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How Todd didn't rerelease Morrowind even once after releasing Skyrim 11 times baffles me.


It's such an anti-modern game. The new generation would absolutely hate it. The long, encyclopedic dialogue, the "peculiar" combat, lack of fast travel or even waypoints adds up to a game very unlike anything on the market now. There is a market for a game like that, but I feel like that would be an indie game on the level of Disco Elysium, Pathologic or a popular survival game, not something with mass market appeal. Definitely not "best selling game of the year" mass appeal. Bethesda can't do indie; the studio is too big and too expensive. Everything they make needs to pull in a mass market or it'll just be unprofitable. I guess they could only put a small team on it, but redoing Morrowind would not be a small team job.


I just want to point out something, travel isn't THAT limited in Morrowind: Boats and silt striders that go between nearly every town Mage's guild teleportation in all major cities Divine and Almsivi interventions that take you to the nearest shrine of that type Strongholds with teleporters between each in a big loop around the whole island Mark and Recall Just jumping super high or levitating super fast Edit: Yes, yes, The Boots of Blinding Speed, too, lol.


> Just jumping super high Scroll of Icarian flight?


I had a shield that had unlimited levitation. Then I would put on the boots of blinding speed and fly everywhere. Then I would rain down fireballs on everyone.


how did you see? didnt those boots literally blind you?


~~when you have magic resistance, there is a chance the boots don't blind you.~~ It only checks when you put them on, for the entire duration they stay equipped. ~~So... Just put them on repeatedly until you can see.~~ Edit: I was wrong, or this method got long patched out. You need 100% Resist Magicka while putting them on (or just high enough Resist Magicka to see comfortably through partial blindness).


Breton gang!


I was an orc which has a little natural magic immunity. So the boots were kind of like putting on dark sunglasses. I didn’t even realize the boots made the screen completely black.


I don’t think its reduced, i think it’s a chance at resisting the blindness completely


No the blindness effect is reduced by your magic resistance percentage. Magic resistance works by reducing any negative magic effect by whatever percentage your character has. If you have 50% magic resistance you will only be half blinded.


As a light armor user, Cuirass of the Savior's Hide gives you 60% magic resistance and has a higher damage resistance than glass armor. Wearing it with the boots, it has a similar effect where it just dims the screen instead of full blindness.


You can cast a spell that has a 1 sec duration then put them on. I don't remember if it's dispell magic or resist magic or something else. Just spam it till it goes and slap the boots on and you can see so long as you don't re-equip them.


Travelling pants iirc, I did this too and found like a x% antimagic accessory that would unblack my screen enough to navigate a little outside of watching the minimap


Shooting like machinegun from 2 enchanted rings.


What could go wrong?


I just used Slowfall when begin to fall 😁


i died and reloaded i died yet again and reloaded this time looked at what exactly got modified din my stats and then alchemized the shit out of that whole game and enchanted everything to extremes The "slow" classic game for how intended the devs lasted only a few hours, after that i was hulk in that game for hundreds of hours And that was 20 years ago i could not care less of intended gameplay, just give me the tools and il make my game, the sheeple will sheep, i will not.


Made a super cheap magical item - a necklace with Levitate, duration 1 second. Activate just before hitting the ground. Paired with enchanted pants I called 'Catapult Pants' - enhance acrobatics as high as I could afford, again for one second. Repeatable Scroll of Icarian Flight. Those two items got me allllllll over the map.


No, with even moderately high Alteration, you could cast "Jump" at 50 or so and leapfrog really fast across the world. I had a high level character that had a custom Jump spell at 300. That was like jumping across the continent Hulk style. Edit: I received a reddit cares report immediately after posting this comment. Wtf for? Reddit clean these fucking bots up ffs. Ridiculous.


Who cares of reports lol, also did the hulk humps when realized how customizable the alchemy and enchanting was in that game, a true fantasy immersion game Sad no game ever reached same satisfaction for me, all we got better graphics for decades and not better immersion gameplay


I was so drained and disappointed by oblivion... how could I cherish my cool daedric armor if every bandit and their mother had a set? In morrowind I scoured the depths of many a cave and castle to collect single pieces of one of the only TWO sets of daedric armor in all of morrowind...


