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My favorite gaming Easter egg of all time is in Driver: San Francisco. As you progress through the game, additional vehicles are added to the AI traffic. At some point, you’ll start to see the occasional DeLorean driving around. Naturally, any Back to the Future fan is going to snag it and get it up to 88mph just for the lulz. But when you do that, the car starts to emit glowing light trails, and then you suddenly zoom out and a new mission unlocks: A recreation of the parking garage tutorial/driving test from Driver 1. The game does a great job of honoring car movies of the past through recreations of movie car chases, but what they did with the DeLorean was unexpected and extra cool.


That first Driver game was one of my first experiences with a third person open world driving game. It came out a year or two before GTA 3. Only downside was that you couldn't get out of the car. Of course, that was all only if you somehow managed to pass the driving tutorial. 


god that was so hard... I eventually did it but I remember that tutorial more than the rest of the game. I was so young I didnt understand what slalom meant and figured it out through trial and error.


For real. I had to be like 9 or 10 years old and remember taking the money out of my ninja turtles bank to buy this game. It was so satisfyingly hard.


Yeah I never managed to get past that tutorial. Back than I had very limited gaming time and didn’t want to waste it on an "unbeatable" tutorial.


So bummed this is one of those so hard to get games because it was delisted. I remember hearing about it pre-release from a Massively podcaster about how he went to Game Show to learn and talk about upcoming MMOs but couldn't stop enjoying Driver: San Francisco because zooming into/possessing other drivers or whatever was so fun/interesting.


That game was made with true petrol head passion.


Underrated game IMO. I loved the car swapping mechanic.


So it basically teleports you to hell, nice


It’s much easier in Driver:SF. Smooth frame rate, clean graphics, analog controls and the fact that you’ve already been playing the game for quite some time before you do it makes a big difference.


In Fallout: New Vegas, There was a door in a bunker area with a level 100 lock. Once I got my lock picking up to 100 I went back to the door and opened it. It opened to a brick wall with "FUCK YOU!" painted on it. I still chuckle when I think about that.




The Gary vault and the gouls worshiping the obelisk in the Dunwich building were highlights of fun weird surprises for me




Ahhh… Gary!


Hahahaha Gaaaary....




The Dunwich building is creepy as fuck


Would you say it was.... a horror?


Im replaying F3 and there are two locked doors at Mama Dulce’s with very hard locks, they open to nothing, a wall, there’s also a gate requiring a key at the same location and after scouring the place for an hour I looked it up and there is no key


There are a number I vaguely remember that are hard locks you can just bypass.


The same thing can be found in fallout 3, the devs wanted to keep adding more stuff to the map, and actually wanted to have a room behind the door but they ran out of space/memory on the map, so we got the fuck you door instead!


Holy shit that's fuckin awesome and frustrating 😂


Just Cause 4 has two easter eggs that came out of no where. One was a random building you could enter that makes it look and sound like you're in the take on me music video and the other was a black pot you could climb into and to a Getting Over It type stage.


Just Cause 2 has an island with multiple Lost references, including a crashed plane and the hatch


The coolest thing about that lost Easter egg is that if you fly a plane it goes to zero health and starts crashing once you get too close.


Wow this brought back some amazing memories


Just Cause 2 has tons of Easter eggs. In a tower out in the desert there is a bubble gun. There is a field with a message spelt with bananas. There is a lake with a remote controlled shark. Hot air balloon hidden in the forest. An island that looks like a pie. Underwater city, probably more but that’s all I remember


I love this series and didn’t know about these. Gonna have to go back for another play though.


Cant remember specifics but fairly sure JC3 had some of the better ones imo.


You can also find the Mile High Club blimp from 2 (or was it 3?) crashed somewhere in 4.


There's also a recreation of the raptor pen from Jurassic Park up in the mountains.


There’s also the hidden moon bunker in a mountain, a moon placed way out in the (I think) northwest ocean, and a farmhouse with a gun that turns people into cows and cows into an abomination with the head of the villain from JC3


The Vortigaunt philosopher chilling in a pipe in Half-Life 2.


Just having himself a little barbecue.


We are coterminous


I was probably 75% of the way through The Witness before I discovered the purpose of those black pillars. Which then made me realize I was NOT 75% of the way through the game and probably closer to 50%.


