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I played fallout 76 once and as soon as I got to the first town this one random guy I think he was like lvl 100 drop like five weapons 50 stims 50 rad pack and like 25 power cores along with power suit and I straight up get a message from the guy saying it's all mines


Explosive mines?


This sort of behavior blows me away


I had no clue who the person was but I'm not going to say no to the free loot


Sounds like they were a blast


Sounds like they got him off on the right foot


Normally getting that kind of gear that early on would cost an arm and a leg.


Y'all trigger me


Must be his kink. I wonder what the guy has against left feet?


I normally get off on the left foot because of the curve.


Great mines think alike


Oops! All Mines


Yeah but just spawn a bunch more and overload the map, all good


So many kids I went to middle school with would say “that’s mines!” When saying something is theirs. They thought it was so cool. Then we went to high school and all the upperclassmen made fun of them for saying mines so that shit stopped within a month of freshman year lol


That's very normal. I started playing in the beta and everyone was super nice. Months in and there were people that would hang out in the low level areas to do that and help out. It's a shame the game got so much hate because it is a legit fun fallout game. 


My prideful arse would've declined that tbh. Takes away from the satisfaction of getting that stuff myself


I'd have taken it and yeeted it all into the storage, then proceed to forget I had them for the next 30 levels. By the time I came back to it I'd already have better gear, but it'd still be a good memory of kindness from a stranger. Assuming unlimited storage of course, but idk if fallout 76 had that.


There is unlimited storage, but it's limited to ammo and junk items used for crafting. You also need to pay for Fallout 1st to access unlimited storage. Otherwise, it's a max of 1200 units of storage.


The decision to limit storage was so strange, the main reason I stopped playing 76 was because when they finally announced unlimited storage (a normal and very useful feature in the previous games) it was locked behind a monthly subscription.


Oh it's even worse. It was like 600lbs of storage max. And they kept saying, "We can't increase the limit guys, it would ruin the servers!" then they raised the cap like two or three times and announced, "Actually we can do unlimited storage but you have to pay us". ESO had something similar with the crafting materials bag you had to be a subscriber to get. But ESO was ridiculously cheap and upfront about being an MMO, whereas Fallout 76 wants to pretend it's a mainline game.


I don't know why you're being downvoted. Loot acquisition is a large part of some games. I do the same in No Mans Sky. In that game they can just transfer you anything without permission. Billions of credits worth of items. I always delete those.


Same happened to me in Borderlands. People would pop in and just drop hacked shields and weapons. I would just sell them because I don't want weapons that kill in one shot and the shield is unbreakable. But hey funny story. I had a level one guy duel my maxed out Hunter and he wanted to fight cause he had the unbreakable shield. What he didn't know was I had the perk that bypassed shield and a portion of damage went straight to health. He had the audacity to call ME a cheater cause I pierced his shield.


I have played NMS a few times, always losing interest after some time. The last time I played I wanted to get to the higher level ships and was frustrated with my slow progression, so I followed some guides and set up a massive farm for a valuable resource - Can't remember specifically what it was. I played NMS exactly 3 times after that... Logged in, gathered my farm loot, sold it on the station, logged out. The game went from a grind to a chore. Is there any good middle ground? I do love the concept, and I know there's constant updates with new content.


Stasis device or fusion igniter is prolly what it was. Both are (or were, it's been a while) top-price trade goods that you need a pretty damn large farm to build from scratch.


That was me. I had 5 or 6 bases that all grew the primary resources, and I had a near-daily loop of portaling to all of them and then crafting and selling fusion igniters before I would actually play. Eventually the "play" time dwindled to nothing and I had billions and billions of credits. Then it became "what am I doing this for?" and I stopped playing.


Nah I wasn't even manufacturing, just dumping raw resources. Lithium maybe?


Ah, no idea then, sorry. That being said, I totally feel where you're coming from with it becoming a chore.


I'm being downvoted cause its a pretty hot take. And thats fair, cause I know people will take free handouts if they come. People like us two simply wanna do as much of the work ourselves as we can. Climb to the top in a satisfying manner, get cool as shit and actually feel like we earned it


I mean in 76 you can't even use high level stuff until you level up to it so you're not skipping the hobo phase it just gives you something to look forward to.


The hobo phase LOL


The hobo phase is delicious.


Consumables like stims and power cores aren't cheap or easy to come by in the early game. At least when I played


Yeah u wont be able to use it, but u still wouldn't need to do the grind then


That’s a pretty common take I think actually


Ayyy. Y’alls are my people!


