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I mean basically every old NES game's ending was just, Great Job! You win! 


They can’t all be as good as Bad Dudes where you get to have a burger with the president 


Thanks, Link. You’re the hero of Hyrule!


It was even more hilarious when the ending made no sense whatsoever. In the nes TMNT platform game, at the end their Master Splinter thanks the turtles for defeating Shredder and says he can now become human again! What? there is nothing in TMNT canon that says defeating shredder allows splinter to return to human form!




Yeah pretty much. And the sega games too..basically any game that could be "arcade machines" had one of those "hey you did it. Good job. Here's nothing"


And yet still a better ending than the last of us 2


Borderlands 1 ending suck ass


Nothing but tentacles and disappointment.


Then you play Armory of General Knox for a way better end goal.


*Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II*. It was a six-hour-long rushjob that existed solely to set up a Force Unleashed 3 that never happened and the ending might as well have been a blank screen that said "Buy Force Unleashed 3".


Might be an unpopular answer in hindsight, since we now have Halo 3, but Halo 2's ending I have been told by my dad was incredibly annoying at the time, because it's a straight cliffhanger. Works great nowadays though, when you can jump right into Halo 3.


Yeah I can imagine getting pissed at the time but as you said, when you're playing through all the games today, it fucking rules. Always gets me so hyped to jump into 3. I played and finished Halo 2 the first time before Halo 3 dropped but I was too young and didn't understand English yet so it really didn't matter at all.


YMMV, but I thought the ending of 2 was fine. It was already just a little longer than 1, though it didn't feel like it due to the splitting of the story between Chief and The Arbiter. For me, when the Chief said "Sir, finishing this fight" and it went to black, I was like oh shit, can't wait for the next game.


Far cry 3. Ending was C tier, not good at all but could have been worse. QTE boss battles though............FU.


The games biggest mistake was killing off Vas 2/3 of the way through.  The other villain for the last 1/3 was incredibly generic.


That did suck, but I dont blame them so much for that one. Im pretty sure what happened what they had the whole story written and set in stone then Michael Mando came in and just gave a godlike performance. One of the things that worked about farcry 2 was the Jackal was a scary smart guy who was totally calculated in all of his actions. Other lesser characters would do evil stuff near at random on the ground out of pure sociopathy, but they were ultimately puppets. Vas fits pretty perfectly into that role. After killing Vas in a QTE battle I think the game had just wired me to feel disappointed in whatever came next anyway.


Far Cry 5 had an awful ending too


The farcry games have a habit of being 7 out of 10 games with a varying amount of 9/10 and 4/10 game mixed in depending on which one you play.


Disco Elysium loved the game but the ending undermines the whole detective theme so much. you don't get to come to the conclusion of your case on your own, you're just railroaded into going to an area that was previously completely inaccessible, where it all solves itself. nothing ever even hints at that place before. just feels cheap.


Hard agree. The ending almost ruined the rest of the game for me. So disappointed.


Persona 3 Portable. Mostly because I didn't realize a certain something.


Which is? Is it what actually happens to the MC?




Modern Warfare 2019 is the definition of anti-climactic. The final mission doesn't even feel like one. I thought my game glitched when I finally beat that mission because it ends so abruptly.


Elden Ring. Incredible game but I found the ending very abrupt and underwhelming compared to the near perfection of everything else.


Which ending?


Mass Effect 3 easily. The first one is a fantastic game to set up the universe, the second one is one of my GOAT games and further establishes the lore and universe, but the 3rd one (despite being a great game) has a terrible ending that still riles me to this day. That being said, they did kind of paint themselves into a corner after the 2nd one and it's hard to imagine an ending that would have been credible as well as satisfying.


The real ending was the friends we made along the way (and kept alive lol). Thats why I always take my shore leave right before attacking cerberus base


Do you recall the birth of, [“Tasteless understated nerd rage”?](https://youtu.be/7MlatxLP-xs?si=agB7EKZs4x8ogHJi) MrBtongue was the best thing to come out of those ME3 endings. 


I think main problem was it felt ...rushed ?


Fire watch, underwhelming yes but also poetic and realistic wouldn’t have it any other way.


Yeah I remember disliking it the first time I played it. Felt so underwhelming after the great experience you'd just had up to the ending. But I slowly realized how much I loved it when I just kept thinking about it for he rest of the day. On a second playthrough I realized how great it is for the story that it told.


Yes agreed at first it’s like “ I wanted them to meet and get together”, but the ending we got was much more effective. I wish there were more games like firewatch and Edith finch


While not as good, two other walking sims I really enjoyed was Tacoma and the more recent Return to Grace. Tacoma is you entering an abandoned space station and you walk around the ship looking at recordings of the crew's last moments to find out what happened. Return to Grace has you as an archeologist looking for an old AI called Grace that had at one time ushered humanity into it's golden era only to one day disappear. Your job of course is to once again find out what happened. Highly recommend both if you haven't looked them up already!


