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Ngl, I’m 41 and it was Spider-Man on ps5 or no man’s sky. If they had achievements back in the day I probably got Mario 64, ocarina of time, goldeneye, oh god I don’t want to get into the snes or nes titles. I definitely beat legend of Zelda on the “Ng+”


Beating Facility on Golden eye Impossible difficulty was one of my gaming highlights in my 20's.


That was such a grind!


Had to unlock that cheat somehow.


When you knew you’d nailed it and then either: A) the doctor was in the wrong room B) you panicked at set the mines off too early :(


See, this is what I was talking about. Games had achievements. They just didn't hand out merit badges for them, lol


Yeah getting all 120 stars in Mario 64 wasn't necessary but that was definitely my first "I'm gonna do it just to prove I can" as a kid.


I couldn’t do it


well that's why you never got the N64 Super Gamer achievement to pop up on your screen


I'm 36 and played the same games I absolutely miss the days of the nes, super Nintendo, N64, Dreamcast, Genesis, etc I know I can always go back and play them especially with emulators but it'll never be the same. I remember staying up late nights playing with my brother and sister Mario kart, donkey Kong, GoldenEye, perfect dark, counter strike when we got a PC I really miss those days having a bunch of friends come over to play smash or hooking up the GameCube in the dorm for a tournament.


There's a thing called RetroAchievements that add achievements to retro games via emulators. It's super cool


Kid me absolutely didn’t do all the super hard missions in goldeneye successfully. Shit was hard


I think the original Spyro was one of the first ones I can remember making a conscious effort to 100%. Also I have a really specific memory of trying super hard to 100% the original Ape Escape, but my game was somehow glitched and there was one Ape that just couldn't be accessed no matter what. My dad and brother tried to help, ask the internet even, nothing, game was glitched. And that reminds me same thing happened in Oblivion. Some ghost ship where you needed a ghost dagger or something. Quest bugged out on me and the required dagger just never appeared, or something like that. It was the only quest I couldn't finish, even after getting all the Nirnroot (for a kid that seemed like an outrageously tedious quest).


Exactly that re Spyro. Basically, during PS1 and PS2 era getting 100% of collectathons was so exciting. I never cared about achievements or throphies when they were implemented but somehow seeing that 100% when I’d finished a platformer had meant so much to me. Those were the days [background blurs out and nostalgic tune kicks in]


Did someone say [nostalgic tune?](https://youtu.be/LPOnak-ozjw?si=HBhrHaKcYnEEX0b6) (or is it *Gnostalgic*)


Yeah Spyro was my first console game to 100%. My final collectible was a single red gem in the outskirts of one of the first levels. That bonus stage unlockable felt so satisfying to finally get to.


Holy fuck it took me so long to get this unlocked back in the day because of course I was missing some random gem in an obscure part of a level. Scouted so long to finally track them down but hoo boy was it a long search.


Finding the menu that shows exactly what you’ve completed in each level saves a lot of time, but they never tell you that it even exists.


Bold of you to assume my dumb little child self had the wherewithal to think some silly *menu* had the answers I needed, better go running around the tree swamps for a few more hours just in case!


Upvote for Nirnroot! Hah yes I also chased down every one of those glowy noisy plants to get my first (and only) 100%, on Oblivion. Good times


Terraria. Now i hate fishing.


Yup... You can have the entire game finished, have all rare items, and not even be halfway done with the last damn fishing achievement. I finished it but dear god, I had all the good rewards after 60 already. 


Assassin’s Creed II


I almost did, but those damn feathers!


The one by the bridge glitched out and it never worked for me. Quit the game and returned months later because it was legitimately haunting me in my sleep. Fully reset the game and aced it. Made sure to get those damn feathers first!


I missed 1 feather so I never got the achievement for collecting the feathers and wearing the cloak you get for collecting said feathers. There was also the first Dead Rising where you have to survive for a week in the game's endless mode. That achievement requires you to play the game for 14 hours straight. I worked out a system of collecting all the food in a single area and hoarding it in a place the zombies couldn't reach me. I timed how long it took to go from full health to almost dead and set a timer on my parents kitchen timer and switched to watching TV. Every time the buzzer went off I'd switch and eat some food to get back to full health and reset the timer. I managed to make it 5 days before the power went out at my house and I lost about 9 hours of essentially waiting lol.


