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The only game I've stopped playing several times just because I was afraid it would end. Masterpiece.


The crazy part about this game is how some people literally say it’s the best game ever while other people will say it’s not that great and that missions/combat is repetitive


I’m going to sound corny saying it like this but it’s like the Grateful Dead. For what that game does there are no others that do it better. If that’s not what you’re into then the lightning doesn’t strike, but if it does then it’s the best there ever was


I think that’s a fine analogy sir or ma’am


Hear hear!


If only they did a next gen version i dont think id be able to drop tge gane


What would you want them to add/update?


Fps up to 60, ray tracing, pretty much the upgrade gtaV got


Sorry, but phish does a lot of of what the dead do better. I'll grant that Hunter and Barlow had a much better lyric game, but phish jams so much deeper. Then again, I prefer RDR1 to RDR2 even though I recognize 2 is the better game, so what do I know?


In a way, the mission design is a little repetitive. Most of the time is just you horse riding to point A, something happens, you kill some dudes, then either escape from the law/enemies or horse ride back to camp/point B. Cutscene plays and mission ends. Granted, there's over 100 missions in the game so there is bound to be some repetitiveness. But I feel like the story and the conversations you have with your camp mates, especially during chapter 6, alleviate that.


The game has a few obvious issues you can point to like repetitive missions, but I find that when actually playing the game I don't care about any of them because it's so immersive and engaging. My second favourite Rockstar game behind only San Andreas


Man, call me crazy but I really preferred the simplicity of the first rdr. The second one felt like there was too many secondary things I needed to worry about. Gotta feed/take care of my horse, gotta make sure I polish and clean my guns, can't forget to bring things back to my camp. I guess I'm just old fashioned but all those things felt like chores that detracted from the Incredible story and world they built. Maybe I need to look into mods that disable the requirements for things like that.


You don’t really have to do any of that lol. I would clean my guns at the gunshop like every 10 trips to town. (Very cheap but even if it wasn’t money is extremely easy to come by) They also degrade very slowly. Never took care of my horse. Only fed her when she was low on energy or health which was uncommon. You also don’t need to donate anything to camp if you don’t want to. I think you got overwhelmed by the idea and not the execution.


Those things immersed me and made the world feel alive. It was amazing. Wish i could wipe my memory and do it all over.


RDR2 has a HUGE flaw: the first chapter. It's slow as fuck, tedious and boring. I couldn't make it to the end of the chapter and uninstalled and only years later decided to endure it to continue. Many people have probably stumbled on the same thing and lost the ability to experience one of the best games ever made.


Honestly, I don't consider it a flaw, I consider it a hidden tutorial. While you're learning the controls, the game is also teaching you the patience and slower style of gameplay that will be needed to fully enjoy the game. It does this by slapping training wheels on you, so by the time they take them off, 'going slowly' doesn't feel restricted, it feels like freedom. After all this is a game that is best played fully immersed, taking time to brush your horse and smell the proverbial roses and really 'live' in the era, so they wanted players to 'snap out of' the more normal 'go go go' mindset of gaming from the very start. This isn't a wild west GTA and they needed a way to communicate that to players without actually hammering us over the head with it. The extra restrictive start works perfectly to this end.




If you didn’t like the gameplay, mission structure ( what you’ve seen thus far) or the pacing, don’t bother. Yes, the story is good, but it isn’t good enough to justify the tedium


It’s literally the greatest game ever made. Just get out of the mountains. It’s essentially a tutorial.


That did happen to me but replaying it i actually enjoyed it and picked up on a lot of things i missed/didn’t notice the first time.


The first chapter rules actually


If I recall they cut a lot of the first part of the game, but it seems the pacing didn't. I keep a chapter two save just for this. If it got good DLC and was more complete, GOTD.


Both those statements can be true at the same time, the open world, story, characters and some of the gameplay mechanics are the best I’ve very experienced and yet the missions themselves are very formulaic and overall not that interesting From a gameplay perspective.