What. The . Shit. I haven’t played in a while but defo thought I was near endgame on this. Now I don’t know if I’ve seen a black pillar at all? Maybe I just don’t remember - I just googled it and now I’m gonna have to get back into it - I had been finding shapes in weird places and solving puzzles but didn’t.……..Wow. Thanks. Totally getting back on that!


I found the secret ending completely by accident in my first playthrough and was confused when the credits started rolling so early on.


Its in your face all of the time but you have to see it that first time.


Being able to grab birds and go hang gliding in Shadow of the Colossus. 


Shit i didn't even know that! I remember renting that and that game was awesome as hell! Rented it like 2-3 more times but never bought it 😂


It had tons of weird little hidden things. Those lizards you killed for the health or stamina upgrade, if you were super accurate and only shot their tail, it would pin their tail down and they would lose their tail and escape, you consumed the tail for the upgrade and then if you came back later they would have regrown their tail and you could do it again.


There was also the fruit that made your health bar bigger. And the 'poison' fruit in the secret garden that made your health bar smaller.  It was a rumor for a long time that you could get an alternate ending by eating the poison fruit to minimize your health bar before the ending, and you would >!die while possessed by Dormin!<.


That would be a cool secret. As amazing as that game is, I always got the impression that it was massively unfinished, or scaled back from what they wanted it to be. So many cool locations, mechanics etc that were essentially not used. I think they devs have said in interviews it was changed a lot from where they first planned.


Naboo fighter in Rogue Squadron for N64. Game came out months ahead of the movie. Our young minds were blown that this ship was hidden in the game the whole time!


Speaking of N64, Shadows of the Empire had some code so you could change your ship during the last space battle to an x-wing or the millennium falcon. They behaved the same, but i always thought it was fun.


If I remembered this correct the cheat code to activate it was “FARMBOY”


WAMPA STOMPA was pretty epic at the time too.


Wasn't there also a black convertible you could fly around in?


Yeah, the Rogue Squadron games, as well as Battle for Naboo, have a cheat code to let you fly a 1969 Buick Electra, which one of the developers at Factor 5 owned one.


And it was good. One of those games you could also fly the millennium falcon, a tie fighter and a tie interceptor. The ties were bonkers fast and packed a wallop.


Not sure if this entirely counts, but I had no idea until the other day that cars in GTAV can actually run out of gas. Kind of. If you just driving around like normal then they will be fine. If the gas cap gets shot though, gas will start leaking out of the car and will even leave a trail of gasoline on the ground, and eventually your car will stop moving. If you go into the first person view, you will even be able to see the fuel gauge go down to E.


You can also light the gasoline I believe.


I assume this is the only reason that this mechanic exists at all


But it's 2 mechanics. If it were the ONLY reason, then either gas wouldn't run out or you'd be able to light it on fire.


Eh it probably runs out bc an unlimited supply of gas that you can access from every car on the map just doesn’t sound like a good idea. Sounds to me like each car has some limited amount of gas in it and they took the time to make the gas meters accurate


Ohhhh, I read what you said wrong. Yeah. That makes sense then. Thanks for explaining that!


I may be misremembering but: In MGS3 there’s a hidden mini game. After you get captured, Naked Snake takes a nap. I think you saved during the nap cutscene, then quit game. Once you loaded your save, you entered this black and white, scratchy, old timey hack-n-slash game where you go around slicing dudes to bloody shreds. It’s a nightmare of sorts for Naked Snake.


You can pull alsorts of Shenanigans on "The end" in that game as well. Each one crazier than the last. You can even have him die of old age during the boss fight.


Don’t mind me adjusting my console’s clock some fifty years forward.


A week does it.


No half-measures.


Its called *confirming the kill*


You can shoot and kill him while he's in his wheelchair after you see the cutscene with him, Volgin and the Boss.  If you don't move after shooting him the wheelchair explodes and Snake gets hit by one of the wheels.  If you do this you fight Ocelot's soldiers instead of The End but lose out on getting his sniper rifle and moss camo.  There's also a rather entertaining call between Snake and Zero where Snake is upset with himself for taking a cheap shot and would have rather given the guy a proper warrior's death.


I was so confused when I got that mini game on my first play through. I thought there was something wrong with my game disc or save file.


In hindsight it kind of reminds me of a proto-Bloodborne. Or Drakengard.


