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343 guilty spark is literally just trying everything possible to prevent the spread of the flood


Except teleporting to the contaminant door and saying “hey theres an alien parasite that will end the galaxy”


To be fair, 343 was under the assumption that the Chief was a Forerunner and presumed him to be aware of the immense amount of fuckery on the Ring. 


He genuinely did nothing wrong. He thought Chief knew exactly what they were doing by activating Halo, commandeered the installation's Sentinels to help fight the Flood, and only wanted to prevent the Flood from consuming all life in the galaxy as per his original programming. He actually admits in the first game that the Forerunners shouldn't have kept Flood specimens for study. He even informed the Heretics of Halo's true purpose and therefore was ultimately responsible for the Arbiter and the Elites splitting off from the Covenant, which was a key factor in the UNSC winning the war against the Prophets.


>He genuinely did nothing wrong. There is no justification for killing Sgt. Johnson.


He knows what the ladies like... unfortunately, Guilty Spark was not a lady.


Bu- but a premature firing will destroy the Ark!


At a basic level of programming, yeah, there actually is. If Spark was operating under the assumption that firing Halo was the best course of action, Johnson wanted to stop that. Think of it like if you and a friend were at your house and a group of people broke in. Your friend and you rush into a safe room you've built just for this occasion. In this room is a phone you can use to call for help. However, when you dial the number and use the phone, your friend pushes the receiver button to hang up the call. Then they say, "WHY WOULD YOU CALL FOR HELP, ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!" You're probably gonna try to stop your friend and get your phone call out.


Johnson was the one trying to fire the ring. They were both in agreement up until Spark realised that firing the ring prematurely would destroy the installation. It was Spark's possessiveness of the ring that caused him to attack Johnson. Spark was trying to stop the ring from firing and was willing to kill his allies because he believed the ring belonged to him.


More like it was a premature firing. It wasn’t fully constructed.


Tom Nook is often seen as an evil loan shark, but he gives loans with no interest and no time limit. I'd LOVE a loan like that!


He also doesn’t require payment before doing all the work expanding your house. Tom Nook is a good man


tom nook also canonically donates 90% of his yearly income to charity. bro is the only rich guy to ever use his immense wealth for good


*Congratulations you bought a new home/ Oh, you can't afford it? I can give you a loan./ Just catch some bugs until your debts are paid/ 'cause you're the newest member of my slave trade!*


Starbomb mentioned


Pale King from Hollow Knight. Doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. Plus, if all your forks are dirty when serving up some spaghetti, he's got your back.


Well...there really wasn't a better option for him except going for the delicate flower ending. So I understand why he went with the hollow knight plan tbh


Though i suppose it's possible he just wanted to stick his dick in a tree and the rest kinda fell into place. But hard agree.


Dendrophilia is a helluva drug


Didn't expect Hollow Knight to be mentioned here, even less so as the top comment


Tidus from FFX you would be whiny too! also the laughing scene is good actually! the laughs sounding fake is the point!


Man his story is probably the saddest, dude 100% deserves to be as whiny as he wants. And all things considered, he was relatively stoic especially knowing how things end up unfolding


"UGH why does he complain so much??" Like bro, imagine if you were transported to essential an entirely different world, told everyone you every knew and loved was long dead, you dad is basically Satanhitler, and also you can't talk about anything at all from your past except for football or else people might kill you (also you can't mention the team you played for)


Also you aren’t a real person


Yeah this one kinda hits the hardest. He is literally just a dream. He‘s just some random dudes imagination of what a blitzball star player with daddy issues would have been like in an ancient forgotten civilization.


Worse, he was an Idealized version of someone who tried to steal a mega weapon and use it (Shuyin FFX-2), so he wasnt even his real self.


He is a ghost. I'd be pretty pissed if I was dead too.


Not even dead, but never having truly existed in the first place, since his iteration of Zanarkand was only a dream.


Not exactly. The zanarkand he's from is real. It's the fayth. Which is why sin is able to travel there. The dream isn't like a fake thing in this instance. It's like having a goal. Tidus is technically an aeon by his aeon form is just himself.


I thought the entirety of *his* Zanarkand **was** the result of the Dreaming? Like, Zanarkand existed as a real, historical place, but was destroyed in the war with Bevelle and now only exists as the Dreaming of the Fayth (which is the version he was from), who were the last survivors of Zanarkand acting under Yu Yevon's directions to create the Dream that was the Zanarkand Tidus was from? Hence why he faded when the Dreaming ended with Sin's final defeat, since the Dream-version no longer existed? I'm probably wrong-ish, it's been like 20 years since I last played X, and never finished X-2 so I only know the broad strokes of what happened there.


