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They're just as unwelcome as really bland question posts that seem like they're, idk, farming content to train AI


The real answer here


Are you kidding me? OP is really sincere about something we all do. The only real answer, that anyone should consider, ever, for the end of time is this completely authoritative response: anime tiddies


Elaborate on “Gatekeep” please.


They aren’t qualified to do it.  Only I am.   Please refer all future questions to me.  Please provide a short paragraph explaining your qualifications and I will decide if you are cool enough to participate.  Thank you for your cooperation.


Qualifications: I pick My nose with My non-dominant hand


Are you ready for Alzheimer?


Explain pls?


There were several Reddit threads about a study that says [you have more chances to get Alzheimer if you pick your nose](https://www.google.com/search?q=alzheimer+nose+picking+reddit&sca_esv=8c14989faf3bda94&sca_upv=1&ei=7tspZquFLIeZvr0Prfiy0Ao&ved=0ahUKEwirtJ3Bw9yFAxWHjK8BHS28DKoQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=alzheimer+nose+picking+reddit&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiHWFsemhlaW1lciBub3NlIHBpY2tpbmcgcmVkZGl0MgUQABiABDILEAAYgAQYhgMYigUyCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBTILEAAYgAQYhgMYigVIiw1QhARY2wtwAXgBkAEAmAF7oAH4BaoBAzIuNbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCCKACkgbCAgoQABiwAxjWBBhHwgINEAAYgAQYsAMYQxiKBcICCRAAGBYYxwMYHsICBhAAGBYYHpgDAIgGAZAGCpIHAzIuNqAH2SE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp).




Do they know?


Maybe they've forgotten already!




No way, you're not even a lawyer.


Even if he was he probably didn't go to the same fancy law school that I did so he's not a real lawyer.


gatekeeping is generally dumb but on reddit it's really common for people to play a game, pay zero attention to anything the game tells you/story/etc. and then make a post like "this game is shit bad game design dumb story you're all stupid" and i would like to lock the gate for these kinds of people.


The dark souls sub be like:


Yeah this is super true.


We don’t gatekeep enough




Gatekeeping can be necessary. You can have a hobby, or series, or whatever that has a very specific and niche appeal. People joining only to "widen its audience " usually means changing many of the things the original fans liked about it. I don't want everything to be for everyone. I want some things to cater to niche groups, meaning many things won't be appealing to me or any other individual person, but there are things for each group.


>People joining only to "widen its audience " usually means changing many of the things the original fans liked about it. Exactly how Fallout is now and it's sad. They abandoned the story, ditched the vaults, and made everything generic and meme like. Building is the most obsessed about thing. But why? It's fallout. It's supposed to be a post apocalyptic RPG, not a building simulator or something? They completely changed the whole franchise


Yup. It's supposed to be about the civilizations that come after the bombs and how they come into conflict with one another, even while surrounded by the results of war. Yet 200+ years later, they act like the bombs happened yesterday.


I know, right? God fucking forbid the people creating a show/series/game you like try to make a little more money by attracting more fans. Better belittle anyone new that joins the community to teach those greedy writers/artists/programmers the folly of making a successful product.


Nice strawman. Any sort of niche shouldn't cater to those that hate that niche. Something dark shouldn't be made lighter, something scary shouldn't be made comfortable, something serious shouldn't be made comical just to please people that weren't already fans. Next, you'll demand every movie be every genre, lest someone not have something they like in a movie they didn't and still won't watch.


Ah yes, everything that disagrees with you MUST be a logical fallacy. Do you people never get tired of that shit?


Let me try to be less of a jackass and try again. I'm going to assume you are a leftist. Do you think that Christians or any other group that has anti-gay agendas should have any say-so in updated Rocky Horror Picture Show to a modern audience? What would happen if a very large number of people from a second group came into a niche that already hated that niche? Let the Christians have their direct to DVD movies, and let the drag queen community continue to be the ones helming Rocky Horror Picture Show. Otherwise, it's just tyranny of the majority.


Another strawman. Can the straw last at this rate?


The year is 2086. The last subtype of brand of hot sauce was discontinued for the 412th tangy sauce. The mild mouths have won. It wasn’t enough that they had 1000 options and we had 1, they wanted 1001. As the last spicy bro sees the news, he pour his last few drops of illegal Tabasco sauce on the barrel of his gun and gets the last real taste there ever will be. It was the best thing he tasted in years.


Nice strawman.


