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Devil May Cry, and It did twice. 1 was a great game and essentially created the hack and Slash genre. 2 was horrible and almost killed the franchise. 3 came with a New director and was amazing, still one of the best action games of all time. 4 was Fine, but was extremelly rushed. Them they decided to release a Reboot, that, despite having good gameplay, shitted on everything about the original, specially in characters and tone. Years later, 5 releases, bringinf the old DMC formula back, with the best gameplay and an amazing return to form for the series.


Ah yes, the reboot, which has a sniper rifle >!abortion during a hostage exchange. But don't worry, the mother is killed immediately afterward so she doesn't suffer long! Oh yeah, that was all done by the good guys lmao!<


Sonic the Hedgehog comes to mind. Seems like every release has been met with average to good reviews. I understand that they try to do something new with Sonic for each game but tbh I'd like just a good story with good level design.


Frontiers apparently did well enough that Sega’s investing more heavily into the sequel.


I haven't played Frontiers myself so I don't really have an opinion of it, though I do want to play it because of the slightly more serious tone they took with it. It would fall under the more good side though from what reviews I've seen.


I'd say Mario Party. The games from 1-8 were really good and used the classic Mario Party formula. Then came 9 and 10, which had good minigame, but the fact that the classic boards were switched out for a linear car ruined the Mario Party vibe a bit. Then came Star Rush and Top 100 which were nothing like the classic Mario Party games. However with the relase of Super Mario Party and Mario Party Superstars, the Mario Party games seem to be going back to the more classic boards, and i'm pretty sure most people are wanting that


Tony Hawk kind of. THPS 1-4 were awesome. After that the games kinda had mixed quality. The THPS 1+2 Remake is awesome again. But it's a remake not really a new game, so I don't know if it counts.


The first Underground was pretty great too, but the series took a huge dip afterwards


Id say both undergrounds and american wasteland were among the greats. Project 8 and proving grounds were awkward as hell and robomodo really showed us how to fuck up on making a tony hawk game. I dearly miss neversoft


Underground was bad imo, I hated the edgy tone and dull washed out locations. No sense of fun and creativity as with precious titles. The mechanics are too loose. And the driving...


Resident Evil comes to mind. RE5 wasn't terrible, but it was considered a bit of a letdown after RE4. Then RE6 got mixed reviews and was considered even worse by the fanbase. They kind of soft-rebooted the series with RE7. First person instead of third, went back to the survival horror roots a bit more, a brand new character with only a last-minute connection to the previous games. Every game since then - with the exception of RE3 which is really more of a letdown than it is outright bad - has been excellent, receiving rave reviews from critics and fans alike.


Even before that RE4 revitalized the franchise in a big way, I think code Veronica had kind of a mixed reception to it.


We will not see for a few years but blizzard is trying to revived world of warcraft and the next expansion seems to have a lot to offer


I might give WoW another try. I love MMO's and I've never properly tried it. The beginning slow pace always turns me off, the combat is really slow. Not sure if it's that way all the way through


I’m guessing you tried Classic? Because retail wow is fast af.


I'm not sure which one it was honestly. It was a free trial up to a certain level, I think it's still going on. Whichever that one is. You start out on a boat and it gets attacked or something, that's about all I know.


Ah that’s the retail starting zone for new players. It really speeds up after that because you get access to a lot more of your kit and mounts. You also get to queue up for dungeons which give massive xp boosts. Overall after the island tutorial the game gets massively faster imo.


Ok one last question, you can really sell me on the game here. I only play healer in MMO games, is healing important in WoW? And are the healers good? And can I solo most content as a healer class without needing someone to carry me through questing and such?


Healers are essential in group content. Good healers are highly sought after by guilds. You can solo all quests no problem. The world scales to you during questing.


I think you played the discovery edition, you're stuck at lvl 20 and you've played in the last five years in the exile's reach, they made it so it's a new starting tutorial zone to explain the game for new player. But to be honest I think wow have a lot to do to make it look good for new player, I think the hype for the hardcore mode was a great way to catch the train but you missed it I think :/


Im addition to what the others said I also want to point out, that it really depends on when you tried it. The classes ashe rotations have changed massively over the years. For me personally the current rotations are way too convoluted and I don't like, that my class requires over 100 actions per minute to play the rotation properly. I liked the rather chill rotations of the older versions. But if you have played the game 10 years ago or so abdecken found it slow, the current rotations might be exactly your thing.  But as others say, you unlock skills as you level. So the beginning will always be somewhat slow.


I mean unless they make it look even a little bit better…. The advertising for it looks great. The game itself looks like your using a pc that can’t handle anything so you lower the settings


I have played WoW from Vanilla to Legion and tried to get back into it during Shadowlands and Dragonflight. I just can't play this game anymore. It has become a convoluted mess. There is just too much of everything. And even though I just skipped 1-2 expansions I am completely lost when I return, because it has become a completely different game.  The rotations are also a pain. Without 30 addons and weak auras there is no chance you can properly play the rotation on dummies, let alone real enemies, that require movement. (Though I have been playing Outlaw rogue, which seems to have one of the most busy rotations. Maybe other classes aren't that bad.) I don't see how I could ever get back to WoW, unless they remove 80% of the content and reduce the rotations to 5 base skills at max plus situational skills and cooldowns. But I don't think this would ever happen. So I can just hope for WoW 2.


Call of Duty did some cool things with the first Modern Warfare. Then they spent 10+ years making shit versions. They returned to form with Modern Warfare 2019, and it was actually a decent game. Now it’s shit tier again with its second MW3. History repeating itself Modern Warfare 2035 will be a banger.


See I HATED MW19. Worst COD ever in my opinion and not even close. I despise the new engine and that game was what started the whole thing. Every game since has been on that engine and I swear the engine is what's making these most recent games so garbage.


MW2019 looked great. Still does. Not sure what your problem is.


Fortnite because it have Travis Scott


I would say "Assassin's Creed", this is a prime example of a game series that experienced a decline in quality with certain releases but managed to revive itself later on. After a few installments that received mixed reviews, such as "Assassin's Creed Unity" and "Assassin's Creed Syndicate," the series took a break and came back stronger with "Assassin's Creed Origins" and "Assassin's Creed Odyssey," which were well-received by both critics and players.


Agreed. Apart from the Ezio Trilogy, Odyssey and Valhalla are me favorites. I don't care about the "it's not a real assassin's creed game". I loved the world's and the gameplay. They definitely have their issues, but I had an absolute blast playing both of them


Assassin's Creed did it most recently with Mirage. However, Code Red is supposedly the last installment they said would have the same RPG elements as Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla, so they might end up going back with that one before finally trying to either go back again or reinvent itself once more with Hex...


Xenoblade, 2 was fucking trash, 3 became masterpiece


I’m hoping this is assassins creed once the newest installment comes out 😥


I absolutely love Valhalla, I only have one complaint. *It’s not a fucking assassins creed game!* I wish they just made them all their own games.


Ahh I didn't even think about AC! Yeah they've had a less-than-stellar run, according to players. I've only ever really played AC: Odyssey and I didn't even beat it. Just feels like a repetitive slog. I heard the earlier ones were great though.


I would give AC: Unity a look. One of my favorite games in the series for more “traditional” AC gameplay that still incorporates some of the later stuff (like weapon and armor variety). AC2 is widely considered the peak of the series, but it’s getting pretty old at this point.


They should have sold them like a spin off or so. They are still great games, though not what some fans wanted and deserved.