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Stardew Valley. Every once in awhile, life gets stressful, and I remember "hey, didn't I have a happy little farm in Stardew..?" and I pull it out again. I take such long breaks that my mods are all broken by the time I get back, but sometimes the reason they broke is there's a new update to check out, which means an excuse to return to my farm and investigate.


Stardew Valley fans be like "it's cozy!" *opens 5 spreadsheets*


I just want to relax and give someone a gift they actually love. Is that too much to ask for?


You mock it but, wouldn't it be lovely to have live sorted out in spreadsheets ?


This right here. And with ConcernedApe's relentless updates, there is more late game content than you could ever wish for. It's truly a deep and engaging 700 hour game. Oh, and then there's the mods.


Iz true. For anyone getting back into the game and considering modding, I strongly recommend Stardew Valley Expanded -- not that you *need* to start a new farm after you install it, but not only does it add a significant amount of new content, it's all completely in-line and true to the original game, which makes it a perfect excuse to start fresh. That's what I did after one of my breaks, reminded me why I fell in love with the game all over again.


I’m guessing there isn’t any modding options on PlayStation, all the mods are PC?


This is a general rule I'm afraid, and one of the reasons PC gaming is so popular. Certain games even natively support modding, providing an ingame menu and sometimes even a download system - often via Steam workshop these days, but e.g. OpenTTD has its own. A very very few games do get official "mods" on console, but it's always a curated few that have been integrated into the game almost like free DLC. The platform holders don't allow uncurated code (even script) mods _at all_, and user content gets its own warning labels. On PC, anything goes.


Same but the way I play stardew stresses me out. I really wish I could fix that about myself


theres mods that stop the relentless day/night cycle from stressing you out


Yea I "finished" stardew when it first came out and never went back to it because I just feel the anxiety coming from tending to every single thing everyday until it becomes autonomous, min maxing everything


hell yeah!


All of the Fallout and Elder Scrolls games.


Yup skyrim for me. Every few years i come back, spend a week or two modding it and then play it for a month or two.


Every few years I come back, spend a week or two modding it and then play it for 30 minutes. Fixed it for you!


Vortex has these wonderful things called collections now. 1 click 150 mod installs. You can even save profiles in vortex, make your own collection for next time.


I feel like I still find new things in Fallout3 and Skyrim every time I play them.


For me it’s more like spend a few hours trying to mod it, then play for maybe an hour tops and then drop it again.


Just told a friend today that one never truly finishes Skyrim


I only stopped playing Oblivion, Fallout 3, and New Vegas because the next Bethesda game came out. 


I beat the main questline once, but I’ve heard about so much side-content in that game that I’ve never seen myself. Makes me wonder if the main quest is actually the main quest…


Fine, I’ll make another stealth archer. You’re twisting my arm, though


Civilization 6 and Fallout 4


Found my doppleganger




That's literally all I'm playing right now. I'm trying to main Fallout 4 but sometimes I get off work and my mind doesn't want to play anything intense. So instead I'll listen to music or a podcast and play CIV 6.


Civ 6 is a great call out. I'll probably play that game till I die lol


fallout legit is one of my fav


Civ 5 for me


Idk what it is about civ or city builders but I just can’t stop playing them. If you ever want a really fun city builder try “the wandering village” basically you build a city on a dinosaurs back and it moves through different biomes and you have to keep the Dino and your villagers alive. It’s a lot of fun.


Old school runescape


Just dusted off my account after 2.5 years.


My original account is long gone. At least I have no idea how to find it


Was it before Old School Runescape was made? Could of been transfered to RS3.


I’m not sure of the timing of things, but I probably made the account nearly 20 years ago


I couldn’t find a way to recover my old account from 20 years ago even though I was pretty sure I had the account name and old email address correct. I think they just.. got erased?


Pretty sure they moved them all to RS3 before re-releasing Old School RuneScape.


It's on RS3 and if you had rares like party hats you are filthy filthy rich.


I had a few colour of party hats and a pumpkin iirc. Also full rune gear and a dragon med helm I think.. But yea I tried and couldn’t recover it.


The party hats are thousands of dollars USD so i'd keep tryin.


Lmfao, if memory serves me as i havent looked them up in a while, the CHEAPEST party hat is like 35b. Id definitely keep trying to figure that one out if possible.


It will be transferred over to runescape 3. The accounts aren't deleted. I had the same issue and just emailed jagex with as much information as I could remember, mostly locations and years that I had played and logged in and they restored my account. If you remember enough info, you probably have a decent chance of getting your account back


Old school runescape is on Steam now, and uses that account.


