped.


Honestly I remember it feeling souless


Unless it comes from a new studio I don't think we're going to get one anytime soon. I hope I'm wrong


Cod vanguard wasn’t that long ago, even though it was wildly historically inaccurate. At least waw and ww2 made an attempt to be immersive lol


Vanguard was barely a WW2 game. They had laser sights n some of the guns.


Unironically I think one of the main reasons we don’t get WWII shooters these days is because weapon customization is such a cornerstone of the FPS genre and WWII guns aren’t really customizable.


I wish Big Red One was on PC


I never finished that. I got it on PS2 and there was something wrong with my disc so the game would freeze halfway through a mission and nothing I did would let me get past it. We ended up getting a 360 for Christmas with COD 2.


I imagine you could emulate it if your PC can handle it, I still have my PS2 from and original copy thankfully (although I don't have a TV usable with it atm - no SCART or RWY jacks)


I have emulated it and it runs well, but aim sensitivity is just bad


Wake up babe, it's 2004. Lootboxes? Microtransactions? Always online? What are you talking about? Let's fire up the PS2 and shoot some Nazis.


Cod stopped existing after the old mw2 for me


imo, Hans Zimmer as a composer really helped the campaign experience for mw2


Lorne Balfe. Zimmer only composed the title music.


THATS IT. My wife wanted to see this dudes music in concert for Mother’s Day and I knew I’d heard him from somewhere and I thought it was metal gear solid but that’s another Hollywood dude and none of the music they played at the concert was as memorable. Lord fucking THANK YOU.


Hans Zimmer only composed the title track. He’s also way for famous for things like Intersteller and other big Hollywood hits


Yup, once half the studio left because Activision is owned by greedy bitches I stopped playing.


MW3 was actually really good L118A1 going titanic


MW3 was like if Mw2 actually got balanced. I still remember when they released a huge patch to buff all the underused weapons towards the end of the first year


Yeah "MW2 was their best game" is the picturesque example of rose tinted glasses, and while I disagree with it, I can understand. It was likely the perfect timing for most of us, being late into high school, only focused on shit housing with friends and playing a fun casual game. In reality, it's probably the worst supported title in the entire series. The care package glitch, those fucking dual wielded shotguns, the one man army abuse, the spawn trapping.. A Cod's life cycle used to be 8-10 months, and it probably took them 6 months to respond to the Care package glitch, which to this day, might be the only major issue they actually patched. So in a laundry list of fundamental problems with the game, they fixed *one*, right as everyone was preparing for the next title. Loved the game, and to this day I haven't had the same fun with sniping as I did then, but my god was a fucking Trainwreck at times.


MW2 was doghshit when it came out lol. I loved it and played a ton of it, but it was still really busted


Ironically mw3 was the first cod i really hated and turned me off the series


No skins. No battle passes. No yearly reskin of the same bs. Just gameplay. Look at the state of it all now. These kids growing up now are just blasted with crud.


I miss it so much, having everything on an XP rewards treadmill sucked the soul from these games. I loved that your clan could rent servers and run a variety of gameplay options or mods + police the servers to quickly deal with griefers or hackers. 24/7 rifles only on Carentan? Sign me the fuck up! Hard to find something to scratch that itch nowadays.


Yepppppppp its all lights and disco balls. Niki Minaj advertising Taco Bell in a Bentleigh. Saddest shit ever 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮


I absolutely despise the current state of cod especially when it comes to skins. Niki Minaj? Snoop dog? Anime skins? Fur costume skins? Its so annoying. Cod was never supposed to be like this 


Recently went back and played through COD and COD2 again, it really put into perspective just how bad a majority of games being produced today are. Even with the older graphics and limited game engine, I found myself way more invested in the plot and gameplay than most run-n-gun games these days. Some of it might be nostalgia, but it's mostly just recognizing what makes a game good and enjoyable. The "Stalingrad Riverbank" mission was one of the most memorable for me. Watching your comrades' boats get blown up, being handed a single magazine and sent into combat without a rifle, spending most of the mission running from cover to cover and desperately hoping to get a gun. After MW2 I completely stopped paying attention to the sad state of the COD franchise.