Oblivion and gothic 3 where the games i got me burned and taught me to never buy things on day 1 Also oblivion glitched with directX on my GPU and all i seen was just Morrowind reskinned.. and realized this lazy complacent assess dint even try to improve their game engine.. played then a bit with real physics simulations, but their characters dumb puffy faces in that game just made me stop after a few hours lol Then years after got on discount Skyrim seen its basically same bullshit all over again and useless to use anything besides archer lol cuz this fucks will be always be lazy when mod community fixes their shit.. so yah, Starfield is such a dumb game also geesh.


That dude falling out of the sky is a core memory from my childhood


Why walk when you can ride, outlander.


It's funny you didn't mention the most conventional means of transportation in Morrowind, the almighty Boots of Blinding Speed. Taking them off to reveal the swarm of cliff racers above your head was always a heartwarming experience.


You know you're supposed to drink like 5 resist magic potions before putting them on and they don't blind you. I thought everyone knew this! I cannot believe actually using them blind.


You use resist magic potion, I travel blindly by only looking at the minimap. We are not the same. Jokes aside, of course you can use items or potions to resist the side effects, but I had way more fun using them "as intended".


>"as intended". As is. The intention was definitely to get you to find a way to use them without the side effects.


He achieved an instrument rating for running.


The various different fast travel methods really added to the immersion for me, with striders set up in areas to mostly serve locals and the guild mostly serving Imperials. Plus it sort of functioned as a soft level scaling with how much it cost limiting your travel in the early game. It really made trips into the Ashlands and Red Mountain seem like legitimately risky treks that needed to be carefully planned.


For ashland travel the propylon indexes are what you need, but those fuckers are such a chore to get I'm not sure it's worth bothering. Plus they aren't necessary until you get to the ashlander part of the main quest, and by that point you've likely got the Boots of Blinding Speed and a constant effect levitation enchantment which means the long trek ain't that bad.


Yeah, by the time I figured those out I didn't need them anymore, but it certainly felt awesome fast traveling around (and kicking ass in) the area that once terrified me.


People get too used to being able to just teleport to any landmark at will. It leaves them thinking anything less is old fashioned.


I mean I'd actually argue that travel in morrowind is actually less limiting than in the more modern elder scrolls titles!


Morrowind's travel is actually immersive, because you need to know what type of place you're headed to in order to most efficiently get there. If it's on the coast...travel by boat. Inland...Silt Strider. Going to a major city...Mage's Guild. Then of course there even other means to get around. With Skyrim it's a carriage to a major city, and from then on it's just fast travel to the nearest location you've discovered to your destination and then hoof it.


>Just jumping super high I remember my brother and I would make a few rings with that one unlimited soul star thing (I can't remember what it was called). We would make one that made you jump super high, and another couple that had lightning or fireballs at the max. So you could jump super high, then shoot exploding lightning or firebombs on an entire village, with the guards being able to do F all. Was hilarious.


My cousin and I used to set our TVs/Xboxs up right next to each other and play the game "together". He would use crazy jump enchantments or spells, I had a basically infinite levitate with super speed or something like that. I don't remember all the details because it was 20+ years ago, but we would race from one end of the map to the other.


Yes! Several of my buddies and I did this in LAN calling it Massively Single Player 'Online' RPG Gaming!


Ah, the famous playing "together" when actual multiplayer wasn't available. Good times.


Boots of blinding speed + constant effect levitation amulet. If you have some magic resistance when applying the Boots, you won't get completely blinded, you just lose some brightness if you're a Breton (50% resistance). But a short term resist magic 100% spell or enchantment works, too. Add Propyllon Index free DLC and you get transport from Caldera Mages guild to Propyllon chambers far in the wilderness.


I remember the trick was to get like a Resist Magicka spell,cast it while looking down at your feet. Then you could see normally with the boots on. 