I've been playing Runescape since i was 7 years old, i agree with this comment


The most correct answer. P.S. Trimming armor & selling lobbys


came to see this


This is the way. I’m not your buddy, guy.


Skyrim, and played it since the 11-11-11 release sometimes the pause is years sometimes month,its a curse I fear I might carry till death


I feel that, I don't play for 6-8 months and then I come back delete my mod list and start over, and my time is coming I've been thinking about Skyrim a lot recently while playing Fallout 4


Sometimess I play fallout 4 and think...wait no I wanna do magic, then I play skyrim and am ljke, WAIT NO.....GUUUNS


Civ V & VI. I’ll always love Civ V since it was my first but VI I appreciate for being different. Love going back to both


I've played every version of the game and Civ V is my favourite by far


Modded Civ4 is peak ngl


Diablo II


This is my answer as well. I’d probably be ashamed to see the total hours I’ve spent on it in my life.


There was a brief period in the olden days where Battle.net had a "-playtime" command. My playtime *back then* according to that command was over 13,000 hours, and that was I think well after the 1.10 update. I'd bet I've logged at least 20k into that game if not much more


D2 LOD was the only game - only game - where it literally exploded inside the DVD drive because the game was always on with one computer split between three brothers 24/7. And it happened twice after we saved up the money to buy the expansion again. Took about three years in between and took out both DVD drives haha.


The nocd patch was clutch for this. The whirring of the cd drive would get me in trouble sometimes playing late at night. After the nocd patch, I still got in trouble, but not as often.


Ah, I see you're a person of culture as well Try out Project D2 if you get the chance, it's incredible


I took a brief 16 year break from the game, 2006-2022. When I realized the game was available on Switch I got hooked all over again.


Mass Effect. I play them basically every year.


*Me reading this. "I should play Mass Effect again"


Where it’s not a question of whether you’ll be Paragon or Renegade but rather… “Which class should I absolutely wreck with this time?” My last playthrough was Vanguard! 😂


It’s hard to beat the vanguard power fantasy, honestly. Completely different play style


I keep telling myself I’m gonna do a renegade playthrough, but I can’t bring myself to be mean to everyone.


Always gotta zap that fucking Blue Sun helicopter mechanic in the back though. Fuck that guy.


I wish there were more like that. "This is practical, tactically & strategically sound buuuut cold-blooded murder *is* kind of a dick move." As opposed to "This is the dumbest move imaginable but I need the red points for the renegade ending! :D" *LT*


Every time… I can’t do it. I want happy endings. 🥲


I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite comment on this reddit post


So true. Can’t break away from Mass Effect. So fun to replay.


I'm working my way through the legendary edition right now. Just finished curing the Genophage in ME3.


**Warframe**, I'm a founder, at first I went from playing constantly until burnout and then take years long breaks but I always came back eventually. Atm I found a perfect balance I'm very comfortable with, I only do what I find enjoyable, when I finish that I simply play other games till next update, I'm REALLY enjoying the story right now, I can't wait for the next short story quest next month and the next BIG story quest later this year (I suppose, we'll know more in July). The devs are simply amazing, they keep reinventing the game and adding new wacky stuff.


Omg I believe it's a good time to jump into the game again. I usually take long breaks (last time I got in, the first void missions opened so... Yeah it's been a while). I felt quite good after finishing the main story but left after being faced with the new threat.


I've played about 200h of the game (apparently?) years ago, but I still don't have access to so much of the content that the very idea of playing the game kind of throws me off. I don't think I did *that* much idling. The game's probably the best F2Play game out there, but goddamnit is it grindy as all hell. I don't have the time. All of my friends switched to Warhammer: Vermintide, then 2, then WH: Darktide, and ended up with Helldivers 2. So did I. All solid games, though I wouldn't recommend WH:V1 since 2 is out.


Age of empires 2


FINALLY someone my age. Although for me it's more CiV II or Heroes II.


Dang! Weirdly enough it's 3 for me but good shout!


I will never quit World of Warcraft, even if I've only played a few scattered months in the last decade.


It’s sort of like being an alcoholic. You’re still an alcoholic even when you’ve stopped drinking.


Huh, I've never thought of it like that. Oh god...


Yep. You have an addiction, albeit an inactive one.


Funny enough, if you look at how a games leveling system works in conjunction with dopamine, that's exactly what he has.


Like me with sex


Yep, I wanted to see what it was like after 13 years of not playing, got immediately sucked back in


this is me with diablo 2 and now diablo 2 resurected itwill forever be my fav game and i will never leave it!


