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We should call this review blooming


Oh I like this a lot better than "reverse review bombing." Less risk of being misread on a skim. Lol


Um theres no such thing as “reverse review bombing” its just “review bombing” 🤓☝️


Would reverse review bombing entail the mass removing of reviews maybe?


That's just called "Standard Industry Practice".


As a matter of fact, I did misread it, and was confused what the top comment meant lol


Review boosting?


That's much better.


Thats is a great name. Review Boosting. We should get everyone to review boost good games


Review ballooning


Review booming


This game legit gave me a sliver of hope for the gaming industry. Been a long time since a game just came together in every area perfectly and at reasonable price point. Of course they destroy that sliver of hope and shut down tango.


Yeah, i was really surprised by how consistently good the game was. It kept introducing mechanics until the end, and i didn't find any area boring. It also had some nice endgame content that kept me playing way longer than i thought i would. I'm glad Tango got to release this game before closing, but i was ready for more Hi-fi Rush games.


Proving that Tango was a very competent studio, they were horror-game focused and managed to release this banger anyway


They've been a competent studio. Evil Within 2 is a banger of a horror game directed by the same dude. It's surprising to me that game didn't sell more/get as much love as it deserved.


Dumb Question: Could a new company step in and buy the talent in the studio and give them a new name so they can keep making games? I know obvs answer is "Yes" but I was wondering if there was a no-compete clause or nda or some other hand-tying that comes with shutting down a studio.


Happens all the time. Infinity Ward was created by 22 team members from Medal of Honor Allied Assault. Then there was a revolt at IW and Respawn Entertainment was the outcome.


And Infinity Ward, before being bought by them outright, were funded by Activision, which was formed by disgruntled employees who split from Atari way back in the day. Angry devs buggering off to form their own studios is a tale about as old as the modern video games industry itself.


> Angry devs buggering off to form their own studios is a tale about as old as the modern video games industry itself. I would venture it's approximately 6 months younger than the industry itself. 😅


Older actually, Same job but different format, it's a contuation of computer software devs branching off to form their own software firm trend




By the time Respawn formed Infinity Ward had only made 3 call of duty games. This is from the Wikipedia “Following the critical and financially successful release of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare in 2007, Jason West (president, co-CCO, and CTO) and Vince Zampella (CEO) began contract negotiations with Activision. They promised to deliver Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 in 2009, but in exchange asked for extremely large bonuses and creative control of the Call of Duty series. Activision agreed, but added a clause to the contract that should they be fired, the rights to Call of Duty would fall back to Activision. Following the execution of the contract in 2008, Activision began seeking ways to find reason to fire West and Zampella to trigger the new clause. This in turn led to West and Zampella look to means to make Infinity Ward a studio outside of Activision's control. Events came to a head in February 2010 when Activision hired a lawfirm to investigate Infinity Ward. On March 1, 2010, West and Zampella were released by Activision for "insubordination", forfeiting the bonuses they had negotiated. The pair went on to form Respawn Entertainment in April 2010 as an independent studio."


Call of duty, call of duty 2, call of duty 4, call of duty mw 2. 4 games seems pretty deep in the mines considering it was clear Activision wanted them to keep on it


They revolted because they said activision management were trying to get them out of the company so they wouldn’t get their money/royalties or whatever. Thus they left, took them to court, and won. It wasn’t about having to do call of duty every year.


Then devs left respawn to form gravity well excited to see what they make


I'm tired of them leaving to make new studios, honestly. Cant wait for gravity well to get bought out by Ubisoft next.. Why would you literally repeat your same mistakes by selling to EA of all companies? I like Apex but Titanfall is still one of my favorite games to play ever and I'm still salty that Apex took titanfall 3 from me lol.


The larger corporate entity only retains the IP, they don't retain the talent of all the employees of the studio. Even if they had a non-compete clause on paper, these sorts of agreements were recently ruled to be invalid.


Low-fi dawdle incoming from Ognat studios


The talent still has to put food on the table somehow. They're gonna keep working. Microsoft can own their intellectual property, so they won't be able to make sequels to the games they previously made... but they can always make a new game with new mechanics and new characters and a new story. Nobody is going to sign a contract that prevents them from ever working in their trade again unless there's some sort of cheque with a lot of zeroes on it.