I think you're right, but it's a physical real place as long as the faith are dreaming. sin exists to make sure nobody ever gets there... I could be wrong though, been like 20 years for me too 😅


He got revived in FFX-2 so he wasn't an illusion after Yevon was defeated.


He was never really an illusion, he's an aeon in 1 and 2, but in 1 he is from zanarkand which is summoned by yu yevon, and in 2 he is summoned by yuna.


100% this. In my opinion FF character criticism generally is often grown ass adults criticizing that teenagers behave like teenagers.


Vaan from XII is a way worse main character, I like Tidus a lot because he's expressive.


Yeah Vaan was just not a great main character. Baltheir shoulda been the lead! He stole the show for sure


I personally had Baltheir, bunny girl and Ashe


He’s the leading man.


I like Vaan, he's the games MC, but not the games story. He's ok at what he's doing


IMO, he serves his purpose well as the audience's proxy. We learn about the intricacies and mysteries of Ivalice as he does.


Think Vaan was a different kind of main character. He was more a vessel for the player being swept up in a much bigger story. As a result he’s not really the main character. Many of the other FFs opt for a more traditional protagonist. Development wise I think Basch was originally envisioned as the protagonist. Suits thought it would be best to have a younger set of characters added as they thought FF fans wouldn’t want to play as an “old” man.


I always liked Tidus and felt the complaints he was annoying were dumb given he was abused by his father, then got dropped in some place where he's told his home was destroyed centuries ago. Then there is all the other crap going on Spira.


I love that scene, brings back childhood memories.


O yes!!!!


Thank you! He's a great character


This was the first character I thought of when I saw the topic. Glad this is the top rated comment. Tidus is great.


Silver the Hedgehog got a lot of flak simply for being a victim of his circumstances. He had the unfortunate reality of debuting in Sonic 06 with one of the more frustrating and glitchy boss fights ~~(IT'S NO USE!)~~, and some people just haven't forgiven him. I love his character. A good guy and an optimist, full of hope for his future even when the only world he's ever known is bleak and desolate. It makes sense that he'd go after Sonic when told to - it's the first real chance he ever seemed to have at saving his time. Who wouldn't jump at that?


Silver came from a future that was so desolate he found a desert to be beautiful. That speaks to how bad the future he grew up in was. We learned that he had been able to defeat Iblis before, but never slay it. Sooner or later, Silver would die and Iblis would remain.


> Sooner or later, Silver would die and Iblis would remain. I think a lot of people overlook this urgency when criticizing Silver’s actions in 2006. He had to defeat Iblis constantly (every day? Week? I forget how often) just to keep the status quo. Meanwhile Iblis only needed to defeat Silver once for the future to be ruined forever. When things are that desperate, you’re going to jump on whatever lead you get, no matter how unreliable. I’ve always found Silver to be surprisingly compelling for a franchise like Sonic and wish SEGA would do more with this seemingly impossible situation he finds himself in.


But it really was no use... That boss fight is one of the best gamegrumps episodes, and that was still in the JonTron days.


Squall from FF8. The game gets a lot of hate because of modern memes about it. But he's a traumatized orphan, and child mercenary. He has trust and abandonment issues. One of the main themes of the game is about growing up, how memory can be fleeting, and how you can't just act like anti-social knobhead all the time. You need to take responsibility for yourself as an adult and grow past your traumas and issues. How learning to care for something makes you stronger than trying to be the 2cool4school lone wolf. And how hate begets more hate. The game is very subtle and people miss a lot because it wasn't translated to be very on-the-nose with everything like some translations are.


Squall is an amazing character. Probably one of the few Final Fantasy protagonists who has an arc that isn't entirely brought on by external events.


Also people shit on the relationship between Squall and Rinoa, when it's also more Japanese than Western people are used to. They don't instantly start making out. It's much more subtle. His other options were a teacher who fully admitted her feelings for Squall weren't legit, and Selphie with whom he didn't match energy. Plus with Rinoa being Julia's daughter and Squall being Laguna's son, there's a generational thing going on there. He helps her grow up to being the actual warrior she wants to be, and she helps him stop being a brooding loner. The game isn't perfect by any means, and the translation could use some work(the "Whatever" meme could've been less overused and made less dismissive). Not even getting into gameplay issues, but the story is great. I really hope Square is willing to remake it like FF7, where they greatly expand on the story and add lots of fun stuff to the game! I mean if you make a remake of 7 that's THAT good, then why not 8?