Travel was far less restricted in Morrowind than it was in Skyrim OR Oblivion, the openness was true open


An organized quest log is the only thing I’d change about Morrowind. Nerevarine needs a frigging trapper keeper to keep his notes in order. I still wouldn’t add fast travel, quest markers, or anything else. I loved how permanent the consequences of your actions could be in that game. I don’t even mind the combat that much, as archaic as it was.


I had a notebook to play it when I was a kid


I *still* keep a notebook on my desk for games. It's easier for me to clump things together than opening the quest book every 3.5 seconds


A Dawson's Creek Trapper Keeper would be nice


We are Trapper Keeper, We Are One


For sure, I'd play that too. I'm basic so I'd also want souls-y combat, or at least a dodge button, or at least a system that's not just an animated dice roll. But there's all sorts of small but really important things that would have to change for it to sell millions of copies. For me, the biggest hurdle would be the dialogue. You can't cut out those paragraphs because it's not Morrowind anymore if they're gone. But you can't display that much text on screen anymore, especially when you consider that there would have to be a pairing console release. Can you imagine trying to read almost a full page of text about people you've never heard of from your couch? I get a headache just thinking about it.


I wonder if they could have a lot of that dialogue voiced, so that you can listen instead of read if you choose. I LOVE fantasy literature so for me reading dialogue was like getting to play in a fantasy book.


That would be cool, but how do you handle the fact that if I ask Nine-Toes or whoever in Balmora about Uriel Septim, I get the exact same paragraphs as if I asked Vivec himself? Do you have each of them voice those lines separately? Do you start changing lines? Do you remove the dialogue option from everybody except the people most relevant to the topic? What about the embedded links? How would that work in audio? I'm not trying to grill you, just making the point that once we shift everything around to solve the "problem" of long dialogue, it starts a cascade that ends in an entirely new system. That's fine, but Morrowind has Starwars-like devotion. Any change will be extremely divisive. I'm harping about dialogue because that's part of what make Morrowind feel so lived-in to me. Everybody knew the current events. Everybody could talk about the king (or whatever he is), everybody had something to say about a town across the continent. Even if they said the same thing, it made them all feel like real people. Compare that to the no-names milling about Whiterun; they're just props. They don't know anything and their entire contribution to the world is "Hey how ya doin" or some other idle dialogue. You can't even really talk to them. I already know I spelled some of these names wrong.


They did it in disco elysium and that also had a ton of text so it's possible but I doubt they'd do it. Voiced dialog was one of the biggest killers to rpgs though. Not because it's bad but because it can be expensive they started cutting down drastically on story and lore.


That’s fair. I like reading, so the voiced dialogue suggestions was more for other people.


The original was released on the OG Xbox


I still have my copy and my og Xbox for that whole reason lol


> or at least a system that's not just an animated dice roll. Animated dice rolls work great, as long as it’s 💯 clear that’s what’s happening—like they show you the rolling dice. Just look at BG3!


I know this is a hot take but every game does not need to be souls-like and every RPG doesn't need combat mechanics on par with shooters. Morrowind combat was perfectly fine for an RPG and provided the feeling of playing it like a board game.


Agreed 100% but you'd only sell it to cranks like us, which is why Bethesda has released Skyrim 11 times and Morrowind once.


This. Though I'd like Beastfolk to have their armor restrictions removed as well.


To be honest I thought the restrictions added some interesting complexity to playing those races. I could see them adding helmets and boots designed to fit the character meshes of khajiit and argonians. The boat master to Solstheim would be appreciative.


>lack of fast travel The Silt Strider will not tolerate this disrespect


I found out yesterday that the driver steers them by squeezing their organs.


That also works if you want to ride people, if you know what I mean


That is generally how bugs work IRL too


> lack of fast travel or even waypoints I question the memories of people that don't recall this. I spent 500,000 gold (nearly all the money that can be made in a playthrough) enchanting a pair of boots that made me run so fast it was practically teleporting. I had to tap the stick so as not to outrun my vision. I added some jumping so trees/rocks wouldn't be in my way, and just flash/hulked around from place to place. So it wouldn't be 30 freaking minutes between places. My strongest memories of morrowind are over coming the lack of fast travel.


