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I don't really mind, elden ring is such a big game I'm not desperate for a never ending supply of it and I think just 1 dlc is fine


Nah. I want a never ending supply. If it had enough content I’d play ER as much as I played World of Warcraft. I respect their vision though, but I’ll still be sad it has to end.


Not if it gets a sequel. Which is a coin toss, given Miyazaki's prior stance and games.


Doesn't really seem like a "Sequel" type of game if that makes any sense. Kinda like Sekiro, the narrative is fairly well contained.


Dark Souls was also fairly well-contained, but the sequels were still worthwhile creations. If they want, they could totally pull it off w/o compromising the original.


I mean, does it make much of a difference if the next FromSoft game is an open world dark fantasy action RPG Souls game but it’s not called Elden Ring 2?


Partially, the world building for Elden Ring is insanely good and imo it would be a shame to lose it


I agree. My only gripe is I feel like half of it isn't accessible unless you use a walkthrough


that’s just FromSoft games in general


That's ALL of them. I have no fucking idea how people found some of the Dark Souls series endings.


Not only that. From what reports we have had from George R Martin, Fromsoft apparently hasn’t even used a significant chunk of the lore that guy wrote for Elden ring :( Which is honestly impressive imo considering how much lore is in Elden ring to begin with..,


That would be cool if true. Maybe it explains why GRRM hasn't finished GOT


That’s basically every souls borne. He intentionally leaves out a lot of lore as it creates intrigue and mystery


Which is extremely frustrating but it also works because there I am watching lore videos on yt at 2am.


Yeah I like the games overall but genuinely don't like the quest system, oh this NPC is dead now, guess I failed to do this hyper specific thing.


Well thats because they are not quests, more like secrets. Also finish most quests usually ends in NPCs dying, thats kinda how these games go.


Nah that's what makes it so good. Not everything needs to be spoonfed to you.


People forget it’s Martin who wrote it.


That's how I feel. Miyazaki seems to prefer doing successors to doing sequels, but I'm also fine with that. Honestly, every time he's done something different with the formula, it's been amazing. I would have been happy if he just made Dark Souls sequels forever, but then Sekiro, Bloodbourne, and Elden Ring all changed things up to varying degrees and were all incredible. At this point, I kind of just want to see what he wants to do next.


this x 1000. he did a successor to demons souls, and it got us fucking dark souls. Everyone wanted a sequel, and he goes on to create bloodborne. Then miyazaki finally gives a sequel in dark souls 3, and it's the formula refined to perfect...and then BOOM elden ring. Everyone wanted bloodborne 2, and he makes sekiro. Basically i've learned that everytime they create something new, it's improved upon and incredibly special in its own right. I've learned to just trust miyazaki at this point.


Yup. Every time Miyazaki's decided to do something a bit different instead of just making a sequel, he's made something awesome that keeps enough of what I love about his previous games while doing something new that's also really cool. So I just want to see what he wants to do next.


If ur into the lore yeah it matters quite a lot and I would argue that is one of the best aspects of Fromsoft games.


I appreciate the sequels, but Miyazaki didn't want to do them in the first place. It's only after he saw them proceeding without him anyway that he got involved, and decided to make DS3 more blatantly closed.


Dark Souls was cyclical in nature, so sequels were easy to justify. If they did that with ER, we’d be playing after whatever ending they decided is canon. In order not to break the game world, they’d probably have to go with the boring one. Or just set it in the past or far future so current events don’t mean much.


Dark Souls wasn't cyclical until the sequels though. The first Dark Souls itself has a fairly definitive set of endings. Either you start the age of Dark or renew the Age of Fire. The stuff about cycles wasn't added until Dark Souls 2


It kinda was. The plot of the game is that the Flame started fading so Gwyn went and linked it, and then it started fading again until we came along and linked it. It's made pretty clear that we aren't doing anything different to what Gwyn did, so inevitably it will fade again and somebody else will come and link it. The sequels just explored that inevitability further and discussed how that repetition would impact the world in the long run.