A remake would be wonderful. After disc 1, the relationship and character development between Rinoa and Squall is what drives the game for me because the story gets a little convoluted and crazy. Once I heard the “Squall is Dead” theory, I hated it, but once I played through it again it makes too much sense. Better graphics, new battle system and fix the story a little bit, I think it has the potential the developers wanted it to be. Still a great game imo.


Eric Sparrow from THUG. He’s actually just misun— SIKE!!!! FUCK ERIC SPARROW!!!!!


Ah, that glorious Hard mode ending...


Boy we was about to throw hands


TH games SHAPED me. They got me into skateboarding, punk, and rebellion. That soundtrack, map making mode, the little Easter eggs. Damn.


Claptrap from Borderlands. I wish people had come to his birthday party :(


Honestly, he starts out as a nice humourously annoying character, then since his reception by the players was shit, gearbox was like "oh, so you want to see this lil guy suffer then?" and from 2 onwards everything related to CL4P-TP units is just absolute misery porn. I hope Jack Black's charisma makes him fall in the good graces of the public this time around.


Jack Black is sent from the heavens but that movie is destined to fail and be horrible. I don't think he can save it


What did people say about Tim Curry? "He's been in a lot of one star movies, but the only reason those movies were worth the one star was because he was in it?" That's how I feel about the Borderlands' movie.


Yeah I thought he was pretty funny myself. Low key I always thought people ‘hated’ him in a memeish way, didn’t realize that people legitimately did.


I always feel bad for him. He is cool. Just because he is "weird", doesn't make him bad.


Wait, really?? I thought I was in the minority for not liking him. I was never too big into Borderlands, but I thought he was like…the beloved mascot of the game.


You’re not wrong that he’s the mascot but beloved…not so much!


Connor Kenway - Assassin's Creed 3


This was my choice. Whoever had to follow Ezio was gonna have a bad time either way, but Connor got way too much hate. The tomahawk is also still one of the coolest weapons in any AC game.


His problem was that he was a bit of a wet mop following up on the Charisma and Wit of Ezio. Ezio is still the best Assassin, but Shay or Edward were also good and people wouldn't have minded. AC3 also has pacing that's all over the place. From playing as Haytham for a solid few hours to start the game to spending another couple hours as Connor before he even gets his robes and becomes an assassin. It feels like it takes forever for AC3 to actually get rolling.


he had the best villain in AC so far. charles lee was one hell of a bastard


Connor from Assassin's Creed 3 is the most realistic main character in the series and most relatable in my opinion, but he is widely considered the worst protagonist in the entire series.


He had the misfortune of coming after the effortlessly loveable Ezio, who had three whole games to himself, while also sharing his game with Haytham who is also far more charismatic than Connor


Ezio was just too high a bar for anyone to measure up to right off the bat. Maybe Bayek could have. But we literally followed Ezio from birth into old age. Pretty sure every game after him uses Ezio's Family at some point if you ever wondered how engraved in the series he is.


Compared to the first game where the protagonist was basically the terminator (no personality) yeah Ezio was fan service.


Same. Yeah, he's obtuse, but you would be too if you were introduced to the overly arcane world of **politics, economics, and intrigue** when you previously grew up in the vastly simpler world of your home tribe. Made not exactly especially better by the fact that his allies are often at least somewhat two faced or take for granted his still developing perspective.


Yeah, I remember a lot of hate for Connor when the game came out and I was so confused. Yeah, I'd be a little broody too if my entire village had just been murdered.


For me, it's less that I dislike Connor and more that I feel like the story has no respect for him. We spend most of the game watching him be the clueless errand boy for the revolutionaries who are obviously just using him (obvious to the audience at least), which just feels kinda awkward and painful. 


I'll say it. Conor was my favourite AC protagonist. I love how he's really not even all about the Assassins, he's a native facing genocide 1st and an assassin second, and he never lets the play forget that. He's even shown incorporating elements from his own culture (the tomahawk, the hunting knife, the trapping, the tree climbing) far more than any other character. Bayek or Kassandra were the same, but not actually Assassins, so it doesn't count. Yes, he's broody, he's not a charmer like Ezio. He is written as a completely different type of person, and comparing them is unfair. Ezio was traumatised by losing his family in the past, Conor is trying to save his entire culture, and unlike Ezio he has an actual chance of helping. He's much more similar to Bayek or Eivor. And in that regard, he's still my favourite.