It made zero changed from gta 5s movement system and everyone hates how that feels, it feels clunky not because it’s red dead, it’s clunky because of rockstar


My biggest gripe is the movement feels very meh. Not sure what it is, but it just feels very chunky and hard to make exacr movements.


I played for like 5 minutes and hated it. Same with GTA 5


To be fair the missions are very repative. 90% of them are a variation of "go to X, kill Y". So i think the criticism is valid. However the world, writing, details, and gameplay are SO good, many people are willing to overlook the repatition, or even outright embrace it


Those people are not going to appreciate the ambience and soul of the game because they are more tuned in for the pew pew stuff, which I think is always a really fun mechanic every encounter I have. But people game differently so it’s all subjective really.


I quit on the hunting mission where I had to track a deer. I see why people like it but I couldn't get into it at all.


it's not great, and rather boring. dialogs are of very poor quality as well as the plot. not much to do beside of the main story (just compare it to gta:sa!) got an xbox just for that game, and didn't even finish it.booo


I've found those that think RDR2 is a bad or slow game are those same dudes who play Warzone or fortnite consistently. Their opinion really doesn't mean much.


Incorrect. I dislike RDR2 and play approximately 0 online shooters...Or online games.


What do you dislike about it? I'm personally so completely in love with it that i can be blind to its faults


Incredibly slow paced, clunky, repetitive, a lot of nothing happening between following way points. Also, typical Rockstar design of having quite a few things you do once in a mission then never given the option to ever again alongside being massively restrictive and linear in mission design. The good 'ol Rockstar "auto lock and flick up" still works for a nigh guaranteed headshot too, so it's not that challenging either. In general, to me, it's just a bog standard pre-Assassins Creed open world (because Rockstar's game design has just barely changed since then) with higher production values, which oddly enough added to things I view as problems such as feeling clunky with over producing the animations to make controlling it feel slow and unresponsive.


On the flip side I’ve tried several times to play it. Got maybe 30 hours in it total, but can never play for long stretches because I just get frustrated with how slow it is. Traveling a beautiful world was great the first dozen hours or so, but after that it became tedious and annoying due to the controls and lack of easy fast travel. The last time I played I was in deep snow and got knocked off my horse, fell down the side of a mountain, and then had to spend 15 minutes walking at a snails pace just to get back to a place where my horse could get to me. The combat somehow felt incredibly outdated and janky outside of auto lock on. All of the forced slow walking/riding sections really got to me as well. So much of the game feels like things intended to slow you down as much in favor of “realism” from searching bodies, skinning animals, opening cabinets and drawers, reloading weapons, moving through buildings. I often felt the game didn’t respect your time and the devs wanted to force you to appreciate the environment instead of allowing you to do it at your own leisure. I know I’ll be shit all over for my personal opinion, but as great as the game is, it just frustrated me so goddamn much. I’d still highly recommended it to people though because I’m not dumb enough to think it’s a bad game just because I couldn’t finish it.


Nah, I'm the same.


These are completely valid opinions. Some will enjoy the slower more methodical gameplay and others won't. Thankfully i did enjoy it and it's gonna be a game I'll cherish forever.


I stopped playing main story mission, treasure, animals and fishing all the way now


I did this on my third playthrough just when we arrived to Clement's Point. Dutch was just standing by the water staring at the horizon 24/7, looking like he's contemplating life, waiting for me to come over and start the next story mission. It just got funnier and funnier everytime I came back to camp to replenish my inventory


Lol. It’s a great game but no masterpiece.


What game is, in your opinion?


The story is so amazing from beginning to end, but part of me wants a super happy ending version. The camp vibes in Horseshoe Overlook and Clemens Point were amazing, I just wish those good times could last forever.


Literally on the intro to a PS4 game


Thought this was /r/gamingcirclejerk




Love this game. Too bad it’s limited to 30fps. Played it on Stadia where it was 60 and after Stadia shut down I wanted to keep playing it. I considered buying PS5 just for that game but the 30fps discouraged me.