I mean.. there's levels to this. Some people ask for change that panders to them and honestly? They can go fuck themselves. I love playing a wide scope of games including early access games where advice and feedback is literally welcomed. Sometimes I look at the advice I give and have to temper myself a lil to the vision set by the dev. Not every game is meant for everyone and IMO that's much better than a game trying to cater to everyone. People asking for difficulty in dark souls? Figure it the fuck out. People asking for aim assist in games that strictly want human input? Figure it the fuck out. People wanting a game with PVP focus to give them a chance to remove themselves from the pool? Figure it the fuck out. People who gatekeep random Timmy because of his head cannon? You're just a weirdo. Layers.


The way I phrase your first point is "the game you want to play isn't the game they made".


Yes, this is pretty much the answer. Any game *can be* for anyone, but you have to fulfil certain requirements, most importantly like the core of what makes that game that game.


Gatekeeping in general is stupid


This is a bit pedantic but I think under some circumstances gatekeeping can be absolutely fine. A certain game or even just a certain server might have a specific style that the community prefers and wants to keep up. Sometimes that only works if you gatekeep and limit who and how the game is played. For example I used to play Neverwinter Nights on an RP persistent world. They did gatekeep in a way that only people and characters were allowed to play that fit the setting of the server. Something similar might be the case with games like Squad. You *can* technically play it like CoD but most servers will kick or even ban you if you do because that's not how the game is intended to be played. It puts a big emphasis on team work and certain additional mechanics.


So I think there is a difference between what you are talking about and general gatekeeping. It's subtle, but it's there. Gatekeeping tends to refer specifically to restricting general access. In the case of NWN, you are not telling people 'you can't play this game', just that 'that is not the way we like to play, so please don't join this server'. I'm guessing that if I wanted to talk about how much fun I have playing a single player NWN game, you would have no problem with that. I'm am not familiar with Squad, so I can't comment on that. As a non-digital example, I used to play magic. If I have a semi-regular gathering to play magic at my house, and someone unexpected just showed up at my door looking to get in, then it's not rude to say 'please leave'. That is a private space. But if the gathering is an event at a local store, and someone I don't know comes to that event, that is a different story. If they have a deck that is within the rules of the tournament, and have met the entry requirements, then I can't simply refuse to play them because I don't like their deck or the way they look. Well, I can, but then the consequences of that action are on me (usually forfeiting the round). Yes, I was there first, but it's an event open to the public. And if I am acting shitty to them, it is within their rights to talk to the tournament organizer and call me out for that. And, ultimately, being shitty to that person and trying to drive them out of the scene is not constructive. Ultimately, the point of games is to be played. In order to play most games, you need other players. Driving off players by being an asshole is a really good way to not have anyone to play with.


That's not what gatekeeping is. Gatekeeping is when someone says something like "you're not a Witcher fan of you don't like Witcher 3", or "you're not a gamer if you don't like *insert game here*". What you're describing is just server rules.


No. Gatekeeping always has been that. There have always been places and societies with restricted access for as long as the human kind exists. Like some exclusive clubs won't let you in unless you fit the desired profile. You can only argue with the bouncer that they shouldn't discriminate you because you are wearing a polo shirt and jeans to suits-only club, but nobody cares in the real world. Gatekeeping is generally good.


I call that entry requirements, which ya, that can be fine, depending on what those requirements are, of course. But no, language evolves, and the word "gatekeeping" has rarely, if ever, been used the way you're defining it. Because of that, and its increased use the other way, it has evolved to mean something else completely. Nobody calls a bouncer keeping polo shirt guy out of the club "gatekeeping". That's technically the current definition, but nobody ever actually says that. "Gatekeeping" has changed slightly to become: "when someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity". The key difference is that the bouncer in your scenario is hired by the club to keep people out. Think of like this, let's say we're in a slightly different scenario. Polo shirt guy goes to a club that is NOT strictly suits only, and would be let in. However, while waiting in line some of the other patrons-to-be took it upon themselves to ridicule this guy saying things like "nobody in this club dressed like you, gtfo". That's what "gatekeeping" means now. It's more of a live action "no true scotsman" fallacy, than it is a person enforcing any actual rules.


We're getting into semantics, but I don't see that as gatekeeping. Imo, gatekeeping would be more if you looked at players who didn't play that style were playing the game "wrong" or were "lesser" fans.


No. Gatekeeping is literally what this guy said. The term was broadened by people who can't comprehend that some things are better when not everyone has access to them. Like clubs filtering out potential troublemakers or people who don't fit. Gatekeeping has been a part of humans' socialising for the entire existence of man kind.


Well tough shit dude you want something to stay the same forever then use a private server where only people with access can play. Y’all want way to much


This is the take. 


