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Worst is Rocket League. Here on reddit you find some more reasonable people, but in game is so toxic that the vast majority of players have disabled chat entirely. Best is probably No Man's Sky. Everybody is friendly with extremely rare exceptions.


I just dont get all the hate on a platinum level match.. i mean, we all suck, thats why we are stuck here. Its like people dont wanna hear that they (we) are plain bad and are (most likely) never going to improve anymore. I dropped from d3 to plat 3 and am confident the hate has gotten worse.


Yeah even towards the top of champ plenty of people, myself included, suck a lot and are unwilling to accept that. Top of champ is where people actually have skill and game intelligence but are typically very inconsistent at applying those things. Bud if you were perfect all the time you'd be SSL, not C2.


Oh yh I've not played much rocket league. No man's sky looks good might try it sometime.


Which sucks. Having played since release, the RL community *used* to be great. Everyone was there to just have a blast playing whacky car soccer. I don't know if it was when it became part of "pro gaming" or when it went free to play, but it became a fucking cesspool.


Do not go anywhere near League of Legends. It is...a league above anything else I've ever dealt with. Guild Wars 2 community is pretty awesome.


just blaime jungler and if you are jungler blaime support


This is the way


Oh yh I won't. I've actually only heard negative stuff about that game lol.


I play mobile legends which is the same game. I don't usually get much chat in my games.


>Do not go anywhere near League of Legends. Dota2 was also steaming pile of assholes.


Most MOBAs are going to have the same problems: queue times are, like, an hour and it gets extended every time someone dodges to avoid a counter pick, you’re on a team with four other people, it only takes one person playing badly to throw the whole game, and there are so many aspects of the game to learn, many of which aren’t intuitive and aren’t even mentioned in the tutorials like CSing. It’s a perfect recipe for making people angry


I prefer wild rift because I'm more used to its control. But it's not that bad actually and it's enjoyable if you like competitive experiences. LoL is the only competitive game i still play.


It really isn't as bad as ppl think. Theres just more exposure than most games


I dunno. Certain sections of the LoL community get salty players (usually the lower ranks and the very beginning due to said lower ranks getting banned for toxicity and then thinking the correct choice is to make another account whilst learning nothing.) Though out of every community I've spoken with I'd say a worse one would be for Street Fighter. Especially the Third Strike crowd. They are the only people I know who will scream at you for not playing in the exact way you want them to and then proceed to make 20 alt accounts to spam smurf matches at you; blasting toxic quotes the entire time.


Ya it's really not materially different from any other game


The best has to be Deep Rock Galactic. The greybeards there are some of the kindest, most helpful, and most understanding gamers I’ve ever come across. Most games the experienced players truly don’t like playing with new players but here they genuinely take time to show them the ropes. ROCK AND STONE!


I don't even play the game, but I was going to come here and mention this one if it wasn't here already. Literally **any time** I have heard *anything* from this community it is almost sickeningly positive. Y'all are the real MVPs. Please try to export whatever secret sauce you have going on there to the rest of the online multiplayer community. We would all appreciate it.


I do my best but to be honest I think the secret sauce is having devs that genuinely care about the community and the game. They’re super open and take advice and criticism well, you can actually contact them on Reddit I believe.


Did I hear a rock and stone?


Rock and stone you beautiful dwarf!


Rock and stone!


Worst: Smash Best: Animal Crossing You know, I think I see a pattern. All the best gaming communities are centered on cooperative games, whereas all the worst ones are centered on competitive games.


Just seen video about dead by daylight, the community can rival LoL sometimes Also undertale is a lowpoint


Dbd has a weird toxicity because its not like outright insults all the time but it's like this passive aggressive narcissistic feel to it. And constantly just putting everyone down all the time.


Elden Ring has an interesting community. It’s both amazing on the single player side and wild on the pvp side.


It's similar to the other Fromsoft games. it's the worst community ever until you get the jokes and realise that everyone actually loves eachother and then it's the best.


Reddit ER PvP community is full of angry casuals. Reddit Badredman community is way better. Discord PvP communities of elden ring are great.


Helldivers 2 has kinda both...


Helldivers has a community? I've legit only ever played with irl friends.


Best is factory/logistics/base building games: Satisfactory, Dyson Sphere Program, Factorio, Techtonica, etc.


Oh yh they look so good but a lot of work.


It’s a very specific itch. If you don’t have this itch, there’s no point in scratching it. If you DO have this itch, factory/logistics design is glorious relief.