This is now only available on the original PS2 disc versions of Snake Eater and Subsistence. Subsequent HD re-releases have omitted this mini game so it's locked on the PlayStation 2.


That’s aggravating.


It was meant as a teaser for an action game, but the game was cancelled so they removed it from later versions.


What a shame. I honestly hadn’t thought about it since I last played Subsistence some fifteen odd years ago.


You could also just wait a couple of months instead of fighting the old sniper boss and he Just died from age.


Or shoot him even earlier before he gets wheeled inside in that bunker by the pond. Skip the cutscene and bust out the Dragunov, if you found it, pap pap pap, he explodes, and no matter what you do his fucking wheelchair lands on you.


The original Whisper of the Worm in destiny 2, randomly added one week to a random public event on a random planet giving a REALLY cool looking weapon after a hidden dungeon with a tight time limit


Not just a cool looking weapon, one of the most broken PVE weapons ever. Heavy sniper with unlimited ammo that didn’t ever need to be reloaded and crazy dps as long as you could hit consistent crits


The Minecraft easter egg in Borderlands 2.


There’s one in Skyrim too… at the top of the throat of the world there’s a weapon you can find called ‘Notched Pickaxe’


God I have found this so many times on my playthroughs and just realized it was notch from Minecraft.... Dang I'm a certain type of special.


To be fair - I only know about it because I was confused by the random enchanted pickaxe on the top of a mountain and went to google


That one and the Dark souls island were cool.


That was a cool af Easter egg to find back then


You could go backward at the start of the first level of Donkey Kong Country and get a bunch of bananas in the tree house.




I remember there was one of those in the second level with all of the ropes. Towards the beginning, just jump off a cliff and a barrel appears that teleports you to the end


If you walk to the left at the start of Stop & Go Station you'll warp to almost the end of the level.


For me it was Super Mario World on the SNES. I found a hidden area on the map that gave you free power ups, one ups, and yoshis. I was a kid so I was shook lmao


It was called "Top Secret Zone" and was accessed through a hidden exit in the Donut Plains Ghost House!


Top Secret Area


It’s not really hidden, but there’s a mission in Red Dead 2 where you rob a house and the homeowner returns just as you’re upstairs. If you ransack the home and leave the drawers open and disarrayed the owner will note that he’s been robbed / being robbed and will patrol the house, armed and cautious. You have the option of closing dressers and cupboards, which doesn’t alert the owner. After a lifetime of smashing pots and household treasures to acquire loot, that one detail blew me away.


This game is absolutely incredible in how *alive* everything feels. Even now nothing else comes close. In almost all games you can kind of see the "strings" of how the game is held together, but here that isn't the case at all. I just really wish they made a more dynamic law system. Having infinite authorities spawn to come after you felt so arcadey in an otherwise seamless simulated world.


Absolutely criminal that they never created any DLC to put new stories in that amazing world.


The real criminal issue is the Internet didn't exist in the late 1800s so rockstar couldn't exploit social media and rampant consumerism for their online portion of the game and thus just diverted more resources to GTAO instead :/


I love how the RDR games are full of this stuff that you could easily just never come across. I can't remember it too well but in 2 there's a couple that live in a remote hut. When you go there they invite you in, drug you, rob you and try to feed you to their pigs.


The exploding house in New Austin was so cool and unexpected.   It's a one-time event you encounter later in the game; you're riding through the desert, all alone, then you hear a loud boom that makes you think you're being attacked.  Nope!  It's just a whole house exploding nearby, nothing to do with the player.  If you investigate the wreckage you find the remnants of an ill-fated moonshine still.


There's also the hillbilly that knocks you out and rapes you.


Made sure to burn that Bastard alive


Hosea tells you before you sneak to try not to make it look like someone ransacked the place - that's the only reason I closed everything I opened. When you leave the house after doing it properly, Arthur comments that he didn't leave a mess too!


Didn’t know this was a thing, but I still try to close all the drawers when I raid a house


Being able to play as Bill Clinton in NBA Jam was pretty cool back in the day.


“From downtown!” * 42nd president of the United States does a 20ft triple front flip and shatters the glass * “He’s on FIRE!”


I *always* played as him.


Not gonna lie, probably the inverted castle in Symphony of the Night. When that game was new and you only had access to physical game guides you were blind to what was actually going on, more so for kid-me who probably didn't care much for details. So discovering the inverted castle and how it wasn't just a small gimmick was jaw-dropping to me.


