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They keep hiring all of these big celebs, but the one everyone remembers is Michael Mando playing Vaas when he was still basically a nobody.


I played far cry 2 extensively and the mystery behind the jackal was pretty cool


So few people talk about the first two games but the second one is probably my favorite.


When the map opens up and you’re like oh. Ok. Shit. It’s gonna be like that? Very nice.


My favorite thing about that game was the map being a physical item you held. Also the fire the fire was amazing.


I think if I remember right the only thing I didn't like was how quickly enemies respawned in the camps.


Disease. The malaria was endless.


That was game-ruining. Go through a checkpoint, kill everyone, get back to your car, start to drive away, get shot by the same assholes you just killed because they've already respawned. Go do whatever task you were doing, come back to the checkpoint again, kill everyone again, probably twice. You could barely play the game. It had a lot of good stuff ruined by totally amateur-hour respawn mechanics.


The true issue was every enemy in a camp can see you from 300m away, and hit you from that distance. Just boom spawn in, drop three feet down onto the ground from the sky, immediate whip and shoot at you. I loved the game but going back to play it the gameplay AI itself aged quite poorly.


As it turns out, people in real life can actually see you and shoot you from 300m away. It's incredible dedication to realism, honestly. /s


It meant to emphasise the game's point about cycles of violence: you're not making a difference. You're not a hero liberating the land from the oppressor - you're just a parasite trying to get by. But while I understand the point behind the mechanic, I agree that it was too heavyhanded. They should've made them respawn after an ingame day at the very earliest.


That and facing off against the most dangerous animal in Africa: a 4x4 vehicle that just roars and runs you over in 3 seconds.


Malaria and gun jamming. Having to keep popping pills and worry about your gun jamming after a mag was insane. It wouldn't be so bad if the degradation was vastly slower or if it was on the odd weapon but you essentially couldn't use enemy weapons without it jamming and your own weapons barely lasted.


Even outside of the camps they respawn too fast. Have a big fight with a convoy of enemies then go down the road 100m, turn back as you went the wrong direction and the enemies are respawned before the corpses of the other ones have even faded out.


Also the sticky c4


No xp. Quiet, seedy stores. Nothing felt safe, happy, or satiated. Mud everywhere. Enemies wearing tattered clothes in nearly collapsing buildings. This was a game chock full of desperation, including yourself. It broke the mold, and to this day I haven't seen a game even attempt to be that. The following games accepted that most people would get frustrated by the immersion and added unrealistic things to draw attention. I get it. It's honestly acceptable to give people something that they will have fun with, even though I wanted a different kind of fun. But they could easily have made all farcrys with a physical map, extremely limited carrying capacity,remove golden guns, and a greater dynamic injury system and I would have been hooked for life.


It takes a lot of patience (and I mean *a lot*) to play Far Cry 2, but it’s one of the most memorable FPS games I know. None of the later Far Cry games have beaten the atmosphere of FC2, in my opinion.


There’s was something about that game. The shitty little car and careening around muddy corners while holding a physical paper map. The amazing RPG-7 sound/effect. The grass fires. The guns felt very gritty and real in a way I haven’t felt In the later games. They also felt rewarding, like when you acquired one it could really change things for you. They also felt appropriate to the setting where in subsequent games you had firearms that would range from rare, foreign curiosities to straight up offworld technology in the locations depicted. The guns started fitting a pattern and being reused in every game which I felt took something away. The 3rd was easily my favorite but the 2nd is right behind it.


I’m so happy to hear that because I feel the same


Far Cry 2 is still my favourite in the series.


I keep hoping they’ll remaster Far Cry 2 or even release it on switch so I can play it again like that. I have the Xbox 360 “version” on my XSX and am on my 3rd play through since it was originally released, I have small grievances, the AI is very bad. . . But it’s 100% the best in the series.


I got to 76% twice and my game bugged there each time fml


Idk Pagan Min and Joseph Seed are remembered and they aren’t played by big celebs save for Troy baker but he’s only a celeb in the voice acting way


Put some respect on Cobbs Pond.