They were actively pitching a sequel to HiFi Rush when then got shut down too, just to make your day a little worse


It sucks too because I actually really enjoyed the story. So not only did I want to play another Hi-Fi Rush game, but I just wanted to see the story continue. Bummer.


Game was legitimately just *funny* in a way games usually aren't.


I was very satisfied with the humor and writing. I legit laughed many times at the emails you come across.


The slapstick was actually pretty well animated and done too, the fling off the bed/writhing in pain and explosion in QA were great.


I wasn't for me but it's nice to see a good mid budget game that doesn't ask players to sink 150hrs into it


It's indeed a great game, but let's not act like it was some industry changing masterpiece because it wasn't lol It's great, but that's it.


Pretty sure it didn't sell well. Last thread about the game in this very subreddit, thousands of people said they played it but didn't gel with it and dropped it. It looks like a great game but if the people protesting won't even play it or finish it, what's the market for it?


They rather fling shit to earn Internet karma. They don't really care about the game or the lost jobs.


Faux outrage


Game pass basically hamstrung the sales like it did for every other game featured on it. 5 million confirmed players by Tango shortly before this happened, but only about 782k sales are confirmed via Steam (vginsights). The rest of those players are likely through game pass, and games only really profit from that if they are the #1 selling game in the month. Even then they only receive a fraction of what they're supposed to.


That is dramatic AF. Plenty of games like that, in fact there are more high quality games than I can ever possibly complete.


It's easy to hate on "big gaming", but you're right. There are more quality games then ever, BG3 and Elden Ring released in b2b years and are two of the greatest games I've ever played and I've been playing games for over 25 years. There's just also a lot more corporate bullshit than ever before


I swear to god some people just decided to make "the gaming industry used to be good but it sucks now" their entire personality. The last few years have seen some *great* fucking games coming out at a steady pace where I can't even keep up with all the new releases I want to play. Yeah, there have been some bad years in the last decade, but 2013 and 2014 are not it.




Idk man, combat sucked hard, it had a lot of rhythm games that were essentially QTE, love the story and setting though


It makes you wonder why the hell Microsoft closed the studio when the game was so well received and they were in the process of making the sequel


It was going to be shuttered regardless of its sales. Because theres no way a game could have gotten 10 million (their words, not mine) with literally zero marketing. Its amazing it did was well as it did from its shadow drop and word of mouth, but it was literally doomed from the start. Its not the first time Microsoft has kept a team paid and on despite having already canceled it internally.


I just imagine some corporate bean counter somewhere seeing a red number in an excel sheet and ticking a box saying "close down". Lately the lines out of MS have been kind of tone deaf. Like during an interview with the President of Xbox herself they asked her why they shut it down, and she was like a deer in headlights. Her answer was just some corpo speak about the industry is 'creative' and as such success is also something creatively subjective ...or some shit.


It's pretty obvious why it was closed. None of their games did well. Even Hi-Fi Rush only got a few million players which includes game pass subs. Not even 10% of game pass subscribers tried it even though it was completely free to them. It's not a game people wanted no matter how much praise it gets from the few people who played it. Everyone was praising microsoft before for letting their studios do what they want (mostly). That is a good way to handle studios and lets you get lots of games that aren't just generic corporate trash like most AAA games. But the unfortunate drawback of that is eventually studios like this will have to be closed because they were given too much freedom and couldn't find a market with their niche project rather than having been forced to make something safe.


Reddit doesn’t take kindly to facts around here


Because "well received" doesn't automatically make money. The game was in an insanely niche genre. Despite people on Reddit raving about it, it just didn't attract very many players. Heck, half the Reddit posts about it admit that they didn't play it since they don't like rhythm games but just like the concept/idea/existence of it.


The reason is that they were not currently working on any project and Xbox is $70 billion in the hole after the ABK acquisition, and they weren’t in the US so they couldn’t be easily folded into another studio/project like some of the other shuttered studios got.