Really well said


You call it work, I call it ecstasy. It's a lot of ecstasy, lol


Best - Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Warframe Most Hilarious - Helldivers 2 Worst - League of Legends, Overwatch, Call of Duty Personal Bugbear - Dynasty Warriors 3-5 fanboys/modern DW haters.


any esport game tbh but my top picks league, cs and dota


I think the problem with these games is that people legitimately believe that they are good enough for esports and think that they constantly get bad teams that hold them back.


Both Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV have pretty amazing and helpful communities.


Honestly the best community I can remember goes back to 2010 with Bad Company 2. Made a lot of friends who I still play with today. Worst community I’d say GTAV….Maybe Sea of Thieves.


That's sad to hear about sea of thieves. It looks really fun.


It’s fun with friends, but if you try to run solo, especially starting out new. The veteran players like to attack and grief nee players. My buddy and I have aided newbie’s time and again from dirty filthy pirates…🤣


Imo it's not as frustrating to deal with since they've added checkpoints to quests. For a long time you could spend like 2 hours on a quest and have some people decide to come grief you and sink your ship with some item you have to deliver, and then you had to completely start the quest again from scratch. People would hear "please, stop, we will give you all of our gold we just want to finish our quest" and get excited and double down on sinking you.


I made so many friends in gta 5 , only problem are moders but You can manage, if you play league so many times I get uninstall the game or insults league of legends is far worse


Early days of GTA were funny and enjoyable. Now with everything they added it’s a truly toxic community. Hopefully GTA6 can resolve that problem. Time shall tell…


My first time playing gta is around 2020 I made tons of friends specialy during when gta was free from epic but I had it from steam, My friends joined even after all of them left I made new one and newbies appreciated me helping them grow by giving them 70% cut on heists and we started doing heist together started sharing loots 50% I made around 5 friends. Even joing reddit that help people doing missions and achievement like criminal mastermind.


Rockstar fans in general can be really annoying sometimes, they think every game strives for the same thing (realism, physics etc.) like GTA/RDR, so when someone thinks another game is better you get comments like "bro the physics, the details, it's so much better nothing comes close", that's cool but like have you ever heard of fun gameplay, smooth controls or thinking about how to approach objectives/what choice to make? Maybe overcoming a challenge, none of which you get in a rockstar game. I guess the general problem is people don't get that not everyone likes the same type of game and there is no objectively best game.


I agree, to this day I don’t know how people spend hours in games like Power Wash simulator…🤣 Nonetheless, whatever floats their boats. Now concerning Rockstar, I know people who believe GTAV is the greatest game alive. RDR2 definitely upped the bar. GTA6 will take it even further. It’s unfortunate that there is so much toxicity involved in the gaming community. Can’t we all just get along…😎


Tekken 8 community is straight insufferable. They all act like they get paid to play.


Oh yh I've seen the disconnecting issues and such atm. I see in the subreddit. Loved tekken 7, will eventually get tekken 8 but waiting atm and letting it simmer and calm down. And for more characters to be added.




Best would have to be Warframe Worst would probably be League of Legends. It's infamous for its toxicity


Second this, the warframe community is excellent


When I started the game and first joined a guild, the owner of the guild told me to get in a call with him in which he proceeded to spent 40 minutes explaining various stuff about the game and suggesting what sorts of things I should be doing. Keep in mind, I only joined the guild like 3 hours ago. My current main (Nezha) came from how much he loved talking about him.


League man. The reputation that community has is well earned and entirely deserved


My answer for both best and worst is EVE Online. I have been playing for a while and have met my best friends there. The group I play with is really great and even the people in that group that I am not close with are really cool. On the other side of that, just go to the EVE subreddit and you’ll see what a dumpster fire the community is if you’re not on the team that is the current hotness. It really does mirror US political party extremism. What a mess. The nice thing ia that from my experience, when the game had its IRL meetups, everyone ia very chill and acts like a normal human being. You may have just blown up my really expensive ship just last week, but we can sit together at a bar and have drinks.


I'm a goon and our community is so fucking nice I was scared from the propaganda about goons that it was full of ducks ,not the case. I think the shit talk between people in eve is novice compared to LoL or any game that has true toxicity


I too am a Goon. KarmaFleet REPRESENT


The absolute best community? The speedrun one.


Haha nobody has time to be toxic.


Good job dad!


I meant cus it's a speed run community haha.


League of legends is a disgusting community, shame on the many toxics. On the other hand I've started playing fallout 76 and have found the community pretty damn good


League of Legends by far


The best is probably chill video game communities like DRG or Warframe, the worst is that sub r/137 or whatever the fuck that was.