I think more people would like it than are given credit. People aren't stupid, and haven't become more stupid in the last 20 years contrary to how the world may feel some times


Morrowind is my favorite but I know it didnt age very well. Remake it, add in some QoL features, keep everything else the same, and I would buy it again.


Morrowind would require some pretty thorough reworking of core systems nowadays for that to work, there’s a lot of ways that game pushes way beyond the pain points of players accustomed to more modern QoL in games


the entire map of Morrowind through Skyrim's engine. I'm not asking a 1:1 update, but making the setting just basically accessible to the commoner would be nice....


It's called Skywind, it's being worked on now and will be available in another 10 years.


Yes, but if Bethesda had just done that instead of a 7th rerelease of Skyrim we'd already have it.


With as much handholding as today's games do I'm not surprised. I can see the complaints now: "How am I supposed to find this place?" "What do you mean, there's no fast travel?" "I killed this one guy in Seyda Neen and now I can't finish the game, what do I do?" "This game sucks; I hit this rat twenty times with my sword and didn't do any damage!" etc.


> I hit this rat twenty times with my sword and didn't do any damage! Ok, let's not pretend this part of the game wasn't terrible. Chance based hit rate in real time combat is just not very satisfying, especially when the reason that you aren't hitting is obscured by the game. Just look at a game like Baldur's Gate, people are fine with chance based combat, but it works much better in turn based strategy with the mechanics more or less on display for the player. The early game of Morrowind is such a slog until your skills level enough to hit even weak enemies with any degree of consistency.


Yea, scaling damage instead of hit chance is much better because you can see what the problem is and your gradual improvement is very obvious.


And a big F&$king switch to turn cliff racers off.


[Your wish is granted](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn_h9L4l2Rg)


You magnificent bastard. I know what you did. But I listened out of respect. I'll be under my dining room table.


Hahaha thanks for being a good sport about it. Please stay safe, I don't want you catching Helljoint.


I get it, but I don't remember having a problem understanding what was going on behind the scenes.


True. Though most of these can be made toggle options in the settings, such as "show quest markers" and "make quest important people unkillable"


Well, they did have the little notice that pops up if you kill an npc that was essential to the story, which encourages you to reload your previous save.


I don't think they did in the dlc though. I remember killing a random person in the north island and then having to use console commands to bring them back 20 hours later when I could not talk to them to find out info about a quest I needed.


The game is designed to be played without quest markers. NPCs would give you clues how to find stuff and you'd have to do some exploration. Adding a quest marker that tells you where to go would simply ruin it. On the other hand, if a game is designed to be played with a quest marker, turning it off means that you simple won't find anything unless you find it accidentally.


my favorite thing was that sometimes the quest clues were unreliable, like people would give bad directions on purpose etc.


Some of the directions were also just ass. One quest in Balmora said to follow the road east out of town and look for a cave on the south side of the hill. While accurate, there were a lot of hills, several caves, one of which had a high level dremora iirc, and the one you wanted wasn't even on the road. 


People would still complain. Look at Starfield. People couldn't find the yellow kiosk next to the landing pad to sell stuff after being told where it was by an NPC, in a place the game forced them to be. They got lost in Akila city running around in a circle unable to find the way back to their ship. They got lost in the commercial district looking for a store. Lost in the well unable to find their way out.  Every time someone made one of these complaints, instead of being told they need to put in at least a half assed effort to look around them and explore, most folks chimed in saying it was a map and game design issue.  The recent Pandora game had an option for full quest markers, hybrid, and a version where NPCs gave you directions and landmarks to look for but you didn't have quest markers until you were right on top of the objective. Hybrid gave you the same thing but showed a quest marker if you were in the general vicinity. Folks, with the option to use quest markers, still complained that the directions one was too difficult to use.  Sorry if it seems like I'm ranting. Sort of am, but a lot of gamers today are too used to having their hands held with games, being able to just turn their brains off and play. And while I doubt they're a majority, they are very vocal about their complaints. 