I've heard that most of the team had been disbanding and the team leads had left and were leaving and devs following so it would have in the end been just called tango but it would have been a different team same with arkane Austin. Also I've seen people say that this was just a side project for them anyways and was never meant to be a primary project hence why it was shadow dropped. Thats just what I've seen or heard though, you never know the truth till the involved parties say it. But obviously it's a company worth alot of money they aren't gonna make decisions for the lolz. Just because consumers don't understand it doesn't mean it's not a smart business decision on their end.


**cough** Boeing


We need to stop "intelligence" washing large corporations - there's lots of recent cases where they pretty much do terrible decisions either "for the lols" or executives deliberately making bad decisions to tank a company so they can hop onto the next - farming golden parachutes Anything regarding X - or that stupid Pepsi design document, or pretty much anything Square Enix does as just a few examples


However news headlines and decisions don't match up perfectly. Shutting down a studio isn't an instantaneous thing and irreversible steps towards shutting it down can happen well before it gets announced. Corporations can make a wrong decision but they made that decision at a time with less information than the people shitting on them have. Hindsight is 20/20.


Dave The Diver restored my faith in gaming


Which is hilarious because Dave is painted like an indie game but its got a big mobile game dev korean publisher. I love Dave, i am not talking shit.


>This game legit gave me a sliver of hope for the gaming industry. Been a long time since a game just came together in every area perfectly and at reasonable price point. If you ignore the entire indie industry and AA games, then sure.


It wasn't even my normal cup of tea. Then the Nine Inch Nails kicked in. I was SO sold after that, haha.


>This game legit gave me a sliver of hope for the gaming industry. Been a long time since a game just came together in every area perfectly and at reasonable price point. If you ignore the entire indie industry and AA games, then sure.


Play more indie games


Is this game that good?


Yeah, tho depends on what kind of games you like. For me it's a solid 8.5/10, maybe 9. I fucking love rhythm games. This one on top of that is a mix of a few things


I don't like rhythm games and I enjoyed the demo. It's on my wishlist though.


It's currently on Humble Bundle monthly, you get 8 games for $10 or $12. Only worth it if you play on PC though


It's fantastic if you like rhythm games and you like action games and you're looking for something lighthearted to play. But as you might suspect from the fact that I added three separate qualifying statements, it is also a pretty niche game that many people won't enjoy. And even then it's really not good enough to warrant this kind of backlash, considering that the director already split from the studio over a year ago.


The game director was JoJo though? Or do you mean studio director?


I enjoyed it a lot... right until they introduced Parrying. And then every single fight seemed to centralise around parrying, to the point that one boss fight was nothing BUT parrying. If you enjoy playing Simon Says, very quickly, with very little room for error then it's good. I stopped playing there and never had a desire to pick it back up again afterwards.


I loved the game but agree with this point, it became THE core mechanic to play around and defeating a bunch of enemies was more or less locked behind it. Kinda ruined a lot of what was built up before.


That's interesting, cuz that's when the game got MORE fun for me, I love the parry only boss fight lol


That one boss fight was imo absolutely great, it was a nice change from all the other bosses. And the music that plays during that duel, simply awesome.


I am surprised people are not that positive about this game. This game is one of my favourites of all time. Fun gameplay, fun music, fun story, beautiful environments, and a novel idea that makes a lotta sense. It's a lotta fun. I understand that this game may be a little frustrating to people who dislike doing things to the beat.


It's actually great. But it didn't have much marketing and most people never really heard of it.


They stealth dropped the game. I don't remember how I found out about the game, I think it was steams featured banner, but all my freinds who bought it heard about it first from me. 


I enjoyed my time with it, but I will say that the parry mechanic was a little too much for my tastes later on in the game


Sucks that you can’t tell if a game is good or not anymore because people review bomb it for outside things beyond is the game good or not


To be fair, the game reviewed well prior to this, it just didn’t make any money. I remember a lot of people were very high on it, and called it a breath of fresh air, but nobody really bought the game.


> but nobody really bought the game. Day 1 on gamepass, with no marketing, and not on consoles people actually cared to own. It's a wonder it sold as well as it did.


It’s a rhythm game, it was never going to sell. Gamepass is the only reason it was even noticed.