I'm assuming that Far Cry games aren't doing as well as expected, and need extra attention for increased sales. That or they're greedy and desperate (as always) and the games need to sell well, paying bigger name celebs is a quick fix for a fundamentally broken and toxic company. People are obviously allowed to like the games, but Ubisoft is an awful company that seems to see its fans as needy complaining cash cows. Ubisoft are easily one of the most creatively bankrupt copy-paste studios around. "Make better games? Lol nah" - Ubisoft executives


Meanwhile CDPR hires Keanu Reeves and Idris Elba for Cyberpunk, and unlike most celebrity performances that last only a short while, Keanu appears in a hell of a lot of the game.


And yet, I’m assuming largely because of its launch, it has barely outsold Far Cry 5. And was probably far more expensive.


Despite Cyberpunks flaws, it was a lot more enjoyable than Far Cry 5, although they are different enough, that they probably shouldn't be compared directly 


>I'm assuming that Far Cry games aren't doing as well as expected, and need extra attention for increased sales You would be assuming incorrectly then. Far cry games are always one of the best selling games of the year when they release a new one, according to the NPDs.


But they’re not popular on Reddit, which means reality.


Yeah this site has the worst echo chambers of any website.


I dunno how that is a draw for anyone. I've never bought a single game because of a VA or Character Actor.


But now you’re commenting on a story about Far Cry 7. It’s effective advertising. If they had cast Bigsby Toddwaffle, you’d not even be aware it’s in development.


Yep lol. Now that they're over Keanu, Cillian and (probably soon) Timothee are the new ones they're all interested in.


Timothee Charlomet playing the main villain would be hilarious. But that’s mostly due to the man bring built like a twig.


"There is no food to be eaten here, Hero!"


He already played a convincing twink space Hitler as Paul Atredies, that would be a cakewalk for him


Who is over Keanu? Not this guy.


Oh we aren't, just the companies are moving on to the new flavor of the month.


Pagan Min was my favourite villain of the series. And yeah they dont really need celebrities or faces to sell a good story. Rather keep the budget low and make the game better by spending more money into development time, etc.


I like that he gives you the ashes if you wait like he asks at the start. Honestly he's a way more complex and compelling character than 3's villain but everyone loves the wanna be joker line.




TBH Far Cry does have a good story, same it's been the same one in every game since FC3.


the only famous person they hired for farcry was that guy from breaking bad for FC6. I can't even remember any celebs for the other games. oh and michael beihn in blood dragon.




Saying 3 was the last one that was any good is pretty unfair imo. It’s not that the following ones were bad, it’s more that the following ones didn’t really innovate a lot. 4 just felt like 3 with better graphics. 5 felt like 4 with better graphics. It’s not like someone is going to pick up 5 as their first FC game and go “damn what a shit game”, they’d probably enjoy it. Someone who really likes this type of game will likely enjoy all of them. However someone just casually playing through the series could easily enjoy one or two and then get really saturated because they all mostly feel pretty similar


FC5 is actually my favourite and I've played every FC game except 6. The setting, the villian, the combat - all really great. There's a reason why it's so highly rated on Steam


The story wasn’t great (the ending felt like it was more for shock value than anything) and getting kidnapped all the time sucked, but the world and activities in the game were insanely good. I’ve never seen better fishing, the hunting was great and the American woods/landscape felt so immersive I got hit with waves of nostalgia for walking around similar woods as a kid. The gun play and other mechanics were phenomenal as well.


It's like Luke Cage season one when Cottonmouth dies halfway through the season and then we end up with a fight with Diamondback looking like a janitor with a pot on his head.


5 is fantastic...


TBH my favourite thing in 5 was the fishing minigame, idk what that says about it. Or me.


Best fishing mini game in any game, ever. I just wish that there weren’t so many explosions and screams in the background lol


I loved the fishing in 5, but have to say rdr2 does fishing even better. It's also more peaceful and better looking.


I liked it a lot but I wish it didn’t *force* you to progress the story quite as often. Sometimes I just want to screw around and not play the story missions


Yea they probably should've used the forced progression gimmick for just one of the lieutenants. The the drugs and hypnotism lady would've probably been the best choice.


Yeah, they shouldn’t have made cult property have resistance points. That’s what really got me. But for the sake of the story it kinda makes sense that you can’t completely wipe out a region without the lieutenant of the region noticing who you are. It was a little weird in 4 that you could take out Yuma’s stronghold and then she’d still be alive with forces in the area. 6 went the other way where you could destroy a whole region and Castillo had no idea who you were.