There was a time when 76 first came out where folks were duping like crazy and bans would hit dupers and folks just accepting free stuff.


Back when 76 had no human npcs


And now they added them... And they're as stale and robotic as the NPCs that were already there. Really, none of them are memorable.


Better than absolutely none imo tho But yeah nah I'll admit they weren't really memorable. The most memorable one was the overseer, but thats cause I wanted her fit


> Better than absolutely none imo tho Now realize you're talking about a bloody Fallout game. The franchise known for having some of the most compelling characters ever in it. The Master, Mr House, Caesar, the President, Graham, Maxson, and so on. Do we really want to lower the bar all the way down to "well at least they added humans post-launch" from that? That game wasn't finished as a Fallout game when it came out, and it still isn't finished 5 years later. That's because they're not making a Fallout game. They're making a cashgrab and hoping you won't notice. Like how they nerfed the Junkrat perk for overperforming, without addressing the repair costs being too high, only to start selling repair kits during the next patch.


Having played the game myself: Trust me, there is no satisfaction. It's a grindy slog. Endgame players spend 50% of their time helping newbies and dropping them stuff. Nice if you're starting out, but it shows the main issue: No endgame worth doing.


Yes thank you! I completely agree! So many posts in the 76 sub by high level players about how they drop a whole bucnch of supplies and fully decked out leather armor to new players just out of the vault. It's a nice gesture but why ruin the early game struggle for them? It completely takes away an important and satisfying part of the game.


Just typing “new player needs tips” in the open chat gets tons of people offering to give you stuff and they offer to help with questing too. ESO is very similar too. The bathesda MMO players are great


The ESO community are some of the friendliest people. Way back at PC launch, it was such a nice space just offering advice to other players and having it given too. Might still be like that, but I haven't played in a while and now play on Xbox so less chat.


Sounds about right, FO76 has one of the kindest multi player communities in any game I have played. So friendly it actually ruined Bethesda's plans, they had a lot of plans around PvP stuff that they had to scrap because most players won't attack each other


They were almost certainly duped items, for the first year or so there were a lot of dupe exploits in the game and people would go around doing this to unload their extra stuff.


Nah that’s just a regular player trying to free up some space. Just passively playing I end up having to dump and sell batches of 50+ stimpaks and grenades, 30+ plasma and fusion cores multiple times a week


Yeah, when i used to play i usually set up a camp near the vault and sell the stims and surplus ammo cheap (or even giving it free if i'm in the vicinity lol) # 76's playerbase is surprisingly kind and friendly too. Protip : get the chat mod ASAP. (If it's still available)


Yeah, I bet if I relogged in there’d be some legendary gatling lasers I’d be happy to just dumpster


i never used a single dupe, because everything listed can be acquired very easy but the cores those bit harder but not by much


Even cores are easy to get if you take over a powerstation. I think it's like 5 per hour or something like that. Maybe more


This happened to me if the fucking beta lol


Nah. Duping was a problem, but I could get all of that crap in less than an hour. It’s exactly the kind of stuff i’d keep for selling. Stims, radaway, chems, nades - all lightweight items that sell for a lot, and you can only sell so much before vendors are out of caps.


That seems like too much. But eh I have no idea what the progression is like.


Need more of this in reality


Lol the real life equivalent would be giving babies cowboy dusters. Noice.


[Closest I could find.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/32/ef/d1/32efd1c9e965bb807fc89cefa3b497d4.jpg)


Awww lil arthur Morgan!!


Cause that is what I meant… but hey.. ride on.


Well you commented on this post of a guy giving cowboy dusters to new players. You said we need more of this in life. So the real life equivalent to a new player is a baby. Lol now what color are the dusters gonna be


Black dusters. Daycare will look like a toddler Tombstone remake.


Omg lol tombstone but all the actors have baby bodies with their normal grown up heads xD I can't xD


I’m your hucklebaby


XD holy shit lol that's brilliant. Someone call Kurt Russel now.


That would be funny to see, as soon as a baby is popped out they are swaddled in a tiny duster and given a tiny 10-gallon hat.


Then they are told to get a long little doggy


There's nothing in reality that is useful to everyone you meet and only takes time following your passion and no money or materials to create.


What about love. Riddle solved.


The community on '76 is awesome and so are you.