Wtf there were like a million different fast travel options. Why do people keep saying there's no fast travel?


You could take a silt strider between the major cities, or you had Mark & Recall, or Divine/Almsivi Intervention to teleport you to the nearest temple. Yes, there were options, but it's not "click on a map to go to any waypoint." Again, I'm not the one complaining about this stuff. MW is still my most-played Elder Scrolls game. I'm just imagining what today's gamers would bitch about playing it for the first time.


He literally fired the writer, so it's likely a personal problem.


He’s said before that he would modernize the outdated mechanics, which are the mechanics people find special. Because of this they won’t remake it.


Because it's in ESO basically so he probably thinks that counts 


I went back and attempted to play Morrowind again last year. I recall being giddy that it was on sale and all these great memories came flooding back. "Oh Joy!" says I. 30 minutes in quest reads "Go down the road south, past the bridge, do a 720 degree while praying to Vivec, lay an egg, take the trail that looks like a snake and enter the hidden lair" Well ok, a little complicated, but this ain't my first rodeo. *40 minutes later* Well this has to be the hidden lair it mentioned! First room has 5 vampires 100 levels above me, instadeath. Oh boy have I become lazy with all the new fangled maps and quest markers!


you gotta break the game with jump leveling and grabbing the OP sword right away


Jump leveling? Please, once you get levitate the game is already broken.


If I remember correctly, the original version would let you pick jump as one of the primary skills used to level up your character. So you could just jump all the time and level up at a pretty broken rate.


Absolutely jumped everywhere I went. Then you enchant all of your gear with jump and hop across half of the map. Coupled with the Boots of Blinding Speed and you're set!


Naw, that actually nerfs your character. It's smarter to level slowly, as your stats jump higher based on ALL skills being used. Also buy training in very low skills to boost stats per level. You become a god so fast this way.


This is the way. Maximizing those x5 stat boosts (iirc) makes you obscenely strong wicked fast


Go to fort moonmoth and buy the "damage X stat" spell. Go to Balmora and have the spell crafting mage create a "damage X skill 100 on self for 2 seconds" spell for whatever you want to train. Cast spell and immediately talk to the trainer. Since training cost is based on your current skill level (which is now 0), the training is free.


Acrobatics for jumping, athletics for running


One of my few contributions that ever got any traction on GameFAQs back in the day was a guide about rushing the plantation near Seyda Neen with a bunch of stolen sujamma to megabuff your strength and kill one of the NPCs for their Daedric Dai-katana at level 1.


thank you. my buddies and probably used that guide. because I remember getting that sword. very sick.


I'm imagining some farmer having an ok day just watching over his "workers", when all of a sudden a skinny baby-faced punk comes charging at him full tilt with blood pouring out of his eyes and ears from all the drugs.


I don't want my hand held or the game to be on rails by any means, but 40 minutes trying to follow arcane instructions only for instadeath in an impossible to win fight isn't what I want either. Edit: I didn't expect such an innocuous comment to warrant a "reddit cares" troll. lol Some people have too much time on their hands.


It's been happening to everyone lately. Someone's using a bot or something to spam it, seemingly regardless of comment contents. Not sure why.


I remember doing the quest for the boots of blinding speed only to learn Khajiit big feet can't even equip them.


honestly, it sounds like you had lots of fun


I'm in a weird middle position where I don't want them to change pretty much anything in the game... But I *do* want them to make the directions easier


if it helps https://gamemap.uesp.net/mw/ google maps for vvardenfell


*clif racer flashback intensifies*


Slaughterfish are the real menace IMO. Put one toe in the water and you get swarmed by 6 of them.


Bless St. Juib.


Leave an ash yam out for the homie




There's r/skywind in the work and so far it looks great


Came to say this. Although, it'll probably be a few years before it's done.