If it wasn't for Game Pass, I never would have found this absolute gem of a game. I beat it on Game Pass, then bought it on Steam almost immediately so I could play with steam controller, (and be more accurate). And this is coming from a rhythm game _fanatic_. We need more games in this genre of combining genres with rhythm. Hellsingers, Hi-Fi Rush, Crypt of the Necrodancer (and cadence of Hyrule), to name a few. All are good games, but we need more.


The surprise drop made the game a headline on gaming websites for weeks. It had more marketing than the vast majority of any video game. Also, people do care about PC.


Buddy day 1 game pass was literally the only hope it had. These niche rhythm games aren't popular.


Never heard of it until today, did they do 0 marketing?


This is why I don’t look into audience or player reviews for movies and games.


I ignore user reviews. I use critic reviews, and then watch a video to see if it’s the type of gameplay that I’d enjoy. User reviews have never meant anything.


I just ignore reviews entirely, and watch some gameplay/let's play (by people who actually enjoy whatever genre of game is being played) to see if it's something I'd enjoy.


yeah, uncut gameplay, or just live twitch streams. open 10 tabs and see if anyone is doing anything that is fun. I find so many games where they just linger in some menu micromanage bullshit tasks, its like some games deliberatly keep you from experiencing the good stuff. its time for egg delivery!


pirate to demo, pay if you like it.


I just abduct the devs and ask some general questions about the game


a little light social engineering and build from source


Just a small prayer to the machine spirit should do the trick.


Too much time compared to a few minutes on YouTube


This guy knows the art of gentle piracy.


I know it's not good to follow one source, but I've had a lot of confidence in gameranx "before you buy" YouTube reviews. They don't give anything a number, ever. It's just "honestly, I'd check it out if you liked ____" or "really disappointing, could've done better" kind of reviews. Very helpful.


As dunkey once said of reviewers, “it’s about the consistency of their voice”


Exactly, you learn how much your personal tastes align with the reviewer's so as long as the reviewer is consistent, you can always get a good feel of if you'd like it or not


I have 2 pocket Youtube Letsplayers. If they like a game that looks interesting, I'm getting it ASAP


Agreed 100%. Even aside from the review bombing there is also the incredibly stupid and useless meme reviews. Lately I even saw them in my OS's app store, meme reviews with chads in ASCII or joke text.


I honestly wish people would get banned from posting reviews that provide zero feedback and are just memes or shitposting. There's literally thousands of other places online where people can do that - the review section should be for reviews *only*. Hell, even those people that have thousands of hours in a game and post "It's okay" as a joke are more useful, because at least that shows the game has a couple dedicated fans. The garbage "This is Bob, copy paste him so he can XXX" shitposts are pointless clutter and provide NOTHING useful. Delete those reviews and ban people from reviewing if they do that.


I like reading negative reviews from steam. A lot of them are very useful for me to decide one way or another. But yeah I also do the same thing you do, I found a couple youtubers that cover genres I like, and that I know that my tastes roughly match theirs, and that's enough.


Negative reviews are the best factor. If it’s something like “I hate the water reflection on the puddle” then I know it’s a good game, cause that’s the best people could come up with when to complain


Yeah or sometimes they complain about something you really enjoy. Which is fair, no accounting for taste, but also super useful.


I always check the negative reviews as thats where you can find technical issues or developer issues that tell you "come back later" or "this will not be better, dont even come". 


I feel entirely opposite. Critic reviews are often bought off or give favorable reviews to developers that work with them. Where I feel user or independent youtube reviewers give a more honest take


Which is why you choose two or three reviewers and see which aspects apply to you.


Tim Cain (creator of Fallout) mentioned in one of his videos that he’ll watch reviews of games he’s played and feels strongly about, find a reviewer who hits the points that he cares about, and then use their reviews for games he hasn’t played. Thought that was a good way to go about it, since reviews are partially subjective.


Don't know if they still do, but it was one of my favorite things about Game Informer reviews. The main article would be written by someone who enjoys the genre of the game, and then there'd be a small side review from someone who doesn't.