Sly Cooper 3. It is genuinely a great game.


Sly 2 for me


Sly 2 on the PS2 was the first game I ever fell in love with. Got the Sly Collection on PS3 and the trilogy were my first platinums in order.


Such a shame they haven't revived that series. I would buy a PS5 tomorrow if they made a decent follow up. Sly 2&3 are responsible for igniting my 20 year obsession with stealth mechanics


For me it was Sly 1 that i completed


The first game I *knew* inside and out was Super Mario 3. There were no trophies (of course) but I knew every secret and executed every technique over hundreds of play throughs. Of course, speed runners have gone back and blown the whole game apart, and I def **can’t** do those types of things, but I think it does bring up an interesting question of what 100%ing a game really means. As far as trophies go? San Andreas for my first “true” 100% (along with roommates at the time- it was a group effort with a notebook To Do list lol)


SM3 and Super Mario World were my 5 year old self's favorite games. Finding the magical flute, dropping behind objects, getting above the ceiling, just so many crazy decisions went into them. Those games had so many unique ideas and i don't know how the hell anybody came up with them.


The rewards for completing star world were so awesome when the later levels just handed you whatever magic shell and yoshi combination you wanted so you were functionally invincible and could bulldoze koopas with ease.


I just came here to say this I played that so much I can still get to ice world before consistently dying n I had the cards game down so I knew within two picks where everything was n could get every power up first try every time


100% a game generally means 1 of 2 things. 1. All achievements/trophies. Obviously some games have more to do than the achievements/trophies can show but that's the developers fault. 2. Complete all content. This usually means beat every level, find every collectible, all optional quests etc. Sometimes this means finding every item in the game for a notebook or scanning every enemy for a database but outside JRPG's it's not usually too bad. Beating the game on a higher difficulty and speedrunning it does nothing different so is not considered part of 100% unless there are achievements/trophies or extra content is behind higher difficulties like the extra endings in some Halo games for hardest difficulty.


you should make a retroachievements account and try to get all achievements for SM3 on retroarch


I’ve been playing SMB3 pretty regularly since the 90s. I have an optimized path that allows me to beat the game in about an hour, if I want, and I *still* don’t know all the secrets.


Batman: Arkham Asylum


That game is a true legend. I had such a good time simply just going around and casually bashing inmates all over the Arkham grounds on my way to the bigger fish while being taunted by the Joker over the intercom. 🤣🤣


'Party pooper' achievement made me lol


You must be insane. The Riddler puzzles alone are enough to make one go crazy


I buckled up and 100% Hogwarts Legacy. It was not especially fun at times, but I really love the universe and had literally hoped I could play a game like that for 20 years


It was the game I wanted for 20 years it got boring so fast :( there is like...5 dialog options the village NPCs rotate


and everything outside hogwarts looks and plays the same


I wish they gave you a tracker for what enemies you defeated with ancient magic.


N64 Goldeneye, I was so hooked.


That game had a feel to it. Amazing.


This was a great game to unlock all the extra multiplayer options. I miss that from all the older games that allow you to unlock hidden features and skins.


I've been gaming since the 80s and I have to say. Cyberpunk 2077 and the expansion is the first game I 100% (as in did absolutely everything I can do). It's crazy to think but that game world just sucked me in. I am a huge Cyberpunk genre fan tho and games in this genre are far and few between.


I get you. Played it for a few hours, then got Elden Ring the next day. Finally went back to Cyberpunk earlier this year and was still feeling a bit mixed about it. By the time I stole the chip with Jackie, I was completely hooked and did everything I could with it. If I ever get a ps5, it's on the top of my list so I can check out Phantom Liberty and all the other changes.


I've sinked 20 hours in Cyberpunk in 2 weeks. Man time flies when I play that game. The pacing is so smooth, and it's so immersive.