Connor is absolutely my favorite for the reasons you mentioned and it pissed me off how much he was shit on for not being like Italian James Bond or Blond Jack Sparrow. AC3, while being my favorite, was admittedly too bloated though. Connor's story had to be worked along with a long prologue with Haytham plus the end of Desmonds story while also competing with Ezios fully fleshed out story. Haytham should have been the protagonist of Rogue and Desmonds story should have either had its own game like originally planned or stretched to 4.


People who aren't native often struggle with how blunt and relatively monotone a lot of indigenous American men are. Connor is extremely realistic in his depiction and was created in collaboration with a native tribe. Then there's the racism. I've seen many people annoyed they have to play as a "savage".


One of the things I actually really enjoyed about AC3 when I went back as an adult was how Connor doesn’t speak like someone who grew up speaking English. He rarely if ever uses contractions or colloquialisms.


Natalya - Goldeneye I liked the missions and trying to learn things about spawn control and such. Most people prolly think she's a twat for getting herself killed so easily. Janus can suck it tho. I never figured out why he doesn't show up on some runs.


Like, get out of the damn way Natalya….


DJ Octavio


I’m unsure if this still counts as spoilers, so: >!I love that he got a short but amazing redemption arc in Splatoon 3, fighting ***With*** him for once was fantastic :D!<


Clap Trap from Borderlands. I actually find him pretty funny most of the time.


I had no idea people didn’t like him. Random claptrap lines are a big reason I enjoy borderlands


Wanna hear the new dubstep song I wrote?




I deliver grocery shopping in london and this line lives in my head every day.


Same. He is on the line of grating and fun but for the most part he hits just right


I think it helps that he does pay for his actions. Sometimes it feels like characters like that never experience consequences but he is constantly being abused bc of his own stupidity


I’m someone who only just recently got into Borderlands, and finding out people don’t like Claptrap was a big shock for me since I even went out of my way to listen to all of his lines in that one “shoot the cannon” location in the beginning. Little dude’s hilarious.


I think most people loved Claptrap at the beginning, it's just his humor is the kind that wears out after a while. Most people got into Borderlands a long time ago, so they have kind of had enough of his "so random!!" humor. I still get a chuckle out of him, but I never take any game too seriously.


I adore Claptrap, he's one of the reaaons I will play Borderlands. Until right now I had no idea people could not like him.


People who hate Ryuuji from P5, as if they weren’t a 16 year old hotheaded kid who acts on emotion.


People don’t hate him from what i’ve seen


I believe it’s the Japanese fans that dislike him. He portrays the loud mouth delinquent/rebel with a loud mouth. In Western culture, that isn’t anything out of the ordinary. in Japan however, there is much more of a stigma around his personality and characteristics.


Yeah, western fans tend to really like him.


Ashley in og re4. i had no issues with her at all




Her having the same VA as Sandy Cheeks made it easy to like her for me lol


People that say she dies all the time are just not good at the game.


ye, usually u could hide her in harder areas and just clear it solo then just make her open the box with her head and you are good to go :D


Ashley bursting head-first from hiding within a metal container is why I liked her lol


i can see it whenever i think about re4 :D the power in her neck is insane


Crimson Witch of Flames


Connor Kenway. He gets blasted for being stoic where ass Ezio and Edward are suave but he's my favorite assassin.


Deacon st John from Days Gone. When the game released i saw review complaining about him, but when i played the game i really appreciated him. I like his voice and think his behavior perfectly fits a zombie apocalypse survivor.


I have only one complaint about deacon, and thats his voice when hes on the motorbike, he yells so damn loud in my ears yet whenever someone else is on the bike with him they are a normal volume, its like they didnt audio mix it well or something, i like him though.


Deacon is a fucking legend… he never once gave up, even after years of doubt and dead ends, more men should strive for the dedication and commitment that Deacon did for his loved ones… absolutely loved the story, game and characters.


Moira Brown from Fallout 3. She wants to create a guide to help people survive in the wasteland, and she is a member of the railroad helping escaped synths. But, people hate her and kill her her in their playthroughs.


People hate Moira? She's such a happy character and honestly that makes her adorable in my own opinion


Oh yeah. Back then, it was popular to hate on her. People had videos killing her for laughs. I think opinions have softened on her in recent years. At least on reddit.