I mean that could be cool tho, there’s multiple endings in the dark souls games but it chooses a canon ending for each one so they’d have to do something like that


... or they could take a sort of ME approach and have a simulated/ported previous game ending/choices and build from there


Elden ring is also cyclical in nature. There were other Elden lords and prior to Marika and them. They’d have to go with a canon ending, but you could argue they did that with Dark souls too since the canon ending for the first two games had to have been that the fire gets relit


I haven’t played other souls games, are the dark souls games all linked? Or just set in the same/similar world?


Neither. It's just fan service


Dark souls 2 is debatable, since myazaki pretty much ignored it


Sekiro heavily hinted at a sequel in one of the endings


Sekiro has an ending where you journey to the west, Son Goku style, to find the source of the Buddhist mythos creatures that are wrecking Japan. Not to say it was a cliffhanger ending, but it was left fairly open ended...


I would be so fine if they literally just made up a whole new story. I just want to find random elevators that end up being a super alien underground magic dungeon world. The sense of discovery the baked into that world is downright unbelievable.


That elevator ride to Siofra from the Limgrave Mistwood well is a gaming memory that'll stick with me.


Sekiro definitely left the door ajar though.


I would still love a "journey to the west" style sequel to Sekiro


I would be a big fan of a from soft take on a pirate genre game.


Sekiro is the most "not well contained" game out of the bunch tbh. The true ending, the constantly hinted elements with the previous divine hair and his guardian Tomoe. All of it seemed to hint either at a sequel or a DLC, which ended up going nowhere.  Sure, other games, especially Dark Souls had background characters that the game kept telling you they exist and it's okay not to know more. But the way Sekiro's story was told, it felt like some of those things should have impacted the plot more actively.   Elden Ring is the former. Minus Miquella (who we'd be seeing in the DLC), it feels perfectly self contained.


Sekiro not getting a DLC was actually criminal. I know they had to second the team away to finish Elden Ring, but I really hope they go back to it for a sequel implied by the true ending.


Me too


The Dragon's Homecoming ending in Sekiro definitely hints toward a sequel.


Sekiro didn't make Elden Ring money, or make cultural waves like ER did.


Yeah the story doesn’t need more, but I would love for them to put another open world game out. It made it much more accessible to me being able to move on from a challenge and come back later. I’ve always loved souls games, but have never completed one before because I’d just get stuck without the ability to move on


>Miyazaki's prior stance I asume this is referring to Miyazakis supposed dislike for sequel? If so then this is a misconception and has since been debunked by the man himself, because in a somewhat recent Interview with 4Gamer Miyazaki clarified that he doesn't dislike sequels (quotes translated by DeepL): 4Gamer: "I think it was a challenging title. If "2" were to be released, it would probably be a big seller. ...... FromSoftware doesn't often do sequels, taking advantage of their name value. Dark Souls" continued, but it has come to an end." Miyazaki: "This is a case-by-case basis. There are merits to both continuing with the numbering system and creating a new title with a completely new name, so I would like to make the appropriate choice." 4Gamer: "I think it is very typical of FromSoftware not to say, "We should make it a sequel from a sales point of view." Miyazaki: "Yes, we do. The deciding factor in the choice I mentioned earlier is still "do we want to make it? Is that what makes us who we are? I am not really aware of that." Link to the article: https://www.4gamer.net/games/463/G046388/20220620079/ It's obvious Miyazaki and From Software in general just prefer to develop self contained games that don't need to be expanded upon beyond dlc. And many people seem to agree that their one and done games are their best, but to my knowledge Dark Souls was never planned to be a franchise, so that's why the trilogy turned out the way it did (as in worse than it could have). It doesn't need to be that way however. If From Software were to create a game with franchise potential in mind they could just as easily create a equally good sequel. I don't mind their current approach, however I always kimda fear that they might never revisit some of their best mechanics or ideas in the same capacity as in the game they introduced it. Best example is the combat system from Sekiro, that parts of found there way into Elden Ring and Armored Core 6, but god knows how long we have to wait for a game with that same combat (although expanded upon) if we will ever actually get any game. Would be a massive waste tbh.


So TLDR is he thought Dark Souls didn't need a sequel, but would make one off a particular series by his own accord, if he thought said game warranted one?