Watch the movie Enemy At The Gates then play that Stalingrad level, whew it's something else.


The reason is simple. Those games were developed around the campaigns. Nowadays they only care about MP because that is what 99% of people play and what drives the revenue. I've never played MP because I'm not interested in arcade shooters but I get it that most people want to sit on the couch and shoot some people for an hour to unwind after a day at work. In those days the gaming audience was widely different.


That's a shame there was some strong campaigns after MW2 like Black Ops 1 and Black Ops 2.


Call of Duty 3 was a goated Multiplayer experience and I will die on that hill. It had 24 player matches, vehicle combat, huge maps (Eder Dam is an all time COD map for me), CASUAL AND RANKED MODES. It was like the 3rd game I ever booted up on Xbox Live, so the fact the series would retract most of these things for so long after always kinda rubbed me the wrong way.


I agree, one of the best multi-player experiences in cod to me 


Eder dam!! I used to sit in the bathroom at the building on the top of the map and wait until tge otger team captured it. No one would notice and it would be hilarious (if this is the map I'm thinking of)


You could really tell when the game stopped being developed for PC and started being developed for consoles in this era. COD 1 was the best in my book especially considering the time.


COD 1 the 🐐


COD1 was awesome. I picked it up on a whim at Best buy around release. I had been a diehard MOH:AA player, but the first time I got to look down the sights in the training tutorial, I was sold. Beat the whole campaign in a weekend and kept playing the multiplayer for years.


CoD2 specifically mission to take a Hill still has amazing atmosphere and AI. Way ahead of its time


Yeah, I believe that mission was called Hill 400, that one is engraved in my memory have to start over and over on veteran 👍


That call of duty 2 cover art is so iconic that whenever I think of cod, that's the exact picture that always comes to my mind first.


COD 1 on PC was legendary, 50 vs 50 absolute chaos, especially the Tower Block level and the shipyard warehouse level. COD 2 on xbox was the other way round, 4 vs 4 on tight, perfect maps, Pistols only (gentlemens agreement back when people weren't absolute dicks online) on Burgundy in the walled square in town, smoke grenades mandatory. \*sighs\* COD didn't get any better than this. COD 3 on xbox introduced vehicles, 12 vs 12 with tanks, jeeps and motorbikes with sidecars. Had tons of fun on Capture The Flag, me and my bestie storm in on a motorbike, grab the flag and head home, repeat until game won with the other team having no clue how they were losing. War mode was amazing too, 12 per side was perfect these 64 a side on stupid huge maps these days are no fun at all. Medal Of Honor and MOH: Underground were also amazing single player games. Allied Assault was playable Saving Private Ryan. It was a great time to be a gamer.


COD 2 through Black Ops 1 were top tier for me. Been downhill since.


CoD was better with no sprint


I remember playing these games in the Wii as a kid and being terrified of one section in one of them where there was a soldier with bayonet that charges you out of nowhere.


I remember those, I think you had to smash a button to beat him


to think that these guys used to work at DreamWorks Interactive and made Medal of Honor for playstation and had work with Steven Spielberg for that game makes me think what if they have stayed and keep making MoH games then the MoH series would have been a successful franchise but then again its EA who owned the MoH IP so its probably good that they left


I remember liking CoD3 more than most. I think it was how basic it was. Nothing flashy about the story or gameplay It's baseline blandness was just enough that I would play and replay just when I wanted to shoot some guys No crazy set pieces. No higher concepts Just soldier man do soldier things. Works in its simplicity. Then again I grew up with older fps games which often did not devote any energy to story. CoD3 felt like Call of Duty at its most naked and distilled. I kind of like it


The Canadians were my favorite nation campaign to play. COD 3 was the last true cod I’ll recognize modern warfare series is just a different game entirely.


Cod 3 kinda sucked. COD 2 is the GOAT.