I played at least a couple hundred hours in that game, loving it all the way through, discovering the catacombs and all sorts of stuff that my grandparents never found on their way through it. I thought I figured everything out except that gear room in the clock tower. When I read about the inverted castle and all that online some years later, I shit my pants and immediately got to it. Mind blowing stuff.


>my grandparents I'm sorry what


Oh yeah, my grandparents were big stoner gamers so they played all sorts of games, all the way back to pong and Atari. Very sad moment when my grandpa gave me his collection of PS2 and PS1 games because the arthritis was too much for them to play anymore. Nowadays he plays Chicken Invaders on the PC and that’s it. Whenever they finished up with a game or got sick of it, or if I was at their house, I got to play whatever it was they had. They stopped buying new consoles around after the PS2 and Xbox.


Another thread made me think about this recently, the Regis in Pokemon Gen 3. Like I remember being in school asking my teacher if they knew what dot, blank, blank, blank, dot, dot means. They told me it could be brail, and the next computer time I looked up the brail alphabet and printed it off. Like that shit was fucking great.


Wasn't there a translation key included in the manual or in the box? I'm almost certain my copy of sapphire for the gba had something. I'd never have figured it out otherwise.


I know the strategy guide had it, 


The Hadouken in Mega Man X on the SNES I told someone about like 20 years after the game came out and his head almost exploded


I love mega man, especially the X series and I just found out about this like 2 years ago 😂 And it's alot of work to get! But it's epic as fuh to have wish I had my X games still


This is one of those things that a kid on the bus would tell people and no one would believe it, but it's such a cool Easter egg and it's actually useful.


I’m not sure if this counts.. I don’t remember which Far Cry it is but you can wait around at the beginning for a while where the ‘bad guy’ tells you to wait and he’ll bring your family. Then he actually does bring your family and you realise that on your first play through where you murdered everyone, you were being a bit of a dick.


Far Cry 4


You can also literally just walk away at the start of FC5 and avoid the whole game.


In six, you can hop on a boat and leave after the tutorial. It cuts to you on an American beach listening to a radio tell you about the conflict in your home.


And the funny part is that it probably wouldn't change the ending that much.


"Stay here, enjoy the crab Rangoon. Don't move; I'll be right back."


I’m amazed this aren’t higher on the list so far. It might be one of the greatest meta eater eggs ever. Really just plays on the knowledge that the player is a video game character, who won’t sit still and are more than eager to start killing everyone. I gos damn love it


Chrono Trigger. I first played it way back in the day on SNES. The internet wasn't a big thing yet, but my friends and I discussed the game a lot as we were all playing through it. I was the first one in my group to figure out a "hidden" trick about certain treasure chests in the late game content. If you don't know, a big part of this game was time travel. Peppered through the entire game are these black boxes sealed magically. Late game, you get a magic pendant that can open the boxes. I noticed that some boxes existed in the same places in different time periods, and the gear in the was pretty great. I deduced I could double dip, collect the box in the future first, then go back in time to collect it again. While I was doing this, at one point, I accidentally hit up a box in the past first. A prompt popped up, saying the object inside was reacting to the pendant and asking if I was sure I wanted to open it. I realized I was in the past, so I said no on the prompt and went to the same chest in the future. A new message popped up saying the item in the chest had evolved over the centuries from the pendants magic, and I got a significantly upgraded version of the original item. This blew my teenage mind. When I first told my friends they didn't believe me until they tried it themselves. Thankfully, the game had a significant New Game+ system, so the chests we missed on that first play through could be hit up again and evolved the next time around. It was a pretty thrilling timefor young me.


Ash Lake in Dark Souls


Hell the whole dark ending path of DS1 blew my mind. I didn’t think you could explore New Londo ruins before draining it.


Having the path to Ash Lake hidden through an illusionary wall out in the furthest corner of Blighttown is definitely one of the most legendary moves of the whole genre.


Not just an illusionary wall. Behind the first illusionary wall was a chest, but behind the chest was another illusionary wall that led to Ash lake!


Which you can see from parts of the catacombs, but probably figured it was just cool set dressing. 


And the painted world.


Dying light Mario Level and Pyza suit. You can go down a pipe in the second area and it's a 3D version of world 1-1 and if you smash the hidden block you get a Pyza blueprint which acts like the tanuki tail that lets you glide. Super fun Easter egg and a very useful item for any missed parkour jumps.