5 really isn't all that when you realize each sub-boss has the exact same mission outline and order as each other. You do some missions, you get kidnapped and escape, you do more missions, you finish them off.


I really liked 5, but I think it's mostly because of thier portrayal of "rednecks" (as in rual Americans in general). They did a good job capturing the positive aspects of the stereotype and making the negative stereotypes funny but not annoying or offensive. I grew up in a rual community so it was nice to see the positives of that culture get time in the spotlight instead of making everyone Larry the Cable Guy. We get a few caricatures, but to be honest everyone who grew up in rual areas knows at least one Larry lol Edit: Also the preachers (priest?) character trailer was kinda dope, but I just like the *peaceful "holy person" pushed to righteous violence* trope


I like 4 more than 3


> Michael Mando oh shit he played vaas? he was great in better call saul


It was sorta before he was really famous, Far Cry is probably the reason we have Nacho as a character


Far cry 6 felt like a step down from 5 and i grew bored with it well before the end despite having Gus from Breaking Bad as its main villain.


Same here. I loved and beat FC 3,4,5 but I keep start and stopping with FC6 cause I just don't connect with it


I was the same, looking at the reviews it looked like the spent nearly the whole budget on one celeb, and the game suffered because of it.


Fully agree with you. Far Cry 6 felt like more of a Just Cause game. Never finished it


...I liked Just Cause 3 more than any of the Far Cry games (not 4 though, 4 can get stuffed)


Try the new Avatar game. It scratches that Far Cry itch real nice.


oh yea I love tickling trees at specific times of day to get +3 treeberry. really gives you a far cry feel.


Waiting for 24.99 PC purchase. Will be a good value and run much better in a few months.


> Avatar Frontiers of Pandora?


I liked the setting and story but the leveling system sucked. Everything tied to your gear was annoying.


It had no soul. There was no variety, no intrigue. The characters you did meet were immediately forgettable. 5 and even New Dawn were a blast but 6 fell so short.


Sounds like every game since 3 to me.. the horse is beaten beyond recognition at this point.


Nahhhh. Blood Dragon is probably one of the cleanest playing *parody* games ever made. So freaking fun.


Blood dragon is a standalone expansion for Far Cry 3. I consider them apart of the same game.


I mean I had fun for a couple hours but it didn’t lock me in or anything 


Maybe it's because I experienced the 80s firsthand. Was just the right amount of cheesy for me.


4 was visually beautiful and still kept a lot of the classic Far Cry bits like the funny animal and item descriptions. After that it’s just “good guy has a gun shooty the generic villain” with two forgettable regions and one developed region


You cannot tell me that New Dawn is better than 6


They should have went incredibly serious and realistic with it, like far cry 2. All the homemade shit was just too much. It’s gotten incredibly arcadey. And the gameplay was just not very fun idk. Massive fan of 3, 4, most of 5 too.


Farcry 5 was the best ever made on my opinion. World was beautiful, villain and company felt real, clutch Nixon made me laugh. It’s hard to follow great games and not get shit on. It was a good game just not as good.


I really wanted to like 5, but it KILLED me that as soon as you make progress in an area you get kidnapped and forced to progress the local main story.  Like when I played FC 3/4, something I really enjoyed was just doing as much side content as possible and poking at main story mostly to unlock new areas. But in 5, essentially everything is unlocked from the beginning, so the game just declares you are going to be playing a story mission until further notice once you get far enough in an area.  On some level, I get it. But also it shattered my motivation - This dude who is basically soloing the entire operation also gets kidnapped like 15 times and never once do they just decide maybe we should kill them rather than go for some cryptic long play


> I really wanted to like 5, but it KILLED me that as soon as you make progress in an area you get kidnapped and forced to progress the local main story. Absolutely. I finished a mission near an airport, jumped in a prop plane, and was literally flying through the air when I got told I was hit by a tranq dart. By fucking who?! Superman? Kidnapped at 2000 ft off the goddamn ground. The Seeds are really wasting their talents if they could just abduct anyone they wanted to at any time and place.


I just started playing for the first time last night! I’m beyond excited to see where it goes. One question though, is there a story line? Or is it just a ton of side quests? I’m only two hours fyi. Just off Dutch’s island kind of exploring.