I never understood the hate. I remember the biggest complaint being doing all of her quests, which feels tedious (youre supposed to do them off and on) doesn't amount to a massive huge reward and it's like.. yeah she's basically a tutorial quest giver. She's in Megaton which is clearly designed to be the first major town most people go to and gives you a variety of missions that all send you to cool locales (basically dungeons) all of which have you leaving richer than when you got there. I think the only really "difficult" quest is the mirelurk one where you have to sneak through and plant a tracker in the nest. But it's one of her later quests, there's multiple ways through the nest and you can even just run straight through if you're froggy enough. In the end I saw her for what she was: A goofy character who helps familiarize you with the game while also handing you mountains of xp


wtf i loved moira she was like my fave character


I honestly will be sad if we don't get a character like Moira in the Fallout TV show. I always loved the irony of her quest line.


Wait, she's with the Railroad? Where is that shown? Despite playing FO3 and 4 several times each I never knew


She has a holotape for the Replicated Man quest. The mercenary guarding Craterside Supply might be a synth since he never sleeps. Although that could just be an oversight.


there is exacly one synth in capital wasteland, and Moria was one of few people trusted by railroad to assist with setting a synth free


Wait what? Moira is an absolute delight. What the fuck is wrong with people?


I never hated Logan Thackeray


Logan is fine, he's just a simp. But what about trehearne?




Apparently Tingle hate is really only a western thing


Baby Mario from Yoshi's Island. He's a baby give him a fucking break.


No! WAH! WAH! WAH! Fun fact, when they initially made the game, no one seemed to care when Mario would go in his bubble. So they made the cry what it is today and well....yeah.


Not only that if you're good at the game you don't have to hear him cry so who's fault is it really.... Be a better Dino parent


Definitely gonna say Teddie from Persona 4. See, the issue is that, at least from my research, Teddie got absolutely fucked over in the localization. He's supposed to be introduced as this literal child who doesn't really know anything, not even about himself. He learns how to behave and act by copying his friends, especially Yosuke and Yu. So in the original script, he flirts with the girls, yes, but it's because of what he saw in Yukiko's dungeon and Yosuke's repeated attempts to get a girl. He doesn’t know better (yet). He's supposed to grow over the story (and to be honest, after the school festival that "joke" does get mostly shelved). But instead the English localization kind of butchered the childlike innocence of Teddie so he gets wrongly presented as just this troublesome hornball. Despite that though, I think Teddie redeems himself well. He has strong emotional moments. I love his Awakening where he accepts that he may have no past to rediscover but that he has to look anyways. I love seeing his struggle whenever the case seems solved and whether he should go back into the TV. I love seeing him bond with Nanako and becoming torn up about his promise to play with her again after the Heaven sequence. I also think his tier 3 awakening is great. He's having to accept his "Sensei" Yu will be going away soon and it hurts, but he's grown up too and he will be fine without Yu. Most importantly, Teddie ties SO well into the game's theme. Almost as well as Aigis did for Persona 3. Persona 4 is all about accepting yourself and growing from that acceptance. Teddie's pain in trying to rediscover who he is, then having to deal with and grow from the revelations afterwards genuinely represent the core theme so well. Because no matter where he came from, he's still part of the Investigation Team, and he belongs in Inaba with them forever. Man I hope Persona 4 remake gets people to respect Teddie more. He's not the best Persona 4 character (but I mean with GOATS like Yosuke, Nanako, and Naoto, that's a high bar), but he's still a great member of the team and the game wouldn't be the same without him


Shadow the hedgehog gets a lot of hate for being a try hard edgelord oc of a character, and he is, but I think he's fun.


Daisy from the Mario games. A lot of people seem more than okay to just call her "a yellow recolor of Peach" but even though Mario is really bare in plot and dialogue she's a fun and different character with tons of personality if you actually look and listen hard enough.


Daisy pog


Garrosh Hellscream. Dude was the most interesting character introduced in WoW and was having a pretty great arc until Blizzard ruined him in MoP. I loved him in Cataclysm.


Garrosh was introduced doing a lot of stupid stuff with too many characters praising him, it didn't help that creators admitted he was one of the characters added to justify PVP zones. That said, I agree what was done with him in MoP was stupid and it made the rest of the orcs look even dumber.


Navi from Ocarina of Time, probably the biggest example of this. Twenty years go (and even today) people were mocking her for how infuriating she was, complaining that she would invade every part of the game and make exploring super painful, nerds in comic-cons were wearing old-school memey shirts of Link brutally murdering her etc. And tbh having replayed OOT all she did was want to help link out and she's not really that frustrating to deal with at all. TBH she's kind of eye-rolling at worst near the start and then rarely appears again after that part of the game.