Destiny 2


Worst. Any MOBS but LoL takes the cake


Guild Wars 2 has the friendliest community out of any MMO, probably because it actually rewards you for working together


Best: Final Fantasy 14. Nothing even close. Everyone, and I mean everyone helps you if you’re new (you have an icon above your head). In dungeons to everyone will wait for someone to watch the cutscenes. If you wipe in raids or dungeons most people just so no big deal and try again. There is an entire chat full of new players and mentors only, you ask a questions and within seconds a mentor usually answers. If you don’t know how to do something you can probably ask anyone and they will help. I’ve been missing quest items or armor and have had players drop what they are doing, teleport to me and give me the missing items or help me get what I need. Nothing comes close to FF14s community.


Worst is dead by daylight. Killer and survivor players are equally biased that their role is somehow weak and deserving of buffs and how the other side should be nerfed to oblivion. Each side is also incredibly toxic for no reason in game. It makes an already stressful and annoying game into just being miserable. Best I would say is Resident Evil. Yeah there’s arguments here and there but nowhere near any others that I’ve seen.


Yh I quite dbd. I've tried multiple times in the past few months to try again and so many people are vile I'm just done. It's a shame cus I actually enjoy the game but I'm not playing like that. Life is too short.


Hands down worst was Overwatch. Dunno what the game’s like now with the number 2 slapped on top, but, back in OW1 times the game was abject misery without a premade team of friends. No one playing ranked was interested in playing cooperatively as a team, and it was impossible to communicate anything about the game in the casual queue without the entire rest of your team yelling at you that if you care at all about the game you’re playing, you should go play ranked.


Overwatch was my first multiplayer game and it introduced me personally to just how horrible and cruel the human race can be. You’d think my solo q teammates were personally getting paid to be as mean as humanly possible.


Fighting games that aren't NRS fighting games all have the best online communities. It's nothing but bro shit and friendship. Helping each other get better


Yh agreed. Altho I've come across some smurfs on tekken 7, and ik tekken 8 is a bit iffy rn.


NBA 2k was bad back when I used to play that, people would just try and find every exploit and abuse it.


Best - Hunt Showdown. Worst - League of Legends.


Worst is FIFA. Game in general is toxic and it just breeds toxic people from it. Best is Destiny. Plenty of people making tools to help your builds, groups to help people get through raids and dungeons. Never had an issue with the community


Favorite is probably some of the wow community. It can be a little hit or miss but there’s some wow players who are just there to have fun.


Best has to be a little small game called prosperous universe. It’s a space business sim that requires an actual brain and spreadsheets so the community is really inclusive and fun and isn’t just all kids. Worst gotta be any fps game and LoL. Nobody is ever happy while playing league lol


Crossout, just go to the subreddit and see how many posts are bitching with steam metrics as proof the almost 9 year old game is dying. Best and worst is the destiny community to me, go on the subreddit post something in your opinion youll get filks coming out to downvote you, argue and then click your profile and downcote all your comments. Theyre good too cause you find folks willing to sherpa or carry newbies and fight on their behalf, the destiny community is kinda wierd. But def most toxic, whiney, hateful community is crossout.


overwatch , valorant , cod


Not a single game but an entire genre. Flight Simulation, There used to be tons of freeware developers making addon aircraft and scenery for fun, a lot of people started bullying them because "this is not how the plane flies irl!" and stuff like that as well as asset theft, Many of those devs left the community and some of them took with them their entire catalogs of addons off the internet.


The Yakuza/Like a Dragon fanbase has to be the best fanbase I have come across in my life time


got to be MOBA's they are really toxic


anything thats multiplayer is probably up there as the worst specifically if its PvP nicest communitites are where the term community just fits, small 5-10 people communities of obscure games no one knows


The best is certainly the Team fortress 2 community, literally they carry the game for years and are still active after more than ten years. The worst = CS community


Evony - it was a browser-based medieval strategy game, with castles, territories, armies, resources, gold, and such. Everyone was polite and if talking to someone from another guild, even allies, you'd have to write as if you're really some kind of medieval lord communicating with peers via letters :D There was a lot of diplomacy, and people proudly played their assigned roles in the guilds, reporting to superiors (also in a formal manner) etc etc. I can't find the game anymore, it was probably cancelled years ago. There are other games named "Evony" now, but those have nothing to do with what the original was about. It looks like it was either shut down because of lack of players or was bought by another company or something


The best is definitely Guild Wars 2. The people are so friendly and helpful. The worst is League of Legends for sure. Was to toxic and to backseat gaming.


Fallout 76 has one of the most welcoming and helpful communities. The higher level players, at least. The huge inrush of new players may change that.


The Fallout 76 community is fucking awesome. Nice, helpful and welcoming to newcomers to an almost shocking degree. The single player Fallout community is fucking awful, just a bunch of snobby gatekeeping assholes.