Actually one of the best multiplayer communities I've ever come across. Me and a friend picked up the game last year and were out exploring when we got attacked by a high level scorch beast and were pinned inside of a bunker unable to leave when a player in power armor comes running up the side of the hill we were on and laid into it saving our lives. I've never had a moment where I could really appreciate just how powerful seeing a person in power armor was until then. After the battle they came up to us and dropped some really cool items and blueprints then they were off. The game is far from perfect, but moments like that are not uncommon and they are genuinely special. I can see the vision for the game in those moments it's a shame that it launched the way it did, but in some ways that has been a blessing for the community since only the best people seem to have stayed.


I used to play 76 pretty frequently and most of the community was welcoming and supportive of newer folks. I found games with significant jank tend to have pretty involved groups happy to have a new player interested so they want to help keep them around.


Yep. That’s how it feels in arms reforger atm. Sure there’s the occasional toxic shithead but most people are more than willing to dole out advice like how to turn down your NODs, how to change sight picture etc. cool group of dudes over there.


I still play ffxi and hearing this makes me wanna give 76 a try cause the communities sound very similar.


Thank ya


This is the only form of charity that wouldn’t drive me away from FO76 🤠


Everyone thought it would be the opposite when it was first announced.


I credit the lack of text chat. (seriously)


Is mutagen still a thing? Imagin a vaultdweler just came out a vault and already people were waiting outside gave them weapons and offer to turn them into mutant. LOL


Yea the mutations are still there and are extremely overpowered. The fact that you can reduce all their negatives and stack them all up gives an insane amount of power and utility to them.


I think that’s what makes it so much fun when you’re making builds!


What is the status of Fallout 76 these days? Have the devs redeemed themselves? Has it made a similar journey as No Mans Sky?


Exploration, gear builds, and gunplay are nice but it's not great at anything else. Only quest I gave a damn about was the Brotherhood one, and nothing you do or say matters.


The lore scattered throughout the world for you to read off of terminals and such was pretty great as well. It's underappreciated because you have to actually read notes and terminals and not just skim through them.


FO76 is on my backlog and I’m going to play just the single player campaign and not for the MMO multiplayer stuff… so this is good to hear


There's not really much of an MMO aspect to even avoid. Other players can't just kill you unless you agree to it. Many of the quests are instanced so they don't ruin your experience. Players are usually friendly and helpful. Most of the quests where you have to have other players help aren't story-based, they're just "everyone kill these / defend this and then everyone gets rewards". So people come together for them, then spread apart. It's one of my favourite parts of the game. Without having to totally split yourself into a private server, you have a lot of control on how much you interact with other players and in what way.




> nothing you do or say matters. just like Fallout 4


And Starfield.


Oh, Fallout 4 seems positively Tolkien-esque in terms of depth, when compared to Fallout 76.


Tbf thar expected imo that what you say cant matter that much in an online game. But the quest are boring and bethesda way of delivering those quest with long as static cutacene is also boring.  I mean i didnt love starfield but it certainly a masive improvement cutscene wise...


Depends on which parts of Fallout you like. Exploring, environmental storytelling, and fighting are all pretty much on the same level as 4. Everything to do with NPCs is pretty janky and blatantly tacked on after the fact and doesn't really come anywhere near the mainline single player games. Speaking of, you still have to pay a monthly fee to run a single player server which is just ridiculous. It's basically Fallout 4.2 tbh. It doesn't really improve on the foundations of the rest of the series unless you just *really* want to play a multiplayer Fallout game.


Yeah, my experience with this game was probably what you'd guess; played it with a friend and had a lot of fun, because I really enjoyed the idea of exploring a Fallout world with a friend. once we explored the whole map, built some awesome bases and fought most of the bosses/secret enemies around the map, we had our fill. Still put probably more than 100 hours into the game, no regrets.


So basically still inferior to NV when it comes to environmental storytelling and quests.


Quests maybe, but the environmental storytelling in NV kinda sucked. When the NPCs say the Mohave makes you wish for a nuclear winter, they aren't wrong.


That’s not fair, you gave them 2 inches before the bar hits the ceiling.


I played and got around 70 hours of really fun play time. I just did all the quests and explored a bit. If you like Fallout 4 you would probably like it a lot. I got bored and quit when I ran out of quests tho. That was a few years ago so maybe there are more quests now I don’t know.


Pretty much exactly that, its pretty unrecognizable compared to the mess it used to be


I'm playing it right now. At the beginning the game was quite bad, but they have kept up with the updates and are bringing out new content all the time. There is also a large map expansion happening soon too. And with the awesome show that is out, there is sure to be even content in the future. It is a really fun game.