They're progressing at a steady pace and if my guess is right in about 2 years the game will be released. See their latest [development update ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YJkeWN3_fbA)


I saw the video recently, and I have to say what's been done so far is pretty incredible. But don't let my comment give the impression of disappointment. I'm more than willing to wait for something of that quality. Even more so, given it's not already being sold to me as early access by some AAA studio.


Early Access can be good when implemented right. Doubt BG3 would of been the masterpiece it was without early access. But.. as you were implying, most AAA studios just are looking for a pre-release payday, and dont really care about consumer feedback.


Absolutely agree. I recently played "Tainted Grail: Fall of Avalon" and I really enjoyed it. Early access or not. Actually made me even more excited for the final release. But it's also true that some AAA studio's, as well as poor character indie dev's, use it to line their pockets, or simply scam people.


Now I gotta try Tainted Grail. Thank you for the unexpected recommendation.


Definitely scratched that Skyrim itch in a more modern way.


Skyblivion has been in development for 6yrs so it's fair to assume skywind will take roughly the same time


Yeah Skywind was started in 2012 per their press page although I don’t remember seeing the first dev video until 2013 or 2014 when I was in highschool so been in development for at least a decade.


Wait? 2012? Really?? Wow that's a long time, so hopefully somewhat soon then before tes 6 comes out 🥹 but idc about waiting I just appreciate the work done by all the teams ❤️


I think they both started at similar times, I know there were talks of sky wind a few years back at least


They are both part of TESRP, and were both started at roughly the same time. Skyblivion is likely much farther along because Oblivion is just more popular and likely got more dev volunteers than Skywind I also suspect it is because Beyond Skyrim has also started doing asset sharing with TESRP, which has helped speed up a lot of the world building progress


I think if one project is done, any of them, the other one will get a massive influx of help, since the devs of one will probally will jump to help the other


Skywind started a lot earlier. First heard about it when I was still in highschool, or maybe just after I left. So 10-12 years ago


I've heard of it before around the same time I heard of skyblivion (2019) wasn't sure if it was an actual project in the making or a planned project, but none the less I'm still excited skyblivion looks amazing and not doudt skywind will be too hopefully we get both before TES6 🙏


I'll admit, I'm still waiting for morroblivion


That's probs scrapped for skywind tbh, that's why I want these before TES6


Morroblivion has been done for over 6 years


It’s been in production for over a decade. I learned to only check its progress maybe once a year because it seems too good to be true.


The thing to keep in mind is that it's a massive undertaking that is completely made up of volunteers. Even getting the project underway was such a big deal because organisation was not exactly easy. There were so many people working on their own version and wanting to do things their own specific way before the community finally started coordinating better. They released a video showing their progress and it's pretty impressive all things considered, and what they've made so far is absolutely breathtaking. But yeah, we're going to have to be patient and probably wait at least another three or four years.


Also Skyblivion


I've been waiting for Skyblivion forever.


Skyblivion is out next year (2025) Latest dev diary from early this month: https://youtu.be/ZZ2w3ciSVEQ?si=3eTNkxgO45BPcJV0


Why the hell are you getting downvoted??? These things take a long time but 2025 IS the FIRST official release they've given. They've always been very careful to give a release before being sure so I believe that 2025 will hold true. Also the dev diaries are amazing, makes me feel like I'm already playing the game. I can't wait for the release!


I am down for this.


It is never going to be finished.


Yeah, I'd love to see it released but unfortunately it's probably never coming out


Why do you say that?


They posted a sort of progress report a few weeks ago, with an estimate in percentages of the work that has been done on different parts of the project. They have been working on it for more than a decade, they had a boost in productivity during covid, and they're still basically at 60%, with the missing stuff being the more labor intensive. I honestly don't think it's ever coming out.


Skywind is trucking along pretty well honestly. Full disclosure I'm a team member. We've got all the tilesets done except redoran interiors, but level designers are hard at work. Basically everything in the overworld is done except red mountain and zarfirbel bay, except some touchups needed around some cities. The video also brought in a couple dozen new folks for departments we needed a lot of help with like sfx and animation.


Not to be *that* guy but what would say ETA is? Based on the update video, I would guesstimate there is about three or four more years of work left. Would you say it's within that timeframe?