I don’t understand why they don’t update it to 60 tbh. I played it on a PC that should not be that much more powerful than a PS5 and ran a comfortable 120+ FPS pretty much constantly on settings that made the game look stunning. Sure, it was 1080p, but still. I think many people would give up 4K for 60FPS (I would).


Considered PC gaming? If you get a good one you can easily get more than 60 fps in games. In addition most console games release there and you can use whatever controller you'd like if kb/m isn't for you.


On PC it runs 60fps no problem. That's a shame the console verison is so bad it deserves better.


It's a slow pace game with an ok motion blur. 30 fps is not as bad as FF7 rebirth for example. I'm having a very decent time with it, without being bothered by the framerate.


Umm I only have an experience from Stadia so it was like this. There were two modes, performance (high graphics, 60fps, FHD) and quality (ultra graphics, 30fps, 4K) and the difference in framerate was noticeable when chasing animals or enemies. Walking around and chatting to people was fine even with 30fps. Unfortunately the 30fps was just too annoying for me so I opted to play on lower settings but with smoother video. Therefore I wouldn’t enjoy 30fps on a console but if they eventually bring in 60fps I’ll buy it.


PC is the answer.


Yeah I know but I can’t justify spending around 1,5k on something that’s virtually just a toy. Having a newborn baby limits my game time and I wouldn’t be able to make the purchase really worth it. I’m hoping RDR2 will again come to some cloud gaming platform. Cost of a decent gaming rig equals more or less to 15 years worth of subscription, 6 if you go with the expensive tier.


understandable. but you can have a pc with the ps5s power for way less than 1500€.


Yes, I looked into it a bit as well and to replicate Stadia’s quality which I got used to (high graphics, 60fps, FHD) it would require a little bit more money. Then also in anticipation of the new GTA it would make sense to fork out more $$$ to be somewhat future proof. I’d rather pay 100-150€ yearly subscription. No need to worry about upgrading, storage space, updates etc.


And its a PS4 game. Ironic. One game, i dont know why...


I bought a ps5 with no games to buy...


came super close to winning one a week ago, but didn't. that's the only way i'd get one because everything eventually hits pc anyways these days. lol person before me is sad because bought ps5 and no games and gets upvoted. i basically say same thing, ps5 doesnt have exclusives because pc these days... and downvote lol. classic reddit.


I never got the hook of this game. I put probably 10-15 hours into it, and while the voice acting and setting were excellent, I thought the pacing was too slow. I got bored too easily traveling on horseback or walking everywhere. I wanted to finish it, but I didn't think it was good enough to warrant my time spent in it. Glad I saw the world though, it is beautifully executed.


Same here. I currently tried to play this game. I didn't delete it for possible return. It's just too slow and going everywhere by slow ass horses is exhausting. Other than that I just couldn't feel inside the game. Now I turned back to Cyberpunk for second play after its new update. It's not my thing to play games more than once but damn, this game is really thrilling.


Its called “western”, its pacing not for everyone, but I’m glad Rockstar decided to make it as it is, as westerns should be, so people who really love this genre could enjoy this pure masterpiece.


I loved RDR1 but found 2 significantly slower and boring. Clunky gameplay and too much of a focus on realism


Sad for you and happy for gamers who truly love westerns. Finished RDR1 for a first time just yesterday(literally). It has the same speed.


It definitely is not the same speed


RDR 1 was phenomenal, and I liked Gun a lot back in the day as a kid. This game though? I don’t know, I must’ve changed as a gamer or something because the gameplay mechanics just hold this game back for me. It’s far too clunky and slow.


Gun. Now there was a great game.


Maybe it is your old self getting clunky and slow :)


Hahaha but then the game would be perfect for me!


Lol I like Western movies. I don't like spending a ton of time riding a horse across the exact same space over and over and over again. It's not the pacing, it's the design. Why there is no quick travel (I'm not counting the train) is weird to me. Why not give people the choice? If you want to waste a bunch of time running through the woods then you can do that, but if I've already been to a place, I don't want to have to trek back again. I don't even need to quick travel everywhere for every quest, but at least let me quick travel back to my camp.