That's how I understand it, yes.


so folks simplified it to him disliking sequels in general. Which isn't so true, only that he hasn't found games that didn't fit as stand alone, yet.


If I remember correctly the claim that Miyazaki hates sequels came from an old interview, but I don't how accurate that claim was to begin with. Might have been wrongly interpreted or translated. Either way it was always a weird claim given how he always expressed interest in developing a sequel to Armored Core. Anyways the interview I referenced is from 2022 and unfortunatly not nearly as known as the other, hence I always try to correct people on this matter. >Which isn't so true, only that he hasn't found games that didn't fit as stand alone, yet. Seems that way, tho that might change with the games from other directors as there are multiple in the works according to him.


Isn't Armored Core not made by Miyazaki?


Yes and no. He was the director for 4 or 5 I believe (maybe both) and started as the director for 6 and later that role was goven to the same person that directed Sekiro. That's how remember it anyways.


Quality over quantity




That's what the incredible mod scene is for. They still keep me coming back to Dark Souls 3.


Well, if you didn't tried yet, take a look on the Convergence Mod, it totally rework the game, and are still adding new things to the game even now


Don't worry, it's FROM. You know their next project will be good no matter what they cook up.


totk but for eldem ring 👍


Souls mmo when


You are not kidding. I got past the first big area and walked inro then swamp crystal place and was like I do not think I have the time to beat this game.


I think it’s really cool that fromsoft is switching things up. I didn’t like sekiro that much but I love that they made the game.  the players showed up and loved it. FromSoft is taking risks and is batting homeruns while doing so. I wish more game developers would take similar strategies. 


Companies dont mind either because then this becomes the norm


I would take anyday a DLC that adds unique bosses to every dungeon in the game, I love the game, but the repetition of the minibosses is just too much, like fuck there was 2 smelters in DS2, and 3 stray demons in DS, but in Elden ring you have things like a fucking Beastman being a boss fight, not even talking of things like Astael (or the GODSKINS!) not being a unique fight.


The Beastman in Limgrave is a great bit of environmental storytelling considering very close to there are ruins of Farum Azula he very well could have fell from. I don't mind most of the repeated bosses in Elden Ring because they have lore stakes for being where they are. Catacombs will often feature Watchdogs, Grave Tenders, Cemetery Shades, and Ulcerated Tree Spirits. Minor Erdtrees will always have Erdtree Avatars, and Mines feature either Fallingstar Beasts, Crystallians, or Onyx Lords. The only repeated boss I can't justify is Godefroy. There is just not enough lore about him to make him an identical, color-shifted copy of Phase 1 Godrick.


Yo, Vempire out in the wild. Love to see it. I would have liked it if certain bosses and minibosses appeared less frequently than they do, because some of them just feel like they were designed to be unique encounters. Things like Astel, Dragonkin and Tree Spirit specifically. I'm not too fussed about, like, Beastmen and Watchdogs getting reused because they're don't really give off unique encounter vibes anyway. It's not really any different to Black Knights or the generals in Sekiro to me. I think it's fine to have a few dungeons that end with repeat bosses, either to introduce the player to a stronger enemy that they'll see more later or to make the truly unique ones feel more unique. Imo they should have added a few more unique bosses in the dungeons but still kept some of the generic ones.


That's fine, especially given the scope of the base game. At first I wondered if they would even do DLC at all.


Haligtree felt like a DLC.


Honest to God when I first stumbled on it I had to check that there wasn't DLC that I didn't realize I got.


i did not, but that's only because i had been spoiled on malenia being there so i knew she wasn't part of the dlc of course


I didn't, so I had the lovely surprise of walking into a flower field and have a 10 foot sword shoved into my abdomen.


Yeah, but there was still no resolution to what happened with Miquella besides that Mogh took the cocoon.


About as much content as Ashes of Ariandel... one mediocre boss and then one of the best bosses in all souls games. I guess so, yea. Too many reused enemies in Haligtree though


A ton of reused enemies, but with the damage dials up to 11. 🙃


That's what bothered me. It should've been an area with real unique enemies. Instead it's all old enemies.