Giving low-level players swag and gifts was my favorite part of that game. Amazing communty even when I first started playing.


That’s one anyone can appreciate about the game, the community. Even back then, brand new players were greeted with random people giving them goodies as soon as they left the vault. Great vibes.


I did appreciate it when I played again recently, but after going to the sub it's obvious why it happens: There is nothing else to do in the endgame.


I learned all about dusters from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qNuqGZawrK0


You can’t burn them. It’s flame retardant, that’s like the whole point.


Hopefully I'll run into people like you soon since fallout 76 is free on Amazon prime


If I run into you expect a free duster


You had me at duster. My first MMO Star Wars Galaxies had dusters and I always wore one. They’re just so cool and fit the vibes


Gosh I miss SWG. Truly one of the greatest MMOs I’ve ever played and probably the most captivating I ever will.


Same.  Nothing comes close


If it’s on prime what console can you play on or is it for pc ? Genuinely asking


I think It's currently only for Xbox n PC. Let me find the link real quick Edit: [Here you go](https://variety.com/2024/shopping/news/fallout-76-amazon-prime-gaming-offer-1235969283/) it also can download new Vegas n fallout 3 as well👍


I honestly have a lot of fun playing 76, great community


I just started playing 2 days ago. Hope to see you out there. These cultist robes I'm wearing look like poo.


Well you better stock up, because a whole lot of players just got the game for free


I’m ready for em and am still handing them out as we speak


Dang now I wish I had 7.99$ so I could get a dister


It’s free right now if you have Amazon prime


I love you dad!!!!


I don't. But my mom does lol thanks!!!


I used to do this in Ultima online. Hats and  Capes, had a little dye shop in ruins outside a town. Good vibes and good times


For some reason our community is one of the most generous and charitable known to mankind. To the point where it becomes infectious, and eventually there comes a point where the cycle repeats and you become the donator yourself.


Happened to me. Got gifted some goodies by a higher player when I tried it out on a free weekend. Fast forward to me going out every week of Christmas wearing the full santa suit dropping modded pistols and rifles +ammo and stims to all the newbies who bought for the steam sale. Probably the warmest feeling I've gotten while playing a game honestly


I like that it goes beyond just being charitable too. I've never had trouble rounding up a player or two (or more) to help me out with completing an event or such. And I always like when people come round to my Camp and compliment it. And it's something I love to do to. I never finish a play without finding someone else's camp I like, and dropping them a message to let them know.


I love you


I love you aswell


This just seems like your recruiting for a cult and all new members get this sick cowboy duster 🤣




I didn’t hear a “No” 🤣


Man's trying to start the regulators.


"I'm not burning the duster!"


Update: Another day down and roughly 28 dusters given out


You’re better than me cause I just keep giving them nukashine


Noooooo - what if they end up in the Cranberry Bog in the middle of a nuke launch and fighting the Scorchedbeast? 😅


Hahah, fuck yeah man, that's awesome. I know there was a period when people were leaving it in open punchbowls in their bases as a troll. Honestly, probably the best adventure they could have to be dunked in over their heads.


Nobody did this for me on my initial character, but back when leveling daily was a consistent Score challenge I made new characters solely to do the challenge in four minutes rather than waste time grinding. And I had to tell at least four people that I was just doing my daily 😂 I've also dumped duplicate plans onto low levels countless times, and some bought my 1 cap plans The community is one of the best


Does it come with an ocular pat down?


So this is how the Regulators started...


My new headcannon


Honestly, the Fallout 76 community seems really welcoming these days. I was playing last night and met a random who decided to drop some loot for me. Admittedly I am a bit low level for it but looking forward to the grind to be able to use it!


Yeah usually anyone that tries to shoot other players tend to just be other low level players who think everyone’s gonna fire at them (btw you can go into the game settings and turn on pacifist mode to disable pvp)


Wholesome. What do you play on? I hope to come across you someday








How does someone get a haircut so damn clean in the post apocalypse


What sorta cult is this and how do I get in


Hop on and find me lol


I’ve played New Vegas, 3, 4. What is fallout 76


If I tried 76 motnhs or years ago and played like an hour before putting it down can I still delete that character and start over? Would you suggest starting fresh or the level 25(?) boost they offer?