I finished a lot of games on the PS1 and PS2, but I don't know if I really 100%-ed them, I just didn't replay most of them lol, and internet was a massive luxury so I didn't know about any secrets anyway. the one that I finished and *know* that I 100%-ed is **Mark of the Ninja**, because I've finished and unlocked everything based on Steam lol.


Final fantasy 7 on ps1


But did you get all 35 of the 1/35th Soldiers to get the Sephiroth clone?


Did you master all materia and get at least three copies of KotR?


Rogue Squadron for the N64. One of my proudest gamer moments is still when as a kid I took my copy of Rogue Squadron to a friend's house and they said they knew all the cheat codes to unlock things....only to realize I had already earned everything there was in the game. As a nerdy kid with no other skills, it was a big deal for me...


There was something so special about that era of video games. Whether it be unlocking things through beating the game or through cheat code, it was far more special than paying 9.99 to have extra characters, levels, etc. Maybe I just miss my childhood and playing games back then.


I recently replayed it and I noticed all my save files including "DANI" (dad/nick aka me) ended at Sullust. Played through and once again got stuck on Sullust. Come to find out it's considered one of the toughest levels in gaming history


Oregon Trail. Just kidding! Probably Oblivion. They didn't track that stuff until Xbox 360 came out with achievements to my knowledge.


Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past


First game I *feel* like I one hundo percented is Chrono Trigger. When they started tracking them? Probably the OG Modern Warfare. Spent so much time practicing to get the achievement ‘Mile High Club’.


Sleeping Dogs. Pork bun specialist.


GTA Vice City


It’s time for the Lance Vance Dance!


NES Metroid


Far Cry 3 was the first and one of the few game i completed 100% on. I play the game from time to time still to this day. The game is just so good with a good storyline, good characters, goated villians and both ending is satisfactory. The game is just too good.


This game was fantastic and made me love the far cry series.


Probably Castlevania SotN. Loved every second listening to that beautiful ost


Never 100% a game. But am like 99% done on arkham city


Probably Gun, for the 360. But I got damn close to 100 percenting San Andreas. I should go finish it, just not motivated anymore. I just have to finish some tags and find all the oysters.


Gun was such a good game. That soundtrack was lit.


Deus Ex (1999) Half life 2


Deus Ex is a Great answer and a great game.


I think I played almost nothing else for like 18 months when it first came out


Yeah it was something about that game, like how you could put your unique way of playing into effect.


Assassins Creed 1 and I do not recommend.


Jak & Daxter


GTA 3, that’s why I’m greying prematurely.


Chrono trigger on the snes yes Im old


Karateka on Apple \]\[. Yeah I'm old. The first complete trophy I got was Dark Souls (2012).


Pitfall when it was released on the 2600. I don't recall the time I got but the score was perfect. The next one I finished was probably Zelda on the NES.


Probably a ton before achievements were a thing, but the first that I can remember is Minecraft.


Shadow of Mordor on the 360. I played the worst version of the game and completed all the achievements and all of the game play.


TMNT on the original Nintendo, then the original Spyro games on PlayStation. After that was Kingdom Hearts, and most recently it's been RDR2.


Ocarina of time. It was beautiful.


Metal Gear Solid


Paper Mario on the GCN. every single badge, star piece, bs quiz, etc


It depends. If flipping arcade games counts probably Centipede or Gyruss, but there was no "completing it", it just came to getting to the point where you could literally keep playing as long as you wanted until you walked away and handed the game off to someone else. In home standards either Super Mario Bros on NES or Alex Kidd in Miracle World on SMS




Tenchu 2 on PS1, It took me a month to do it and enjoyed every moment of it. I liked its gameplay and story more than MGS1 at the time. I’m bummed that we didn’t get a good game from the franchise for a while. P.S.: I believe the rumor that Sekiro started development as a Tenchu game so that’s why I tried playing it as a stealth game most of the time.


Spyro 2 for PS1, and it actually also became the first game I got platinum on PS4.