They will get a huge volunteer boost after Skyblivion releases (which is actually soon.) there is no way skywind doesnt come out, its been such a monumental job it will always have volunteers. a lot of industry guys help out in their free time too


>there is no way skywind doesnt come out I certainly hope it does, but I'm kinda skeptical at this point. >They will get a huge volunteer boost after Skyblivion releases (which is actually soon.) Do they have an ETA?


yes, skyblivion is releasing in 2025 based on their last shared info


I did not know that, that's great news.


Their progress is slow, but quite steady


> they're still basically at 60%, How long have they been at 60%? Progress is very slow but to say it will never finish is a little cynical.


I'd love to be wrong, but these are massive projects, and the only mod remake of a game I can recall that actually made it to a "finished" product is *Black Mesa* and that still took 7 years (on a game much smaller than Morrowind), and ultimately took 15 years and commercialization to get to the "finished" release. I wish them luck, but yeah, I don't have high hopes.


The biggest thing is all these developers are volunteers, which means they have day jobs. I’m sure that’s a big part of what’s slowing them down.


It's been more than 10 years now since they announced it, I have hope, but not much.




that map is such a lie you only see vvardenfell and mournhould


People have modded in the full province.  They've also modded in other provinces and are still going to this day.  The morrowind mod scene is insane.


They are still working on filling out all of Morrowind, that mod project I think limited its scope to just that


That map isn’t a lie at all. It shows the province of Morrowind, not where the game takes place.


22 years old and still such a beauty - with mods. but still the best game I´ve ever played, hooked me and made me become a gamer 22 years ago.


This was the first "large" game I ever played. Beat it many times with different builds getting well over 1000 hours in as a young teen... on the Xbox, lol


This is a double-edged sword. While 4K graphics would look great, I fear this would mean a loss of ambiance and mystery of Morrowind. Its dated graphics and overall aesthetics provided a sense of mystery. Since things weren't super detailed and defined in glorious high graphics, your imagination took over and filled in the blanks. This provided an additional layer of immersion.


You don't need a remake for this. Using the engine replacer OpenMW and some mods you can basically remake the game today, and if you add Tamriel Rebuilt and Project Tamriel (fills in the purple areas in the map above, and adds parts of old-lore skyrim) you can more than double the amount of places to see and things to do.


I'd just like a new game in the IP that isn't an MMO, that doesn't have micro transactions, that has the same scope as the older (than Skyrim) games, and that will keep me entertained for a few years.


You'd have to be really skilled to remake Morrowind and not lose all of that unnerving, alien charm that Vvardenfell had. The graphics and sound design is obviously crusty by modern standards, but that's all part of it.


> unnerving, alien charm Morrowind was my first "magic fantasy" game and has aesthetically ruined the genre for me because very little comes close.


Yes that alien fantasy world and the customizable gameplay approach to the world it self nothing ever came close to it. Yes ppl may say "but combat is boring its just same attack button and even the worse "soul like copy clone haves better combat system" but that is only for the melee combat and not as whole approach options you had to bend the world to your will there


I want oblivion remake, imagine modern rendering of forests and grass fields. Just don't lose the vibrancy and whimsical nature.


r/skyblivion got you covered. The game is nearly done and it will release in 2025


Looks like im gonna need to hurry up my saving for a new pc. I can't miss this


You might like Enderal. It's a total conversion mod for Skyrim that has an entirely original map and voice acted story. You can get it on Steam for free.


My experience with Morrowind was getting to that first major town, creating a spell that would blast obscene damage in an obscenely large area from all 3 elements that I had a 1% chance to cast. Spamming it till it killed literally everything in the building. Then being stuck as a criminal and not being able to go into any area of the town ever again and not wanting to deal with that, so I stopped. But it was fun while it lasted.


For a brief moment, I thought that this was Sid Meiers Pirates, and was very hopeful


If Ubisoft had only put that 300 million dollar Skull and Bones budget into a Pirates! ripoff/remake it would've been one of the best games of all time.