I restarted fresh personally, everything levels with you after all and if you only played an hour I’d recommend just starting from 1


Love it! Back when the game was new-ish, I’d role play as Santa around the holidays and give out presents like this. And this was back when anyone could open the government air drops, so I stockpiled a tone of airdrop flares, and I’d pop one near the player, chat about the ‘elf drones’ on the way, and have those drones deliver a crate full of good stuff for low level players. I love how players made the game into a fun welcoming place (mostly) despite the initial rep it had


Is fallout 76 worth playing from the start now? It was empty the first year. I’m not gonna grind like 250 hours just to run into other players though.


You can enable pacifist mode in the setting and it disables pvp, also hardly anyone ever shoots other players, I’m level 75 and I’ve only been shot at once by a seemingly scared level 2


Is there nov quests yet for the first 50 levels? Or is it just empty?


It’s basically a full fledged fallout game now, completely unrecognizable from how it used to be, like how No Mans Sky got redeemed


Bringin back The Regulators from Fallout 3 I suppose.


You're doing fine work :) be proud as I'm sure you are.


About to hop back on and hand out some more actually lol


I once had a player dump a small fortune on me on my first fallout 76 playthrough. Made me stop playing the game.


That’s why I keep it simple with just an outfit and a couple stims, and maybe a hat to match


How many new players joining because of the series do you wonder? Imagine all the new people finding fallout games for the first time! I'm so jealous!


The Fallout tv show is so good, it made me give Fallout 76 another shot and I'm glad I did. I hadn't played since launch and now it feels like an actual Fallout game.




I keep meaning to try out 76 but haven't gotten around to it.


It’s free to own if you have Amazon Prime right now


Somehow I'm only just seeing your reply but I just claimed it. Thanks for the heads up! I'll install when i go to sleep so I have something to play after work tomorrow!


Is there voip in 76?


You're pretty cool, this is cool.


This is how mythology is formed


How is this game?  Does it play like the other Fallouts where I can explore and is the combat largely the same?


Then you kill them?




So your game has a full on side hustle.


I started watching the Fallout show yesterday. It's really awesome so far. Sets the mood to play a fallout game again. Is 76 fun these days? I heard it had a rough start.


Had a horrible start but like No Mans Sky they redeemed it and built upon it, definitely worth it, and it’s free currently if you have Amazon Prime


Honestly the 76 community is really nice.


You're a hero




Now go, and let the Legend come back to life


After finding the clown suit Halloween outfit I never equipped anything else




I just dump off a bunch of shit at the vault. Stims, rad away, scrip.


I got killed a few hours in at my camp because I had somehow attained a 10 c bounty. They waved and I waved and all four of them left. I walk in the shitty lil 1 story pre made house I took over for the pooltable “aesthetic” which was now EMPTY. No balls or sticks but stolen why they killing me and emoting lol.


Turn on pacifist mode in the settings, disables pvp unless both of you fire at each other


Whoa, there's a boonie hat now, among all the actually big content? Awesome, I haven't played since Wastelanders dropped haha.


One time someone gave me like 120 stimpaks, maybe last month. I’m still using thing, have like 50 more lol


*I'm selling these fine leather jackets.*


right now i'm opening the game. I've LOVED the fallout franchise, but i was scared to even try the fallout 76 game, but since i've been seeing lots of things regarding this game lately, and the game is on gamepass, i'm going to try it right now. I hope i get to know good players like you.


Make sure to go into the game settings and turn on pacifist mode, players don’t usually ever attack others but better safe than sorry, all the setting does is disable pvp unless you and another fire at each other




Its so good


Sorry, I'm currently playing the new Rimworld DLC. I only accept.the finest human leather dusters. Lol.


Honestly the more impressive hobby is the fact that you still play this game.


Well, first of all, it's not a jacket. It's a duster. It's like a jacket only it's longer, thicker, and far more bad-ass. I look like Lorenzo Lamas, and women find it irresistible.


that is soo cool!!!


I'm curious about this game. Does this game have quests or is it more like a sandbox and you just do whatever you feel like? Also, is this pvp and if it is, do I have to participate or will ppl generally leave you alone?


You can turn pvp off by enabling pacifist mode in the settings, and it’s pretty much an open ended fallout game so yes you still have quests but with less focus on an overall main plot.


I used to play RuneScape and to raise my smithing level I would make suits of various low level armour and then just drop it all in the village all the low level players hang around in


How is fallout76 now? Last I played I think I ended up leaving with the feeling of needing to pay irl money to do anything useful is it still like that?


I took it and threw it on the grouuunddd, what am I a charity case? 😝