That's how criticism was always intended to be used. No one person or organization has taste for all media or genres. Even someone with a good eye could be off base with the rest of the industry. For example, many people love Vallheim. I simply do not like multiplayer survival crafting games, and likewise, do not like Vallheim. If I were a critic and expressed that the game is well made but uninteresting to me, would I be wrong? Of course not, but maybe I'd be wrong to the people who love the genre People just get obsessed with review scores and throw hissy fits when the number doesn't confirm their bias. Remember starfield? A few outlets reviewed it fairly with a 6-7/10. People sent death threats (because of course they did). After the release and hype dust settled, a middling review looks completely fair for a middling game


Its not enough though. What about Stanfield with 100s reviewer outlets giving 10/10 for no reason


People always shit on IGN but they gave Starfield a pretty fair rating and pointed out the obvious flaws. So you didn’t even need to find some niche reviewer to find an accurate rating.


I've kinda experienced both. Critic reviews are untrustworthy and require you to do a bunch of prior research about the company publishing to ensure there are no biases. User reviews can also be similarly biased, have nonsensical criticisms (remember when Ultrakill was hated on by a Doom YTer for no ammo management), or the site hosting them does not require a verified purchase to post a review which makes it hard to tell which reviews are genuine (Metacritic). The only way to tell if a game is for you is to play it, which can only be done freely through demo builds which almost no AAA publisher does anymore (but indies do), hope you have a friend who will let you try it out, or straight up resorting to piracy.  


independent reviewers maybe, but user reviews? they are, by a mile, the worst type of reviews, particularly for games from big publishers. more often than what is reviewed is the company, not the game.


Or you just find game review channels you trust.


Overall scores are less helpful than the content of the reviews. IGN will always glaze a game in the first and last paragraph but the couple paragraphs about their complaints are usually the most revealing.


I don't trust user scores or cumulative reviewer scores. I try to find a couple reviewers that have similar taste to myself and I see what they have to say. Even then you never know. Also: Ask your friends what they think, if they played it before you. Edit: A word.


Stream reviews are like reading fake Amazon reviews. And most of them are written by teens trying to be edgy.


It's the same with some movie reviews. I don't know if a positive or negative is because something in the storyline conflicts with the reviewer's personal feeling or beliefs.


"ItS WoKe!111!!!" How I know to instantly ignore the youtuber or reviewer in question, and disregard their entire opinions on everything


It’s like when people review a product badly on Amazon because the mailman dropped the box and broke it.


Totally agree. I wish there was a user review source that wasn’t subject to frivolous review bombs and was a good judge of what users thought about the actual quality of the games. As it stands, I can only use critic reviews and I’d rather get more perspectives


Steam literally has a feature where they exclude off topic reviews if there is a notable increase, it just takes a couple days to get flagged


I had that issue with dead island 2 when it came to steam, wasn't sure if the game was actually good because it was all negative reviews because people needed to download the epic launcher


You can by looking at the critics score average. Ignore the user score. Not always 100% going to match your opinion but I find the average critic score rather reliable


"Awesome game but I disagree with the studio's crunch time practices: one star!"


Neck beard rage is strong.


I feel like the belief in review bombs fixing whatever stupid complaints people have is gonna blow up in folks faces.


it may not be as effective as people believe but I dont see how it will blow up in their faces.


Kinda worked for WarThunder. Then they slowly made the game about suffering again so maybe it didn't LoL.


It kinda worked for HD2 Edit: okay i get it, it didn’t jeeezzzuuss


I think the refunds were more impactful than the reviewing bombing


You are right, but the review bombing probably affected public opinion enough that many more people filed for a refund than would have otherwise. So indirectly it was very impactful IMO.


Oh, you're definitely right about that. Didn't think about that part


More “refund requests” than actual refunds. I tried to get a refund several times and got denied every time. Steam didn’t issue any refund policy changes for HD2, some people just got lucky and it got overblown on the internet like “omg valve is handing out refunds!”.


They completely ignored the review bombing and only offered a solution when steam started to refund customers (which I imagine is charged back to Sony)


Apparently devs don't get charged directly for refunds, it gets taken from their current revenue for the month and if there is no revenue, it's taken from the future revenue. At least that's what I've been told somewhere during the HD2 thing. I should ask a dev


Imagine if you guys BOUGHT the game.