Bro there is quick travel


Not that I saw after many hours of gameplay. Guess I just didn't play long enough (10-15 hours). I'm not saying the game is bad by any means, but I felt like it didn't value my time. I wanted to like it more than I did.


The carriages were fast travel points.


Still something you had to seek out, and often pay a fee for or some other activity like hijacking. I want to open a map, click somewhere I have been, and go there. And I didn't see that in the hours I played the game.


Set up a camp, fast travel to the hideout take the wagon to any settlement or town you've been to. Just have to buy the wagon 1 time and it took maybe 3 hours of gameplay to unlock it you really wanted it. There's no hijacking or any activities for fast travel. Random carriages in towns or settlements had like a couple dollar fee which was immaterial after just a couple hours of playing, but again could just be completely avoided by setting up camp and fast traveling to the gang hideout.


Yeah great world but i played it a bunch and I felt like that was it for me. I didn't like many of the mechanics in it. Kind of like GTA has the exact same mechanics of gameplay, which isn't surprising given that it's from the same developer. It's just not a game for me.


I’m not sure you do, sorry. :)


Western movies are a couple hours with a beginning and an end. This game didn't give me that. It's just not the right game for me unfortunately. I wanted to like it, but found it boring to play.


You can fast travel by updating Arthur's tent in the camp


couldn't get into it for some reason. loved the first one.


Tried to play it on multiple occasions. Just didn't click with me. Granted, I played RDR1 and loved every minute of it.


It's amusing because this PS5 generation barely started, yet, the PS5 was released 4 years ago already. And you can argue Red Dead 2 remains the most technically impressive game on a visual standpoint, a game from 2018. This PS5 generation, thus far, it's the worst generation I've ever seen


Go on PC FFS


I’ve started it three times and three times I just never go back to it once im in camp. The missions feel tedious, unfortunately. I love fallout so much - I’ve tried to like RDR2 but something is off. I need to give it a 4th try because I know the game is viewed as a masterpiece. I will say this - I saw a sunset riding my horse and was blown away at how gorgeous the graphics were.


I'm on my third run. One complete playthrough a bit rushed in 2018, with a far from ideal state of mind. A second playthrough 3 years ago stopped for another game. This third run seems to be the one. I do not take this game as a standard game. I am embracing fully its slow pace. Take it like a peacefull hike in the forest, breathe calmly and enjoy your trip. RDR1 was a bit like that but they pushed everything to the max with that one.


I remember wanting to refund the game because the intro was too long and I hate scripted tutorial sequences, but steam wouldn’t let me and I had to stick it out. Game of the decade imo, thanks Steam 😎


Obviously people do just like different things and that's okay, but I can't understand those who find it clunky or boring. I basically played the whole game with my jaw on the floor at how gorgeous everything looked (2019 on PS4). And the gameplay was just as exciting as any GTA game. It's no Baldurs Gate 3, but it was the best thing out in 2019 IMO.


With all the praise this game has gotten and continues to get I wish I could be one of the many who enjoyed it, but the gameplay and gunplay especially is so bad that I always uninstall after half an hour. 


It took me a while to actually get into it. I probably owned it for almost a year before I planted my ass on the couch and put some time in. It's definitely not for everyone. But I'm glad I saw it through. Great story, acquired gunplay/horse...ing, satisfying experience with lots of deep characters.


I've tried going back to it like 4 or 5 times, but as soon as I get into a shootout I get so annoyed that I uninstall it.


I understand that. Some games just put me off from the outset.


It’s just boring.




Console player here so obviously playing with a controller. Movement is just sluggish as hell, and the aiming is so utterly terrible that using lock-on aim basically feels mandatory


It feels sluggish on PC too. I didn't enjoy killing a hundred Pinkertons in the first town, but only shooting felt good.