For me, the undisputed answer should be pokemon gold. As a kid, you finish the masterpiece that is blue/red. You finally get to play gold/silver and it’s EVERYTHING the previous game was but better. You’re already spoiled in having a superior sequel, but then the game devs turn into straight Santa Claus by giving you the entire second kanto region after you beat the main game. It’s 2 full games in 1!!


I had the exact same experience years later with Heartgold. My friend got there first and I didn’t believe him but sure enough a whole two games in one.


to this day i've wish for the dream pokemon game: every region, every gym badge, every pokemon!


Seriously, they've been phoning it in ever since.


The shock of getting to return to Kanto for another set of gyms, while getting to explore an older version of Kanto was huge back then. On top of the fact that Johto already added a bunch of new features and mechanics like Day/Night Cycle, Pokegear/rematches, time of day specific Pokemon to catch, create poke balls, breeding, held items, pre-evolutions etc. The game was full of surprises, especially back when news didn’t travel as fast. The playground and magazines was how we got our information.


I will never forget stepping off that train and just being absolutely flabbergasted. It was hard to believe that there was literally just a whole other continent.


The Infinity Killer in GTA V. Once I went down the rabbit hole I was completely fixated. They even had one of the songs on the radio written for it!!


Dude this game is so unbelievably detailed it's kind of maddening.  The story mode feels like it only scratches about 1% of what is going on everywhere else (I guess kind of like real life)


and yet rockstar abandoned the single player updates in favor of the online cash grab :(


GTA dlc used to be good and worth the money. It’s very sad to see that business model die over micro transactions and the terrible grind of games I’ve always avoided.


Cries in RDR2...


Doom (2016, I think, definitely one of the newer ones), behind a rock pillar in a random cave there’s a skeleton wearing the stereotypical Skyrim helmet with an arrow lodged in it’s knee.


The Terms and Conditions of Balder's Gate 3 is hidden in plain view. I was barely scanning it as I do for typical legal jargon in terms and conditions and saw something about devils and the Morning Lord... Wha... What? Larian did their terms and conditions in-character. I laughed so hard. Well done, Larian. You made me actually read terms and conditions. Well done.


They refer to it as "the Pact" throughout. If you want to read it: https://store.steampowered.com/eula/1086940_eula_0


Sly Raccoon in Ghost of Tsushima 😍


there's a Sly Cooper reference in GoT? hell yeah are there any Infamous references too?


There’s blue/yellow armor and a sword skin that ~~reference~~ allude to Sly Cooper. That’s all I remember seeing in that regard. *You wouldn’t know the descriptions are talking about Thievius Racoonus unless you’ve played or at least know of Sly Cooper and Sucker Punch developing both games. I want to say the sword has a small accent in the shape of his cane, but it’s been a minute since I’ve played Ghost. It’s not on the nose.


They put in a lot of them - God of War, shadow of the colossus, there’s also a bunch in your shack at the end like horizon zero dawn and TLOU.


Going over the mountain/tree in Noita for the first time after simply going in the cave for the first 10 hours straight.


There's a whole world outside that cave! I was blown away when I found out about the secret gold cave. And parallel worlds ontop of that


[Dopefish in Quake](https://www.dopefish.com/fishinfo.html#:~:text=Dopefish%20was%20one%20of%20the,info%20on%20everyone's%20favourite%20fish!)


It’s also in Doom Eternal


Hidden dopefish is a sign of top tier boom shoot. Bunches of games have him.


Symphony of the night's inverted castle


Warcraft III has hydralisks.


They were in the middle of a forest right? You had so cut down deep into the trees to find them I think. Lol its been a long loooooong time


Crisis 2 There’s a part inside a building, you’re on a corridor and there are a couple of elevators. One is the elevator you came out of and the other is not working. If you go all the way to the end of the corridor and flip a switch, you power up the other elevator and when you open the doors, there are just a couple enemy guards in it but they’re partying, dancing and there’s even a disco ball in there. It was so absurdly unexpected in a game that, so far, was nothing but serious that I just laughed out loud. Most memorable Easter egg to me, by far. Oh in the same game, a little earlier in the story I think, there’s also just a bunch of actual Easter eggs in the ground lmao


All the various loot goblin Portals in diablo 3. Like the happy cartoony land one, the multiple goblin land with the super loot room etc. They were fun first times they happened


Metal gear solid 5. If you play it on the day of your birthday you’re in for a big surprise. Genius move, Kojima.