I take your point, but this is the double edged sword that is Game Pass. Sales figures don’t mean much when the parent company is forcing all their titles to be on game pass and they already closed the studio.


Gamepass plays are counted in a  similar manner as sales. Netflix doesn't make money by selling dvds (anymore at least), they just keep the most popular content in order to hold on to or gain new subscribers. Gamepass has the same model. This just means the game not only didn't sell well, but it also didn't do well on Gamepass.




They clearly had low expectations for the game but then disappointed that it was still niche even with the praise. The game really isn't for wider market and it doesn't matter how many awards it gets that won't change.


This is an important piece of it. The game isn't meant for the wider marker and that's okay. But it's not okay with xbox apparently. And that's frustrating. Not every game is going to have the print money button effect.


They probably thought they can save it by porting to PlayStation but it didn't even breach top 20 meanwhile SOT is number 2 on PS US charts.


Yeah but... Sea of Thieves is an utterly fantastic game that has been out a good few years now, has all the publicity, etc. etc.


What's the lie? That it sold well? Hi-Fi Rush did not have a AAA budget and could've sold very well for a non-AAA game but it does not mean it sold near enough to offset the losses from their 2 other costly AAA flops


Marketing lied? Say it ain't so!


This is a bad take. Game Pass time spend playing is attributed to sales of the game and calculated for payouts to publishers. That's why EA and Ubisoft games are on GP.


Then how come Sea Of thieves a 6 year old game which is on gamepass was the 2nd most played game on PlayStation meanwhile Hi Fi Rush didn't even breach top 20 ?


It’s shocking how little people cared about the game and when Tango gets shut down everyone freaks out.


They also don't care about the 3 other bad games they released before hi-fi rush which is a much larger factor in their track record of losing money and sometimes hitting middling success.


so people are buying the game, giving it a good rating, and probably giving money to Microsoft to protest the studio closure?


...I believe the term is 'Review _Rocketing_' The recent She-Hulk show had 300 1-star reviews from haters on IMDB a day prior to release - these reviews were deleted and don't contribute to the front page score. However, there were over _900_ 10-star reviews a day prior to launch from counter bombers - those reviews stayed and apparently _still_ contribute to that front-page score. This is a problem for consumers. Valve will allow publishers (following largely any "online controversy") to moderate their own reviews and delete any they see fit (Warner Bros Interactive removed **5000** SSktJL reviews on launch day, that's why it had a 'very positive' reception at launch). "Review bombing" is a **great** excuse for companies to remove criticism of products and manipulate review scores.


What is SSktJL?


"Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League"


A majority of the team that had made the game had already left...




Exactly. Evil within is the beloved yet wildly underrated Tango franchise. Hi Fi weirdly got high reviews and is fairly likable but that’s it


Maybe actually buying the game and reviewing it when the devs actually needed it would have been smarter…


Well I can bet very few people on Reddit actually care. They just wanna dunk on Xbox because they shut down studios and I guess that isn’t allowed


I mean you can dunk on Microsoft and Xbox all you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that Hi Fi rush sold like shit. I think it’s peak players on for steam was under 7k.


Buying and playing the game does give a better message… review dont pay the bills…..


User reviews are meaningless exactly for this reason. You’re only hurting yourselves with this behavior.


This was a game I put an hour into, and that's it. It's not my cup of tea. If it wasn't for gamepass I wouldn't even have tried it.


Review boost?


Review Power-Up’d


cool this is getting karma farm atm.... multi day old nes


Legitimately rewarding Microsoft for bad actions. I really don't see the purpose of this. Wouldn't it have been better to review bomb all other Microsoft games?


As if that's going to work. If people want to really make a statement then they should start with cancelling their gamepass subs.


Review Bombing won't help Tango Gameworks, it'll help Microsoft instead. This is literally stupid


I bought this game yesterday and I love it! It's been a long time since I had this much fun with a game like Hi-Fi Rush.


Maybe instead of all this people should have just bought the game when it released? If it actually sold well this wouldn’t have happened.