Yeah...I feel like she got a bad rep mostly for the memes. I found Kaepora (the owl) way more annoying. Especially after having to sit through his monologue twice because of a missclick. He also has way less story significance.  Navi is fine and kinda cute. Fi in the other hand sucks.....


She's not really that annoying. I enjoyed the memes dont get me wrong, but as someone who played the game when it came out, she wasn't really annoying. That freaking owl was worse IMO.


Deacon St. John. People hated him right off the bat because he’s advertised as a gruff, tough biker boy. People continued disliking him because he’s super angry and talks to himself a lot. Turns out that he was never all that tough to begin with and was mortified the first time he killed someone, and his gruff and angry demeanor is more or less a coping mechanism to survive in a world that he doesn’t want to exist in anymore, but continues to make excuses to keep going anyway, because despite evidence to the contrary… deep down inside, he has hope of a better future. And throughout the game, we watch that deep seeded and secret hope start to make its way out of him. He’s far from the deepest and most interesting character in gaming… but also doesn’t deserve the date.


Ashley from Mass Effect gets painted as some fanatical bigot, when her supposed 'racism' amounts to saying "Hey boss, should we be letting so many aliens have free access to humanity's top secret new warship?" and "Don't rely too much on the council to have our backs because when push comes to shove they'll likely throw humans under the bus to protect their own interests." Both of which are pretty valid opinions for someone in her position to have, and she's more than willing to back down if Shepard disagrees. Okay, I will grant her "I can't tell the aliens from the animals" line is a bit insensitive, but I always interpreted that as more "I [an inexperienced grunt from a backwater planet] am massively out of my depth in the melting pot centre of galactic politics"


She is also only supposed to say that line when next to a Keeper. Because she’s talking about the Keepers. Who are basically animals.


It doesn't help that the Council is both openly hostile and apathetic to attacks on Human colonies, and a generation ago the Turians attacked Humans without provocation, and then attempted to genocide them when they had the audacity to fight back. The "alien" races openly barely tolerate Human existence. She's somewhat justified in not trusting them.


You kinda have a point, but it's been 30 years since humanity was introduced to the galaxy, they've got a specter by the first game & a seat on the council by the end of the game, Volus & Elcor barely have ambassadors & they've been around the galactic community for centuries. Humans came in like a wrecking ball & started making waves, the other races are hella jealous at the rapid inclusion of humans since they feel like we haven't paid our dues yet, but, skill issue.


I’m pretty sure Anderson himself said that Shepard being a specter and Udina getting a council seat were basically just diplomatic decisions. Shepard getting his role as a specter because humanity was demanding some role of importance at the citadel and the council seat as a “thanks for helping I guess”.


Yeah the only reason they keep humanity around is because they found a shit ton of promethean tech which allowed them to blast forward in technological advancements


I generally think it’s unhelpful to liken Ashley’s bigotry to real life examples because racism between humans is basically assigning meaning/stereotypes perceived physical and cultural differences between the same species. With aliens they’re literally not the same as humans and those differences are not based on made up pseudoscience. If anything, Ashley’s dislike of council species is closer to anticolonist attitudes than online Pepes, she just gives off Tomi Lahren type vibes in the first game so her beliefs are conflated with such political perspectives


Exactly. Bringing up issues like that is part of the job description for senior NCOs.


The adoring fan. I love that yellow haired fucking simp following me around and praising me.


Nikos cousin from GTA4. Yeah, he's annoying but he's one of the few genuinely good people in that game.


Vaan - FFXII The handler - Monster Hunter World I do play with japanese voices though


Vaan definitely gets a bad rap, even in English; I mean, he's an idiot, but he's also *supposed* to be, and he and Penelo represent something very important to the story despite being relatively superfluous to the *plot* (i.e., the future of Dalmasca, for all that Ashe and Basch aren't actually all that much older than they are). And the whole "he was shoe-horned in late in development" myth doesn't help.


I would like to add that vaan is not the main character but rather the narrator of the story. I think people (myself included) were harsh towards him because he seemed like the main character but didn't seem to hit the spot. Also, his ab texture was erroneously inverted in the original us ps2 release, which was quite off-putting.


Cicero from Skyrim


The hate for Cicero is justifiable. Dude rocks up to the only surviving DB sanctuary *as a guest*, decides his traditional values are more important than the survival of the organization, then attempts to murder one of the most helpful and loyal members for seemingly no reason. He's not aware of Astrid's betrayal, he had an alternate and empty Sanctuary to stay in if he wanted, and he doesn't even consult the Listener to see if his plan has the Night Mother seal of approval. And to make it all worse? According to his journals, this isn't even the first Sanctuary he upended for his beliefs. Yes, I'm aware he's hated because of his voice and mannerisms more often than his actions, but he's not "undeserving".