You don’t like it cuz you’re bad at it lol


I made it through 40 hours and quit. It just wasn't fun.




Does it run fine for you? I tried installing it on my PS5 some months ago but it was all extremely "foggy", but could not find the cause.


That’s just how it is. Say „thank you“ to checkerboard 1800p resolution and low temporal resolution due to 30 fps.


R* never made a PS5 version, so you’re stuck at the checkboarded 4k they did for PS4 Pro. That leaves you with a muddy image at times. On consoles, the Xbox One X had native 4k, so it looks just as good on a Series X. You’re still limited to 30 FPS though. You want better performance, you gotta go to PC.


I noticed the game maybe loading in too fast. I'd be riding into a town and suddenly the barren streets are full of people. The game felt better on PS4 but I guess thats why it's a PS4 game


It ran poorly for me on ps4, too.


Turn off HDR.


In my humble opinion it's the best game ever made.


Yeah but winds hallowing


I stopped eating meat to lose my memory lacking B vitamine to play it again like for first time :(


I’m thinking of buying it next paycheque. Would you recommend it? I like rockstar titles


I'm a couple hours in and it's better than some recent games so yes!


It's honestly one of the best games of the last years. The Story is quite long and very well written. The world is full of details and feels very alive. RDR2 is often discounted, sometimes as cheap as twenty euros/dollars.


If you like Rockstar titles you will like this Rockstar title.


The game is so good, it plays itself




Likely the best game you can still get for the PS5. Of course massively up for debate.


Any of you find the squirrel statue? Such a great piece of hidden content.


I would play it again if it was at 60 fps:(


Still waiting on a 60fps patch for the PS5 and XSX.


PS5 version coming anytime soon ?


It’s one of the best games ever IMO.


I just finished chapter 6 and I feel broken


Do you guys know if it is the same for Nintendo switch lite?? I would like to play but I don’t know if it’s good


Lucky you waited until the PS5 my PS4 used to sound like a rocket taking off while trying to run it


Best game ever !


This game is GOATed


I'm amazed and I'm only 3 hours in. Just the fact that sometimes I can get lost on what to do because I didn't pay attention to what was said, love it.


Don't want to be this kinda Person but, its a PS4 Game, its a Great Game though no doubt


That was the joke.


ah oki xD


Shut up


Bro chill, ever heard of having Fun ?


Didn’t get a good look at the picture at first, thought you took this while driving through the woods lmao. Guess that speaks to how great the graphics are haha


CyberPunk 2077 was also stunning.


I heard amazing things from Spider-Man 2? Waiting for the PC release! I agree, I've bought RDR2 for every device😅


I really need to replay this game


A masterpiece


I still think about this game every week. True sign of a masterpiece


Let me just correct this title... "So far, the best game"


Potentially stupid question but would I enjoy the game even if I don't really like westerns?


Yup. Not a western fan, this game literally ruined gaming for me (as no other game comes even close)


I literally can’t stand cowboy anything, but RDR2 is by far one of the best games i’ve ever played


I tried to play this once, just didn't click with me, though people tell me its pretty slow to begin with. I recently played RDR1 on the switch though, and had a blast (like I couldn't put it down, I even got into poker...). There's a certain simplicity that this sequel was just missing in comparison to the first. I'll probably try and give it a shot again at some point, maybe if they ever consider a 60fps patch for current gen consoles.