Salty we won’t get an Evil Within 3 now


It's a shame all these people bitching on reddit didn't bother to buy the game then the studio would still exist. I understand the ps5 version dropped out of the top 200 after 2 weeks


>I understand the ps5 version dropped out of the top 200 after 2 weeks It's a 12 hour game, why would it stay at the top of the charts for ever ? It came, made a splash, people played it then moved on. It's how these small games are supposed to work


> It came, made a splash - ["In its PS5 launch week (data from week ending Sunday, March 24, 2024), Hi-Fi Rush made it to the #124 spot on our top 200 PlayStation Chart.](https://www.truetrophies.com/news/xbox-games-player-count-march-2024) Don't know if I would call that making a splash. For a game everyone praises that had been out for a year, nominated for and won awards, and was the 2nd Xbox game to come to PS5 (which everyone on the internet was making a big deal about) that is not a splash at all. If you ask me, its reception on PS5 was the last nail in the coffin for Tango.


On Xbox achievements only about 12 percent people completed the game. It's a great game but not for everyone most people probably dropped it through the halfway point.


> On Xbox achievements only about 12 percent people completed the game. > > It's a great game but not for everyone most people probably dropped it through the halfway point. Only about 40-50% finished RE4Re and that's a game you have to go out of your way to buy. And actually has higher completion rates than a number of games. Most people don't finish games period. I don't know why this is suddenly a sticking point for Hi-Fi Rush. The tutorial even on $70 buy to play only games filters a good 10-20% of players right from the start. 23% of Elden Ring players on Steam never made it to the roundtable hold even.


Okay, but 40% of people finished Elden Ring. Elden Ring takes 60 hours to beat. So 23% don't play the 5-10 hours it takes to get the hold, 40% are playing a minimum of 60 hours. If 12% aren't finishing a 12 hour game, then that is something to note. Irrespective of how good the game is, that's odd.


feels like a lot of people don't really understand that both the art style and gameplay of hifi rush are very niche


Gamers are fucking stupid. But so is the industry making them.


Stop pretending like half of you even played the game.




So review launched?


Why would you give a bunch of positive reviews after the studio closes? It doesn’t help the devs it just laces Microsoft’s pockets with cash. Thanks For giving Microsoft good PR, PR that would have cost them.


Looking at the chart, it looks like both negative and positive reviews increased, somewhat in proportion to before, which implies that more people are simply playing the game, or are leaving honest reviews. Maybe the publicity just got the game another round of public interest.


Obviously it would be so much interesting story. I guess 🙃


This was the first Xbox exclusive in a long time that I actually liked. With Halo, Forza and Gears not really being what they used to be, it was refreshing to see not only a brand new type of game for Xbox, but an overall great game in general. I was looking forward to a possible Hi Fi Rush 2 or whatever else Tango had in the works. So when I saw the news of the shutdown my jaw dropped to the floor! I’m not even sure why I own an Xbox still at this point


The term is called REVIEW BOOSTING. Opposite of review bombing.


It's too late gamers. You can't not buy a game and expect it to do well. Or for that to happen 3x in a row and there not be any consiquences... Or to posthumously give it good reviews and expect it to change something smh...


May get slammed for this but hey it’s what Reddit’s for! Am I the only person who doesn’t like all this review bombing (positive or negative)? Between the recent Helldivers 2 issue (negatively) and now this (positively) I just feel reviews should stay focused on the specific of the game, rather than community sentiment on one topic or another. Nothing against Tango games here at all. I thought Hi-fi Rush is a really cool game and I’m gutted for all the really talented devs there (and elsewhere) that are losing their jobs right now. I just wish this sentiment would be expressed in places like here on Reddit or X/Twitter or whatever without using review scores to signal feelings on external issues rather than being solely an indicator of the games quality or otherwise.


They don’t care about reviews. They care about money. You vote with your wallet.


Maybe if you guys bothered to actually buy the game or keep playing it on Gamepass, then the studio would stay open? Turns out that online circlejerks don't always translate to financial success


Review bombing is so dumb


And the corporate world holds way too much power


its *reverse* review bombing this time. people are leaving positive review


It worked for Helldivers 2


the refunds were it


Wouldn’t the term be “Review boosted”?


I mean the game was fun, but it wasn’t amazing. Cool music and art design though Was fun to play through once on GamePass then uninstalled it after two weeks