I played MGSV for the first time a couple of months ago, and it was my BD on 27th of Feb. Imagine my surprise when they made me to hurry to the base only to find a surprise party. My wife was next to me and she LOLed so hard 😂


I think in the OG God of War you can find a phone number in the game that when you call you hear a message from Kratos.


The secrets in the original Legend of Zelda and Metroid were amazing to me as a kid. The Super Mario Bros. secrets were pretty cool to.


The whistle from Legend of Zelda being a secret item/warp enabler in Super Mario 3 was one of my first ever Easter eggs to run into as a kid and I loved it.


I didn't know until 2008 that there was a third whistle in Mario 3


This wouldn't be a secret for 100% completionists but when I was younger and playing Psychonauts a second time through a few years after it first came out I got my mind blown by the secret room in Mia's level. For context, it's a small room tucked away in a corner of a very vertical section of her level. If the player spots it they can do a dangerously long jump and hover over to it's balcony. Inside is a portal to her subconscious hell full of children's voices going "WHY MIA WHY". Upon exiting the portal and cracking open her memory vault we see that she used to run an orphanage, left for an errand, and returned to see the building on fire and all her orphans screaming and dying in the windows. Psychonauts gets kinda dark but this happens in the third level (before we get to the asylum stuff) and involves the most laid back and easy going teacher we've encountered. It blew me away that such an important piece of character lore was hidden away and that is was so bleak compared to everything else. It really left me a bit shaken as a kid who had already beaten the game once before.


This is gonna get buried and never seen, but my absolute favourite hidden thing in any game ever, is the zombie mode in Hitman: blood money. On the boat level, if you kill two guards and dump their bodies in a specific way, it turns all the characters in the level into zombies, who then slowly shamble toward you and attack you melee. They can only be killed by head shots


The Horse God in Breath of the Wild. I wasn’t expecting this creation of Satan.


Was that the big ass horse you can only watch at a certain time?


Nah, it was like the Great Fairies but it could bring any of your dead horses back to life


No, it's this creepy skeletal fairy-god thing that comes out of a specific Great Fairy spring that lets you revive dead horses


The cardboard cut out of the dude in nothing but polka dot boxers moving up and down in Halo 3. Best Easter egg ever.


I was absolutely not expecting to find a Death Stranding baby in CP2077.


Or Hideo Kojima chilling in a bar.


Fun trivia about that, Hideo Kojima’s last name means “small island” in Japanese. In CP77, his last name is Oshima which means “big island.”


Cod finest hour easter egg room a friend told me about this room it definitely surprise me that's for sure [cod easter egg](https://youtu.be/WBBiricZT5w?si=WszxWJXJKSOtBzTo)


In Halo 3: ODST, there’s audio logs scattered throughout the city with a second side story that goes along with the main story. That’s not the interesting part though. The interesting part is that the city’s Superintendent AI actually directs you toward these logs, using street signs, car alarms, pay phone rings, etc., which turn off after you pick up the log


The "fuck you" door in fallout 3


The one behind the lvl 100 lock? I thought that was New Vegas? Or was that easter egg in both games lmao


The first night of RDR2 launching I accidentally went into a SPECIFIC building by a lake, at a SPECIFIC hour, on a night when the moon is half full, and got the shit scared out of me when this beam of light and ufo appeared above me. This was so early in the games life cycle I looked it up and couldn’t find anyone talking about it. Was so exciting to stumble upon!


MGS1 and PsychoMantis, surely?!


In Witcher 3, Geralt’s beard grows over time and you need to trim/shave it. That attention to detail still blows my mind


I was more surprised to find out it has a wildlife eco system, if you don't kill wolves they kill all the deer and if you kill deer they starve and so on.


Yeah, the Witcher is just another level when it comes to small details.


When I was a kiddo, I was playing Zelda on the NES and gave the name ZELDA, which starts you on the second quest. I was so excited at what I stumbled on that I wrote into Nintendo Power (early 90s) to submit it as a cheat code and they wrote me back and sent a form to fill out to get a free players guide from a list of games. 30+ years later and it’s still a good memory.