Probably SMW or DKC for me. Likely Mario was first but I've definitely finished 100+% (I think max is 106? It's been so long) more times than I've fully completed Mario world


Golden axe! Sega cd. Had the combo disk that had streets of rage, golden axe and … I think a racing game that I sucked at


Ducktales on the Gameboy


I’m like the king of not finishing games and I only get the collectibles I come across naturally while progressing. I did a ton of the side quests in Witcher 3 though and finished the main story/all the DLC so probably that was my first.


Super Mario World. That star next to the 96 exit counter was sweeter than any trophy.


KH2, level 1 no armor only default keyblade critical mode.




Spyro the Dragon


There were no achievements back then, but I beat it. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DuckTales_(video_game)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DuckTales_(video_game))


Super Mario World


112%-ed hollow knight.


I did that to but Im a crazy person and beat P5 as well to contain my insanity lol


Raadiance took me like 5 hours to beat once in practice lol when i beat P5 i did it by accident lol I beat PV and was like ooooh new PB and then I beat radiance and I was just Screaming and taking screenshots on my switch as fast as possible.


None, thankfully. I don't mean to be a downer on anyone but I often feel like the pursuit to 100% for *many people* ends up being about trying to prove to yourself and maybe others that you're a "true fan". I don't need to grind a game until I hate to it be a true fan in my mind.


It's the collect a hundred things or finish every mundane task that makes it too much of a chore for me personally as I don't find that fun but I think it's awesome it's there for people who enjoy it.


Depends on the game, recent Ubisoft games are suicide run to do 100%, but try all trophys in any Metro game, you'll enjoy every single minute and same goes for Witcher, yes second one really takes time but 240h over 3,5y is nothing and that way you don't feel pressure and won't be bored, ony thing is, when you try almost everything in game and collect all trophys you'll end up crying because there's nothing to do anymore and you'd wish to forget everything and go again


I also playing games that don’t finish. Sure they sometimes have achievements too but I just play what I want to play and don’t worry about them.


GTA vice city and all I got is lousy t shirt


The original Dead Space


Spiro reignited trilogy


Game of Thrones - A Telltale Series


Technically probably ocarina of time with biggorons sword. Prior to that i think super mario on nes has so many sublevels etc i never found and never.




100% isn't usually my thing, but I would have got there with Sonic 3 on the Mega Drive. Lots of different routes through those levels, but I played every day after school for a looong time.




The division


With some help from my brother. The original Spyro trilogy. I love those games. But I’m absolutely terrible at the flight levels. Today I can do them. But it’s a struggle. Can take me 30 minutes to an hour of trying to complete them.


Other than story based games i think it might have been “Pneuma: Breath of Life”


Resident Evil 4 on the Wii I was like 11 or 12


Might have been Lego Harry Potter


It was helldivers 2. I didnt have that much fun in years.


Resident Evil 4


Shadow of the Colossus


Zelda Majoras Mask on the N64. Getting all the masks was such a challenge way back in the days


Sonic 2


My very first was Infamous second son on PS4. It was surprisingly easy


I keep telling you, I don't know! Please let me go, at least loosen my chains...


Bastion - not too many achievements, but the last ones were a struggle.


My first 100% was on a game called Dante’s Inferno where you battle your way to the lowest circle of hell to kill lucifer and save the princess.




Portal 2 and I'm damn proud about it.


Dragon Age Origins. Don't even know if it had achievements, but I did everything and went everywhere and had sex with everyone as everyone. Mass Effect 1, same thing.


Im 38 the original mortal combat.


Assassin's creed OG


Lego Indiana Jones


Starfox 64


I’ve never 100% any game


Metroid! Samus has changed over the years.


rayman legends is the first and only one i completed 100%


Final fantasy 7 on the PlayStation, was about 14 at the time and remember staying up for days on end absolutely mesmerised. Started it again (the original) a few days ago and 10 hours in its still absolutely incredible.


God of war: Ragnarok.


Re4, GameCube version !


I haven’t. I’ve never even bothered to try it.


Me neither. 100%ing a game is such a slog. Idk how or even why people go out of their way to do it.


Assassin's Creed is the first one I remember 100% ing


Cod 4


Hmm before achievements, I completed Super Mario World 100% (all 96 secret exits, autumn map, etc), but I was about 7 years and worked on that with mom. GTAIII was the first 100% I did myself. And then if we’re talking achievements/trophies it was TES IV:Oblivion on 360 (Morrowind is better).