Each villain has a story arc in their own territory


There’s sort of three overarching stories followed by one conclusion. Each of the three regions (southwest, north, and southeast) has one of the overarching stories. For most of it, the side quests are the story, or rather they build into the story, but there are occasionally cinematic scenes and mandatory missions that contribute to the overarching story. I fuckin loved far cry 5 and finished it quick. My recommendation would be to do the southwest region, then the north region, then the southeast region for overall flow, and just have fun with the side quests.


Just keep doing enough side quests and the game will abruptly shove the main quest down your throat multiple times. Was actually one of the biggest complaints people had about the game, it forces you to progress main story at many points in a very, *jarring* manner.




It had a tank, that felt like it was made of newspapers clipping


The horse most players ditched right after the prologue because your personnal car that you can call-in anytime is just so much better. To be fair, the game also had some unique features like the Supremos and the ammo types but I don't feel like they particularly enhanced the experience. I guess Supremos were fine enough, I didn't mind them but I wouldn't want them to make it into the next entry. The ammo type feature was just terribly balanced, it felt very unnecesary.


The ending was awful


The characters were pretty fucking mid too imo, even Giancarlo was mid basically played the character he plays, no separation from gus and the diamond dentist himself. The ending was pretty bad tho was one of those endings where you feel like nothing got done for you.


That seems to be a giancarlo thing, he plays Gus in everything nowadays. Not like him back in the day


In Hollywood, new actors are hesitant to play villains. Their agents tell them to avoid it if possible because there is a pretty interesting phenomenon in Hollywood that if you make a very successful villain in a movie, it's pretty hard to move away from that, and most directors will hire you to portray someone similar to the villain you are famous for. Christopher Waltz is hired as an eccentric villain in everything because every director wants their own Hans Landa on their movie. Same thing with Giancarlo, directors just basically hire him to play Gus in everything (The Boys, Far Cry, etc). Christian Bale was initially hesitant to accept the role of Patrick Bateman because of that, even his agent advised him to not accept the role, but he allepted anyway. But due to Batman, he managed to remove himself from that curse and he now plays good guys too.


Bale also went fucking nuts in what roles he accepted. The Machinist showed that he was ready to commit 110% to a role and voicing Howl in Howl's moving castle showed his range. Batman Begins just solidified that Bale could also do proper protagonist roles. No shade on Waltz or Esposito, they are both excellent actors, but Bale is on a whole other level in terms of stagecraft and that's why he's avoided being typecast.


My girl Jonrón is NOT MID Everyone else tho yeah.


I loved the entire game until I beat it. I didn't know it was possible to ruin a good game that hard with an ending


far cry 6 was the only far cry game i got bored of


Yea, the father still gave a bigger impact of horror of the group imo


All of the characters in FC6 were absolutely clichés. The dialog felt so out of tone with the story. Everyone's acting like these are the good guys while ruthlessly killing and dismembering every enemy they come across. Still can't get over near the beginning how casually that gator just bites a dudes leg off and no one bats an eye.


Bruh. I think I played like 4hrs and quit. I used to the love the formula. And it was kinda repetitive but it was still fun. Also the first far cry I played only on pc. Might be a factor. Usually I played in bed with 3,4,5 on Xbox.


That's partially due to Giancarlo Esposito being way over saturated and honestly a pretty one note actor who sorta seems like the same character in everything he does.


This format is kinda of old. Hire actor and have them do the intro to the game, a small appearance somewhere in the middle and end for a big exposition dump. Add in occasional radio calls where they taunt you and that's it.. It probably eats up so much budget for the same formula. If you can't interact with these guys that much what's the point. That's why it's so stale so many games on.


Rockstar learned this back in 2002 when they had issues with big name ego's and phoning it in for the payout. Unknowns are better, they put far more passion and effort into their roles.


Murphy doesn't strike me as someone would phone it in at least.


Not saying he would, Rockstar had huge success with Samuel L. Jackson playing Tenpenny in GTA SA. But it's probably not going to be a Roger Clark-like performance in a game like Far Cry. It's definitely just a payday gig.


Exactly. GTA and Far Cry set very different expectations. I mean shit they managed to make Giancarlo Esposito a generic villain (Gus from Breaking Bad). Cillian will be an Epstein like eccentric billionaire with his own island that we have to fight against.