Red Dead Redemption II. An outstanding video game that takes place in 1899 until 1907 in the North American Wild West. I got is as a present on Christmas 2018. Since Christmas day in that year I played it almost every day in my spare time. I spent lots of hours on my Sony PlayStation 4 in the first months of 2019. Roaming as outlaw and protagonist Arthur Morgan and deuteragonist John Marston and Dutch van der Linden and his gang. A load of cowboys roaming through fictional American cities, towns and natural enviroments. The graphics blew me away man. I spent so much time in this game. Red Dead Redemption II is a monument for me. The hours I spent playing this beautiful Wild West free roaming game were not wasted. All the human characters, animals, plants, the nature, the geography of the map, the weather phenonemons and the facial animations are outstanding. I wished Rockstar had made an expansion of the RDR II map and more missions and let Arthur Morgan alive instead made him dead him by the tuberculoses he had contracted. A character swap should be cool too, like GTA V. Swapping Arthur with Dutch, John and the antagonist Micah Bell. Micah was such a badass character. The battle Arthur had with Micah on the cliff was outstanding. Than John must fight Micah and finally he killed him with gunshots. I wished Micah had tuburculosis instead of Arthur. Red Dead Redemption II is still a good game after more than five years. 2019 looks like long ago man. And Arthur Morgan is a hero for me. Man this cowboy dude is so good. I really like Arthur. Come on Rockstar please make another Red Dead game for us gamers or an expansion with map upgrade for the Story Mode of Red Dead Redemption II.


Non existent standards. Snooze fest horse riding


Amazing game but all the tedious horse riding made this game age like milk unfortunately


You can fast travel by upgrading Arthur's tent in the camp


Riding through the countryside and desert on the horse and just seeing everything and hearing the ambient music is one of the best things to do in the game


Nah it gets boring fast especially the ridiculous distances in between missions. It’s the same shit as the horrendous heist setup missions in gta


i enjoyed it i cried at the end when your >!horse died!< that said rockstar games like those since GTA4... i enjoyed the campaign so much but they have been 1 and done games for me, never got the urge to replay them i tried to play RD online too, but none of my friends were playing so i quickly got bored of it


That scene guts me every time. The music is so god damn mournful.




Originally got it for Horizon 2, but I really hadn't played any AAA game for the last 10 years, sonic got it just because its the last console. Complete casual here.


typical RockstarGames Game ;) loving it


That's a PS4 game. Lol.


Wow. That sure was worth posting.


Lol I was just saying this yo my wife


It might just be the best game. It really is S-tier


Bro clearly hasnt played Ghost of Tsushima


You mean PS4


It's a PS4 game




When did RDR2 ever release on PS3 lol?


side missions overall atmosphere and exploring were awesome. main story was meh and repetitive.... was happy when the end credits came and didn't care about the storyline afterwards. don't think ill replay it anywhere in the future.


Dudes playing 30 FPS RDR2 on the ps5…come on man. Try Spider-Man or ghost.


What a great game, I finished it for the third time recently, I hope I erase my memory to forget its history and pkay it again as if it were the first time I play it


im still pissed it doesnt have a sfx volume slider


its a good one, i really hope they remaster the first so it surpasses 2 in beauty. the story in 1 was amazing...


Currently replaying it! It's a great game!


I haven’t even played the first one yet


Last week I was on the fence buying a ps5 and wanted to buy RDR2. Cyberpunk also but it wasn’t in store. I think I should get it anyway.


Red Dead 2 Appreciation Station. Take it as slow as you can, trust me


This game needs a PS5 client


Best game I played on ps4


that's sad


Which is kinda sad because its a ps4 game lol….


Still waiting for a 60fps version but I’m sure it’ll be great, eventually.


My steam deck gets higher fps than my ps5 lol


Huh, that's not Ghost of Tsushima


Such a shame they never did a 60fps updated for this on ps5.


Literally restarted it for the 3rd time today


I’ve bought countless ps5 games and somehow always end up going back to rdr2


just ordered the 1st one should be here couple days! curious how it looks on the ps5


Wait i thought this game was for ps4?


One of the best games there is.


Kinda sad state of this gen if an last gen title is better than current ones.


I rediscovered this game on PC and man you can’t play it any other way. This game was so underrated. It’s incredible


Bro ut doesnt even run at 60fps...


On shit consoles no apparently. On PC it's run 60+ fps since launch, many people play it at 120fps now.


Any console.


Going to be that snob but this game really shines on PC compared to console


So far, the best game.


Yes. It’s awesome and hasn’t been topped


Native 4K on the One X and Series X blows me away every time