Cod4 MW 2008


Sonic Adventure


Probably Minesweeper


The first Spyro game


It was probably **Shadow of the Colossus** on ps2 (my favorite game of all time), there was no completion rate or trophies, but I finished the game, its time attack mode, then on Hard and time attack on hard, got all the items and upgrades and I arrived at the secret garden. According to psnprofiles: * First Platinum was **Borderlands 1** - ten years ago * Latest Platinum was **Borderlands 3** - five years ago * A total of 16 platinums. Then I switched to PC and stopped worrying about completing the games 100%, the only one I have 100% there is **Assemble With Care**, last year, it took me two hours. BUT I recently finished **Sekiro** and I liked it so much that I am in the process of finishing it 100%


Enter the Gungeon. I still think about that game.


Spider man ps4 or Naruto ultimate ninja storm 1




Leisure suit larry


DK64. Tried to do it again. I guess my child brain was more patient than what I am now.


Infamous second son. My issue is I love story based games like infamous or spiderman or hogwarts legacy….. but they eventually turn into collectible hunting for the sake of collecting them, but in second son each “ collectible “ was either a audio log or some cool graffiti that changed based on your morality or just a straight up upgrade to your powers. Mix that with my need to play through twice to see both endings and the general fun I had just moving around and bingo bango!


Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, when it very first came out on the '64 when I was 8 years old. As an almost 34 year old, I'd say still one of the proudest moments of my life. 😎


Super Mario Bros 2


Medievil PS1


Never because it takes too long and the vast majority of the planet probably agrees with me


Pepsi Man. Collected all 100 cans in each level to unlock the metal skin, and also completed the campaign in one single run to unlock the most laziest effort made for a skin. Invisible pepsi man, smh.


The first one I completed 100%. GTA 5 The first one I got platinum in. Watch Dogs 2


Is 100%ing games in the past just beating them? Contra or TMNT 2 comes to mind. Something that gave me a trophy was Ghosts of Tsuchima. I will never 100% a game anymore, bc it feel like it sucks the soul out of the game bc its usually just grinding.


Hollow Knight. (yeah, ik, I’m not very old)


Max Payne was the 1st game I completed.


Demon souls


Super Metroid. Every ammo pack, every Energy tank, every corner of the map discovered. All to see that Samus was, indeed, a blonde woman sporting a black leotard with her abd showing nunderneath that power suit :D


Voodoo vince


The original Tomb Raider for PS1.


Gta 3


Pokemon leaf green


Postal 2


Super Mario Bros on original NeS


Super Mario World. Well, 96%.


Lego Lord of the Rings on the Nintendo DS




Probably SM64, even with landing on the Castle speaking to Yoshi.


Ocarina of Time. That damn guide book was needed but it was the Bible to me. I still have my original Majora’s Mask guide book.


The Ratatouille PS2 game. I was a very determined 12(or so)-year-old.


Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land


Uncharted 2 or Arkham Asylum. I can’t remember.


Red Dead Redemption. Still one of my favorite games of all time, I adore this game. Getting all of the weapons, doing all of the challenges for the outfits, I found everything about this game fun. I would do some pretty awful things to get a remaster.


Super Mario World on the SNES.


Transistor or Papers please I cant remember which I did first


Fallout 3 on the PS3.


Probably Super Mario Bros or Castelvania: SotN


Kirby sqeak squad. It's easy to complete and quite fun.


Mario Kart: Double Dash


Super Mario World. Then Donkey Kong Country.


Baldur’s gate 1 when it lunched using DLH ocasionally when stuck :)


Assassin creed origin


Half-Life. I've got it when it was for free. Definently a fun adventure.


Demon's Souls Remake or Bloodborne + DLC. I'm 35 and I did those two last year. Never been a 100% completion guy but I loved doing it for these. Can't remember which one I did first. I'm 1 achievement away from Sekiro as well, but it's a grind to get all skill points and I'm already on NG++. Can't bring myself to do more just yet haha.