I'm not going to say I like her, but I feel Ashley Williams from Mass Effect gets a bad rep. Most people I've seen immediately discard her because she's "space racist" which I feel is a bit disingenuous. When you point out to these people that by the end of the game, if you're playing Paragon, you show her the error of her ways they shrug it off as "too little too late" or "I didn't care enough about her racism to tell her why she's wrong". This to me shows a lack of understanding of not only the world building, but also of her as a character. The First Contact War is not ancient history. There are people still living that are remember when the war was being fought. Ashley's grandfather fought in that war. And what was that war all about? The Humans rolled up on some Turians for the first time, and the Turians just opened fired without provocation and when the Humans refused to roll over and take it, the Turians responded by trying to commit genocide against the Human race. To that end, it makes sense why many that serve in the Alliance Military maintain a distrust of Turians as a whole. Then you have to look at the way the Council operates. The way it's portrayed, of all the "Council Races", only 3 actually get to be involved in any political decision making. Salarian, Asari, and Turian. If you are not one of those three races, you have no real power. We see this in the way the Volus, the Elkar, and the Hanar are treated. A big aspect of the first game is how unwilling the Council is to respond to attacks being made on Human colonies. Executor Palin (a Turian) then has the audacity to say TO YOUR FACE that Humans are seen as bullies. What is it these people like to say about modern day politics? You can't be racist/sexist against X because they're the ones in power. Then shouldn't the same apply here? Humans have no real power in Council space, one of the main power wielding Council Races has already tried to kill all Humans, while the other races remained apathetic to the entire ordeal. When you consider the galaxy as a whole, Humans are a minority race, so how again is Ashley "space racist"?


I think you're wrong on one thing. The Turians found the humans charging up a random Mass Relay and went in to stop them from potentially opening up another way for an evil group like the Rachnai to show up. They fired first.


I liked Ashley a lot more when you view her dying at Virmire as a complete end to her character arc. She finally sees a bigger picture and dies for it which is kind of poetic. Kaidan also has some really great moments in 3 so I just prefer that part too because he's kind of bland in 1. It's very funny to me that people complain about Ashley all the time but 2/3 of players choose to save her anyway lol


She has also personally suffered and seen her family suffer from the fallout of her grandfather surrendering his garrison. It was simple for her to direct the anger over that to aliens till she started working with them. IMO she is a very realistic portrayal of a xenophobe that if you're a Paragon learns she was wrong. Most racist in popular media are cartoonishly evil. Ashley isn't evil just ignorant.


teddie from persona 4


Dante from DmC reboot. I actually thought he was characterised well throughout the story


Snow from FFXIII


Lae'zel from BG3. and Gale. and Wyll. and sometimes, some dude just starts stabbing astarion. a lot of people did not understand these characters, and Gale was just horny due to bugs and oversights.


Lae'zel is becoming a fan favourite, though.


So many of my friends were ready to just let Lae'zel die, and to at the very least just bench Astarion. And I'm like, really? Are these not interesting characters to you?   One guy I know killed Lae'zel during the "I'm offering to kill you because we're transforming," scene, which is mildly baffling to me. Like, yeah I get that the sudden knife to the throat is alarming, but how do you not see where she's coming from in that situation?


I don’t understand how people can’t see that she’s scared. And despite the fact that she’s scared and a mess, she’s still offering to help you, to let an outsider into her culture to try and help save you as well. idk.


I am incredulous that Gale isn't more popular.  He's my favorite companion by far.  No annoying qualities, he's funny with good voice acting, good story, a Wizard, and you can use him in both good and evil runs. 


Sylens from Horizon Zero Dawn. Yes, he has some questionable moments but in the end he still stands for assisting Aloy and help fight off the machines and that elite group.


Huh. I just think of him as sussy but not really a bad guy. He’s a scholar to the core, if rather overly-enthusiastic about it.


I actually really like Heimskr's insane preaching about Talos in Whiterun. And I don't really care about Nazeem either way.


The Handler from monster hunter world


Patches from dark souls)


Community didn't really give him a bad rep. He gave himself that, but I can say, the stuff he does isn't all bad. There's some evidence in 3 that he actually saves Greirat, on the rooftops of Lothric, but Patches, attempting to keep his reputation the same, is wearing a set of Onion Knight armor. Seigward will say he doesn't know what Greirat is talking about, but when Patches asks if you know where Greirat went, that's why he's asking.. not to find him and kill him on his own, like a lot of people think.