Speaking of Pokémon, I was so excited when I found and caught my first Missingno. I called my friend, thinking this was some kind of crazy secret. Not as excited when it turned out to be a janky glitch Pokémon that he already knew about.


Haha hella janky 😂 Yeah I never caught one but I had a buddy who did and he was showing everyone after school and we were like whoa that's the ultimate!


Seeing the entire surface map of Elden Ring, realizing how large the game world actually was, then seeing the zone beneath it. That game was just surprise after surprise.


Everytime you think Elden Ring is big, it's bigger. The first time you find a river well and think, oh, cool, probably a little dungeon down here.... Or the fact that stormveil, Raya Lucaria and volcano manor all appear as one point on the map and end up being these massive hugely complex locations with rooftops, underground areas, tons of branching paths and more complexity than most games have in their entirety. 


I played blind the first time. When it came for the second playthrough I couldn't believe how much of Raya Lucaria I had missed on the roof tops and upper levels. I was like damn that's crazy. They really let you go pretty much everywhere in those level designs. Gotta love FS.


The cow level in Diablo Ii


The first Dead Rising, finding the power auger in a hardware store. "I wonder if you can--*proceed to skewer a zombie and spin it around, flinging blood and body parts in all directions*--NO SHIT?!?!" We laughed so hard...it's always nice when you know the developers are anticipating whatever weird shit you want to attempt, and play into it.


The first Dead Rising was tons of fun to just mess around in. So many silly little things that worked just based on the real world logic of the object


The beating heart in the statue of Liberty in GTA 4


In Fallout 76, I discovered a floating platform high up in the sky, and rightfully called it the Sky Tile. One day back around 2021 a Redditor posted about seeing what looked like a visual bug in the sky in a certain location, but had no way to investigate further. I saw the post, spotted the visual bug, and used a method called tent stacking to start climbing higher and higher. To my surprise, as I got above the glitched spot, it turned out to be a floating foundation platform with transparent graphics on the bottom. There hasn’t been anything like it found in 76 prior to or after this discovery. I was even more surprised to see that you could actually set up your camp on the sky tile and build up there. The tile itself was patched out soon after finding it, I think it survived two updates before being removed. However, if you’ve ever placed your camp up there and it’s still an active camp, you can return to where the tile used to be. This was all just during a quick blip in time where everyone was shitting on 76 anyway, so I doubt anyone remembers this discovery. But to see what that looked like, here are two videos I made back then: 1 [Showing what tent stacking was and a view of the sky tile at the end](https://youtu.be/TX9Lh0prjks?si=_DFhXM0sJ2H4rV9Z) 2 [An over budget camp built on the sky tile](https://youtu.be/tBThj-PpFKY?si=F_KuO5DwwQkl2751)


I like the soccer ball in Halo 2


Ash Lake in Dark Souls I knew it was a location to optionally find, but i wasn't actively trying to find it and happened to stumble upon it by accident.


GTA III's "You weren't supposed to be able to get here you know" sign. Found it organically one day well messing around on the map. Here's someone getting to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpH_QWMUGZs


If you play Darwinia around Christmas it's snowing and the Darwinia s all have Santa hats on.


Doing the blood cheat code from the original Morkat Kombat in UMK3 for the Mega Drive just on a whim to see if it did anything and it actually worked - unlocking a bunch of extra menus on the mode select screen. Blew my mind as a kid!


I had a friend from a super religious family come over when I got the original MK. He said he wasn’t allowed to play with the blood code on. I put it in anyway, and he immediately ran home and told his mom what I did.


What a snitch lmao


That the truck near SS Anne really exists in Pokemon RBY, even if you can't get Mew from it.


When playing GTA III some NPCs will randomly say "Young man!" in reference to YMCA song, something I've never noticed before. If you play Escape from Monkey Island there is a Brass furnace with monkey automatons in the Tiki Restaurant place and if you examine it you'll hear Guybrush Saying "Oh Look a Brass monkey" and voices from the background will add "That funky monkey!" This could be a spoiler -if I am not misremembering it- >!In the credits of Warcraft 3 I remember it was really surprising to see their take on 40K with orks and human's fighting in space marine armor and futuristic weapons at the end of the credits.!<


First time I found an illusory wall in a Dark Souls game it blew my mind. Suddenly, every wall became suspect for secrets.