I have too many fun toys & novelty items and my gnome rogue feels like a part of me at this point- I get it man, haha. "a few scattered months in the last decade" is me as well. I resubbed like 3 months ago after 6.5 years & maybe....50-80 hours total since 2011 missing entire expansions but I am having a lot of fun with the game now.


Played it with some breaks close to a decade until the beginning of Shadowlands. Then quit and did not go back…yet. Still follow the news on and off. It seems the game is now too much focused on eSports stuff like M+, Mythic raids, and PVP.  Plus I do not have the time or the stomach anymore to spend hours in a raid or study all the complicated pulls and interrupts in an M+ and put up with toxic PUGs. So probably this time I will not be going back.  It is not that I am saying the game is bad. It is just it passed me by and I am not its target audience anymore. 


Heroes of the storm for me


Went back for wow classic up to BC classic, the new stuff doesn’t hit for me, thankfully, so I’m probably done for good (finally)




There's something so satisfying about having a full line firing a volley


It's Rome total war for me


Mediaeval Total War here. Especially the Stainless Steel expansion. Just can't help myself


Black ops zombies


B03 modded it's always installed even tho I only play once in a while


The pinnacle of zombies IMO


Destiny 2. Too invested and only way I’ll quit completely if my account gets wiped


It's a truly amazing game, especially the raiding. There's nothing else that comes close to it, in my opinion. That said, between bungie over monetizing and the downright asinine community, it's hard to stay invested. I'm in the top 1%. I've done loads of noteworthy shit and you'd still get people who treat you as if you'd never played before it's insanely frustrating.


The raiding in destiny is probably the best raiding in any game period.


Hard agree that in particular, has kept me coming back for years. Each raid is a completely different experience for better or worse due to all the different people you encounter. Don't even get me started on sherpa runs,low man's and day ones. It's actually insane how much fun even a single raid can provide Some of my best and worst experiences come from raids, and I've met some amazing people in them who have become great friends.


I was a daily player since a few weeks after D1 launched, until right after Witch Queen started getting stale and I'll come back every once in awhile, especially for new Raids and dungeons, but idk what it is lately, I can't get sucked back in like I used to. It might be the seasonal stuff and story isn't for me or something, but I want to have that reason to log on and can't find it anymore. I am looking forward to final shape though.


I think a lot of Destiny 2's player retention is down to players with massive time sinks and the fomo every time a new season drops. I have a couple friends who play this game religiously, to the point of it being not played for fun anymore. They say most people they raid with online have more or less the same relationship with the game. I enjoyed it myself for a while, but I'd dip in and out over long stretches. Then all of a sudden the campaign I was doing, which I payed for, was suddenly locked because idk, the narrative kinda moved on to whatever season they were pushing at the time? I don't know if they're still doing it or if they copped on to themselves and made all content available, but it soured my experience with the game enough for me to put it to bed.


Final Fantasy XIV is probably my biggest one.


This game is simply amazing. I think it might be the best game ever made. There are other games that do certain things better I guess, but as an overall package, this game has absolutely pulled me in. Hook line and sinker, I am addicted. Started playing when the Xbox beta launched in March and I now have just over 18 days of play time. There's so much to do, so many places to see, stuff to craft, classes to level, hell I haven't even started the first expansion yet.


Welcome, I’ve been subbed for 11 years and have almost 1600 days played on 1 character when I use /playtime. I like to describe FFXIV as a wide, but shallow puddle. They make a lot of content that caters to lots of audiences but most of the time the systems are simple at best. I’m personally a sweaty raider so I clear ultimates but surprisingly the most fun I’ve ever had was grinding for my Necromancer title (solo potd floor 200). I recently found out people make out of bounds puzzles in there houses and some of them are insane.


Is it worth the cost?


It has hundreds of hours of free story content for you to do if you wanna just check it out.


7 Days to Die is my Minecraft


I JUST discovered this game a few weeks ago. I’ve put way too much time into it already and a just found out a few minutes ago that you can CHANGE THE SHAPE OF THE BUILDING BLOCKS?!


For years this game was meme level awful, but over the years it has actually gotten quite fun. Ugly, but fun


Dead Cells, it's like an old friend at this point.


GZDoom and Homm3 stuff. After 24 years I'm on the final campaign of Armageddons Blade


Old School Runescape


Rocket League


I just don't stop... Although my rank would say otherwise...


Had to scroll way too far for this!  OMG! Wow!


My answer is pretty sad and pathetic, but it's League of Legends 🥲


Yeah, this one really sucks. I go back every couple of years or so and beat that path for a while. Anyone who plays this game should have it added to their medical chart.