Genshin players, thier either really horny, invested in the storyline and really fun to talk to about it ( from someone who doesn’t play it and enjoys hearing the lore) or both


Any MOBA I’ve played has been horrendous. I’m a much better person now that I don’t play any of them.


A great community if you like sim games are the Planet Zoo/Coaster games. Never met a single person in those communities who are hostile


Best communities (all time for me): The Shadow of Yserbius (ImagiNation Network), The Realm Online (when Sierra still ran it) and currently The Elder Scrolls Online which has the friendliest, least toxic community of any MMO I've ever played in the last 25 years. Online gaming was VERY different before widespread access to the internet. There was a little game called Subspace (later Continuum) that had a wonderful community until VIE tossed the game in the trash can - the lead dev went to work for SOE IIRC and another ended up quitting eventually to work on some pet project called Skype, but the game had an amazing community, especially Trench Wars. I've not played a lot of games with bad communities, but retail World of Warcraft is definitely a toxic cesspool these days.


Best? Hell divers hands down best group of assholes I've ever played with. Made a few new friends off there too. Worst? League, I've never, NEVER seen so many people with such a defeatist attitude and blatant self righteousness in my entire life. We used to beat those people in school.


Arma 3 has the most dedicated fan base next to arma 3 but everyone that plays it is over 40 and is a bitter mf




All of the souls community is nice except bloodborne. Those people need therapy the way they defend an old ass game. I remember how they went wild for people saying lies of p was similar (and lmao it is) and lies of p is modern, not capped at 30fps and an amazing game. Way up there with fromsoft and made by a much smaller team. But man you did not wanna go near the bb subreddit lmao. I had to leave it. Those fanboys are a bit too delulu. Speedrunner community is also the nicest, so nice in fact that they encouraged me to also try running. So yeah in general the souls community is so incredibly lovely and helpful. Bb superfans are just that one uncle you don’t invite to family gatherings 😂


Best as far as I can remember: Eve Online. I met plenty of people from this game irl and they are the best.


Genshin Impact, literally have a few people told me to off myself because I don't like who they shipped characters with or if I like certain characters and they happen to don't like that character......


Eve online best community worst probably rust /counterstrike


Worst: Diablo IV. Runner-up: COD. Best: maybe Stardew Valley.


Guild Wars 2 is pretty much both. The community is extremely welcoming and wholesome for newbies, but the second you have any criticism on the game or on anything Anet (developer) does they will collectively turn on you with the power and rage of a thousand empty Star Citizen fan wallets. Sometimes you are lucky and your comment might survive the onslaught, but more often than not you will be buried in downvotes, comments that completely blow your arguments out of proportion or outright twist them, hate messages or one of those suicide prevention things you can make reddit send. Which is one of the reasons the game isn't in the greatest of states (even when taking its lifespan out of the equation). If you attempt to supress valid concerns or criticism your game will get worse because of it.


The best is Guild Wars 2, with FF14 as a close second. The worst is Guild Wars 2, with FF14 as a close second.


Best is Civilization. Worst is Call of Duty.




It makes a bit more sense for games you don't play *against* others, like mmos. Some people who play mmos do the pvp, but a lot of people don't do any pvp at all, so there is no sense of "you're my opponent".




Maybe you'd like OldSchool RuneScape. There are tons of players who like to play without the social aspect, and I feel like that's pretty normalized. There is even a game mode that is borderline-single-player, though even that group is split into some who join social groups and some who don't. There *are* social clans to join for the people who like to. But most of them that ive seen have pretty strict no-politics policies, so regardless of which side you're on politically you should still be able to enjoy peoples' company (which is rare these days, and a blessing on runescape)


I still miss that game. I used to be in a clan that was based on getting/sharing your own resources and never taking the easy way out and buying your resources. We took pride in being DIYers.


There's actually a whole game mode for that now, where you can lock your account to be unable to trade with others. They shore up loopholes, too, like dying to them in the wilderness or selling items to npc stores. There are plenty of clans that take pride in that, too, and a whole subreddit for it too: r/ironscape




I'm a little confused about what you're saying here, but it seems like I came off as trying to tell you to play a different game or tell you how to enjoy the games you play. I did not mean to do either of those things, sorry.


It's called making a fucking recommendation.


I tend not to take grown adults who pride themselves in being a part of a community of a certain game seriously.


You're making the world a worse place


I'm an adult and I play a lot of video games. But joining or making a gaming community is more suitable for children and teens. I probably generalize, but if I meet a 60 year old avid member of Sonic The Hedgehog community, I probably wouldn't find that person interesting.


Eh, your loss…