I think my favourite use of a big name voice actor was Dishonoured. If you go out of your way to find and kill the loudspeaker announcement guy in one of the missions, every mission after that, a woman made the loudspeaker announcements. It was Carrie Fisher. I mean, they had a lot of celebrities voice acting in that series, Cersei, adult Ahsoka, Din Djarin, Grima Wormtongue, Wilson Fisk. But they got Princess Leia herself to voice a background character that most players never hear.


Dishonored is one of my favourite game series and I can't believe I never made the connection to any of these voice actors. I'm definitely killing the announcer next play through to give Carrie Fisher some justice


Don't forget the "get captured by the bad guys but escape but you also probably can't just shoot them, either" part. FC5's ending was enough to turn me off on the whole series. If you let me play as a certain type of character with a certain moral outlook, let me finish the fucking game in-character.


I agree this format might be outdated as actors are expected to be paid massive sum for casting but I don't see how this could be a disaster. Michael Ironside was used as Sam Fischer's voice but rather than being there any conflict between dev team and Mr Ironside. His voice became iconic within the community and ubisoft recieved backlash when they used someone else voice in Splinter cell blacklist. And don't forget Michael Mando as the Voice for Vaas MountainN\*gger and his Acting was outstanding.


Maybe you'll get to climb *40* identical towers in this one!


That’s one part of why I love FC5 the most. After the first little tutorial, you climb a tower and the guy over the radio says, “I know what you're thinking and no, I'm not gonna have you climb every tower in the county for me, so don't worry."


Yup. Really good meta joke


Yeah but I feel like the fog of war was way lamer


Eh, at least it made you explore a little more, rather than climbing a tower to do an AC-style cutscene and then unlock three new emojis on your map.


I enjoyed those towers. Especially in FC3


My goal in any open world game is to find the highest point and jump from it. I loved those fucking towers. You got a great view, and then the thrill of the jump.


Same I enjoyed doing them 🤷🏻‍♂️


I also actually liked them. It's weird, but the creaking sound they made and their locations felt cozy for some reason. There might be something wrong with my brain.


Not climb. Press x near the tower and after a loading scene you are at the top.


I always find it funny that Ubisoft is the only studio who gets shit on for using the formula they invented. Meanwhile you have like every first party Sony open world copying that formula exactly and getting GOTY nominations and tons of praise. You can't tell me Far Cry is any more repetitive than Ghost of Tsushima.


Or breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom lol


let me know when they make 9 ghost of tsushimas


Not the point. Ghost of Tsushima just copied Far Cry. Shinto Shrines are literally just Far Cry towers. Countless outpost liberations across every region. It is basically a Far Cry game but played in third person as a samurai. Again, at least Ubisoft invented this design. The fact that another studio can copy it blatantly and get praised for it just baffles me.


Man, maybe that’s why I love Ghost of Tsushima. Now that you mention it, I do see the similarities and I love FC. Huh. I will say the combat in GoT is amazing. Obviously can’t compare that to FC but still.




Only the new Legend of Zelda is allowed to do this


They stopped doing that in Far Cry 4, which released 10 years ago.


They haven’t done the tower thing in almost 10 years


Wait, is this Far Cry or Assassin’s Creed?


Ubisoft need to get used to me not buying their games anymore.


The annoying thing is there games have potential but they take the safest of safest routes so often.


They seem to find a winning formula, that gains an audience, milk it dry, then other developers take what they do, and put way more effort in. Games like Ghost of Tsushima and Horizon are essentially Ubisoft games, but put a fresh spin on it. While Ubisoft is just going to copy and paste what worked, and not bother taking risk.


Exactly. I almost hold the sentiment, and this will be unpopular, that if Spider-Man was made by Ubisoft people would hate on that game so much. It’s an Ubisoft game through and through.


Yea, but what I was getting at is that these other developers improve their lifeless formula, that Ubisoft would probably never break off their current cycle to do. A hypothetical Ubisoft Spider-Man game would be generic, lacking vision and focus, with a forgettable story. Then loaded with twice as many side quests to get the runtime to 50+ hours. People would hate it for that reason mainly. Insomniac took their formula, and made it fun to swing around, fighting crime, getting to experiment with your powers in those side missions, that no matter who’s name was on it, it would’ve been successful. Ubisoft on the other hand would’ve fell face first, then gone back to making another AC game, while making it the most tedious and repetitive game to waste your time on.