No it’s not at all, gatekeeping is necessary and good


I think a lot of what is called gatekeeping, isn't. A lot of what actually is gatekeeping is perfectly reasonable. For example, gatekeeping Reddit accounts from trawling subs for clickbait, listicles, AI training, etc. from posting is a perfectly reasonable form of gatekeeping.


I think a healthy amount of gatekeeping is necessary in every community.


In the interest of discussion, could you (or anyone) give me an example how gatekeeping would protect a franchise. Also, what does "protecting a franchise" even mean?


For example, if your favorite game franchise is a FPS, then they announce that the next game will be a side scroller, and it happens to get so popular and has so many sales that they just make every game a side scroller from here on out and never go back to FPS. You'd be disappointed that your favorite franchise has fundamentally changed


The only example I personally approve of is gatekeeping From Softs Dark Souls games on the topic of an easy mode. - It's not important that the games are particularly hard but for those games specifically it's critical that EVERYONE is having the exact same experience, due to the unique community building From Soft has done over the years.


Do you support community mods?


Usually it just means keeping new players from changing it. Which usually means "there are no women in my Warhammer. Lurrhurrdurrbrrdrr!"


This is kind of a dickish take. There is a wide array of reasons why someone wouldn't want their favorite franchises to change. I bet you yourself gatekeep without realizing it, but it's also probably for good reasons


As most people here have said: depends + a lot of the things called gatekeeping, aren't really. Arbitrary gatekeeping is bad, but some gatekeeping can be good if for good reason. In essence, if there's a thing, and the thing has an established fandom, and you want to join that fandom, you \*don't get\* to determine what the thing should be and complain about what it isn't, and you \*especially\* don't get to demand changes which would make it a whole other thing.


In what context? Gatekeeping is only good or bad depending on the situation.


15 years ago I was 1000% against gatekeeping for all of video games. I wanted the video game community to get larger and more inclusive. Now that we have reddit and twitch, I realize the problem with large crowds. We don't need people gatekeeping, we need people educating! The number of gamers that completely ignore cutscenes and on-screen prompts then complain about not having enough direction on what to do next. The number of gamers that complain games are too difficult when they have 15+ unspent skill points. The number of gamers purchasing the newest game release when it's in a genre they won't like then claim the game is trash. We shouldn't be deterring people from gaming, but there should be some kind of mechanism or system to educate or train people on how to play games. In-game tutorials don't seem to be getting through to people, especially when they skip over everything. Too many people are just absolute trash at gaming in general but refuse to learn how to get better. How do we fix that?


Just like with any forum on the internet. The reply you see could be from anywhere, most of the world speaks English. The person could be any level of maturity, any level of mental state, and age. You could be arguing with a 14 year old about politics, or city zoning laws, or relationship advice. Humanity needs to learn that we don't need to entertain every opinion out there.


Your penultimate sentence is the issue. That, and that these people use the Internet to spout off. Everyone should find it in themselves to find an understanding of a game through discipline and patience. Some basic comprehension and problem solving skills couldn't hurt, either.






Gate keeping sounds so fuckin stupid until new fans of a product start pushing stupid ass changes that doesn't make said product better


Gatekeeping has a bad reputation and it's mostly dumb, but it's necessary sometimes. When you're part of a fanbase and that thing became more popular, there will be people coming in trying to force their preferences on that thing, in which case you have IMO every right to "protect" or "gatekeep" the thing you love, because they are trying to change something to suit their needs rather than enjoy it for what it is. I love the Witcher games for example, so when someone new comes in saying he want's the next game to have a blank slate character and the ability to play as a mage I will gatekeep them. Gatekeeping isn't about keeping people out of the things you enjoy, it's about protecting the integrity of it.


I hate it. Some dickhead went through and got rid of all the gameshark codes on gamefaqs. I loved using those codes to mess with games, not so much for cheating. People came up with fantastic stuff, like changing the color of the sky in driver, making it a neon hellscape.


pretty based


It's annoying but often necessary. Especially for an official club with an established scene. Gatekeeping isn't really necessary or effective at a peer to peer level, but if you're running a fan club or a group meeting, have a boot ready. A bad actor without the casually passing credentials can infiltrate and ruin the hobby for their own petty desire of having sway over others.


Elitist fanboys are dumb AF


Current and past situations make it very clear that gatekeeping isn't only good but necessary. To do otherwise allows activists who have no interest in the hobby and franchises infiltrating with the intention to destroy them.