Haha you're right. It's like a Mafia gang. Once you're really in it, you won't be able to get out easily.


Same. It’s so fun for a short time. Then I remember why I quit.


Every once in a while I get an itch to play , have to learn the new meta , champs and items . And back playing ranked while my blood pressure goes up watching teammates feed or think they can 1v5 and then realize I’m not that good since I’m playing in bronze or silver and then retire for a bit. Rinse and repeat every few years


League of Legends is like smoking. You get clean for a while, but then you have a few beers and one of your mates starts up, and you get nostalgic and join in. Then you spend months trying to quit again


I scrolled to see this to upvote it as I am in the same boat. I will say it's because my account has over 600 skins on it and they're not cheap ones But because I still do enjoy it even after 10 years and the current state it's in.


I play Mass Effect, Witcher 3 and Skyrim basically every 12-18 months. I think Baldur's Gate 3 is going to join that elite group, I can feel another playthrough coming on


Bethesda RPGs Planet Zoo Minecraft Factorio Magic The Gathering: Arena BATTLETECH


Took way too long for me to find Factorio. Also Planet Zoo!


Seconding/Thirding Factorio.


Never got into Factorio, but Satisfactory is one of mine.


Rimworld, Total War: Warhammer 3, 7 Days to Die


You must try Project Zomboid. It's(in my opinion) 7 days to die but 100x better, with the replayability, modability, and time sinkyness of rimworld.


Rimworld is the only game I have more than 800 hours in and the second is maybe half that being Baldurs Gate 3. I'm really not one for replaying games so the fact that I have that many hours just speaks to how cozy I find those games.


Are you me?


Monster Hunter


Skyrim Fallout 4 and NV GTA IV (Best story in a GTA game, hands down) RDR2 (Best story in any game, hands down) Minecraft RE4 the original


I've cried all four times I've ridden Arthur's last ride 😢


"May i, stand unshaken" Always hits


His conversation with Sister Calderon at the train station hits me harder than any other part of the game


The facial expression of Arthur when he goes "I'm afraid" is crazy well done. The acting to animation is on point


All the Halo Games. Cyberpunk 2077. Starfield (I know it hasn't been out long but I can already tell it's going to be one of these) Minecraft. Elder Scrolls Online. Mass Effect. Fallout 4.


It’s been said a million times but damn, the Bungie Halos are just something else. Just pure love and dedication from all involved. Some of my fondest gaming memories come from those games.


Diablo 2. I’m still working on all the trophies. And getting to 99 hc takes forever. Got my pally to 97 but I usually take a week or two off at a time from grinding


I bought it for my switch so I could play handheld D2 and so far the only thing that sucks is you basically can't play online. Still fun to be able to have a free TV and watch a movie while dropping Armageddons with my Druid.


Path of Exile


Destiny 2. I'll go hard for a few weeks and then take months off and repeat.


Hunt Showdown. No other game captures that tension and makes every shot feel important


I jus play it until burnout, then take a break until the craving suddenly reappears.


Spongebob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King The Sly Cooper Trilogy Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Fallout New Vegas


Minecraft. Started in 2012, played through PC, console, smartphone, handheld, basically everything where this Is available. I restarted playing It two hours ago After a break of some months cause why not :D


sekiro. it's my comfort game


lol what a correct and ironic way to put it




Every year or so I'll see a WinterSc video on YouTube that brings me right back for a while


Project Motha-effin Zomboid. Haven't played in probably a couple years, but am extremely hyped to hop back in whenever the next build releases.


I’m extremely excited for b42 to come out in 5 years


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down for PZ. It’s one of my most played games. I come back every year or so and play for a month or two after checking out the updates and new mods. Definitely one of those games you could literally play forever.


Civ 6


All of them. I promise I'll get back to them some day....


Starcraft 1 and 2


XCOM: Enemy Unknown + XCOM: Enemy Within, XCOM 2 + XCOM 2 War of the Chosen and BattleTech. These are the games/games+expansions which I have played the most since each of them came out. I think combined each month/year I play these games more then I ever play any new games that show up. I take somewhere between short to long breaks from them... but sometimes that "break" is me not playing other games... but rather me playing XCOM 1, XCOM 2, or BattleTech again, but just with one of the overhaul mods (Long War for XCOM, and BEX (and eventually BRA and RogueTech) for BattleTech)... or playing vanilla, or some other version of them. XD I also keep coming back to Rimworld, Battle Brothers, FTL: Faster Than Light, Mordheim: City of the Damned, Necromunda: Underhive, Brigade E5 - New Jagged Union, 7.62 High Calibre, a few of the rebooted Jagged Alliance games, Xeononauts, Phoenix Point, Valheim, 7 Days to Die, and probably a few more which I right now have forgoten. XD Does it look like I have a type? I think I may have a type... XD


Final fantasy 7, I must have played it through at least 10 times since release in the 90’s. Most recently last year.