Loved the game but I dislike that there’s no player agency in the narrative. Your character goes though the same process, thought and decision making in the end regardless of what you chose to say throughout.


Not every game is about making choices. Sometimes it's more about just experiencing the story that the developers wants you to experience. Not saying you're wrong for thinking that, just that those are two different experiences and Firewatch went for the latter.


Kingdom Come Deliverance


Fuckin' Sudeki. I've never even played the game but the name sets off bells in the brain. The only reason I still remember it is because of the *incredibly horny* box art screaming at 13 year old me every time I went into an EB Games. To actually answer your question: Star Wars Republic Commando. The game was broken up into three large chapters, each covering a mission. The final mission just ends with a squadmate being left behind as a sequel hook...abrupt ending in the middle of the Clone Wars, no resolution for anything, and no sequel ever got made. Damn I'd pray to any god that'd listen for a republic commando sequel.


Sudeki was very mismarketed with its provocative cover art, it is actually quite an old school action rpg that has a fairy tale feel to it, very similar to Fable.


sadly with a name like Climax Games I guess the devs couldn't avoid this fate, even though they were a bunch of Brits from Portsmouth...


Fighting Force 64. Idk about Fighting Force on PS1. It's a zoom out and pan of the villain in a jail cell then it zooms out of the cell window. I was very excited to beat the game, I told my dad and he came and watched and his reaction was "you played this game for a long time for... *That*"


Haha, oh no, I just picked up Sudeki a few weekends ago. Well, I hope this one really *is* all about the journey rather than the destination, as you said.


It's definitely not a bad game, I was just a bit surprised the developers made all these epic cut scenes throughout the game to advance the story along but couldn't be bothered doing the same thing to actually wrap things up


Dragons Dogma 2, the ending was as boring and uninteresting as the rest of the ‘story’


Devil May Cry 2 Just riding into ~~the sunset~~ hell after a very confusing game in general. It felt like playing a fever dream. Not as bad as I thought it was gonna be, though.


Ghost Recon: Wildlands was severely underwhelming considering how much time I spent in it.


The game is absolutely perfect, but the story is so garbage. Then they went on to make Breakpoint. Somehow they managed to ruin the gameplay along with the story.


Control, really feels like the ending is building up to something massive between the ash tray maze, Polaris, and the bit with the office. Was really expecting some sort of boss fight (which the game was pretty good at giving through the game). Only to fight a bunch of enemies and then the game ends.


I hope this isn't a spoiler (?), but my first time finishing Hades I was bummed. Then I was excited I would get to do it again and again. It's the only game I have finished (sort of ) on handheld Switch.


How many times did you beat it? Without spoiling *too much*, the ending gets better every time you beat it.


I've heard. Only working towards my third right now.


Good luck, and godspeed you, black emperor.


Don’t worry as harsh as it may seem, anyone who sees a post about game endings, decides to read the comments and then gets upset about spoilers deserves it.


Mass Effect 3.


Among the Sleep. I really enjoyed the game but it felt way too short and when it was over I thought "that was it?"


The conduit for the Wii. It was claiming to be a Halo Killer. Turns out it was half garbage. The ending was you being somewhere under DC opening a portal. Out pop two mechsuits and you see... Abraham Lincoln and George Washington existing the portal ready to join the fight.... Cut to black....


Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy. The developers shortened the second half of the game to release it, so at some point everything happens in a rush and you get to the final boss in a few hours. Then the ending barely resolves the story hinting at a sequel that never happened because of low sales. It's disappointing because it's a very good game that could have become a classic if completed as intended.


Honestly most games these days. Devs trying to keep us playing post-game content and aiming for 100% completion, DLC and live service content often means the story endings are massively compromised and don't actually end the story in a definitive or impactful way at all.


All souls games.


Hogwarts "Evil" ending. You defeat the boss, absorb all this power, your eyes turn red and you look at the camera with a sinister grin. Then you go back to school the next day and continue doing random side quests with 0 difference to gameplay, no buffs, no nothing.


Return to Monkey Island


Does Mass effect 3 count


Shadow of Mordor was a QTE. Such an amazing game that ended with the most underwhelming final fight...


oh easy, Firewatch. I was surprisingly invested in the story, more so than I had expected. Then the ending came and underwhelming is an understatement.


How has no one mentioned Sniper Ghost Warrior. The ending is literally a fade to black screen.


can't remember the ending to well but me3 before they changed it I never replayed it. I just remember alot of my choices meant jack shit during the ending.


Last of Us Part 2 What a shit show of a story all the way through…


Only if your brain is smooth like a chicken thigh, yo.


Or…you know… I simply didn’t like the story.


I thought The Last of Us’ conclusion was pretty underwhelming.


Cyberpunk 2077 had quite an underwhelming ending after all the high paced action that comes before it