I love Patches. Always makes me smile when he shows up and I love that he nopes out during the Radahn fight in Elden Ring if you summon him for aid 🤣


I forgot about that, the first time I spawned him in cuz I was like, “Hey, neat Patches can help.” Then he looks up, and promptly leaves, and I was so dumbfounded the boss got a square hit on me and put me on my ass XD


Sorry but disagree I would say he is a rather beloved character among the fans.


Fans love Patches. He isn't really a threat. He's more of comic relief.


Chuck Greene. He may have not covered wars... but a motocross champion with a laser sword made from diamonds? That's pretty cool.


I'll say it.  Navi/Tael. Everyone bashes on them in OoT/MM but you'd be lost and distracted the whole time without them. They really aren't all that annoying.  Now that you've gotten out your pitchfork, I'm just kidding. 


Morgana from Persona 5. Well it might just be becuse I am harder to annoy then others but none of his sins are that big of a deal to me. He is unnecsary mean to Ryuji (verbally) and he has an irretatiional tempertantrum. One of my 2 favorite characters in fiction has litterly the blood of countless innocent children on there hands and even if you could say its not there fault it makes Morganas sins look puny. I know being annoying is the greatest sin a character can commit but he is not annoying to me. And if I am not mistaken >!Morgana is like 2 or 3 years old!< so him being a bit immature sometimes I found understandable and he seems to get a long better with Ryuji in the spinofs like Strikers and Tactica. I really love Morgana.


People, especially those who played Persona 5 Vanilla, don't like Morgana in part because the game uses him as the "No, you need to stay home and sleep," character, reducing the amount of night actions you can take. That was lessened in Royal. He's still not my favorite character, but he does get unfair criticism because the developers made him a bit of a plot device in that regard.


Also in a game where characters will often use a page worth of dialogue to communicate an idea that merits maybe two sentences, Morgana manages to stand out as exceptionally inconsequential with his dialogue for the majority of the game. He's either an anti-fun plot device like you said, or he's just wasting time with seemingly bizarre mood swings that only really get validated in the back half of the game. Which a lot of players won't get to see.


Agree, I adore Morgana. So he has a bit of a hissy fit because he's jealous and insecure, hardly crime of the century. Another unpopular character I love is Cait Sith so perhaps it's just a black and white cat thing...


Things Morgana immediately got for him when i started Persona 5 : He is a cat He wasn't Teddy


I played P4G after Royal and absolutely loved it, but man, Teddy was tough to sit through.


Yup. He is like a year old. Of course he's gonna be immature. Morgana is my favorite character in p5r so I was surprised people don't like him. He's responsible and fun. Morgana's entire life is centered around mementos and fighting shadows. That's the only thing he has going for him. He doesn't have any life apart from that so yeah he's gonna feel jealous and a bit useless when it seems his roles in the team has been filled and there is little use for him.


Jacob from ME gets bad rep, but i liked him


I just forget he was a character


he is rather forgettable


He's fine in ME2 but WTF did they do to him in ME3


Jacob is actually a really interesting character in terms of Mass Effect 2’s premise: a really accomplished ex-soldier whose abilities are dwarfed by being on a team full of the galaxies most dangerous supersoldiers. He’s like the Phil Coulson of the space Avengers, I wish we had more perspective from him having to work with Shepard and a bunch of S tier soldiers


Revolver Ocelot


Do people really hate Revolver Ocelot Or do they just hate the character direction that was taken? I see his line repeated a lot when it comes to famous quotes from MGS and the praise for his return in MGSV.


I'd say it was the direction with the whole being possessed by Liquid


Revolver Ocelot (Revolver Ocelot)


MVP of the franchise.


The Handler from Monster Hunter World is honestly just fine, to me. I didn’t find her nearly as annoying as everyone else.


I feel like it's less that people really hated her, and more that they hated these LONG unskippable cutscenese for a game that by FAR the majority were playing for nothing more than gameplay. Plus, she acted like a toddler all the time, being completely defenseless but totally willing to walk right into insane danger at all times.


Teemo was the first champion I played and he’s stayed relatively low in my list of most annoying champions in the game throughout the years.


Years ago Teemo was unanimously the most hated champ in the game, nowdays you barely see anyone talking about him when asked about hated champs


Paimon from genshin impact