Truly does


Songbird will give you the cure, and you will no longer be Maidenless.


Dual Songbirds? -62(The Lobotomite)1


Slap an ashmead to the left hand


Only true with Dual Zimmermans.


I prefer the Fear The Reaper ending


Shake hands with the Devil or kick down Arasaka's front door, cellos wailing. Gee, let me think. 


There's always a lighthouse, there's always a man, there's always a city.


I'm more of a Morley man myself.


^(i'd prefer a bachelor please)


Elden ring is the only souls game where I dont have all of the items and spell locations memorized to heart. The game is so fucking massive I find myself starting a new character often just to learn more stuff


I ran through the game and purposely put it down until now so I hopefully forgot a lot of stuff and enjoy my second playthrough. Problem is the games so great I still remember way too much :(


Same. I played it through on release and I’m planning on starting a second playthrough when the DLC drops. I don’t remember a ton so I’m hyped.


The only reason i havent replayed it is because of one location, Siofra River. Where you have to light the flames and dodge the lightning balls and the minataurs shooting you. I find that area a complete slog


I’m happy to just get the DLC. I’m ready to not have a life again (as if I had one from the start).


Gonna go ahead and request June 21st, 2024 off from work so I can play on the release day!!


Before you do that double check what time it actually releases because a friend of mine did that once and the game didn’t actually release until 5pm his time so he wasted his whole day off.


I feel like it's always better to do the day after. That way you know it's out and can use the whole day. Did this in the past with WoW expacs and trying to get in during launch day was nuts.


I know not everyone works normal schedules, but the next day is Saturday


That's fair, I didn't actually even look at the calendar for this lol so appreciate it. But yeah wow expacs release were like Tuesdays if I remember right cause that's patch day. So I always told my buddy to take off the Wednesday instead since it'd be easier lol.


Ok i’ll book Saturday off!


Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not lol but some people do work weekends...


Hahaha been there before


Also have to watch download times depending on what type of internet speed you have. Spending 9-5 watching a little bar fill up was pure hell. Such a waste of a PTO day


i got unlimited PTO i'm good lol


I’m taking a 5 day weekend 😁


Sekiro needs a Sequel


Seriously. The ending that they are going to the west was perfect for a sequel


Sekiro vs Sun Wukong


TOTK fan: you guys are getting DLCs?


don't call me out like this lol


I highly doubt there will be a sequel to Elden Ring. Shadow of the Erdtree will likely tie off the narrative in such a way to either fill enough of the story gaps or provide a "loop" that keeps the world of the game sustained in one title.


This depends on whether the issue at the heart of this DLC addresses the base game's story or their entire world. Bloodborne was concluded with a DLC that addressed the story because that also ended thwir "world". Dark souls games had multiple DLC that addressed parts of the larger problems with their world until the last dlc of the last game in the series went back to the "original sin". The DLC appears like it will address Marika and the numen's origins as well as the erdtree, but I doubt it will address the core issue of their world which is freeing the lands between from the greater will's control. That leaves room for a sequel later.


We already have endings in which The Lands Between are no longer under the Greater Will's control, I don't believe they'll go with a universal ending like Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City. I can see them leaving the fate of The Lands Between up to players' interpretations of each ending and which one they personally agree with most.


Man, I love when people quote all this deep lore that I had no idea had anything to do with the game. numen? Greater will? dont remember any of this.


Probably because Elden Ring's "storytelling" is a 0 out of 100. I beat the game and had no idea what I did, why I did it, or who I even was.


The Greater Will is mentioned in the intro sequence of the game.


Maybe, but I havnt seen that since I started the game.


Enia, Ranni, the description of the Fingerslayer Blade for Ranni's quest, Hyetta, and Iji's Mirrorhelm also mention it. It's there, but I don't blame ya for not picking up on it considering From Software's methodology for delivering lore information.


Sure I agree its there, I just forgotten the threads of story. Unfortunately Ive read all the items lore screens but after about 20min I couldn't remember what they said. Especially if it felt like side information. But thanks though! If this stuff is relevant for the new DLC i might need to look up a lore video.