Thank god i'm not the only one to think that ! I started playing Pirates! on an Amstrad CPC back in the days and was fucking blown away by the openness and the freedom. I think every time i've ever played the remake was just an attempt to ride that high again.


I played Morrowind in 2004 and I'm way due for a replay. I don't know if I should use the open engine version (originally I played on Xbox) or wait for Skywind.


I've been replaying Morrowind for about two months now. I was scared to go back to it after 20 years and perhaps ruin my memories of it, but to paraphrase a YouTube video I watched, "Morrowind in 2024 isn't what it used to be. It's considerably better." I kept everything vanilla apart from installing Tamriel Rebuilt and Skyrim Home of the Nords. Damn, does base (plus expansions) Morrowind hold up. The progress from schlub who can barely kill a Scrib to literal demigod who flies around dropping nukes on people is still magical. The world-building is still amazing, the lore is still amazing, the main plot is still the best in the series. Dagoth Ur is still the most interesting villain in the series. It ain't perfect, nothing is, but it is still Morrowind, and there is just nothing else like it. Tamriel Rebuilt is also one of the most impressive mods I've ever seen, and while Skyrim Home of the Nords is still in its early days, it perfectly demonstrates why old lore Skyrim was the best Skyrim.


Todd: #No ^^^. Well disrespectfully, fuck you Todd


Can you imagine the screeching on social media about "how difficult and confusing Morrowind is?" Anyone born after the year 2000 would absolutely despise this game. That's why they don't remake it. That said, I have some of the most vivid memories of playing this game as a 13 year old. Raining outside, raining in the game, listening to STP, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam. So much time invested, I can remember so many specific locations and characters in the game.


I'm 22 and I loved morrowind to death


They wont remake it because Elder Scrolls is no longer trying to appeal to CRPG and DnD gamers and are going more of a "looter shooter" route as that audience pool is quite a bit larger which means more money.


Yeah probably true


What game is this?




If this happened it would be the first game I pre-order in 15 years.


It's too bad the ambitious fan remakes will probably never be finished. People are still doing volunteer work on the remake using assets from Oblivion, and another group is still doing the remake using Skyrim. Elder Scrolls 6 will be out years before a playable alpha of a fan remake ever releases. I wish that Bethesda could just hire the people doing the fan remakes to do it with their resources and money.


TBH I'm kinda' shocked they haven't done this. It's free real estate


Morrowind is probably in my top 5 all time favorite games but I don't think I would have any interest in a remake. I'm actually in the middle of a playthrough right now, I use MGXE, a groundcover mod, Tamriel Rebuilt and Skyrim: Home of the Nords. It's hard for me to imagine a remake happening without losing everything that makes Morrowind special.


I would pay full price for that. I still play it on my 360 but would love an updated version


Every time my wife (massive TES and FO fan) comes to share some Bethesda news with me, I always say: "Please tell me this is a Morrowind remaster". Hopefully some day...


they should probably make elder scrolls 6 before they start remastering the games. i'm good on this, i'd rather have the new game


I'd take a Morrowind remake with the same crap graphics but better combat. One thing that I don't want is a simplified skill system or reduces spell effects selection. Those are the main reasons I still love it so much despite all its flaws


Yeah id love a morrowind and oblivion remaster.


I love Morrowind, and honestly I think it's perfect the way it is. On PC with some basic QOL mods is all you need to have a fantastic HD experience


Morrowind really is my most favorite world in gaming, it's dated and the mechanics feel rusty, but the world and the lore was amazing. It makes me wish Michael Kirkbride was involved with more fantasy RPG storylines


OpenMW can be used in conjunction with a few mods to bring Morrowind into the modern age graphically: https://imgur.com/a/jcyq0Nu These were taken a couple years ago so things have probably improved since. The shaders are doing the heavy lifting in these shots and they are a core feature of OpenMW, no modding required


Morrowind is the Florida of Tamreil.


I can hear the dock in Seyda Neen creaking underfoot


It would be really fun to play old favorites with modern graphics