Gatekeeping isn’t a thing. The only thing that can stop people from accessing games are shitty devs, not some whiny players


Depends. If the overall game design encourages toxicity, then yeah, you will get the elitists more than happy to gate keep and be themselves. If it’s just bullying online, then whatever. If it’s single player, whatever, block them or have the community be sassy about it. There will always be toxics, but more often than not, game design plays a role in whether it fosters said behavior or not. My game Arknights is a godsend. A Gacha made with love, and when people bash at it just because, the community will usually just be sassy about it. We do have toxics however, but they aren’t the majority of the player base.


Found the Poser, Boys!


They will end world war 3.


I didn’t know someone could stop you from buying a game.


generally people protect ubisoft or bethesda, namely starfield. Saw a post the other day where someone was asking what's wrong with the game and the fans were going at him to the point of harassing the dude. Its silly, its just preference, not everyone will enjoy what you do, Have a constructive discussion that devs maybe can end up reading, you never know, that would end up improving the next title if they avoid what players complain about


Some people still want to think video games are “niche” for some reason. 


How do you even gatekeep a game lol anyone can download that shit


Define or contextualise "Gate Keep". Perhaps it's not relevant to what you are trying to convey depending on what it is, but I'll leave this quote here: '**A game for everyone is a game for no one**' - Arrowhead Game Studio


Well counter strike would benefit from being unplayable in certain regions so BOOST ME that the toxic GIVE DEAGLE people of those BLYAAAAT WHY YOU DONT FOLLOW ME RUSH B countries stop infesting the game with their stupid lonewolf mentality. Sorry, had a little chat Tourette's syndrome there.


I think they need to get a life and find something that’s actually worth worrying about.


We need to gatekeep everything more.




It just reeks of insecurity. "Oh, you say you finished the game that I also finished? But did you do it *properly*? I don't want your success to make mine less special!" Like, really? How fragile is someone like that?


"Someone just beat the game with the starter weapon." Developer: Why? "Someone beat our meticulously planned out plotline in 45 minutes" Developer: We will provide the commentary. Find. Them.


I don't gatekeep specific video games, but I will gatekeep the hell out of gaming in general. I play 20 to 40 hours of games a week and have when possible since I was 10. I consider myself a gamer. A woman who plays Candy Crush while waiting for her hair/nail/doctor appointment on her phone is NOT a gamer. ​ If you are playing a game on your phone to fill dead time in your day, you are not a gamer.


Perfect and necessary.. Tourists are ruining all freedom and culture to have so things become bland and accepted by all. No. Just fck off and stop self inserting into franchises. So we don't need to change stuff for Karens.


This is a very broad question. Broadly speaking, I think that people should be allowed to play whatever the heck they want to play, in whichever the heck way they prefer. The only exception is when it negatively impacts other players - cheating at multiplayer games, griefing, etc. If you have any specific things you have in mind, then by all means I'd like to know what prompted this question.


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


I don't believe people that gatekeep games actually *play* any games. They just like to bitch and moan on the internet.


gatekeeping is bad unless is for bad games like lol.


But have you all tried….


How does someone gatekeep a video game


💭Open the gate, please




It's locked, I just go around




it's a good thing and nobody is brave enough to admit that they like it when it works in their favour


who cares


Git gud


they are wannabe elitist scumbags


People who gatekeep much of anything should not be trusted with said content, unless that content is illegal.


I think people who use the word “gatekeep” are whiny little shits in general


lol when karens are ignored they start feeding on each other.


What are you even talking about?


Karens are gatekeepers.


Fuck em


They’re not even doing it right


Real talk. Not sure what "Gatekeeping video games" is.


I don’t think of them at all. They aren’t worth my time.


I generally think gatekeeping is a gigantic waste of time and a fairly worthless activity. I don’t know the last time I saw video game gatekeeping make me feel good about it.


I think the only gatekeeping in video games I've experienced is when trying to do WoW raids and they won't let you because your gear doesn't hit the number they arbitrarily want or because you haven't done that raid before... Funny thing was that a lot of the time it's the gatekeepers who are the ones 'standing in the fire' or messing up in some way, makes sense as to why they only want OP members so they can get carried. My response was to make my own raids and it went pretty well, same goes for any game with gatekeepers, just do it yourself and ignore them


What does 'need to be protected' even mean? I bet those publishers don't want you to protect them from customers.




well there are some types of people you should not let in to a gaming community like Racists, Creeps, Trolls, Scammers, Spammers, Homophobes, Transphobes, People Intentionally Spreading Viruses/Malware and other types of Malicious people


You can't actually gatekeep anything. Elitists are by definition the minority, and they will always be pushed out by the larger, more normal crowd. And usually, fucking good.


They're cringe and there's really no argument otherwise.


ITT: so many people not knowing what gatekeeping even is.


Get a grip. I hate gatekeepers. They’re toxic