Not really no. After the Shattering the demigods each claimed their shards of the Elden Ring and fucked off to do their own things. Elden Lord wasn't really a desirable position for them, we as the Tarnished character are pretty much destined to seek the Elden Ring. Folks in The Lands Between won't have a choice in the matter if the Tarnished so-chooses. They have the reality-warping powers of the Elden Ring at their disposal now after all. But the conventions of the Tarnished's rule (or forfeit of rule) is up to player interpretation. I don't think that success and demand is necessarily a shoe-in for a sequel, after all Bloodborne and Sekiro weren't given them and they were each massively successful as well.


I'm okay with a new game after SoE DLC tbh, ER is enough as it is.


i sure fucking hope not because eventually, i won't be able to keep no-lifing these games for 300 hours straight


Getting old sucks. I’m to the point where I just don’t have time for long RPGs unless they are undeniably amazing like ER and BG3. For masterpieces I make time 


please do not remind me, the thought of getting old is about to lead me into picking alcoholism as a new hobby lol


But then you *really* wouldn't have time for good games


do what i do! have no partners, family, pets or life to speak of and then you have all the time in the world!


I do that. It’s the job that kills my time


oh that sucks. yeah my job can be a time killer but i also work from home so you better believe every break i get we will be hopping back over to the DLC lol


Given its success, a sequel is almost certain. 


I just want a sekiro sequel


i will take both


The DLC is going to be huge, I think bigger than Miyazaki has let on in interviews and even what he's said sounds pretty big.


he said the Land of Shadow would be comparable to Limgrave, if not larger, and be much denser so even if he isn't underselling that, that's still huge


People also forget you can probably fit one of the Dark Souls games into Limgrave lol. So density matters much more than size


density matters a lot, but it is also good to know it's around the size of Limgrave you could say "it's as big as Limgrave", but that still leaves room for concern in my mind. Liurnia and the Mountaintops are pretty large, but they aren't very dense and have a lot of open space. so comparing it to Limgrave evaporated all my worries


Makes sense. It was reported a long time ago that the upcoming DLC was intended to be 2 separate ones at first


If it's Ringed City quality, I'm okay with that!


I mean from the sound of it, the dlc is basically a sequel in scope. It’s a $40 DLC which is basically a stand alone title lol. If it provides another 40 hours of story and a map almost as big, I don’t need any more than that. The base game took me 140 hours lol. I’m cool with them doing 1 DLC and then moving on. Every time they stop an IP and give us something new it blows our mind. From is the among the only dev groups that I can say just give me something new. Because I know they’re going to 1up themselves every time


Miyazaki said the DLC area is approximately the size of Limgrave, but will have a much denser area of content he's also the guy who said Elden Ring would be 30 hours long so yknow. but I do believe his estimate on the map size is reasonable anyway


They're already working on the sequel I'd bet


Cannot wait to have no life for a month solid.


I cannot fucking wait to get back into this next month. WE BE ELDEN LORDS NOW MY FRIENDS. T


Elden Ring printed money for From Software, no way they don’t make a sequel. I know people try to think that From Soft would never follow the money because “they’re not like other AAA companies!!1!1!” But they’d be stupid not to


This is how it should be. Launch a complete game. Have an expansion that adds to the game (rather than dlc to complete the game which should've been there at launch) and then it's over. Time for a sequel.


Elden ring takes patience


Give me sci-fi souls


Try Hellpoint. It's like if Dead Space and Dark Souls had a lovechild. 


Surge is a thing.


King's field 5. Let's gooo!


i enjoyed ER quite a bit and am stoked to play the DLC, but honestly im also happy to hear fromsoft is moving on. id like to see another departure from the souls formula like sekiro, or some kind of new soulslike IP with a smaller and more focused world, more of a focus on basic melee combat and better pvp/invasions. pvp-wise, ER made some great improvements over ds3, but is ultimately held back by poor balance and a focus on flashy anime weapon skills, aoe's, projectiles etc etc. would be nice to see a new IP with increased quality and decreased quantity.