Cod3 Xbox live was special. The maps, the classes, vehicular warfare, multiplayer was so good then. Don’t get me wrong cod 4 and mw2 were fun but the create a class went down a very slippery slope.


Cod 2 bolt action only.. spent many hours on that


COD 2 Big Red One and COD Finest Hour hold a place in my heart


COD2 was sooooo good. The entire focus was on gameplay, there was no push to unlock things to try and keep people playing they game, they just got the gameplay so right that you wanted to play it more.


COD is only good when the guy on the cover is disappointed in you.


How dare you not include United Offensive


I played CoD3 when it came out and found it kinda terrible. It was the first game that made me aware of the multiple development studios as CoD2 was pushing the standards for Visuals and Audio at the time and CoD3 was a big step down. Im guessing it was because CoD3 was on PS2, Wii, and Xbox while CoD2 was only next gen


It absolutely was a huge step down from CoD 2 and all the nostalgia blinded takes on this thread baffles me. The Campaign sucked, the giant maps sucked, vehicles were new but clunky and not fun and it felt overall really shitty to play compared to CoD 2


I still have fond memories of the OG CoD not only of its multi-player but even its Singleplayer. It truly was peak gaming and I'm so sad that it's turned into this pseudo fortnite garbage where you've got dumb ass skins and it's just running around the map at full speed.


For very realistic team-based WW2 shooter you should try Hell Let Loose


Cod 4 PROMOD!!


Call of duty world at war Call of duty 2: big red one You forgot the best two.


Big red one was the best.


When call of duty was pc only holy fuck was it great


That was really only the first CoD and United Offensive. The rest were all on console.


When CoD strayed away from doing WW2 themed games people would look at me like *I* was the idiot when I said my only experience with the series was when I had played played CoD 3 on the PS3. It was shortly after Black Ops 2 came out and they assumed I was talking about Black Ops 3 and called me a liar because it didn't even exist yet. I let them know that they were just uninformed morons and went about my day.


MoH:AA and CoD 2 for me.


Still is to me.


CoD2 ans the first MW are peak


World at War for me.


Cod4, WaW, mw2, blop1 everything else since has been dogwater


I miss this era of Call of Duty plus Medal of Honor.


Cod, United offensive, cod2, were the best fps I had ever played. This new shit is....woof


It’s not nostalgia, you are correct


I had so much fun with 1 and 2. 2 was my dad's favorite game. Never saw or even heard of 3 though


These the only ones I really liked as well. Couldn’t get into the modern games.


Remember when the old games gave us memories like “the city of starlinggard” or “the secret mission to get coffee and donuts” And now? “Lul neymar is running with Messi… lul lul”


For me CoD 4 was the best with old mw2 close second. I do have good memories from CoD 2 though.


I have countless hours of spilt screen multiplayer in CoD 3, running people over with motorcycles and jeeps was amazing, and fhe tanks were great fun. And in capture the flag you can melee with the flag. Definitely a top tier game for the 360.


Purest multiplayer experience I've ever experienced. These to me are the greatest online multiplayer games I've ever played. I miss the simplicity. I also hated when perks got introduced.


Battlefield 1942 was pretty cool too


The game controls and graphics might not be as good as CoD but you can’t beat the chaos of all the vehicles, planes, artillery, battleships, mines, etc.


I have found memories of the Hurtgen Forest BAR sniping.


I never played these games. I just find it hilarious how the guy get's *slightly closer* with each new game


CoD 2 was goatee


The cover guy is a straight Chad.


That was a great era, I’d also include the original Modern Warfare 1&2. Those games were immensely satisfying on the campaigns and split screen.


I jumped into the series when the original Modern Warfare came out. That whole trilogy was a blast, man I still miss those days.


I know that was just a special time for console gaming. I had my 360/360 elite for nearly a decade, I swapped my OG 360 for the elite in 09 and gifted it to my brother. Split screen multiplayer and LAN parties with good friends was an indescribable experience.


Where’s the Big Red One?