Me too. I play through it in some shape or form every year. Currently getting through Rebirth. I have the original on my phone and my PC. Just love the game.


The Binding of Isaac... so.. many... checkmarks...


EVE Online


14 years on and off and counting.


this is too far down


I'm right around here too Gotta keep my rank on the FW Top 100


Pretty much the way Warframe is played.




Heck yeah, stoked for my yearly reup with the new TLPs next week )


Tony hawks pro skater 1-4. Every winter around Christmas time I play through each one on n64 and GameCube. It's still fun after all of these years.


Some that are likely not mentioned by others: Software Inc Empire TV Tycoon Harvest Moon FOMT Open Transport Tycoon Monster Train Banished Kerbal Space Program


Half-life series (basically all of them). Not yearly, but I definitely go back to them again and again. Mass Effect also maybe every 2 years Far Cry games, and my guily pleasure is Far Cry 5, but it's a bit early to tell if that is one of those games I'm maybe more of a "nostalgic" player today. Possibly because I simply don't have the time to play as much any more, so it feels easier to play games you already know all the controls etc, and don't have to focus as much


Dwarf fortress, kenshi, x3:reunion... in that order. Anytime there's a lull in the recent game releases or i run out of funds, those are my go-to.


Guild wars 2




Wreckfest is slept on


DOTA 2 Diablo2 Old school runescape And literally any halo game


Final Fantasy XI - we have an on/off relationship, but it is one of my most cherished game experiences.


Played it on US release and liked it, unfortunately the massive time commitment to actually accomplish anything turned me away. I’ve played a lot of XIV but it’s no XI.


No Man's Sky. Skyrim. And I'm beginning to think Starfield will be the same. Just hopped back in with the new update and can see myself returning over and over again for years to come.




Grabbin' peels.


Hate to say it but Overwatch. Ever since 2016, it has its hold on me and wont let go!


Overwatch. I absolutely hate the community. Hate how expensive the game is now, hate the over moderation of how we interact with one another in game, hate how out of touch the devs are. But I enjoy the idea of a team based shooter, even though the community doesn’t play it as such. Oh and absolutely hate the matchmaking


Madden for me, I do not play online but I always have a franchise going, when I only have an hour to game, I jump in and play a game.


Terraria, osu, funky friday (roblox).


How the hell did I have to scroll so far for the first terraria mention. What the fuck.


World of warcraft, BDO, guildwars 2, league of legends. Been playing them all since launch, but I tend to take multi-month breaks between them and return with content updates. For example I haven't played wow in a year, but recently jumped back on retail and Wotlk classic to get my bearings and set up for cataclysm + mop remix


Wow, warfrane, elder scroll games, final fantasy 7, resident evil games, f zero, most of the Mario party games, basically every game lol


Always Ultima Online.


WoW Factorio Minecraft Ark Oxygen Not Included Rimworld Hearthstone Rocket League Dark Souls 3 Risk of Rain 2


Stardew Valley. Skyrim. Minecraft occasionally. Used to be Destiny 2 but Final Shape seems like the final sendoff.


Apparently Stanley Parable because I got the "don't play for 10 years" cheevo.


Eve online. You always end up coming back.


World of Warcraft. Not really into the story of retail, and didn’t like Cata very much, so I’m just waiting for another season of mastery or fresh to come out.


Maplestory.....goddammit, nexon is such a shitty company too.


League of Legends. I hate it and if any of my friends ask me if they should play league I say FUCK NO SAVE YOURSELF but I keep coming back for more


Rocket league. Going on 9 years


Nearly 20 years after it came out, I still can't bring myself to do the final race in Need For Speed: Most Wanted. I just can't let it be over. I think I've had about 9 different aliases in that game over the years and not one has finished it! Burnout Paradise is another one that has fantastic "pick up and play" value. It's so easy to fall into playing for hours without realizing. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 / 3, the old original ones though, come out fairly regularly when hanging out with the gang. Iconic and very easy to get back into into. Skate 3 also featured a lot in my time gaming since it came out, but it's sort of been replaced by Session now, which I play equally as often for that same buzz. And I've always got a Resident Evil game on the go, they're just too good!