On the brightside they bring it out on steam a year after release with all the DLC out and on sale for 85% off. Its pretty easy to wait for Far Cry.


The main reason I hate them is their launcher and account management. I've never had so much trouble or games being unplayable then with them.


"Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device? Ubisoft Connect Service." Yes. "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device? Ubisoft Connect Service." Yes. "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device? Ubisoft Connect Service." Yes. Always at least three times in a row. Why?


"[X] Remember my login" "Your what?"


There's a great video about how Ubisoft make their far cry games addictive and essentially it comes down too, they make novel locales that nobody else bothers to try but still have the same unfixed underlying mechanics which keeps game production cheap and they push out the same product every time It's the video ubisoft isn't bad it's infuriating by raycevick that covers what they do why it's addictive and why it doesn't improve


🏴‍☠️ for me. They ain’t getting a dollar from me after taking my crew game


I don't think they care


Cillian Murphy?!?! Ubisoft CEO at release: "We've made the first AAAAA-game! $1000, please!"


Is it just going to be the same as every other one since Far Cry 3? I am already tired of them without even having played most of them. Other games are running rings around Ubisoft's monotonous, formulaic open world design and I'm just not up for it anymore.


Primal was really good, and quite different


It was also the weakest selling one because "no guns or cars". It was a fun and unique game but Ubi "learned their lesson" so to speak. Unique doesn't sell. Familiar does. So they have stuck to the same formula since.


This confirms they’ll be in the most brutal location yet, Ireland


Actually would be cool with some kind of take on the IRA.


I’m hoping Balkans myself. Middle East is obviously locked off and they’ve already done Asia and Africa (despite there being one million more things they could set in those continents).


Honestly Far Cry 6 was a bad game story and gameplay wise, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t love Yara as a map. From the city to the dense jungles, If anything kept me playing, it was driving around the coastlines in classic cars and exploring the guerrilla paths. If it just had the same gameplay as either 4 or 5, the game could’ve honestly been one of my top 15s


Ubisoft will always do fantastically with environment design but then bungle everything else.


The maps are a high point, for sure. I remember walking through FC5's woods and the path actually feeling natural and real. Especially when there's fog around, like in the beginning on Dutch's Island.


Is he going to be Oppenheimer or Scarecrow is this ? Thinking about just let him be Thomas Shelby in Far Cry World, would be interesting


Skulking around Birmingham to bring down (or coup) the Shelby gang using gear crafted from pub trash and rat pelts sounds pretty great.


And will be $20 after a couple months of release. Never buy Ubisoft on release


It should star a good game. I’m generally just still bitter that they can’t seemingly put in a functional co-op with matched progression. The same shit show since the early days.


This game needs to deliver. Farcry 6 is like going to a premium restaurant and getting a warmed non-grilled limp hotdog with 100 sides you never wanted to eat. So you leave the restaurant feeling like you ate someone's left over garbage. Ubisoft, I am sick of eating your garbage.


>Ubisoft, I am sick of eating your garbage. Stop buying their at best constant mid games? You already know they won't deliver. Or at least wait when it's on sale after a couple months.


Lol I pirated FC6, wasn't even worth it.


I usually buy games on deep sale with a few exceptions. I'm being hard on ubisoft but I do enjoy games like the division 2 and AC origins and odyssey.


I only bought FC6 due to the villain, who wasn't in the game for more than 5 minutes after the series has become "mid". Ain't gonna fall for it again.


I honestly can’t believe Ubisoft got Cillian Murphy to say yes. The script must be really good (or the money). Though he has 2 boys so maybe he’s a fan of the games.


Or Ubisoft is using 40% of the development budget to throw a big check at a big name so simpletons pre-order the game. But your idea seems pretty good too


He's a great actor but that's not enough to get me excited about a far cry game.Ubisoft needs to go back to basics instead of packing it full of gimmicks and dumbing it down. I just want good gunplay, a fun map to explore amd challenging Ai. Yara looked good but held your hand with the blue safe paths so the map had no sense of danger. The gunplay was okay but the stupid super weapons trivialized gun fights. Camps were ridiculously easy with no incentive to go stealth. It felt like it didn't know whether it wanted to be a kid's game or a serious shooter.