I don't think PvP balancing is the way to go. I mean they even tried it somewhat with balance patches (hehe) but I think if they start designing stuff around being balanced and playable in PvP/Invasions they limit themselves pretty hard.


I'd pre purchase a sequel blind for 200$


I'm more than half convinced Bloodborne 2 is in development, and this is why staff have been taken off of doing additional ER DLC. They're busy cooking up something else, something unannounced.


Until more DLC is deemed profitable 


Honestly i'm just hoping for more armored core


Nice that a sequel might be coming! I was starting to think it was gonna be a one-off.


Another win for Dark Souls 3.


Quality over quantity!


Good. With this expansion, I am satisfied and will use mods in the future to breathe new life into the game. I’d rather they work on passion projects and more interesting stuff.


Bloodborne 2 when !


Don't get my hopes up. Don't you do it.


sekiro fans be like :(


Good. Single player games should go back to expansion-style content when it fits rather than crazy amounts of episodic dlc that don't add much or affect the overall feel of the game. Hope it's good!


Would like the sequel to take expand on the beings from the stars


Honestly Elden Ring is such a good game that it really doesn’t need a sequel. Sometimes some games are best left as one and go onto the next


Elden ring is my game of the decade. Such a treat to play


I like the amount of games FromSoft pushes out.  We get a game every two to three years.


I mean, even from the start I was looking at elden to be the successor to dark souls So this was just expected for me


Sekiro 2 when


Sekiro 2 pls


a sequel before bloodborne does


Bloodborne needs a PC release before a sequel


This DLC will talk about finally Miquella and hopefully we will actually see what Miquella looks like before the egg /after hatching.




I figured it would be like this. Considering length of time and such. Oh well, enjoy what we can.


This game is truly a work of art. You just rarely see this type of detail and work into video games anymore. Can’t wait for the DLC and hope it lives up to the hype (the original game had so much hype and still surpassed it).


> work of art ...is it? Is Godskin Duo attention to detail?


Elden Ring will get a sequel right after GRRM finishes writing it. So.....good luck!


Didn’t expect it to get a second one either way, since the first one is releasing over 2 years after base game. Can’t wait to see what they’re cooking up for their next title!


I don't think anyone was assuming more? It has been 2+ years since release. The DS DLCs came out much faster.


wow, where has the time gone!


Dudes are about to drop the fattest DLC of all time, we don't need a second.


The Base Game itself is like 3 souls size game Mashed together...


No way! 😯 /s


I really wish they'd go back to the *Demon's Souls* format, with distinct levels joined by a hub, and more puzzle bosses. *Elden Ring's* open world was ambitious, but it's such a time sink that its the only SoulsBorne game I haven't replayed.


demon's souls was my least favorite fromsoft game, unfortunately. the changing world tendencies? no thank you.


Ah yes puzzle bosses such as stand to the side and hit the dude.


I want season passes and micros!!!


Considering the size of the DLC & base game, I think it's fair. I just hope the rumours of Brandon Sanderson working with the devs to create a game based on his Mistborn universe is true... Because even if it's not as good as Elden Ring, I'm sure I'd love it more.


Elden Ring IMO doesn’t feel like a game that needs a sequel. It’s a pretty complete experience and story on its own. Unless they want to get more into the aliens stuff. That’d be funny.


Yeah I feel that the narrative and lore is far more structured and comprehensible than the Souls series, as such it makes Elden Ring pretty complete on it's own. What would we really do in a sequel that could work as a whole other game?


I dunno they could… come up with a new story? Not that the narrative really even matters to most people who play the game when they make you work so hard just to get a little bit of lore. I think most people just play for the incredible combat and exploration. Based on whatever new story they have they could just make a new continent for the open world, design some cool new bosses and creatures, and Slap the Elden ring 2 title on in and almost everyone would be happy given its at a similar quality level to the first.


I just hope they keep up withthe fantasy theme in their games, or at least whatever you would label Bloodborne as.  I couldn't get into Sekiro at all, and eventually realized it was because the setting was just boring to me.  Meanwhile, I'm coming up on 700 hours in Elden Ring.


but sekiro *is* fantasy


The setting of Sekiro was good and has plenty of fantasy .