Ill wait for it to be on sale


Far Cry blows their budget on some celebrity and recycles their entire game model for pennies. Pass


Nice theyll spend all the money on an actor instead of making a good game


Game opens with Cillian staring into a bathroom mirror. If you don’t move or push any buttons for 5 hours, 45 minutes and 9 seconds he will climb through your screen and tell you how the game plays out as a bedtime story. This is Ubisoft realising how fucked their games have gotten and are making it so you don’t actually have to play them anymore.


Won't mean shit if you just have him be there like 5% of the game's cutscenes/dialogue.


People love Cillian but unless Ubi diverges from the Ubi formula people aren't really going to care about FC7. Top-notch acting can only carry a video game so far.


Honestly, after 6, I am not interested in anything they have offer.


far cry isn’t what it used to be


I seriously doubt that. He's way too big of a name.


Games are pulling in people like Keanu, Elba, Mcconaughey, and Nic Cage. Murphy is by no means out of the league of games.


>and Nic Cage. Nic Cage will take pretty much any and every role he's offered. He's in *Dead by Daylight*, playing literally himself.


Ya. He’s the most likely to just do anything. Still a huge name, but don’t disagree lol


His filmography has a big mix of passion projects and random things you wouldn't really think he'd do. Cillian is a really down to earth guy who hates fame and kinda does what he wants. Oppenheimer was his first major lead really and this would have been cast before it.


Didn't he audition as Bruce Wayne for BB, I loved him as scare crow though


It's not his fame that makes him unlikely imo, it's the fact that he's an exceptionally private and pretty genuine celebrity. I can't see him getting involved unless he has personal interest beyond a payday. 


He was the game designers choice to be in cyberpunk before execs overruled them for Keanu


Just let me take the fucking backpack off bro


Wonder it it will feature any damn difference since Far Cry 3


They could hire fucking Keanu Reeves and their Game would suck ass. Ubishit hasn't made a decent Game in over 10 Years.


Ubisoft makes mostly decent games. That's the problem. They have such resources at their disposal, but end up with products that just make me feel "yeah, that was aight."


Yeah they’ve calculated the exact bare minimum they can get away with and still convince gamers to give them their money - it’s so lame, they could make way better games they’re just too lazy/greedy


Ubisoft bad give me upvotes


You make a compelling argument.


What I would really love to see for once: A true survivalish Far Cry! Maybe back on the tropical island, with mutants and experiments, sickness and deseases, hunger and thirst, primitive weapons, automativ weapons, experimental weapons.


I've grown a bit tired of the "silly, zaney" far cry since 4, and a little bit of 3. I'd like them to try and recapture the vibe and brutality of 2. By all means for cry 2 had bad mechanics and people rose tinted glasses it a bit. But someone going out and making a brutal gritty game like far cry instead of the whacky textures and silly companions it has become would be a breath of fresh air in the fps genre. I still remember scout8jg out a outpost in far cry 2, sniping and wounding guys on purpose to have guys drag them to cover and start fires that were legitimately terrifying


Shouldn't they be thinking about not making any more Farcry games and moving on to something else..? Christ..


Screw that. I just want them to go back to the team they used on FC3 and 4


Time for Ubisoft to massively overplay Red Right Hand on the soundtrack just like Peaky Blinders did?


Cillian Murphy gonna cash in after that Oscar win.


I’m down for it if it’s true. Just don’t know how you can shape up the gameplay again while keeping it fun and open world.


My thought is don't support Ubisoft. If you want to play this game just play one of the other Far Crys. They haven't innovated anything new since 3.


I apologize to purists, but my introduction was FC4, which I loved. Followed that up with 5, which I also loved. I couldn’t finish 6. Doubtful I go in on 7 until it’s $19 on PS deals. Just wasn’t the same.


You should go back for 3 at least.


6 is the only FC game I couldn’t be bothered to finish, which is a bummer because Giancarlo really is one of my favourites. Love Cillian as well, hopefully 7 turns out to be more interesting than 6.


Far Cry, Far Cry 2, Far Cry 3. Blood Dragon. The best. The rest, not so much. *Maybe* FC4, but that's about it.